I'm having a minor problem. After leveling Hester into Monk, it turns out her damage sucks - she's dealing 18-21 damage, compared to Monk Ramza regularly hitting 40s and 60s.
I checked her stats (I did make sure she had good Bravery before making her a Monk), and while her Bravery is below Ramza's, it's just 61 to his 72, it's not
that much of a difference. Her Physical Attack stat, however, is 5, whereas Ramza's is 7.
@Egleris wrote that the Monk damage calculation is PA x PA x 1.Brave, so the multiplicative effect would explain the huge discrepancy, but my question is -
why is her Attack rating so low? They are both unarmed, so there's no weapon to explain it; is it just because Ramza is a couple of character levels higher?