- Location
- Brittany, France
- Pronouns
- He/Him
The Garden Faculty managing him are suspicious, but honestly Cid doesn't feel innocent himself with his grand plan. "When the time comes…" That's not ominous at all! Do you have any thoughts yet on what his long game is?
Well, it has to involve the moon somehow. And the last Cid was obsessed with a giant rocket meant to go into space, while the Cid before that was the first one to use unholy experiments on Summons to empower a child soldier.
So if we put it all together, Cid Kramer is going to send SeeD to space to conquer the moon. Clearly.
Yes.Oh on the subject of Triple Triad matches, Omi would you be interested in having it pointed out when there's card players around with specific rare cards? Because there's some cards which are one of a kind and can only be won from specific characters... and it can be hard to know which ones, because they don't always play said cards. Heck, there's one in particular you passed by who apparently only has a 10% chance to use theirs in the first place.
Feed me rares. I crave a stronger deck.
It's amazing how much the post-exam dialogue makes me raise an eyebrow or two compared to when I was a kid and just took it all in stride.
It's like, if you don't go into the game as an adult who's predisposed to think that having children trained as soldiers is bad, if you're a child who regularly consumes stories about teenagers going to magic schools, or fighting to save the world, I think a lot of the inherent sinister aspects of Balamb Garden could just fly over your heard for the longest time. Which I think is a very interesting writing choice.
Nope; they're never called by name and their dialogue boxes are unlabeled. I'm not sure why.Minor question to Omicron, as well as anyone else also playing FFVIII and reaching this point: has the Fourth Graduate been named yet? The script site I'm using does name them, ie gives them a label for their dialogue boxes, at this point in the story. I'm largely curious if it's somehow only in the Japanese script, or if the character's name has been shown.
Right, the crater.![]()
Although in-universe that opportunity seems to be missed, I love what this shot retroactively symbolically implies now that we know this; SeeD are monsters, descending upon Dollet.
Also huh. Hm. Uh. That... sure is a crater right there. Ah well, I'm sure it won't be important.
I hadn't noticed it until the Lunar Cry informational entry confirmed to me that the Moon was somehow involved in the plot, at which point when going over the screenshots to pick a moon picture I very much noticed it.
Which... Given that I've played FFXIV, was enough for me to start connecting dots.
The following isn't spoilers, merely speculation, but it's speculation based on FFXIV's story and its inclination to draw on past games for plot references, so I'm going to spoiler it:
I think we might be looking at a Zodiark scenario in which Hyne, whatever its true nature, has half of its body imprisoned in that crater on the moon, and that's where the Lunar Cry/monsters are coming from, and where we're going to have to go to stab it and end the monster threat in the endgame.
It's not just just that.
The radio system collapsed 17 years ago.
Squall is 17 years old.
The minimum age of enrollment in a Garden is 5, and Balamb Garden was founded 12 years ago. 12+5= 17.
Given how writers typically go for round numbers, that seems like a pretty excessive set of coincidences.
(those observations are mine and were in no way stolen from @ZerbanDaGreat on Discord)
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