Let Me Play Among The Stars (A Space Program Plan Quest)

As a side note, if you'd like to discuss the quest, rocketry, or the rule set being used, there is a channel on the discord server WordSmiths
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C1FR1- VREDE Flight Failure - December 1950

Flight Conclusion - VREDE Prototype - December 1950

The rocket lifts from the pad spewing smoke from beneath its skirt. It ascends slowly at first but gathers pace far faster than Hedwig thought was possible. It is so large, one would have to expect it to lumber into the sky like an overloaded aircraft. Instead it is leaping into the sky like a hunting cat.

It rises faster and faster, shrinking in Hedwig's eyes until seemingly without reason it tilts to one side. Canted at an angle it speeds over the top of the assembled launch team and she has to turn to keep her eyes locked on it. With a hand shading her eyes she squints to keep her focus on it. For a moment she imagines she can see it vibrating, the roar of the rocket engine not muted by distance.

Roll Lift-Off: 6, Partial Failure

"That's… not right." she hears from inside the truck, just before there's a scurry of footsteps and Arne jumps down from the open rear doors. He presses a pair of binoculars to his eyes, tracking the progress of the rocket that is now rapidly growing distant.

"I assume this is not part of your flight plan?" Hedwig asks, as if she doesn't already know the answer.

"No, no, no!" Arne mutters to himself, still watching.

Hedwig can barely see the rocket, but it might be that she can see it tumbling distantly. The winking light of what should be a steady rocket plume certainly seems to indicate that that is the case.

"What do you think-" She begins to ask another question when she is interrupted. The distant light is replaced by the flash of an explosion. The sound didn't reach them for several seconds, a quiet but significant rumble.

"Well," Arne remarks, turning back to face her, "That could certainly have gone better."

Roll Observations: 10, Partial Failure

Mission Objective: Experimental Rocket - Failed
Prestige Objective: First One Ever - Success (Gain 1C bonus)
Scientific Objective: Aeronomy - Failed
Scientific Objective: Photography - Failed


You have one vote for each month, January through March, for a total of three votes. Please write your plan in the month-by-month order you would like the actions to occur or select one of the Staff Plans below.
The Current Budget (as of January 1951) is 6C

[ ] Build an Engine Test stand for a current or future Engine, paying the cost out of the current budget.
[ ] Write in the Fuel mixture and maximum size of the Engine or
[ ] Write in the Engine the Test stand is designed for
[ ] Build a Wind Tunnel, paying the cost out of the current budget.
[ ] Write in the maximum capacity in M of a subsonic tunnel
[ ] Write in the maximum capacity in M of a supersonic tunnel
[ ] Build a Launch Pad, paying the cost out of the current budget.
[ ] Write in the maximum Launch Vehicle size and the Fuel mixture it's intended for.

[ ] An Engine for a future mission - Write in the details
[ ] A Booster for a future mission - Write in the details
[ ] A payload for a future mission - Write in the details

[ ] Plan a Mission using a currently available Engine, Booster and Payload.

[ ] Order a planned Launch Vehicle and pay the cost out of the current budget

[ ] Schedule a mission using a Launch Vehicle that is currently available.

[ ] Research: Fuel variations and derivatives
[ ] Research: Payload components and modules
[ ] Research: Electronics and guidance
[ ] Research: Rocket and booster improvements

[ ] Attempt to gain Clout to retain budget during the military crisis or to delay the deadline.

Staff plans
[ ] Plan: Arne the Engineer - Try, try again
[ ] Order VREDE
[ ] Order VREDE
[ ] If possible, Schedule VREDE launch
[ ] Plan: Dan the Deputy - Multi-mission profile
[ ] Order VREDE
[ ] Design Engine - Advanced VREDE Engine
[ ] Design Payload - Guided Missile

Voting will open in six hours to encourage discussion. This has been a big month in an even bigger year and it's time to think about what is to come. Congratulations to you all for your first flight even if it didn't go right.
I say we launch another VERDE while doing design studies on the missile. We need institutional experience for the missile as well as future rocketry.
From the looks of it, we have about a 50% chance of VREDE completing each phase without accumulating a penalty (ignoring bonuses/penalties), but a good chance of at least a partial success - we got unlucky there. Given that, if we can launch another while we work on the missile we should, to complete whatever objectives we can (and get money - engines are expensive!). That said, we may not have time for that. We have 9 months to work on the missile and while we can gain Clout to get more time, it's fairly action-inefficient, at about 1.8 actions on average to gain us an extra 3 months. So I'm inclined to say we shove a minimal rocket out the door in 9 months and say it's due to wartime urgency.

I'll be writing a post-flight review onto the start of the next turn - I'm still trying to decide if I want to reliability modifier (positive) to come from failed flights.
Are there any requirements on the missile except for range? For the 500 km range, is that a delta-v of like 2500 m/s? And, are we required to test the missile or just design it?
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Are there any requirements on the missile except for range? For the 500 km range, is that a delta-v of like 2500 m/s? And, are we required to test the missile or just design it?
I keep forgetting I haven't posted the mission profile. Here you go:
Guided Missile​
Launch a rocket with a warhead and at least five-hundred kilometres (500km) of cross-range.
A payload including a Conventional Warhead. At least 1800m/s Delta/v.
It does require a successful demonstration of the rocket. There will probably even be observers.
So, in other words, if this sucker fails, we'll publicly embarrass the PEAC in the best case scenario. Worst case, depending on who's in the audience, we embarrass the ECN as a whole. No pressure.
Heh, I guess, but don't get too anxious. Exploding rockets are part of the job. Your job is mostly to find out how to stop them from exploding.
So I'm inclined to say we shove a minimal rocket out the door in 9 months and say it's due to wartime urgency.
You're looking at this from the wrong perspective. The missile will be basic, not minimal. Unlike with our previous objective, we are not going to be the end users of this rocket. It's a seemingly small but very important difference. Before, we could add whatever improvements time and budget allowed. It's our rocket, we know what we want to do with it.

When all we have to go on regarding what the military wants is the stated requirements, going beyond those gets ethically dubious. You don't want to improve the range when the reliability or cost per unit is more important to the military brass. Every upgrade has a cost and all that.
So it seems like there are three options we have for a rocket:
- Stretched VREDE-derivative (unreliable, not technically 'guided', probably not advisable. Payload maybe like 80kg).
- 0.75M design w/ new engine (probably more reliable, could be guided, payload maybe like 110-150kg)
- 4M, Largest viable single-stage design based on rough engine cost estimates (less reliable than the 0.75M because it doesn't fit in the wind tunnel, larger payload, maybe up to 600-800kg)

We also have 4 months free before we have to start production, if we want to have a reliable chance at two test-launches by the deadline. Of those 4 turns, we have to at least do:
- Payload design
- Booster design
- Plan

And, if we want to do anything besides the VREDE derivative, the fourth action must be engine design. That means that our next four actions are basically locked in, but I think it's worth it to ditch the XRE-2 and make sure the guided missile is actually guided (the only mechanism we have for that is currently carbon vanes on the engine). Therefore, if I'm not making any mistakes here the following type of plan is pretty much mandatory:

[ ] Plan: Tight Timeline (DO NOT VOTE NEEDS DETAILS)
-[ ] An Engine for a future mission - Write in the details
-[ ] A Booster for a future mission - Write in the details
-[ ] A Payload for a future mission - Write in the details

However, there are still two issues that need to be determined:

- Do we want to go with RFNA-Hydrazine or Alcohol-LOX? The performance is basically identical, the RFNA will be at -1 reliability if we have to roll it for anything but Ignition but the LOX is cryogenic and so worse for the military. Overall, I'd advocate for the RFNA-Hydrazine but it's nasty stuff so we might want to go for the cryogenic and say it was because on the tight timeline we wanted use what we knew best.
- Do we want to go for the larger or smaller rocket? The smaller one would be more reliable and might be more useful to us in the future but again, probably less useful for the military.
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- Do we want to go with RFNA-Hydrazine or Alcohol-LOX? The performance is basically identical
Just to be 100% clear here, because of the 'mass ratio' the Hydrazine/RFNA propellant mix will generally provide better thrust than the Alcolox.
Also I should probably rename that to fuel density now I'm looking at it.
Okay, I've been thinking about the missile requirement and I think I've seen a loophole. The requirement definition is a single, fairly vague sentence which mandates absolutely nothing about the weapon being useful. We can use cryogenic fuels, we can use a line of sight radio guidance system that is extremely militarily questionable, essentially we can build a larger and more impressive sounding rocket, stick some explosives on the top and then go "Well, we met your requirements, not our fault if the requirements were stupid".

We've already done a load of useful research for this which isn't embodied on VREDE and arguably we should already be looking at a new rocket even with VREDE having no successful launches. We have... Twelve actions to do a successful launch of this thing?

- Rocket
- Booster
- Payload

- Plan
- Order
- Order

- Order
- Launch
- Launch

- Launch
- Slack
- Slack

We can't possibly crash three of them in a row, right? QM question: If we build the spare rockets, can we cheaply chop the payloads off and swap in a science payload once we've demonstrated the requirement is met?

Also, with a 3 Mass wind tunnel, we should consider building a 3 Mass rocket to be our upper limit, not 4 Mass.
QM question: If we build the spare rockets, can we cheaply chop the payloads off and swap in a science payload once we've demonstrated the requirement is met?
... yes. I'll have a think on how it will work (I imagine it will be something like a 'modify' or 'rework' action that combines a plan and an order action for an already extant launch vehicle. Useable only for payloads maybe.
Okay, I've been thinking about the missile requirement and I think I've seen a loophole. The requirement definition is a single, fairly vague sentence which mandates absolutely nothing about the weapon being useful. We can use cryogenic fuels, we can use a line of sight radio guidance system that is extremely militarily questionable, essentially we can build a larger and more impressive sounding rocket, stick some explosives on the top and then go "Well, we met your requirements, not our fault if the requirements were stupid".
I doubt going the malicious compliance route will end well. If we do that, there's nothing stopping our government masters from assigning us to make a functional weapon next objective. Only in that case the requirements will be stricter and the budgetary benefits probably lower (wasting millions on malicious compliance won't go over well with the folks who write our budget).

I'd rather just build the damn thing right the first time and get it over with. Given the current unpleasant geopolitical climate, it's not exactly unreasonable for them to want guided missiles. Besides, we might be able to get some tech out of this that we can use for peaceful purposes.
OK, we actually have 10 months, not the 9 I thought - October is our last month. That means we can slip in another research action.

There also may be a cheaper option - a solid motor could be cheaper and easier to handle. However, I haven't figured out the engine math there yet so I'm going to propose something I'm more confident in.

The following plan sets us up for 2 flight tests within the 10 month deadline, and includes booster research so that the rocket can either be lighter or have control surfaces for some guidance after the (short) engine burn finishes.

The Hydrazine/RFNA design roll penalty (-2) would hurt, since it makes it gives us a pretty high chance of losing reliability and more than 10% chance of a failed design action. Similarly, the larger rocket can't be fully wind-tunnel tested and so would be less reliable. If we're choosing between reliability/cost and capability/convenience, focusing on the first two seems less likely to be a total failure, so this plan goes with cryogenic fuel and a small missile.

[X] Plan: Reliability focus, 2 tests
-[X] Research: Rocket and booster improvements
-[X] An Engine for a future mission - Alcolox, 15-20 kN, using our new engine technologies and Carbon Vanes
-[X] A Booster for a future mission - Designed to maximize payload mass to 1800 m/s using the new engine, with a 0.75M maximum launch mass. Uses radio guidance and any booster tech we unlocked this turn
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[X] Plan: Get Cracking
-[X] An Engine for a future mission - Alcolox, 15-20 kN, using our new engine technologies and Carbon Vanes
-[X] A Booster for a future mission - Designed to maximize payload mass to 1800 m/s using the new engine, with a 0.75M maximum launch mass. Uses radio guidance
-[X] Design: A payload for a future mission - A quantity of high explosives or a representative mass, suitable for the guided missile requirement

No time for research, let's crash some more missiles!
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[X] Plan: Get Cracking
-[X] Design: A payload for a future mission - A quantity of high explosives or a representative mass, suitable for the guided missile requirement
-[X] An Engine for a future mission - Alcolox, 15-20 kN, using our new engine technologies and Carbon Vanes
-[X] A Booster for a future mission - Designed to maximize payload mass to 1800 m/s using the new engine, with a 0.75M maximum launch mass. Uses radio guidance

No time for research, let's crash some more missiles!
That also looks good if we value 3 tests more than a chance at more guidance, but I'd suggest putting the payload last so we can size it just right for the capabilities of the rocket we end up with. Since there's no specific payload requirement.
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Mission and Research Trees
Important rules related link!
I've started (but not finished) work on a set of spreadsheets for the mission and research trees, which can be found here.
Combined with the change to the research rules (no more thinking for thirty years then flying to Europa) this may well become important.
Comments are welcome.

Oh, and voting is open until at least tomorrow but probably for a couple of days.