Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Regarding Ramza's whole narrative Deal regarding friends-and-allies, I had This Guy in my party the whole time:
Faceless Mook Chemist #1 went into White Mage, so after unlocking Orator, FMC1's favorite trick was to recruit rando human NPCs during random battles; then strip their equipment and kick them out of the party. Because of that asshole I basically stopped worrying about money; most of my equipment came from ripping off brainwashed Randos, and the rest got sold....

Anyway the ludonarrative implications of Ramza's Brave going to 99 over the course of Chapter 2, and his Faith going to zero over the course of Chapter 3, all that really implied that Faceless Mook Chemist #1 was doing some really elite-tier Wormtongue activities.
Regarding Ramza's whole narrative Deal regarding friends-and-allies, I had This Guy in my party the whole time:
Either that or FMC#1 was cooking a delicate mix of uppers, downers, screamers and laughers in the background all through this Zodiac Brave nonsense. A whole multi-colored galaxy of things to get the Brave up and the Faith down.
Omicron said:
and it has come to pass that Omicron has caught The Death and is writing with his last breath to try and distract himself from the dreadful sickness.
Oof, sorry. As it happens, I am reading this while sick, though fortunately not as badly as that sounds; we're on opposite sides of an ocean, though, so who knows if it's the same thing going around. Hopefully we both get well soon!

This might be the first guest character who, if she ever joins the party as a playable unit, I might be tempted to permanently bench.
Though it seems like she might actually like that? Finally, she definitely wouldn't be being looked on as a tool to kill things with.

Egleris said:
I feel like Selphie would be right at home in Ivalice; it just seems like the kind of environment where she'd easily thrive.
On the one hand, no trains. On the other, guess who gets to take all the money she earns fighting people and become the first railway baroness at least since the Catastrophe (or whatever it was that happened, I don't recall off the top of my head)? :D

Ace of Scarabs said:
Alas, there have been no trains in Ivalice.
beowolf said:
Hey, if they want to do a guest villain, Selphie trying to personally murder or enslave every member of high society to get them to build a rail network without any consideration of the human code of jumping straight there would work great.

But I doubt they do.
Not the only one to be thinking along those sorts of lines, I see. :D
Ok, having I think worked out some of the mechanics of how jobs work (although I have yet to unlock anything that's behind archer because archer sucks and I hate everything about it, if I have to level it I'm gonna make it a mage secondary so they can actually hit things), I think I'm gonna restart this run and try to level in a more focused and disciplined fashion.

Instead of Ramza being level 15 while Delita is level 2.
No power for two days so I'm too burnt and busy catching up with things to do a full update response let's goooo
I trust Delita as far as I can throw him (though Hester is a Ninja so that's relatively far), but I'm inclined to believe the claim that Ovelia is a fake princess simply because it ties into an ostensible theme of the game: that there is no innate difference between noble and lowborn, only social ones, but that the nobility goes to great length to enforce the idea that this social hierarchy manifests an Intrinsic quality of the blood. If Ovelia is commonborn, she's a living testimony of that falsehood, having all the appropriate princely qualities simply because she was raised as one.

By contrast, if she's actually a princess, then all that tells us is that princesses are princesses are princesses, and someone just lied to her to make her have a bad time for a bit. It's a twist I'd expect from a 18th century fairy tale about a princess adopted by peasants, not a game with a clear political theme about class divides, and I'll be disappointed if it turns out to be the truth.

Delita could very well be lying about everything else, of course.
Not gonna lie, I was instantly reminded of this comic:
I feel like Selphie would be right at home in Ivalice; it just seems like the kind of environment where she'd easily thrive.
The question is, does Selphie hate the world for its lack of trains? Or is she driven to (re)invent the train herself, thus forever cement her name as tied to the power of trains?
alright now this is the most bullshit series of encounters in the game
Yup, can't deny it. When everyone was saying "Omi you have to rotate saves in FFT", this right here? This set of maps near the end of Chapter 3? Was the exact reason, it's a gauntlet of absolute bullshit and has ended many a playthrough of the game.
I don't know how the hell buying ranks in Jump for non-Dragoons works but it's a thing you've alluded to in previous updates so I say that's what you gotta invest in for Mustadio next, send him to the Basketball Mines until he has a 10ft standing leap and can simply bound into elevated shooting positions like the Hulk because if you don't this shit's just gonna keep on happening.
Basically, there's two separate "Jump" things going on with the Dragoon: The actual "Horizontal/Vertical Jump +1 to +8" skills are ones you learn that just enhance your actual Jump command's range, and then over in the Movement abilities there's a separate ability called "Ignore Height/Elevation" which makes it so whoever has it equipped... well, ignores height when moving around the map. That's the one that would be potentially useful for Mustadio which you're probably thinking of, since it would mean he can just hop all the way up to whatever vantage points he needs to and then start sniping.
Ok, having I think worked out some of the mechanics of how jobs work (although I have yet to unlock anything that's behind archer because archer sucks and I hate everything about it, if I have to level it I'm gonna make it a mage secondary so they can actually hit things), I think I'm gonna restart this run and try to level in a more focused and disciplined fashion.
Archer does suck to train, but fortunately in the early game you only need to reach Archer Level 2 in order to unlock anything else, and eventually Archer 3 for the Ninja class. You can generally just swap someone into Archer for a random battle or two, have them grind up JP with JP Up from the Squire + whatever they can spam (could be Throw Stone/accomodate from the Squire skillset, could give them no weapon and have then start punching allies for 3 damage). Plus, due to JP spillover, once you've trained one or two blorbos in Archer, everyone else will probably passively gain enough leveling to skip it entirely.
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although I have yet to unlock anything that's behind archer because archer sucks and I hate everything about it, if I have to level it I'm gonna make it a mage secondary so they can actually hit things
I mean, you could just play the LFT mod, which makes Archers a class with legitimate use cases, and which makes every class valid and just the entire game more balanced overall. It's easy to do, and will make the game more fun when you don't have to pretend that several classes don't exist for one reason or another. Just saying.
I will say this about Archers: while Aim does indeed suck, all their other stuff ranges from Good to Fantastic.
I will say this about Archers: while Aim does indeed suck, all their other stuff ranges from Good to Fantastic.
...I rather think that Equip Crossbow really is just decent; it doesn't give bow (which aren't much stronger than crossbow but at least have the arching effect and "more range when you're higher" thing going for them), and is obsoleted by Equip Gun; similarly, Arrow Guard is fine but vastly outclassed by Blade Grasp. And Jump +1 certainly isn't worth the JP cost.

I can give you Concentrate being excellent, and Speed Save can be quite useful on a though unit who can withstand multiple hits, but I don't know that'd be "all their other stuff"; it's at best "some of their other stuff", surely?
...I rather think that Equip Crossbow really is just decent; it doesn't give bow (which aren't much stronger than crossbow but at least have the arching effect and "more range when you're higher" thing going for them), and is obsoleted by Equip Gun; similarly, Arrow Guard is fine but vastly outclassed by Blade Grasp. And Jump +1 certainly isn't worth the JP cost.

I can give you Concentrate being excellent, and Speed Save can be quite useful on a though unit who can withstand multiple hits, but I don't know that'd be "all their other stuff"; it's at best "some of their other stuff", surely?
It occurs to me that this conversation, or at least what I have to say, is better saved for the spoilers thread.
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If I understand correctly JP spillover only applies to active party members in a given battle, and only if an actual Archer is on the field earning JP, correct?
Correct. 25% of the JP a unit earns by performing actions spills over to the other teammates participating in the battle.
I mean, you could just play the LFT mod, which makes Archers a class with legitimate use cases, and which makes every class valid and just the entire game more balanced overall. It's easy to do, and will make the game more fun when you don't have to pretend that several classes don't exist for one reason or another. Just saying.

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Thanks. So yeah I'd be stuck having some blorbo as an archer if I wanted to exploit that. Might as well just directly make someone an archer for a level so they get outta it as quick as possible.
Since Omi is past the early stages I no longer feel like I need to hide this particular tidbit:

The 'optimal' way to grind the first couple classes is to just make everyone the same class so they're all getting spillover JP. Makes it a lot easier to get class levels and/or the JP necessary for the good skills. It's only really worthwhile to do this for Squire, Archer, Thief, and maybe Chemist. Chapter 1 Plains/Woods are easy maps so it's not like you're in mortal danger doing monoclass grind sessions there.
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Since Omi is past the early stages I no longer feel like I need to hide this particular tidbit:

The 'optimal' way to grind the first couple classes is to just make everyone the same class so they're all getting spillover JP. Makes it a lot easier to get class levels and/or the JP necessary for the good skills. It's only really worthwhile to do this for Squire, Archer, Thief, and maybe Chemist. Chapter 1 Plains/Woods are easy maps so it's not like you're in mortal danger doing monoclass grind sessions there.

Yeah, I'd worked that out. Squire for a number of useful abilities & Knight, then Chemist to unlock the mages and some basic items, and then go on from there, so you're not stuck with Squire's low attributes on levelups more than you have to be.

The plains map is actually the harder of the two in my books because you have the chocobos that heal dudes and move a million miles an hour, whereas the undead dudes on the other are beefy but slow and can be oneshot by anyone with the Phoenix Down Item skill :V


Okay so trip 2: Had enough JP to unlock Tailwind as of the moment I accessed the world map (or even JP Up, but Tailwind is too good to pass up) and then ended the Argath battle by having all squires chuck rocks at him for JP.
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Wait there's more equipment you can access in Ch1 if you do the desert battle

I am not smart sometimes
foamy did you know that every map has a hidden item on one tile that you can obtain by having a character with the treasure hunter ability walk over it

time to kill all monsters, disable the last one and then check every single tile in every screen
did you know that every map has a hidden item on one tile that you can obtain by having a character with the treasure hunter ability walk over it
Four items per map, actually - except for outside Orbonne, Gariland, and one singular map much later in the game. Also, each of the four treasure panels on each map actually have two treasures, a bad one and a good one; the percentage for getting the bad one is "bravery%", so the lower your bravery, the better chances of getting the good one when you step on the right panel with an itemfinder.

Also, in several maps, the itemfinder panels have traps in them if you step on them with a character who doesn't have itemfinder, or if you already retrieved the treasure from that specific panel.

Just leaving this here in case anybody feels like going treasure hunting as some point or other.