At this point the thread has convinced me that Cid and Shera are basically like the leads in one of those old time radio mystery thrillers, where each one is trying to convince a third party that the other is insane.
Well at least we're escaping from Giant Chicken Hell—
... Omicron, are you alright? Can you tell me what day it is? Can you tell me who the president is?BEHOLD: DOLPHIN BLOW!
Aerith's newest LB3, it's a jumping uppercut which involves a magical dolphin jumping as she punches.
What are you talking about, you just did the Red Mage dream. What else would you call all that chocobo sex?The Red Mage dream is alive once more.
So now, we have a female "Great" Chocobo and a male "Good" Chocobo, Sage, which means it's time for… Heavy sigh… Chocobo Breeding.
…Basil, our first Black Chocobo!
Also known as "Mountain-and-River" Chocobo, Basil can cross any terrain that isn't ocean. This is huge; it means Basil can essentially access the entire map barring one location. We take him out, enter the Highwind (it's as easily as literally just walking into the airship while riding him), and then we fly around the map to scout out locations we can't access from the airship; we put the Highwind down in the nearest available grassy plain, then ride the world's most inbred steed across mounds and valleys.
Well, they're certainly giving it their best shot. The Turks are significantly more powerful here than they were last time we fought them - Reno boasts 15k HP and Rude 20k, far in excess of what he had during the Rocket fight (funnily enough, it's possible to fight this version of Rude before meeting him on the Rocket, causing him to inexplicably lose all of his combat power in the meantime).
If I had two Added Effect Materia, I could grant one character immunity to all the Battle Square status effect and equip them with the Curse Ring set-up, dammit. But unfortunately the only way to get another Added Effect is to master the first one, and that's another 100k AP time-eater. This'll have to stay a dream for now.
Not only are all the Gelnika mobs fucked up horrors from John Carpenter's nightmares, every single one has over 10,000 HP (except the ones encountered in groups of four to six) and they hit like fucking trucks. Several of them have counterattack moves (the horrible corpse flower uses it to inflict Confuse, the horrid flesh stingray to inflict Sadness) and they hit for thousands of damage per attack.
I'm having the time of my life. At long last, I finally face opponent who hit hard enough to trigger Limit Breaks. Forget using Big Guard and Cover and protective strategy, I am going balls out into this fight, literally "COME AT ME BRO"-ing these assholes. It's not grinding when it involves actually engaging with the combat, you know?
Knights of the Round is a whole damn production. It's not any one monster; it's thirteen knights (or rather, I think, twelve knights and their king), each one appearing in succession to deliver their own attack - spear, lance, magic spell, and so on.
This is mechanically represented as a series of individual attacks, which ignore Magic Defense and deal, at this stage in the game, over 6,000 damage - for a staggering total of over 78,000 damage.
This is… obscene. It blows everything out of the water. Bahamut-ZERO is in the dust. No boss we've fought so far could resist a single cast of it. Jesus Motherfucking Christ.
Hey now, it's the most important part of every JRPG: Sidequesting while the end of the world is on an immediate deadline!Welcome back to Final Fantasy VII, the game where we take a break from impending global doom at the hands of the Meteor even now falling towards us in order to enjoy a successful career as a farmer.
Ah yes. It's time.Okay but actually it's way more complicated than that. You see, our goal is to breed a truly elite chocobo. A chocobo distinguished by its color. And for that, we're going to have to engage in…
[Heavy sigh.]
Chocobo eugenics.
Goddamn, it really does just look like Tifa had some bad gas or something. Hell, even FFII Ultima had some epic look going for it even if the spell itself was shit for an ultimate spell.Oh, and in this process, we have unlocked ULTIMA, THE ULTIMATE MAGIC.
Unfortunately it looks like shit.
While Ultima deals enormous damage to all enemies without the need for an All Materia, making it highly useful, it's also just… A vague green spark of light that moves slowly across the screen then feels the screen with blurry green particle effects and then fades. Nowhere is the sheer oomph factor of FFVI's Ultima to be found here, that dome of pure energy that scoured the earth. This is limp.
Ah, well. It's still the most powerful spell in the game. It's just… The fact that it is the most powerful spell in the game and looks like this somehow compounds my disappointment.
AHAHAHA YES, OMIWell, if I were playing the game naively, I would release Garlic's parents (there are only six Chocobo Stables so we need to make space as we go), catch a new couple and repeat the process until we get her a new friend. Of course, this would take time and money.
So instead we'll resort to incest.
So as you mention, part of the appeal of mastering materia is yeah, getting extra copies of particularly powerful and rare materia so you can spread the love. There's also the fact that most (though not all) mastered materia sell for absolutely obscene sums of money. All is most famous at around One and a Half Million Gil, but even that Mastered Restore materia sells for around 50k, a decent sum."Restore was born." What does that mean?
Here's what happened: We have mastered our first Materia. We unlocked Curaga, the highest-level spell on that Materia, a while ago; but there was still one unchecked star on that Restore Materia. That was a star for Mastery. Now that we have obtained the AP required to Master it, we obtain the benefits of Mastery, which is that the Materia undergoes mitosis and spawns off a new lv 0 Materia.
Okay. I see where this is going.
I have no need for another Restore Materia. I already have three, maybe even four Restore Materia at lv 3+. But what I do have, on the other hand, is a smattering of incredibly powerful, unique Materia. I only have one Ultima. One Contain. One Bahamut-ZERO. One MP Turbo. I have been allocating these Materia as precious commodities, trying to spread them as usefully as possible across my party.
But if I master Ultima, I get a second Ultima Materia. A second Bahamut-ZERO! All that incredibly powerful magic will be freely available for me to make a killer party!
Or not. The Ultima Materia unlocks the Ultima spell at 5,000 AP. It is mastered at 100,000 AP. This Restore Materia, my first-ever mastered Materia, 36 hours into the game, cost me a total of 40,000 MP. Over the entire game. Having had it slotted in since day 1.
Of course, as AP rewards for battling opponents increase with encounter levels, reaching high AP numbers will be made easier… But 100,000 AP? I mean, if it happens on its own, it happens on its own. But I'm doubtful. And we're not gonna be grinding for it unless it turns out to somehow be fast and easy. So ultimately the Materia mastery system is like, whatever.
Maybe we will turn out to unlock Double Ultima. As things are, it seems more likely we'll end up with a chest full of duplicate Alls and Restores in excess of what I actually have use for.
Truly, a genius beyond our mortal ken.
Might as well start slapping extra All materias into your weapon now, honestly. While some other mastered materia do sell decently well, All is the one where you don't really always need all those maxed out uses, and selling one let alone multiple basically pays for everything the rest of the game over.At 5k a piece, that's fifty thousand gil, nearly half of my stash. Selling a mastered All Materia for a cool million so I never have to worry about this again is looking pretty appealing right now. (But only somewhat; I don't want to have to level up another one to replace it, we'll only do that if we have to).
I can only imagine what a derpy inbred face Basil has as he flops around, running across rivers and mountains.…Basil, our first Black Chocobo!
Also known as "Mountain-and-River" Chocobo, Basil can cross any terrain that isn't ocean. This is huge; it means Basil can essentially access the entire map barring one location. We take him out, enter the Highwind (it's as easily as literally just walking into the airship while riding him), and then we fly around the map to scout out locations we can't access from the airship; we put the Highwind down in the nearest available grassy plain, then ride the world's most inbred steed across mounds and valleys.
Mad respect to guide writers that figured all this nonsense out.Bam, done. Like most steps in the Chocobo Raising Project, this only takes a few minutes with perfect knowledge and would be all but impossible without.
Well obviously he had to rush out of the hospital to fight you at the rocket, and that's why he was so weak, was still recovering!(funnily enough, it's possible to fight this version of Rude before meeting him on the Rocket, causing him to inexplicably lose all of his combat power in the meantime)
What's most interesting to me about Hades isn't its mechanical effect, though.
It's that it's almost certainly an unlikely reference to one of the least successful and darkest Disney animated movies of all time, one which almost buried the company's animation studio:
Alright, genuine question - the fuck are these Thing-esque, probably Jenova-Cell pumped horrors doing on a recently sunk Shinra vessel? Were these creatures just wandering underwater and saw the sunken wreck and went "dope new house"? Or does this imply that Shinra genuinely were stupid enough to look at Hojo regaling them with the info about Sephiroth being pumped full of Jenova, and an extension of Jenova, and all the clones with Jenova cells being attracted to obeying Sephiroth and went "fuck yeah MAKE MORE JENOVAS"???Not only are all the Gelnika mobs fucked up horrors from John Carpenter's nightmares, every single one has over 10,000 HP (except the ones encountered in groups of four to six) and they hit like fucking trucks. Several of them have counterattack moves (the horrible corpse flower uses it to inflict Confuse, the horrid flesh stingray to inflict Sadness) and they hit for thousands of damage per attack.
I'm having the time of my life. At long last, I finally face opponent who hit hard enough to trigger Limit Breaks. Forget using Big Guard and Cover and protective strategy, I am going balls out into this fight, literally "COME AT ME BRO"-ing these assholes. It's not grinding when it involves actually engaging with the combat, you know?
Damn, Aerith got hands.
Oh by the way, on top of everything else? IIRC the Gelnika encounters are also the best Morph fodder in the game, because they all turn into Source items.As well, the Gelnika encounters provide a significant amount of AP, and many of our Materias have now upgraded
Well yeah, what did you think that "Wonderful" status stood for? Chili is clearly the peak of the peak of yellow Chocobos!…I beg your pardon?
Oh my god Chili has natively better stats across the whole board than even Basil, the legendary Black Chocobo from two generations of race-winning parents.
And here it comes, one of the most overpowered summons in the entire series...Every location in the game can be reached by a Gold Chocobo. This is what I meant by "the Highwind is obsolete" - the Black Chocobo could reach places the Highwind couldn't but it couldn't cross the ocean so world travel still required riding the Airship. But Shalot can get anywhere at all, at high speed. I might still use the Highwind because it's possible it is faster than Shalot, but for now, I'm enjoying riding it across the world.
Now, there is actually only one location that the Gold Chocobo can reach that the Black Chocobo couldn't. This one location is effectively the true reward for this entire Chocobo Raising miniquest, which took me several hours. But what a fucking reward it is.
Congratulations, Omi, you've now effectively beaten the entire game barring Superbosses!Knights of the Round is a whole damn production. It's not any one monster; it's thirteen knights (or rather, I think, twelve knights and their king), each one appearing in succession to deliver their own attack - spear, lance, magic spell, and so on.
This is mechanically represented as a series of individual attacks, which ignore Magic Defense and deal, at this stage in the game, over 6,000 damage - for a staggering total of over 78,000 damage.
This is… obscene. It blows everything out of the water. Bahamut-ZERO is in the dust. No boss we've fought so far could resist a single cast of it. Jesus Motherfucking Christ.
Okay but to be fair, how long do you think this would have taken you without any guides? Sure, it's five to six hours with a step by step "this is how you Gold Bird Up", but without that?It was so… easy. All it took was a hundred thousand gil and maybe… Five, six hours of engaging in a weird and obtuse sidequest requiring multiple weird sub-systems but which was at least fun in its novelty?
Once upon a time, this whole endeavour would have been borderline impossible or at least taken much, much longer than it took me, through trial and error and multiple attempts at various steps of the process. But with modern information being precise to the point of 'telling you how the RNG works so as to manipulate gender and color outcomes', it's a deterministic process that is relatively easy and will merely take an entire afternoon out of your life.
And for your reward? The game is broken in half.
Welp, see you in a week and a half.
It has not.
From what I understand, the gelnika had all of Shinra's Anti-Sephiroth weapons, which I'm assuming includes bioweapons. Not sure who was supposed to use the equipment and Materia though.Alright, genuine question - the fuck are these Thing-esque, probably Jenova-Cell pumped horrors doing on a recently sunk Shinra vessel? Were these creatures just wandering underwater and saw the sunken wreck and went "dope new house"? Or does this imply that Shinra genuinely were stupid enough to look at Hojo regaling them with the info about Sephiroth being pumped full of Jenova, and an extension of Jenova, and all the clones with Jenova cells being attracted to obeying Sephiroth and went "fuck yeah MAKE MORE JENOVAS"???
...Yeah, I can believe they'd do it.
It's Shinra, the minds behind Mako Reactors.From what I understand, the gelnika had all of Shinra's Anti-Sephiroth weapons, which I'm assuming includes bioweapons. Not sure who was supposed to use the equipment and Materia though.
There was actually a really cool thing in Tokyo Disneyland based on the Black Cauldron!Re: Black Cauldron, reportedly it did better in Japan than in the West. I once heard that even the original Legend of Zelda was inspired by it, don't think they cited a source though.
Speaking of which, has Black Cauldron gotten a KH level yet?
...all the Gelnika are mobs fucked up horrors from John Carpenter's nightmares....