Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
PE is great. Shame the only sequel was basically a knock off RE. (Yes, we're allowed to talk about that -one- with some melancholy about lost opportunities. :p )
Watch it, next Cid is gonna be a serial killer, and the game's gonna insist he's a swell guy, actually.

Cid IX (yes that's his actuall name) is an arrogent noble who cheated on his wife. So not a serial killer but still keeping the douch streak going

h yes, the game set in the alternative timeline where Cloud realised why the dress felt so nice on her and started working as a cop in New York after the game was over.
Oh my gosh Aya Brea does look like Cloud - Hair Gel + HRT, at least in the latter two games. On that note does anyone know of any good trans Cloud Fics?
I've heard supposedly Final Fantasy 7 was considered to take place in New York before anything was really started but have never really found a source for it.

All I know is Aya doesn't get enough love from Square Enix considering the last thing they've done with her was a unit in a mobile game.
i regret to inform you all that at some point after setting up the emulator i am using to run FFVIII i came upon the realization that the entire PSX catalogue is now available to me* and Parasite Eve is actually really fucking cool, damn, not like everyone who ever played that game had promised me that it would be

*technically provided i legally own a physical copy of the game's CDRom of course
Let us know when you get the WH40K Boltgun. Yes, it's entirely possible.
i regret to inform you all that at some point after setting up the emulator i am using to run FFVIII i came upon the realization that the entire PSX catalogue is now available to me* and Parasite Eve is actually really fucking cool,
Perfectly understandable. Do let us know if anything in Parasite Eve looks similar to anything in FFVIII - if I remember correctly, they reused a number of assets between the two games because they were developed around the same time.
Oi. The first Parasite Eve was great, but PE2 was also a banger, RE copycat or not. Hell I possibly played it more than any RE.

The 3rth Birthday will only be mentioned in the Book of Grudges, and nowhere else.
I've heard supposedly Final Fantasy 7 was considered to take place in New York before anything was really started but have never really found a source for it.

All I know is Aya doesn't get enough love from Square Enix considering the last thing they've done with her was a unit in a mobile game.
Wasn't Parasite Eve orignally a concept for FF7, like Xenogears was? I remember hearing that somewhere.
It's certainly true that testosterone appears to make all sorts of things, such as handing over the Destroy-The-World-Button to the thing that wants to destroy the world, seem like a good idea at the time.
1) increases physical strength
2) influences behaviour and thinking, specifically towards more risk-taking behaviour
3) one character finds it empowering and a way of becoming their truest self and proceeds to go everywhere with their bare pecs on display, others find them a foreign presence in their body that they must in some way suppress

I rest my case.
1) increases physical strength
2) influences behaviour and thinking, specifically towards more risk-taking behaviour
3) one character finds it empowering and a way of becoming their truest self and proceeds to go everywhere with their bare pecs on display, others find them a foreign presence in their body that they must in some way suppress

I rest my case.
Broke: Sephiroth was fully subsumed by his 'mother'
Woke: Sephiroth retained his ego despite combining with Jenova
Bespoke: Toxic Transmasc Sephiroth
And probably memories, in the case of Xion. Huh, then I guess you can transition through card games?
In FFXIV, besides alchemists, I guess machinists synthesize and carry hormones in their lunchboxes.
How long it's been since the thread pegged Seph as a transman?

But speaking of, thought:
FF5: Faris has some gender going on.
FF6: Not much gender here.
FF7: Cloud has a bit of gender, here (Seph maybe or maybe not, despite being trans).
FF8: Not much gender (yet).
Conclusion to pattern: will the gender come back at ff9?
Conclusion to pattern: will the gender come back at ff9?
That's a trick question - everything comes back in FFIX, that's part of why it's the best. The only game with more references to what came before in the series is FFXIV, and that one has the double advantage of infinite storage space and a series twice the size to draw from.

...I hope that's not a spoiler? It doesn't seem like one to me (the best one can get out of that is "expect references to show up"), but you never know.
FF5: Faris has some gender going on.
FF6: Not much gender here.
FF7: Cloud has a bit of gender, here (Seph maybe or maybe not, despite being trans).
FF8: Not much gender (yet).
Conclusion to pattern: will the gender come back at ff9?

The real question is, when are we going to get an extra dose of gender to make up for the sheer dearth of it in FF1-4? SE really needs to make up for lost time there smh.
How long it's been since the thread pegged Seph as a transman?

But speaking of, thought:
FF5: Faris has some gender going on.
FF6: Not much gender here.
FF7: Cloud has a bit of gender, here (Seph maybe or maybe not, despite being trans).
FF8: Not much gender (yet).
Conclusion to pattern: will the gender come back at ff9?

Well, FF6 has Terra who (on top of being an asexual allegory) turns into an Esper midway through which could be read as an allegory for gender fluidity.

The real question is, when are we going to get an extra dose of gender to make up for the sheer dearth of it in FF1-4? SE really needs to make up for lost time there smh.

All the Warriors of Light in FFI are Trans, actually.
i regret to inform you all that at some point after setting up the emulator i am using to run FFVIII i came upon the realization that the entire PSX catalogue is now available to me* and Parasite Eve is actually really fucking cool, damn, not like everyone who ever played that game had promised me that it would be

*technically provided i legally own a physical copy of the game's CDRom of course

Random aside here:

While I haven't had as much time to game as I did in those golden teenaged years of yore, if you're a fan of PE gameplay and want something vaguely more modern, I noticed that Supergiant's Transistor kind of sort of emulates it roughly, which was a pleasant surprise when I played it.

It's cool in a different way that PE was, though. If you're enamored with PE because of the vibe, and want to stay in the Final Fantasy bailiwick, you gotta try out Shadow Hearts I especially. (II is not bad either, mechanics better, vibe worse.)
It's like, if you don't go into the game as an adult who's predisposed to think that having children trained as soldiers is bad, if you're a child who regularly consumes stories about teenagers going to magic schools, or fighting to save the world, I think a lot of the inherent sinister aspects of Balamb Garden could just fly over your heard for the longest time. Which I think is a very interesting writing choice.
There's a degree to which the danger teen and younger protagonists will be exposed to by in stories for that age bracket should be approached as a genre conceit. It's a power fantasy for younger people to see people their age doing important and dangerous things. That means that authority figures have to act very stupid and calously from a "realistic" perspective, but that is very much not the intented perspective.
You know I keep coming back to the baffling treatment of Cid this update. The visual language we're seeing here is all pointing to him being a kindly but confused old man, manipulated by forces looking to take advantage of him. I keep joking about him being the grand evil mastermind of this game, but him having pure dreams for the Gardens subverted by others is a natural read.

But at the same time, the game is not at all shying away from what kind of organization Balamb Garden is, and that's not being portrayed as one or two guys in the background. At an institutional level, they're a mercenary organization only in it for money from conflict, with no qualms about leaving a client out to dry if they don't pay enough, and bemoaning how they could have gotten a much higher payday if they'd been called in to a more drawn out slugfest. The game seems fully aware of this, and isn't hiding how from top to bottom Balamb Garden is out for themselves and nothing else.

So like, even if Cid didn't set out to create an organization of superpowered child mercenaries, he's at least partly responsible for the state of affairs, right? He if nothing else opened the door to allow an institution like modern day Balamb Garden to come to be. And I honestly wonder if the game is aware of this and is pulling a bait and switch with his behavior so far, or if they just have a very persistent Cid-shaped blindspot in their portrayal of morality.

I'm almost leaning towards the former, if only because Cid's vague statements about some grand plan keep raising red flags, but given how VII Cid was treated I can't help but be suspicious of the latter.
Broke: Sephiroth was fully subsumed by his 'mother'
Woke: Sephiroth retained his ego despite combining with Jenova
Bespoke: Toxic Transmasc Sephiroth
How long it's been since the thread pegged Seph as a transman?
muttering 'Testo Junkie's Paul B. Preciado as Toxic Transmasc Sephiroth' under my breath like a madman for all three people on this whole forum who would understand these cursed utterances