Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
You can tell that while the translation is improving with addition of editors and removal of numbers from spell names, its not quite at the level of professionalism we're used to yet from the fact that they didn't realize "Buel" is supposed to be "Buer".
Not every jrpg series can be SMT and obsessed about demonology and the occult since the 1980s. It's not obvious what the inspiration was from context for the overworked translator like in those games, if they didn't burn down their neurons on weird cult\medieval things in their personal life.

Although I guess yes, a translator should be as widely read as possible on as many things as possible so 'easy' mistakes like this are caught.

Myself, I 'only' know the names some weirdos gave some demons because of the books Black Easter and The Day after Judgment by Jack Blish when I read those mass produced classic sf\fantasy book collections. I didn't read the lesser key of Solomon and would feel like I was wasting time if I did.

Well. That and I played the SMT series and other entertainment cribbing names and designs from those sources. Even then I'd probably have made that mistake because the context doesn't favor identification.
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I mean, damn every single JRPG - and a good chunk of non-JRPGs including a bunch of English-language works - use a) Sephirot concepts and b) Ars Goetia references. Not having those in your head if you're involved with translating games is kinda, well, sloppy? It's not like it is or was a recent development, either.

(Not as bad as not being read up on Greek myth if you're translating a work that explicitly and repeatedly draws from that, though. Looking at you, Yen Press.)
You can tell that while the translation is improving with addition of editors and removal of numbers from spell names, its not quite at the level of professionalism we're used to yet from the fact that they didn't realize "Buel" is supposed to be "Buer".
I knew I knew it from somewhere.

From Castlevania.

Why Japanese gamedevs are so in love with this one random demon from a 16th century occult manuscript, I have no earthly clue.
@McFluffles: are we sure Omicron met all of those monsters? One of those is pretty rare and not really found on the direct path to the Fire Cavern.
I did actually take that into account putting in the spoilers! It's why one is specifically labeled as "Omi might not have explored" so he can skip out on opening it if he hasn't, so at most it just hints at "oh hey there's a different encounter table in this particular spot". I also didn't add in every monster he could have potentially fought by now, since Omi hasn't mentioned heading to the Training Area of Balamb Garden which while accessible doesn't have much reason to be visited right now unless you really want to solo-grind Squall's level without Quistis around (or search for loot I guess).
Others covered it before I did since I was busy with other things in FFVIII, but yeah it's just the age old JRPG menu option of "remember where my cursor was" which lets you repeat the same commands over and over whenever a character's turn comes up. Very useful for making drawing magic more efficient, or for beating down bulky enemies/bosses that are otherwise not too threatening.

As for Other Things, since Omi mentioned the idea, I figured, why not!
Tah dah, Enemy Bestiary for everything Omi has (probably) run into so far! Barring Ifrit, I got the idea after fighting Ifrit and saving and I don't feel like replaying the first half hour to hour of the game just to get that scan. Rest assured, he lacks enough clothing to probably break forum rules.

If you make one post that you go back and edit pictures later as you get them so it's all in one place, I would threadmark it as Informational.

Wait, actually, that wouldn't work. You can only have up to 20 pictures in a given post, 50 if you're a subscriber, and just that post alone contains 10 so it'll fill up fast.

Hmm. Well, given that there are multiple threadmark tabs, I could just make it a series of Informational threadmarks.
Hmm. Well, given that there are multiple threadmark tabs, I could just make it a series of Informational threadmarks.
If it helps at all with making a decision: the game has less than 150 different enemy types. Which is shocking, because, and this is just my personal opinion, I find that FFVIII monsters, even weak ones like the Bite Bug and Red Bat, have a level of personality that no monster in any of the previous games managed to show.

Not sure if you agree, but once you're deeper into the game and have seen a few more of them, I'd like to hear your opinion on that, if you feel like sharing! :lol:
My anger at 4 kids for deliberately obscuring the fact that the thing is called Osiris - You know, like the Egyptian God, for an Egyptian God Card? - for a reference to their CEO is immeasurable.

Though someone brought up the idea of Lu-Cifer, somewhere. Not sure how much how that holds up, but it's a thought.
Sorry, you're talking about Slifer, the Executive Producer?
Though seriously, they bungled up 2 god cards out of 3: all of the god cards are structured as "The <adjective,adjective><role> of <god>" in japanese: "The Giant Divine Soldier of Obelisk" (4Kids: Obelisk the Tormentor), "The Sky Dragon of Osiris" (4Kids: Slifer the Sky Dragon), "The Winged Divine Dragon of Ra" (4Kids: The Winged Dragon of Ra). Funny how only one resemble the original name, and another is barely recognizable.

Others covered it before I did since I was busy with other things in FFVIII, but yeah it's just the age old JRPG menu option of "remember where my cursor was" which lets you repeat the same commands over and over whenever a character's turn comes up. Very useful for making drawing magic more efficient, or for beating down bulky enemies/bosses that are otherwise not too threatening.

As for Other Things, since Omi mentioned the idea, I figured, why not!
Tah dah, Enemy Bestiary for everything Omi has (probably) run into so far! Barring Ifrit, I got the idea after fighting Ifrit and saving and I don't feel like replaying the first half hour to hour of the game just to get that scan. Rest assured, he lacks enough clothing to probably break forum rules.

Pity that FF8 doesn't have a Bestiary page, not even in the Remaster. It could have been a cool feature, you scan an enemy and it goes in the Bestiary. Like how it works in FF7R.
Why Japanese gamedevs are so in love with this one random demon from a 16th century occult manuscript, I have no earthly clue.
I mean, he is a president of Hell who is also a giant lion head with multiple goat legs sticking out that teaches among other things natural philosphy. That is just some inspired character design right there that really hasn't been surpassed since Ars Goetia was written.
If it helps at all with making a decision: the game has less than 150 different enemy types. Which is shocking, because, and this is just my personal opinion, I find that FFVIII monsters, even weak ones like the Bite Bug and Red Bat, have a level of personality that no monster in any of the previous games managed to show.

Not sure if you agree, but once you're deeper into the game and have seen a few more of them, I'd like to hear your opinion on that, if you feel like sharing! :lol:
This is something I forgot to mention in the last two updates (so much to cover), but one thing that struck me about enemies in FF8 so far is that every one has a death animation. Instead of simply playing out their standing cycle while turning red and vanishing, they each have a (sometimes pretty theatrical) way they react to the final hit and collapse to the floor, the way only Hojo did in VII. It's really characterful and neat to see.
If it helps at all with making a decision: the game has less than 150 different enemy types. Which is shocking, because, and this is just my personal opinion, I find that FFVIII monsters, even weak ones like the Bite Bug and Red Bat, have a level of personality that no monster in any of the previous games managed to show.
This is something I forgot to mention in the last two updates (so much to cover), but one thing that struck me about enemies in FF8 so far is that every one has a death animation. Instead of simply playing out their standing cycle while turning red and vanishing, they each have a (sometimes pretty theatrical) way they react to the final hit and collapse to the floor, the way only Hojo did in VII. It's really characterful and neat to see.
FFVIII enemies are absolutely full of personality compared to the sort of... polygon amalgamations a lot of FFVII enemies are, for sure. Just as a minor example and expanding on that "over the top death animation" bit, Bombs seem to have multiple "hit taken" animations depending on the attack. They spaz a bit from a regular attack, a crit/gunblade firing will send them spiraling back to bounce off the ground before they shake it off and get back to wildly floating in place, and of course death animation has their death throes as they hit the ground before finally fading away.

If there's one thing FFVIII absolutely has a leg up on over FFVII, no competition, it's that Square has gone from "babby's first 3D engine" to clearly having the skill to put a lot of character into each and every animation, not just those of the important characters and enemies.

As for continued bestiary posts, I'll probably just stick with having them follow up each main post or "area complete" for now, but wouldn't be against throwing together some compilation posts later. Things like "here's all the player character/enemy character scans", "here's everything in the Balamb continent with some splits for dungeons", and so on. We'll see as the LP goes on, there's probably a few months worth of updates to figure it all out.
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About Japanese media and the Goetia, there's also that Japan never had a Satanic Panic for obvious reasons (not that Japan is immune to its own moral panics), so they would've been free to reference demonology whereas Western devs could've gotten crucified for it.

As Warclam pointed out, it's also funny that there's a Goetic demon named Balam, whose name in turn likely comes from the Biblical prophet Balaam. 'Lamb' on its own also has Biblical connotations, especially in conjunction with lions.
Granted, the connection seems pretty loose beyond that, yeah Balam teaches but so do most Goetic demons
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Granted, the connection seems pretty loose beyond that, yeah Balam teaches but so do most Goetic demons

The Ars Goetia was a nerd book for super nerds; of course all the demons teach, and usually some variation on 'natural philosophy' (science) or 'mathematics'. Why else would you summon a demon if not to help you figure out your taxes?
Though seriously, they bungled up 2 god cards out of 3: all of the god cards are structured as "The <adjective,adjective><role> of <god>" in japanese: "The Giant Divine Soldier of Obelisk" (4Kids: Obelisk the Tormentor), "The Sky Dragon of Osiris" (4Kids: Slifer the Sky Dragon), "The Winged Divine Dragon of Ra" (4Kids: The Winged Dragon of Ra). Funny how only one resemble the original name, and another is barely recognizable.
Welp I've learned something new from the thread today.

Slifer really being Osiris is genuinely shocking to me, butchering Giant Divine Soldier to Tormentor is disrespectful but at least we most just call them by their names, so Obelisk is still Obelisk.

Learning that my favourite God Card Slifer is apparently really Osiris surprisingly hurts a little. Curse you 4kids, you actually fooled me.
Welp I've learned something new from the thread today.

Slifer really being Osiris is genuinely shocking to me, butchering Giant Divine Soldier to Tormentor is disrespectful but at least we most just call them by their names, so Obelisk is still Obelisk.

Learning that my favourite God Card Slifer is apparently really Osiris surprisingly hurts a little. Curse you 4kids, you actually fooled me.

Don't worry, Seto Kaiba got revenge by making sure that Obelisk was the highest ranked Dorm, befitting the glorious third place contestant in the Battle City tournament.
Welp I've learned something new from the thread today.

Slifer really being Osiris is genuinely shocking to me, butchering Giant Divine Soldier to Tormentor is disrespectful but at least we most just call them by their names, so Obelisk is still Obelisk.

Learning that my favourite God Card Slifer is apparently really Osiris surprisingly hurts a little. Curse you 4kids, you actually fooled me.

Oh it potentially gets worse.

This is just hearsay on my part, so pinch of salt, but another way to translate Obelisks Japanese name is "The War God of Obelisk". As in, whichever deity obelisk monuments were erected in the name of.

With one of said possible deities being Seth… you know the guy who's name can sometimes be spelled as Set(o) and who famously had pretty big beef with Osiris (who is most known for being a deceased Ruler, like our protagonist)

Again , I'm not entirely sure how accurate that is, but If true, 4Kids whole thing with the god cards ended up missing a whole bunch of thematic parallels.

Anyway, sadly I cannot win Triple Triad by having all 5 pieces of Exodia, and I can't even special summon, trash game, 0/10 :V
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I knew I knew it from somewhere.
From Castlevania.
Why Japanese gamedevs are so in love with this one random demon from a 16th century occult manuscript, I have no earthly clue.
Because a lion head with a wheel of legs that rolls around is awesome, like something out of the Wizard of Oz books.
(The first time I clearly remember seeing a video game enemy based on him was, out of all things, Grim Grimoire, but I'd seen him referenced in D&D before that).
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Hilariously enough, showing up with too many cards is probably the opposite of useful in Triple Triad because one of the rulesets you can be forced to play with is "Random", which creates your five card hand from random cards you own.

Suffice to say, this is a very good way to end up with nonsense like "1 top tier card and also some filler trash" giving your opponent an easy victory and some free dope loot.