Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Desperately want to see the AU where the scout misses Ramza on the approach and they only notice him on the wall after about half a minute that he spends watching them just stand around doing nothing and they have to quickly scramble to improv a convincing justification.
Okay, I am desperate to know; what exactly were they going to do if Ramza & co hadn't shown up and yelled at them at that precise second? Seriously, this is so funny to me. Like, were they just going to wait for a few minutes and then recycle the hammy dialogue in the bad accent like an amusement park scene on loop? Would they have just awkwardly stood around in silence after going through the "any last works, puppet?" script? Would Theatre Kid Fake Ovelia Archer have ad-libbed something?

Oh Theatre Kid Fake Ovelia Archer would have absolutely ad-libbed something, much to Gaffgarion's eternal dismay. We didn't see it, but he was so desperately relieved that Ramza showed up on time.

Because just imagine-

Gaff: "any last words, poppet?"
Gaff: ...
Archer: ...
Gaff: ...
Archer: under her breath "it's my time to shine"
Gaff: quietly "oh no don't you dare start with tha-"
Archer: at full volume "oh woe is me! To reach the end of my life so soon after tasting freedom for the first time!"
Gaff: "listen if you don't quit it now I swear to fuck-"
Archer: "But what is it that curses me so! The royal blood that flows through my veins? The baleful gaze of god upon me? Or merely mine own self, placing my fate in the hands of others?"
Gaff: actively dying of embarrassment
The Wiegraf scene also is annoying to me, because without it, you were left wondering if you would ever see Wiegraf again; when you eventually did, it was a surprise - instead, now you know to expect it, which removes a lot of the punch from the suddenness of the next meeting with him. It's also damaging to the structure, in that it somewhat breaks the timeline of events - while obviously something similar happened in the PSX version as well, the fact that we weren't shown it strongly suggested, at the time, that Wiegraf was recruited during the one year while Ramza was being a mercenary. Having his recruitment take place at this point in the plot feels wrong, although I'll explain why that is later, after he shows up again in the game in a more proper fashion.
I do like both scenes in a vacuum, though.

Whether the guy in blue and what I'm already starting to think of as Church Gold is Folmarv in a different cloak or not, it was great to see Wiegraf again, and the intrgue of him selling out (in a sense) properly builds hype to meet him again. When he drew his sword I was that hype man in the back going "Yooooo Wiegraf gonna cut a bitch like Gustav again"

i just think it would have been better set after Golgollada instead of sandwiched between Lionel fights.

The Delita 'fight' was a good cooldown between a pair of fights that were hard as hell for me, and it gives Ovelia some small crumb of agency. But does deflate tension, as you say.
Note that it's entirely possible to have fixed equipment; Gafgarion is always wearing the Cross Helm and always wielding specific swords for each fight - he has the Blood Sword at the Execution Site and the Ancient Blade at Lionel - but clearly the body slot was left to randomness. This is weird, as other bosses have their full equipment list fixed (as it should be), and clearly they did fix some of Gafgarion equipment, so I don't know why they left the body slot up to randomness here.
The 2.5 mod Gaff always has Black Magic as his secondary, so I assumed they'd given him a robe to boost his MP.

But no, I guess it's just Like That
Considering the amount of dress-up and clothing changes the characters do, it's like every day is Halloween in Ivalice.

"I'm gonna put on robes like a Black Mage and pretend to cast spells!"

"I'm gonna dress up as a dragoon and pretend I have a spear!"

"I'm gonna pretend to be a princess about to be executed!"
Considering the amount of dress-up and clothing changes the characters do, it's like every day is Halloween in Ivalice.

"I'm gonna put on robes like a Black Mage and pretend to cast spells!"

"I'm gonna dress up as a dragoon and pretend I have a spear!"

"I'm gonna pretend to be a princess about to be executed!"
evidence that the final fantasy tactics story we see in the game is a play based on historical events compounds
From reading the thread, it seems the psx translation is generally more in theme with how dialouge is written, and with additional scene.

So from a narrative meta-perspective it kinda make sense i feel. The original game is Arazlam originall first draft, using the Durai paper mostly as basis.

The PSX version, is Arazlam adding in other sources, both to draw what's happening when and more accuratly what people are saying.

Lady knight Agrias having no dialouge after joining in original? Clearly Durai didn't care about writing anyone's word except Ramza's after their introduction.

Her speaking now, is Arazlam painstakingly finding other sources where the rest of Ramza's crew speaks. In order to present a better picture.

This means i like to think one of the generic blobo's, is in fact an over dramatic monologer that nobody wanted.to note down for history.
The real reason there's only so many characters on stage at once is after the sets, the costumes, the special effects and the animals they only had enough pay for so many actors.

Then they had to have a settlement with the local monster actors guild when they found out they had planned to use puppets instead of actual monsters.

"Ramza": "This is the single worst play I've ever been apart of."
"Gafgarion": "Eh, I've had worst, they haven't tried to run off with my pay yet."
From reading the thread, it seems the psx translation is generally more in theme with how dialouge is written, and with additional scene.

So from a narrative meta-perspective it kinda make sense i feel. The original game is Arazlam originall first draft, using the Durai paper mostly as basis.

The PSX version, is Arazlam adding in other sources, both to draw what's happening when and more accuratly what people are saying.

Lady knight Agrias having no dialouge after joining in original? Clearly Durai didn't care about writing anyone's word except Ramza's after their introduction.

Her speaking now, is Arazlam painstakingly finding other sources where the rest of Ramza's crew speaks. In order to present a better picture.

This means i like to think one of the generic blobo's, is in fact an over dramatic monologer that nobody wanted.to note down for history.
Er, the PSX version is the original. This is the PSP version.
Been catching up with the thread, can't wait til you hit FF10 (a lot of games had a "Tropical Styling" which i think was because developers wanted to show off the water tech they had, FF10 is no exception)


Happy Halloween

🎃 🎃
Art by BrokenTeapot
This is the proper way to recruit enemies in FFT.
As long as you're fine with the recruited enemies being monsters, it is absolutely possible to shot things until they agree to join you - the Mediator/Orator has a skill for that. It's called Train/Tame, and how it works is that, if you inflict physical damage on a monster and that puts them in critical without killing them, they will join your side. It has much higher accuracy than Inviting human units, too.

Mediator really does tries its best to be the weirdest class in the game.
Very minor and completely irrelevant complaint: is anyone else following the Japanese text also getting really tired of seeing "おとなしく" all the time? I swear the FFT script has everyone say it every chance they get, possibly because the game is full of people telling other people what to do, like "hand over the macguffin" or "surrender", and "otonashiku" ("obediently" or "quietly") feels like the trigger word for the response to be "no, piss off".

It's worse than the preference for "何故", which every character uses regardless of usual speech style. Sometimes it feels like someone took a script with regular casual speech and replaced most (but not all, frustratingly) of the "why" with "wherefore".

Anyway, translation notes.

Gaffgarion: "Ramza, ever the gallant fool!"
Ramza: "What have you done with Lady Ovelia!?"
Gaffgarion: "I've done naught with her, she's at Lionel. What of the gem?"
Ramza: "Gem?"
Gaffgarion: "Might we spare ourselves these tiresome feints? I speak of the cardinal's gemstone. The one who stole it travels with you, does he not? I would have it surrendered."
Ramza: "If you want it, come and get it."
Gaffgarion: "So the boy now thinks himself a man! Very well. Let us finish this like men!"

For a bit more nuance, Gaffgarion says Ramza is "too straightforward as usual", which might or might not be implicit in the term "gallant". The term is 素直, which directly translates as "honest", and in this case means "upfront, upright, and incapable of thinking or approaching in anything other than straight lines".

Gaffagarion does refer to the auracite as a "gem": 宝石, literally "precious stone". Given we've thus far only seen the auracite referred to as 聖石 "holy stone" or クリスタル "crystal", it makes a bit of sense for Ramza to be momentarily confused by it, since it comes across as a bit "do you know how little that narrows it down".

Interestingly, this implies Gaffgarion might not actually know the truth about the auracite, or any details about it other than "it's an important gem Delacroix wants badly enough to hold Ovelia hostage for". I don't know if Gaffgarion actually believes Ramza and co. stole the gem from Delacroix, or if it's just something he's repeating because he's been told as much and he doesn't care enough to be corrected.

I double-checked the last update, and during the conversation with Delacroix, Gaffgarion also does not call the auracite anything but a "gem". In fact, I don't see "auracite"/"holy stone" being used in that conversation at all. I don't recall if Gaffgarion had been privy to the nature of the auracite, at minimum its relation to the Zodiac Braves, in previous scenes.

Also as a minor added nuance, Gaffgarion phrases it as "the gem stolen from the Cardinal", which clarifies it a bit: from his side, Mustadio stole the "gem" from Delacroix, and now Gaffgarion is here to take it back, rather than Mustadio committing theft from some other unspecified source.

"The boy now thinks himself a man" has slightly more respect in Japanese: "Seems like you've grown a little." Gaffgarion isn't making fun of Ramza as such, but more acknowledging some sort of change and potential maturity, even if it's only "a little".

Ramza: "As it was my fate to see Tietra die? No, fate had no hand in that. Tietra died because I could not be bothered to save her. I've lied to myself all this time. It was my own inaction that killed her!"

I don't know how deliberate this is, or if it's just a coincidence from using stock phrases too much in the Japanese text, but Ramza says "I've been running away from reality all this time". Which sounds a bit like an echo of all the times other characters, like Gaffgarion or Argath, have accused Ramza of "not acknowledging reality".

Here, Ramza finally decides on his own "reality" he must face: inaction in the face of injustice is also injustice. Which is entirely different from the "reality" the others had been pushing on him, that everything being cynical and dirty and class-stratified was just "the way of things".

I admit I'm probably reading too much into the repetition of the word 現実.

Folmarv: "We are no friends of Duke Larg, nor do we sit in Goltanna's camp. Think of us simply as… allies."

This is one example of the much-memed alleged trickiness in translating the various terms for "friend" and "ally". "Goltanna's camp" is directly translated (陣営), while "friends of Duke Larg" is 味方, which is more "ally" or "supporter" than "friend". Folmarv's conclusion here would probably be better translated as "We are merely collaborators"; specifically 協力者, "cooperation strength people". As in the English translation, Folmarv does not say whose allies/collaborators they are. The immediate reading in Japanese is Folmarv is implying his faction is merely collaborating with Larg or Goltanna as fits their goals, rather than siding fully with either.

If you're confused by the references to a "Council," that's because the word has only come up a couple of times and is never clearly defined, but it appears to be some kind of Chamber of Lords/Parliament-style organization of powerful nobles who jealously maintain their own power in the face of royal influence.

If it helps, the Japanese term is 元老院, which is literally "institution of elder statesmen", so "Council" works as well as any for a generic term. "Senate" is the most used as a translation, but might be assuming too much about the structure of government. I think your interpretation is pretty much correct, and we're not really supposed to read too much into it other than "unspecified Chamber Of Statesmen".

(Folmarv actually calls them "the old geezers of the Council", but that's just him being rude.)

The Chronicle has an entry for High Confessor Marcel Funebris, effectively the pope of the Church of Glabados:

Yeah, as mentioned 教皇 is "Pope", and "High Confessor" (or "Archbishop") is just the genericized term. Also I appreciate the translation changing the High Confessor's name to "Marcel Funebris", because as mentioned his katakana name is basically "Pope Marriage Funeral", which leads to questions like "is that your name or your daily work".

"Knights Templar" is 神殿騎士団, which indeed means "Temple Knight Order". So it's close enough to the original idea of "Templar".

Protect: "Precious light, be our armor to protect us! Protect!"
Immobilize/Don't Move: "Land of all lives, suppress all rebels! Dont' Move!"
Binding Darkness/Koutetsu: "Evil souls of the dark, gather here...Koutetsu!"

Protect: "Flickering light, become invisible armour. Protect our small lives!" I think we've covered this before?

Immobilize: "Land that supports life, give me shelter and stop them!" As brought up before, "land" here is 大地, which means the physical land and world in general. And yes, the spell name is literally katakana "Don't Move".

Kotetsu: "Spirits of past grudges in the dark, gather here!" Fairly close. As mentioned, Samurai abilities have subnames, and Kotetsu's is "Binding Curse of Darkness", so "Binding Darkness" is a good translation.

Time for another episode of The Rakes of Final Fantasy Tactics! All the vets knew this one was coming, and were waiting to watch Omi suffer as they all had.

I'm a little curious if "Ramza does not need to be in the active party during random encounters" counts as a rake.

It's not a very important rake, but it does feel like it's in the same general category of rakes, especially since apparently Ramza's level might affect stuff, so having him be overlevelled is undesirable? At least for Omicron's playthrough.

My guess is they had scouts watching for Ramza's approach and waited until he was nearby to start going through the script.

Which does bring up the question of why have a script in the first place. Surely if Ramza is close enough to hear, he's also close enough to ambush, and as we've seen Ramza doesn't even bother hiding his approach.

So Gaffgarion and Aspiring Actress Archer could just have stood there in silence, perhaps whispering situation updates as they prepare for the ambush. Or Gaffgarion could have stayed hidden with the rest of the ambush, but I assume that might not have fit with Arazlam's dramatic narration.
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