Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Finished: Final Fantasy Tactics]

For some reason I have a very distinct memory of the airship in the old subs of the movie I watched way back in the day being called the Sfida and not the Shera. No idea why that could be...

EDIT: Apparently it's the name of an airship in Baten Kaitos: Origins so maybe I'm just losing my mind.
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It would be a funny bit (to me) if Cloud ended up in the Half-Dead White Room one time to find his headmate, Zack licking the godhood from between Aeri[ ]'s thighs. :V
out of curiosity, any particular reason you're routinely calling AC a game?

Man, but the movie really wants us to know what a fuckboy Cid is.

Cid. You named your ship. The Shera.

Do you figure the Shera has finally killed Shera and got her name in commiseration?

All the Avalanche members wear a red ribbon. Because it's meant to be a tribute to Aerith, who wore a red ribbon in her hair. Obviously.

See, Omi, the canon party got all the Ribbons in the game, unlike someone I could name.

And on that note, once more with feeling, for the last time:
Cid. You named your ship. The Shera.

I'm not even going to question these two's relationship at this stage. Maybe we were meant to take Cid's protests and abusive behavior as them really being in a weird couple dynamic after all. Maybe he forgave her and they became an item after she saved us from the rocket. Maybe in the two years since the game, she finally got her wish to be incinerated in a blaze of nuclear hellfire and he honored her memory by naming the ship after her. Who knows.
Look, I can appreciate an inherently dysfunctional couple that will inevitably end in homicide as much as the next guy, but when people say they like to ship these two characters, this isn't what they mean!

Man, I am discovering things about myself today.
So you're saying that Advent Children is directly responsible for not just RWBY, but Number None as well?

... Yeah, I don't think this surprised anyone.

Cloud, inspired by Zack, stands up, leaps after Sephiroth, and declares that he pities him - Sephiroth doesn't understand there isn't a single thing he doesn't cherish.
The shippers in the audience may note that Cloud saying the "has nothing he doesn't cherish" must by necessity include Sephiroth as well.

Do with this information whatever you please.
I've been behind this thread for quite a while, and it happens with backlogged things, I keep avoiding to catch up because there's a lot to catch up leading to even longer backlog to catch up. But when I saw 'FF7 Special: Advent Children' I just had to look. Glad I did LOL. Omicron rants still don't disappoint :D

All problems aside, I love AC. Reading this review, even while Omi explanosited the issues with AC to which I was 'hmm, mmm, that's valid', I can't resist having goofy smile at the screenshots and the memory it brings. Also, I genuinely like that ending.

I feel like watching the movie again actually.

Random thought: did they named the sequel Advent Children (AC) because they want to make it cool? :V

Anyway, waiting for FF8. Actually the first FF I invest significant time playing ... and in all honestly, the only one that I've send the ending through actual game (and even that was actually largely my friend's playing with me sideseating)
I, knowing nothing of 8 except Junction System and Triple Triad memes, along with it being the first to attempt what I call the Sky+Sword cargo cult, am very excited to see where this goes.
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For all those people commenting on how 'young' Cid looks: he's 34 here. The man's not even close to middle aged; his 'grizzled dickhead' act is exactly as much of an act as every over-cynical 20-something's you've ever met. He's the same age I am.

If anything, the guy looks too old, mostly because he's a smoker!
Also, at one point during this whole shebang, Denzel has a scene in which he sees one of the Shadow Monsters attack people, and he takes his courage in hand and grabs a crowbar and uses it to hit a fire hydrant, which sends out a spray of water which knocks over and completely disables the monster, revealing a weakness to water that matters somehow, and completing something about Denzel's character arc or whatever. Who cares..
Literally no one. They should have axed every scene of the kid except the part where he's kidnapped in the van and later rescued and had him just be a nameless street urchin.

I have mixed feelings about Advent Children, but overall I think I come negative. I liked Sephiroth's voice acting, his line about taking the planet as his space ship, I liked some of the fight scenes a lot (but not all of them) and ... that's it as far as positives go. Oh wait, Cloud being a deliveryman was a little clever. Now that's it. The Negatives list is a lot longer, including Cloud's character backslide, Tifa losing that fight, the way it treats Aerith, and even stretches of the film being actually kind of boring, if I remember right, just to name a few. But I only watched it once when it was new, so maybe it'd be better on a rewatch. The fact I've never felt like doing that is damning enough, though.

I also feel like it relies way too much on nostalgia for the game, while not even taking advantage of that nostalgia in a good way other than with Sephiroth, oddly. He's realized here in a way most of the other characters aren't. Cloud almost is, too, but suffers from the character backslide. Practically everyone else felt like a cameo. Vincent and Yuffie were at least good cameos, I suppose.
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Stands up from his wheelchair, dramatically tossing his cloak away, revealing that he is both physically almost completely fine and that he has been holding the container with Jenova's head in it the entire fucking time.

The whole movie.

It was right there.

Just under his cloak.
"A good son would have known."

For a movie with lackluster character work, this is a scene that shows us the writers are at least capable of some genuinely great comedy. Does it make sense that Rufus is not only alive, but largely uninjured? No, but screw it, it's worth it for this moment.

And then that cheeky brat just tosses the Jenova box over the side of the building, to Kadaj's horror and fury.

The thing that gets me is how thoughtless the throw is. He's not yeeting it at full to get it away from Kadaj, he's not throwing it away in disgust, he just idly drops it over to the side, as if he isn't even paying it attention.

Sephiroth: "What I want, Cloud, is to sail the darkness of the cosmos with this planet as my vessel, just as my mother did long ago. Then one day we'll find a new Planet, and on its soil we'll create a shining future."

We are firmly in "Sephiroth is and has always been the one in control and he speaks of Jenova as someone dead, but he's also absorbed her motivation for his own" territory here. Just as Jenova once crossed space in a meteor, he wants to sail across infinity on this planet, until he finds a Promised Land of his own.

It's funny, because my read of this is the opposite. It's yet more 'Sephiroth thinks he has subsumed Jenova, and is allowed this delusion because it doesn't matter' Jenova emulating Sephiroth.exe as you have discussed. Jenova as the Thing travelling from planet to planet subsuming all life, propagating like a virus. And what is Sephiroth's ambition here? Why, by some strange coincidence it's to do exactly what Jenova wants to do.
I also feel like it relies way too much on nostalgia for the game, while not even taking advantage of that nostalgia in a good way other than with Sephiroth, oddly. He's realized here in a way most of the other characters aren't.
I suppose the writers were consistent with him being aware he's just there for fanservice. Shout out to Dissidia, where he literally refers to messing with and fighting Cloud not as something he's even passionate about anymore, but something he does to "fulfill an obligation".
"A good son would have known."
... I had thoughts about what I was reading (barring the supposed shiny visuals). Until I got here. Memories got fuzzy for a moment, but I remember a distinctive and furious storm of "fuck yous" directed at the general direction of the film and the creators. This unintellectual climatology didn't get better as I kept reading. And that bit about Rufus? Not his own reveal but the box. I don't think I've ever heard of a movie being so actively and brainless dumb for no reason at all.

Screw this crap. Screw the whole thing most vigorously and hatefully. And that's the most polite and concise that I got to say.

Having not bothered to ever watch AC, based entirely on this review, I'm pretty sure that Spirits Within was not only a better movie, but quite possibly a better Final Fantasy story, as well.

That is kind of impressive, actually.
I still remember when everyone made a sport of putting SW down while jerking off to AC. There's no justice in this universe.
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Okay but imagine the scene immediately before we meet Rufus:

"Boss, some probably-ex-soldier weirdos are tearing a path of destruction here for that box you keep in your desk. You've got like, 2 minutes, tops."


"...Get my old wheelchair, and a blanket."
Having not bothered to ever watch AC, based entirely on this review, I'm pretty sure that Spirits Within was not only a better movie, but quite possibly a better Final Fantasy story, as well.
Having seen Spirits Within in theaters (and having bought the original Advent Children when it first came out), I disagree; they're equally bad, only Spirits Within didn't have any nostalgia cameo and any good-looking fight. The plot of Spirits Within is, admittedly, slightly more coherent, but it's still a bad movie, and unlike Advent Children, it's also boring. Advent Children's spectacle isn't much, but at least it's there, whereas Spirit Within doesn't even has that.

Does it make sense that Rufus is not only alive, but largely uninjured? No, but screw it, it's worth it for this moment.
I disagree; we could have had the same scene with Reeve, who would have both made more sense AND have been more in character doing something like that, and it'd have been better, while also giving one of the members of the team a way to have an important role and more screen-time.

Honestly, it's not hard to think of ways to keep the few good things Advent Children managed to offer while making a much better movie that also holds fidelity with the original game, but to do that, they'd have had to let go of a lot of the nostalgia they wanted to include. I could see ways that Sephiroth could have still been in it, in a fashion (Hojo is the source of all evil, he'd have been the perfect justification for any nonsense they wanted to include), but not Aerith, nor keeping up the "love triangle", nor making Midgar the centerpiece of the action, because none of that would have been faithful to the plot of Final Fantasy VII. And that's why the movie is what it is: a disappointment.
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Keeping Zack and Aerith without making them ghost gods is easy: have them appear in Motivational Flashbacks where Cloud recalls something one of 'em said when he's on the ropes to motivate his second wind.
I suppose the writers were consistent with him being aware he's just there for fanservice. Shout out to Dissidia, where he literally refers to messing with and fighting Cloud not as something he's even passionate about anymore, but something he does to "fulfill an obligation".
It's gotta suck wanting to be a god but knowing you're a ratings stunt.
This is a recurring motif across the movie. It is never explained; there is just a wolf that shows up sometimes, always around Cloud-related stuff, like here, the Buster Sword planted on what is presumably the hill Zack died on and his sword is now being used as a tombstone.

I think some writers shouldn't be allowed to use visual metaphors. If you say "How can I show my audience that my main character is a lone wolf? I know, I'm going to put a literal lone wolf on screen," you should go to writer jail for ten thousand years.

At risk of quoting myself,

Zack's nickname is Puppy.

Well done Omi, 5/5 stars

In Crisis Core, Zack is referred to as Zack the puppy by his mentor. And over the course of the game he matures into (dare I say it) a Wolf.

I think it is kind of a reverse of your take, that no matter how alone Cloud thinks he is, he always has people that are with him, even if he refuses to acknowledge them.
the Cerberus is absolutely hilarious, because you might wonder "how would a triple-barrel revolver work"?

This is the best gun of all time, I am officially no longer a Sword Guy, this has converted me to revolvers
Coward. You should do Crisis Core next and then lead directly into Rebirth
buy me a ps5

I must admit - because I would be a liar if I didn't - that for all the criticisms leveled at FFVIIAC

for all the very fair, valid, and well-earned criticisms of this movie

I must admit that they all fade away for a few seconds as the Turks theme plays and we hear the lines "if nothing else it's...flashy." and "Looks like today we're clocking out early."

...and if this film had any guts at all those would be Reno and Rude's last lines because that would be the peak of all peaks for them to go out on.
I genuinely had to rewind that scene like three times trying to figure out if I was supposed to read those lines and the weird cuts following it as meant to suggest Reno and Rude blew themselves up alongside Loz and Yazoo, because it seemed like the implication? But no, they're fine.

A baffling directing decision.

I liked this rant better when it was about The Empire Strikes Back :p

Having not bothered to ever watch AC, based entirely on this review, I'm pretty sure that Spirits Within was not only a better movie, but quite possibly a better Final Fantasy story, as well.

That is kind of impressive, actually.

Spirits Within premiere: July 2, 2001
FFX release date: July 19, 2001

Alright. After FFIX and before we move to FFX, we will do a Spirits Within Special Feature.

I apologize to everyone, but some suffering is necessary.

out of curiosity, any particular reason you're routinely calling AC a game?
Yes: I have been writing several hundred thousand words about video game and have never done a movie Let's Watch before, so my brain keeps struggling to adjust with the fact that I'm talking about a movie, not a game. And occasionally overcorrecting and referring to FF7, the game, as a movie. It's annoying.

I'll buy you a PS2 and a copy of Dirge of Cerberus, fucker, don't you test me.


Spirits Within premiere: July 2, 2001
FFX release date: July 19, 2001

Alright. After FFIX and before we move to FFX, we will do a Spirits Within Special Feature.

I apologize to everyone, but some suffering is necessary.

Y'all about to realise that there's a difference between the kind of mid that's the result of peak fiction+abyss fiction and the kind of mid where you live in Purgatory's waiting room for 106 minutes. The main difference is that Spirits Within is where Bioware stole Mass Effect's entire aesthetic from.