Let Me Play Among The Stars (A Space Program Plan Quest)

Oh, for some reason I thought the window for partial failure was bigger than that
For each Key Phase make a Phase test (2d10+Control/Stability/Reliability) and apply the consequences based on the result of the roll.
20+ - Full success: The phase's results are beyond expectations. Take +1 forward to the next Key Phase.
11-19 - Partial success: The mission proceeds as planned. Move on to the next Key Phase.
6-10 - Partial failure: Something in the system is failing and the mission is at risk. Take -1 ongoing to future Key Phases. The GM may decide to make a move.
1-5 - Catastrophic failure: Something goes disastrously wrong with the mission. Take -2 ongoing to future Key Phases. The GM should make a move.
C1FR2 - Razic Flight Success September 1951
Lift-Off: 11, Partial Success

The flash of ignition was sudden enough to be surprising but the roar of a rocket engine that swiftly followed was unmistakable. The Razić didn't move for several seconds, the engine choking in the opening moments, and Hedwig felt a pang of fear that this was to be another round of disappointment.

Then, as if suddenly unleashed, the Razić leaps upwards. Guided by the tower it gathers speed until it shoots towards the sky like an arrow launched from a bow. Hedwig knows the whoops from the assembled officers are premature but she cannot help but join in. This time it will work. It must.

Somehow, in the excitement, Apollines hand has found hers.

Max-Q: 14, Partial Success

Listening intently, Hedwig waits for reports from the command vehicles. She can hear the hushed voices of the missile operators, she can tell when things are going well or going badly by the tones of the various voices.

She waits for the low complaint, the strained report of some failure in the engine or the booster or even in the transponder that has taken the place of what will one day be an explosive warhead. But nothing comes. Just a hushed note that the missile is passing through a moment of maximum dynamic pressure… and that it has come through safely.

She squeezes Apollines hand in hers, their fingers intertwined.

Guidance: 18, Partial Success

It is a remarkably short flight between Kronogård and the bare patch of land serving as a target location. A matter of minutes between the Razić lifting from the tower to its impact hundreds of kilometres away. Hedwig spends those minutes barely breathing. Once the engine has finished burning there is nothing more to do but wait.

Finally Arne leans out of his command truck, pushing the canvas flap aside so he can look down at the assembled group. For a moment Hedwig thinks he looks like an itinerant preacher, the stubble that has grown around his wide grin giving him a crazed air.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have an impact on the target." He says quietly and the crowd breaks apart.

The members of PEAC, aware of how tight this deadline has been for them and how important this success is to their future hug and weep and cheer.

The military men and women, unaware of the politics but content with their new weapon, simply applaud.

And in the centre of things, Apolline kisses Hedwig.

Mission Objective:
Guided Missile
Complete. Annual Refreshing Budget set to 8C.

Prestige Objective: Complete
Select a Reward:

[ ] 2C single award.
[ ] 1 Clout

Assess Flight Data:
Roll 2d10-2

Select a new Mission from the following available ones:

[ ] Tier 0: Experimental Rocket
[ ] Tier 2: Short Range Ballistic Missile
Either you've got a very old copy or this is the strangest mandela effect i've ever encountered.
was reading off this post? which probably counts as very old copy
Please roll 2d10+1 for the design of the XRE-2 engine.

- Start a new part card or select a pre-made one - Engine, Booster or Payload
- Assemble the components and fill in the parts statistics according to the modifiers listed for those parts.
- Make a Design test (2d10+Engineer) and apply a modifier to the new part based on the result:
16-20 - Full success: The element works as intended and is ready to be used. Add +1 Reliability, Safety or Control to the part or choose one free optimisation. The GM should make a move.
11-15 - Partial success: The element may have some minor issues but it is essentially functional. There is no modifier.
6-10 - Partial failure: The element is not as capable as expected or it has several minor issues likely to affect its capabilities. Add -1 Reliability, Safety or Control to the part.
1-5 - Catastrophic failure: This element is semi-functional and has a high chance of suffering a critical failure. Add -3 Reliability, Safety or Control to the part. The GM should make a move.

also, roll
andrewopk threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Assess Flight Data Total: 8
4 4 4 4
We really need to get that test stand and work on that engine reliability.
C1R9 - July-September 1951
Assess Flight Data: 8, Failure, No Consequence.
Gain 1 Clout
Improve Refreshing Annual Budget to 8C
New Mission:

Experimental Rocket
Launch a rocket with an experimental payload that can reach fifty kilometres (50km) altitude.
  • Basic Science Module
  • Recovery Option or a powered Communication Element
At least 1200m/s Delta/v.
Next Steps
Guided Missile, Sounding Rocket, Mail Rocket

International News

July 1951
Korea: A fresh Japanese push is repelled from Seoul, as some in the Chinese military warn of high levels of radioactivity being detected inside the city's metropolitan area.
Kansas: Major flooding reaches its highest point and finally begins to recede doing massive damage across the Midwestern United States.
Palestine: King Abdullah I of Jordan is assassinated while at Friday prayers in Jerusalem. He will be succeeded by his son, King Talal.
Geneva: The Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, a multinational treaty, is signed in the League of Nations. It will come into force in 1954.

August 1951
France: Rene Pleven becomes Prime Minister.
Germany: The first Volkswagen Type 1, later called the beetle, rolls off a production line in the Democratic Deutsche Republic.
Korea: The first reported cases of Seoul Sickness are reported amongst Chinese, North Korean and Polish forces defending the City.
Coastal Guyana: A few miles off the coast of the French colony, a lone bomber circles awaiting the order. Entire ships watch from out to sea, patiently waiting. Finally the message is sent. A bomb is dropped. The bomber dives to escape. The second Atomic weapon the world has ever seen explodes.

September 1951
United States: A formal treaty is signed on the island of Midway, ending hostilities between Imperial Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom and numerous other smaller parties. The Soviet Union refuses to sign until hostilities cease in Korea.
United Kingdom: The UK begins economic sanctions against Iran for its actions against British oil companies.
Europe: The ECN welcomes Greece and Turkey as members of the defence bloc.
Korea: The Defence of Seoul collapses after thousands of troops are evacuated north of the 38th parallel with symptoms of radiation poisoning. Seoul sickness is quickly becoming the 2nd biggest killer of the war.

France has tested an atomic weapon. What does the ECN do?
[ ] Deploy a weapon to Korea for use against Japanese forces occupying Seoul.
[ ] Threaten the use of a weapon unless Japan withdraws from Korea.
[ ] Threaten the use of a weapon unless Japan negotiates a ceasefire.
[ ] Keep it secret and hidden from the world.


You have one vote for each month for a total of three votes. Please write your plan in the month-by-month order you would like the actions to occur.
The Current Budget is 3.71C
The Program has 1 Clout

[ ] Build an Engine Test stand for a current or future Engine, paying the cost out of the current budget.
  • [ ] Write in the Fuel mixture and maximum size of the Engine or
  • [ ] Write in the Engine the Test stand is designed for
[ ] Build a Wind Tunnel, paying the cost out of the current budget.
  • [ ] Write in the maximum capacity in M of a subsonic tunnel
  • [ ] Write in the maximum capacity in M of a supersonic tunnel
[ ] Build a Launch Pad, paying the cost out of the current budget.
  • [ ] Write in the maximum Launch Vehicle size and the Fuel mixture it's intended for.
[ ] Build or Upgrade a Production Facility
  • [ ] Write in the maximum size of the Launch Vehicle this facility can build.
  • [ ] Upgrade a facility to hasten construction of Launch Vehicles.
  • [ ] Upgrade a facility to allow parallel construction of Launch Vehicles.

[ ] An Engine for a future mission - Write in the details
[ ] A Booster for a future mission - Write in the details
[ ] A payload for a future mission - Write in the details

[ ] Plan a Mission using a currently available Engine, Booster and Payload.

[ ] Modify the Razić Launch Vehicle to use a different (already designed) payload.

[ ] Order a VREDE Launch Vehicle and pay the cost out of the current budget.
[ ] Order a Razić Launch Vehicle and pay the cost out of the current budget.

[ ] Schedule a mission using a Razić Launch Vehicle.

[ ] Research: Fuel
[ ] Research: Payload
[ ] Research: Electronics
[ ] Research: Booster
[ ] Research: Mission Elements

[ ] Attempt to gain Clout to retain budget during the military crisis
Did some quick math and I think we could just stick the SPP payload from VREDE onto the Razic and still have a T/M of ~2. After that we definitely need to design a new rocket.

Also threatening to use the bomb is theoretically part of the ECN's "peacekeeping" mandate but it might not be a good look right now.
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Are we better off using the spare Razić to launch the science payload or building a new VREDE, which is a more reliable rocket, and keeping the Razić for a cheap shot at a later mission?

Also, with the new pile of money we should definitely invest in larger launch and manufacturing facilities. We can't keep launching 1-ton rockets forever.
[X] Threaten the use of a weapon unless Japan negotiates a ceasefire.

[X] Plan Try Try Again
- [X] Order a VREDE
- [X] Undertake: Capital
- [X] Schedule a VREDE

Alright, I've looked at how much money we need to upgrade the facilities to launch bigger rockets and we really need as much money as possible.
I'm not going to close the vote until there's a couple more and I'd appreciate them soon. Lets give it another 24 hours.
[X] Threaten the use of a weapon unless Japan negotiates a ceasefire.

[X] Plan Try Try Again
- [X] Order a VREDE
- [X] Undertake: Capital
- [X] Schedule a VREDE