- Location
- Te Ika-a-Māui
- Pronouns
- She/Her
This is all very well reasoned, but it still leaves open the question of why her secret section of SeeD remains in good standing with the rest of the PMC. Is someone blackmailing her?
Okay, this only raised further questions. SeeD was Edea's idea? Didn't Cid just say that SeeD was started to fight the sorceress?
…is it possible that Edea herself is a victim of mind control, and the Edea we've seen so far isn't the 'true' Edea?
Hm... plausible, but at the same time, straight from Cid's mouth:Hypothesis: There is only one sorceress. She is a bodysnatcher that keeps herself inmortal by stealing a new body every generation.
Edea is the latest victim but retained selfcontrol for a while, and created SeeD to kill her future self.
So at the least, I don't think Edea specifically created SeeD with the purpose of killing herself, though granted she could have just not wanted to tell her husband "yeah this is a complicated future mind control security suicide plan".Headmaster Cid: "One day, Edea began talking about building the Garden and training SeeD. I became obsessed with that plan. But I was very concerned with SeeD's goal, that one day SeeD might fight Edea…"
Headmaster Cid: "She laughed and told me that would never happen. However…" [He trails off.]
That could be "You silly, they'd never fight me!" or it could be "You silly, they'd never fight me! They'd fight the ancient bodysnatching evil that's going to take over my body in a few years!"Hm... plausible, but at the same time, straight from Cid's mouth:
So at the least, I don't think Edea specifically created SeeD with the purpose of killing herself, though granted she could have just not wanted to tell her husband "yeah this is a complicated future mind control security suicide plan".
Cid is being bodily pushed away from the next screen by the Faculty members while complaining about the 'greed' of the Garden Master, which is certainly interesting. "SeeDs were brought up for the future…" Hm.
Like. Balamb Garden dangles 'all the Garden cares about is cash' as an ostensible red herring early on, then introduces the Moonspiracy angle, the Faculty being shady motherfuckers, Cid having secret goals he won't explain, it would seem by all rights that the greed is hiding something darker and more esoteric… And then it turns out it was a double red herring, it was the conspiracy stuff hiding the greed.
…this is President Shinra all over again, huh. We had to kill Monster Jeff Bezos so that we could face the real stakes of the story regarding the existential war with the sorceress and get the problem of war capitalism out of the way. I am… a little disappointed.
Well, since you're asking, yes he did, although to gloss over that spoiler with pablum, he very much had his Own Deal that was different than these other characters.Ah, well. …is this the fourth game in a row to feature a protagonist with memory issues? V and VI put it front and center from the start with Galuf and Terra, VII was sneakier about it by not letting you know Cloud had memory troubles at the start, and now VIII is… Well it said 'GFs may cause memory issues' right at the start, but it's left Squall's own deal as merely hints. Hm. Did Djidanne have any memory issues in IX? I can't remember.
...Squall should have known this guy's name. He went to school with this guy for what must have been years, how could he not have known his name? Or at the very least recognize him? It's not just childhood memories about family members he may or may not have seen in years that are being eaten, it's recent stuff like people he's going to school with!We are greeted by another student labeled as Nida, a name I've never heard before, and Squall asks him pretty rudely who he is, whereupon it turns out it's the fourth student from the graduation ceremony, you know, the only other guy to make it into SeeD, who was on the same exam and at the same ceremony as Squall, who plain doesn't recognize him.
Squall, you're so bad.
Squall has 255 Accuracy; even if he's under the Blind status, it doesn't really affect his combat effectiveness either way, so however he Does It, that doesn't seem to rely on his vision all that much.Or at the very least recognize him? It's not just childhood memories about family members he may or may not have seen in years that are being eaten, it's recent stuff like people he's going to school with!
Interviewer: "As a SeeD, how do you deal with the stress and regrets of all the hundreds of people you've killed?"While we're on the subject of Squall's magically-induced early onset Alzheimers...
...Squall should have known this guy's name. He went to school with this guy for what must have been years, how could he not have known his name? Or at the very least recognize him? It's not just childhood memories about family members he may or may not have seen in years that are being eaten, it's recent stuff like people he's going to school with!
This is horrifying!
Perhaps he's just remarkably faceblind? I can sympathize with that.Squall should have known this guy's name. He went to school with this guy for what must have been years, how could he not have known his name? Or at the very least recognize him?
Squall: "Please tell me about Sorceress Edea. I heard she's your wife."
Headmaster Cid: "You're quite right… She had been a sorceress since childhood. I married her, knowing that. We were happy. We worked together, the two of us. We were very happy."
I heartily approve of this comparison, and only wish you'd done it with Jones and Astin rather than Huston and Julia.Right, so, we finally got to this twist and I have something I've wanted to propose for a long time.
Everyone who meets Cid FF8 thinks of him as Final Fantasy Robin Williams. Not surprising, given his appearance and role in the story.
But now with this information, knowing these two are a married couple, I think there's a another, better paradigm.
I don't know how I feel about the twist that SeeDs were always meant to have an idealistic vision that was corrupted by the profit motive and they've now been redeemed by NORG's demise. It feels, once again, like Final Fantasy moving away from an interestingly realistic/modern but grim premise, as with Shinra in the previous game. On the other hand… As far as redemption arcs go, the Balamb Garden Civil War was compelling, and it's interesting to think of it as like… The Dark Knight/Paladin connection of IV wrought at the scale of a whole organization.
While that is a funny idea, Gomez would have been 100% behind Morticia taking over a country; he also wouldn't send students to try and kill her, he'd do it himself - that's just how you do proper Addams foreplay, after all.
I imagine there's a distinct lack of internal dialogue from him, so you're only getting half of the picture.As time marches forward, as Squall is adapted into Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia and other Square-Enix properties, the writers depict Squall as a stone-cold, snarky, cocksure badass, completely forgetting that he's actually a psychological basketcase full of unresolved childhood trauma.
That's similar to the Alera Codex series now that I think about it. So I suppose FF isn't the only one guilty of it, just the only one brazen enough to do it repeatedly,On this note, I think I've come to really strongly dislike Final Fantasy's tendancy towards exactly this kind of thing - setting up a flawed and deeply interesting world rife with conflict, only to throw most of it out of the way between one and two thirds of the way into the game only to pivot to defeating the Great Evil of the month. It starts to feel like they don't know how to resolve the plots they set up, or just aren't interested in seeing them through.
She's just thinking very, very loud.There's a sweet-then-funny beat where three girls are swearing to one another that they'll stay in touch after school and never forget each other, and that they'll tell each other as soon as they get a boyfriend… And talking to one of the other two girls reveals that she already has a boyfriend and is now afraid of saying it after hiding it and swearing she'd tell them when it happens. Which is weird, because it's our first time seeing the inner monologue of an NPC by talking to them, I'm pretty sure?
Squall's inner monologue: "(That sorceress… Who is she? Why fire missiles at the Garden? Is Seifer ever coming back? I'll get even with him next time.)"
The guitar player. Not just, a guy who plays guitar, but that guy who will take any slow day as an opportunity to whip out his guitar and make you hear him go "Anyway, here's Wonderwall."
The central 'drama' in this scene, minor as it is, is that Squall doesn't know how to do a date, and the way he doesn't know how to do a date is that he never makes his tour interesting by throwing in a funny comment, or an interesting anecdote about the place they're visiting, the way a good tour guide would. And you could say, well, sure, that's his drab personality in a nutshell… But this place is literally Squall's entire world. He has seemingly never known anything else until a couple of weeks ago. He literally thinks of the Garden as 'his home.'
And he can't find anything interesting to say about it! It's really remarkable.
If you got all that on your first read, congrats; I didn't. The exact chain of events and authority initially just confused me. Like, this exchange says both that NORG sent the order to Martine to carry out an assassination, and that Balamb Garden had nothing to do with the order?
I think it's ultimately pretty simple and, on getting a second read in doing this update, I understand now: Martine and NORG were just playing a game of hot potato with the blame for the assassination. NORG is the Garden Master for Balamb, but he's never been mentioned as Garden Master for Galbadia. Martine is his subordinate and a decoy Garden Master. NORG asked Martine to carry out the assassination so that, if it failed, the blame would fall on Martine and Galbadia Garden, away from NORG and BGU. That's why cat's paws are for, after all. Because NORG seems to hold serious power and influence over the Garden headmasters, Martine couldn't refuse or duck out of that order; however, when we showed up on his doorstep as if delivered by the hand of providence itself, Martine told us the order was on behalf of Cid, so that when we failed and were captured, the sorceress put the blame on Balamb Garden, Cid and NORG, rather than Galbadia Garden and Martine.
Garden Faculty: "In order to do so, we needed to hand over those involved in the assassination of the sorceress. We had to show Balamb Garden's sincerity."
Squall, mentally: "Now where do I start…?"
Garden Faculty: "Answer him quickly. Be concise."
Squall: "..."
Squall, mentally: "(...It's going to be a sad report.)"
Squall: "...We failed to assassinate Sorceress Edea. Confirmation of Headmaster Cid's order was made at Galbadia Garden. After Irvine Kinneas of Galbadia Garden joined our party…"
NORG really did just want to make a norgillion dollars from war profiteering and then people had to bring in 'ancient sorceress lineages' and 'SeeDs should stand for an ideal' and 'nukes homing in on your location as we speak.'
Spoiler alert: It's exactly the one you'd think from the fact that he keeps spamming Water as his main spell.
Headmaster Cid: "You're quite right… She had been a sorceress since childhood. I married her, knowing that. We were happy. We worked together, the two of us. We were very happy."
Headmaster Cid: "One day, Edea began talking about building the Garden and training SeeD. I became obsessed with that plan. But I was very concerned with SeeD's goal, that one day SeeD might fight Edea…"
Headmaster Cid: "She laughed and told me that would never happen. However…" [He trails off.]
Squall: "Are you the one responsible!? Are you the one taking us to that 'dream world'!?"
Ellone: "I'm sorry."
Squall, mentally: "(Not again. So much I don't understand.)"
Squall: "Why me!? I have enough problems as it is! Don't get me involved in this!"
Ellone: "I'm sorry."
God. Okay, I'll admit, Squall lying in bed thinking about how he's totally independent now, only to curl up in fetal position as he admits to himself that he's lying to himself and is lost and confused and just wants to not depend on anyone but doesn't know how to do it, that hits.
Yeah, that's our Squall right there. Abandoned by or having lost the person closest to him, alone in the rain, telling himself and her that he'll be okay. He'll take care of himself.
He'll never depend on anyone.
And then that sentiment twisting itself over the years into what Squall has become now, someone who is pathologically afraid of relying or depending on anyone, completely shutting out others and unable to ever express his feelings, only slowly beginning to open up and connect to his friends.
I'll give him this, Norg may decide to show up for literally just one scene in the game before going "BUJUJUJU I'M FINISHED" like an NES copy of Kid Icarus, but between his theme, his room, and his appearance, he absolutely leaves an impression. This entire sequence is one that I remember a lot better than other parts of the game.
FF also handles the "realistic threat applicable to reality stuff" to "cosmic evil" transition a lot better than other games have at least. Like, it maintains broad themes and tone not too badly most of the time.
Being fair, the one time Fire Emblem did decide to make a game where you could potentially pick a side to deal with all the social and political problems from the point of view of different factions, it's resulted in the FE fandom trying to brutally murder each other over said choices for the last almost five years.I swear there's some joke about how in Fire Emblem it always turns out there's an evil dragon behind everything, and thank goodness for that, because otherwise you might have to deal with all the social and political problems that were major plot points before that.
Being fair, the one time Fire Emblem did decide to make a game where you could potentially pick a side to deal with all the social and political problems from the point of view of different factions, it's resulted in the FE fandom trying to brutally murder each other over said choices for the last almost five years.