Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
GFs and TT cards overlap; I'm going to assume all GFs have a card.

Given the obscure circumstances in which some GFs are acquired, the existence of TT cards for them implies that they aren't unique.
To be fair, obscure schoolboy SeeDs like the player characters also have TT cards, somehow. Assuming they aren't proxying fancy cards with their face on it, the logical conclusion is that TT as we see it is largely a gameplay convenience.
To be fair, obscure schoolboy SeeDs like the player characters also have TT cards, somehow. Assuming they aren't proxying fancy cards with their face on it, the logical conclusion is that TT as we see it is largely a gameplay convenience.
IIRC, most of the character Triple Triad cards tend to at least be in the hands of people somewhat related to said character, so they could have reasonably commissioned it or something. To use examples of the character cards Omi has had available to win so far:
The Quistis card is gotten from any of the Trepies, her fan club
The Zell card is gotten from Zell's mother
The Seifer card is gotten from Cid (slightly more of a stretch than the last two admittedly, but still someone who knows Seifer and supports him)
GF cards are a bit more varied though - the ones you get for beating the GFs in combat make sense, but then there's also stuff like "Rando McJones in Ass End Of The World-Town has a copy of Quezacotl".
GF cards are a bit more varied though - the ones you get for beating the GFs in combat make sense, but then there's also stuff like "Rando McJones in Ass End Of The World-Town has a copy of Quezacotl".
I mean, if we assume that all of the GF cards were originally created when the relative GF was defeated and captured, the Quetzal and Shiva cards could have been obtained by some SeeD years ago, and then lost to some people. That said, due to the Queen of Card's quest creating the previously non-existing card of Doomtrain we know that the GF cards could potentially be commissioned as well, just like the player cards very likely are. The moment it is established that cards can be commissioned, you just need the painter to have seen the creature pictured in them once to justify their existence, and if GF are eternal, paintings of them that people could have been inspired by could be anywhere.
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Imagine someone you know commissioning a card of you and you find out you're a 2 on all sides.
I could absolutely see it lmao

I mean for Gameplay reasons, character cards tend to be the top tier of cards - pretty sure every single one has at least an A somewhere, and usually an 8 or 9 as well. But just picture Zell using his first SeeD salary to commission a Seifer card with 2/2/3/1 and intentionally getting the worst artist he can find
Fun fact about Triple Triad - you can play the game in real life, too!

Japan released physical copies of all the Triple Triad cards. Of course, they're really rare and expensive. So if you ever get lucky and see them at a bargain price at a garage sale or flea market, snap 'em up!
I could absolutely see it lmao

I mean for Gameplay reasons, character cards tend to be the top tier of cards - pretty sure every single one has at least an A somewhere, and usually an 8 or 9 as well. But just picture Zell using his first SeeD salary to commission a Seifer card with 2/2/3/1 and intentionally getting the worst artist he can find

Even the shit cards can get you with Same or Plus in effect.

As I found after losing like 3 rare cards to some goddamn 8-year-old.
Honestly, playing without at least Same active is boring to me; the computer can never have more than one rank 8+ card, while the player can have 5, and that's not a fair match with "only Open" rules. Playing with just Open is less "playing", and more "grinding", to me. Playing with all the rules active, on the other hand, can be a blast, because sometimes finding the right move is truly difficult, especially if you have "Random" for your hand. Mind, that's a terrible way to go hunting for rare cards, but just in terms of enjoying the minigame, "all the rules" is best.
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He could also just... Break the contract, honestly. Obviously SeeD has a reputation to uphold but the Timber Owls are nobody. If Cid tells Squall and the other 'withdraw immediately' just as a Galbadian force is about to overrun the train base, then... Who will even know that SeeD broke their word?

Yeah, I think that's the most likely result of SeeD's contract with the Timber Owls. Given that they're effectively running this contract at a loss, it makes sense that they sent SeeD thete because they believe the Owls will at some point place Squall and co in a position to do something very valuable to Balamb Garden, at which point they will be given new orders that supersede their actual contract, likely with the death of the Owls as witnesses a nice bonus if possible.

Ultimately, I think the Owls are on the fast track to being majorly screwed over by someone in the near future.

But yes; the interference that makes radio communication non-function takes the form of noise, meaning instead of getting nothing at all from radio, you're probably getting creepy garbled static that messages might sometimes come through in part, rather than nothing at all.

And that explains much of my confusion with the radio situation! It also explains things like why Dollet has a massive radio tower - after the interference started, it's unlikely the world just abandoned radio as a technology, and they likely spent some years trying to develop a way around the interference, with Dollet's tower being designed to overpower and punch through the interference. But as time went on with no good solution, your average citizen would eventually give up on the technology and stop trying to find a way around, and eventually governments shelving most of their projects and only keeping some radio equipment around as just in case measures.

As for getting the message out, it's probably public knowledge at this point that Galbadia sued for peace with Dollet with the stipulation that the radio tower stay operational, so every government with an operation on the continent knows that Something id going to happen with that radio tower. It's unlikely Deling's address will make it to every household around the world, but odds are pretty much every government has a team pulling radio equipment out of storage and putting them on standby to see what his play is.

Edit: and I have to imagine there are also some civilian stations and old radio enthusiasts who are getting radios set up to see what's worth all the trouble, though in fewer numbers and not as many off of the Galbadian continent.
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and I have to imagine there are also some civilian stations and old radio enthusiasts who are getting radios set up to see what's worth all the trouble, though in fewer numbers and not as many off of the Galbadian continent.
Not to mention a few crazies who just like to listen to the noise.

And also the crazies with conspiracy theories about the nature of the noise.
I am once again suggesting the target is the moon, a theory that I believe in even more now that Omicron said the moon is also the speculated to be the source of the interference in the first place.

The Owls might think the President's plan is 'talk to everyone on earth' but a. they're the Owls and b. there's gotta be a twist coming.
I am once again suggesting the target is the moon, a theory that I believe in even more now that Omicron said the moon is also the speculated to be the source of the interference in the first place.

Combined with the fact that he had a monster working as his body double and they come from the moon and it's definitely a compelling theory.
I am once again suggesting the target is the moon, a theory that I believe in even more now that Omicron said the moon is also the speculated to be the source of the interference in the first place.

The Owls might think the President's plan is 'talk to everyone on earth' but a. they're the Owls and b. there's gotta be a twist coming.
I did go through the Dollet sequence twice to check if there were any shots in which we could clearly see the Tower in relation to the moon and whether the beam was pointed in its direction.

Sadly I could not confirm either way.
Really, the only thing more wild than the Owls' plan to perform a Train bait-and-switch is that it was apparently anticipated—and accounted for. They didn't go with a couple helicopter equivalents escorting the train as overwatch, didn't worry about rocket attacks or mined railways, didn't even hijack the Owls' own plan by setting up a mannequin and packing the train car with explosives. Instead they got a sentient, shapeshifting undead monster to impersonate the president without (presumably) letting anyone else in the train know about it, to act as a counter-assassination attempt.
Really, the only thing more wild than the Owls' plan to perform a Train bait-and-switch is that it was apparently anticipated—and accounted for. They didn't go with a couple helicopter equivalents escorting the train as overwatch, didn't worry about rocket attacks or mined railways, didn't even hijack the Owls' own plan by setting up a mannequin and packing the train car with explosives. Instead they got a sentient, shapeshifting undead monster to impersonate the president without (presumably) letting anyone else in the train know about it, to act as a counter-assassination attempt.
That may be less a "we expect them to hijack the train" thing and more a "we expect them to try an assassination or kidnapping at some point during the trip to Timber" thing.
I always found it mildly odd that Gerogero seems to personally respect Deling.

Did he like... vote? Does he attend rallies? Does he shitpost on the Galbadian intranet's r/the_Deling forum?

You know, it's kind of impressive to me how forward women are allowed to be in Final Fantasy games. Like, it's not that common in older media, especially Japanese media like this? If we go back to I and II we at least have individual dialogues of women making advances on others and the Lamia Queen's seduction attempt, III ends with Princess Sara confessing her feelings to the leading Warrior of Light, and in IV Rosa is actively trying to get Cecil to get over himself so she can jump his bones. It kinda stopped with V (who didn't really have a romantic arc) and VI (where Celes is more of a blushing damsel towards Locke and Terra is somewhere on the ace-aro spectrum), but in VII it's back with Aerith being very flirtatious and playful with Cloud and taking him on a date, and now in VIII we've had Quistis, the Blue Girl proposing Squall for a dance at the ball, and now Julia inviting Laguna to her room.

It's neat.
Yeah, its neat.

Starting from late teenager into adulthood, I encounter a lot of talks in online space about the misogyny of Japanese media. Many of the accusations are certainly true, but as it happens, my childhood was filled to exposure to Japanese media (anime/manga/games) that happens to be pretty progressive? girl power? women empowering? IDK the right term to apply here, buy you can get the idea.

Its really formative in my conception in gender come to think of it.

On the other side, I also run into things like manga that shows boys cooking and talk about things like 'its not just woman work' or showing pride on it.

So who the fuck is Laguna?

I have no idea. I remember the Laguna sequences (there will be more than one) from playing the game as a kid; I never got to where they explain what the fuck they're about. For twenty years, I've occasionally thought back to FF8 and wondered, what was that? Why those random dreams? Why of that guy in particular? And I never ended up looking up the answer because every time I thought about it I then told myself, "nah, you'll finish FF8 eventually and find out the natural way."

And goddammit, today is that day.
I know that feeling.
Oh good lord it's an entire city built in Art Nouveau style.

For such a clear and outright jump in detail and quality, the choice to make everything look so pretty and artistic is really interesting, but I can't deny I like it. I don't think another mainline FF ever went so far with the modern world that doesn't end up all glass towers and smokestacks with magic.
Looking back like this, FFVIII was really pretty.

Alright ignoring Game Mechanic Neccessities for a moment - Man I really do love Laguna and his bros. In particular, Laguna's Limit Break, Desperado always stuck in my memory for how over the top it is:
Oh yeah. One of the best parts with these guest characters is trying out their limit break. For allegedly being the only thing by which each characters retain mechanical identity, they are really neat.

The best explanation I've seen for this is that they shoved this crap in to serve as fodder to sell game guides, back when those chunky paper things existed.
I think its just for fun. Easter egg kind of things as discovery reward for exploration, or making replays a bit more fun through encountering unexpected minor changes, or for something to share with friends when comparing plays

That sort of things can be problematic when it concerns stuff that can majorly influence gameplay or plot, but when it come to minor scene change like that, I don't think its bad.

It is, in fact, canon to the FFXIV setting that the gunblade predates the gun, and the term "Gunblade" initially came from the contraction of the "Blades of Gunnhildr"; when the Garlean Empire developed projectile-throwing weapons, the gunblade-using nation went "huh, this looks kind of like our gunblades, but without the 'blade'... I'll call it a 'gun!'"
That's odd, because if gunblades predate handheld firearms, I would have expect it to have normal sword grip instead of pistol grip.

... Oh well, this is a series full of improbable weapons and machinery. Maybe its derivative of kukri or something.

This is my Aeris/Aerith moment.

Japan famously does not draw a distinction between the L and R sound, which occasionally leads to oddities in the translation process into and out of Latin languages. In much the same way as Aerith is now officially established as 'Aerith' and the old translation of 'Aeris,' though understandable at the time, retroactively in error, this character is 'Rinoa'... Except in French.

In French, she's Linoa.
Weird, I recall the official romanization has been publicized widely before the game released. With minor characters like Xu, that understandable to happen since Squaresoft unlikely has released a official romaji of names like for the main cast. With FF7, possibly the communication/publication with western market hasn't been properly set yet.

…okay, I was expecting a mandatory fight, but a game over over this seems a little excessive.
IIRC, you can choose 'it's nothing' and the sequence will repeat from beginning, giving you a retry, in exchange of SeeD rank dropping. The game over is for player who want to load for perfect score.
I love this game's FMVs so much. They're so dynamic, so intricate, so pretty. Those trains look absolutely gorgeous, and the sequence that plays as they unhook and the Owls' train sneaks in is just, fantastic stuff.
It was really fun!
If I look at the Forest Owl's "Raider" train base as this setting's equivalent of Trotsky's train, then it all makes perfect sense. Which would make Rinoa… Trotsky???
For the most part, this is a pretty striking and compellingly believable story.
The story has more charm reading as an adult with understanding of politics and history

Anyway this is our 8th FF game so we just pull out a Phoenix Down and instakill it.
This was my first FF. (Well, I played a bit of VII before it I think, but not much) So I just fight it normally. I vaguely recall that there's was a moment much later when I was a bit surprised seeing my friend trivilalize another boss using that trick in his play.

This does imply there is no travel time between Balamb and Dollet, or at least so little travel time that it can be considered negligible. Which might be accurate in gameplay, but that would also make the entire world traversible in around a few minutes on foot (assuming one can walk on oceans).
The 'small size' impression of the world (along with the sparseness) continue to be a bother in my brain.

Hmm. I think forgot to quote it, but the part when Omni talk abotu whether FFVIII will have formulaic approach to the plot. That brings to my mind Trails of Cold Steel, which does have formulaic repetitions to its plot. (the results, eh, its kind of mixed bag).

And then I realize Cold Steel has a number of parallels to FFVIII. It have cool trains. Its also a 'battle school RPG' (though the premise is quite different).

Its kind of funny because Trail of Cold Steel also have some things reminescent of Xenogears.
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That's odd, because if gunblades predate handheld firearms, I would have expect it to have normal sword grip instead of pistol grip.

... Oh well, this is a series full of improbable weapons and machinery. Maybe its derivative of kukri or something.
Pistol grips on swords are a thing in sport fencing.

They probably don't make sense for the massive blades on FF gunblades, but there is precedence. Probably depends on the kind of movements you want to make with the weapon.

The weapons in FF are of course already so large that you need super-human wrist strength to wield them. And the gunblades do need a trigger for their special functions wich would be difficult to integrate into traditional hilts.
SolipsistSerpent said:
Well, Rinoa's room is a luxury cabin. I don't think the rest of the base was. The other, messier and less decorated rooms, were probably for train staff.
And it seems to me a rather odd combination, there. At the very least something uncommon enough that it would itself be unusual that the Owls found it to salvage.

I can't tell if it had a pillow (and I'm not sure if it should) but Squall's cot in the infirmary has a thin blanket or a sheet, so they can do that much.
Squall's bed in his dorm has both a blanket and sheets and I think a line that suggests a pillow but it is hard to tell, so maybe pillows were beyond them? I wouldn't think so given how simple a shape they are and how much detail the rest of the room has, though.
None of those were animated, though, were they? Squall was on top of the beds, both times. Now, admittedly, they still could have modelled those on Rinoa's bed, but I don't think the fact they didn't is a sure sign they wouldn't have been there. And even if their budget were half a shoestring and the whole base was salvaged... well, they salvaged that much, and kept the great big luxury room as a single occupancy luxury room instead of taking the fittings out, selling them, and turning the room into a more functional space, so how hard would it have been for them to also scavenge up a pillow and blanket?

Egleris said:
there's actually an interesting quirk to them that comes up later
...Hm. Apparently another thing I either didn't notice or am not remembering. Well, something more to look forward to finding out (again?), perhaps. :)
I always found it mildly odd that Gerogero seems to personally respect Deling.

Did he like... vote? Does he attend rallies? Does he shitpost on the Galbadian intranet's r/the_Deling forum?
It's very funny and also really fascinating in its implications.

Having checked, in French he has a different line; instead of "Quite amusing though... For being such amateurs...! How dare you insult the President!", he says "Weaklings! This is all that I am given to fight? How insulting!" which is, like, fascinating in a completely different direction; it suggests Gerogero (who in French is named "Ecorché," meaning literally "Skinned Alive" and which I would probably translated as "Flayed One") is like, spoiling for a fight and thinks dealing with us is a waste of his time and abilities. Does this mean he has an actual position in the Galbadian military? He's a mercenary who's seen service before? So many questions!
It's very funny and also really fascinating in its implications.

Having checked, in French he has a different line; instead of "Quite amusing though... For being such amateurs...! How dare you insult the President!", he says "Weaklings! This is all that I am given to fight? How insulting!" which is, like, fascinating in a completely different direction; it suggests Gerogero (who in French is named "Ecorché," meaning literally "Skinned Alive" and which I would probably translated as "Flayed One") is like, spoiling for a fight and thinks dealing with us is a waste of his time and abilities. Does this mean he has an actual position in the Galbadian military? He's a mercenary who's seen service before? So many questions!

Maybe he's a student of another Garden. They don't use GFs, apparently, but they have to keep an edge somehow. Like by using BFs.
And it seems to me a rather odd combination, there. At the very least something uncommon enough that it would itself be unusual that the Owls found it to salvage.
Hmm. Maybe a carriage meant to transport a VIP and their servants? Private luxury coaches were a thing back in the gilded age. You'd have your own personal railroad car and 'hire' a locomotive to pull it where you wanted to go.
I did go through the Dollet sequence twice to check if there were any shots in which we could clearly see the Tower in relation to the moon and whether the beam was pointed in its direction.

Sadly I could not confirm either way.

Given the reflection in the water as the ships approach Dollet, the moon must have been nearly directly overhead at the time (and also, since it was full, pegs the time at about midnight).

However, that doesn't say anything about where it'll be when/if this anticipated broadcast happens.
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