So what kind of quest are you most interested in seeing me do?

  • A Mighty Disciple - History's Mightiest Disciple

    Votes: 25 21.4%
  • Child of Konoha - Naruto

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • Nobunaga's Ambition: Tenka Fubu - Nobunaga's Ambition

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • As High As Honor - ASOIAF

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • A (Hedge) Knight's Tale - ASOIAF

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Rurouni Kenshin Quest

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • Heaven & Earth - Tenra Bansho Zero/CKII

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Chronicles of Shen Zhou - Legends of the Wulin

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Fullbringer Quest - Bleach

    Votes: 15 12.8%
  • Digidestined Quest - Digimon

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • Final Fantasy X Quest

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Final Fantasy XII Quest

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Final Fantasy XIII Quest

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender Quest

    Votes: 27 23.1%
  • Nobunaga's Ambition: Tenra Bansho - Nobunaga's Ambition/Tenra Bansho Zero Fusion

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • Strongest Under the Heavens - Exalted: Burn Legend

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Mass Effect Quest

    Votes: 14 12.0%
  • Dragon Age Quest

    Votes: 12 10.3%
  • Fallout Quest

    Votes: 13 11.1%
  • Tales of Symphonia Quest

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Tales of Legendia Quest

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Enemy of Harmony - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Votes: 10 8.5%
  • Just go back to the quests you've already made, jackass!

    Votes: 16 13.7%
  • The Age of Heroes - DCU Quest

    Votes: 24 20.5%
  • True Psychic Tales - Psychonauts Quest

    Votes: 6 5.1%
  • It's Time to Duel! - Yu-Gi-Oh! Quest

    Votes: 17 14.5%
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms Quest

    Votes: 18 15.4%
  • Devil Never Cries - Devil May Cry

    Votes: 11 9.4%
  • Dragon Ball 1000

    Votes: 4 3.4%

  • Total voters
Hmm... I just reread my copy of The World of Ice & Fire and only now do I realize: in a lot of ways, Daemon Blackfyre was essentially Robert Baratheon minus the part where Robert won the war.

Great warrior with lots of charisma? Check.

Lots of really great warriors who were his friends and fought for his cause? Check.

Couldn't marry the woman he loved because of the Targaryens? Check.

Basically had no qualifications for being a king except for being really good at fighting and people liking him a lot? Check.

Defeated a Kingsguard at an important battle, won, then had his maester save his life because he was so impressed by him? Check.

So even though the line of Daeron the Good ended up producing Aerys, perhaps the realm really was better off for not having Daemon win the crown, if we can take Robert's 'reign' as any indication of how good he'd live up to the "promise" everyone thought he had to be a great king.
JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Quest
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Quest

Through the abilities of Stands, it has been proven that there are an infinite number of universes existing in parallel with each other; no two are exactly alike, but some are so closely connected as to seem so at first glance. Only a small change here or there distinguishes some of these universes from each other. Sometimes, the difference is as seemingly small as the mere presence or absence of a single being, or said being merely performing a different action.

But any difference, no matter how small, can create another small change, and another. Eventually, even the most minor changes can cause a cascade that makes one universe more and more separated from ones that at first seemed virtually identical.


London, England – 1888 A.D.

Peter Best had served as the head butler of Joestar Manor for decades now, a fact which he took great pride in – not merely that he was one of the most important servants to a distinguished and wealthy family, but of the character of the family he served – and in his time he had seen and welcomed guests of every kind. But this noble – who apparently held estates in both Italy and Transylvania, of all places – was something new to him. Not because of anything they had said, or their reasons for being here; those were normal enough. They were interested in a historical artifact in Lord Joestar's posession, and had come in hopes of seeing it. They even had a letter of introduction from one of Lord Joestar's many friendly acquaintances on the Continent vouching for their character and confirming that they were indeed...

[] Count Dion Belmont

[] Countess Dione Belmont

The first point of interest was their appearance. Though incredibly attractive and well-built, it was almost unnerving; they appeared completely free of flaws or blemishes, as though someone had brought life to a marble sculpture. Their clothes were of fine make and material, but were clearly made for hardship and travel, and most unusually, they wore a whip coiled at their waist.

Besides which, there was one trait in particular that simply couldn't help but strike Best as markedly strange...

[] Eyes

Those eyes burned with keen intelligence and betrayed their owner's racing thoughts. They seemed to take in and comprehend every minor detail with merely the barest sweep of their surroundings. And when they rested on Best, he felt almost as though his very soul was laid bare before them. A perturbing experience, to say the least.

[] Breathing

Best prided himself on being extremely observant and analytical; it served him well in serving to Lord Joestar's needs. And something was wrong with this noble's story. According to them, they had been forced to walk for several miles to reach Joestar Manor, and yet they didn't seem the least bit tired or short of breath. In fact, their breathing was as measured and steady as a metronome.

Clearing his throat, Best made his decision on what to do about this strange guest. "My deepest apologizes, but Lord Joestar is simply far too ill right now to receive any guests..."


You barely pay attention as the butler tries to give you the brush-off. You've heard that Lord Joestar has been in failing health recently, but you know for a fact that he had a guest over just a few hours ago, so unless he's taken a turn for the worse in that short amount of time, he's at least well enough to talk. And frankly, even if he wasn't, you can't afford to take "no" for an answer.

If your contacts are right, one of the Stone Masks is here, in Lord Joestar's possession. You have no intention of letting some butler keep you from it. You've spent years searching for any leads on the Stone Masks.

The Belmonts are minor nobility who originated in Italy but eventually came to also hold lands in Transylvania through marriage; the name is old and well-off, but hardly noteworthy. There have been no great Belmont kings or generals or statesmen; few Belmonts will ever appear in history books, and those that do will be mere footnotes. This is largely because of the family's true occupation: hunting vampires and their lesser spawn.

For centuries, the Belmonts have known of the Stone Masks and the vampires they produce, and have fought against them. It was a nearly hopeless struggle at first: most Belmonts in those days met very short, violent ends at the hands of even weak vampire spawn, and only a few very clever (or simply very lucky) Belmonts managed to actually defeat their foes, usually by trapping or tricking the vampire into meeting the sunrise, whereupon it promptly burnt to ash.

It was only during the First Crusade, when one of your ancestors met a healer from the Orient while fighting in Anatolia, that the Belmonts became truly equipped to fight their self-appointed foes. From this healer, he learned of a technique called Hamon, or the Ripple, which allows one to channel the power of the sun itself simply through one's own breath. With this tool in hand, the Belmonts turned the tide. When the Belmonts first attained their lands in Transylvania, there were multiple Stone Masks there, and several vampires preying on its people. They are all gone now, but you know that there are more Stone Masks elsewhere in the world, and just as your ancestors did, you've been searching for them. It's the duty of the Belmonts. Few if any humans can achieve any appreciable proficiency with the Ripple, but it seems to run in your family line. Whether it be God or Fate, some force has given the Belmonts this power, and you have a duty to use it to protect those who cannot protect themselves. It is a lonely and dangerous destiny, but one that you must carry out; who would do so in your place?

The name comes from the musical group "Dion and the Belmonts." If you've played Fallout 4, you'll recognize Dion's biggest hit from his solo career, "The Wanderer." Since Dion was so close to Dio, and Belmont is... well, Belmont, I figured it was perfect for a JoJo quest about OC vampire hunters.

Much like the Castlevania games, it'll be a sort of dynastic thing where generations of the family throughout time will take on the protagonist's mantle, with both original adventures and ones that intersect with those of the Joestar family. So like the Zeppelis, the destiny of the Belmonts is tied to the Joestars. Just hope that said destiny isn't "die to give a Joestar the strength s/he needs to beat the big bad" like it is for the Zeppelis.

As for the "Eyes or Breathing" option, some clarification: both will have access to the Ripple. The difference is just in what skills Dion/Dione emphasizes; whether they rely more on their cunning in the vein of Joseph, or whether they're more dependent on their actual power and skill like Jonathan. Of course, either way they're still a JoJo character who isn't a one-off destined for a quick and messy death, so they'll be reasonably clever either way.

The famous whip Vampire Killer in this continuity was made from the fibers of an incredibly rare plant that a Belmont centuries ago discovered was a near-perfect conductor of Ripple energy, and so they harvested it and made them into a whip to fight vampires with. Centuries of having Ripple energy channeled through it has left its mark, and the whip is extremely resilient to damage, including from aging; the whip is in just as good a condition as when it was first made.

Dion/Dione isn't going to start with a Stand. I won't say it's impossible for them to get a Stand during play, but it's not likely. Successors later on are much more likely to start with Stands or gain them through play.

The Spin exists, but knowledge of it is even rarer than that of the Ripple. Gyro Zeppeli doesn't exist, but there is a distant branch of the Zeppeli family who are users of the Spin and once worked as royal executioners for the now-defunct Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
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Oooooh, I didn't expect a possible JoJo quest. The dynastic thing really is a necessity though, if only because of the timegaps between Parts. If Part 6 ends like it did, would we get a SBR Belmont? Or is it a bad end?
Oooooh, I didn't expect a possible JoJo quest. The dynastic thing really is a necessity though, if only because of the timegaps between Parts. If Part 6 ends like it did, would we get a SBR Belmont? Or is it a bad end?

I'd roll with it and make an SBR counterpart. In fact, Dion/Dione already have an alternate spelling of the name I could use: Deon/Deone.
As for the Stands themselves, I'd allow some level of customization up to the players, but I'd also include some preset choices of my own just in case. Here's a few OC Stands that I've made over time that I might use at one point or another in that quest.

Name: Ink Spot
Inspiration: The Ink Spots (band)
Type: Spirit


Destructive Power: C
Speed: B
Range: B
Durability: D
Precision: C
Learning: C

Appearance: Ink Spot manifests as a pitch-black mannequin-like figure wearing an unstained, pure white suit. It's hands leak ink in the same pitch-black color as its body, giving the impression that the Stand is made of solid ink.

Ability: When an object is smeared with the ink leaking from Ink Spot's hands, the Stand or its user can travel through the ink spot to instantly emerge from another ink spot of the Stand user's choice in another location within the Stand's range. If an object is covered in the same ink, it can also travel through ink spots, but only if it is touching Ink Spot or its user as it does so. No object, including Ink Spot or its user, can travel through an ink spot too small for it to fit through.

Ink Spot can produce huge volumes of ink at a time, enough to make ink spots large enough for a full-grown man to travel through in one or two quick swipes of its hands, but it's ink reserves are finite, though very large. Ink Spot can "consume" ink to replenish it's own ink reserves.
Name: Sly, Slick and Wicked
Inspiration: Sly, Slick and Wicked (band)
Type: Spirit

Destructive Power: E
Speed: E
Range: E
Durability: B
Precision: A
Learning: E

Appearance: Sly, Slick and Wicked appears as a charcoal-black humanoid figure wearing a blood-red suit, with three different bone-white mask-like heads, each with a distinct personality and voice. The head on the left identifies as "Sly," and its face is frozen in a sly, cunning smile with eyes that gleam with barely-hidden malevolence. The center head identifies as "Slick," and its face looks handsome but androgynous and has a seemingly warm, charming smile, but eyes that glow with cold light. The head on the right-hand side identifies as "Wicked," and its face is frozen in an expression of cruel, sadistic glee, with eyes that burn red with cruel delight in the suffering of others.

Ability: Sly, Slick and Wicked is nearly useless in combat, but is extremely useful as a source of advice that verges on precognition. The advice the three heads whisper in the user's ear always works out well for the user, but spreads misery and pain around the user. "Sly" gives advice that encourages the user to deceive and manipulate others and always knows exactly what to tell people to make them do what the user wants, "Slick" gives advice that allows the user to inspire feeling of loyalty, friendship love and even borderline worship in others, and "Wicked" constantly encourages the user to indulge in his basest impulses and desires and gives advice for how to do so without facing any consequences.

The idea behind Sly, Slick and Wicked is that it's essentially a much more malevolent version of Hey Ya!. I made it because I think a "main villain" Stand that breaks the mold of being super-broken combat monsters, and instead gives the villain a Stand that would allow him to manipulate and indoctrinate powerful Stand users, could be a lot of fun.

Name: Song of the Sword
Inspiration: Song of the Sword (Hawkwind song)
Type: Spirit/Ability/Autonomous

Destructive Power: A
Speed: A
Range: E
Durability: B
Precision: A
Learning: D

Appearance: Song of the Sword manifests as a longsword with a pitch-black blade of unknown material in the hands of its user (non-Stand users cannot see the sword). Song of the Sword has a mind and a will of its own, and can speak telepathically to its owner. It refers to its user as "Champion" and is obsessed with committing great deeds (whether of heroism or villainy the Stand doesn't care) by the Champion's side, constantly urging them to attempt greater and more daring feats worthy of their "chronicle."

The Chronicle of the Black Sword:
While wielding the sword, the user gains superhuman strength, speed and durability and becomes a master swordsman. Their wounds heal quickly, and any impediment to fighting based on their health is held at bay; even on their deathbed the user fights just as effectively as if they were in perfect health.

Voice Inside Your Head: Song of the Sword cares only a little bit for the Champion and even less for other people; what matters most is that its Chronicle be suitably grand and epic. As such, it will constantly urge its user to act in the most reckless and daring way possible, no matter how dangerous. The more they refuse, the more irritated the Stand becomes until it finally attempts to possess the user in a battle of wills. If it succeeds, the user becomes little more than an extension of the sword, but if it fails, the sword's voice will be silenced until the Champion passes on.

The Demise: Song of the Sword does not die with its user. Rather, the black sword becomes solid and visible, and the next person to pick it up becomes the new "Champion."

So essentially it's Anubis, except it's capable of working with its user rather than just straight controlling it, and someone with sufficient willpower could potentially master it.

Name: Blaze of Glory
Inspiration: Blaze of Glory (Bon Jovi song)
Type: Object/Ability

Destructive Power: A
Speed: A
Range: D
Durability: A
Precision: E
Learning: E

Appearance: Blaze of Glory manifests as a large, intimidating motorcycle with parts that make it resemble a horse, a suit of armor that evokes the images of both a knight and a biker, and a jousting lance; these all appear on (and in the motorcycle's case, under) the user.

Call Me Young Gun:
Blaze of Glory's main power is very straightforward, merely granting the user incredible power (through the lance), speed (through the motorcycle) and durability (through the armor).

Candle in the Wind: The superhuman abilities granted by "Call Me Young Gun" increase in power proportionate to how dangerous the user's current course of action is for their life, and to how passionate the user is. The full power of the Stand can only be unlocked when the user is willing to throw his life away for the sake of his passions.

Basically, it's a Stand that grows more powerful the more of a reckless, hot-blooded thrill-seeker its user is.

Name: Fear of the Dark
Inspiration: Fear of the Dark (Iron Maiden song)
Type: Ability

Destructive Power: E to A (depends on victim)
Speed: C
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: C
Learning: E

Appearance: Fear of the Dark manifests as a billowing black fog that emanates from the user. No light can escape through this fog.

Ability: When anyone breathes in this fog, they will be assailed by nightmarish hallucinations of their worst fears and their greatest failures. The longer they spend trapped in the fog and the more powerful the hold their fears and failures have on them, the more real these hallucinations will seem, until the user's own body is fooled into psychosomatically damaging itself to match the damage dealt by the hallucinations, eventually resulting in death.

The power of this Stand depends on how tortured by doubts and fears the victim is.

Name: Electric Eyes
Inspiration: Electric Eye (Judas Priest song)
Type: Swarm

Destructive Power: E
Speed: D
Range: A
Durability: C
Precision: B
Learning: D

Appearance: Electric Eye appears as a multitude of 339 green mechanical human eyes that float in the air.

Ability: Electric Eyes can embed themselves into surveillance equipment to render themselves unseen by even Stand users. The user can see anything the Electric Eyes see, and can process the information he receives from all of them simultaneously at the same speed as he does with his own human eyes. It is considered one of the best Stands in the world for surveillance purposes, as it renders its user virtually all-seeing within his range. By overlapping the viewpoints of the Electric Eyes, the user can grant himself unmatched depth perception that allows him to know the exact spatial dimensions of every object he sees, as well as their location in relation to every other object.

The number of eyes is 339 because the song Electric Eye is 3:39 long.

Name: Karma Chameleon
Inspiration: Karma Chameleon (Culture Club song)
Type: Spirit/Autonomous

Destructive Power: E
Speed: B
Range: B
Durability: D
Precision: C
Learning: E

Appearance: Karma Chameleon takes the form of a chameleon-sized humanoid chameleon, capable of standing upright and displaying human-like emotions. Unlike most stands, Karma Chameleon is capable of speech, has a personality of its own, and acts independently of its user. It is fiercely protective of its user, but also extremely vindictive and cruel to anyone else. Like an actual chameleon, it's color can change to blend in with the environment.

Ability: Karma Chameleon's power activates once it latches onto a victim's back. The Stand begins draining energy from the victim equal to the amount of 「karma」 they have built up. "Karma," in this case, translates to "how much pain that person has caused the Stand's user;" this effect does not differentiate between physical and emotional pain, or from pain intentionally or unintentionally inflicted. Victims may simply become lethargic and weak, fall into comas, and even die, depending on how much pain they have caused Karma Chameleon's user.

Basically a cross between The Lock and Cheap Trick. The idea here is that it's the Stand of a bullied and neglected kid who doesn't realize they have a Stand, and it hurts the people around the user to get back at them.

Name: Blue Öyster Cult
Inspiration: Blue Öyster Cult (band)
Type: Spirit

Destructive Power: A
Speed: B
Range: B
Durability: D
Precision: A
Learning: D

Appearance: Blue Öyster Cult appears as a humanoid figure concealed by blue-and-gold robes covered with occult symbols. Its face, the only part of its body not hidden by robes, is instead hidden by a featureless golden mask.

Fire of Unknown Origin:
BÖC can excite oxygen and hydrogen bonds in the air within its range to create small but extremely powerful controlled explosions; the Stand's control over these explosions is such that it can create explosions of any size and even shape them as it wishes (though the explosion cannot be larger than the Stand's own range).

Burning For You: BÖC spontaneously ignites objects that it touches if they contain any traces of oxygen or hydrogen within them, instantly engulfing them in flames hot enough to melt steel.
Name: Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Inspiration: Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Iron Maiden song)
Type: Object/Autonomous

Destructive Power: A
Speed: D
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: E
Learning: E

Appearance: Rime of the Ancient Mariner has no form of its own, and has possessed a large stretch of treacherous coast known as the "Mariner's Graveyard." Its main body is the somewhat preserved, long-dead corpse of its owner, which appears similar to the draugr of Norse legend; a water-logged walking corpse, swollen and ripe with decay. The Stand is somewhat intelligent, but has no real goal or ambition save to expand its "fleet" by slaughtering and sinking any ships that reach the Mariner's Graveyard and setting them to the endless task of safeguarding Björn the Bloody's vast treasure for all eternity.

Ability: The user of Rime of the Ancient Mariner never knew he had a Stand; it activated for the first time at the moment of his death. It possessed the corpse of the Viking warrior and giving it twisted life as a vessel for the Stand. The Stand's power of twisted resurrection is far from limited to the body of its user, however. The entire Mariner's Graveyard, a stretch of treacherous waters infamous for their deadliness, is now under the influence of the Stand's power: any ship that has ever sunk there can be called up as a ghost ship, sailing despite its tattered and broken appearance, and its crew are all mindless draugr controlled by the will of the Stand.

If the "main body" of the Stand is destroyed, it is only rendered inert for a day or so before it returns again, possessing a new body, or even one of the ghost ships. Only by completely burning or otherwise destroying its "fleet" can the Stand be destroyed completely, and the dark legacy of the ancient mariner put to rest.

The backstory I envisioned for this Stand is that it was the Stand of Björn the Bloody, an ancient Viking warrior who commanded an entire fleet of Viking longboats that raided the coasts of Europe as far away as Italy over a period of several years. On his return home from sacking several great cities, including the city of Rome, Bjorn, his mighty Viking fleet, and all the treasure he'd collected were sunk in a great storm in an exceedingly treacherous stretch of coast called "the Mariner's Graveyard." Bjorn had never been aware of the existence of his Stand (or Stands at all), as Rime of the Ancient Mariner only manifested upon his death. Possessing the corpse of the Viking warrior, Rime of the Ancient Mariner's "main body" takes a form similar to the draugr of Norse myth, with superhuman strength and durability. It took control of the entire Mariner's Graveyard, and now any ships and their crews that have ever sunk there can be raised up from the seafloor and directed by the Stand.

EDIT: There's also some ideas I haven't quite developed into full-fledged Stands yet.

They Might Be Giants (alternatively, Everything You Know Is Wrong) - (Mostly) uncontrolled localized reality warping. Within the range of effect, reality gets warped in strange ways very suddenly - objects suddenly turn into other things, fundamental laws of reality like gravity work differently or stop working entirely, etc. The limits are that none of the changes can directly kill people (i.e. nothing like "turn people's blood into fire"), anything changed directly gets reset back to normal once out of the field (damage caused by a change remains, like if a pillar turned into a snake and bit your arm off, you'd still be missing an arm), and the user only has limited control over the power, which weakens further the longer the effect is active, so the longer the Stand is used, the more dangerous it gets for the user.

Private Eye (alternatively, Hotel Detective) - A Stand that activates at a touch from the user, leaving a very faint, hard-to-spot mark on the victim. At any time, the user can activate this mark (making it easier to spot) and will be able to see the victim no matter where they are or what they're doing. If changed to Hotel Detective, it works on inanimate objects (including buildings) instead of people.

Enjoy the Silence - User can selectively deaden sounds within a certain range. Make no one able to hear a certain sound, make some people able to hear it but not others, etc. One of the "be clever and make it work" kind of Stands.
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While I much prefer the music-based names for Stands, it's still a little weird when someone introduces an OC to Part III who has one, since the early Stands were all based on the the Major Arcana of tarot or on Egyptian deities. It kind of makes the OC Stand stick out like a sore thumb. So I figure I should also include some options for that.

I should also take this opportunity to say that the names and/or powers of a few of these Stands are taken – with tweaks – from the JJBA Jumpchain, found here:

Name: Plum Juggler
Inspiration: "The Juggler" is an alternate name for the Arcana usually known as "The Magician."
Type: Spirit

Power: C
Speed: B
Range: B
Durability: B
Precision: C
Potential: C

Appearance: Plum Juggler appears as a very tall but incredibly emaciated-looking androgynous humanoid with extremely long limbs, dressed in purple and green jester's motley, along with a purple and green mask split down the middle; the purple half has the expression of a traditional "Comedy" mask, while the green has the expression of a traditional "Tragedy" mask. Though it doesn't seem to exhibit autonomous thought or action in most cases, Plum Juggler will frequently let out a high-pitched, almost hysterical laugh that many who hear it find disturbing. In most cases, Plum Juggler laughs when it strikes and wounds an opponent, when its user deceives or outwits an opponent by using the Stand's abilities. The copies also laugh when they are dispelled by force.


Contortionist: Plum Juggler's can stretch, twist and elongate itself to a degree impossible for a human, without any of the limits imposed by a human skeletal structure. It can contort itself to fit through extremely small spaces, and can retain most of its strength regardless of its body's positioning, allowing it to attack from seemingly helpless positions. This also provides protection from damage; Plum Juggler's virtually elastic body protects it from some of the force of blows that strike it and makes it much easier for the Stand to "roll" with impacts to reduce the damage further. However, this provides little protection from non-physical attacks, as well as physical attacks that aren't reliant on blunt force, such as being cut by a sword. Against blunt physical force, however, Plum Juggler effectively has a Durability rating of A, rather than its normal B.

Knife Thrower: Plum Juggler can produce a seemingly endless number of throwing knives, which it has extraordinary skill, accuracy and speed in throwing; if engaged in melee, Plum Juggler will sometimes hold several knives between each of its fingers to stab or slash enemies. These knives can harm Stands.

If Plum Juggler is manifested but does not receive any commands from its user for more than a few seconds, it will begin to juggle its knives.

Funhouse Mirror: Plum Juggler can create up to two copies of itself. These copies can be controlled just like the original, but unlike the original, these copies do not transmit damage they receive to the user, and they dispel when struck with sufficient force. These copies can be dismissed at any time and recreated, but will be in the same condition as the original when created.
One resource I want to raise to your attention is the fangame 7th Stand User, a RPG Maker Game. I remember it giving you 1 of several (I forgot how many) Stands after a quiz, and the PC stands are all pretty unique.
Okay, so... I voted for the ones I am interested in the poll.

I am gonna give more detailed thoughts tomorrow since it's getting late.
Some ideas for names for the Belmonts and where they'd be on the timeline in terms of when they become the PC.

Dion/Dione Belmont - 1888. As seen above in the OP. Probably going to be a pure Ripple Warrior. Named after Dion DiMucci, one of the three founders of the musical group "Dion and the Belmonts." On the off chance that they get a Stand somehow, it's almost certainly going to be called "The Wanderer."

Voltaire Belmont - 1918. No, we're not going to do the Jorge Joestar novel, because that sh*t is bananas. It'll be an original adventure taking place near the end of WWI. George II/Jorge and Elizabeth/Lisa Lisa will probably also be involved. Most likely also going to remain a pure Ripple Warrior, though if they survive through their adventure and Part II, they might be the one scratched by an Arrowhead, thus giving the Belmont line Stands. Named after the musician Voltaire (which in this case we'll consider a gender-neutral name). If they get a Stand, the default will be one that goes with the "Egyptian deity" naming scheme: Ra.

Carlo/Carla Belmont - 1938. Probably going to be called in along with Caesar Zeppeli to help Joseph fight the Pillarmen. Not likely to develop a Stand during Part II, but if they survive, either they or Voltaire will be the one scratched by an Arrowhead to give the Belmonts Stands. Named after Carlo Mastrangelo, one of the three founders of the musical group "Dion and the Belmonts." If they get a Stand, the default will be a tarot-based Stand, though I haven't decided on it yet. So far I'm mulling over "Centurion Blue," "White Lightning," "Tin Twins" or going for something simple with "Fortitude."

Antonio/Antonia Belmont/Zeppeli - 1968. Caesar Zeppeli had siblings, so I figure it wouldn't be totally impossible for a Belmont to marry one. Hey, it might even be Carlo/Carla who does it. An original adventure set between Part II and Part III, so probably going to feature characters from both (more of the former than the latter for obvious reasons), such as a young Holly Joestar. Starts a pure Ripple Warrior, but the first one who's actually likely to get a Stand during play. Named after William Antonio Zeppeli, though I'm sure you can find a musician or someone in the fashion industry with that name somewhere. Same Stand options as Carlo/Carla above.

Angelo/Angela Belmont - 1988. The first guaranteed Stand User, their default Stand is Plum Juggler. My logic for that being that none of the Stardust Crusaders were much for healing/support. I felt it was a little boring to just slap a dedicated healer into the party, but someone who can at least shield people (by making a copy to take the hit for them), while still having a lot of fun tricks to use and abuse in fights, would be pretty cool. Named after Angelo D'Aleo, the third founder of the musical group "Dion and the Belmonts."

Not gonna lie, the plotline of Angela Belmont becoming the mother of Jolyne Cujoh has crossed my mind.

The later stuff I'm still working on.
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Plum Juggler will frequently let out a high-pitched, almost hysterical laugh that many who hear it find disturbing. In most cases, Plum Juggler laughs when it strikes and wounds an opponent, when its user deceives or outwits an opponent by using the Stand's abilities.
I hear this in my mind.

This also provides protection from damage; Plum Juggler's virtually elastic body protects it from some of the force of blows that strike it and makes it much easier for the Stand to "roll" with impacts to reduce the damage further. However, this provides little protection from non-physical attacks, as well as physical attacks that aren't reliant on blunt force, such as being cut by a sword.
So, majorly discounted Yellow Temperance, still vulnerable to anything not involving blunt force. Handy.
Knife Thrower: Plum Juggler can produce a seemingly endless number of throwing knives, which it has extraordinary skill, accuracy and speed in throwing;
Obligatory Muda Da! Wonder if it can be chained with Jotaro's TS when he gets it. Actually, yes, first thing to test is whether another stand can use its knives. If it can, then we get a lot more flexibility in its use.
If Plum Juggler is manifested but does not receive any commands from its user for more than a few seconds, it will begin to juggle its knives.
Good for a taunt.
Funhouse Mirror: Plum Juggler can create up to two copies of itself.
Incapable of inflicting damage, I take it? And there is some detailing to be done in regards to how well can the copies move.
Voltaire Belmont - 1918. No, we're not going to do the Jorge Joestar novel, because that sh*t is bananas. It'll be an original adventure taking place near the end of WWI. George II/Jorge and Elizabeth/Lisa Lisa will probably also be involved. Most likely also going to remain a pure Ripple Warrior, though if they survive through their adventure and Part II, they might be the one scratched by an Arrowhead, thus giving the Belmont line Stands. Named after the musician Voltaire (which in this case we'll consider a gender-neutral name). If they get a Stand, the default will be one that goes with the "Egyptian deity" naming scheme: Ra.

Carlo/Carla Belmont - 1938. Probably going to be called in along with Caesar Zeppeli to help Joseph fight the Pillarmen. Not likely to develop a Stand during Part II, but if they survive, either they or Voltaire will be the one scratched by an Arrowhead to give the Belmonts Stands. Named after Carlo Mastrangelo, one of the three founders of the musical group "Dion and the Belmonts." If they get a Stand, the default will be a tarot-based Stand, though I haven't decided on it yet. So far I'm mulling over "Centurion Blue," "White Lightning," "Tin Twins" or going for something simple with "Fortitude."
If Voltaire survives, then could s/he just go on to take part in Part 2 directly? Hamon makes for one hell of an age reduction technique, so it is not too much of a stretch to just avoid the third chargen if Volaire survives.
Antonio/Antonia Belmont/Zeppeli - 1968. Caesar Zeppeli had siblings, so I figure it wouldn't be totally impossible for a Belmont to marry one. Hey, it might even be Carlo/Carla who does it. An original adventure set between Part II and Part III, so probably going to feature characters from both (more of the former than the latter for obvious reasons), such as a young Holly Joestar. Starts a pure Ripple Warrior, but the first one who's actually likely to get a Stand during play. Named after William Antonio Zeppeli, though I'm sure you can find a musician or someone in the fashion industry with that name somewhere. Same Stand options as Carlo/Carla above.
*Nervous Laugh*, I would take it as a challenge to make it past the part alive, because the Zeppeli line is almost as bad as Leomon in some regards...
Angelo/Angela Belmont - 1988. The first guaranteed Stand User, their default Stand is Plum Juggler. My logic for that being that none of the Stardust Crusaders were much for healing/support. I felt it was a little boring to just slap a dedicated healer into the party, but someone who can at least shield people (by making a copy to take the hit for them), while still having a lot of fun tricks to use and abuse in fights, would be pretty cool. Named after Angelo D'Aleo, the third founder of the musical group "Dion and the Belmonts."

Not gonna lie, the plotline of Angela Belmont becoming the mother of Jolyne Cujoh has crossed my mind.
That temptation is very much something I don't mind. Hell, if that is so, then Jolyne will definitely be much better off, emotionally speaking, because since both of her Parents are STAND users, then Jotaro might decide to hang around more. But then again, Jotaro was fairly vital in Morioh... (Dat thesis writing tho...)

Actually, this brings up some questions. If the MC of the part dies prematurely, and things will go way out of wank and into a bad end, like the bad guy of the arc is very much in action, what happens? This is not so much of a problem for relatively quiet villains who don't rock the boat much like Kira or Diavolo, but if someone on the scale of Kars or DIO survives, I take it that the JoJo of the arc still manages to take them out, right?

Like, say, if Voltaire goes down in 1918, is it assumed that Lisa Lisa will finish their business?

And the other, assuming that things go too well, like, say, Jonathan survives Part 1 by virtue of Dio getting killed off completely, then what happens in Part 2 (Less major), much less Part 3? (Joseph might be too lazy to Hamon, but I don't see Mr. Once-in-a-Generation Jonathan not keeping up his Hamon regimen to be in shape for Part 2)
So, majorly discounted Yellow Temperance, still vulnerable to anything not involving blunt force. Handy.

Something like that. Though even with an effective rating of A against blunt force, it's still not quite as impervious to blows as Yellow Temperance; a good MUDAMUDAMUDA will still hurt at least a little even without Time Stop, for example.

Obligatory Muda Da! Wonder if it can be chained with Jotaro's TS when he gets it. Actually, yes, first thing to test is whether another stand can use its knives. If it can, then we get a lot more flexibility in its use.

Well, if it can, it would have to go:

1. Plum Juggler pulls out sh*tload of knives
2. Star Platinum: The World stops time
3. Star Platinum: The World grabs all the knives (ideally, Plum Juggler should be right next to SP:TW)
4. Star Platinum: the World throws all these knives and ends the Time Stop

Also, that would also mean that DIO could take the knives and use them by stopping time so it might be a little bit of a double-edged sword.

Incapable of inflicting damage, I take it? And there is some detailing to be done in regards to how well can the copies move.

Yes to the damage, but the copies have the same Range as the original and can move just as well. It would make it harder to sell the illusion otherwise, after all.

If Voltaire survives, then could s/he just go on to take part in Part 2 directly? Hamon makes for one hell of an age reduction technique, so it is not too much of a stretch to just avoid the third chargen if Volaire survives.

If Voltaire survives then they'll be involved in Part II and will probably fight (come to think of it, Voltaire fighting alongside Lisa Lisa and possibly Jorge against that huge army of vampires Kars created would be pretty badass), but s/he won't be the player character. Much like Joseph to Jotaro in Part III.

*Nervous Laugh*, I would take it as a challenge to make it past the part alive, because the Zeppeli line is almost as bad as Leomon in some regards...

Hey, a Zeppeli's days are only numbered when they befriend a Joestar. So you'd be fine... maybe. Unless a Joestar got involved somewhere along the way or something.

That temptation is very much something I don't mind. Hell, if that is so, then Jolyne will definitely be much better off, emotionally speaking, because since both of her Parents are STAND users, then Jotaro might decide to hang around more. But then again, Jotaro was fairly vital in Morioh... (Dat thesis writing tho...)

Honestly, even if he's with a partner who won't let him be an emotionally stunted fencepost all the time, he'll still probably go on that trip to Morioh; after all, Joseph not only drops the bombshell that he has a bastard son, but then adds that Hermit Purple revealed that a Stand-using serial killer is going to fight said son.

Actually, this brings up some questions. If the MC of the part dies prematurely, and things will go way out of wank and into a bad end, like the bad guy of the arc is very much in action, what happens? This is not so much of a problem for relatively quiet villains who don't rock the boat much like Kira or Diavolo, but if someone on the scale of Kars or DIO survives, I take it that the JoJo of the arc still manages to take them out, right?

Like, say, if Voltaire goes down in 1918, is it assumed that Lisa Lisa will finish their business?

If the Belmont dies prematurely, then the arc will continue without them and you'll get a somewhat condensed version of how your actions up to that point affected what happens. Unless you find some way to f*ck everything up beyond repair, the JoJo will still win, but always at some cost that might have been prevented if you were still alive.

And the Jorge/Elizabeth/Voltaire story is basically going to be an expansion/adaptation of the basic backstory of the former two. Basically, fighting vampires and zombies in the Great War, and just plain fighting the Great War. So instead of getting killed by a leftover zombie, Jorge will (barring player intervention) instead be killed by a full-fledged vampire, possibly even a small cabal of them.

One idea I have is for Jorge (who's an ace pilot) to have his own version of Tarkus or Waamu in the form of a zombified/vampire Red Baron and have an epic aerial dogfight that turns into them fighting atop their planes and simultaneously trying to keep them from crashing.

And the other, assuming that things go too well, like, say, Jonathan survives Part 1 by virtue of Dio getting killed off completely, then what happens in Part 2 (Less major), much less Part 3? (Joseph might be too lazy to Hamon, but I don't see Mr. Once-in-a-Generation Jonathan not keeping up his Hamon regimen to be in shape for Part 2)

Well, as a certain priest might say, some things are simply decided by Fate. Namely, some things aren't going to be changed, particularly things that would just stop a future Part from happening entirely.

There's only going to be a few of these "Fated Rules", but one of them is this: Dio will never die so long as Jonathan is alive. And addressing how that affects Part II specifically, if Jonathan is aware that Dio is alive, he's not going to let any member of his family with the potential to use Hamon be lazy with it.
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Not full-fledged Stands, but some working concepts as I figure this out:

The Wanderer - A Stand that isn't actually likely to appear, though it might become the default Stand of the Steel Ball Run version of Dion/Dione. It's a Stand whose power has very little direct utility in combat. The Wanderer has two powers: the first is to allow the user to travel incredibly long distances in incredibly short amounts of time simply by walking (sort of a Seven League Boots effect). This doesn't work in a fight, though, because the user needs to walk normally for a few minutes before it kicks in.

The second power allows the user to set a destination, which can be almost anything: places, people, things, etc., and then when they activate the first power, walking will eventually bring them to that destination. This can be specific ("the Grand Canyon," "Dio Brando," etc.) or vague ("somewhere safe," "that cute girl I saw last night,") but the more general it is the higher the chance that the power will just fail. And just because it can take you to your destination doesn't mean you can actually find what you're looking for.

To compensate for the fact that it's ability isn't really useful in a fight at all, I might consider making the Stand itself a Star Platinum-esque combat monster if it became a legitimate option.

Ra - A Stand that, true to its name, takes Hamon's status as "the Power of the Sun" to the extreme. Essentially, the Stand is a miniature (red?) sun that appears over Voltaire's head that functions almost like a portable version of the Red Stone of Aja; not only can it fire lasers, it can also provide a massive boost to Voltaire's Ripple on a similar level to Kars when he became the Ultimate Being, i.e. "melt a guy's leg with a touch" kind of power. Also, the light it gives off is in fact sunlight, and affects vampires, zombies and Pillarmen just like the actual sun.

Needless to say, this is a Stand that could basically kill anything weak against Hamon/sunlight and is extraordinarily powerful until Part IV when such creatures stop being the villains, though even then it would have its uses. So to keep it from being a massive stomp-fest for Voltaire, there'll be certain drawbacks. Or perhaps some kind of mitigating circumstance that limits Voltaire's use of the Stand. Maybe a fight with a Stand called Apep that leaves its "mark" and prevents them from using Ra for long?

The basic idea here is that Voltaire is essentially the Jonathan or Jotaro of the Belmonts; not stupid by any means, but a super-prodigy who relies more on their incredible power than their cunning.
Yes to the damage, but the copies have the same Range as the original and can move just as well. It would make it harder to sell the illusion otherwise, after all.
Another interesting idea, can the copies touch and use the knives made by the original? I would say not, but stand interactions are weird like that.
Hey, a Zeppeli's days are only numbered when they befriend a Joestar. So you'd be fine... maybe. Unless a Joestar got involved somewhere along the way or something.
As if Joseph is not going to be peripherally involved in this, what with Belmont prolly having connected with the Joestar line at this point.
And the Jorge/Elizabeth/Voltaire story is basically going to be an expansion/adaptation of the basic backstory of the former two. Basically, fighting vampires and zombies in the Great War, and just plain fighting the Great War. So instead of getting killed by a leftover zombie, Jorge will (barring player intervention) instead be killed by a full-fledged vampire, possibly even a small cabal of them.
You know, I really dig this. Though it might be just me, but I would be really stoked if
Jorge dies to a fatally aimed bullet shot by a Zombie/Vampire instead of directly in a fistfight.
There's only going to be a few of these "Fated Rules", but one of them is this: Dio will never die so long as Jonathan is alive. And addressing how that affects Part II specifically, if Jonathan is aware that Dio is alive, he's not going to let any member of his family with the potential to use Hamon be lazy with it.
Hmm... then let me guess at some of the fated rules.

"Jorge Joestar will die fighting a Vampire."
"Joseph Joestar will not be faithful to Suzie Q."
"All the Zeppeli will die with honor, by the side of the Joestars."
"Dio will meet Pucci."
"The stands of Dio and Jotaro will be of the same type."
"Jotaro is the one who will have a showdown with Dio. (As good as Jonathan is, he will be decrepit by Part 3, even with Hamon.)"
"The bloodline of the Joestars and the Bellmonts are intertwined with the story of Dio Brando, ."
The Wanderer - A Stand that isn't actually likely to appear, though it might become the default Stand of the Steel Ball Run version of Dion/Dione. It's a Stand whose power has very little direct utility in combat. The Wanderer has two powers: the first is to allow the user to travel incredibly long distances in incredibly short amounts of time simply by walking (sort of a Seven League Boots effect).
I dig it. So it is a controllable variant of Ryoga's thing, right? Does it work with anyone else? The again, if Dio ever gets Dion/Dione's body (and stand), then where in the world is Dio Brando becomes much, much harder. (Dio will have to account for the day/night cycle though, or he will get vaporized by pure accident.)
The second power allows the user to set a destination, which can be almost anything: places, people, things, etc., and then when they activate the first power, walking will eventually bring them to that destination. This can be specific ("the Grand Canyon," "Dio Brando," etc.) or vague ("somewhere safe," "that cute girl I saw last night,") but the more general it is the higher the chance that the power will just fail. And just because it can take you to your destination doesn't mean you can actually find what you're looking for.
Good limitation. However, is there any limitation, like the user must have been there/seen the destination?
Ra - A Stand that, true to its name, takes Hamon's status as "the Power of the Sun" to the extreme. Essentially, the Stand is a miniature (red?) sun that appears over Voltaire's head that functions almost like a portable version of the Red Stone of Aja; not only can it fire lasers, it can also provide a massive boost to Voltaire's Ripple on a similar level to Kars when he became the Ultimate Being, i.e. "melt a guy's leg with a touch" kind of power. Also, the light it gives off is in fact sunlight, and affects vampires, zombies and Pillarmen just like the actual sun.

Needless to say, this is a Stand that could basically kill anything weak against Hamon/sunlight and is extraordinarily powerful until Part IV when such creatures stop being the villains, though even then it would have its uses. So to keep it from being a massive stomp-fest for Voltaire, there'll be certain drawbacks. Or perhaps some kind of mitigating circumstance that limits Voltaire's use of the Stand. Maybe a fight with a Stand called Apep that leaves its "mark" and prevents them from using Ra for long?
On one hand, super-The Sun. Maybe only usable when the sun is out, like Gawain's Numeral of the Saint? That is, only usable with natural sunlight, not UV, or any man-made source of light? (The Sun may/may not apply)

Or that the user must be in a condition to use the Ripple? I.e. No punctured lung, getting strangled etc. Maybe the stand also needs to Hamon-breathe?

Or using it would push the heat of the sun into the body, hereby start to literally burn the user from the inside if used for too long?

For no human can ever embody the sun without a cost.
The basic idea here is that Voltaire is essentially the Jonathan or Jotaro of the Belmonts; not stupid by any means, but a super-prodigy who relies more on their incredible power than their cunning.
Comparing the era... yeah, Volaire fits. Though I very much doubt he will ever get his stand in time for Stardust. (70-Year TImegap)

One minor problem I can see popping up is Character Bloat. You know the Players will aim for the golden run, so Assuming the characters all survive their arcs, well. Let's use Part 3 as the benchmark. You have
The Canon Cast:
(Who will most likely not let himself go as much as canon),

Angelo/Angela Belmont,
People we might see:
Ceasar (I doubt anyone will let him die in part 2 if they can help it),
Carlo/Carla Belmont (By now a contemporary of Caesar and Joseph),
Antonio/Antonia Belmont/Zeppeli (If s/he still lives),
Voltaire Belmont (Superhamon if he gets it),
and Jonathan (If he can keep himself alive long enough like Tonpetty, I don't see him not coming to settle the score).

Total: 12 People. By this time, it is actually going to resemble a Stardust Crusade. Hell, you would need 2 Vans to fit the entire cast.

if Jonathan is aware that Dio is alive, he's not going to let any member of his family with the potential to use Hamon be lazy with it.
I don't see Dio not striking back in any way while in hiding, so the only way to settle Part 1 with Jonathan alive that I can see is to either have Dio go to the bottom of the ocean without Jonathan, or incapacitate him so much he can only come back 1 Century later. Burying him in his castle is a proposition, if not for the fact that he will burrow his way out in decades, not 1 Century.
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Another interesting idea, can the copies touch and use the knives made by the original? I would say not, but stand interactions are weird like that.

I'm still working it out.

As if Joseph is not going to be peripherally involved in this, what with Belmont prolly having connected with the Joestar line at this point.

Never know, they might just be doing something for the Speedwagon Foundation that turns into a bizarre adventure while Joseph's busy becoming a real estate tycoon in New York.

You know, I really dig this. Though it might be just me, but I would be really stoked if

It's a possibility. It would certainly fit with the setting of World War I for his death not to be the culmination of some epic confrontation with a vampire, but just getting shot by a (un)lucky bullet.

Hmm... then let me guess at some of the fated rules.

"Jorge Joestar will die fighting a Vampire."
"Joseph Joestar will not be faithful to Suzie Q."
"All the Zeppeli will die with honor, by the side of the Joestars."
"Dio will meet Pucci."
"The stands of Dio and Jotaro will be of the same type."
"Jotaro is the one who will have a showdown with Dio. (As good as Jonathan is, he will be decrepit by Part 3, even with Hamon.)"
"The bloodline of the Joestars and the Bellmonts are intertwined with the story of Dio Brando, ."

In order: no, yes, no, yes, not entirely, yes, yes. So you're 4 for 7.

As for the interaction between DIO and Jotaro's Stands, I always went with the headcanon that The World's real power was to mimic the Stands of the living descendants of Jonathan Joestar (using the connection that unlocked their Stands in the first place), hence why both he and Jotaro had combat monster Stands that could stop time and why both he and Joseph could summon vines that could be used to see distant things. It also fits with DIO himself: DIO has only ever gotten ahead in life by either using or stealing from the Joestars in some way. So DIO might not have The World if he doesn't have Jonathan's body, but Jotaro will still have Star Platinum.

Of course, this also implies that over time DIO would have gotten the powers of Crazy Diamond and his other sons' Stands. Jesus, just imagine DIO with Bohemian Rhapsody. Actually, since The World was actually stronger than Star Platinum, just like Crazy Diamond, maybe he already did and just hadn't realized it/wasn't strong enough to use them yet?

I dig it. So it is a controllable variant of Ryoga's thing, right? Does it work with anyone else? The again, if Dio ever gets Dion/Dione's body (and stand), then where in the world is Dio Brando becomes much, much harder. (Dio will have to account for the day/night cycle though, or he will get vaporized by pure accident.)

You can't really bring someone with you unless you basically carry them around; they won't be able to keep up otherwise. Dion/Dione is someone who prefers to work alone, anyway.

Good limitation. However, is there any limitation, like the user must have been there/seen the destination?

You need something like that to go on if you want to get to a place or person specifically, but if you want something general like "a source of clean water," it'll just take you to the nearest place to fit that description.

On one hand, super-The Sun. Maybe only usable when the sun is out, like Gawain's Numeral of the Saint? That is, only usable with natural sunlight, not UV, or any man-made source of light? (The Sun may/may not apply)

Or that the user must be in a condition to use the Ripple? I.e. No punctured lung, getting strangled etc. Maybe the stand also needs to Hamon-breathe?

Or using it would push the heat of the sun into the body, hereby start to literally burn the user from the inside if used for too long?

For no human can ever embody the sun without a cost.

All good ideas.

Comparing the era... yeah, Volaire fits. Though I very much doubt he will ever get his stand in time for Stardust. (70-Year TImegap)

One minor problem I can see popping up is Character Bloat. You know the Players will aim for the golden run, so Assuming the characters all survive their arcs, well. Let's use Part 3 as the benchmark. You have
The Canon Cast:
(Who will most likely not let himself go as much as canon),

Angelo/Angela Belmont,
People we might see:
Ceasar (I doubt anyone will let him die in part 2 if they can help it),
Carlo/Carla Belmont (By now a contemporary of Caesar and Joseph),
Antonio/Antonia Belmont/Zeppeli (If s/he still lives),
Voltaire Belmont (Superhamon if he gets it),
and Jonathan (If he can keep himself alive long enough like Tonpetty, I don't see him not coming to settle the score).

Total: 12 People. By this time, it is actually going to resemble a Stardust Crusade. Hell, you would need 2 Vans to fit the entire cast.

Well, the characters will probably appear if they're alive, but that doesn't mean they'll necessarily still have starring or even major roles. Jonathan, for instance, will be much too old by this point to do anything but mentor and give advice, and if/when he tries to fight DIO will almost certainly die.

Joseph (Who will most likely not let himself go as much as canon),

It' be kind of funny if Joseph looked like he was in his 40s with hair that's only just beginning to gray or salt-and-pepper hair in Part III, and by Part IV he's degenerated... into his canon Part III self, at a time when he's pushing 80. It'll certainly make Josuke's mom falling for him more understandable.
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Of course, this also implies that over time DIO would have gotten the powers of Crazy Diamond and his other sons' Stands. Jesus, just imagine DIO with Bohemian Rhapsody. Actually, since The World was actually stronger than Star Platinum, just like Crazy Diamond, maybe he already did and just hadn't realized it/wasn't strong enough to use them yet?
Crazy Diamond nothing, lucky he does not have Gold Experience. Though it would be interesting in the Chinese sense of the word if both The World and Star Platinum got hit by an arrow while duking it out. That reminds me,
"Dio will have a son named Haruno Shiobana."
Well, the characters will probably appear if they're alive, but that doesn't mean they'll necessarily still have starring or even major roles.
If Caesar and Carlo/Carla is alive, I don't see Joseph not calling them in, considering all three are Hamon users. Granted, I was thinking of adding them because having the three older member of the group get shunted to their prime in the fight against the de-age stand guy would be hilarious. Jonathan moreso, but that one is a pipe dream.
Jonathan, for instance, will be much too old by this point to do anything but mentor and give advice, and if/when he tries to fight DIO will almost certainly die.
Honestly, I think it is best if Jonathan never meets Dio again after Part 1.
Going back to the Yu-Gi-Oh idea, I never realized just how grossly negligent Pegasus was with Duelist Kingdom until I rewatched the series recently. I mean, the tournament lasted two days, most of the competitors were kids, and Pegasus just set them loose on his private island with no food, water or shelter. I mean, at least we never see any evidence of hostile animals, so he's at least not risking these kids getting mauled, but seriously, what the hell? After the millions of dollars (at least!) that he spent setting up duel arenas all over the island and ferrying hundreds of kids there, he didn't have the budget to feed these kids and let them sleep anywhere other than on the freaking ground? The sheer number of lawsuits that could be filed against him boggle the mind, "Screw the rules I have money" be damned.

It would have made a lot more sense for there to be "safe zones" scattered across the island that were stocked with food, water, laundry facilities (Tea was the only one of the main characters who got to take a shower before reaching Pegasus's castle, and they all slept in their one outfit), and staff to make sure everyone follows the rule. It would need to have no dueling arenas so as to enforce a "no dueling" policy, and it would include, if not a building with actual beds then at least a campground with tents they could use.

Actually, expanding on that, Pegasus could have introduced a new element to the tournament by making the Star Chips also a form of currency that could be used to buy additional cards. It would force contestants to make some hard choices: spend Star Chips and risk not being able to collect enough to get into the castle, or keep them and risk being eliminated because your cards weren't good enough? 1 Star Chip would have to be worth at least a few booster packs to be worth the risk, though. And it would make Mai's giving her extra Star Chips to Yugi more meaningful, since she's actually giving up something of value rather than just handing over something that's totally worthless to her.

Hmm... I wonder if Pegasus's "Player Killers" like Panik and the Paradox Brothers were paid by the Star Chip? Like, maybe it's normally $1,000 per Star Chip with a bonus of $5,000 for completely eliminating a competitor or something, but some specific contestants are worth an extra bounty if they're eliminated. Yugi's would be the highest by far, of course. Maybe equal to the $3,000,000 grand prize?
Going back to the Yu-Gi-Oh idea, I never realized just how grossly negligent Pegasus was with Duelist Kingdom until I rewatched the series recently. I mean, the tournament lasted two days, most of the competitors were kids, and Pegasus just set them loose on his private island with no food, water or shelter. I mean, at least we never see any evidence of hostile animals, so he's at least not risking these kids getting mauled, but seriously, what the hell? After the millions of dollars (at least!) that he spent setting up duel arenas all over the island and ferrying hundreds of kids there, he didn't have the budget to feed these kids and let them sleep anywhere other than on the freaking ground? The sheer number of lawsuits that could be filed against him boggle the mind, "Screw the rules I have money" be damned.

It would have made a lot more sense for there to be "safe zones" scattered across the island that were stocked with food, water, laundry facilities (Tea was the only one of the main characters who got to take a shower before reaching Pegasus's castle, and they all slept in their one outfit), and staff to make sure everyone follows the rule. It would need to have no dueling arenas so as to enforce a "no dueling" policy, and it would include, if not a building with actual beds then at least a campground with tents they could use.

Actually, expanding on that, Pegasus could have introduced a new element to the tournament by making the Star Chips also a form of currency that could be used to buy additional cards. It would force contestants to make some hard choices: spend Star Chips and risk not being able to collect enough to get into the castle, or keep them and risk being eliminated because your cards weren't good enough? 1 Star Chip would have to be worth at least a few booster packs to be worth the risk, though. And it would make Mai's giving her extra Star Chips to Yugi more meaningful, since she's actually giving up something of value rather than just handing over something that's totally worthless to her.

Hmm... I wonder if Pegasus's "Player Killers" like Panik and the Paradox Brothers were paid by the Star Chip? Like, maybe it's normally $1,000 per Star Chip with a bonus of $5,000 for completely eliminating a competitor or something, but some specific contestants are worth an extra bounty if they're eliminated. Yugi's would be the highest by far, of course. Maybe equal to the $3,000,000 grand prize?

As long as you include Pegasus being awesome, that's fine, Leingod boy.
Oh, and there are three cards that can neutralize Pegasus's advantage of reading his opponent's cards that I've found. So it occurs to me that if the PC decides to rebel against Pegasus, they could do so by giving Yugi and Kaiba each one of the cards before they challenge him, with one to keep if they challenge him directly.

Mind on Air - This one goes to Yugi, obviously.
Convulsion of Nature - Kaiba.
Ceremonial Bell - Tenma can keep this one.
A really manga/anime that's gotten some attention named Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia/y) has me kicking around some ideas, as most everything does. For this one, my idea would be to create 4 OCs to add to Yuei Academy's Class A, i.e. the protagonist class. 4 specifically to facilitate the team exercises that comprise/factor into several of the story arcs with a relative minimum of tweaking (because 28 can be split evenly into 2s and 4s and allow everyone to compete against each other with no one left out. It's less ideal than the actual series' number of 24, since that can also work evenly with groups of 3, but whatever). So far, I've only got 3 of the actual powers and general personalities thought up, though.

Here's the first Quirk, "Kinetic Kingdom," explained in a "voice" that will give a hint as to what it's owner is like.

[] Kinetic Kingdom

Perhaps one of the most powerful Quirks there are! At least, you certainly think so, and most people you've met agree, though there have been occasions you've had to prove it to ignorant fools.

Kinetic Kingdom makes you immune to one of the fundamental forces in existence – kinetic force! No attack reliant on kinetic force can harm you; in other words, no physical attack will hurt you! Whether it be a punch, being struck with a baseball bat, or even a bullet impacting on your eyeball! If it depends on kinetic force to harm you, it can't hope to harm you!

But your Quirk is so much more than that! It doesn't just protect you from harm! Rather than simply nullifying the kinetic energy of blows that strike you, it actually absorbs it and turns it into a pool of strength for you. In other words, not only do physical attacks not hurt you at all, but they make you stronger! So in truth it's actually less than useless to try to hurt you with any kind of physical attack!

The weaknesses? Fool, there is no weakness in your Kinetic Kingdom! Such a thing would imply that there was some flaw in your Quirk itself, rather than there simply being certain conditions to which it doesn't apply. Obviously, it only absorbs kinetic energy, so things such as fire and poison or what-have-you are no less effective than they would be normally, and simply because you can't be harmed doesn't mean you can't be restrained. Oh, and you've been warned before that the upper limits of your Quirk are unknown, so you should be careful with how much force you try to take on, but what do they know? Your Quirk is limitless!