PC players would have been able to mod her back in if they wanted, so thhose determined enough would have done it anyway, if they haven't already.

For me A Quiet Exit's finality was very important, and that mission as well as Quiet leaving is as much the climax of the narrative as The Man Who Stole The World. That her leaving, for good, was a consequence of that mission was a part of that finality. You lose a lot of people in The Phantom Pain, and you can't get them back - not even Quiet. I don't think having the option of getting her back now damages that experience I had, but it may lessen that impact for future players.
I hate how they removed the ability to add your own music to the in-game casette tape player which, I remind you, was possible in Ground Zeroes.

I mean why did they go around ripping out an already finished feature that was quite cool and which I liked a lot? It makes no sense.
So does anyone have any idea on why the individual areas (R&D, support, etc...) of the new Mother Base are separated by such long distances from each other meaning you have to waste a lot of material to build the bridges between the areas when you could cluster them closer like the old Mother Base did? :???:
So does anyone have any idea on why the individual areas (R&D, support, etc...) of the new Mother Base are separated by such long distances from each other meaning you have to waste a lot of material to build the bridges between the areas when you could cluster them closer like the old Mother Base did? :???:
...because if you clustered them closer like the old Mother Base, it's a helluva lot easier to suffer a cascade collapse like when XOF raided Mother Base?

Like, this is basic military theory: if your forces are too tightly clustered they're easily destroyed in one fell swoop; if they're too far apart they aren't mutually supporting, so you have to find a balance. Tanks on the move, for example, can be almost a kilometer apart in some instances.
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So I have been thinking of getting into the FOB business. So are the costs for FOB platform building the same as for the MB?

And I may be willing to buy en extra FOB as well. How needed is a third base?
So according to Konami we're only one step from achieving the nuclear disarmament ending, but... it might not happen soon, given that all nuclear weapons must be disarmed.

r/MetalGearPhilanthropy are actively trying to steal and disarm, but there's r/MetalGearPatriots to contend with. As a metagame and community challenge this whole thing is actually really cool.
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...That is an astonishing difference in ownership between the consoles vs. PC.
Part of it might be because PC users can magic up resources to construct nukes and possibly magic up nukes as well.
Oh, right, the pc version has literally no ability to prevent cheaters from just giving themselves unlimited resources.
Part of it might be because PC users can magic up resources to construct nukes and possibly magic up nukes as well.
Oh, right, the pc version has literally no ability to prevent cheaters from just giving themselves unlimited resources.
This. If you're on PC and someone steals a nuke from your base you can just shrug, hit tilde, and give yourself ten more.
pretty sure in a patch they made it so that nukes can only be built with online resources, but the damage is done.
To quote Rufus on SB:


At the 2015 Game Awards, host Geoff Keighley stated that Konami had banned Hideo Kojima from accepting any awards.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain took home two awards Thursday night. One of those was Best Action/Adventure Game, which was accepted on Hideo Kojima's behalf by voice actor Kiefer Sutherland. According to host Geoff Keighley, Kojima did not attend because he was legally banned from accepting any awards by Konami.

"As you noticed Hideo Kojima is not here with us tonight, and I want to tell you a little bit about that," Keighley said. "Mr. Kojima had every intention of being with us tonight but unfortunately he was informed by a lawyer representing Konami just recently that he would not be allowed to travel to tonight's awards ceremony to accept any awards. He's still under an employment contract, and it's disappointing, and it's inconceivable to me that an artist like Hideo would not be allowed to come here and celebrate with his peers and his fellow teammates."

In October it was reported that Kojima parted ways with Konami, although Konami denied the report, stating that Kojima was "on vacation."

So... yeah.

To promote Jim Sterling's message: #FucKonami
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I am wondering how they could legally prevent Kojima from attending VGA.

Since we have a lawyer in this thread, could @Ford Prefect tell us what kind of a "mechanism" Konami probably used to legally prevent Kojima from attending VGA?
first they tried to remove his name from the game he was in charge of, then they prevented from receiving an award for that game, i wonder if there's a case for a damages suit?
first they tried to remove his name from the game he was in charge of, then they prevented from receiving an award for that game, i wonder if there's a case for a damages suit?

I don't *think* so, it's not like they're denying him his paycheck or even having the award, just showing up to the ceremony.
Is anyone else vexed at how the normal camo uniforms have this stupid strap hanging around with no good reason at all? :confused:

I mean what the hell for is the strap on the behind of Snake hanging around freely for? It vexes me...
The only thing that really baffles me is how Snake has a length of paracord tied around his thigh. Did he make some dark pact with Liefeld to secure his great powers ...?
And why does he have one leg of his fatigue pants untucked? I suppose it's not as bad as BB having both untucked in Snake Eater, but there's a reason you tuck that shit. Gonna get centipedes or scorpions all up in your dick area boy.