So what kind of quest are you most interested in seeing me do?

  • A Mighty Disciple - History's Mightiest Disciple

    Votes: 25 21.4%
  • Child of Konoha - Naruto

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • Nobunaga's Ambition: Tenka Fubu - Nobunaga's Ambition

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • As High As Honor - ASOIAF

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • A (Hedge) Knight's Tale - ASOIAF

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Rurouni Kenshin Quest

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • Heaven & Earth - Tenra Bansho Zero/CKII

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Chronicles of Shen Zhou - Legends of the Wulin

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Fullbringer Quest - Bleach

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • Digidestined Quest - Digimon

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • Final Fantasy X Quest

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Final Fantasy XII Quest

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Final Fantasy XIII Quest

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender Quest

    Votes: 27 23.1%
  • Nobunaga's Ambition: Tenra Bansho - Nobunaga's Ambition/Tenra Bansho Zero Fusion

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Strongest Under the Heavens - Exalted: Burn Legend

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Mass Effect Quest

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • Dragon Age Quest

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • Fallout Quest

    Votes: 13 11.1%
  • Tales of Symphonia Quest

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Tales of Legendia Quest

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Enemy of Harmony - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • Just go back to the quests you've already made, jackass!

    Votes: 16 13.7%
  • The Age of Heroes - DCU Quest

    Votes: 24 20.5%
  • True Psychic Tales - Psychonauts Quest

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • It's Time to Duel! - Yu-Gi-Oh! Quest

    Votes: 17 14.5%
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms Quest

    Votes: 18 15.4%
  • Devil Never Cries - Devil May Cry

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Dragon Ball 1000

    Votes: 4 3.4%

  • Total voters
Dion Belmont, pt. 1
I figure it might create more interest in this thread if I post snippets and stuff. Also, some of my quest ideas might work better as stories anyway...


Joestar Mansion, Liverpool, England – 1888 AD

Sir George Joestar roused himself to consciousness slowly and with difficulty. Normally, this might be a sign of a deep, restful sleep. But in his current state, it merely served to highlight how weak and tired he felt. Though once a proud, strong figure, his sickness had wasted him away; he could hardly stand unaided, and walking was almost out of the question. His sleep was deep, it was true, but it was hardly restful; he felt no less tired now than he did before his nap. Nonetheless, he turned his attention to the cause of his wakening.

"Is it that time already, Peter?" he asked, addressing the old butler standing at his bedside. George had always had a impeccable sense of time, which had served him well in life; it certainly felt like his nap had been cut short."Are Jonathan and Dio back from their game?"

"Not yet, sir, my apologies," the butler replied, sounding a bit put out and apologetic at the same time. "It's just that you have a... visitor. A rather rude one if I may say so, sir. I tried to tell him you were in no fit state to receive guests, but he insisted that you would want to speak to him."

George frowned. Most of his acquaintances knew by now that he took a nap at this time of day until his sons returned from university. "Did he give his name?"

"He gave his name as Count Dion Belmont, sir," Peter answered. "He showed me some of your letters to him to prove his identity, as well as his signet ring."

"Dion Belmont?" George asked in surprise. Though the two certainly had shared correspondence, George had never met his son in person. He'd only met the previous Lord Belmont in person once, and though they became fast friends, they had communicated entirely through letters and the occasional telegraph over the years, which had been taken up sporadically by the count's young son, beginning when George's last letter was returned unopened, with a letter of explanation from Dion that his father had died in an accident. Unable to travel to the funeral at the time, George had sent a letter expressing his condolences, which had become an occasional correspondence.

George struggled to lift himself up into a sitting position, but quickly began to feel dizzy. "Peter, help me up, would you?" he asked.

"Sir, if you wish I can simply ask Lord Belmont to return at a later-"

"Nonsense, Peter," George interrupted. "Simply help me up and escort Lord Belmont up here. I'm honestly a little curious as to what could have brought him here."

"Of course, sir," Peter said, helping George into a sitting position before leaving the room to fetch the young count.

Once he'd left, George felt his eyelids growing heavy, and decided to rest them. He'd had less and less energy as this illness went on, and even sitting was growing to be something of a chore. He tried his best to seem hale and hearty when his sons were around, but they were very clever young boys, and he knew he wasn't really fooling either of them. Dio had kept a stiff upper lip, but Jonathan was growing more and more worried.

George only realized he'd begun to doze off when he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps, soon followed by the door reopening and Peter introducing the two.

"Good afternoon, Lord Belmont. It's a pleasure to finally meet in person," George said happily, mustering his energy to banish the tiredness from his voice.

"And an honor to meet you as well, Sir George," the count said, in a soft and melodic, almost hypnotic voice with only the barest hint of an accent. The two shook hands; George could tell the count recognized the weakness in his arm, but he made no comment and only frowned slightly.

George considered the young man standing before him. He looked much like his father had, for better or worse. Though he had only met the old Lord Belmont once, he had been struck by his appearance and noticed he was hardly alone. Few men had felt comfortable with Lord Dion's father, and George would bet that the same was as true of the son as it was for the father.

Like his father, Dion Belmont looked... almost inhuman, if he was honest. Completely flawless, porcelain-white skin, hair that was such a light blond it looked as white as snow in the right light, and strange gray eyes, and features that looked like they belonged on a Greek sculpture. It was as though someone had animated an austere marble statue. It made them seem proud, distant and strange; though George had realized that behind the old Count Belmont's haughty marble facade lay a keen wit and a kind soul, he doubted many others could.

"So what brings you here to Liverpool? From what I recall of Italy, I can't imagine you'd come here for the scenery," George asked.

The small smile the young count gave him did much to humanize his features, the slight wrinkles they created helping to chip that eerie perfection. "Though I'd never miss the chance to boast of my home's beauty, Sir George, I've found England has its own charm to it.

"But you are right that I'm not here to sight-see; I am, in fact, here on business of a sort. There's a... precious artifact that I'm interested in, and I've heard it can be found somewhere here," he explained. "However, I felt it would be remiss not to call on you while I was in the area. Though unfortunately I neglected to give you forewarning, so I fear I've inconvenienced you."

"Not at all. It was about time for me to be getting up anyway; my sons will be back from their rugby game soon. Perhaps you could stay and meet them? You're only a few years their senior, and I'm sure they'd find you excellent company."

"And I don't doubt I'd find the same in them," the count replied with a smile. However, it soon turned into a frown. "Sir George... Forgive me if I sound impertinent, but it seems to me now that I've seen you that you may have downplayed your condition in our last correspondence."

"I assure you, you've merely caught me while I'm at something of a low ebb," George lied, giving a chuckle that was much weaker than he'd hoped it would be. At least it didn't devolve into a cough.

The count didn't seem convinced. "Sir George... did my father ever speak to you of his time in the Orient, studying among Tibetan mystics?"

"Indeed he did! Quite riveting stories he told, too, of the miracles he saw them perform," George replied happily, quite content to change the subject. "Sitting on beds of nails and the like. Astounding stuff!"

"My father learned a great deal from those mystics, and he passed those teachings on to me," the count explained. "Among those was a method those mystics used to heal people of all manner of maladies and injuries with but a touch. While I make no claim to be a master..."

"Please, Lord Belmont, you need not go to any trouble on my account," George assured him. "I have my own doctor who sees to my needs every day, and I have no need of some Oriental remedy."

"Perhaps. But if for no other reason, may I make the attempt for my own sake? If your condition does not improve, I should hate myself for not having done what I could when I had the chance. And after all, if I fail, nothing will be lost by either of us."

George blinked, then sighed. "I suppose were I in your position I should feel the same. To be honest, I've never put much stock in all this mysticism, but you're quite right to say that it would be selfish of me to deny you the opportunity, particularly when I'll be no worse off either way."


Hmph. Acting so excited over a worthless game, Dio thought contemptuously as Jonathan Joestar all but sprinted back home, flush with victory, so excited to inform his old fool of a father. Of course he made sure to act excited as well, though still more subdued. Damn fool.

Then again, with as far gone as he must be by now, I doubt Old Joestar will be able to muster any enthusiasm at all
, he thought darkly as they reached the Joestar mansion.

It truly was remarkable, that poison he'd gotten from Ogre Street. Indistinguishable from disease when applied in the proper dosage, and even if someone was suspicious and tried to check for it, it was unidentifiable to Western medicine! The perfect crime!

But how to top myself with Jonathan? Dio thought as he and his erstwhile "brother" entered the mansion. How to kill him in a way that can't be traced to me?

"Good afternoon, Peter!" Jonathan exclaimed to the old butler, who was tottering down the steps as quickly as he could. Dio stifled a frown at the sight of him. The doddering old wretch would be the first one Dio sacked when he took the Joestar fortune for his own; he was far too loyal to the Joestars to be retained.

"Master Jonathan! Master Dio!" the old man cried out, almost wild-eyed with passion. "Your father! Lord Joestar, he's-!"

Jonathan and Dio both stopped short in shock. Did he bite the dust already? Dio thought to himself in surprise. I suppose he wasn't as stout as I'd thought...

A look of fear and horror on his face, Jonathan practically hurled himself up the stairs, Dio following close behind, his own features mirroring his "brother's," even while inwardly he was already plotting. I'll have to change my schedule a bit, keep Jonathan alive a few months longer to divert suspicion...

Jonathan flung open the doors to George Joestar's rooms, Dio just a half-step behind him, ready to pretend to be shocked and distraught.

As it turned out, he had no need to fake his shock.

Sir George Joestar stood tall and proud as he hadn't for many months, almost as hale and healthy as he was before Dio had begun to poison him.

"Father!" Jonathan cried, shock giving way to incredible jubilation. "You're... you're cured! You look as though you were never sick at all!"

"And I feel even better," the old man proclaimed happily, standing tall and proud as he had all his life.

Dio, meanwhile, was still in shock, his thoughts racing. How!? How!? That Chinese piece of shit, was his poison defective!? No, that's impossible, it was working so well! What the hell happened!?

"Dio, isn't it amazing! Father's cured!" Jonathan shouted, jolting Dio out of his trance. Realizing what he needed to do, Dio plastered a smile onto his face.

"It's incredible!" he exclaimed. "But... how?"

"Just some obscure knowledge from the Orient," came a voice neither Jonathan nor Dio recognized. Turning to the source of the sound, they saw a strange-looking man, almost like a marble statue come to life, standing to the side of the room.

The hairs on the back of Dio's neck stood up at the mere sight of him, and the cold, piercing gaze the man disguised as a casual glance sent him into a cold sweat. Who is... how did I miss this man!? I never for a moment realized his presence!

"Don't sell yourself short, sir! Those techniques of yours are truly miraculous!" George Joestar replied. "But where are my manners? Jonathan, Dio, this is Count Dion Belmont, the son of an old friend of mine and the restorer of my health."

"A pleasure to meet you both," the strange count said. "Though my exchanges with Sir George are hardly as frequent as I'd like, he's told me much about you two all the same."

"It's an honor to meet you, Lord Belmont," Jonathan said sincerely, shaking the count's hand with great enthusiasm. "We're truly in your debt. Words can't express how glad I am that Father is alright!"

"Yes, you truly are a miracle worker!" Dio added, swallowing his true thoughts. Once Jonathan was done mimicking a water pump, he shook the man's hands and looked him in the eye.

That one look, short as it was, told Dio all he needed to know. He knows... he thought with horror. These eyes... can they see right through me!?

The count's piercing eyes took on a stormy cast when they settled upon Dio, their gaze judging, condemning. Is it supernatural? Or did he just see my face in that moment when I let my guard down when I saw the old fool was cured? Which is it!?

"But how did you cure Lord Joestar?" Dio asked, feigning simple curiosity. He said it was Oriental knowledge. Does he know about the poison!? Did he give him the antidote!? No, even if it was just an antidote, he wouldn't have recovered so much so quickly!

"I and my father both studied with Tibetan mystics who could heal things such as illnesses and injuries with but a touch," the count explained, his judging eyes never leaving Dio's face. Dio called upon all his acting experience, honed from his years playing the good little orphan boy taken in by the kind aristocrats. But it was maddening; he couldn't tell if it was working!

Finally, that piercing gaze left Dio and turned back to George Joestar. "But Sir George... what I found was that strange toxins had built up in your body. I expelled them from your body, and repaired the damage they caused... but I have no idea as to what caused them to be present in your body in the first place. So while I've treated you now... there's no guarantee it won't simply happen again, unless we can identify the cause."

"Do you have any ideas on what might have caused it, sir?" Jonathan asked, hanging on his every word, desperate for a way to keep his beloved father from falling ill again. It made Dio want to grind his teeth.

"For only Sir George to have fallen ill... I hesitate to say it, but perhaps an enemy of yours may have decided to resort to poison...

The count suddenly held up a hand. "But of course I have no proof of this! Let's not jump to conclusions! We'll simply have to see how the situation develops. I'll be in town for a while looking for a certain item of archeological interest to me I've heard is somewhere around here, so if anything happens, please inform me. I'll let you know what hotel I find a room at."

"Nonsense! You'll stay here!" George cried out. "I'll not sentence my savior to some hotel when I've got a perfectly good mansion!"

"I would hate to impose... but I would hate to impugn on your hospitality," the count said with a smile that made Dio's blood boil. He had only just met this man, and already he hated more than almost anyone he'd ever met.

"Excellent!" Jonathan exclaimed. "Lord Belmont, perhaps I can help you with finding your item? As it happens, I've been studying archeology at the university."

It was only for a second, but Dio could see the count's eyes flicker toward him. "That would be wonderful, Mister Jonathan. I'm always happy to speak with a fellow scholar of archeology. Perhaps we could have discussion on the subject right now?"

He turned to Dio. "Oh, but you two were going to tell Sir George all about your rugby game, weren't you? I would hate to deny you that opportunity."

"Oh, don't feel so bothered by it. Dio here can fill me in while you two have your talk. Isn't that right Dio?" George asked, putting a hand on Dio's shoulder with fatherly affection and an equally fatherly smile.

The very sight made Dio want to retch, or at least to slit the old bastard's throat.

But instead, he merely forced another smile. "Of course!"

As the two walked away, Dio took an opportunity when George looked away to glare hatefully. You don't fool me, you son of a bitch. You're informing Jojo of your suspicions of me... Well fine! I'll kill you as well as the Joestars! I'll make you suffer for this! I'll make you curse the day you ever thought you could stand in the way of DIO!
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I'm curious, it's been almost half a year since you started this thread. Is there a reason you haven't chosen or started a new quest?
Except for the Avatar ones which didn't make it out of character creation unless my watch thread failed.
I'm curious, it's been almost half a year since you started this thread. Is there a reason you haven't chosen or started a new quest?
Except for the Avatar ones which didn't make it out of character creation unless my watch thread failed.

Busyness, writer's block, general ennui, etc. I did start that Arryn quest for ASOIAF, though. Updates are slow because I started it really close to finals week, though (which I'm going through right now).
Awwww..... I don't mind it being a story, but I admit I would have voted for Dione Belmont instead, if only to rub Dio's wounds in even further. A girl (in Victorian England, no less) being capable of handing him his ass? That would be something of an Out-Of-Context Problem for him for sure.
Awwww..... I don't mind it being a story, but I admit I would have voted for Dione Belmont instead, if only to rub Dio's wounds in even further. A girl (in Victorian England, no less) being capable of handing him his ass? That would be something of an Out-Of-Context Problem for him for sure.

Well, Dio isn't really much of a sexist, even outside of Victorian standards. He's very equal opportunity, for both good and bad.

Though I think Elena Pendleton gave Dio the middle finger when they were children very well. She's a good example of a female character who isn't a fighter but can still be badass, now that I think of it.
Awwww..... I don't mind it being a story, but I admit I would have voted for Dione Belmont instead

Oh, just to be clear, I haven't really decided either way. The snippets are kind of just a way of both raising interest in the ideas and in testing them out, so to speak. Seeing what works and what doesn't and how to make it better when I actually get around to writing them out for real, whether as quests or stories.


Now then, who here is familiar with the Atelier series? As some anonymous guy on the internet put it:

Okay, you know how every RPG has the grand heroes chosen by fate to become wonderful friends and stand up to the evil sorcerer/empire/corporation/monster and keep it from destroying the world?

This game is not about them.

You know how in almost every RPG, buried about halfway down the final dungeon, sitting next to the second to last save point in the game there's a shopkeeper who has every healing item in the game and every weapon or bit of armor that doesn't require an epic quest? The one who leaves you wondering: "Just how in blazes did she get down here? I'm the ridiculously powerful chosen one and it's almost impossible for me to do it so how did a lowly shopkeeper pull it off"?

This game is about her.

I've actually only played one or two of the Atelier games, though I really enjoyed them. But one of my favorite games of all time is a spinoff: Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis. If you don't know what it's like... Basically, take the general premise of being an alchemist rather than an adventuring hero, but then put that in a school setting. Al-Revis is a massive academy (located on an island in the sky, no less) devoted to teaching aspiring alchemists. Though there's actually still a lot of questing and combat involved, since someone needs to go collect those rare alchemy components and such, after all.

Aside from my general love of the gameplay (combat was turn-based but still felt rapid and intuitive, with a turn system kind of similar to Final Fantasy X, the item creation was a lot of fun to experiment with and in some cases abuse, etc.), probably what I liked best - and now that I think of it, has probably influenced the way I write quite a bit - is the characters and their relationships with each other.

The main characters of Mana Khemia are all a bunch of standard stock stereotypes you'd see in just about any JRPG... at first. But they all have hidden depths to them that you'll only see if you interact with them, and a lot of them are very different than what you'd expect from a "hidden depth" in characters with their stereotypes. And more importantly, they and their friendships with each other all feel genuine... except for the stupid pointless mascot character, who I hate with a passion.

That's actually why I really hate the sequel, Mana Khemia 2: The Fall of Alchemy, despite some gameplay improements. The new characters all just have a lot less depth than their predecessors, and what's worse, none of them actually feel like they're friends. It's like a bad sitcom where they're all terrible people to each other all the time, with almost no actual warmth or affection in any of their interactions, or else it feels very token. Two characters are actually brother and sister, but it honestly feels like the former genuinely hates the latter, and none of the others are much different. It completely kills the fun, slice-of-life feel that the original had and replaces it with bad sitcom antics, focused through Japanese stereotypes.

But whatever, that doesn't matter. Point being, the setting and concept seem like they'd be very fertile ground for stuff like stories, quests, and even RPs. Learning alchemy, questing for better stuff to do alchemy with, exploring characters, etc. And seriously, just look at this place:

Nope. Are you proposing this as the setting for a quest or do you just want to reminisce?

Mostly the former, though probably a bit of the latter as well. Like I said, I think it would be a great setting for quests. Going to a school on an island in the clouds, forming pacts with magical spirits (called "Mana") for power, hunting down rare ingredients to create more and more powerful items?

Not to mention the sequel (much as I hate it), also has one of the previous main characters return as a teacher, which would be a good way of making a sequel quest.
Thinking about it, maybe I could tie character creation into what kind of Mana the PC has made a pact with, making that decide their backstory and basic personality, with each Mana having a different story to how you convinced it to make a pact with you.

Oh, right, explanation. In the Atelier Iris and Mana Khemia series', Mana are essentially spirits that govern the elements that make up nature and existence, and they're the primary source of an alchemist's power; all the most important alchemical skills require a pact with a willing Mana to utilize. The type of Mana you make a pact with affects your own skills with alchemy, and also your combat skills.

For example, the character Nicole Mimi Tithel, a.k.a. Nikki, forms a pact with a Mana of Wood, and she uses its powers in battle to do stuff like instantly grow giant trees that drop giant acorns on enemies and such.

So with that in mind, I've narrowed down the list of different types of Mana down to six possibilities for the PC to have:

Diemia is a Stone Mana that resembles a rhinoceros made from stone. Diemia is calm, placid, and prone to long naps most of the time, but when angered can become a force of raw destruction. Diemia provides a boost to any item synthesis utilizing stone or earth, and in battle gives access to earth-based skills that are excellent for both attacking and defending. Except for being a bit lazy sometimes, Diemia is more or less totally obedient to the PC.

Zolvan is a Lightning Mana that resembles a genie; his top half is that of a hairless, well-built, muscular man with cloudy white skin, glowing veins and eyes that crackle with lightning, while his lower half is a raging miniature storm cloud. Zolvan is extremely passionate and subject to frequent mood swings, making him somewhat unpredictable. He provides a boost to any item synthesis that utilizes electricity in some way, and in battle he provides skills that are as useful for powering up the PC as they are for smiting enemies. Zolvan is completely loyal to the PC, even referring to them as "Master" or "Mistress," but he is completely at the whim of his raging emotions, which can make him unreliable at times.

Aroma is a Fragrance Mana (yes, that's a thing) who resembles a pixie, being a small flying humanoid that looks like a young girl, with dark skin, tribal-looking clothes and tattoos, bright pink hair and wears a lot of flowers in her hair and on her clothes (or they're growing out of her, it's hard to tell). Myusa is energetic, immature, and prone to pranks and jokes, and judges people she meets based on their scent. She provides a boost to any item synthesis where scent is important in some way, and in battle she can create a variety of scents that alter emotional states of allies and enemies. Aroma will often joke and prank the PC and sometimes those around them, but is otherwise willing to work with them and lend her skills freely.

Jiptus is a Poison Mana (which is actually a misnomer, as these Mana represent all manner of rot, decay and weakness, but Death is still a separate thing, so...) who resembles a beautiful but demonic woman, complete with ram's horns and bat wings. Despite her appearance and role, Jiptus is mature, wise, and caring, and has a philosophical outlook on the role of Poison in nature. She provides a boost to any item synthesis that requires or causes rot, decay, weakness, etc., and in combat she (obviously) provides power to weaken and hinder foes. Jiptus is a mentor figure for the PC, and her relationship with them is essentially that of a kind, wise older sister assisting their younger sibling.

Myusa is a Sound Mana who resembles a harpy - a combination of woman and bird - wearing a dapper pantsuit with bowler hat and carrying a trumpet surprisingly easily in her large, taloned hands. Myusa, much like the rest of her kind, is obsessed with music and lovely sounds, though her tastes skew a bit differently than most Sound Mana. Any item synthesis where sound is an important factor in either its creation or effects gets a boost from Myusa, and in battle she can utilize sound to surprisingly destructive effects that very few enemies have any defense against. Myusa refers to the PC as "Boss," but treats their relationship as an employer-employee one, and requires periodic payment to continue assisting the PC; payment is accepted only in new music or in well-made musical instruments.

Luplus is a Time Mana that resembles a bipedal wolf wit ha very large clock set into his chest. Luplus is very laid-back for a Time Mana, and enjoys lazing around and slacking off, though he also enjoys making snide remarks at others' expense. An extremely rare and powerful form of Mana, Luplus provides a minor bonus to all kinds of item synthesis (timing is everything), but in battle he truly shines, as he can provide truly terrifying means of manipulating time for your benefit. Unfortunately, Luplus is often uncooperative and needs to be cajoled and flattered into lending his aid, and even when he does so, his incredible power channeled through a rookie alchemist means that the PC will undergo tremendous strain wielding his abilities at first.

EDIT: Also, since one of the main characters is Roxis Rosenkrantz, I think at least one of the possible PC backstories will have Guildenstern as their default last name.
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EDIT: Also, since one of the main characters is Roxis Rosenkrantz, I think at least one of the possible PC backstories will have Guildenstern as their default last name.

Fitting, given that the story is about the minor background characters in someone else's grand adventure.
Diemia is a Stone Mana that resembles a rhinoceros made from stone. Diemia is calm, placid, and prone to long naps most of the time, but when angered can become a force of raw destruction. Diemia provides a boost to any item synthesis utilizing stone or earth, and in battle gives access to earth-based skills that are excellent for both attacking and defending. Except for being a bit lazy sometimes, Diemia is more or less totally obedient to the PC.
So the safest option in terms of crafting. Would I be right in guessing that Metal (unless it is Metal Ore) doesn't fall in the ambit of Rock/Earth? Or does it also count as stone/earth? This potion doesn't really look like it can give out anything special. (Unless what is special about her is that it makes Uniquely powerful things that are normally considered common. I.e. Superpowered Staves, etc.)
Zolvan is a Lightning Mana that resembles a genie; his top half is that of a hairless, well-built, muscular man with cloudy white skin, glowing veins and eyes that crackle with lightning, while his lower half is a raging miniature storm cloud. Zolvan is extremely passionate and subject to frequent mood swings, making him somewhat unpredictable. He provides a boost to any item synthesis that utilizes electricity in some way, and in battle he provides skills that are as useful for powering up the PC as they are for smiting enemies. Zolvan is completely loyal to the PC, even referring to them as "Master" or "Mistress," but he is completely at the whim of his raging emotions, which can make him unreliable at times.
Honestly, flights of fancy usually don't really pose a problem, as long as the individual in question is loyal. I am guessing he is very helpful for making magitech equipment, which might be more complicated and expensive to prepare, but also sells pretty well. If not magi-tech, well, selling pure oxygen and hydrogen is also a thing, among all others. (Seriously, Electricity is quite important for Chemistry)
Aroma is a Fragrance Mana (yes, that's a thing) who resembles a pixie, being a small flying humanoid that looks like a young girl, with dark skin, tribal-looking clothes and tattoos, bright pink hair and wears a lot of flowers in her hair and on her clothes (or they're growing out of her, it's hard to tell). Myusa is energetic, immature, and prone to pranks and jokes, and judges people she meets based on their scent. She provides a boost to any item synthesis where scent is important in some way, and in battle she can create a variety of scents that alter emotional states of allies and enemies. Aroma will often joke and prank the PC and sometimes those around them, but is otherwise willing to work with them and lend her skills freely.
Jokes and pranks usually don't go into outright malice in this case, right? But on smell, wow. That's a massive range. Oh, right. Only when the scent is important. Still, imagine the smell of a freshly made table, the smell of a well-cooked meal, the smell of a good perfume in moderation, the smell of that health monster bait/repellant you just used, and the smell of that cleaning agent/soap you just used to wash your clothes.

Although, judging people by how they smell... ? Why does that remind me of something...
Were you expecting Bruno? Not, it is Speedwagon!

On the combat usage of scents, that reminds me of that chapter of Nobunaga's Chef. You know which one I am talking about, @Leingod.
Jiptus is a Poison Mana (which is actually a misnomer, as these Mana represent all manner of rot, decay and weakness, but Death is still a separate thing, so...) who resembles a beautiful but demonic woman, complete with ram's horns and bat wings. Despite her appearance and role, Jiptus is mature, wise, and caring, and has a philosophical outlook on the role of Poison in nature. She provides a boost to any item synthesis that requires or causes rot, decay, weakness, etc., and in combat she (obviously) provides power to weaken and hinder foes. Jiptus is a mentor figure for the PC, and her relationship with them is essentially that of a kind, wise older sister assisting their younger sibling.
So what I am hearing here is high-speed/high quality cheesemaking, winemaking, breadmaking, beermaking, forging old books, tobaccomaking, and antidotes/antivenom.
Myusa is a Sound Mana who resembles a harpy - a combination of woman and bird - wearing a dapper pantsuit with bowler hat and carrying a trumpet surprisingly easily in her large, taloned hands. Myusa, much like the rest of her kind, is obsessed with music and lovely sounds, though her tastes skew a bit differently than most Sound Mana. Any item synthesis where sound is an important factor in either its creation or effects gets a boost from Myusa, and in battle she can utilize sound to surprisingly destructive effects that very few enemies have any defense against. Myusa refers to the PC as "Boss," but treats their relationship as an employer-employee one, and requires periodic payment to continue assisting the PC; payment is accepted only in new music or in well-made musical instruments.
Ugh. Not the best assistant. Sure, veyr good in a fight, but the backlog (she does accept backlogs for payments, right?) is going to be a pain.

Let's see, Musical Instrumentation-making, doorlock-making (the click is the most satisfying sound you can hear), popping bubble wrap (even more satisfying), a well-done pool table/chess set/walking staff/etc (again, the sounds it makes must be satisfying for the higher end stuff), and alarmaking.
Luplus is a Time Mana that resembles a bipedal wolf wit ha very large clock set into his chest. Luplus is very laid-back for a Time Mana, and enjoys lazing around and slacking off, though he also enjoys making snide remarks at others' expense. An extremely rare and powerful form of Mana, Luplus provides a minor bonus to all kinds of item synthesis (timing is everything), but in battle he truly shines, as he can provide truly terrifying means of manipulating time for your benefit. Unfortunately, Luplus is often uncooperative and needs to be cajoled and flattered into lending his aid, and even when he does so, his incredible power channeled through a rookie alchemist means that the PC will undergo tremendous strain wielding his abilities at first.

Yeah. Considering he most likely can do all of these and more, not much to worry about in the battling front.

But it's going to be a pain to work with this one. It feels like CCC Gilgamesh all over again...
So the safest option in terms of crafting. Would I be right in guessing that Metal (unless it is Metal Ore) doesn't fall in the ambit of Rock/Earth? Or does it also count as stone/earth? This potion doesn't really look like it can give out anything special. (Unless what is special about her is that it makes Uniquely powerful things that are normally considered common. I.e. Superpowered Staves, etc.)

Metal Mana are in fact a separate category, but earth materials do come up in item synthesis. Different magical clays, crystals and rocks can be made through synthesis or used to make other items. Also, stuff like glass and gunpowder. Blood Clay, for example, is an ingredient in the creation of gold, which is a requirement for graduating with honors at Al-Revis (the materials needed to make it are worth more than the gold itself, BTW, so it's a net loss to make and is only useful either as a test of your skills or so you can use the gold to synthesize other items).

Honestly, flights of fancy usually don't really pose a problem, as long as the individual in question is loyal. I am guessing he is very helpful for making magitech equipment, which might be more complicated and expensive to prepare, but also sells pretty well. If not magi-tech, well, selling pure oxygen and hydrogen is also a thing, among all others. (Seriously, Electricity is quite important for Chemistry)

It's too bad Nikki already fights with a hammer, or there could be some great Thor shenanigans.

Jokes and pranks usually don't go into outright malice in this case, right? But on smell, wow. That's a massive range. Oh, right. Only when the scent is important. Still, imagine the smell of a freshly made table, the smell of a well-cooked meal, the smell of a good perfume in moderation, the smell of that health monster bait/repellant you just used, and the smell of that cleaning agent/soap you just used to wash your clothes.

Perfumes, smelling salts, incense, any kind of medicine or poison that can be taken in through inhalation (and yes, the basic potion-equivalent can be used that way), and any synthesis that involves flowers and other particularly pungent items. And cooking, obviously.

On the combat usage of scents, that reminds me of that chapter of Nobunaga's Chef. You know which one I am talking about, @Leingod.

I love that series.

So what I am hearing here is high-speed/high quality cheesemaking, winemaking, breadmaking, beermaking, forging old books, tobaccomaking, and antidotes/antivenom.

And just outright poisons and acids. The item Black Liquid, for example, will eat through almost anything but can be easily kept in a glass jar.

Ugh. Not the best assistant. Sure, veyr good in a fight, but the backlog (she does accept backlogs for payments, right?) is going to be a pain.

Let's see, Musical Instrumentation-making, doorlock-making (the click is the most satisfying sound you can hear), popping bubble wrap (even more satisfying), a well-done pool table/chess set/walking staff/etc (again, the sounds it makes must be satisfying for the higher end stuff), and alarmaking.

There are a lot of high-quality/outright magical musical instrument recipes in Al-Revis, incidentally. I guess the focus on craftsmanship makes it good practice for young alchemists in training. The Carabine Harp, the Wood Tympani, the Organne la Firste, the Velvet Horn, the Alchemical Cymbal, etc.

Yeah. Considering he most likely can do all of these and more, not much to worry about in the battling front.

But it's going to be a pain to work with this one. It feels like CCC Gilgamesh all over again...

Well, Luplus is capable of all of that, but the PC... not so much, especially at the start. Although, in Mana Khemia everyone unlocks an ultimate attack mechanic partway through the game, so I'll probably make pulling a "Za Warudo" the PC's ultimate attack if they choose Luplus.
Merry Christmas all! No really big post or OP or anything, just an idea I had:

Several of the characters in One Piece are named after various real-world pirates and privateers. Combined with this fact, I've always thought that a One Piece quest about a protagonist who doesn't have aspirations to be a pirate or a marine, but still has some grand dream that involves sailing the world and especially the Grand Line, would be a very interesting one. So... why not base said character off of a certain fictional character who wasn't a pirate, but is often portrayed as such in later fiction?

I am speaking, of course, of Sinbad the Sailor. Hell, the general thrust of the Sinbad stories is that Sinbad goes on a trade expedition and finds lots of crazy and impossible places and people, gets fabulously wealthy, then gets bored and does it all again. It's almost tailor-made for One Piece.

When you think about it, choosing to be a traveling merchant or starting a shipping company or whatever must take brass balls in One Piece, especially on the Grand Line. There are probably some who take on some kind of agreement with the Marines to get escorts with them (likely with pretty crappy terms, since the Marines are dicks like that), and there are probably pirates who make money doing something similar (likely at even worse terms, because however bad Marines are, individual pirates tend to be worse, just on a smaller scale).

So basically, the idea here is that the main character is Sindbad Barbarossa (but depending on their origin, that may be an assumed name. One possibility I've considered is that they're the son of a king, in which case their real name is Harun al-Rashid - points if you know the historical reference without looking it up), who dreams of creating a mercantile empire that will connect and enrich the lives of everyone in the world. A fitting dream for a One Piece character, right? Of course, depending on what happens (i.e. if the Marines are dicks and Sindbad decides to prevent them from being dicks) they might get labeled a pirate, in which case the nickname on their wanted poster will probably be "Merchant of Death."

As for what Sindbad fights like... I'm going to decide that the "base" is that Sindbad is extremely swift, agile and acrobatic, because those are the kinds of fighters I like to write about the most. They'll also fight with a sword, probably a talwar, scimitar or shamshir.

After that, I figure they'll get one of two particular "aces in the hole:" either an instinctual command of Observation Haki that allows them to seem outright psychic in their ability to read people, see things that are hidden, react to things that haven't happened yet, etc., etc. OR do what several One Piece quests have done and give them a Logia Devil Fruit that gives them power to become and control wind. Either way, Sindbad will have a connection with wind; if their power is a prodigious command of Observation Haki, then they'll see what they're doing as "reading the wind."
I am speaking, of course, of Sinbad the Sailor. Hell, the general thrust of the Sinbad stories is that Sinbad goes on a trade expedition and finds lots of crazy and impossible places and people, gets fabulously wealthy, then gets bored and does it all again. It's almost tailor-made for One Piece.
I do hope we won't end up going through ships like Sinbad does. Even if my memory of it is spotty now, I remember that the guy is almost always guaranteed to lose his ship, get left behind, get stranded, or any combination theof on every single one of his voyages voyage.
When you think about it, choosing to be a traveling merchant or starting a shipping company or whatever must take brass balls in One Piece, especially on the Grand Line. There are probably some who take on some kind of agreement with the Marines to get escorts with them (likely with pretty crappy terms, since the Marines are dicks like that), and there are probably pirates who make money doing something similar (likely at even worse terms, because however bad Marines are, individual pirates tend to be worse, just on a smaller scale).
That might be a tad harder on the Grand Line, because I think by its very nature it is very difficult to go back to previous islands. It's like a roguelike, where you have to listen for any rumors of trade good prices in the next few islands.
(but depending on their origin, that may be an assumed name. One possibility I've considered is that they're the son of a king, in which case their real name is Harun al-Rashid - points if you know the historical reference without looking it up)
I know that guy. If only because he is the Leader of Arabia for Civ V.
who dreams of creating a mercantile empire that will connect and enrich the lives of everyone in the world. A fitting dream for a One Piece character, right? Of course, depending on what happens (i.e. if the Marines are dicks and Sindbad decides to prevent them from being dicks) they might get labeled a pirate, in which case the nickname on their wanted poster will probably be "Merchant of Death."
If they call us that... can we get a lot of dynamite to blow them up? No, not explosives in general. Dynamite only.
After that, I figure they'll get one of two particular "aces in the hole:" either an instinctual command of Observation Haki that allows them to seem outright psychic in their ability to read people, see things that are hidden, react to things that haven't happened yet, etc., etc. OR do what several One Piece quests have done and give them a Logia Devil Fruit that gives them power to become and control wind. Either way, Sindbad will have a connection with wind; if their power is a prodigious command of Observation Haki, then they'll see what they're doing as "reading the wind."
That's a tough choice. On one hand, Badass Normal capable of being much better at navigation and perceiving fakes. (Seriously, being able to tell fakes from the real deal is invaluable to any trader) Add to that the ability to "Read the Wind" and this is the recipe for a legendary traveler.

On the other hand, literally turning into Wind, which in an age of sail-like time is OP as hell from a utility perspective. Seriously, Seastone Ship + High-Power Wind = Crossing the Blues in record time by going straight through the Grand Line. Hurricane Winds? What winds? You can never be caught by a pursuing ship conventionally, because all it takes to make a successful getaway is to boost your own sails and stop the winds of the pursuing ship. If the frame of the ship is strengthened, then it can go faster. Long-distance cannonball shots? The winds will nudge them away.
You know... depending on how the story pans out, becoming a Shichibukai at some point (probably temporarily, knowing how SV tends to chafe at taking orders from someone who isn't a reasonable, helpful authority figure) wouldn't be out of the question, and would probably be an interesting option to explore.

I do hope we won't end up going through ships like Sinbad does. Even if my memory of it is spotty now, I remember that the guy is almost always guaranteed to lose his ship, get left behind, get stranded, or any combination theof on every single one of his voyages voyage.

Sinbad is a match for Odysseus in getting his crew killed, as well. Guy went through sailors like copy paper.

That might be a tad harder on the Grand Line, because I think by its very nature it is very difficult to go back to previous islands. It's like a roguelike, where you have to listen for any rumors of trade good prices in the next few islands.

Your best bet is to get a lot of Eternal Poses (which are like a Log Pose that tells you how to get to one specific island), which seems to be how the Marines navigate the place.

I know that guy. If only because he is the Leader of Arabia for Civ V.

The original Sinbad stories claim that they take place during the reign of Harun al-Rashid. He's the one who built the legendary "House of Wisdom."

If they call us that... can we get a lot of dynamite to blow them up? No, not explosives in general. Dynamite only.

I can think of a lot of Marines it won't work on, but it's definitely something you could do.

That's a tough choice. On one hand, Badass Normal capable of being much better at navigation and perceiving fakes. (Seriously, being able to tell fakes from the real deal is invaluable to any trader) Add to that the ability to "Read the Wind" and this is the recipe for a legendary traveler.

Plus most combatants with Observation Haki use it to read their opponents strikes and react before they even make their move. When the Straw Hat Pirates first encountered it in Skypeia (where it was called "Mantra"), every enemy who used it was a major threat on that alone, as it was almost impossible for the heroes to hit them. It was a big factor in why Enel was still able to put the beatdown on Luffy for quite a while despite Luffy essentially being Enel's kryptonite.
Always up for a One Piece quest. I'm wondering when this will be set and what power level will we be sitting at.
Also how will progression towards our dream happen? Do we build up Jenny until we can buy a ship and give it to a leftenant and then give them a route to patrol and slowly build up a Don Krieg esque fleet or did you have something else in mind?
Always up for a One Piece quest. I'm wondering when this will be set and what power level will we be sitting at.
Also how will progression towards our dream happen? Do we build up Jenny until we can buy a ship and give it to a leftenant and then give them a route to patrol and slowly build up a Don Krieg esque fleet or did you have something else in mind?

I will never get used to that word.

Anyway... You know how Luffy, at age 7, was both much stronger than most full-grown men and totally bulletproof? In much the same way, Sindbad has grown up with their abilities and, unlike Luffy, has already used them to gain a following and resources, so regardless of their origin they'll be starting off with local success as a merchant, giving them the capital to take their trade onto the waters. Mainly, the journeying will be about opening up new trade routes and making deals with companies and governments for special accommodations for your company, often involving saving someone and having a cool adventure because this is One Piece, and then sending a message to your company headquarters informing them of what's transpired, and maybe doing the initial work of setting up your branch in that area.

You'll also start off with one special crewmate who can actually be useful in a major engagement. The details of their recruitment and relationship with Sindbad will depend on their origins. With one exception, they'll all be based on characters from 1001 Nights. My personal favorite is that very exception: Hassan I-Sabbah.
You'll also start off with one special crewmate who can actually be useful in a major engagement. The details of their recruitment and relationship with Sindbad will depend on their origins. With one exception, they'll all be based on characters from 1001 Nights. My personal favorite is that very exception: Hassan I-Sabbah.
Somebody's gotta keep the decadent merchant from falling in with these sinful Pirates and Marines, much less dead in an alley by their hands. Who better than a scary intellectual priest who can stick a poisoned blade between the CO/Captain's ribs? ;)
And having a spy means information, which means lots of juicy opportunities for cutting profitable deals!
Okay, so typical fantasy shonen, but all the characters have names of characters from 1001 Nights and there's a vague Middle Eastern aesthetic?

I wouldn't call it vague.

Basically it's like a pastiche of various arabian and egyptian influences with 1001 nights being the main influence plus some stuff from elsewhere, put under the lens of a shounen adventure story.

Main character is named Aladdin for example. But his characterization is closer to that of an innocent kid.

The setting is very strongly steepled in all that.
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