Lets Help Cyber Create a Superhero Universe (SV lets try not to Destroy the Earth)

so if random hobbo is rampaging on the other side of the country in a suprise attack,how can you send reinforcement in time if you will only know about the attack 6 hours after it happened?
Send a guy with Superspeed to send a message and then send him back to try to keep the damages from getting worse.

What...Having a Super SPeed guy work for the post office just works, and its efficient until technology gets better.

esentially i would put/use southamerica as a de-construction of the usual heroe mythos
in southamerica,powered people have formed a symbiotic if corrupt relationship,that despite all its flaws is stable,is ''channeled violence/corruption''
I'll Allow such things to be in place for the Post Terra SOL environment.

It was much worse in the Pre Crisis Era.

In fact here' the Colombia's Pre Crisis Hero and Villain Regulation Unit.

South America's "First Shadow Hands" AKA Organization Sheets

The History of South America in the 20th Century is in many ways a struggle between the extremes of Order, Chaos and Controlled civility.

Colombia was the first warning sign of the wider chaos that would ingulf the continent following the Panama War for independence to build the Panama canal, with the Thousand Days War leading to the first recorded usage of Super Powered Individuals in combat on a wide political scale.

The After effects of such a union of political violence and God-like power, would give the South American People a phrase for the nearly 51 years of intermitted violence.

The Powered Individuals would be labeled...

"Pandora's Time Bomb"

Of course the scars of such a label would cause...greater issues in the decades to come.

But we have to thank the Most questionable of these organizations and one of the oldest Anti-Super Taskforce on Public Record.

The Phantom Marinas: From 1905 to 1979 it was the Best Anti- Super Task Force on earth, tasked with preventative measures of attack, the capture and Indoctrination of Super Powered Children to be loyal to the state, often at the barrel of a Gun, with the elimination of all social and political ties to maintain the delicate force of Government stability.

Phantom Marines
Motto: All Evil is Justified for Peace in the Nation.
Mandate: Oversee "Powered Assets" and or Eliminate all Rouge Super Powered Individuals in the Nation of Colombia.

Numbers at Height of Power (1975) :40,000 Trained Paramilitires, 500 "Powered Assets" 2 supercomputers. 2,334 "Asset recruits"

Subcontracted Villains and Heroes: 21 "Gone Legit" and 12 "Public Relations Experts"


Yeah at the height of their Power they kept the Supers down and on a Leash and Villains more or less contained.

And yeah...they kidnapped children, killed all social and political ties they may have had and made them utterly loyal to the state via indoctrination and nationalism.

It worked almost too well then the Crisis came and ruined everything destroying DECADES of cultivated assets and now, they have been disbanded and replaced by a more modern institution, Indoctornation is too crude, most of their assets went to the Aliens, so they use community outreach, sensible planning and settle disputes in court. But sometimes, things need a stick to work.

[]Organization Name
-Current Leader
Subcontracted Hero's and or Villains: Numbers are fine
-Basic Lore.
-Fun Facts.
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im using logic
you have civil wars,you have people that can match hundreds of soldiers
you have people getting said powers at random

how can a 1900 society contain such event?
fastest communication method is telegram wich take a few hours and only sends short phrases

so if random band of 10 superpowered people is rampaging on the other side of the country in a suprise attack,how can you send reinforcement in time if you will only know about the attack 6 hours after it happened?

the attrition is no sustainable,and is impossible to track superpowered people

im open to accept other logic,but i need something to work with,not merely ''you are wrong''

what do you think would happen in the 1900's in southamerica civil wars?
And you missed my point. I was not saying your are wrong. But saying your trying to apply a very different culture to well a different culture. You use super to counter supers, or even just do shit like magic or advance tech in the future to keep track or at lest a rough idea. Also Cyber I will start working on the Foundation now.
Also @Cyber I will start working on the Foundation now.

Also the Phantom Marines in any other context would be the Villain.

Here, they are the "Archatype" for Draconian Hero and Villian registration that actually works.

Because, sometimes, being an utter bastard is necessary for state security, were they good, no, did it work yes..

They actually worked and kept the bad things from happening to let Colombia focus on more civil things, like civil wars and politcs.
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Send a guy with Superspeed to send a message and then send him back to try to keep the damages from getting worse.

1)implying super speed guys pop up in reliable manner in enough numbers (there are 1112 towns on colombia alone,will 1112 people pop up with the same EXACT power?)

2)your example is implying that you have recruited and trained a speedter for postal service specifically,that implies already existing protocols and government experience with heroes,wich as in the 1900's case in southamerica,isnt the case (both the government are fractured and people are seeing heroes for the first time),so on top of getting 1112 speedters,you manage to recruit,train them and mobilize them in middle of civil wars?
3) and that still doesnt adress collateral damage,heroes interning to stop super people doesnt work if is ''free for all'' figth,because if half the town gets destroyed,then is esentially erasing the entire town

you need to handle the ''transition'' period
wich in big countries with organization (europe,russia,US,china,Mexico,australia) or really low tech and decentralized to the point mass combat is not really a thing (africa tribes,south asia) is really manageable

but southamerica hits that point where there is both population density,conflict and just enough organization to have mass casualties really fast in a transition period for supers

in colombia alone in the 1900 you had 40 milions inhabitants
so having 1 speedter per town would mean you have 1/4k ratio of speedters,assuming there are dozens to hundreds of different powers,that means you have 6 to a dozen of powered people per town (a town has 5k or ten thousands),single figth between heroes destroy entire city blocks

>dozens supers per town
>dozens of uneducated farmers and factory workers or civil war soldiers
>*insert hancock on steroids*

basically,in the 1900's is the wildwest
because you have given everyone a random nuke ready to go off at moments notice

and no one even has a fucking idea of what a ''nuke'' (in this case powers),is and they dont know how to handle it either
so they must learn through practice and error (with matching casualties rates fitting the scale of power involved)

everybody is ''hancock'',with similar rate of collaterals destruction

after ward the early 1900's things should have stabilized,but during it ,should be a fucking nightmare

*description of paramilitarie hero containtment*

i like this,and i find the numbers realistic too

recruiting all supes is not doable,if you have 1 sup per thousand people that would make 400k supes in colombia,bigger than the army at any given time of our history,and bigger than the population of more than 40 percent of our towns

instead every super gets tracked/marked
with strongest ones either being recruited or killed

Leading to a smaller,but stronger hero containment army (5k-40k),more ''scalpel'' style intervention
remove the potentially dangerous,track the ''average'' super

so their numbers make sense
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>dozens supers per town
>dozens of uneducated farmers and factory workers or civil war soldiers
>*insert hancock on steroids*
Yeah...hence the reason for that super draconian organization that existed.
i like this,and i find the numbers realistic too
Its how South America survived and was stable enough to worry about the CIA and cold war politics...until the Crisis that is.

And these guys were utter bastards. at least a rank below Mao.

And Mao killed ALOT more people in this timeline.

Turns out he's uhh got the goods needed to attack Taiwan and escalated some things.

He lost but it was not a pretty sight.

to the tune of the Great Leap Forword...and the Taiwan strait almost going hot and trying to take Macau and Hong Kong in 1960.

Mao killed about...110 million people in China during the Great Leap Forword and the escalated Second Taiwan Strait crisis that nearly started a world war stopped by a coelition of Super Hero's.

Yeah...its not a fun time to be Super in China...or South east asia in general.
[X]Organization Name: Foundation
-Current Leaders: The organization is lead by a council of 10. Three villains, three heroes, three naturals, and one unknow.
The Unknow member is not mortal or even form reality. It is a being that offered to help form the Foundation, and keep an eye on Humanity.
-Motto: Every guild has there own but the one that is agreed for the Foundation it self is Terra est resistere or Earth must stand.
-Mandate: Keeping life as we know going on
-Numbers: (The Crisis of Terra SOL) Generally combats: 500, Civilian staff: 1000 ,Blood-guard: 25, Mages:15, 3 supercomputers. (Current) Generally combats: 10000, Civilian staff: 5000 ,Blood-guard: 50, Tech-guard: 50, Alchemy-guard: 50, Natural-guard: 50, Mage-guard: 50, Shadow-guard: 50, Business-guard:50, Peace-guard:50, Seer-guard: 50 ,Mages:500, 40 supercomputers, Vampires: 25, Dampier: 10, Alchemist: 25, Assassins: 25.
Subcontracted Hero's and or Villains: 100 Heroes, 100 villains, 200 naturals, and many other supernatural staff.
-Basic Lore: The Foundation is spilt into 9 groups with each council member but unknow having there own. The guards are linked to a council member and intern are gifted power by them. The Foundation is one of the few organizations that use contract magic. The Foundation is a globe organization even if its roots are based around the USA. Magic and advance super tech is a common sight within the Foundation.
-Fun Facts: All members of the council have a from of Semi-immortality. All council members have code names, that have a meaning, they code names come form the unknow member of the council.

The numbers and Subcontracted can/will change as we figure more about this world. As well as Lore. Thoughts Cyber?
Now that is the Cyber, I know. Anyway any things that makes sense to add or things you feel I should add?
I mean, the Illuminati Exists.

just keep that in mind...given how we've been building things.

There can be...5 Secret societies that run the nations of the world.

2 Super Secret societies AKA the secret societies to the Secret societies.

And one Solar System Spanning one...yes we have that.
I mean, the Illuminati Exists.

just keep that in mind...given how we've been building things.

There can be...5 Secret societies that run the nations of the world.

2 Super Secret societies AKA the secret societies to the Secret societies.

And one Solar System Spanning one...yes we have that.
Yeah I feel many want the Foundation either gone or support it. The Foundation does have a more secret side but well it mainly is about keeping humanity and earth alive. And there is no way the council members do not know about a lest a few Secret societies.
Yeah I feel many want the Foundation either gone or support it. The Foundation does have a more secret side but well it mainly is about keeping humanity and earth alive. And there is no way the council members do not know about a lest a few Secret societies.
And the Solar System one is rather recent one. Only being formed in 1999.
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[X]Cape Name: Older public name: Theodora . Foundation code name: Le Fey.
-Appearances: Look , Civilian. (Civilian is more what they looks like then anything not then clothes.)
-Secret Identity: Amelie May
-Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
-Nationality: British
-Area of Operation: Earth
-Power: Magical/Tech
Science Combat, Technorganic Physiology, Hacking Intuition, Enhanced Memory, Supernatural Intelligence,
Enhanced Beauty, Clear Mind, Elucidation, Tactical Analysis, Multitasking, and Pattern Sense.
-Species: Human (Cyborg)
-Era: The Crisis of Terra SOL , The Broken Ones.
-Weakness: Not super trough/stronger without power armor, looks for the best in people, other council members.

Here is the base Cyber, I will work on backstory next. Also add/changed some things on Samuel/Cain.
I've got another one I've come up with.

[X] Cape Name: The Golden Mentor
-Appearance: A humanoid solid gold statue wearing a plain white toga.
-Secret Identity: N/A (Was originally named Ploutarchous by his creator)
-Moral Alignment: Initially N/A, eventually Neutral Good
-Nationality: Ancient Greek
-Area of Operations: Earth
-Powers: Gold Mimicry, Statue Physiology, Ability Indexing, Ability Teaching.
Gold Manipulation and Life Creation (from his creator), as well as Lunar and Solar Shield Construction.
-Species: Living Solid Gold Statue.
-Backstory: The Golden Mentor was created by one off the oldest and most famous incidents of a powered individual still recorded: King Midas. Yes, that Midas. Designed with a specific purpose in mind, Midas unintentionally made the mentor sentient. Initially amazed at what he had achieved completely by accident, over the course off several years of his creation watching his work, his mind suddenly began to turn conspiratorial, and before anyone even knew of the statues existence, its mind had been *turned off* through means lost to time and its gold mass of a body abandoned somewhere its creator hoped would never be found.

Fast forward well over a thousand years, when a team of British archaeologists wound up finding a spot in the walls of their dig site where a draft could be felt. Some back breaking work later, and they uncovered something big: a secret room with a solid gold statue inside off it. Which was now talking to them in a very obviously confused manner in Ancient Greek.

Quickly and quietly returned to London and handed over to the League for Commonwealth Improvement and Defense, what they discovered was a being whose sole purpose had been to observe, learn about, and index all the various powers that existed in the world, then teach those powers to others. A being who, despite a surprising intellect and knowledge that already far outstripped the assembled specialists in some areas, was like an underdeveloped child in others.

Since that faithful month in which it all went down, The Golden Mentor has been spotted all over Europe but only sporadically. No one knows where exactly he's being educated. However, sightings of him across Europe have heavily increased every year since 2016, and 2017 had the first confirmed sightings in Asia, North America, and Africa. Many believe that he will soon be accepting students, and taking to the scene as a hero in his own right.

Era: From First Contact to The Third Generation
Weaknesses: In earlier eras, a childlike innocence and lack of knowledge about how the world works. All the disadvantages of being gold rather than flesh, most notably a vulnerability to mercury. Can only teach powers he has indexed, not his own powers. He can never index his own powers. Indexing takes time and repeated observation of the power in use. Teaching takes a variable but notable amount of time, depending on the power being taught.
Folks got space ports and moon bases?
THE MOON: The Moon is one the Key areas in the Modern Era starting in 1987 (or 1970 if you wink and smile)..with the Lunar Defence Grid following the rebuilding of the Earth Following the End of the Crisis.

Capital: Von Braun (UN Overseas control Mandate) (How Origenal) Population: 40,000 (Founded 1987)

Largest Cities:

Armstrong (USA) Pop 15,000 (Founded 1989)

Aldrin(USA) Population 10,000 (Founded 1994)

Avalon (The UK) Population 8,000 (Founded 1997)

Gagarin (Russia) Population 8,000 (Founded 2001)

Hidalgo (South America) Population 5,000 (Founded 2005)

AN: Some lore on the moon.
Ol' Tin Knight That is nice man, got any plans for what they were doing during the Crisis or if they join any organizations?
To the first question, not particularly. To the second question, I would assume they would end up joining the organization mentioned in their background, but I'm not Cyberphilosipher. Speaking of which...

[X] Organization Name: The League for Commonwealth Improvement and Defense.
-Current Leaders: The League is theoretically lead by a council consisting of a hero from each of the 'Big 5' nations (United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand) as well as a non-powered representative from the Commonwealth of Nations. In practice (in 2019) the United Kingdom seat has been conspicuously empty for the past 18 years.
-Motto: Deus Reginam Servet, Nos Servabit Populum.
-Mandate: Protect the the Commonwealth of Nations from outside threats, try to improve the everyday life of the average citizen of the Commonwealth Nations.
-Numbers: (The Crisis of Terra SOL) Mundane Security and Special Operations Staff: 12500, Mundane civilian staff and non-combat empowered: 25000, League Heroes: ~325-350, Specialists: 50, Tech: 10 supercomputers, 1 large network hub. (Current) Mundane Security and Special Operations Staff: 2000, Mundane civilian staff and non-combat empowered: 20000, League Heroes: ~200-300, Specialists: 30, Tech: 50 supercomputers, 5 large network hubs.
Subcontracted Hero's and or Villains: ~50-100 Heroes, 50 mages, ~5-10 Trusted Vampires and many other supernatural staff.
-Basic Lore: The League was formed by a secret clause in the declaration of Balfour, with the original intention of enabling the United Kingdom to continue to benefit from powered individuals born in the other commonwealth realms. Over time and due to its leadership structure, that intention fell off, replaced with an organization aimed at genuine cooperation across a variety of issues effecting all the commonwealth nations.
The League generally relies on its heroes for muscle, using normal humans only in a light security role. However, the league became heavily engaged in both the Second World War and the Crisis, and on both occasions significantly bulked up its numbers of mundane security personnel and, infamously, began fielding its own special forces units.
In non-combat roles, on the other hand, The League tends to quite the opposite approach it takes to combat roles, leaning heavily on a large core of experienced, highly qualified and educated, but altogether normal, staff ranging from bureaucrats to scientists. The League knows of and understands magic, but pure magic users tend to be uncommon among its ranks. Hyper-advanced technology, however, has long been one of their areas of expertise, and they employ it with some regularity.
-Fun Facts: The League's UK seat was previously occupied first by Commodore Albion, the so called 'Ruler of the Waves', then until 18 years ago by The Grenadier.
Ahh perfection and the Old British Empire did in fact make this for the express purpose of unilateral defence.

Terra Sol just made it more obvious as the situation deteriorated.

As of Modern Times its one the Big Three Hero Organizations in the world.
The Foundation one of them? or do you have a plan for that organization? Know you you already have plans to use it in fun ways.