Let's Jump to It! [Jumpchain Quest]

[X] Train your combat skills at the TSAB facility every day
[X] Study at the Infinity Library
-[X] Healing magic
-[X] Lost Logia
[X] Earn some money (takes 2 slots)
-[X] Part-Time Job

[X] Spend time with someone.
-[X] Eliza X3
[X] Explore Midchilda
[X] Go shopping for something.
-[X] Utilities, random conforts an advanced civilization have, clothes, stuff like that.

I wonder what the MidChildian version of IKEA is like. I think it would probably be like a normal IKEA but with non-euclidean geometry added in to confuse the customers further.
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Don't see much use for minor activities right now, so just putting this here.
Spending time with someone deepens your bond with them (ideally).

Exploring Midchilda will help get a feel for the place, and has a chance of a random encounter.

Shopping is what it says on the tin, with a slight chance for lucky finds.
[X] Plan Hands On Improvement
-[X] Study at the Infinity Library
--[X] Magical Theory
-[X] Train your combat skills at the TSAB facility every day
-[X] Practice creating devices
--[X] Materials budget: 1000 credits
-[X] Earn some money (takes 2 slots)
--[X] Part-Time Job

-[X] Spend time with someone.
--[X] Eliza x2
--[X] Captain Alpine
-[X] Explore Midchilda
-[X] Go shopping for something.
--[X] Utilities, random conforts an advanced civilization have, clothes, stuff like that.

Think we should get some hands on experience on devices.
And fundamental magic theory is important if we want to cross apply these elsewhere. Got a little time yet.
@Jack of Olives How much buying power do we have in local currency? I think Veekie's idea is good, but if we only have the local equivalent of fifty bucks, maybe it's best to hold off on the shopping until we have some more dough to go around.
There is window shopping / price scouting.
Which is a step we could cut out of the equation to save time if we were to only wait until we had the money to pay for things. In comparison to "spend four hours window shopping and then spending another hour when you've got your paycheck to actually buy those things," "spend four hours shopping and just buy the damn things" saves us an hour, just as an example.
@Jack of Olives How much buying power do we have in local currency? I think Veekie's idea is good, but if we only have the local equivalent of fifty bucks, maybe it's best to hold off on the shopping until we have some more dough to go around.
[Gained 1,000 Mid-childan credits]

Which you and Captain Alpine were pretty sure was a misprint, because that's the local equivalent of $10. He said he'd let the ones in charge know; but with how hectic things have been, it may take a while for them to fix that.
Current Budget: 51,000 Credits
Adding that up: about $510 in local currency.

You've been getting really poor rolls for rewards.

Edit: The selection includes both window-shopping and searching online for goods.

Edit 2: You can write-in a preference as a sub-vote if you prefer one or the other.
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How much does budget impact a newbie device? Assumig we just wanted hands on experience
Depends on the device.

Basically, buying/making a device is something like buying/making a desktop computer (or a car 40 years ago); You can make it fairly cheap, and more so if you make it yourself, but if you want to get any kind of high-end performance out of it, you're going to end up spending a lot of money.

From what you've been able to figure out, your current funds can get you a good quality storage device (with no bells or whistles) or a low-end other kind of device.

Edit: Gonna leave voting open for a few more hours, since people still seem to be making up their minds.

Edit 2: Voting is still tied. Going to leave it open until . If there hasn't been any change by then I'll just fudge it.
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Voting is now closed.

  1. [X] Train your combat skills at the TSAB facility every day
    [X] Study at the Infinity Library
    -[X] Healing magic
    -[X] Lost Logia
    [X] Earn some money (takes 2 slots)
    -[X] Part-Time Job
    [X] Spend time with someone.
    -[X] Eliza X3
    [X] Explore Midchilda
    [X] Go shopping for something.
    -[X] Utilities, random conforts an advanced civilization have, clothes, stuff like that.

    Number of voters: 2
    Hellarion, FailLord
  2. [X] Plan Hands On Improvement
    -[X] Study at the Infinity Library
    --[X] Magical Theory
    -[X] Train your combat skills at the TSAB facility every day
    -[X] Practice creating devices
    --[X] Materials budget: 1000 credits
    -[X] Earn some money (takes 2 slots)
    --[X] Part-Time Job
    -[X] Spend time with someone.
    --[X] Eliza x2
    --[X] Captain Alpine
    -[X] Explore Midchilda
    -[X] Go shopping for something.
    --[X] Utilities, random conforts an advanced civilization have, clothes, stuff like that.
    Number of voters: 2
    veekie, Terran Imperium

Still a tie, but they have a lot in common, so I'll just use those and wing the rest.
So, long story short: I finished writing the update, went back over it to re-read it, and promptly deleted the entire thing in disgust.

That's what I get for writing with a fever. :(

So, there'll be a bit of a delay for the next update due to the GM being sick... again. :rage:
Update: Still alive, and still a bit out of it. Doing better, though.

If I'm feeling up for it, I'll try to work on the next part tomorrow.

In the meantime; I've got a new thread with some of my (old, unfinished,) Worm crossovers, if anyone's interested. Link's in my signature.
Are you still alive?
Still alive.

Long story short: I was finally felling well, then the Fire Nation attacked fires here in Cali started. While I'm not in any of the danger zones, the massive amount of smoke we've been getting flared up some of my perpetual health-problems.

Again. -_-#

Sorry I've been so quiet, by the way. One of the worst side effects is depression which tends to sap any drive I have to do anything. =\

Anyway, I'm not going to give an estimate of when I'll have the next part up (because life seems to derive pleasure from making a liar out of me), but I have not abandoned this quest.
Still alive.

Long story short: I was finally felling well, then the Fire Nation attacked fires here in Cali started. While I'm not in any of the danger zones, the massive amount of smoke we've been getting flared up some of my perpetual health-problems.

Again. -_-#

Sorry I've been so quiet, by the way. One of the worst side effects is depression which tends to sap any drive I have to do anything. =\

Anyway, I'm not going to give an estimate of when I'll have the next part up (because life seems to derive pleasure from making a liar out of me), but I have not abandoned this quest.

I'm glad you are still around and still intend to continue with the quest. It sucks to hear that you are having more health problems, I hope you get better soon.
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Lyrical Nanoha 15
Lyrical Nanoha 15a

[X] Train your combat skills at the TSAB facility every day
[X] Study at the Infinity Library
-[X] Healing magic
-[X] Lost Logia
[X] Earn some money (takes 2 slots)
-[X] Part-Time Job
[X] Spend time with someone.
-[X] Eliza x2
-[X] Captain Alpine
[X] Explore Midchilda
[X] Go shopping for something.
-[X] Utilities, random comforts an advanced civilization have, clothes, stuff like that.

Note: made some minor modifications to the vote due to the tie. (remember, a good compromise should leave everyone mildly annoyed :D)

The next week proved to be a something of a break from your normal routine.

Oh, you still went to the Library.

[Study Check(Lost Logia): 20(roll) +115(Intelligence & Perks) = 135; Req: 60/80/100/120/140; Lvl-4 Success.]
[Study Check(Healing Magic): 89(roll) +115(Intelligence & Perks) = 204; Req: 60/80/100/120/140; Lvl-5 Success.]

[Gained: Knowledge (Lost Logia) B-]
[Gained: Knowledge (Xeno-Magitech) D+]
[Gained: Healing Magic (Nanoha-verse) B*]
Note: practical magic is currently capped at C due to your limited knowledge of anatomy.

But only spend a few hours there a day as opposed to the majority of your time awake.

You've got other things to do this week.


"So... how is this going to work?" You ask as you look around the training area. Really, it's a variant of the Dimensional Barrier with a custom terrain program in order to add some variety to the training. The setup is mana-intensive and easily broken by anyone with a bit of dimensional know-how, but useful.

"Well, your spells seem to be accurate enough, and you don't have to worry about efficiency with Eliza helping out. So I'd say what you really need is practice against live opponents."

Well, that's better than rote practice, in your books. Living opponents had a tendency to adapt to weakness and force you to improve.

[Training Check: 92(roll) +65(Wits & Perk) = 157; Req: 40/60/80/100/120; Lvl-5 Success]

Skill Increase: Tactics D -> C- (+20 to rolls)
Skill: Martial Arts D -> D+ (+15 to rolls)
Skill: Modern Weaponry D+ -> C- (+20 to rolls)
Skill: Situational Awareness C- (+20 to rolls)

You'd like to say it was exciting, and to a certain extent it was, but for the most part it was a lot of correcting bad habits, and learning to think things through in combat.


The sun is low in the sky, by the time you've finish your daily training.

"So, Eliza." You start as you and your companion walk out of the TSAB facility. "We've got a couple hours to kill; anything you want to do?"

She blinks in surprise at that. "Me, Mistress."

You nod, letting the 'Mistress' thing slide this time. "You've been very patient with me and everything that's gone on. You deserve some kind of reward."
Composure: 77+15=92; Req: 40/80
She pauses in thought. "Well, I was planning on just heading back to the Warehouse with you and watching more Space-Captain Ruby." At your your curious expression she elaborates. "It's based on that book series I was reading last week while you were researching."

You pause and think back to then. You remember your fairy-like device's smiles and excited demeanor as she was reading on the other side of the table. She seemed really into it.

"I remember that. Is the show any good?"

She waggles her tiny hand back and forth. "It's not bad, but some of the scenes lose a lot of their nuance due to not being able to rely on knowing what the character is thinking. That said, I think they got the chemistry between Captain Ruby and Space-Pirate White down perfectly. I hope the actresses win some kind award or something; they deserve it. I'm almost at the end of the second season, where the two of them finally admit their feelings for each-other during the fight against the Pernian hordes."

You're... not sure what to make about all of that. Apparently your formal, almost-military, fairy-shaped device has become a major fan of a space-opera series.

...Wait a minute "Wait, can't you just divert some processing power and watch the program mentally?"

She blinks before blushing at your question. "It's... just not the same. Watching it on a screen in real-time makes it feel... more real, somehow."

You mentally shrug. "Sounds Interesting. Do you think you could introduce me to the series? I can make some popcorn, and we can watch it together."

You can't help but note that the smile on your companion's face has a manic quality to it all of the sudden.


GM's Note: Sorry for being away for so long, everyone. My RL problems have been straightened out, my head's mostly on straight again, and I'm mostly over this cold.

Anyway, I finally got this done, and I should have the next part out sometime tomorrow.

Oh, and as far as Eliza's hobby: she's spent most of her time with you in a library while you were studying. She got bored. :D
... So~, today's been more hectic than I planned for, so the update will be delayed until either late-tonight or tomorrow. Depending on how tired I am when I get back. -_-
its totally fine, as long as you keep us up to date and let us know when you are delayed and are still working on the quest we'll be here. we can wait.
Lyrical Nanoha 15b
Lyrical Nanoha 15b:

"Okay. I think we should call it a day." Captain Alpine pants as his shield spell dissipates the last of your attacks; visibly covered in sweat. The dimensional barrier fades out a few seconds later.

"What's the matter, Captain?" One of his subordinates calls out in a joking tone. "Can't keep up with one rookie?"

"'Can't keep up with a Triple-A class cyborg with a unison device' you mean?" He calls back in an equally joking tone. "Fuck you, Roddy!"
Composure: 53+15=68
You do your best to keep your response to a grin.

"I really do appreciate this, by the way." You comment as he gulps down some kind of sports-drink. "I know this helps out you guys, too." The combat-data itself (especially from both a Combat Cyborg and a Unison Device) probably made this more than worth it for them, but- "I know there are probably other things you'd rather be doing right now."

"You'd be surprised." He mutters to himself, before changing the subject." By the way, I've been meaning to ask: How does someone from so far out in the boonies (no offense) get Combat Cyborg alterations, anyway?"

[] "A lady has to have some secrets."
[] "I honestly don't know the details."
[] "I think my parents had some kind of connections."
[] Write-In.

"Huh. Fair enough." He shrugs. "Anyway, Your skills have definitely improved since we started. Feel free to come back next week, if you're feeling up for another go."

"Thank you, Captain. I may just take you up on that." You comment, as you and Eliza start heading for the exit.
Wits: 18+15=33 XD
"So Eliza," You begin, turning to your fairy companion; who starts from where she was looking back at the TSAB members. She quickly turns to look at you with a strained smile. "Did you want to watch more Space-Captain Ruby?"

The sickly look on her face quickly changes to one of delight. "Yes! *cough* I mean: I would be delighted, Mistress."

"Then let's head home." You reply with a small grin of your own.

"Oh! And just call me Vivian." You add with a poke to her tiny side.


[Luck roll: 26]
Fate roll: 64
You and Eliza spend the local equivalent of Wednsday picking up various items for your warehouse and general use.

[-13,730 Credits]
[Mid-Childian Utilities added to your Warehouse's Living Area]

Nothing particularly interesting happens.

Also, next time you're bringing someone else besides Eliza to shop for clothes with. The artificial-fairy was incredibly hard to get an opinion out of when you were trying on outfits, and seemed to want to get out of there as fast as possible.

Then again, considering what she usually wears, it may just not be the way she was programmed.

In regards to finding a job: as someone who isn't a citizen of Bureau-controlled space, you find yourself having rather poor luck in your part-time job hunting.

It's not that you couldn't find anything, but that what you could find was... nothing you were particularly interested in doing. Menial labor and service-jobs for the most part.


Friday finds the two of you looking through electronic travel brochures for different areas of Midchilda.

"So, what do you think? Want to check out the Belkan Self-Governed Area? They'd likely have a lot of stories and information about unison devices."

"I guess..." she doesn't seem all that enthusiastic about the idea. Or maybe she's just nervous. "How about visiting an amusement park? From what I've read, 'Gates' is supposed to be the Midchildan equivalent of Disney World. They've got stuff for everyone."

"I've never been one for amusement parks." Actually, the closest things you've ever been to was carnivals (which you've always thought of as noisy and childish) and the World's Fair back when it was still running (which was admittedly fascinating, but still noisy for your tastes). "Besides, we're trying not to spend too much at the moment."

"Ah, nevermind then." She goes back to flicking through screens.

"Oooh!" You hear her perk up a minute later. "How about the beach? That sounds like a good place to relax."

You consider this for a minute. "Eh, Maybe." Beaches weren't really your thing either.

"Maybe we're looking at this the wrong way." You decide after another ten minutes.

"How so?"

"At the moment, we're just looking through options randomly. The question we should be asking ourselves is:

What do we want to do?"
[] Write-In


GM's Note: YES! I finished in time! ... Kinda. Technically, it's still 'tomorrow' here. >.>

*cough* Anyway: Voting will go until
[X] "I honestly don't know the details."
[X] See stuff unique to Midchilda, the beach, park and amusement parks are similar wherever you go.

Maybe some kind of magicaly active geography?