Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Closed loop i would say.

Ellone said that she tried to change the past repetidly and always failed, which is pretty strong evidence than her powers can't truly change it.

Adding on to that, at least some level of communication has been shown to be possible, as Laguna and co are at the very least aware of the "fairies" showing up every now and then.

So it's entirely sensible that Squall could communicate information backwards and form a closed loop that way.
From what we know, Laguna and company might have just ate shit and died to the madness they dealt with if not for the faries. And then Laguna and Co rescued Ellone and she ended up in the Orphanage, where she met the people she would then send back in time.

Granted, not all the Laguna sequences were super dangerous, but the Lunatic Pandora caves and the Ruby Dragon might have been more then they could have easily surpassed without magical support.
I think recent years have made it clear that some people consider "owning a girlfriend" to be good, but "sharing your life with a girlfriend you respect as an equal" bad, no matter how silly a way of thinking that is. And, keeping spoilers to a minimum, the FFX main relationship very much has the girl in a more prominent position and the boy as the emotional support, which is not "owning" in those people eyes. I do not find it surprising they would react in such a manner.
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You know that saying "90% of everything is crap"? It was originally said by Theodore Sturgeon to point out that while there was a lot of bad Sci-Fi, that's only because there's a lot of bad stuff in every genre, rather than sci-fi being uniquely bad. I feel like he could've easily said the same thing about Romance, given the genre's reputation.

...Or Sci-fi Romance, given he wrote 'Amok Time'
lmao @ Seifer running off, abandoning Rinoa and his friends, and becoming an irredeemable war criminal for the sake of standing by the side of a Sorceress just like in his childhood stories, only for Rinoa to have been a Sorceress all along as Squall stands beside her against the world, what a fucking buffoon, what a total loser
lmao @ Seifer running off, abandoning Rinoa and his friends, and becoming an irredeemable war criminal for the sake of standing by the side of a Sorceress just like in his childhood stories, only for Rinoa to have been a Sorceress all along as Squall stands beside her against the world, what a fucking buffoon, what a total loser
I think in the end, that's what separates Seifer Almasy from Sephiroth (not that there was any comparison to begin with). Seph was a legend so far above Cloud that only a twist of fate made Cloud a match for him, and over time it went from a contempt to a running hatred. Yes, Sephiroth had parental issues up the ass, which made it easy for Hojo and JENOVA to screw with him, but in the end, he was his own character to an extent, and people can spend ages arguing whether he was the one running the show or just the big man on stage.

Seifer, however, is a mere mortal man boy throwing a tantrum and wondering why he never gets any respect. He tries to play the big games but keeps acting selfishly and immaturely while Squall eventually moves out of his mental issues and emotional constipation and opens up to others, becoming the better and more mature individual.

When FFVIII was being developed, Seifer and Squall were clearly meant to be reminiscent of the Sephiroth-Cloud rivalry, but once it was clear that Seifer was never really Big Bad material, he quickly falls by the wayside.
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Honestly? "Guy throws tantrum, tries to wreck the world" is more reminiscent of Kefka Palazzo than Sephiroth. As it turns out, even Kefka is better than Seifer, although it's by way of the plot deliberately (and more often than not illogically) hammering the "I Win" button for him.
Honestly? "Guy throws tantrum, tries to wreck the world" is more reminiscent of Kefka Palazzo than Sephiroth. As it turns out, even Kefka is better than Seifer, although it's by way of the plot deliberately (and more often than not illogically) hammering the "I Win" button for him.
Kefa is basically Joker, so his attempt to create a "monument to non-existence" makes sense. He is insane, after all, and it's heavily implied whatever happened to him completely destroyed his ability to feel anything, which means killing people is the only thing that brings him joy.
Seifer, however, is a mere mortal man boy throwing a tantrum and wondering why he never gets any respect. He tries to play the big games but keeps acting selfishly and immaturely while Squall eventually moves out of his mental issues and emotional constipation and opens up to others, becoming the better and more mature individual.

Don't forget, Seifer starts the game as not exactly widely popular, but with two absolutely ride-or-die friends in Fujin and Raijin - to the point that upon learning about his death, they laugh it off and go to find him, before going on to be war crime buddies together.

Only as Seifer leans more and more into the whole sorceress's knight business, he pushes away his friends more and more to the point that all they can really do is wish his opponents the best and hope they can knock him back into his senses. They really were the best friends you can ask for, but even they couldn't stay by his side by the end.

Meanwhile Squall starts out by pushing anyone and everyone away, with the only people willing to talk to him having to constantly overcome his dismissive attitude and palpable desire to be left alone. But as Squall journeys onwards to try and stop the sorceress, they keep trying, until he eventually starts to let other people in, culminating in now, where he can finally stop and confront how much other people mean to him, and how afraid he is of losing them.

They really do form fantastic parallels to each other, especially when you consider how openly (... well, in his internal monologues, at least) Squall was willing to compare himself to Seifer, and how much of himself he saw in him.
That happened at the end of the last disk, during the battle of the Gardens, no?

(It'll also be hard for me to spoil future events in this game, given that I've never played nor seen a playthrough of it outside this one)
No, StormyEyed is correct, Fujin and Raijin told the team that they would let them have a crack at knocking some sense into Seifer's head on the stairways on Galbadia Garden, back in update 23.A. Here's the point in question:

Before long, we run into Fujin and Raijin. Despite seemingly standing watch in the perfect place to flank us as we pass, they do not initiate hostilities. It looks like they've finally had their fill of Seifer's bullshit.
While Seifer as an individual is obviously meant to reflect Squall, I'd suggest that as a group, his posse work better as a mirror to Laguna and his pals. The charisma, the leaving your nation of origin for an ascendant career in the rival country, the POC as one companion, and another with a speech limit...
I'm gonna be real with you guys, I don't think this playthrough would have survived me not having the emulator's "speed up the game by x50" function.
Well, luckily for FFIX, I'm pretty sure the Steam version of it has built-in speed up functions since unlike FFVII/FFVIII it's not originally a PC version, so it's not built off of some 20+ year old hardware, it's an actual port with some Quality of Life improvements. Hell, it has built in cheats like invincibility and always full ATB bars if you ever hit a point of "I'm actively not having fun with the combat".
Well, luckily for FFIX, I'm pretty sure the Steam version of it has built-in speed up functions since unlike FFVII/FFVIII it's not originally a PC version, so it's not built off of some 20+ year old hardware, it's an actual port with some Quality of Life improvements. Hell, it has built in cheats like invincibility and always full ATB bars if you ever hit a point of "I'm actively not having fun with the combat".
To give a bit more context for how crappy the whole drawing magic system is, there is a button built in that just straight up gives you 100 of a lot of basic, and quite a few not-basic, spells.
Just, right there as soon as you start up the game, with a big button just a little bit smaller than the "play game" button and right above "settings".
It's actually kinda funny that there are two good ways to get a lot of magic: Drawing it from enemies, and playing card games.

I wonder if part of Triple Triad's enduring popularity (It clearly feels like the most popular thing people remember about the game broadly) is because it was the less tedious version level grinding for the game, even if it was generally less efficient in time-spent for maxing out your magic stocks.