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i am death itself, the dhorme chimera is helpless against my muscle wizards
How many times did you wipe?
i am death itself, the dhorme chimera is helpless against my muscle wizards
Stealing is actually Super Useful. Enemies tend to have a Common and a Rare Steal item. You can get some equipment an area or two ahead of schedule via Stealing. The Ice Soldiers You can encounter heading to Shiva have Mythril Swords you can Steal for example.
Stealing is actually Super Useful. Enemies tend to have a Common and a Rare Steal item. You can get some equipment an area or two ahead of schedule via Stealing. The Ice Soldiers You can encounter heading to Shiva have Mythril Swords you can Steal for example.
According to the wiki, you are correct. I said "the hurricane form lacks an ice weakness" out of dim memory of checking it once, but I was wrong; the wiki says that instead it's that the Hand is immune to Ice. I'm not sure if that changed in the Pixel Remaster or if I missed it in some way for some reason, because I burst through the Hand phase like I did the rest, but I couldn't say with which move or for what reason. Since I had Galuf summon Shiva and Faris cast Blizzara, either Lenna hit it so hard it immediately phase-skipped before its Ice immunity could be relevant, or Bartz did the same without his Ice bonus applying but I didn't notice because it was enough damage to force the phase change. Who knowsThere are a bunch of things that are weird to me. I was totally sure that one of Liquid Flame's forms is immune to Ice, but I'm sure you would have noticed that.
See, your assumption is sensible, but FFV is fast-paced as fuck even compared to FFIV, kinda like FF3 was to the first and second game. As of last session, I only had 9 hours logged in, and that's accounting for an hour-long grinding session.Huh. That's three crystals down…. I'm going to assume, like, 12-15 hours into the game?I don't think you've racked up over 20 hours grinding yet. I'm definitely expecting the next one to shatter too, just based on what I expect about the game's runtime, but… Are they going to bring back the Dark Crystals? Or introduce some to her means of gaining classes?
Either way 5 is the first game I've been tempted to try playing myself, though the timer is ticking down until I maybe have to try and give 7 a try again. Five's systems just seem so fun though.
For my own part I've been playing the shit out of Chained Echoes, the most refreshing RPG I've played in a long time.
On the mutant third hand, those of us who didn't have access to that gamer subculture were actually stuck trying to figure out things on our own, which was often highly frustrating. There were a number of old games where I reached specific points I could never progress past because I couldn't figure out the trick of it.On the one hand, I'm grateful that all the information is now publicly available, so people don't have to agonize over obscure secrets that would have been impossible to find on their own.
On the other hand, it is a bit sad to imagine the end of the nostalgic school bus scuttlebutt talking about secrets and rumors in games, all the bullshit stories that we couldn't disprove, and the actual secrets and easter eggs that people did manage to puzzle out.
I don't think anyone has provided the mechanics behind Steal, so I'll list them here. Steal has a 40% success rate by default, and 80% with the Thief's Gloves. You then have to roll on hitting the common or rare steal, with a 5/128 to hit the rare steal. Each enemy can only have one item stolen, so if you hit the common steal that's all you get.
Me, too. Specifically Castlevania II: Simon's Quest and it's bullshit "kneel in one specific spot a specific length of time to progress" mechanic.On the mutant third hand, those of us who didn't have access to that gamer subculture were actually stuck trying to fugure out things on our own, which was often highly frustrating. There were a number of old games where I reached specific points I could never progress past because I couldn't figure out the trick of it.
So it turns out the "good" loot is still a ways off in this game, so stealing really isn't worth it. Yet. And you need to be either Thief or Freelancer to equip the Thief Gloves, which raises your !Steal rate from 40% to 80%.
Fun fact the Aqua Breath they cast is powerful blue magic.i am death itself, the dhorme chimera is helpless against my muscle wizards
It's absolutely strange, but it's a very traditional element of the ability across Final Fantasy. FFIX has perhaps four Water abilities in total, if that, but Aqua Breath is a % based attack. In FFVI, it does both Water and Wind damage. That makes it three out of seven games it appears in (excluding the MMO as usual) where it's not Water elemental; it's basically a coin flip whether it'll actually be elemental or not, which for an ability with "water" in its name is one weird distribution to have.
That's a fair argument except the weird part is that like, aesthetically aqua breath is some kinda... bubble storm or something? and does non-elemental but good against desert, whereas the game's Actual Tidal Wave attack does... water damage.Aqua Breath in FFXIV is used by Leviathan and can be learned by Blue Mage and deals Water-type damage, although due to the evolution of FFXIV's gameplay over time this is more of a curiosity than it has mechanical relevance; over time FFXIV has made elemental types, resistances and weaknesses obsolete to avoid a scenario in which a Black Mage who has Fire-type spells is objectively better to bring to a fight against Shiva than a Machinist with mostly unaspected damage.
When you think about it though, Water type damage is kind of... weird. Like, fire, electricity, and cold all deal damage in their own particular way through the interaction of physics and biology, and direct exposure to any of them is harmful to any living being. Meanwhile, unless you're made of fire, "being wet" isn't a damaging effect. "Water damage" is, for the most part, blunt force trauma. You take damage from Tidal Wave not because the interaction of the human body and water is destructive, but because you're being hit with a thousand tons of moving fluid to the face. With that in consideration, I can see the argument for Water dealing unaspected damage?
…unfortunately, my characters are currently lv 21. And in order to learn Level 5 Death, you have to have it actually work on you, which means the character with Learn needs to died and be revived before the end of the fight.
I am not grinding 4 entire levels just so Galuf can learn this spell right now. We'll come back later.
And, secreted away in a corner of the library, what do we find?
This interaction is genuinely funny but also kind of fascinating with what it implies about Ifrit being the boss around the library. Like, the other cursed books know him by name and call him 'sir' and are terrified of pissing him off, it's genuinely cool.
Behind this bookshelf, we find the deepest room in the library, and someone with his back turned on us.
"Exdeath" is kind of an incredible name. I can't not read it as X-Death. Like, dude called himself Superkill. It is either an incredible statement of threat, or the most self-aggrandizing edginess I've seen in this series.
Man, remember like two updates ago when Omi was going "Idunno about this Mystic Knight thing, they take a full extra turn to not really increase damage input all that much"? Good times. Good timesThen Bartz casts Fira on his sword and hits Byblos for 1,500 damage, which makes everything else the group is doing, even the summoning, feel kind of irrelevant. Jesus.
That's actually a pretty interesting way to do a Krile reference, ngl. And since we're mentioning ages (which don't actually come up in the game) and I got curious and looked them up a bit ago, might as well list a few here:Krile. That's the name of his daughter.
Getting a lot of FFXIV meta lore today!
For the non-players: in the Heavensward expansion of FFXIV, we are introduced to two things. One is the Great Gubal Library, a massive magical library that is full of possessed books, that we have to venture into to find a specific plot-relevant book, and its final boss is Byblos. The other is an important friendly NPC called Krile.
Now, FFXIV's Krile is an adult woman, not a child. However, she's also a lalafell, meaning she looks like this:
And I'd be willing to bet that it's in reference to this Krile, who appears - though it's hard to judge from sprites - younger than the rest of the cast.![]()
I'll correct just one thing here, no elaboration on the rest: that's not the same werewolf as the one from the meteor, he has a slightly different fur color (flashback werewolf is brown/blonde colored, meteor werewolf was more grey/black).Also…
That werewolf was the werewolf dude who intervened before the Fire Crystal shattered. These other two, though? The guy on the right has a helmet that's not quite a dead ringer for King Tycoon's helmet, but he could have changed it since then… I'm going to put him down as a maybe. That blond guy with the ponytail, though? The game is trying to hide his face by positioning him with his back to the camera, but that's 100% Bartz's dad from that one flashback at the beginning of the game. The very same who was talking about how the crystals shouldn't be his son's burden to bear. Our boy is an alien, I'm calling it now.
Yeah, it's... a surprisingly common issue, now that you point it out. Not naming specifics, I can think of at least two or three other FF games that have a similar "but ignore all that possible real-world parallel stuff, time for big evil space baddies and wizards and demons or something" vibe by the end. Which works, I suppose, but it can be somewhat disappointing at times to go from the evils of man to "actually it was all because of Zeemus" or whatever else.This is what I'm going to call a very Final Fantasy move. It's growing more and more apparent to me over time that while Final Fantasy often has this kind of… 'incidental' threats to the world, stuff like Garlemald's imperialism (FFXIV), Shinra's over-exploitation of natural resources (FFVII), Palamecia's conquests (FFII), Baron's greed (FFIV), these are all ultimately backdrop for a cosmic threat or pure evil kind of deal ([REDACTED], Jenova, Actual Hell, Golbez and then Zeemus). In Final Fantasy, an evil corporation or warlike empire is rarely if ever the endgame.
Fundamentally Mystic Knight just gets better the farther through the spell list you get, and also is kinda a lot specialized for boss fighting.Man, remember like two updates ago when Omi was going "Idunno about this Mystic Knight thing, they take a full extra turn to not really increase damage input all that much"? Good times. Good times![]()
Pretty sure this is a "why not both" situation, honestly."Exdeath" is kind of an incredible name. I can't not read it as X-Death. Like, dude called himself Superkill. It is either an incredible statement of threat, or the most self-aggrandizing edginess I've seen in this series.
I've been warned about this, but due to random fight happenstance there's already a small XP gap that leaves Galuf a step behind the rest of the group. Hopefully it'll be enough when we get there; I'll try to zip back to the Library as soon as the rest of the party hits lv 26.Note that Level 5 Death will totally oneshot your entire party. Which means if you want to actually learn it, you must commit the horrible sin against OCD of desyncing the parties levels so one guy can die to it (and then be revived) without just, you know, having an instant full party wipe.
That the whole cast (sans Krile) are actually adults is a pleasant surprise; it's never quite clear from writing alone.Man, remember like two updates ago when Omi was going "Idunno about this Mystic Knight thing, they take a full extra turn to not really increase damage input all that much"? Good times. Good times
That's actually a pretty interesting way to do a Krile reference, ngl. And since we're mentioning ages (which don't actually come up in the game) and I got curious and looked them up a bit ago, might as well list a few here:
Bartz - 20
Lenna - 19
Galuf - 60
Faris - 20
Krile - 14
See, I noticed that, but I just assumed he was grey because... It's thirty years later and he grew old.I'll correct just one thing here, no elaboration on the rest: that's not the same werewolf as the one from the meteor, he has a slightly different fur color (flashback werewolf is brown/blonde colored, meteor werewolf was more grey/black).
I mean, if the Wind, Water, and Fire crystals are out of commission, surely that means this new propulsion system is Earth-based somehow? Perhaps Cid and Mid swapped out the internal combustion engine for a nuclear reactor - in the space of an afternoon.It turns out Cid doesn't know where the Earth Crystal is. We need to find it, and for that, we need a means of transportation that can take us across the whole world - we need the fire-powered ship, which is where Mid's new book discoveries come in. The book he's found shows how to power the ship by…
* * *
Well, now that the refits are done, are Cid and Mid finally going to explain what means they found of powering the ship without the Crystal?
No. Fuck you.
I've heard it's a mistranslation of "Exodus" that they ran with in later ports and remasters because lol, why not?"Exdeath" is kind of an incredible name. I can't not read it as X-Death. Like, dude called himself Superkill. It is either an incredible statement of threat, or the most self-aggrandizing edginess I've seen in this series.
Ah, the Edmond Wells school of engineering. I can respect that.I mean, if the Wind, Water, and Fire crystals are out of commission, surely that means this new propulsion system is Earth-based somehow? Perhaps Cid and Mid swapped out the internal combustion engine for a nuclear reactor - in the space of an afternoon.
I've heard it's a mistranslation of "Exodus" that they ran with in later ports and remasters because lol, why not?
(EDIT: Terrabrand appears to corroborate this.)
However, in the local pub, one of the townsfolks mentioned something interesting - Cid's grandson works at the Library of Ancients. Could it be that his grandson would know how to get his father out of his funk? It's worth a try! It's time to go meet that young man, who goes by the name of…
His name is Mid. Cid's grandson Mid.
Level 5 Death, as has been said in the thread, is a spell that targets the whole enemy screen and instantly kills anyone with a level that's a multiple of 5. A very, very tasty prize…
…unfortunately, my characters are currently lv 21. And in order to learn Level 5 Death, you have to have it actually work on you, which means the character with Learn needs to died and be revived before the end of the fight.
I don't know what I expected a cursed book spirit called 'Byblos' to look like, but I gotta say, this wasn't it.
Then Bartz casts Fira on his sword and hits Byblos for 1,500 damage, which makes everything else the group is doing, even the summoning, feel kind of irrelevant. Jesus.
That's actually a pretty interesting way to do a Krile reference, ngl. And since we're mentioning ages (which don't actually come up in the game) and I got curious and looked them up a bit ago, might as well list a few here:
Bartz - 20
Lenna - 19
Galuf - 60
Faris - 20
Krile - 14