Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

There's also that the original point of this LP thread was to get Omi acquainted with the rest of the FF series beyond FF14, so covering FF14 here would be kinda redundant
Egleris said:
It can be very repetitive, more so than Triple Triad, but the way it factors more exploration in is a big point in its favor. I rate them about equal.
Hm. Thanks for the input on a different perspective, and I think I can see where you're coming from. To me, comparing memories, Spoiler Minigame actually feels less repetitive than what little of Triple Triad I played, though, I think? I think it might be partly the different proportions of each that are repetitive and partly the different natures of their repetitiveness.

...However, as Omi seemed fine with Triple Triad and our consensus (from a surely representative sample of two :D) is that Spoiler Minigame is at least as fun and possibly more, prospects appear good. :)

fictionfan said:
It's like monopoly. The game sucks by every measure. No self respecting game designer would every make a game so jank today, but nostalgia is a powerful force.
In Monopoly's defense, my understand is that the original version was supposed to be unpleasant.

I believe this is a video I watched on it a while back:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7nFA19Gzrw
Good job to finish it Omicron !

FF8 is one of my favorite FF, so, it has been interesting to see how other people react to it. The only downside with FF8 in my case, is that it is probably the cause of my dislike of FF7.
I have played FF8 before FF7, and the consequence is that FF7 was a huge disappointment for me.
The reasons is that Squall has been a particular relatable character in my case, I love the love story part, and FF8's FMV are a full banger even 25 years later (NA release was the 9 September 1999, you almost have missed to finish your Let's Play the same day as the 25th anniversary by a hair).
So FF7... Cloud is absolutely not relatable in my case (and then, just uninteresting dude), love story is mid, and well FMV are very very far from what FF8 proposes. I suppose if I have done FF7 before FF8, my opinion would be sightly different on both games, but I think it's interesting to see how perception of FF can change depending the order you play them.

By the way, I want to point out something : the true hero of this game, the most powerful warrior is Angel, Rinoa's dog. Don't believe me ? Look, she can without incentive :
- attack enemies to protect her mistress
- restore health of people
- resurrect fallen warriors !
- look for rare items

And if Rinoa asks her help ?
She will :
- Suplex an enemy
- Attack all of them
- Give everyone Invincibility !
- Has the most powerful damaging attack because it hits every enemy. It hits with 80k damage for one, so, with 3 enemies, you can reach a whole 240k of damage, and no one can beat her. The attack is simply so powerful that it breaks dimension, like most powerful GF or strongest enemies do.

You can check all of them here :

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okT8QmY0qv4

Angel is the perfect (and cute!) doggo, the R2D2 of FF8 which has allowed the hero team to do the job. Angel is the true hero of the game (well, Rinoa is a good master too, because she never forget to reward her doggo for her good deeds !).
Let's be honest here : FF8 dev team wanted a make a game about a dog and his master and their reciprocated love, but as it would not have fly by, they choose to represent it by a teenager love story. But in reality, Squall is just a mistreat puppy who is saved by his new mistress (aka Rinoa). And they just let Angel to be around. All the thing about saving the world is about decoration and the only and real message of FF8 is :

I have no problems to die on this hill.

Well, I suppose it will be a good time to rererererereread my 450 pages FF8 continuation fanfic and see how it holds 20 years later (with a lot of problems probably :p). But yeah, as it's almost the only fic I have written, I suppose it shows how much I have loved this game and well, as people have noted, there are a bunch of things to explore in it (like Fujin and Raijin which didn't have enough screentime to my taste and works a little bit on their past, Seifer redemption arc, what the fuck is going on with the monster on the moon, what the Garden will become, (and no, I totally forgot about Norg if I remember right), what about Hyne, cetera...).

it's the best summon just because she pets the dog, not even that it's busted strong 😭
More than a few '00s JRPGs had dogs as party members. e.g. Repede in Tales of Vesperia, Blanca in Shadow Hearts Covenant, Shun in Ar Tonelico 2. While not a full party member, I wonder if Angelo could've been the inspiration for that (along with SMT's Cerberus and Pokémon's Arcanine)?
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More than a few '00s JRPGs had dogs as party members. e.g. Repede in Tales of Vesperia, Blanca in Shadow Hearts Covenant, Shun in Ar Tonelico 2. While not a full party member, I wonder if Angelo could've been the inspiration for that (along with SMT's Cerberus and Pokémon's Arcanine)?
Not knowing that much about 00's JRPGs, I would imagine Red XIII might've been a bigger influence on those entries than Angelo.
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I think the suggestion to leave FFXIV for last is a good one. FFXIV raking over the thread is not an issue if it's the only game left to cover.

Of course, it does represent time commitment (kommitment?) comparable with the entire thread up to this point, so dropping it altogether would also be understandable. But if you want to know exactly what would occupy your life for the next five years, well, it's here, waiting for you.
Yeah, want to echo that trying to take on XIV in this LP seems like wild hubris, and feels like the kind of thing that would mean you'd never get past XIV. And as XV and XVI exist and are single-player games, that seems kind of a waste.
I always assumed that either FFT or Kill Chaos Strangers of Paradise would replace FF14, like FF11 will be replaced by FF10-2. Or maybe FF13-2/3.
I think tackling XIV could work but it'd ideally be relatively concise and focus almost exclusively on the added insights brought by having played the earlier games rather than, like, the usual comprehensive summary of the whole plot and gameplay experience as has been done so far in this thread. I'm not sure if that's something @Omicron is inclined to attempt.
It's a shame about the moonspiracy not being real, because I feel like when a JRPG has introduced its main plot as some geopolitical thing and you're waiting for an evil wizard or something to show up an introduce the actual main plot, calling that actual plot the moonspiracy perfectly encapsulates that goofy feeling.
I'll add my voice to the chorus of "please do not cover XIV."

It's several huge games in a single package, of which more is still actively being made. And that's without counting the oceanic mass of not strictly MSQ content.

Plus it would trigger a dark ritual of Time Ekspansion that would cast FFXV and FFXVI deep into the eternal future.
... yeah, I'm also on the 'no XIV' train as well. It's freaking huge, and even if you decided to split it per expac, something was bound to get lost between the LPs if they were weaved along the other mainline games.

It there was a chance to play through 1.0, then I'd be for it, as it was cast into the Shadow Realm replaced, so a LP covering the story from the pre-2.0 era would have a beginning and an ending, not to mention it would be an experience for those of up who only know the ARR era.
IIRC, from my time going through the FFX HD collection or whatever on steam, I vaguely recall it having a short sequel to FFX-2 that has an entirely new system?

It's been yeeears since I went through the collection though, so might be misremembering.
IIRC, from my time going through the FFX HD collection or whatever on steam, I vaguely recall it having a short sequel to FFX-2 that has an entirely new system?

It's been yeeears since I went through the collection though, so might be misremembering.
I believe that's Last Mission which is mostly just tying things up with the X-2 party.

Hay @Omicron now that we're moving on to ff9 are you gonna be doing that side quest? You know, THAT sidequest? (Anyone who's played ff9 knows what I'm talking about) :p
Yeah I do recall you mentioning that Tactics would be coming next in line, but at this point I wouldn't at all be surprised at the schedule moving.
I do recommend doing Tactics sooner rather than later, since it's very much a game made in the earlier days of the PS1 back in the days when you could make sprite-based games and not be retro or handheld about it
Omi no

I already started FFIX, are you really gonna make me pivot now to figuring out if I should be playing the PS1 version or War of the Lions?
the good news is that I am plagued with the exact same question and still haven't settled on an answer

apparently Jason Schreier suggested he has insider knowledge that a FFT remaster is in the works but it hasn't been officially announced yet but making us choose and go through one of the old ones only to release a proper modern remaster just as we finish would definitely be an incredibly funny move on Squeenix's part