Professor Vesca
Good News Everyone!
Curse you honk-god!
I kind of feel like it's the sort of thing Cetashwayo wouldn't do since it'd make the setting revolve even more around the Primarchs and also the first Bronze King's preexisting knowledge of the Omnissiah implies that he was a member of the Machine Cult somehow sent or exiled here... But "fell from Heaven"!!! I'm still so suspicious it's going to turn out that through Warp-enabled time travel one of the lost Primarchs landed here, built an empire, got stuck in Dark Age of Technology warfare like his dad, and then just fucking died from the nanocancer eating through his plot armor.Bronze-King: Twenty-armed and ten-eyed creature of the iron-rusted land. Fell from Heaven and discovered the titans. Transformed and was transformed by them, and seduced them to his promise to spread the word of the All-Messiah and found Titanagalbat. Passed many years ago, with the mantle falling to another Bronze-King, a woman-groom. The Bronze-King is called for the elder titan of the same title, and leaves behind their name and prior identity when they succeed to the throne. There have been five in all.
Seems like a synthesis of several claimants to the throne of Omnissiah. "A buried drake and a star-glass shard" is quite clearly the Void Dragon, "a golden lord" is the Emperor (Warp-enabled time travel?), and "a black egg" is vague but could be Vashtorr, a minor Chaos God of evil technology.All-Messiah: The protector of synthetic spirits and patron of technology and the motive force underlying existence. Associated with the Mother and Father, but also surpassing and influencing them in turn. Believed to be contained within the Black Noise and without it, to be a buried drake and a star-glass shard, to be a golden lord and a black-egg. Many are the legends attached to him and few the explanations, for his legend appears to from heaven, and not Illuminata itself.
Okay yeah that's just a fucking Necron right—Unsouled Saint: Unknown genitor, particularly worshipped in Koinon's Adikia and Titanagalbat. Believed to have carved the oldest ruins of Illuminata and granted it the most powerful of gifts. Said to observe the foibles of mankind, and find it wanting. A wizard and companion of the Father and Mother, his worship fits uncomfortably into gnosis but cannot be stamped out. It was said he was made neither of flesh or not-flesh.
And then there's just a long list of obvious Eldar gods from whatever cultural exchange there was during the mysterious golden age. Fairly standard worship, though Asuryan appears to have been syncretized with the Silent King, something which would definitely incredibly insult both the Eldar and the Necrons if they ever found out.Aisha: Goddess of life, patron of the garden-city of Ylfame and worshipped in the Progeny especially. Said to have given the Progeny the gifts of war-masks, farsight, soul-groves, war-runes, and ethereal beauty. Though once answering of prayers, has fallen mute, and no response is heard save for the hiss of a chortling reptile.
Cain: Red God of war and murder, patron-deity of the cube of Thymos and worshipped in Koinon especially. Said to have killed his brother while building Thymos' cube-walls and was cursed by the Father, ordered to be a figure of self-sacrificing patriotism. Said to grant the soldiers of Koinon virtue and discipline in warfare.
Lilith: Lilac goddess of dreams and fortune, patron-deity of Cube Epythemea, worshipped in Koinon. Said to have built that cube-city after being cast from heaven. Warned Cain of his fate, but was not listened to. Called sometimes "the infinite", collector of trinkets and hopes.
Ashur-Yan: Great deity of Logos, lord of reason, seers. Believed to have been killed by the demiurge and then resurrected on the third day as a phoenix. Also said to have failed his people, and to have been exiled, a silent king - to return and restore speech to all mankind, at the end of days.
Also no great insight here but it's just so funny ORK CULT. Gork and Mork making inroads on humie worship! They don't have the waagh but they've got as much spirit as a humie can! They're probably spending just as much time having theological arguments about which one's cleverly cruel and which one's cruelty clever as the Orks do!Gog and Magog: Worshipped particularly among the Chrome Kings. Primitive and mystic machine-beings who are said to be cleverly cruel and cruelly clever, locked in eternal battles and drag-races. In the fall, deprived of their intelligence and speech blocked behind a blackwall - at the end of days, the Mother will open the wall's gates, and they shall become the mounts of the Holy-Martial Sovereign, the ultimate overdriver, who will unite the quarelling clans and grind Illuminata beneath his wheels.
I think the description could fit Malcador also, depending on his relationship with Big E at this time.Okay yeah that's just a fucking Necron right—
With how Illuminata is clearly a Necron Tomb World... I'd say that the Saint might be the overlord of the world, one who awoke early, eventually met Father and Mother, and decided to work together with them on their grand project, granting them the knowledge of the blank gene with which they created the Abyssal Nail and thus the enhanced Hylics.
So, based on the ordering of the suns, we are standing at the dawn of the Red Sun, with presumably many more wars to follow after this one ends. The White Sun appears to refer to Dreamspace eventually breaking containment and polygonifying everything, with a fifth, Hylic Sun eventually overcoming the Dreamspace?Yellow Sun: The prelapsarian, happy epoch of the golden age, when the Mother and Father still lived with their children. Said to have ended when the Yellow Sun, their shared child, was abducted, and the Fall began. The yellow sun was compassionate, innocent, and good.
Green Sun: The current, unhappy epoch. Also represents the shadow of the demiurge falling over Illuminata - all live in the ruin left by it. A sun of progress, technology, and folly. A somnolent, sleeping sun, dormant and awaiting the return of its creators.
Red Sun: The apocalyptic sun. Associated with the Hydra, and their evil designs. A sun of treachery, passion and war - the rending time. A time in which everything and everyone will turn on one another.
White Sun: The final sun. Associated with Dreamspace, and its enigmatic shapes. A sun of pure reason, longing, and regret. A sun of death, and extinction. A wish that time stand still. Born in an alchemical crib.
Fifth Sun: Cryptic and obscure concept from non-gnostic hylic texts, especially from the pagan Still Coast. Adopted by delusional hylics with a god-complex and a similarily godly array of mental illnesses.
Sounds like a Magos with lots of mechadendrites and occular implants.Bronze-King: Twenty-armed and ten-eyed creature of the iron-rusted land. Fell from Heaven and discovered the titans. Transformed and was transformed by them, and seduced them to his promise to spread the word of the All-Messiah and found Titanagalbat. Passed many years ago, with the mantle falling to another Bronze-King, a woman-groom. The Bronze-King is called for the elder titan of the same title, and leaves behind their name and prior identity when they succeed to the throne. There have been five in all.
Do their legends also tell of the coming of the Nisan Al-Gab?Long Grandfather: Machine-deity of the Binar Nightcities. Believed to be father of the corewyrms, the largest extant machines that Illuminata has to offer, who construct tunnels into the mantle and are prayed to as Gods among the pagans of those cities. Ally of the Mother, from which there sprung their children, the corewyrms. His body remains in Shaihulad Canyon, an enormous, many-kilometer length capped by a drill-mouth.
Is this the same labyrinth beneath Dis? If so, it would presumably be some kind of Necron construct.Asterion: The monster of the labyrinth. A Still Coast demonological figure. Controversial, and forbidden to speak of in Gnosis.
The stars glow black, robbed by the king of their yellow. A million furnaces burning through the strange long night snuff out, for no color he permits to burn but yellow. He sails, until every light has been extinguished. Until the galaxy shines with no color, but that of the king in yellow.
Yellow is his throne, and yellow is his gaze, and yellow the rot upon his bones. Yellow is the fleck of holy blood he licks from his lips, and yellow are his promises, and yellow are his worshippers called not-worshippers, who thunder infinite from pools of fetid godsflesh.
He is the King in Yellow, and he has come for you. The epilogue. The end, and the death.
Also, new crack theory: There was a primarch long ago, we're in the path of the Great Crusade, the Emperor is coming, nothing will be permitted but yellow, yada yada yada.Yellow Sun: The prelapsarian, happy epoch of the golden age, when the Mother and Father still lived with their children. Said to have ended when the Yellow Sun, their shared child, was abducted, and the Fall began. The yellow sun was compassionate, innocent, and good.
And deeper within the Noise, mysteries - a benign feminine voice, calling out, and asking if you wish to know more. A voice you remember yourself, though you cannot say from when.
RHYTHMS: The thing within the noise speaks again: +THEY HAVE MADE A SONG FOR YOU. IT IS SWEET. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR IT?+
RHYTHMS: The voice of the black noise speaks, softly: +WE REMEMBER.+
Sympathy when Harmony comes back in juggalo makeup: Oh my Kora, noooooooo!FUCK I failed to realize that the Tetrasi are worshipping fucking Cegorach! (And that Lilith got syncretized with fucking Trazyn the Infinite of all people... Maybe Trazyn was the Unsouled Saint trying to do some serious project for once?) Well, this settles it. I've got to vote for the Tetrasi. Let the honking begin!
What did the pre-war primary meals of the Great Powers normally look like?I have set a longer timer for the vote. I will have a busy few days so I don't expect to release the next update for a bit (though I know how most of it will look like.) I will give people this time to reread, vote, discuss, catch up
I am also open to any setting questions people have!