Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
You know what this is, right?
Now we do actually have an answer to one of those questions: Hunters aren't supposed to be part of the kingdom's military and the fact that Atlas' military is running their Hunter school is being given suspicious looks by everyone else.

But really that's just my inescapable desire to nitpick, you're right we don't learn a lot about how Hunters normally work.
I didn't think I'd ever find any reasons to dislike RWBY more than I did. I stand corrected.

The answer, while not specifically stated, is that it takes somebody able to hold the power present for it to be passed on; men cannot hold it, for one, and since the group knows that Rinoa was the best possible host for a Sorceress powers among the group (as Edea's powers went to her rather than Quistis or Selphie), then she'll still be the best possible host for Adel's powers too, provided she's present for Adel's defeat.

None of this is explicitly stated, but it's the only interpretations of the events that makes logical sense.

According to the timeline we have, Edea passed her Sorceress powers to Rinoa, and immediately, as in, before Rinoa had recovered from the shock of gaining those powers or Squall had time to react, Artemisia moved from possessing Edea to possessing Rinoa. It's the strongest clue we have that, yes, Artemisia will only possess other Sorceresses.

This also, while not explicitly stated, is something that we've already been shown by the game, it's just a matter of connecting dots.

1) Edea specifically said she gained the powers of two different Sorceresses, once when she was a kid and then again when she was a matron. So, multiple Sorceresses passing their powers to the same person happens (in fact it's what the group is trying to engineer with Adel and Rinoa), which would naturally lead to the total number of Sorceresses in the world decreasing over time as more and more power gets concentrated in fewer and fewer Sorceresses.

2) A Sorceress can be "forced" to pass on their power by being beaten down hard enough; again, with Rinoa as an example, we know that the person doing the beating down can be the one who inherit the power, too - that alone is a pretty strong motivation to hunt down Sorceresses, by the way, to steal their powers for yourself.

Anyway, the conclusion that is not stated, but easy to make, from these premises is that, as power became more and more concentrated in less and less Sorceresses due to point (1), they grew more and more powerful, and due to point (2), once one of them felt powerful enough, she could have hunted down and defeated by herself any Sorceress that was left in the world, especially if there were only very few. It seems likely that this is what Artemisia did, which left her as the last and most powerful Sorceress ever.

None of it is stated at all at any point, but the chain of logic is pretty solid and makes sense of everything that we've been told so far.

With that in consideration, it seems likely that Adel herself was already pretty far along that 'natural' route of power concentrating in fewer sorceresses over time, explaining why she was able to single-handedly rule over the most powerful nation on earth as absolute monarch, why she's more powerful than Edea, and why she's so huge: She's probably mutated from the sheer concentration of sorceress power in her, and she either ate a bunch of other sorceresses' power to get to that point, or inherited her power from someone who did. Meanwhile, Edea is 'just' a sorceress with her own power and that of one other sorceress she met along the way.
I wonder if the other way around can happen:
One sorceress passing part of her power to two different people. Maybe giving a fragment and keeping most for themselves.

Then again, with the discussion back to "what makes Rinoa the only target", I do want to point out something that's been stuck in my mind:
Rinoa's father had a device to suppress the powers of a sorceress. Why was that? It could have just been a backup for the assassination plot, like Rinoa assumed, but now we know that Rinoa at least had the potential to become one.

... while in the vicinity of a plot to kill one.
This is cursed knowledge.

With each curse laid upon the thread, the time of rational!Squall draws nearer.

He's gonna kill Adel, wait for Ultimecia to possess Rinoa, and then put Rinoa into cryosleep. This is a perfect plan. Surely the people of the future would be able to safely unfreeze her and cure the possession along with any other ailments once they conquer death.

Rinomecia: Oh, goddammit, not again.
With each curse laid upon the thread, the time of rational!Squall draws nearer.

He's gonna kill Adel, wait for Ultimecia to possess Rinoa, and then put Rinoa into cryosleep. This is a perfect plan. Surely the people of the future would be able to safely unfreeze her and cure the possession along with any other ailments once they conquer death.

Rinomecia: Oh, goddammit, not again.

So what I'm hearing is that rational!Squall was the original timeline, and the divergence point here is Ellone exposing Squall to a sufficient amount of cringe through Laguna to force an ounce of sincerity out of him, butterfly effect-ing him enough to actually make enough genuine human connection to go along with Laguna's power of love and friendship plan.
As was mentioned previously in the thread, the Ragnarok's name in Japanese katakana (ラグナロク) contains the same katakana as Laguna's name. So in the Japanese script, Laguna saying "the name sounds so cool" is instead "it sounds just like my name".

This reminds me of Slayers, where one of the most powerful attacks is given as either Ragna Blade or Laguna Blade, ラグナ・ブレード. You can see the identical first three katakana. Allegedly it translates as 'god-destroying slash', which would in turn imply that Laguna is, in fact, currently known as "President God-Slayer."

Which is a hell of a way to introduce yourself.
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There have been many, many mentions of how time compression 'doesn't make sense' or is impossible to imagine and characters wondering how anyone could live in time compression and why anyone would want this, and so far the characters have dismissed it because 1) it's obvious this is not a desirable state, 2) Ultimecia isn't in a mood to share her motivations, 3) they don't need to know the answers to work towards preventing it. But the game is very clearly aware of how weird and complicated the core idea of its ending is; the characters all acknowledge it themselves repeatedly. I will be very disappointed if the game doesn't pay this off by revealing why Ultimecia wants this strange outcome in a way deeper than 'I just want to live forever.' Which she will, and it'll turn out she's Rinoa from the future who wants to live forever in that moment with Squall.

I think if you want an idea of why Ultimecia is doing what she's doing, you might want to look at the words she puts into Edea's mouth, and then consider that after this, if the party wins, people are going to be living in a world where Edea's Galbadia and Adel's Esthar squaring off against SeeD are real historical events. She's consumed with the idea of being a legendary, persecuted villain apart from all the rest of humanity and when she gets a microphone over a cheering Galbadian crowd she is not shy:

Edea: "...Lowlifes."
Edea: "...Shameless filthy wretches."
Edea: "How you celebrate my ascension with such joy."
Edea: "Hailing the very one whom you have condemned for generations."
Edea: "Have you no shame? What happened to the evil, ruthless sorceress from your fantasies?"
Edea: "The cold-blooded tyrant that slaughtered countless men and destroyed many nations?"
Edea: "Where is she now?"
Edea: "She stands before your very eyes to become your new ruler. HAHAHAHAHA."
Edea: "A new era has just begun."

My rough idea of time compression is partially that the sorceress can survive as a mythic figure that's constant through the timeline while individual humans can't, but that she might have control over things like people existing by being able to remember them. This doesn't preclude rinoa!ultimecia, but Rinoa not having Squall be her number one priority implies something incredibly dark and kind of at odds with the rest of the story's tone. For a sorceress who kind of implies that she's been hunted and gloats her head off when she gets power, I kind of see time compression being her turning all of reality and time into a playbox that she can reach into at will and this being an ultimate power fantasy.
This reminds me of Slayers, where one of the most powerful attacks is given as either Ragna Blade or Laguna Blade, ラグナ・ブレード. You can see the identical first three katakana. Allegedly it translates as 'god-destroying slash', which would in turn imply that Laguna is, in fact, currently known as "President God-Slayer."
Out of a sneaking suspicion I looked up the Ragnarok-class ships, and... 飛空艇ラグナロク. You can see those three characters there, too. The first three are just Airship, and the last five are (Ragna)rok. Make of it what you will given what Ragnarok is in mythology.
Out of a sneaking suspicion I looked up the Ragnarok-class ships, and... 飛空艇ラグナロク. You can see those three characters there, too. The first three are just Airship, and the last five are (Ragna)rok. Make of it what you will given what Ragnarok is in mythology.
Ah yes, in the Italian translation the Ragnarock is rendered as Lagunarock. Might be that in Japanese the double meaning was intended, and translators didn't catch it.
I forget, did you remember to look up the OTHER missable version of the legend of Hyne while on the White SEED ship? :p

There's also this seemingly more scholarly version of Hyne's legend (that was only available in the JP only Ultimania book)?

So that's three different versions of the same legend (but only two are available in-game)

So it's implying that passing them on works on "one of the last person you think of/see before getting BONKed" rules? I guess now we know where Monty Oum yoinked the idea for the Maidens from :V

Also we know Rinoa can contain the powers of both since Edea became a sorceress when she was a child and then she took the powers of a "dying sorceress" 13 years ago to prevent any of the children from becoming a host to them

so yes one sorceress can hold the powers of multiple ones.

So wait, FFVIII humans are out of control terraforming bots?
So wait, FFVIII humans are out of control terraforming bots?
Pretty much? It's not that different from a few other IRL creation myths where a god creates humans to do something, takes a nap and then wakes up to "OH NO HUMANS EVERYWHERE!"

At least one African legend had humans being created as search and rescue robots to find the son of the king of the gods who went missing on a mission to explore earth because his powers suddenly stopped working and he couldn't fly back to the heavens (so he went into a deep sleep until help could arrive).
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Ellone was wrong. She did change the past.

This was sort of implicit in everything that happened during the flashback, but - the Junctions? The 'fairies' helping them? The greater power Laguna and his friends talked about feeling in these moments? Ellone sent Squall and his friends, with the power of their GF junctions, into Laguna - saving him and his friends in multiple high-risk situations where they would have died! Against an endless wave of Esthar soldiers, against the ruby dragon… She wasn't able to effect the outcomes she was looking for, saving Raine and reconnecting with Laguna and so on, so she missed the forest for the trees - the fact that Laguna was only ever alive in the first place thanks to her.

Which… I guess makes this a stable time loop? Fuck.
Well, but Ellone's insistence that she can't change the past happened in the escape pod, after she had the conversation with Laguna where he realized it was her sending Squall and the others back that saved him.

So she must only be referring to the stable time loop theory, since the first time Laguna's life was saved by her time travel was actually before Laguna met her for the first time, so it must have already happened in her own history.

Except of course that the situation with Rinoa, where she was looking five minutes into the past of someone she wasn't in communication with, meant that needing to be a stable time loop didn't actually constrain anything.

I guess she was just too used to her old paradigm and hadn't internalized what Laguna had told her yet.

With that in consideration, it seems likely that Adel herself was already pretty far along that 'natural' route of power concentrating in fewer sorceresses over time, explaining why she was able to single-handedly rule over the most powerful nation on earth as absolute monarch, why she's more powerful than Edea, and why she's so huge: She's probably mutated from the sheer concentration of sorceress power in her, and she either ate a bunch of other sorceresses' power to get to that point, or inherited her power from someone who did.
…You know, I was wondering in the back of my head why Adel was spending so much effort searching the world for "inheritors" when she didn't seem to be in poor health, or even really the sort of person to be concerned about her legacy continuing after her death.
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Only very, very vaguely. I cannot possibly see Squall, a man terrified of social interaction and trapped in his own head most of the time, as dedicating a tenth as much daily time to makeup as Gaia clearly did.

I mean, given how much time/money he's invested in getting assorted merch of his cool OC, he's certainly not averse to putting forth effort into how he's perceived by others.
Squall has a cool haircut that definitely involves the use of gel, wears a color-coordinated outfit with a crop top jacket with a fur collar and two extra belts that aren't used to fasten his trousers but just cross around his waist to look cool, and wears several pieces of customized jewelry. Gendered double standards mean that he's spending a fraction of the daily time a teenage girl his age might spend on makeup, but by teenage male standards, he is incredibly fashion-conscious and well put together.

This having been the late 90s, I am positive that there would be contemporary articles or early forum posts describing him as "metrosexual."
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With that in consideration, it seems likely that Adel herself was already pretty far along that 'natural' route of power concentrating in fewer sorceresses over time, explaining why she was able to single-handedly rule over the most powerful nation on earth as absolute monarch, why she's more powerful than Edea, and why she's so huge: She's probably mutated from the sheer concentration of sorceress power in her, and she either ate a bunch of other sorceresses' power to get to that point, or inherited her power from someone who did. Meanwhile, Edea is 'just' a sorceress with her own power and that of one other sorceress she met along the way.
Why does Sorceress Adel, the largest Sorceress, not simply eat the other Sorceresses?

At this point I feel like it would have been more coherent if the Big Bad was Adel astrally projecting all along.

Yeah. It depends on how the Adel fight shakes out, of course, but so far it seems like very little (nothing?) would have changed if Adel was just possessing other Sorceresses to get loose and wanted Ellone because, I dunno, she was Laguna's daughter, and/or could find access codes to her prison.
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Why does Sorceress Adel, the largest Sorceress, not simply eat the other Sorceresses?

Yeah. It depends on how the Adel fight shakes out, of course, but so far it seems like very little (nothing?) would have changed if Adel was just possessing other Sorceresses to get loose and wanted Ellone because, I dunno, she was Laguna's daughter, and/or could find access codes to her prison.

That would also be better for the large women enjoyers.
Why does Sorceress Adel, the largest Sorceress, not simply eat the other Sorceresses?

Yeah. It depends on how the Adel fight shakes out, of course, but so far it seems like very little (nothing?) would have changed if Adel was just possessing other Sorceresses to get loose and wanted Ellone because, I dunno, she was Laguna's daughter, and/or could find access codes to her prison.
just for this I'll power through to get through the Adel fight tonight because it's.... Something, alright