Lyrical Nanoha 8: ???: 88
The Local TSAB commander turns out to be a middle-aged woman by the name of Salina Ranold. Despite her graying hair, lined face, tired expression, and well-used desk, you can't help but feel a commanding presence from her.
Or maybe it's because of these things? Social interaction was never really your forte.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Majere, Miss Eliza." She says, nodding to each of you. "I wanted to thank you for all your help, today."
"You too, Commander." You reply with a nod in return. "We're just happy that we could help. That whole situation was a mess."
"With our communications cut-off by that lost logia, we're still trying to piece together exactly what happened. Would you be willing to give us a copy of your fight data for us to go over?"
[] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[] "Sorry, but I'd rather not." (You'd lose out on some of the goodwill complying would get you; also a chance to make some suspicious)
[] "[Write-in]"
"Anyway, Your I.D. you're from Non-Administered World 97; Earth, I think you call it? The same world as Admiral Graham." Here she chuckles. "For a world with practically no magic on it, you people are surprisingly competent when you get your hands on it." Composure: 86+15=101
With an effort of will, you do not smirk as two others come to mind. "I've never met the man, but apparently I have a high bar to beat." There's a bit of dryness in your tone.
"So, if you don't mind me asking; what brings you to Mid-childa?"
[] "I'm hoping to do some research at the Infinite Library."
[] "I'm looking to apprentice under a device-meister."
[] "I was actually looking into joining the TSAB."
[] "Just playing tourist, at the moment. I wanted to see what a world other than my own was like."
[] "[Write-in]"
She nods in understanding. "Well, I can certainly point you in the right direction. Oh; and before I forget." Opening one of her desk drawers, she pulls out a card of some sorts before handing it to you. Eliza helpfully informs you that it's a Mid-childan debit-card. "For your assistance earlier. It's not much, but it's all I'm cleared to give out to civilians."
[Gained 50,000 Mid-childan credits]
You idly thank her as you accept the money.
"One last thing before I have to get back to this paperwork." Here she seems to deflate slightly. "We're currently undermanned due to an incident in that newly administered territory. Can we call on you if there's another emergency like this?"
[] "Certainly."
[] "I'm afraid I'll have to decline."
[] "[Write-in]"
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm hoping to do some research at the Infinite Library."
[X] "Certainly."
Hey, we'll have the TSAB's favor and if they need help, we can take off some of our time at the Infinite Library to help them. It gets us allies and makes us practice our magic. A good deal overall.
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm looking to apprentice under a device-meister."
[X] "If I'm not busy I will be happy to volunteer my time. I'll send you my schedule once I'm settled."
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm hoping to do some research at the Infinite Library."
[X] "If I'm not busy I will be happy to volunteer my time."
Ah, yeah. Just realized. That'll be a bit of an impolite answer I suppose. Being busy doesn't justify not lending a hand when an entire planet is being swarmed by Zerg-expies. Changing it to 'Certainly'.
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm hoping to do some research at the Infinite Library."
[X] "Certainly."
[ ] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[ ] "I'm hoping to do some research at the Infinite Library."
[ ] "Certainly."
Edit: vote change
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm hoping to do some research at the Infinite Library."
[X] "Certainly."
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm hoping to do some research at the Infinite Library."
[X] "Certainly."
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm hoping to do some research at the Infinite Library."
[X] "Certainly."
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm hoping to do some research at the Infinite Library."
[X] "Certainly."
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm hoping to do some research at the Infinite Library."
[X] "Certainly."
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm hoping to do some research at the Infinite Library."
[X] "Certainly."
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm looking to apprentice under a device-meister."
[X] "If I'm not busy I will be happy to volunteer my time. I'll send you my schedule once I'm settled."
The TSAB can introduce us to one, and any skills we learn DO keep after all...and Nanohaverse magitech requires materials which you can probably get or arrange for synthesis of in any modern setting
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm looking to apprentice under a device-meister."
[X] "If I'm not busy I will be happy to volunteer my time. I'll send you my schedule once I'm settled."
The TSAB can introduce us to one, and any skills we learn DO keep after all...and Nanohaverse magitech requires materials which you can probably get or arrange for synthesis of in any modern setting
Vote change [X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm looking to apprentice under a device-meister." [X] "Certainly."
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
[X] "I'm looking to apprentice under a device-meister."
[X] "If I'm not busy I will be happy to volunteer my time. I'll send you my schedule once I'm settled."
Adhoc vote count started by Michael Lewis on Oct 13, 2018 at 5:15 PM
This vote count is in an error state, please contact support
Adhoc vote count started by Michael Lewis on Oct 13, 2018 at 5:15 PM, finished with 17 posts and 12 votes.
[X] "Certainly." (They'd be grateful; there's a chance they'll notice some 'anomalies' but they'd likely be brushed off as quirks of your Belkan unison device {Eliza})
"In case of another emergency, you have my support." You nod back to her.
Considering the drawbacks you've taken, there's a good chance you'll need to get involved anyway; so this should help smooth out the process somewhat.
"Unless there's anything else you'd like to bring up?" At your negative response she continues. "Then I'll have a cab called for you to take you to the Library."
"Thank you Commander. Good luck with your endeavors."
"You too, Miss Majere."
A few minutes later found you standing on the sidewalk as a Midchildan taxi is pulling up alongside.
You can't help but take a moment to take in your situation.
At first glance, you'd think this was an ordinary (if large) Earth city.
Then you start noticing the little details: The cars that run much quieter than 'normal' ones, and don't put out any exhaust; the devices that people use in place of computers and cell-phones.
The multiple large moons that can be seen despite the sun still being in the sky.
Everything seems to be so similar to what you know that the little details seem that much more jarring.
Speaking of the moons, if their relative size is anything to go by, those things could be planets by themselves. You idly wonder if that's something left over from the Belkan/Al-hazardi eras, because you're reasonably certain that it's not natural.
As you step into the vehicle, you make a note to set some time aside to do some research about Midchilda in general.
The Infinity Library is, quite frankly, one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen.
Sure, the anime and mangas described it, but actually seeing the rows of bookshelves stretching as far as the eye can see makes you want to squeal like a schoolgirl.
You're so happy that your Perfect Memory and Total Efficiency boosts from the Basic Jumper Package still work.
What do you want to research?:
[] Write-in.
Note: you can create plans to research multiple things, but keep in mind that the more spread yourself out, the less gains you'll get in each.
GM's Notes: Kinda wanted to do more with this one, but I'm currently running a fever, and my concentration is impaired; so this will have to do for now.
So what do we want to have? I say we browse through everything that we can. It'll always be in our memories due to 'Perfect Memory'. We can then study it in more detail, just while sleeping, relaxing or meditating. Without perfect memory, we just quickly look through a page and its in our brain forever.
[X] Focus on looking through the maximum amount of books you can and memorize them.
[x] The basics of Midchilda, the history, things you aren't supossed to do and things you are free to do. Also, if it's possible to get a job in the library.