Last Light of a Dark Age (Warhammer 29K/Disco Elysium)

Okay, some thoughts on the minor deities which seems to be obviously connected to existing 40k lore...
Bronze-King: Twenty-armed and ten-eyed creature of the iron-rusted land. Fell from Heaven and discovered the titans. Transformed and was transformed by them, and seduced them to his promise to spread the word of the All-Messiah and found Titanagalbat. Passed many years ago, with the mantle falling to another Bronze-King, a woman-groom. The Bronze-King is called for the elder titan of the same title, and leaves behind their name and prior identity when they succeed to the throne. There have been five in all.
I kind of feel like it's the sort of thing Cetashwayo wouldn't do since it'd make the setting revolve even more around the Primarchs and also the first Bronze King's preexisting knowledge of the Omnissiah implies that he was a member of the Machine Cult somehow sent or exiled here... But "fell from Heaven"!!! I'm still so suspicious it's going to turn out that through Warp-enabled time travel one of the lost Primarchs landed here, built an empire, got stuck in Dark Age of Technology warfare like his dad, and then just fucking died from the nanocancer eating through his plot armor.
All-Messiah: The protector of synthetic spirits and patron of technology and the motive force underlying existence. Associated with the Mother and Father, but also surpassing and influencing them in turn. Believed to be contained within the Black Noise and without it, to be a buried drake and a star-glass shard, to be a golden lord and a black-egg. Many are the legends attached to him and few the explanations, for his legend appears to from heaven, and not Illuminata itself.
Seems like a synthesis of several claimants to the throne of Omnissiah. "A buried drake and a star-glass shard" is quite clearly the Void Dragon, "a golden lord" is the Emperor (Warp-enabled time travel?), and "a black egg" is vague but could be Vashtorr, a minor Chaos God of evil technology.
Unsouled Saint: Unknown genitor, particularly worshipped in Koinon's Adikia and Titanagalbat. Believed to have carved the oldest ruins of Illuminata and granted it the most powerful of gifts. Said to observe the foibles of mankind, and find it wanting. A wizard and companion of the Father and Mother, his worship fits uncomfortably into gnosis but cannot be stamped out. It was said he was made neither of flesh or not-flesh.
Okay yeah that's just a fucking Necron right—

With how Illuminata is clearly a Necron Tomb World... I'd say that the Saint might be the overlord of the world, one who awoke early, eventually met Father and Mother, and decided to work together with them on their grand project, granting them the knowledge of the blank gene with which they created the Abyssal Nail and thus the enhanced Hylics.
Aisha: Goddess of life, patron of the garden-city of Ylfame and worshipped in the Progeny especially. Said to have given the Progeny the gifts of war-masks, farsight, soul-groves, war-runes, and ethereal beauty. Though once answering of prayers, has fallen mute, and no response is heard save for the hiss of a chortling reptile.

Cain: Red God of war and murder, patron-deity of the cube of Thymos and worshipped in Koinon especially. Said to have killed his brother while building Thymos' cube-walls and was cursed by the Father, ordered to be a figure of self-sacrificing patriotism. Said to grant the soldiers of Koinon virtue and discipline in warfare.

Lilith: Lilac goddess of dreams and fortune, patron-deity of Cube Epythemea, worshipped in Koinon. Said to have built that cube-city after being cast from heaven. Warned Cain of his fate, but was not listened to. Called sometimes "the infinite", collector of trinkets and hopes.

Ashur-Yan: Great deity of Logos, lord of reason, seers. Believed to have been killed by the demiurge and then resurrected on the third day as a phoenix. Also said to have failed his people, and to have been exiled, a silent king - to return and restore speech to all mankind, at the end of days.
And then there's just a long list of obvious Eldar gods from whatever cultural exchange there was during the mysterious golden age. Fairly standard worship, though Asuryan appears to have been syncretized with the Silent King, something which would definitely incredibly insult both the Eldar and the Necrons if they ever found out.

Also, the note about Isha (and only Isha of the Eldar gods!) answering prayers until recently... Isn't that a bit odd, given the Edict of Asuryan separating the Eldar gods from their worshipers? I can see two main theories concerning this. One, I don't understand the real restrictions or even existence of the mythological Edict correctly, and it is in fact okay for the Eldar gods to do this sort of thing. Two, Isha was breaking the Edict again, like she did in the Eldar myth of how she created the Soulstones, and banking on the hope that no one would find out or really care if it was just some weird humans.
Gog and Magog: Worshipped particularly among the Chrome Kings. Primitive and mystic machine-beings who are said to be cleverly cruel and cruelly clever, locked in eternal battles and drag-races. In the fall, deprived of their intelligence and speech blocked behind a blackwall - at the end of days, the Mother will open the wall's gates, and they shall become the mounts of the Holy-Martial Sovereign, the ultimate overdriver, who will unite the quarelling clans and grind Illuminata beneath his wheels.
Also no great insight here but it's just so funny ORK CULT. Gork and Mork making inroads on humie worship! They don't have the waagh but they've got as much spirit as a humie can! They're probably spending just as much time having theological arguments about which one's cleverly cruel and which one's cruelty clever as the Orks do!

The other minor deities seem likely native to Illuminata's history, but who knows for certain? There's a lot of secrets buried in there waiting for us amateur-expert cryptoxenobiologists to nobly uncover and prove ourselves objectively right.
The more the lore expands the more I come to think that this planet was of such monumental importance long ago that every galactic power decided that this planet should be one of the crown jewels in their empire's crown and proceeded into a perpetual one-upmanship contest, that this was some sort of space UN turned Escape From New York, or my darkest theory that this entire planet is one giant Gu pot designed to breed the badest/deadliest Gu in history and each race has overtime dropped some of its Gu into the pot and no single Gu has been bad enough to eat all the other Gu.
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Okay yeah that's just a fucking Necron right—

With how Illuminata is clearly a Necron Tomb World... I'd say that the Saint might be the overlord of the world, one who awoke early, eventually met Father and Mother, and decided to work together with them on their grand project, granting them the knowledge of the blank gene with which they created the Abyssal Nail and thus the enhanced Hylics.
I think the description could fit Malcador also, depending on his relationship with Big E at this time.
FUCK I failed to realize that the Tetrasi are worshipping fucking Cegorach! (And that Lilith got syncretized with fucking Trazyn the Infinite of all people... Maybe Trazyn was the Unsouled Saint trying to do some serious project for once?) Well, this settles it. I've got to vote for the Tetrasi. Let the honking begin!

[X] Bond with Gen over its grief. The staple is upset, and afraid. It has failed in its fundamental purpose, and it is lashing out. The two of you have to share a head - maybe you should also try and share some of the weight that it's been carrying, and learn more about your other self. INTERLACE CHECK - 13 (CHALLENGING)
[X] Tetrasi Thousandfist. The giant gestalt devas of Tetras' largest cult-communes, composed of hundreds of fused souls in an enormous amalgamated warform, are gods of the battlefield. With Five hundred arms and legs, five hundred faces, five hundred swords - they are a nightmare. However, you could use less of the dippy sermons, and gore-soaked pleas for supreme peace and love.

Plus, more seriously, I think the fact that they're descended from former Stranger-serfs of the Progeny would make them incredibly fascinating to interact with for an increasingly unhappy Kora of the Progeny.
Yellow Sun: The prelapsarian, happy epoch of the golden age, when the Mother and Father still lived with their children. Said to have ended when the Yellow Sun, their shared child, was abducted, and the Fall began. The yellow sun was compassionate, innocent, and good.

Green Sun: The current, unhappy epoch. Also represents the shadow of the demiurge falling over Illuminata - all live in the ruin left by it. A sun of progress, technology, and folly. A somnolent, sleeping sun, dormant and awaiting the return of its creators.

Red Sun: The apocalyptic sun. Associated with the Hydra, and their evil designs. A sun of treachery, passion and war - the rending time. A time in which everything and everyone will turn on one another.

White Sun: The final sun. Associated with Dreamspace, and its enigmatic shapes. A sun of pure reason, longing, and regret. A sun of death, and extinction. A wish that time stand still. Born in an alchemical crib.

Fifth Sun: Cryptic and obscure concept from non-gnostic hylic texts, especially from the pagan Still Coast. Adopted by delusional hylics with a god-complex and a similarily godly array of mental illnesses.
So, based on the ordering of the suns, we are standing at the dawn of the Red Sun, with presumably many more wars to follow after this one ends. The White Sun appears to refer to Dreamspace eventually breaking containment and polygonifying everything, with a fifth, Hylic Sun eventually overcoming the Dreamspace?

Bronze-King: Twenty-armed and ten-eyed creature of the iron-rusted land. Fell from Heaven and discovered the titans. Transformed and was transformed by them, and seduced them to his promise to spread the word of the All-Messiah and found Titanagalbat. Passed many years ago, with the mantle falling to another Bronze-King, a woman-groom. The Bronze-King is called for the elder titan of the same title, and leaves behind their name and prior identity when they succeed to the throne. There have been five in all.
Sounds like a Magos with lots of mechadendrites and occular implants.

Long Grandfather: Machine-deity of the Binar Nightcities. Believed to be father of the corewyrms, the largest extant machines that Illuminata has to offer, who construct tunnels into the mantle and are prayed to as Gods among the pagans of those cities. Ally of the Mother, from which there sprung their children, the corewyrms. His body remains in Shaihulad Canyon, an enormous, many-kilometer length capped by a drill-mouth.
Do their legends also tell of the coming of the Nisan Al-Gab?

Asterion: The monster of the labyrinth. A Still Coast demonological figure. Controversial, and forbidden to speak of in Gnosis.
Is this the same labyrinth beneath Dis? If so, it would presumably be some kind of Necron construct.
Editing my vote to the underminer as Gog and Magog as the way man reflects the Orkish gods rocks so hard as a concept. Need to learn more about their NEED FOR SPEED.
In the same way that, "A buried drake and a star-glass shard" are two descriptors that both describe the Void Dragon, I think, "to be a golden lord and a black-egg" makes the most sense as a descriptor of The Emperor -- describing him both as the crusading figure he is and the egg for the Dark King (the fifth Chaos God), as detailed in the Horus Heresy series.
To take a quick stab at some guesses/ interpretations:
Father/Mother/Cloth&WireVarietals/Icons -- quest originals. The shards & various literal remnants (e.g. lapsarian lung) have some interesting mysteries associated (I think traditionally in 40k men of iron were pretty small, leaning harder into the terminator aesthetic). It's also particular that we've never seen (as far as I can remember) any men of stone analogues
Demiurge -- I mean they're called out as the deceiver. Almost certainly a ctan shard that got further sharded. Probably used supercharged omniphage swarms to get rid of organic life during the Fall
Hydra -- Chaos, now including the new Slaanesh flavor!
Prophecy: We're now grabbing at least partly from mesoamerican mythology, but it remains to be seen if it's more heavily drawing on the idea of a cyclic creation and destruction or more particular ideas about what each sun means
Yellow sun -- Golden age! Opens a mystery about who abducted the Yellow Sun and whether that predates the release of the ctan shard or was caused by it. Color-wise, corresponds unnervingly well to the Emperor/King in Yellow, which could point to them as the child of the Father/Mother. Mesoamerican wise, we've only got half a sun in this era, and if we were stretching we'd have the Yellow Sun (Black Tezca) as a sibling to the ctan shard (Quetz). Probably a stretch.
Green sun -- Color corresponds very well to Necron gauss weaponry. Spooky! Makes sense though, given the deceiver. Bit spooky that it's awaiting the return of its creators! Since the red sun is immediately imminent in the story. Mesoamerican wise we don't necessarily have a great fit, with Quetz (deciever shard?) acting as the sun while humans become gradually corrupted, and Tezca turning everyone to monkeys. I think this kind of literal mapping across the myth is probably off the mark, so probably not worth pursuing
Red sun -- Chaos sun. Bad news, and news that will soon be delivered in-story. Associated with the Crimson King and His second coming (probably not Magnus this time, absent some shenanigans)
White sun -- Associated heavily with psykers. If I had to guess, this is what Koinon will end up creating -- Koinon (in one of the votes in 8) is called, "a country ruled by pneumatics, and in their academies and alchemical workshops." As they gradually embrace the power of the Hydra out of wartime necessity, they'll create a tremendous ritual -- "a geometric arrangement of a million carcasses placed neatly around."
Fifth sun -- If the White sun is the last, this must necessarily be a blackstar: a sun that burns off of suffering rather than fusion. Associated with blanks and defiant jazz. If this world is to have a future, it's going to involve a lot of people fighting for the things they care about after the speculated ritual. As Harmony said, sunrise parabellum.
Kora -- "she died for your sins" oh no they're all psychic clones of jesus.
Bronze King -- given that the first Bronze-King brought the word of the All-Messiah (Omnissiah, even!) it seems very clear that the first one was a Mechanicus warlord. Did pretty well for themselves, given all the Titans.
Unsouled Saint -- Not a clue on this one. It needs to be a figure that has observed humans for an extremely long time, and participated in Illuminata's founding, that is neither of flesh or not-flesh (Necron living metal?). Could definitely be a Necron that stayed active (someone like Orikan) and participated in a few projects
Long Grandfather -- Funky mechanivore??
Aisha/Cain/Lilith/Ashur-Yan -- Aeldari gods. Looks like they had a lot more of an influence here than I'd thought. Ashur-Yan also has some Christian & Necron syncretism bleeding in through the resurrection and Silent King bits. Lilith also grabs some of that, except with Trazyn. If Cetash was feeling very tongue in cheek, Cain being, "ordered to be a figure of self-sacrificing patriotism" actually fits pretty well with Ciaphas Cain, particularly in the context of a propaganda figure.
Gog and Magog -- Gork and Mork? The deprivation of intelligence fits in with their relationship to the Krork, though a prophecy of returning to that state is quite spooky. Also has abrahamic associations with the Apocalypse, ofc.
Drumlock -- ???
Kegoramaya -- Cegorach, who seems to have been particularly involved in Illumina's history. Perhaps drawn to involvement by the Deciever shard? Must have played a role in the aftermath, since the Dharmic Spinneret is Tetras' birthright technology, which would place some involvement very recently in the timeline.
Asterion -- Dis is associated with a labyrinth that had the Deceiver locked inside of it. Perhaps a necron guardian?
Ciaphas Cain is actually both Father, Mother, Demiurge and Fifth Sun. He had a really crazy gap year after graduating from the Schola Progenium. Not something he likes talking about.
[X] Tell it to get its shit together. Something is capital-U up with this staple. You need it to get through its processors that it's been manipulated and fucked with. Someone else is pulling the strings - Lethe, probably. You have a common enemy, if only you could convince it of that. INCANDESCENCE CHECK - 15 (HEROIC)

I got faith in INCANDESENCE.

[X] Tetrasi Thousandfist. The giant gestalt devas of Tetras' largest cult-communes, composed of hundreds of fused souls in an enormous amalgamated warform, are gods of the battlefield. With Five hundred arms and legs, five hundred faces, five hundred swords - they are a nightmare. However, you could use less of the dippy sermons, and gore-soaked pleas for supreme peace and love.

Neat, more people pushing for a kinder world while soaking in the blood of all those they're tearing to shreds.
Since it's impossible to guess who the Crimson King would be it could be fun to theorize up to the reveal. Who could it be? We have seen Nurgle and Slanesh in small amounts, but we have yet to see Khorne. Given Cetashwayo's interest in unexplored lore, references to ancient humanity, and how devastating this war is going to be, I'm hoping we will get an appearance of Doombreed AKA demon prince Genghis Khan, aka the strongest of all blood thirsters.
The stars glow black, robbed by the king of their yellow. A million furnaces burning through the strange long night snuff out, for no color he permits to burn but yellow. He sails, until every light has been extinguished. Until the galaxy shines with no color, but that of the king in yellow.

Yellow is his throne, and yellow is his gaze, and yellow the rot upon his bones. Yellow is the fleck of holy blood he licks from his lips, and yellow are his promises, and yellow are his worshippers called not-worshippers, who thunder infinite from pools of fetid godsflesh.

He is the King in Yellow, and he has come for you. The epilogue. The end, and the death.
Yellow Sun: The prelapsarian, happy epoch of the golden age, when the Mother and Father still lived with their children. Said to have ended when the Yellow Sun, their shared child, was abducted, and the Fall began. The yellow sun was compassionate, innocent, and good.
Also, new crack theory: There was a primarch long ago, we're in the path of the Great Crusade, the Emperor is coming, nothing will be permitted but yellow, yada yada yada.

All of it already happened long ago.

Big E rocked up, looked at whatever fresh hell was going on in the planet's history, and said "fuck that" yoinked the primarch then left. /s
And deeper within the Noise, mysteries - a benign feminine voice, calling out, and asking if you wish to know more. A voice you remember yourself, though you cannot say from when.

I've been trying to figure out who the above voice is since I read it and only just realised it seems to be the same voice from Chapter 2 that appeared with Rhythms.


???: LIKE

RHYTHMS: The thing within the noise speaks again: +THEY HAVE MADE A SONG FOR YOU. IT IS SWEET. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR IT?+
RHYTHMS: The voice of the black noise speaks, softly: +WE REMEMBER.+
So we clearly have the Deceiver shard, and of course the Void Dragon has been conflated a bit into the All-Messiah, but I wonder if other major C'tan show up or have some of their traits included in Illuminata's cosmology too. Such as Aza'Gorod "terrorized life in the galaxy so badly that many civilizations have a grim reaper figure based on him as a trauma response" the Nightbringer. And I'm wondering the Outsider, the only C'tan that may still be whole and that exiled itself in a planetoid or dyson sphere, could fit into the five four Suns mythos somehow.

FUCK I failed to realize that the Tetrasi are worshipping fucking Cegorach! (And that Lilith got syncretized with fucking Trazyn the Infinite of all people... Maybe Trazyn was the Unsouled Saint trying to do some serious project for once?) Well, this settles it. I've got to vote for the Tetrasi. Let the honking begin!
Sympathy when Harmony comes back in juggalo makeup: Oh my Kora, noooooooo!
The fact that not only do they worship Eldar deities, but that the deities, notably Isha, actually cared enough to respond in turn is very interesting. Considering the very high concentration of psychic ability and skill, plus all the Eldar influences, I wonder if the ancient humans might have been experimenting with the character of the human soul printed. Making something something more akin to Eldar.

Also everyone hate Nurgle, stupid Hydra, locking Aisha away. Harmony could have had a Warp mom.
[X] Tell it to get its shit together. Something is capital-U up with this staple. You need it to get through its processors that it's been manipulated and fucked with. Someone else is pulling the strings - Lethe, probably. You have a common enemy, if only you could convince it of that. INCANDESCENCE CHECK - 15 (HEROIC)


[X] Dakaran Phase-Drop. The Dakaran phase-drop relic tech makes their drop-troops the most feared of any state on Illuminata. The copse, used to jumping from clouds, will now teleport as one unit from an ark - right on top of Koinon's trench-lines, and into the fire. Though, frankly, you could have less of their grunt-talk, 'milspeak' slang, and 'sacred, holy, marine bravado'.

Wizard to Hotdog, Wizard to Hotdog. Skate, Skate, Skate.

Last chalk inside the DZ buys every print-jack of us a round of prome. Quiaff??
Wild theory with absolutely no concrete evidence: The Father is Szarekh. There's some novel where he's described as having a golden mask, I'm forgetting which one.

The Mother and Aisha are both Isha, acting through a psychomaton.

Illuminata was a collaborative project between the Silent King and Isha to reverse biotransference in exchange for Szarekh doing something to help Isha prevent the Fall of the Eldar. But something went wrong, Szarekh abandoned the project to go back to the galactic void, while Isha's psychomaton vessel was destroyed. She kept answering prayers by skirting around the Edict to whatever extent she could but then the Fall happened and now she's Nurgle's prisoner.
Okay, so caught up with the latest chapter. It's full of great stuff as always.

The Noise reminds me so much of Eclipse Phase's internet. I can't recall the exact term for it, but basically every human had an implant that acted as a wifi hotspot, among other things. Advanced machines also hooked up to it. Even after the massive AI war killed earth, billions of wifi hotspots remained, linked up to everything and everyone. Hell, cutting communications from Earth to other planets is a massive part of security operations for the inner planets because Earth is non-stop broadcasting endless noise filled with basilisk hacks and rogue AIs.

It also reminds me of Cyberpunk's old net too, and a little bit of Rimworld too. The animal like machines roaming the world well after the fact, still connected to old networks nobody has access to anymore describe the mechanites to a tee. In this post-human hellscape full of printed humans and feral machines, everything's hooked up to the web. The once curated and organized network has become a cacophony of chaos, dangers, and ultimately descended into noise.

Psychocomputers is a fun word. I love my not thinking machine. I love it when my computer taps into the warp to run Doom faster. It also raises some questions I have. Cloud computing, despite the name, does not in fact use clouds. It requires physical hardware to operate. We know this planet is backed to the brim with deep earth shit, like spiral reactors and boreholes down through the mantle. The sheer size of computer networks and servers running this shit must be insane. Psychocomputers raises a further question if the operations are actually running pn physical hardware or if it's taking place in the warp itself. Psi-tech is weird and fucky like that.

The vision in the fire gives me... well, old ass mythology vibes, they're great, but also c'tan vibes. Consume the stars, but everything lives on inside it, totally.

These Titans are straight up Eva units. Jesus Christ. I love the little note that while the titan clearly has a 'soul'/machine spirit, it can not speak for itself for that would be a sin. It's a very amusing edge case. They're literally married to the machine and drink its tears as ecstasy, but gnosis forbid that titan utters a single word from its speakers that the pilot did not say. The titans organs must be derived from human genetics because its the only way it'd survive the nanocancer, making the Eva vibes even stronger.

[X] Tell it to get its shit together. Something is capital-U up with this staple. You need it to get through its processors that it's been manipulated and fucked with. Someone else is pulling the strings - Lethe, probably. You have a common enemy, if only you could convince it of that. INCANDESCENCE CHECK - 15 (HEROIC)

[X] Chrome Underminer. Badger-machines seem less impressive compared to Chrome saurians and megasynth mounts, but outside the Binar Nightcities there are no more effective tunnelers, and when their mouths open the drill-incisors are as monstrous as any other machine. But the riders are, frankly, completely and utterly unhinged, even before their own drugs kick in.

In a D&D campaign years ago, I was playing a druid. Through circumstances and hijinks, the party worked with a group of escaped slaves to dig a tunnel under a giant magical tower fortress city. It was held up by thousands of immovable rods, so high it was practically a space elevator. I summoned a dire badger as an animal companion and wild shaped into one so we could dig a tunnel miles long, starting outside scrying distance, shielded by lead hats to protected us from scrying. It was a fun task, since by that point my druid could spend like 14+ hours in animal form and had multiple wild shape charges. We worked around the clock digging this tunnel, the other two PCs wearing amulets of speak with animal to keep talking with my druid as they and the escaped slaves reinforced the tunnel with wooden beams.

When we reached the base of the tower, we dug down into the slave pits beneath the magical fortress that supplied the guild with endless quantities of blood and experience points for their arcane forges. We freed thousands of slaves and as we planted bombs at the immovable rods that held up the great tower, legions of guards poured out to stop us. We fought the guards in the pitch black tunnels, because we all had dark vision or scent to navigate the darkness, tearing them apart and staining the dirt with their blood. They were ripped to shreds by the party and stood no chance.

The bombs were filled with anti-magic materials and literal tons of blackpowder, hauled down the tunnels by teams of dire badgers commanded by my druid. When they were set ablaze the earth itself quaked from the force of the explosion as this thousand mile tall tower collapsed in on its foundations and tore from its once immovable support rods. It took minutes for the entire tower to fall to the ground and the very top if landed well outside of its own country, the arch mage died during atmospheric re-entry and hitting the ground with the force of a small nuclear bomb.

We also did other stuff between planting bomb and blowing up the fort, but didn't want to bog down the story. :lol:

So, I've got to vote for the mecha badgers. I have literally done this before. This is shit as fuck. This option was made for me.
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I have set a longer timer for the vote. I will have a busy few days so I don't expect to release the next update for a bit (though I know how most of it will look like.) I will give people this time to reread, vote, discuss, catch up :)

I am also open to any setting questions people have!
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I have set a longer timer for the vote. I will have a busy few days so I don't expect to release the next update for a bit (though I know how most of it will look like.) I will give people this time to reread, vote, discuss, catch up :)

I am also open to any setting questions people have!
What did the pre-war primary meals of the Great Powers normally look like?