Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
So, just a heads up, you've missed something in Sector V Omi. It's not plot relevant, nor is it something you can miss permanently (that's coming later) but it's also one of those miniquests where you'll never know about it without being told.

And looking it up, apparently it shows up in the Yuffie DLC of the Remake. Of course, I'm talking about the Happy Turtle Ad Campaign. In the original, it's the Turtle's Paradise sidequest. Unlike in the Remake, which had the 6 flyers around Midgar, the Turtle's Paradise flyers are scattered all over the world. The first one is in the room with the kid where you could have stolen 5 gil.

You'll get other chances to pick it up so don't worry about going back for it right now.
It's funny how this is like 3 hours into the original, because at this point in the Remake you'll probably have spent about 15 odd hours. But maybe that's a little inflated by me grinding mog medals in the slums.

Also again funny (or, really 'funny') is how the popular consciousness personality-swapped Tifa and Aeris (sorry, but the original translation stuck with me; I could just call her Earth instead?). Presumably because the sweet and caring childhood friend couldn't possibly dress like Tifa, and the flirtatious tomboy couldn't possibly wear a pink dress.
It's funny how this is like 3 hours into the original, because at this point in the Remake you'll probably have spent about 15 odd hours. But maybe that's a little inflated by me grinding mog medals in the slums.
As Ommicron pointed out, there is some actual additional content - Tifa is put backwards in her character arc so she can spend time getting to the point where she is already at FFVII start, Jessie and Wedge and Biggs are given more characterization, and the orphanage section is added to give Aerith's characterization more time to breathe and a bit of an expansion - but yeah, overall about one third of the increased playtime the Remake boasts about is just extra sidequests. A lot of extra sidequests.
As Ommicron pointed out, there is some actual additional content - Tifa is put backwards in her character arc so she can spend time getting to the point where she is already at FFVII start, Jessie and Wedge and Biggs are given more characterization, and the orphanage section is added to give Aerith's characterization more time to breathe and a bit of an expansion - but yeah, overall about one third of the increased playtime the Remake boasts about is just extra sidequests. A lot of extra sidequests.

I'm not saying it as a complaint, to be clear - I think the Remake does most of FF7 better than FF7 did, and the sidequests were actually both decent fun and a good way to break up the heavier plot beats and give the story room to breathe. The characterisation is miles better as a result of the relaxed pace. The only real issue I have with the story is the whole 'Shinra is false-flagging through AVALANCHE' thing that's already been mentioned as a problem.

The mog medals, though, are a PITA to grind.
25+ years ago, this map took me for-fucking ever. I had to quit playing the game at that point and go back the next time.

Same problem. It was the first PS1 game I'd ever played, and I got stuck on the map battling the house and the other enemies a lot. I thikn I went back and wandered through sector 5 a bunch too, trying to figure it out.

I didn't have the game myself until I bought the PC version, my roommate had a playstation with the game. So I had a chance to play it only sporadically.
Does anyone have any explanation for this? Anyone? Bueller?

I have no explanation for the giant evil house beyond 'after Shinra buried that entire region of Midgar's underplate, the abandoned homes got real angry.'
Clearly, this is Shinra's solution to the homeless problem.

Putting spikes on benches is baby-tier, Midgar uses human-scale roach motels with warbots stuffed inside.
I wonder what kind of bills the slum dwellers have? Just utilities to keep the lights and water on?

A mortgage on your house made out of a discarded jet engine would be a cruel joke
Fandom Aerith: "I love peace and goodness. Please protect me Cloud...^_^"
Actual Aerith: "I love to watch this twink squirm. >:^)"
At least it isn't the Homestuck fandom's capacity for misunderstanding their own characters.
At least it isn't the Homestuck fandom's capacity for misunderstanding their own characters.
I think the fascinating part is in how, as others have already noted, Squeenix did the same thing.

It's one thing when a Fandom misremembers their characters, especially when we have the Fistfighter and Healer aesthetics going on, and certain other well known things that would cause Aeri- to be thought of as a precious cinnamon roll. That the people making official media fell into similar pitfalls until Remake feels bizarre to me.
I think the fascinating part is in how, as others have already noted, Squeenix did the same thing.

It's one thing when a Fandom misremembers their characters, especially when we have the Fistfighter and Healer aesthetics going on, and certain other well known things that would cause Aeri- to be thought of as a precious cinnamon roll. That the people making official media fell into similar pitfalls until Remake feels bizarre to me.
One word. Pandering. They wrote how the audience expected characters to be written instead of how they were originally written, because pandering was those games' (and film's) whole reason for being.
Okay, at this point it's kind of fascinating how every character so far has some obvious hidden backstory/mysterious stuff going on… Except Barret. He's just a family man, I guess.

Oh yea of little memory, you even directly commented on Barret's obviously hidden backstory.

He picks her up and raises her in a hug. I wonder if I should read anything into the fact that she looks a lot, huh, paler than him - could be it's an adoption situation, could be not.

This is a house.

This is an evil house.

I am fighting a wandering evil house.

Does anyone have any explanation for this? Anyone? Bueller?


I have no explanation for the giant evil house beyond 'after Shinra buried that entire region of Midgar's underplate, the abandoned homes got real angry.'
Shinra Weapons development had a brilliant idea to beat Wutai ninjas at their own game by disguising their latest and greatest weapon system as common everyday sights.

Unfortunately there was a mixup in the shipping department and forces in Wutai received 1500 prebuilt houses and the slums received 1500 nightmare house monsters
I wonder what kind of bills the slum dwellers have? Just utilities to keep the lights and water on?

A mortgage on your house made out of a discarded jet engine would be a cruel joke
Thinking on it, the slums are sufficiently isolated from the upper plate of Midgar that Shinra can probably force anyone who wants to connect to the grid proper to do so by hooking up to their respective pillars. Then Shinra just says "each sector gets (frex) 5 million gil worth of power a month. We don't care how you come up with it. Do it or get cut off." Then they can leave it to the communities to work out who gets what. Some people ration themselves four hours of home lighting a day - two when you wake up and two when you get home from work. Community laundromats, showers & baths, and bars and food trucks help save money so you don't have to split up individual utilities. Some people - the people we've seen living in abandoned RVs or the like - do their best to skip the grid entirely and buy (or steal) gas and batteries to self-power their own digs.

Slumlords or community organizations handle working out who has to pay for what, which isn't easy because so much of the slums aren't just shitty rowhouses or whatever, they're actual hard-living independent camps. You use the baths? You pay a %. You wanna hook up your food truck? %. You go over your allotted home-utility wattage? You pay triple % for that because if we go over the monthly, Shrina can brown us out, you dumb asshole.
@Kuja: That seems interesting, but how would people deal with the problem of people stealing electricity from Shinra with illegal powerlines and such? I mean, of course if Shinra itself discovers it that might mean that a troop of faceless mooks with assault rifles led by either a superhuman killer or a suited assassin will come to punish people indiscriminately, but that's never going to stop people who think they're smart enough to avoid getting caught from trying. It seems like it'd be a seriously big issue communities would need to have a solution for.