So what kind of quest are you most interested in seeing me do?

  • A Mighty Disciple - History's Mightiest Disciple

    Votes: 25 21.4%
  • Child of Konoha - Naruto

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • Nobunaga's Ambition: Tenka Fubu - Nobunaga's Ambition

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • As High As Honor - ASOIAF

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • A (Hedge) Knight's Tale - ASOIAF

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Rurouni Kenshin Quest

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • Heaven & Earth - Tenra Bansho Zero/CKII

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Chronicles of Shen Zhou - Legends of the Wulin

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Fullbringer Quest - Bleach

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • Digidestined Quest - Digimon

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • Final Fantasy X Quest

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Final Fantasy XII Quest

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Final Fantasy XIII Quest

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender Quest

    Votes: 27 23.1%
  • Nobunaga's Ambition: Tenra Bansho - Nobunaga's Ambition/Tenra Bansho Zero Fusion

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Strongest Under the Heavens - Exalted: Burn Legend

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Mass Effect Quest

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • Dragon Age Quest

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • Fallout Quest

    Votes: 13 11.1%
  • Tales of Symphonia Quest

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Tales of Legendia Quest

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Enemy of Harmony - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • Just go back to the quests you've already made, jackass!

    Votes: 16 13.7%
  • The Age of Heroes - DCU Quest

    Votes: 24 20.5%
  • True Psychic Tales - Psychonauts Quest

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • It's Time to Duel! - Yu-Gi-Oh! Quest

    Votes: 17 14.5%
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms Quest

    Votes: 18 15.4%
  • Devil Never Cries - Devil May Cry

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Dragon Ball 1000

    Votes: 4 3.4%

  • Total voters
Okay, so typical fantasy shonen, but all the characters have names of characters from 1001 Nights and there's a vague Middle Eastern aesthetic?
The main charectars and the early settings yes, but it rapidly evolves past that to a greater scale. The basic premise seems to be that djinns have put dungeons across the world in order to select a worthy world ruler, finishing a dungeon gives the clearer the right to call upon and use the djinns powers as well as share it out with your minions. One of the main characters is a kid who is loved by magic and acts as a guide(? hes not great at it.) for the second main charectar. The tertiary main seems to get her superpowers from being from magic africa.
Mean while theres an evil conspiracy about causing people to reject destiny which is apparently a bad thing.
In this Sinbad acts as something of a big good as he cleared 7 dungeons himself before the djinns just gave him a blanket ban on entering.
I've been mean to it partly for comedy purposes, I would recommend checking it out as its one of the better shonen fantasy series.
Hey everyone. Sorry about the total lack of updates here or... anywhere, really. Part of it's the fact that my laptop's screen broke and thus I only have internet access either at home (where I've got it connected through the HDMI cable to my TV monitor) or at school in the computer lab. Part of it's the fact that school and other stuff have meant I've had less and less time to focus on creative stuff. And part of it's... just a lot of personal stuff that's made it hard for me to get in a creative mood. So... yeah, that's why there've been no updates for anything, and I'm not sure if that's going to change soon.

I haven't been totally devoid of any kind of creative thought, though. Still ideas that rattle around in my head from the stuff I manage to watch or play in my spare time these days. Among other things, I thought up more Fullbrings for use with that Fullbringer Quest idea I had; if anyone wants to use more Fullbringers in a Bleach quest/story/RP/whatever and wants ideas, these ones are freely available.


[] Iwami Jutaro

Name: Kanesuke Kazuma

Gender: Male

Item: A 400-year old nodachi, dull and spotted with rust from years of neglect. The feelings that fill this catalyst are the pride and honor of a samurai.

Personality: You're very dedicated and passionate and take a lot of pride in your heritage, but you do your best to restrain yourself and maintain proper decorum. You're very quick to rise to any challenge, though, and are quick to take offense if people insult you or your family. You try to project a stoic, cultured air, but it collapses quickly when you get excited.

You're the happiest when you're practicing swordplay and when people are impressed by you, and hate when you fail to live up to the standards you set yourself to.

Quirks: You have a strong interest in history and in traditional cultural pursuits, which make you seem very old-fashioned, even antiquarian. It's not to the point where you're walking around dressed like you're from a historical drama or anything, but the interest is plain to see in people who spend much time around you. Also, you can't stand the words "Orange Samurai."

Powers: When your Fullbring activates the sword, it repairs itself as though it were brand new, becoming strong and impossibly sharp. It also envelops the blade in an invisible layer of circulating, powerful winds; these winds create a vacuum that can empower your slashes.

You think there might be some way to use this wind for more than just empowering the blade...

Fighting Style: Physically, you're very fast even without using Bringer Light; this applies both to speed of movement and actual reflexes. With Bringer Light, your speed is very hard to match, and the rest of your attributes are above-average as well.

In a fight, you rely on your impressive speed and years of experience with kendo and kenjutsu, though you've learned plenty of hand-to-hand as well, which you can use in a pinch. It's not really applicable, but you also know some archery and such. You prefer to finish off an opponent (Hollows, that is) with a quick application of overwhelming force, ending fights as quickly as possible.

[] Heated Hands

Name: Torii Jinpachi ("Jin")

Gender: Male

Item: A pair of white heat-resistant gloves used in baking. The feelings that fill these catalysts are the passion and pride of a chef.

Personality: Pretty calm and level-headed for your age, you aren't usually one to make a fuss. You're very kind and empathetic; you don't like violence, but you hate seeing people get hurt even more, so you'll put aside pacifism to help those who are being victimized. Your love for cooking came about from helping your grandmother in her bakery and seeing the smiles her food put on people's faces.

You find yourself happiest when you bring smiles to others' faces, especially with your food, and you most dislike when people are sad or hurt and you can't do anything about it.

Quirks: Cooking is your passion, and you do it a lot. You study food-related subjects like nutrition and have gotten so good at it that you can judge what kinds of dishes a person needs or would like the most just from looking at them, and you often make personalized dishes and give them to classmates and other people you spend time with.

Powers: When activated, the gloves transform into a pair of plain white gauntlets that begin to glow red-hot, then spontaneously catch fire; it doesn't hurt you, obviously. As a battle rages on and your passion stokes the flame, the fire burns brighter and hotter and grows larger; against particularly quick or durable Hollows, you've gotten the fire hot enough to char flesh and cause bone to crack from the heat with just a punch. Theoretically, it will probably be able to get even hotter than that as you gain greater mastery over it, and grow hotter faster.

Also, it's not just the fires of the Fullbring itself that you're immune to; while your Fullbring is active, no fire or other heat source that's cooler than the flames on the gauntlets is going to harm you in the least.

Fighting Style: You eat healthy and exercise regularly, so your physical conditioning is pretty good, if not exceptional. Except for the strength of your arms; years of kneading dough by hand has built up some pretty strong arm muscles, though you won't be winning any arm-wrestling matches against Chad anytime soon.

You don't really like to fight, but to protect people from Hollows you've had to learn; when deciding to learn some kind of self-defense, you chose wrestling, judging that grapples and grabs would suit your Fullbring's powers very well. Your main goal in a fight is to grab and keep hold.

[] Hydra Chain

Name: Kaito Ranmaru

Gender: Male

Item: A short length of thick metal chain, much like that which a delinquent might use to beat someone bloody. At one end of it is welded a jagged, broken bit of fire-blackened metal which might have once been some kind of pendant. The feelings that fill this catalyst are powerful idealism and admiration for a hero.

Personality: You're very shy and timid, preferring to keep to yourself and not stand out. You're very sensitive and thoughtful, often to the point of overthinking things that are relatively simple or consequence-free. But at the same time, you can't stand to see people hurting if you think you can do something about it, especially if it's someone close to you. Even though you do your best to plan things out and minimize the risks, this often gets you into trouble and forces you into situations that you find embarrassing and uncomfortable more than once.

Quirks: You keep a journal that you write ideas and thoughts into as they come to you, particularly things like new strategies for fighting Hollows or puzzling out what you should have said in a conversation that's already happened; at times, you get so excited by a train of thought that you whip it out and start writing mid-sentence, which is pretty embarrassing if it's pointed out to you.

Powers: When activated, the piece of chain pierces painlessly through your palm and becomes attached to your body. The chain becomes inhumanly strong and durable, and the piece of metal at the other end becomes a very long, sharp nail. The chain gains the ability to extend itself seemingly without end; you haven't yet figured out what the actual limit is, though once it reaches a certain point it grows very tiring to keep extending it.

You can control this chain remotely, causing it to move seemingly like a snake, lunging at the enemy to pierce them with its nail; it can do this with enough force to pierce straight through the average Hollow's mask, and the chain itself can exert enough force to restrain a Hollow as well. The longer the chain gets, however, the more sluggishly it responds to commands, necessitating retracting the chain if it grows too long.

If the chain is broken, the "head" of it regrows... and multiplies by two. In other words, cutting the chain only creates two nailed "heads" that can be independently controlled. Unfortunately, you don't know how to do this at will yet.

Also, when you pierce an enemy with the nail, you can't help but feel like you can do... something with it. You've guessed that there's some aspect to your power that you haven't manifested yet, but you have no idea how to bring it out.

Fighting Style: You prefer to stand back and let your Fullbring do the fighting, standing back to direct it. But that doesn't mean you're helpless. You took a few years of judo and you're above-average physically thanks to your Fullbringer powers, so you can hold your own well enough.

But when you get personally involved in a fight, you prefer to fall back rather than advance and get into a brawl. You've gotten very good at strategically retreating and hiding to lead enemies into traps you create with your chain while they don't notice.

[] Mind's Eye

Name: Nagao Mana

Gender: Female

Item: A simple glass eye that's replaced your own ruined left eye; you usually cover it with a bandage/eyepatch. The feelings that fill this catalyst are loss and pain.

Personality: You're the quiet gloomy girl in the corner that nobody talks to, not least because of your scars and fake eye. You keep to yourself if everyone else does the same, speak only when spoken to, and retaliate viciously if anyone tries to make you a target to keep the rest of them off your back, sometimes physically but other times through more intellectual means. You save the majority of your viciousness for Hollows, though, whom you hunt ruthlessly but never without due planning and caution.

You like to be left alone to make your plans and hate too many things to list.

Quirks: You meticulously keep a journal of… pretty much anything that crosses your mind or that strikes you as interesting. You get really mad if anyone tries to look at it, and you keep the ones you've filled in a safe hiding spot. Every now and then, you take the bus to your old town and give the oldest ones to your friend; back in the day, she'd give you her own in exchange.

Powers: When the Fullbring activates, the glass eye becomes a mirrored orb that you can somehow see out of as though it were a functional eye. While active, the world reflected by the mirror is laid bare to you; you can analyze the world around you with incredible detail at great speeds, and even the slightest movements allow you to determine a target's next movements before they even happen. You're sure there are other possibilities...

Fighting Style: Physically, you're just a teenage girl in good shape, but you're much better at empowering your physical skills than the other origins, allowing you to stand on par with the more physically inclined ones.

Since your Fullbring isn't really directly useful offensively, you've had to focus on getting good fighting skills. You've attended a lot of classes to learn a lot of different basic methods of self-defense, and combine that with your Fullbring and natural cunning.

[] Shooting Stars

Name Hoshino Akira

Gender: Female

Item: A pair of star-patterned Italian-style charm bracelets. Italian-style charm bracelets are different from the normal kind. Rather than charms hanging from the bracelet, the charms are the bracelet; they're independent segments that can lock together around the wrist to make a bracelet. Yours are made of several styles and colors of stars. The feelings that fill these catalysts are an abiding love of the spotlight, and fond memories of a dear friend.

Personality: In a word: dramatic. Whatever you're feeling or thinking, you rarely express it subtly (with some glaring exceptions). You have a high opinion of yourself, not entirely without justification. Some people call you arrogant, and they might be right, but how could you not be a little arrogant when you're this awesome? You're not entirely self-centered, either; in fact, you're very generous and affectionate by nature, and you never overlook or forget the accomplishments and contributions of others. You might even find you've got a knack for helping others to shine brightly like you.

You find yourself happiest when you're surrounded by admirers, loved and adored. Conversely, you would hate to be alone or ignored.

Quirks: Your fashion sense tends to incorporate star patterns and motifs. You have a habit of rating things, people and actions on a five-star system like you're rating a hotel or a restaurant, and you sometimes find yourself making star-based puns and analogies.

Powers: When activated, your bracelets become a pair of golden chakram with star designs etched onto them. When thrown, they gain amazing speed and force, enough to tear through small trees without slowing down. You can also control their flight path, mentally redirecting them at will. Though currently, changing their movement this way is a bit sluggish and inaccurate.

The true power of your Fullbring, though, is something you only discovered very recently. You can "equip" Shooting Stars to a part of your body to greatly increase one aspect of your abilities. So far, you've only discovered two, but you can feel that there are more.

Strength Star – By "equipping" them to the backs of your hands, your physical strength rises sharply; enough that you can out-muscle the average Hollow. Also, the chakram are still sharp and extend past your knuckles, so your punches can cut.

Speed Star – By "equipping" them to your ankles, your speed and reflexes rise sharply. You can move fast enough to run rings around a Hollow and attack before it has a chance to react, and your reflexes match your speed. Also, the chakram are still sharp, so your kicks can cut.

"Equipping" only works if you use both chakram to do it, and the power-up is deactivated the moment you "unequip" them.

In any form, the Shooting Stars create a quickly-fading contrail of golden light in their wake, reminiscent of their namesake.

Fighting Style: Your physical attributes are mostly middle of the road for a human/Fullbringer at your level of power, with the exception of your impressive agility, flexibility, and natural sense of grace and poise.

You don't really have much formal training in hand-to-hand combat. Instead, you just combine your experience with fighting Hollows and a lot of athletics training, namely gymnastics and several forms of dance. Oh, and a little bit of self-taught capoeira from when you found some videos online and thought it looked cool. You'd much rather dodge or counter than block, and you use a lot of kicks, particularly more acrobatic ones that involve jumping or flipping. It just looks way cooler, you know?
So I joined a Warriors Orochi crossover RP. If you don't know, Warriors Orochi is itself a crossover between Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors. This one adds on RWBY and Fate/Grand Order. Check it out if you're interested:

Anyway, it kind of gave me my own idea about Warriors Orochi. Like the games it crosses over, that series really only includes the major factions and the really important third parties you just can't leave out; being a huge history nut, I'm always disappointed by that. So... why not include more third party factions from the crossed over options?

And hell, why not also include some other Koei titles that would work well? Namely the Toukiden series, which is basically this world where demons have destroyed time and space except for a few pockets of humanity protected by demon hunters (wow, this sounds familiar) and Bladestorm: The Hundred Years War, which is, of course, about the Hundred Years War. And RWBY, because I will never stop wanting to jam RWBY into things.

One awesome thing about Warriors Orochi was that it had lots of bonus scenarios which was like "These guys compete to see who's best at the thing they're all good at." Who's the best strategist, the best swordsman, the best archer, etc. Imagine that, but along with guys like Zhuge Liang and Takenaka Hanbei competing for the title of greatest strategist you've also got Ozpin and John Chandos. Or imagine Lu Bu and Maeda Keiji squaring off against La Hire and James Ironwood.

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So for my Naruto quest idea, "Child of Konoha," where you're a contemporary of Minato and Kushina and in the same graduating class, I looked over the ages of pretty much everyone in Konoha whose ages are known in Naruto to figure out who (with maybe a little bit of timeline cheesing) I could include as a potential teammate. I didn't need to resort to as many OCs as I thought I might.

Namikaze Minato - Obviously. He's the only one who's tied to a specific team number and jonin-sensei (Team 7 and Jiraiya, respectively), and in both the Senju and Otsutsuki origins, he's the only thing preventing you from taking the rookie of the year position. Polite, kind helpful, and an unfailing optimist, he's pretty much the only example of a prodigy ninja in the series who doesn't end up having huge mental baggage (I mean, he does have baggage later, but it's unrelated to his status as a prodigy). He's on friendly terms with all the origins (because he's on friendly terms with almost everyone), but shows a rare competitive streak with the Otsutsuki origin for some reason.

Uzumaki Kushina - Again, of course. She's in that stage of her life where she's got a reputation for having a short temper, but when she's not mad she's got a lot of friends. She's learning a lot of the traditional techniques of the Uzumaki from Uzumaki Mito, the first Kyuubi jinchuriki and the First Hokage's widow. She can already manifest her chakra chains, and is in the top spot among the female students.Of course, she considers the Uzumaki origin her sibling, and treats the Senju origin as a cousin.

Inuzuka Tsume - Also known as Kiba's mother. Has all the same skills as her son would later inherit, and also has a very similar personality, though she doesn't run her mouth off quite as much as Kiba was prone to.

Kimura Yoshino - The maiden name is something I made up; she's known in canon as Nara Yoshino, a.k.a. Shikamaru's mother. She's not very different as a child than she'll be as an adult, being rather bossy and demanding. She's also very driven and studious, and has a knack for strategy (the brains don't all have to come from Shikaku). She's best friends and academic rivals with the Haruno origin.

Kurama Uroko - From a filler arc, she's the mother of Kurama Yakumo. As a member of the Kurama, she's got a knack for genjutsu (but hasn't inherited the "your genjutsu are real but you're mentally ill" kekkei genkai) but is somewhat frail physically (by ninja standards, that is). She's at least cordial with all of the origins, though some have more interactions than others, namely the Haruno and Otsutsuki origins.

Inoe Goro - An invented real name for the Anbu agent codenamed "Ro," who appears in the spinoff sequel novel "Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness." He's big, strong, and got a knack for taijutsu, and will later discover a talent for stealth and even invent a genjutsu that lets him manipulate an opponent's perception of chakra (i.e. erase his chakra signature or make a rat seem like a hidden jonin). He's kind of quiet and shy despite his size, and none of the origins really talk to him much.

Kagura - The main villain from the American-made Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2. Not quite the same person who will eventually go missing-nin and try to destroy Konoha, but definitely ambitious and with a scheming streak to her, which aren't necessarily bad qualities in ninja. She wants to become Tsunade's apprentice, but mostly just because she's a powerful, famous ninja from the Senju clan, so she thinks she'd be on the fast-track in her career. She fights with a lot of trickery and deception to complement her personality, and is something of a prodigy with traps, hidden weapons, and other odds and ends. She's an orphan and is best (only, really) friends with the Otsutsuki origin, who is from the same orphanage. Every other origin she sees only as competition, and has a grudge against Kushina for being her main competition for the top kunoichi spot.

Muso - The only pure OC here, which is nice. He's also an orphan, though not originally from Konoha; he's had a typically awful upbringing for an orphan in Naruto and is rude, vulgar and cynical at the tender age of 10, and is the only one in the class who has already killed. He wasn't born in Konoha, but rather was born in the capital of the Land of Fire. He has no friends by his own choice, and while his academic scores are abysmal, he's excellent in hand to hand combat of all kinds, especially with weapons; he doesn't get to use it in class, but he's always practicing with a beat-up sword that's much too large for him. He gets mad if you ask him where he got it.
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So for my Naruto quest idea, "Child of Konoha," where you're a contemporary of Minato and Kushina and in the same graduating class, I looked over the ages of pretty much everyone in Konoha whose ages are known in Naruto to figure out who (with maybe a little bit of timeline cheesing) I could include as a potential teammate. I didn't need to resort to as many OCs as I thought I might.

Namikaze Minato - Obviously. He's the only one who's tied to a specific team number and jonin-sensei (Team 7 and Jiraiya, respectively), and in both the Senju and Otsutsuki origins, he's the only thing preventing you from taking the rookie of the year position. Polite, kind helpful, and an unfailing optimist, he's pretty much the only example of a prodigy ninja in the series who doesn't end up having huge mental baggage (I mean, he does have baggage later, but it's unrelated to his status as a prodigy). He's on friendly terms with all the origins (because he's on friendly terms with almost everyone), but shows a rare competitive streak with the Otsutsuki origin for some reason.

Uzumaki Kushina - Again, of course. She's in that stage of her life where she's got a reputation for having a short temper, but when she's not mad she's got a lot of friends. She's learning a lot of the traditional techniques of the Uzumaki from Uzumaki Mito, the first Kyuubi jinchuriki and the First Hokage's widow. She can already manifest her chakra chains, and is in the top spot among the female students.

Inuzuka Tsume - Also known as Kiba's mother. Has all the same skills as her son would later inherit, and also has a very similar personality, though she doesn't run her mouth off quite as much as Kiba was prone to. Of course, she considers the Uzumaki origin her sibling, and treats the Senju origin as a cousin.

Kimura Yoshino - The maiden name is something I made up; she's known in canon as Nara Yoshino, a.k.a. Shikamaru's mother. She's not very different as a child than she'll be as an adult, being rather bossy and demanding. She's also very driven and studious, and has a knack for strategy (the brains don't all have to come from Shikaku). She's best friends and academic rivals with the Haruno origin.

Kurama Uroko - From a filler arc, she's the mother of Kurama Yakumo. As a member of the Kurama, she's got a knack for genjutsu (but hasn't inherited the "your genjutsu are real but you're mentally ill" kekkei genkai) but is somewhat frail physically (by ninja standards, that is). She's at least cordial with all of the origins, though some have more interactions than others, namely the Haruno and Otsutsuki origins.

Inoe Goro - An invented real name for the Anbu agent codenamed "Ro," who appears in the spinoff sequel novel "Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness." He's big, strong, and got a knack for taijutsu, and will later discover a talent for stealth and even invent a genjutsu that lets him manipulate an opponent's perception of chakra (i.e. erase his chakra signature or make a rat seem like a hidden jonin). He's kind of quiet and shy despite his size, and none of the origins really talk to him much.

Kagura - The main villain from the American-made Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2. Not quite the same person who will eventually go missing-nin and try to destroy Konoha, but definitely ambitious and with a scheming streak to her, which aren't necessarily bad qualities in ninja. She wants to become Tsunade's apprentice, but mostly just because she's a powerful, famous ninja from the Senju clan, so she thinks she'd be on the fast-track in her career. She fights with a lot of trickery and deception to complement her personality, and is something of a prodigy with traps, hidden weapons, and other odds and ends. She's an orphan and is best (only, really) friends with the Otsutsuki origin, who is from the same orphanage. Every other origin she sees only as competition, and has a grudge against Kushina for being her main competition for the top kunoichi spot.

Muso - The only pure OC here, which is nice. He's also an orphan, though not originally from Konoha; he's had a typically awful upbringing for an orphan in Naruto and is rude, vulgar and cynical at the tender age of 10, and is the only one in the class who has already killed. He wasn't born in Konoha, but rather was born in the capital of the Land of Fire. He has no friends by his own choice, and while his academic scores are abysmal, he's excellent in hand to hand combat of all kinds, especially with weapons; he doesn't get to use it in class, but he's always practicing with a beat-up sword that's much too large for him. He gets mad if you ask him where he got it.

Speaking of that Quest... I was most interested in the Otsutsuki origin, followed by either Uzumaki and Haruno and then Senju.

Still, I am curious about Muso, might vote to interact with him if Senju gets chosen.

If I had to pick Otsutsuki would be the one SV would go with, since SV goes shiny do-gooders and it would be interesting to play like that with someone who is so socially poor.
So for my Naruto quest idea, "Child of Konoha," where you're a contemporary of Minato and Kushina and in the same graduating class, I looked over the ages of pretty much everyone in Konoha whose ages are known in Naruto to figure out who (with maybe a little bit of timeline cheesing) I could include as a potential teammate. I didn't need to resort to as many OCs as I thought I might.

Namikaze Minato - Obviously. He's the only one who's tied to a specific team number and jonin-sensei (Team 7 and Jiraiya, respectively), and in both the Senju and Otsutsuki origins, he's the only thing preventing you from taking the rookie of the year position. Polite, kind helpful, and an unfailing optimist, he's pretty much the only example of a prodigy ninja in the series who doesn't end up having huge mental baggage (I mean, he does have baggage later, but it's unrelated to his status as a prodigy). He's on friendly terms with all the origins (because he's on friendly terms with almost everyone), but shows a rare competitive streak with the Otsutsuki origin for some reason.

Uzumaki Kushina - Again, of course. She's in that stage of her life where she's got a reputation for having a short temper, but when she's not mad she's got a lot of friends. She's learning a lot of the traditional techniques of the Uzumaki from Uzumaki Mito, the first Kyuubi jinchuriki and the First Hokage's widow. She can already manifest her chakra chains, and is in the top spot among the female students.

Inuzuka Tsume - Also known as Kiba's mother. Has all the same skills as her son would later inherit, and also has a very similar personality, though she doesn't run her mouth off quite as much as Kiba was prone to. Of course, she considers the Uzumaki origin her sibling, and treats the Senju origin as a cousin.

Kimura Yoshino - The maiden name is something I made up; she's known in canon as Nara Yoshino, a.k.a. Shikamaru's mother. She's not very different as a child than she'll be as an adult, being rather bossy and demanding. She's also very driven and studious, and has a knack for strategy (the brains don't all have to come from Shikaku). She's best friends and academic rivals with the Haruno origin.

Kurama Uroko - From a filler arc, she's the mother of Kurama Yakumo. As a member of the Kurama, she's got a knack for genjutsu (but hasn't inherited the "your genjutsu are real but you're mentally ill" kekkei genkai) but is somewhat frail physically (by ninja standards, that is). She's at least cordial with all of the origins, though some have more interactions than others, namely the Haruno and Otsutsuki origins.

Inoe Goro - An invented real name for the Anbu agent codenamed "Ro," who appears in the spinoff sequel novel "Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness." He's big, strong, and got a knack for taijutsu, and will later discover a talent for stealth and even invent a genjutsu that lets him manipulate an opponent's perception of chakra (i.e. erase his chakra signature or make a rat seem like a hidden jonin). He's kind of quiet and shy despite his size, and none of the origins really talk to him much.

Kagura - The main villain from the American-made Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2. Not quite the same person who will eventually go missing-nin and try to destroy Konoha, but definitely ambitious and with a scheming streak to her, which aren't necessarily bad qualities in ninja. She wants to become Tsunade's apprentice, but mostly just because she's a powerful, famous ninja from the Senju clan, so she thinks she'd be on the fast-track in her career. She fights with a lot of trickery and deception to complement her personality, and is something of a prodigy with traps, hidden weapons, and other odds and ends. She's an orphan and is best (only, really) friends with the Otsutsuki origin, who is from the same orphanage. Every other origin she sees only as competition, and has a grudge against Kushina for being her main competition for the top kunoichi spot.

Muso - The only pure OC here, which is nice. He's also an orphan, though not originally from Konoha; he's had a typically awful upbringing for an orphan in Naruto and is rude, vulgar and cynical at the tender age of 10, and is the only one in the class who has already killed. He wasn't born in Konoha, but rather was born in the capital of the Land of Fire. He has no friends by his own choice, and while his academic scores are abysmal, he's excellent in hand to hand combat of all kinds, especially with weapons; he doesn't get to use it in class, but he's always practicing with a beat-up sword that's much too large for him. He gets mad if you ask him where he got it.

Where's the Quest idea? It's not threadmarked.
Here's a (not comprehensive) rundown of the actual skills each of the characters have at the time of quest start:

Namikaze Minato - He's a prodigy, and his scores overall put him (depending on your origin) at the top or tied for it; a few of his classmates may beat him at their particular specialties, but he beats just about everyone at everything that isn't their specialty. Because he has no clan or ninja parents to teach him, he doesn't yet know as many techniques as you might expect, though he has picked up several D-rank techniques from observing and questioning the chuunin teachers and then practicing on his own.

Uzumaki Kushina - The Uzumaki blood runs strong in her, and she's inherited the "Vitality of the Sage" that gives them exceptional stamina, chakra reserves, and a high natural healing rate, and she's got a lot of natural talent in ninjutsu. She's also a powerful sensor-type (i.e. she can sense chakra, something most people can't do in this setting as anything more developed than a very vague "sixth sense" kind of deal). Mito has been teaching her clan techniques, but the bulk of it was learning to manifest chakra chains (which Kushina will eventually use to more effectively seal Kurama inside of her), most of the uses for which she hasn't learned, so basically she can just manifest really strong chains made of her chakra. She has learned Water Release, though, and is pretty much the only prospective teammate with a B-rank ninjutsu (Water Release: Water Bullet, basically the water version of the Fire Release: Grand Fireball).

Inuzuka Tsume - Like her son (and the rest of her clan), she's got good taijutsu, being very fast and aggressive, but most of her best techniques rely on using her ninken (ninja dog) partner, named Kuromaru; without him, her strongest technique is the D-rank Passing Fang. Also like most Inuzuka, she's got a unique form of sensor abilities (unique in the sense that she perceives chakra through smell; it's essentially a hereditary form of synesthesia) that go hand-in-hand with a very powerful sense of smell. She's not stupid, but book studies aren't her thing, and she's only at or above average genin level outside of taijutsu and her clan's hiden (secret clan techniques).

Kimura Yoshino - She gets very high grades in all theoretical work (including paper tests), and is decent-to-good at the practical stuff. Not impressive on paper, but she's not a slouch in the strategy department (I figure she and Shikaku would be a lot like Shikamaru and Temari, in that while Temari was outplayed by Shikamaru, she was still an intelligent tactician of her own). She's learned at least one low-ranked genjutsu from Uroko, whom she's friends with.

Kurama Uroko - Like most of the Kurama clan, she's got a lot of talent in genjutsu and scores high marks for intelligence, is okay at everything else, and is mediocre in taijutsu and a bit frail compared to her peers. As part of Konoha's premiere genjutsu clan (well, arguably, what with the Uchiha), she's getting plenty of training there.

Inoe Goro - He's got a lot of talent for taijutsu, partly because he's naturally taller and stronger than his peers, and he's got a keener and more studious mind than most would think from looking at him, so he can actually use it well. He's also got a talent for genjutsu, but he's yet to tap into it.

Muso - He's got a lot of talent in all kinds of close-quarters combat, and his fighting style is even more aggressive and ruthless than Tsume's. He can learn both taijutsu and bukijutsu (weapon) techniques he sees very quickly, but his scores in pretty much everything that isn't solved by hitting things in some way are awful. He's especially talented in swordsmanship, and tends to combine it with taijutsu fairly seamlessly. Think of his eventual fighting style as like Mugen from Samurai Champloo.

Kagura - She's very intelligent and ranges from good to excellent in everything, particularly excelling in weapons, traps, stealth, etc. She's a tactician, but in the sense that she's a natural-born schemer and trickster, and her willingness to fight dirty would be almost concerning if she weren't training to be a ninja; as it is, her teachers think she's probably going to end up in Anbu someday. Being an orphan, she doesn't have ready access to teachers outside of the academy, but she has independently figured out some useful shurikenjutsu techniques, particularly the D-rank Manipulated Shuriken Technique, wherein the user attaches shuriken to wire strings attached to their arms (or, if very skilled, fingers) and change their trajectory in flight through the strings.


Also, the potential jounin-sensei (either Tsunade or Dan are going to be left out depending on players' choice) and their preferences in students are:

Jiraiya - He's got one guaranteed student and a guaranteed team number: he's always going to get Minato, and his team will always be Team 7. After that...? He's got no real preferences. He wouldn't mind teaching Kushina or an Uzumaki, being a Seal Master and all, but she's already got Mito to teach her and he won't be learning much from her, so whatever. However, if the Senju origin is picked, Jiraiya will want to teach you because he's promised Tsunade he'll do his best to protect you. If you pick the Otsutsuki option, he's also interested in you, but isn't going to push for it because it'd be greedy to ask for both you and Minato.

Senju Tsunade - She's lost Nawaki (who was your older brother), but hasn't yet lost Dan, so she's shaken but still a loyal ninja of Konoha, and has dived head-first into mastering medical ninjutsu. She doesn't really want a team, but Hiruzen's convinced her it would be good for her. She can't teach you if you're a Senju (to prevent preferential treatment, a jounin's genin team can't include close relatives as a general rule). She wants at least one student who could do well with medical ninjutsu, but otherwise is indifferent about her team's makeup; if you pick the Haruno option, you're her preferred candidate. She's also a bit partial to teaching an Uzumaki, mostly because Mito is her grandmother.

Kato Dan - He and Tsunade have only recently met and aren't yet dating, much less engaged. He's a very skilled jounin (Kabuto later put him on a level as both a ninja and a strategist with Asuma Sarutobi) and has picked up medical ninjutsu after his sister's death. Like Tsunade, he wants to teach at least one of his students medical ninjutsu, but beyond that he'll happily do his best to train whatever students he gets. Again, a Haruno will be his preferred candidate.

Hatake Sakumo - The legendary White Fang, more famous than the Sannin at this point in time. He's got a guaranteed student in Muso because of his famous kenjutsu skills, and is the kind of teacher who wants to help troubled students anyway. He'd prefer a team that got along naturally, but with Muso around that's a difficult prospect at best, but he's got his eye on the more agreeable students who won't take offense, so Goro and Uroko are his preferred picks unless you pick the Otsutsuki or Senju option.
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Oh, and uh, Chakra Natures:

Minato: Wind, as per canon. He'll branch out later to learn Lightning and also dabble in Fire; his choices are mostly based on how well they compliment his speed-based fighting style (speed is going to be a thing with him even before he learns and masters the Flying Thunder God Technique). For that reason, he won't be very interested in the slower and more defensive Earth and Water elements.

Kushina: Water. The databooks say she knew both Water and Wind, probably because of the whole whirlpool thing Uzushiogakure had going on; I'll go with Water as her primary affinity and Wind as something she picks up later, possibly from Minato when they start dating (after all, he learned a lot about sealing from her).

Tsume: Earth. In canon Tsume was only a tokubetsu jounin (i.e. jounin-level in a particular specialty only), so she might only learn her primary affinity, but I might also have her get stronger and become a full jounin, in which case she'd probably learn Fire as well. She'd mostly use Earth Release for mobility (there are Earth Release techniques that let you do things like "swim" through solid earth) and surprise attacks, and if she learns Fire she'll use that as the primary means of strengthening her attacks.

Yoshino: Earth (mostly because she's down-to-earth), and maybe Fire if she grows past her canon rank of chuunin (I kind of have this idea of making her and Tsume a study in contrasts and comparisons). Ninjutsu won't really be one of her major tools, though; most likely she'll either focus on genjutsu or medical ninjutsu.

Uroko: Fire, because of the associations with mythical foxes and such (remember in Inuyasha how Shippo had his "Foxfire?" That's rooted in Japanese folklore). Being a genjutsu specialist though, it won't really be a major focus for her, and she's not likely to branch outside of it. If she does, she'll probably want to learn either Water or Wind.

Goro: Water, and if he expands past that he'll learn Earth. He'll mostly use the more subtle uses of Water Release, such as the Hiding in Mist Technique, and if learns Earth he'll use that for hiding and ambushes.

Muso: Lightning. He'll almost exclusively use it in conjunction with his weapons (particularly the sword), though he might also mix it in with taijutsu. He might pick up either Wind or Fire.

Kagura: Wind, and she might later learn either Fire or Lightning. She'll mostly use it to give her weapons an extra kick and to otherwise prefer using it in ways that are difficult to predict (she'll find wind ideal for this, partly because you can't normally see wind).


Also, forgot to include the PC.

Senju: You'll inherit the "Vitality of the Sage" that grants increased chakra, greater stamina and increased natural healing, and a natural talent for ninjutsu. You'll be good-to-excellent at everything, and you'd tie with Minato in grades if he weren't a bit better at the book work. Unlike Minato, though, you get access to learning Senju techniques from Tsunade and to a lesser extent Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has both taught and been taught by Senjus. You'll also have learned some basic medical ninjutsu from Tsunade, and know a bit about your primary elemental affinity.
Elements - Either Earth or Water, both run pretty strongly in the Senju line. Whichever isn't a primary affinity will be a strong secondary affinity.

Uzumaki: You'll inherit the "Vitality of the Sage," but not as strongly as Kushina, and you'll lack the special chakra that makes her a natural fit for being the jinchuriki; you can learn chakra chains eventually, but you haven't yet and it'll be difficult. You've got talent in everything, but particularly in ninjutsu and kenjutsu. You're also learning some fuuinjutsu (sealing) from your parents, but even a journeyman-level proficiency in that is the work of years if you're not a sealing prodigy, which you're not (not to say you're without talent for it).
Elements - Either Water or Wind, both run pretty strongly in the Uzumaki line. Whichever isn't a primary affinity will be a strong secondary affinity.

Haruno: This is the only option that can edge Yoshino out of the top spot in the purely theoretical portion of the schoolwork. You've also got a real knack for chakra control that, combined with your intelligence, would make you excellent for learning either genjutsu or medical ninjutsu; maybe even both. Your skill in the more physical aspects like taijutsu is a bit above average, but nothing to write home about. You're from a civilian family and don't have much opportunity for learning outside of the academy, but you have learned a genjutsu from Uroko; the D-ranked Demonic Illusion: Hell-Viewing Technique.
Elements - Either Earth or Fire; I'll let the players decide.

Otsutsuki: This is the only option that contests Minato's position as rookie of the year, being overall just as talented as Minato, though a little bit better than him in some areas and a little bit worse in others. Like Minato, you have no access to outside teachers, but through observation and diligent study have learned some D-rank techniques, including Kagura's Manipulated Shuriken Technique, which she taught you; the two of you have found ways to use the technique in team attacks together. And like Kushina and the Uzumaki option, this option is a sensor-type.
Elements - Either Fire or Lightning; I'll let the players decide. Of course, if you develop a Rinnegan you can master all five elements easily, and a Sharingan would also make it easier.


Special: The Otsutsuki option has the potential to develop any of the Three Great Dojutsu (the Byakugan, the Sharingan, and the Rinnegan). You may even manifest one of them in one eye and the other in the second eye (you will only ever get the Rinnegan in one eye, and you're not guaranteed to get a second dojutsu in the other eye). Developing just the Sharingan or Byakugan in one or both eyes isn't going to be a problem; most will just assume you're the result of some indiscretion from and Uchiha or Hyuga, and since you're a Konoha ninja and not part of their clan they won't really be able to do anything about it by Konoha's law (though they may offer to adopt you or marry you into the family to keep the bloodline in their control). Developing the Sharingan in one eye and the Byakugan in the other would be very unusual and likely get you a lot of attention, possibly even lead to some squabbling between the Hyuga and Uchiha as they point fingers and argue over which one has the greater claim to trying to get you to join them, to say nothing of the attention you'll get outside of Konoha.

Unless you take great pains to hide it, developing even one Rinnegan is a huge deal. You'll be involved in intrigues revolving around your eye(s) at every possible level, including but not limited to the ambitions of Orochimaru, Shimura Danzo and Uchiha Madara himself, to say nothing about how every village on the planet would do anything short of outright starting a war to get their hands on your eyes. Hiruzen and whoever your jounin-sensei is will do their best to protect you, of course, but even with their help, you'll need to grow very fast once you develop a Rinnegan.

Also, you might not develop the Rinnegan straight away; it might start as a Sharingan and evolve into that (but only if you never unlock the Mangekyo Sharingan, for the sake of some small semblance of balance). Similarly, there's a remote possibility of the Byakugan developing into something that hasn't been seen since the Sage of Six Paths' brother left the Earth with his family to stand vigil over the corpse of his mother; the Tenseigan (which is going to be different from how it was portrayed in the movie).

Oh, and learning more than the most basic powers of either the Rinnegan or the Tenseigan is going to take many years of dedicated training, because otherwise it would be just ridiculous. Even the most basic levels of their powers are upgrades compared to their weaker versions, though.


One more thing; if you have a kid who comes of age roughly during Naruto's generation, I'd give the option to make the kid the PC for the rest of the quest (or possibly even do it again when continuing into the next generation), though there'd be times when you could choose to switch back to the previous PC for a short time. You know, to freshen things up by scaling things back to a lower level again.
What would be the relationship between the Otsutsuki MC and Kaguya ? Could we develop the Rinne-sharingan ? Could we obtain a third eye in similarity to Kaguya ?
What would be the relationship between the Otsutsuki MC and Kaguya ?

You're descended directly from her through Hagoromo or Hamura; anything else is up in the air.

Could we develop the Rinne-sharingan ?

Not at any point before the 4th Shinobi War. You can have a Sharingan in one eye and a Rinnegan in the other, but not both in the same eye. No Mangekyo if you get the Rinnegan, either, for my sanity's sake if nothing else.

Could we obtain a third eye in similarity to Kaguya ?

No, you haven't inherited any of that weird Otsutsuki biology like horns or eyes on your hands or any of that. You could pull a Danzo and implant someone's eyes on your body, I guess.

I'm totally down for being thought of as some weird bastard Uchiha-Hyuuga. That sounds amusing.

It'd either be that or you do something like pretend to have lost both your eyes on a mission, hone your sensor abilities and then master Sage Mode all so you can convincingly fake being a blind S-ranked badass. Which... probably not worth the trouble to hide anything short of a Rinnegan.
You're descended directly from her through Hagoromo or Hamura; anything else is up in the air.

Not at any point before the 4th Shinobi War. You can have a Sharingan in one eye and a Rinnegan in the other, but not both in the same eye. No Mangekyo if you get the Rinnegan, either, for my sanity's sake if nothing else.

No, you haven't inherited any of that weird Otsutsuki biology like horns or eyes on your hands or any of that. You could pull a Danzo and implant someone's eyes on your body, I guess.

It'd either be that or you do something like pretend to have lost both your eyes on a mission, hone your sensor abilities and then master Sage Mode all so you can convincingly fake being a blind S-ranked badass. Which... probably not worth the trouble to hide anything short of a Rinnegan.

Really, why bother? Have you seen the Hyuuga? Because most Uchiha have very good eyesight (unless they get special eyes and go blind), and said eyesight will tell them that, damn. I can totally believe that actual Uchiha-Hyuuga bastards exist anyways. :V
It'd either be that or you do something like pretend to have lost both your eyes on a mission, hone your sensor abilities and then master Sage Mode all so you can convincingly fake being a blind S-ranked badass. Which... probably not worth the trouble to hide anything short of a Rinnegan.

If the players don't go for it, you should run with this concept as a antagonist. You could probably play them off as a relatively minor character, the bad guy's wise advisor in the same way that Obito was the court jester. Then, just when the PC's think they've beaten the villain, the "blind" guy pulls off his blindfold and Shinra Tensei's everyone into next week.

Developing the Sharingan in one eye and the Byakugan in the other would be very unusual and likely get you a lot of attention, possibly even lead to some squabbling between the Hyuga and Uchiha as they point fingers and argue over which one has the greater claim to trying to get you to join them, to say nothing of the attention you'll get outside of Konoha.

Honestly, cramming ALL the eye bullshit into one character is actually staying pretty true to the original story... :V
If the players don't go for it, you should run with this concept as a antagonist. You could probably play them off as a relatively minor character, the bad guy's wise advisor in the same way that Obito was the court jester. Then, just when the PC's think they've beaten the villain, the "blind" guy pulls off his blindfold and Shinra Tensei's everyone into next week.

I had thrown around the idea of expanding Akatsuki's membership a little bit...
Also, I was going to give the option to make your own character, either with no clan or any special abilities or skills whatsoever or from one of a selection of minor clans from Konoha. Those clans are:

[] Hagoromo
The Hagoromo are one of many ninja clans who claim some distant relation to the Sage of Six Paths, though as with most of them it's impossible to prove or disprove. Other than, the Hagoromo are mostly notable for being one of the only clans in Konoha with a large proportion of members with Wind affinity, though the clan's primary techniques focus on taijutsu and bukijutsu (weapon techniques), using Wind ninjutsu as a supplement.

[] Hatake
The Hatake have recently grown greatly in influence and fame thanks to producing their first and so far only S-class ninja, Hatake Sakumo, known as the "White Fang" and considered Konoha's best ninja after the Hokage himself and a candidate to become the next Hokage. The Hatake specialize in Lightning Release and kenjutsu, being the owners of a famous chakra blade called "White Light."

[] Kohaku
The Kohaku joined Konoha only during the desperate struggle of the First Shinobi War, being a very proud and independent clan and realizing they would be relegated to a subordinate position in Konoha. Members of the Kohaku usually have affinities for either Fire or Earth release, but the clan's primary focus is on genjutsu, which they used to misdirect intruders into their secluded forest homes and lead them to their deaths.

[] Tsuchigumo
The Tsuchigomo are the newest of Konoha's clans and thus have little influence or power of their own, though it seems likely they will rise in esteem due to their leader's power. Not a clan by blood (though there are many extended families in the clan), the Tsuchigumo formed just a few years ago when people flocked to a wandering S-class ninja named En no Gyoja for protection, who began to teach the most promising of them. But En no Gyoja realized he could not protect his people forever during the Great Shinobi War, and so just two a little more than two years ago he met with the Third Hokage and negotiated to join the village. En no Gyoja is primarily a master of Earth Release and powerful defensive ninjutsu, including defensive barriers and seals.

I kind of want to also add an option to be a Sarutobi, actually. Mastery of Fire Release and staff fighting, a Monkey Summoning Contract, etc. Might make you Hiruzen's oldest kid and Asuma's older sibling (in canon, Konohamaru's parents were both Anbu, who presumably died at some point).
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I'd go with Kohaku. Every Naruto quest goes for seals and genjutsu always gets relegated to 'it's awesome, but we'll get it later.'
An idea I had a while back:

So I've heard at least one person (not sure if it was here) throw around the idea of the military or government or whoever try to make their own Gems. That's incredibly unlikely to me not just from the perspective of "figuring out how to do it" to the fact that each Gem that's created irrevocably depletes the land's ability to sustain life, and more importantly it apparently takes a long-ass time by human standards to make just one Gem.

But uh... we've seen a being with powers similar to a Gem that didn't require more than about 9 months to create, albeit unlike a full-fledged Gem it needed about 14 years to become combat-effective.

Trying to recreate the Gems seems like a silly prospect when you could instead try to recreate Steven. All you need to at least start doing experiments in creating human/Gem hybrids are, you know, humans and Gems. There are plenty of Gems on Earth, they're just either corrupted or broken into pieces. Gems don't need to be intact to still have some level of power, though, and the power source might be all you really need. Rose shape-shifted a womb to have Steven, and then passed on her Gem to him, thus giving up her own life to make him half-Gem. IIRC from that book, the implication was that Rose chose to do that, and could have just had Steven as a pure human. What this tells me is that it's possible for a pure human to become half-Gem, even if they weren't born of a Gem.

I'd love to see Steven play big brother to a new Gem/Human hybrid who's feeling scared and lost.
I was thinking of using a shattered Gem, yes. Mostly to not deal with the problems of corruption or forcing a still-sane Gem to give up their physical form.
I just think it would make a good quest or story or whatever. A human suddenly becomes half-Gem, or being born a half-Gem, or even if becoming half-Gem leaves them like Alex Mercer in Prototype, with no memories of the time before their "birth" as a new being? Whichever one you go with, the idea is dripping with potential for character, especially in interactions with Steven, who as the only other Human/Gem hybrid in existence would see a certain connection with this theoretical being.

Plus, it's an excuse to make your own kind of Gem and a corresponding place in the Gem Homeworld's hierarchy, which is always fun. Like... *quick wiki walk for an interesting gem* Moissanite, which is essentially a budget diamond; cheaper to make, but almost as hard at a 9.5 on the Mohs scale. You could spin them as the personal champions, bodyguards and enforcers of the Diamonds; with the most physical strength and durability of any Gem bar the Diamonds, but none of the extra powers that make each Gem unique (obviously the hybrid wouldn't have the same level of strength). Hell, if it was made from the shattered remnants of Pink Diamond's Moissanite, Jasper might mistake the hybrid for that Moissanite the same way she mistook Steven for Rose, and think that Rose somehow brainwashed them or stuck the Gem into a human and want to "free" them.

Also, I just realized: there were 4 and now are only 3 Diamonds, because diamonds are considered the rarest and most precious of gems. But that's actually a lie, and the De Beers diamond cartel holds a monopoly and artificially restricts the supply to keep the value high. Feel like there could be something here, but I'm not sure what...
If you plan to start taking on students at roughly the time Minato does, the options I've got laid out so far (after looking up and in some cases tweaking character ages a year or two):

1 year before Team Minato is formed: Akimichi Shitō (one of the jounin put in charge of protecting Naruto during the 4th Ninja War), Shiranui Genma (that guy who's part of the Hokage Guard Platoon who always has a senbon in his mouth) and Uchiha Inabi (a member of the Konoha Military Police who investigated Shisui's suicide and was suspicious of Itachi).

Same year Team Minato is formed: Ebisu (the "closet pervert" who taught Konohamaru and his teammates), Morino Ibiki (commanding officer of Konoha's Torture & Interrogation Force, a subdivision of the Intelligence Division), and Mizuki (i.e. the chuunin who tried to go missing-nin and got the sh*t kicked out of him by Naruto).

1 year after Team Minato is formed: Sarutobi Asuma (you know, leader of Team 10, the Third Hokage's son, killed by Hidan), Kumade Toriichi (a tokubetsu jounin who was killed by Zabuza at some point), and Yuhi Kurenai (you know, leader of Team 8, jobs every fight she's in, has absolutely no part in Part II except "Asuma's baby mama").

2 years after Team Minato is formed: Hyuga Hoheto (a jounin under Kankuro's command in the 4th Ninja War), Kato Shizune (as in Tsunade's put-upon assistant/student), and Might Gai (hope you've got a lot of youth...).

Of course, you can move on and take another team as soon as the rest of your first team makes chuunin, retires/quits, goes missing-nin and gets hunted down like a dog, dies like a dog on a mission or some other circumstance, gets transferred to another genin team who's old teammate died like a dog for some reason, or otherwise just leaves you without a team of genin to train.