Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.

This is not a strategy I would have figured out myself, I'll be straight with you about that. I pulled it off the Internet. It is based on two factors:

  1. Ruby Weapon is vulnerable to paralysis, although that paralysis wears off quickly.
  2. Miming a command does not consume resources, including Summon casts.

Back in the day when I was ignoring school homework, I figured out this combo through long trial and error. I actually was using W-item to use one of those combat items that causes paralysis (Figuring I might as well try something after I used my elixir) which lead me down the hades-hole.
Before that I was trying to mime Quadra-magic Bahamut-ZERO, which is much much slower and prone to failure.

Really, Mime is the key part of the combo that requires grinding more then anything. If you haven't been leveling it for prep for the end game it'll still take awhile even with a triple-growth weapon, but the rewards from Emerald weapon are actually worth the pain and suffering to beat it, and would have made ruby weapon a lot easier to beat. The advice is typically to go for Emerald before Ruby.

With that said, the ruby reward is pretty useless. Even for racing the stats are almost always worse then the golden chocobo you basically needed to get to beat ruby anyways.

The alternate method to get the reward from the emerald weapon is something I never actually managed to do, even with hundreds of hours of wasting time ignoring homework, for context.

But you don't need it to beat the game, obviously, and like the ruby weapon there's no plot or story details hidden behind the superbosses.
So when I was little, a friend of my older brother lemme play FF7 and get to the final boss.

Only I had to get through the North Cave first.

I got very lost, was shown KOTR and told to spam it, but I think I started poking around the summon list and trying other things, ran out of MP, and thanks to aforementioned getting lost, didn't make it to Sephiroth.

I remember those gargoyles though! I got in the habit of running away because they don't do anything so why fight them?
Joey and his black chocobo Teioh

Hey folks, guess what? It's time for some pointless 90s trivia!

The unbeatable black Chocobo "Teioh" here is probably a reference to Tokai Teio, a champion racehorse from the 90s. Famous for his miraculous comeback after multiple injuries, Tokai Teio was a five-time champion and big-time fan favorite.

He was also the inspiration for a character in an anime featuring anthropomorphic horse girls who run races and then do idol concerts at the end. If you want to learn more about the actual racehorse via Google, the correct search is "Tokai Teio horse".

You're welcome.
Ruby is definitely the easier of the two super WEAPONS precisely because of that cheese strategy.

Other than that, you found the Master Tonberry which was a wild thing to experience as a stupid kid who had never played a Final Fantasy game before. This harmless looking creature slowly wandering towards you, even a little kid figures it's bad news, right? Definitely shouldn't let it get close. So, you load up a bunch of attacks at once and... oh dear! Everyone's Grudge just slammed into your party.

So yeah, Master Tonberry's for a while were just, "Run the fuck away," as a general response.
…Proud Clod???

Did they just… recover the scrap from the blown up mech in Midgar and put it back on solely to serve as a fighter in Battle Square matches? Is this some kind of prototype they bought off Shinra's hands after they built the real deal? I mean, Dio is wacky enough that I could see either, and especially him happily just using the world's most powerful mech to just… do gladiatorial death battles while the world is ending.

No, you see, Proud Clod is actually a sentient AI.

After you trashed it, it decided it wasn't strong enough to beat the Weapons, so it went to the battle square to have a training arc.

The Ruby Weapon's body is closely modeled off the Hygogg from Gundam 0080, taking especial note of the long, flexible arms and giant claws. That face and neck radically change the profile though, and to my eye look like nothing so much as Unit 01 from Evangelion.

...and it hangs around near Coral...

...Dyne said Marlene's mom was dead but did we check what happened to her after?
Bugenhagen: "Oh yes… take this along. I think it will look good on you now. Ho Ho…"
[Bugenhagen's arm falls limp to the side of the couch; Nanaki lays his head on his chest and howls/weeps.]

Aeris' death made me sad, natch, but I'll never know what I could have felt at that moment because it was spoiled for me ahead of time.

Bugenhagen's death blindsided me like a fucking freight train. I was mega bummed.
Notably, each character has special dialogue when sent away, and that dialogue is heavily framed as the last words they might ever share with us, which is a weird degree of emphasis to put on it considering we end up meeting them again in like, ten minutes, tops.
I speculate that at some point in development the Sephiroth fight was originally going to involve controlling separate parties attacking different parts of the final boss, and this was probably axed because there was no way the game could handle it.
Omi mentioning that so far the endzone so far is just a slightly disappointing cave has me wondering...what *is* everyone's favorite FF End Zone? Not necessarily boss, but the environment/level specifically?


Ruby, IMO mogs all the other weapons in the looks department. We never see Sappphire very well, Ultima is kinda underwhelming, and Diamond and Emerald are sort of just non-descript chunks of polygons. But Ruby has a cool silhouette that's visually distinct and also plays into it's abilities ingame, which I like. FFXIV makes it a spooky Sazabi, which is a cool take as well.
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It is the Mega All Materia.

Mega All is an incredibly useful effect: It applies All to everything. Or almost everything. It acts as if we had an All Materia paired with every Magic Materia equipped. It makes physical attacks hit all enemies comparable to Slash-All. It causes Steal, Mug, or Morph to hit all enemies at once.

…we're not going to use it either. As useful as free up all the space spent on All Materia on one character' sounds like, Mega All is, say it with me now, a level-based Materia. Which means it has a maximum of five uses (for a cost of 160,000 AP total) across all uses, and as it disables the normal attack command, even normal attacks will consume it, and as it stands now, it merely has one use per fight, period. I just… Don't have any use fr it right now.
On the other hand it (and Slash-All IIRC) has a really funny interaction with Omnislash if you equip it on Cloud :p
But... is it really the last time we confront Sephiroth?

Drowned him in lifestream, cut him to ribbons, jump to another dimension (four times!), dress up like Vincent and go fight a Disney villain, Sephiroth will be waiting.

The benefits of being popular.
Yeah. Either there'll be one final great confrontation (that was never necessary) between Old Cloud and Ghost Seph, or we're going to have an old and grey Cloud dodging katana strikes out of the mailbox every time he goes out for the mail.

It's that kind of developing relationship as the years pass by.

At first it's "Oh god oh god Sephiroth's back Gaia help me" for the first few years.

Then it's "Oh fuck off already I was trying to take a shit stop trying to stab me from the bog, you ass!"

Then it's "Dammit, you crazy old bastard, watch where you're waving that pigsticker! You nearly hit my kid with that thing!" "KILL YOOUUU!" "Daddy, who's the crazy ghost?!" "Shush dear, just Daddy's old enemy."

Eventually, Cloud's hobbling across a field and a silver-haired zombie jumps out of the ground to stab Cloud, only for the now old man to just nimbly dodge out of the way like it's the most natural thing to do. "Hey, Sephy, how's the Lifestream treatin' ya?" "DIE!" "Ah, that brings back memories. Good times, good times."
Yeah. Either there'll be one final great confrontation (that was never necessary) between Old Cloud and Ghost Seph, or we're going to have an old and grey Cloud dodging katana strikes out of the mailbox every time he goes out for the mail.

It's that kind of developing relationship as the years pass by.

At first it's "Oh god oh god Sephiroth's back Gaia help me" for the first few years.

Then it's "Oh fuck off already I was trying to take a shit stop trying to stab me from the bog, you ass!"

Then it's "Dammit, you crazy old bastard, watch where you're waving that pigsticker! You nearly hit my kid with that thing!" "KILL YOOUUU!" "Daddy, who's the crazy ghost?!" "Shush dear, just Daddy's old enemy."

Eventually, Cloud's hobbling across a field and a silver-haired zombie jumps out of the ground to stab Cloud, only for the now old man to just nimbly dodge out of the way like it's the most natural thing to do. "Hey, Sephy, how's the Lifestream treatin' ya?" "DIE!" "Ah, that brings back memories. Good times, good times."

I'm now imagining Cloud as Kiryu and Sephiroth as Majima everywhere, just without the playfulness and fun....
Welcome back to Final Fantasy VII, where the end is approaching.
Well, yeah, it's been approaching for a while. You have looked up at the giant impending meteor coming to end us all, right?
Here, you can see Bahamut-ZERO deal 9,999 damage to Ruby, whereas Omnislash did a fraction of that. This reveals the solution to our predicament: We need Defense-ignoring attacks. They're the only way to punch through Ruby's staggering Defense and deal a meaningful chunk of its enormous health.

…you can also guess why this won't work. I can cast B-ZERO once, Knights of the Round once (to which it responds with Ultima for a team wipe), and I'll have dealt less than 100k damage total and will be down to moves that deal sub-thousand damage, against nearly a million HP.
Well, there's always mimic for things like that.

Aaaaand looking ahead, it turned out mimic was totally the answer, huh?
On the other hand like most Materia of its kind you need to sink a ton of AP into it to get it above a miserable 20% chance to trigger, so we're never going to use it.
This seems to be a pretty consistent problem with FFVII's endgame, tbh. "Oh boy, we saved all the coolest abilities and materia for last buuuut also they still take a shitload of AP so you aren't getting them unless you specifically go out of your way to grind." At least by comparison, FFV gave you all the classes (barring Mime) by the second world, and FFVI maxes out at 100 AP necessary for any particular spell.
The fact that a boosted version of Proud Clod is a fair opponent to Cloud fighting alone should tell you a lot about just how easy the game is in general, as a less powerful version of this boss was fought by an entire party at roughly the same level during the main story. Which, speaking of…
Yeaaaah, pretty much any Final Fantasy game with some degree of open customization can be busted wide open at some point or another, but FFVII does feel like it gets broken the soonest. FFV still needs to grind up particular job combos to reach that lategame "and then everyone was God Tier Freelancers/Mimes", FFVI you at least need to grab most of the World of Ruin party members to grab Locke to unlock the real killer stuff in Narshe.
Yes, you're no seeing things, that thing has a face on its butt and turns around to moon the opponent as part of its attack.
Typhoon always had the butt-face, pretty sure, it's just... a lot more noticeable when he's swooshing around in 3D.
Aaaaw. I really did think Bugenhagen might actually make it to the end of the story, with his heavily foreshadowed death being in the future/epilogue space. He didn't even die in a heroic sacrifice of some kind, but simply died of old age, in his home, kinda like… Yoda? Mark one more for Star Wars references, I guess.

Bugenhagen, throughout the game, was characterized chiefly by what I will call good-humoured pessimism. He's always been convinced that the Planet's days were numbered, that the end was coming, that even Shinra was only accelerating it, not causing it to begin with, that we were all doomed. He was pretty chill about it, he laughed and made jokes about mortality (his own and others'), about the end of the world, but I think he was, at his heart, depressed. That his good mood was a coping mechanism to deal with this looming fatality.

So Bugenhagen exchanging last words with Nanaki and verging both into mono no aware, the beauty of the transience of life and the worth in is impermanence, and a long-view reflection on the idea that life itself endures, will endure, and that this is not the end, is meaningful. It's his character arc, not just Nanaki's. It's not always that doomed mentor figure get an arc of their own, with progress and a resolution, but Bugenhagen did - he evolved, he changed, and he found peace in his last moments.

Of course, it's also the conclusion of Nanaki's arc; his grandfather gives him the validation he needed but couldn't ask for to look beyond just protecting one village, but to be the hope of renewal for his species, to be a witness for the Planet the world over.
I absolutely forgot that Bugenhagen passes. Or, you know, missed it entirely as a kid because optional scene + kid is stoopid we didn't literally watch him die onscreen then cut to a tombstone. Guess Nanaki's little "Grandpa went to the upstate farm" talk worked on me.
I'm not sure how he's supposed to find this life mate when he is supposedly the last of his kind but I'm sure there's some Hidden Village of Catdogs in the Ancient Forest that he'll run into in the Epilogue or something.

If you know, thread goers, you know. And Omi knows.
This is an utterly baffling move, and it's clearly meant to play as an emotional beat of the kind I just talked about, but it doesn't land because there is no reason for it to happen.
Seems Nanaki's pretty good at that, between this and the whole weird setup of Seto way back on your first visit to Cosmo Canyon.
Oh, and there's an old guy nostalgic for the rocket in Rocket Town who gives us Cid's ultimate weapon, whatever.
Ah Cid, ever the footnote of this playthrough.
The very first item we find around the edge of the crater is a Save Crystal. This is a unique item with a very special function: It can create a Save Point anywhere in the North Cave, but can only be used once. The North Cave otherwise has no save points whatsoever. The game is empowering us to choose where we think we would make the best use of a save point, which plays into a general 'resource management' vibe the final dungeon tries for, since a save point is also a place we can rest at. Ultimately we'll just plop it down on the very last screen before the point of no return, there's no reason to do anything else.
I usually dumped the crystal around the midpoint of the dungeon, myself. Left me near the best grinding spots, and less of a walk to get back out when I wanted to leave, only downside is whenever I wanted to refight Sephiroth I had to walk a few extra screens.
Now you have enough? How strange, Omi... I could have sworn there were three ribbons total before this point!

You didn't... miss a Ribbon somewhere, did you?
You get what I mean, right? This whole thing is like this emotional exchange as the group splits off to pursue their own quests to defeat the big bad where they won't meet up again until after this is done and they've either succeeded or failed and died, instead of what it actually is, which is 'the group randomly deciding to split up to explore a bunch of caves before meeting up again.'
I kind of wonder if it's an artifact of those potential plot beats of killing off the other party members, since we already know that there was initially some discussion of killing off everyone not in the party during the Midgar raid.
…we're not going to use it either. As useful as free up all the space spent on All Materia on one character' sounds like, Mega All is, say it with me now, a level-based Materia. Which means it has a maximum of five uses (for a cost of 160,000 AP total) across all uses, and as it disables the normal attack command, even normal attacks will consume it, and as it stands now, it merely has one use per fight, period. I just… Don't have any use fr it right now.
Oh look, a pattern.
They are invincible unless given an Elixir, whereupon they prove incredibly easy to defeat, and reward us with 1000 AP per Magic Pot. Is 1000 AP worth an Elixir? In the grand scheme of things probably not, but I have a dozen Elixirs and Megalixirs both and I'll never use them all, so I feed the little critter happily. Other enemies unique to the swamp area include the Mover, tiny floating balls that give out a shitton of AP and can also be Morphed for Protect Rings. Neat!
Yep, right around here is where I usually dropped the save point, because best AP grind in the game no contest.
Ultimately the only reason was bragging rights. Not that I can brag all that much, considering the braindead strategy I employed, but a win is a win. Now I can know peace.
But can you really know peace? After all, Emerald Weapon is still alive and kicking :V
Next Time: We confront Sephiroth for the last time.
Really? The last time? Are you suuuuure?

After all, No One's Ever Really Gone.

Omi mentioning that so far the endzone so far is just a slightly disappointing cave has me wondering...what *is* everyone's favorite FF End Zone? Not necessarily boss, but the environment/level specifically?
My endgame knowledge actually starts to drop off after FFVII because the next few games all got me with "reach near endgame then poof off and never play the game again" syndrome at some point or another, so I'll be going with FFV - I really like the changing environment of the void, and just the idea of you're running through all these areas absorbed into this massive interdimensional space and facing off against long-sealed away monsters from throughout long forgotten history.

Honorable mention to Pandemonium from FFII because damn that castle looks fine, and also it has banger music.
Hey folks, guess what? It's time for some pointless 90s trivia!

The unbeatable black Chocobo "Teioh" here is probably a reference to Tokai Teio, a champion racehorse from the 90s. Famous for his miraculous comeback after multiple injuries, Tokai Teio was a five-time champion and big-time fan favorite.

He was also the inspiration for a character in an anime featuring anthropomorphic horse girls who run races and then do idol concerts at the end. If you want to learn more about the actual racehorse via Google, the correct search is "Tokai Teio horse".

You're welcome.
is that the one where if you draw porn of the characters the yakuza come to your house and break your legs
I'm going to have to ask for more information for health and safety reasons.
My understanding: The anime has anthropomorphic versions of real, often still active, racehorses for its girls. Racehorses in Japan are generally owned by the yakuza for control of gambling reasons. They want to be seen as respectable to protect their investments in the horse racing field and will respond with gusto to somebody who makes the cartoon girl version of their investment look disreputable.
For an amusing story I am skeptical of, search for "Anon Provokes a gang war over horse waifus meme". The first result should be a knowyourmeme post including a screenshot from 4chan from someone who claims to be a Mexican hentai artist. Supposedly, they took advantage of the gap in the market created by unhappy yakuza. I'd link it directly, but said image includes one of the horsegirls in lingerie, and I don't remember if SV had the 'minimum two links away from porn' rule.
The Ruby Weapon's body is closely modeled off the Hygogg from Gundam 0080, taking especial note of the long, flexible arms and giant claws. That face and neck radically change the profile though, and to my eye look like nothing so much as Unit 01 from Evangelion.
I'm not sure about this one. Ruby weapon comes off to me as more of a mecha-Therizinosaurus.
I'm not sure how he's supposed to find this life mate when he is supposedly the last of his kind but I'm sure there's some Hidden Village of Catdogs in the Ancient Forest that he'll run into in the Epilogue or something.

Hojo's Cyberghost: I have a wonderous proposition for you!

But not just Tonberry - Master Tonberry, as noted by the star above its head.

Kinda odd to stick with a job once you've mastered it instead of switching to another or going Freelancer, but I guess it would make sense if he has four active !Abilities that are all good.

"Everybody's Grudge," a move that targets the attacking character with damage equal to the number of kills they've gathered all game, multiplied by 10

"You felt your sins crawling on your back"

Notably, each character has special dialogue when sent away, and that dialogue is heavily framed as the last words they might ever share with us, which is a weird degree of emphasis to put on it considering we end up meeting them again in like, ten minutes, tops.

A genuine experience of doing the Mass Effect suicide mission with everyone's loyalty missions cleared: "That scene sure frames it as this character's last stand/noble sacrifice/shocking death... Oh, nevermind, they're fine. Moving on. That scene sure frames it as this character's last stand/noble sacrifice/shocking death..."


The Ruby Weapon's body is closely modeled off the Hygogg from Gundam 0080, taking especial note of the long, flexible arms and giant claws. That face and neck radically change the profile though, and to my eye look like nothing so much as Unit 01 from Evangelion.
I'm with you on the first part but they look more like a long invertebrate with mandibles to me. Like an ant-lion or a legless centipede.