Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Between Rufus being the cool repentant antihero playing the villains for chumps, and the Turk's all being 30+ years old but looking like 19 year old supermodels doing charming kooky pratfalls, I like to imagine AC is some sort of in-universe movie portraying real events that was heavily bankrolled by Rufus as a PR fluff piece.
Cloud is… remarkably unsurprised by Sephiroth's reappearance, even considering that it's been raised as a threat during the movie. He doesn't bother with any 'that's impossible!'s or 'How!'s, his first reaction is a frown and asking "Sephiroth! What do you want?" Like most of us, he's read ahead on the script and knew this was inevitable, but it's honestly kind of funny how he seems more mildly annoyed than anything at this world-threatening new development.
I'd like to think this is the third or fourth time over the last two years that Sephiroth has self resurrected, so the shock and awe is fading. Now it's just that Spongebob meme:

How Many Times Do We Have to Teach You This Lesson, Old Man?

This movie just introduced True Resurrection to the FF7 setting. You can literally just disintegrate someone and if the plot doesn't want them to stay dead, they'll fucking materialize out of the Lifestream.
Glad to see Final Fantasy staying true to its Dungeons & Dragons roots.
I know almost nothing about FF as a whole, and am not going to bother exploring it. Would you mind telling me who you are referring to here either via spoiler'd text or direct message, please?
I mean, if you are following the thread along, you'll learn all you need to know from just reading about the game as Omicron plays it, and I'd rather not spoil that. Also, my opinion is not necessarily mainstream - in fact I seem to often have very unpopular opinions. So, take my heartfelt belief on villain superiority with whatever size of salt you feel necessary.

If you still want to know, the spoiler thread already contains both my answer and the reasoning behind that judgment, so you can just backtrack a few pages there to check it out.
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At the end of the chase, Rude and Reno ambush Loz and Yazoo using timed explosives, blowing them up and taking them out of the picture (for now), allowing Cloud to pursue Kadaj unimpeded. And with this begins the last stretch of the movie.

I must admit - because I would be a liar if I didn't - that for all the criticisms leveled at FFVIIAC

for all the very fair, valid, and well-earned criticisms of this movie

I must admit that they all fade away for a few seconds as the Turks theme plays and we hear the lines "if nothing else it's...flashy." and "Looks like today we're clocking out early."

...and if this film had any guts at all those would be Reno and Rude's last lines because that would be the peak of all peaks for them to go out on.
Between Rufus being the cool repentant antihero playing the villains for chumps, and the Turk's all being 30+ years old but looking like 19 year old supermodels doing charming kooky pratfalls, I like to imagine AC is some sort of in-universe movie portraying real events that was heavily bankrolled by Rufus as a PR fluff piece.
Nonsense, outside of the movie he was dead. No, it was bankrolled by Reno, Rude, and Elena, who with Reeve having left to work with Avalanche are the heirs to the Shin-Ra fortune as the highest ranked employees still on the bankroll software.
Advent Children largely sins by taking clichés that the game had avoided and executing them anyway, making the story less novel, less hard-hitting, less interesting.

Probably the main reason FF7: Air Conditioner doesn't feel right as a sequel. For a game that was all about subverting conventions and expectations, if to varying degrees of success, AC plays way too much straight (Kadaj's characterisation being maybe the one exception) and does what's most obvious. Which in itself isn't a bad thing, but doesn't fit in at all with the storytelling style FF7 previously established.
Just makes it having the same writers and director even weirder
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I mean, if you are following the thread along, you'll learn all you need to know from just reading about the game as Omicron plays it, and I'd rather not spoil that. Also, my opinion is not necessarily mainstream - in fact I seem to often have very unpopular opinions. So, take my heartfelt belief on villain superiority with whatever size of salt you feel necessary.

If you still want to know, the spoiler thread already contains both my answer and the reasoning behind that judgment, so you can just backtrack a few pages there to check it out.
look I'm drunk and while I've got this thread on my watched list, it kinda fell into my 'read later' mental list two games ago. Would you mind giving me a link to the posts in question? I'm curious, but not enough to actually hunt those down.

That aside, your mentioning of the fact that your opinion on this matter is not waht you consider to be mainstream is appreciated, and I feel it speaks well of you that you stated such. Thank you for doing so.
Probably the main reason FF7: Air Conditioner doesn't feel right as a sequel. For a game that was all about subverting conventions and expectations, if to varying degrees of success, AC plays way too much straight and does what's most obvious (Kadaj's characterisation being maybe the one exception). Which makes it having the same writers and director even weirder
Just because a writer can land on gold one time in one particular set of circumstances doesn't mean everything they churn out will be gold, particularly when there's a mandate to cash in as much as possible. Hell, the whole plot of Remake was basically about the tension between the demands that everything be the same for the sake of fanservice dollars and the writers' desire to tell a new story, and you don't get a plot about that tension if the writers haven't been feeling pulled between those two for quite a while.
Omicron said:
But then! I saw this! And I thought to myself, of course! The fact that Tifa and Cloud both wear a red ribbon tied around their arms represents the East Asian red thread of fate which mythically connects those who are bound to meet and fall in love! It's a subtle, implicit indication of their status as a couple!

Look at Yuffie's arm.
No, wait, we can still make this work.

See, this is clearly denoting that Yuffie was the runner up in the Cloud Bowl and her being also tied with the Red String of Fate just means that Yuffie is also
All the Avalanche members wear a red ribbon. Because it's meant to be a tribute to Aerith, who wore a red ribbon in her hair. Obviously.
Oh, nevermind.
Sometimes you can just way overthink things.
I said nevermind!
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Well, if there is one thing Square realized from Kingdom Hearts, it's that Sephiroth looks awesome with a single, black wing. Because that aesthetic feature was only created for Kingdom Hearts 1.
Just because a writer can land on gold one time in one particular set of circumstances doesn't mean everything they churn out will be gold

I get that, it's more 'how do you miss the point of your own story?' that I was trying to say. And yeah, pressures to please the fans will do that.

Of course, writers missing the appeal of their own stories is sadly not unheard of, the Star Wars Special Editions being the obvious example
That's right. This is the movie's big Avengers Assemble moment, where every member of the original party (...minus Aerith, of course) comes back together to fight the one apocalyptic threat to the city.

Minus Aerith

Good one, Omi

Cid is lacking his trademark cigarette, probably for reasons of child-friendly ratings - I get why this happens, but for some characters it really ruins the vibe.
Is it just me, or does Cid look a lot younger here?
Yuffie just ran vertically up the incline of that building, backflipped off it, and threw her Shuriken mid-flip.
Best Ninja Girl just doin' Ninja Things
This is still better than Cait Sith, who doesn't do anything. That's not me making fun of the character, as far as I can tell he literally doesn't do anything in the entire fight except ride on Nanaki's back. He has no Materia to cast spells from and he's not piloting a Moogle and he doesn't have a Megaphone, so he is literally just There, not doing shit. Neither does Tifa, though she at least has the fig leaf of being busy first seeing Denzel to safety and then approaching Cloud, so she arrives late to the party.
Also, Tifa did get her dope church fight earlier in the movie at least. Might as well give everyone else their chance to shine. ...Well, a chance to shine, some of them clearly didn't make much of that chance.
Rufus Shinra. A character who definitely died in the last movie, whose survival and inexplicable continued leadership of Shinra is an absolute ass-pull/retcon that makes a mockery of the plot of the original game, but who at least, at the very least, was thoroughly crippled by the Diamond Weapon's attack. Who has spent all movie doing a Hannibal/Will Graham routine with Kadaj, just sitting in his wheelchair being pushed around by the movie's main antagonist, exchanging philosophical quandaries and barbs and arguing about humanity and history. From whom Kadaj has been trying to extract the hidden location of Jenova's head using various forms of threat and coercion while clearly enjoying their conversation and feeling in total control of the situation. This Rufus.

Stands up from his wheelchair, dramatically tossing his cloak away, revealing that he is both physically almost completely fine and that he has been holding the container with Jenova's head in it the entire fucking time.

The whole movie.

It was right there.

Just under his cloak.

"A good son would have known."

This is the funniest beat of all time, I knew it was coming and I still literally laughed out loud when it happened. Absolute peak.
I forgive Rufus for literally everything, he is now the best character in all of Final Fantasy VII, No Notes.
Aerith's spirit appears to give Cloud his last boost. OF COURSE SHE DOES. IT'S THAT KIND OF MOVIE.

I can't even be mad. I did experience A Feeling when this happened. This entire climbing scene is the epitome of "it's so cool, but it's so dumb, but it's so cool, but it's so dumb."
As someone who's just finished up watching someone play through the entire DMC series, boy do I understand that feeling.
Now, I thought I had a really clever take on this. You see, this whole time, the movie has been incredibly evasive around the topic of Tifa and Cloud's relationship. Are they friends? Are they a couple? The closest we get to 'couple' language is a refutation, when Tifa says they aren't a real family. Sure, they live together, but in the same way Tifa and Barret used to live together, they have their offices in the same building. The movie is conspicuously refusing to follow up on the implications of the original game, and Tifa and Cloud never act romantically towards one another.

But then! I saw this! And I thought to myself, of course! The fact that Tifa and Cloud both wear a red ribbon tied around their arms represents the East Asian red thread of fate which mythically connects those who are bound to meet and fall in love! It's a subtle, implicit indication of their status as a couple!
Honestly having not seen the movie in like 20 years, when you mentioned the red ribbon in Part 1 I just figured that's exactly what it was.
Look at Yuffie's arm.

All the Avalanche members wear a red ribbon. Because it's meant to be a tribute to Aerith, who wore a red ribbon in her hair. Obviously.

Sometimes you can just way overthink things.
But nope, apparently we don't get that level of subtle symbolism, we are LONE WOLF SHOW WOLF tier in this movie.
Cloud driving the shit over Aerith's flowers, what the hell man
Eh, those random kids from the slums will take care of it, I'm sure.
This is sudden and mildly confusing, until Cloud hears Aerith's voice again telling him "Let's go, Cloud," so I guess she is actively guiding the Lifestream to help him fight the new threat to the Planet.

Man. Aerith really did graduate to the Galuf style of Force Ghost since the end of FF7.
Psh, Galuf got nothing on AC Aerith. He did, what, a single "GATHER YOUR POWER WARRIORS OF LIGHT" scene towards the end of the game?

You tell 'em, girl.
Yuffie confirming, once again, that she is Best Girl.
Well, first off, Sephiroth knocks Cloud away with a swat of Masamune and takes to higher ground, flying off and drifting down, and then starts monologuing.
...Yeah. Yeah, sounds like post-FF7 Sephiroth in a nutshell.
Then, a single black wing emerges from Sephiroth's back.

Because he's the One-Winged Angel. Get it?
I would lie if I pretended I didn't think this is absolutely sick.
...yeah. Yeah, it is pretty sick.
Everyone has to come back, multiple times.
...No one's ever really gone...
If 0-2 had Sephiroth malding so hard for five years straight, I can only imagine what he's like at this point.

It's Aerith. Of course.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szc5Y4okQXg
Aerith is God now, isn't she.

That's what all this has been about. They took that one last shot from FF7 where Aerith is implied to have guided the voices of the Lifestream to support Holy, and they made that into Aerith is the voice of the Lifestream. She can always just show up. She talks to people. She soothes them in their dying moments. She personally, physically lifts them up into the afterlife.

The emotional cornerstone of FF7 was her brutal, uncompromising death which was explicitly not a sacrifice and which denied everyone closure leaving them to make their own peace with her passing and moving on while retaining their ow grief, AND THE MOVIE MADE HER INTO THE FUCKING VIRGIN MARY.
Fuck you, Advent Children!
It truly is one hell of a baffling move coming from the same people who wrote FFVII in the first place, to go from "brutal death that cuts her life short and we never see her again beyond a brief ending flash", to "lmao lifestream surfin 4 life basically just planet god now bai". I wonder how much that and Sephiroth are actually the writer's intentions... and how much is the overhead corporate or whatever going "Bring back familiar faces need MONEY".
Also - and this was pointed to me by @ZerbanDaGreat, I cannot claim credit for this observation, but the Complete version of the fight fucks up the soundtrack. FF7:AC uses a special orchestration of One-Winged Angel which is synched with the fight. This means that the rock instrumental section ends when Cloud is stabbed in the shoulder, followed by the rising strings while Sephiroth taunts him, then the swelling orchestral movement as Cloud sees everyone he's fighting for, the choir resumes when Cloud gives his answer and chases after Sephiroth, the first "SE-PHI-ROTH!" rings out as Cloud comes in with the final Omnislash blow and Sephiroth stares up in shock that he's about to lose, and the second "SE-PHI-ROTH!" hits when Cloud stands up from the ground and grabs his sword on the descent, and the final rising part and the third and last "SE-PHI-ROTH!" come in when Sephiroth looks down and says he'll never be a memory, his wing appearing and closing and he vanishes. It's perfectly timed.

Meanwhile, the Complete version of the fight has to drag things out with a middle part of instrumentals and a couple of muted "Se-phi-roth!"s when his wings show up, while not having a particularly impressive accompaniment on the rising multislash, then OWA completely cuts off for the Zack vision, kicking up at the chorus when Cloud jumps for the Omnislash, the first "SE-PHI-ROTH!" hits correctly during the first hit of Omnislash, the second one hits in the middle of the general rush, and the third and final one hits when Cloud raises his hand to pick up his sword, leaving a generic instrumental background track to play during Sephiroth's "I will never be a memory."

It's off, is what it is.
Damn, we really lost out on "perfectly synced to the music" fight scene? That's one of my favorite kinds of cool fight scenes.




Omi, do you need a Snickers? You sound like you need a Snickers.
Congratulations on completing your character arc a second time, Cloud. Congratulations on reaching the same point you'd reached in the original game and making the same realization you already had.
On one hand, backsliding is a totally realistic thing to have happen to people, even after lifeshattering revelations and new stones unturned.

On the other hand, it basically always feels like absolute goddamn garbage to happen to a character from a once completed piece of media. Whether that be Cloud going Depresso mode, or the Star Wars sequels going "Lmao Han forever smuggler man, haha how about Island Hobo Luke Skywalker", it just leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
Even the bad guys aren't dead for good. Rufus was cool, right? And the Turks were funny? So they're both here and they're still corporate people doing corporate stuff but for a good cause now.
I mean I'll give the Turks - if you did all the sidequesting in FFVII (which tends to be the default assumption for sequels), then you had the option to let them live, and I could probably see them joining back up with new reformed Shinra under Reeve.

You know. Reeve. The last executive left after FFVII. Because Rufus, like the rest, was fuckin' DEAD.

Coward. You should do Crisis Core next and then lead directly into Rebirth, make Final Fantasy 7 last two years. No one's ever really gone.
What, not even suggesting Omi has to play every single game that has even a hint of FFVII in it? Where's my full Kingdom Hearts series playthrough, and Dissidia, and Theatrhythm?
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What, not even suggesting Omi has to play every single game that has even a hint of FFVII in it? Where's my full Kingdom Hearts series playthrough, and Dissidia, and Theatrhythm?

Xenogears was name dropped by Could in FF7, and that game has a poster on a wall that has Tifa on it. It's the natural next step.

It also does a lot of really really hilarious things plot wise, considering some of the points/issues raised in this lets play. Really funny shit.
Kadaj races ahead. Cloud is after him, but Loz and Yazoo catch up and run interception, forcing him to fight them first while the Turks follow with an armed chopper. What follows is five minutes of pure unfiltered action. I have called the first motorcycle fight in the movie 'proof of concept,' and if it was, then this is the final form, the apex of the 'dudes with swords and guns on motorbikes fight each other' scene.

Well hell, now I know where the inspiration for that highway fight scene in Red Vs Blue came from.
I saw the original version, not the complete, I can confirm.
I also think it's safe to say this movie helped solidify my notion of what cool is, as well.
As if me playing around with Sephiroth's last line in the movie didn't make that obvious.
But the question am I one of those writers who overuses lone wolves?
Edit: Ok. finished the review. Yeah.
AC was actively bad on multiple important non-fight levels.

I agree.
Tifa: "...think of the strength we all had when we fought that last battle. It's only been a couple years… but already that feeling is gone. But Cloud, I think he's found it again."
I'm just. This is such a fascinating way to connect game mechanics to the narrative. Literally just say that everyone lost their power in this time of peace.
Put your hand in front of your mouth and say it with me: "Peace has cost you your strength! Victory has defeated you!"
Clean Swordplay, Godlike Power, and Weightless Bullshit. The fight moves frequently between each to keep it fresh, but what the animators didn't realize, drunk on 2005 CGI power as they were, is that the third component drags the other two down.
Someday I'd like to find a comparison between Gundam CQB and Hollywood weightless bullshit, since Gundam fights can be literally zero-g, and not a lot of sci-fi franchises have zero-g fights with melee weapons. Gundam, at least, sometimes has the sense to zoom out, and has the advantage of being able to show glowy thrusters moving the characters around instead of invisible wind magic. I bet modern CGI could do something interesting with wind magic weightless bullshit fights in a dust cloud with vortexes and shit, here's hoping the live action Avatar doesn't suck.
Gundam SEED is a major offender; like half that show's fights are midair clusterfucks without any sense of place
I swear I composed the above before I read this. Good to know, btw, I keep wondering if I should try SEED.
the Complete version of the fight fucks up the soundtrack.
I liked this rant better when it was about The Empire Strikes Back :p
Sephiroth and Musk parallel rising

Wew, I successfully suppressed it.
Yeah, same.
Ridiculous. The Fifth Act can never compare to the actual best fic in the Final Fantasy VII fandom...

Sephiroth goes to McDonald's.
I started to read this, asked myself, was this written after 2020? It feels like plaguefic. And then I see, May of 2020. The absolute perfect time. This author was craving a trip to the golden arches and had to get it out in this format. Absolutely incredible.
But Tifa, who is the lead female role in the movie and has one whole fight scene for herself, has gloves. Not, like, any of the special weapon-gloves she has in the games, literally just leather gloves. And it fits her aesthetic, don't get me wrong, but she's really getting screwed over in the weapon upgrade department compared to Cloud or Barret.
Tifa: "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power."