LANCER: BATTLEGROUP - Breaking Upon the Diamond Shoals

Bold Text Indicates a Viewpoint Character

Admiral Bryce Garrison: Shadowy leader of Harrison Armory's forces

Admiral Talbert Shane: Untested leader of Battlegroup December

Ambassador Langly: Asshole face for Harrison Armory

Belladonna-331: Queer NHP in a sexy Subaltern aboard the Derecho

Captain Sven Halston: Recently promoted captain of the Hurricane

Chief Xon Brailey: Grumpy chief of operations on the battle scarred Butterfly Hill

Deck Chief John Mandala: Grumpy deck chief aboard the Harrison Armory ship, Fearsome.

Dr. Yata: Fleet Astrophysicist, Battlegroup December.

Engineer Sarial Serial: Overworked fabrication engineer, dragooned into service aboard the Gale.

Flight Lieutenant Ines Ibanla: Cocky combat pilot stationed on the Cú Chulainn.

Flight Private Alot "Neck" Xanata: Lancer aboard the HA ship, Fearsome.

Flight Private Tane "Catboy" Wallstein: Snarky catboy, mecha pilot aboard the Fearsome.

Flight Sergeant Lim "Bio" Biovare: By the numbers ace pilot stationed on the Harrison Armory ship, Fearsome.

Gunnery Captain Vane Omelas: Grizzled Union Veteran, in charge of the Derecho's (very large) gun.

Lieutenant Jade Gala: Signals and Intelligence officer for the Hurricane, Fisher.

Lieutenant Samuel Varine: Redhead of little words, helmsman of the Hurricane.

Lieutenant Xammie Galapagos: Best friend of Jade Gala, gunnery officer of the Hurricane.

Lieutenant Pilot Malard Morganstern: Newbie addition to Wolf Squad, attached to Butterfly Hill

Lieutenant Pilot Mark Vanderbilt: Cocky squad leader of Wolf Squad, attached to Butterfly Hill

Lieutenant Pilot Poius Chenard: Chenard just wants to grill, man - Lancer from Butterfly Hill

Lieutenant Pilot San Quanski: Buff warrior woman of Wolf Squad, attached to Butterfly Hill.

Technician Tanner Tan: Lowly technician aboard the Butterfly Hill.

Zivian: Overworked DOJ/HR Lawyer

Satastroy Republic Orbital Navy ships

CS - Capital Ship
OC - Orbital Carrier
SC - Strike Cruiser

SRON-CS Derecho

HP: 28/33 | Defense: 10
Spinal Petajoul Kinetic
Single Target, Accurate, Charge 3, Critical
Range: 5-2, 15 damage​
30 ISP-N Barracuda Corvettes
6 HP
30 HA Wagner Corvettes
6 HP
30 GMS Combahee Corvettes
6 HP​
Subaltern Combat Crews: May use an additional tactic per turn
Single-Plane Shield: May re-roll interdiction and take the better result.​
Superior Logistics: Escorts begin with 2 Overshield.
Combat Refit: Tactic, Limited 1. Repair up to 3 escorts within the range band. One may be repaired even if destroyed. May then issue orders to two Escorts.​

HP: 11 | Defense: 14
Message Lead Laser
Special: May add +1 damage to a Payload Weapon at 0, up to +4.
Range: 4-2
Message Lead Laser
Special: May add +1 damage to a Payload Weapon at 0, up to +4.
Range: 4-2​
30 ISP-N Barracuda Corvettes
6 HP
16 ISP-N Bowsprit Destroyers
8 HP​
Close Support: Allied battlegroups may use tactics granted by this ship's escorts as if they were under its control.​
SRON-SC Bomb Cyclone

HP: 16 | Defense: 10
Single-Stage Torpedo Tube
Single Target, Payload -1
Range: 4-2, 8 Damage​
Message Lead Laser
Special: May add +1 damage to a Payload Weapon at 0, up to +4.
Range: 4-2​
Fire Control Network: 1/round, when an allied battlegroup in range consumes a lock-on, it may re-roll that result but has to take the second result. Additionally, when defensive screening, it may lock on a hostile capital ship or escort.​
SRON-SC Hurricane

CAPTAIN: Lt. Commander Sven Halston
HP: 16/16 | Defense: 10
Single-Stage Torpedo Tube
Single Target, Payload -1
Range: 4-2, 8 Damage​
Brace for Impact!: Tactic, Limited 1 - entire battlegroup becomes Bolstered​
Repair Drones: When assigned to Defensive Screen, the ship the Hurricane is screening regains 2 HP
Fleet Triage: 1/encounter, Tactic. One of your capital ships, escorts or allied of the same in the same range band repair 5 HP.​

Union Navy

BB - Battleship
CV - Carrier Vessel
LS - Line Ship


HP: 24/28 | Defense: 12
Long Spool Primary Lance
Single Target, Charge 3, Critical, Reliable 3
Range: 4-0, Damage: 12​
Primary Kinetic Batteries
Single Target, Reliable 1
Range: 3-0, Damage: 1d6+1​
Flyswatter Missiles
Range: 3-0 | Damage: Special, when fired alongside a primary weapon, deal 2 damage to up to 2 wings in the target's battlegroup
Secondary Turrets
Range: 3-0 | DAmage: when fired alongside a primary single target weapon, deal +1 damage to the same target.​
Subaltern Combat Crews: May use an additional Tactic during their turn.
Insightful Commanders: 1/round, whenever a hostile effect or ability forces move any number of range bands forward or backwards, your next single target attack gains +1 Accuracy, or +2 Accuracy if attacking at range band 5-4. This effect lasts until the end of next turn, does not stack.​
Paragon: 1/round, add +1 Accuracy to any roll made by you or an allied battlegroup within range. 1/engagement, add +3 Accuracy instead.​
UNS-CV Blair Mountain

HP: 19/19 | Defense: 12
8 Balor Combat Wing (LL 3)
HP: 8/8 | Tenacity: 14
8 Tortuga Wing (LL 3)
HP: 8 | Tenacity: 14​
[Classified] [Redacted] Limpet [Classified]
Tenacity: 12​
Bulwark Redundancies: +3 HP​
Away Teams: Boarding attacks gain +2 Tenacity.
UNS-CV Cú Chulainn

HP: 12/14 | Defense: 15
4 Various Frame Wing (LL6)
HP: 4/6 | Specials: NHP Co-Pilots, Goalkeeper, Aggressive Pickets
150 Legion Drone, Nexus Point 4
4 HP​
Escort Formation: This ship can be assigned as a defensive screen as if it were a frigate.​

Union Navy

BB - Battleship
CV - Carrier Vessel
LS - Line Ship

UNS-BB Butterfly Hill

HP: 33/33 | Defense: 10
Long Cycle Primary Lance
Single Target, Charge 3, Critical, Reliable 3
Range: 4-0, 12 damage​
Heavy Kinetic Batteries
Single Target, Reliable 2
Range: 4-1, 5 Damage​
150 Legion Drone, Nexus Point 1
4 HP
20+4 Various Mounted Chassis (LL 3-4)
5 HP | Tenacity: 11
+4 Wolf Squadron (Attached to Chassis Wing)
6 HP - Jettison Ram, NHP Co-Pilot, Shipkiller​
Brace for Impact!: Tactic, Limited 1 - entire battlegroup becomes Bolstered​
Hook Jab: 1/round, whenever a capital, escort or wing in this BG consumes a lock on as part of a single target attack, may issue one command to a wing.
Body Blow: Maneuver, Limited 1, repair one wing to full HP (even if destroyed) and fire one superheavy or two primary weapons. Then, issue commands to all this ship's Wings.​
UNS-LS Sekwun

HP: 12 | Defense: 10
Spinal LinAc Coherent Beam Cannon
Single Target, Charge 2, Critical
Range: 4-1, 8 Damage​
VEGA-Pattern Targeting Laser
Single Target, Reliable 2, on a hit, apply a lock on to target
Range: 5-2, 2 Damage​
Purpose Built: Can carry that fucking gun it has.​
UNS-LS Tukwakin

HP: 12 | Defense: 10
Spinal LinAc Coherent Beam Cannon
Single Target, Charge 2, Critical
Range: 4-1, 8 Damage​
VEGA-Pattern Targeting Laser
Single Target, Reliable 2, on a hit, apply a lock on to target
Range: 5-2, 2 Damage​
Purpose Built: Can carry that fucking gun it has.​

BG Orchard
(4) LONG RANGE: BG December

SRON-CS Derecho
1 Charge Counters

UNS-BB Chesapeake
1 Charge Counters

UNS-BB Butterfly Hill
1 Charge Counters

UNS-LS Sekwun

UNS-LS Tukwakin



CORSAIR: 0 HP, 10 DEF, 1d6 ID
Wing 1: 0/5 HP | Wing 2: 0/5 HP | Wing 3: 0/5 HP | Wing 4: 0/5 HP
HIVEQUEEN: 14 HP, 8 DEF, 2d6 ID [Graywash attack in progress!] [BOARDING IN PROGRESS]
Mastermind Template (Applied to Hivequeen)​
STALWART 1: 10|10 HP, 8 DEF
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And if we get lucky on rolls and just outright kill the Corsair before the Aces go, we just send the Aces to board someone instead.

We have enough deterministic damage on hand for next turn that I think it's probably better for the Aces to board than use Shipkillers if it becomes necessary. Hivequeen is a tough target to board, we really want to stack the deck here.

We have the Lock-On plus Caspian Reroll, might be worth using those on the HKBs.

The thing is that if the Hivequeen is allowed to use tactics, it has both battlethreads to ruin our plans and can potentially summon an whole new escort with a free action to ruin our day. The Balor only has like a ~70% odds of pulling that off by itself, we really want at least one more boarder on it, and we also really want at least one boarder on the Turtleback to reduce the effectiveness of all the guns it and its escorts are carrying.
Yeah, if Diamond's Primaries miss, but we can make sure the Heavy Kinetics of Orchard hit with the lock-on and reroll, then that brings it down to 4. Which means that we can use a Corvette command to confirm the kill with 4 damage, which frees up the Aces to board someone. I don't have enough brainpower to calculate the odds of that right now but, if we get lucky on rolls, it might not matter, we might just kill it with the Heavy Kinetics from Orchard if Diamond hits and rolls high.

We can and should kill both the Corsair and Brothers with Orchard. It's just a matter of what resources we spend to do it, and what's left over. We are certain to have at least 1 boarding group. We should see what happens with the reaction turn before we get too far into debating whether it's better to have 1 boarding group to apply and a dead Corsair or 2 groups and a living Corsair.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Mar 15, 2023 at 12:43 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Interstital
    -[X] Reaction, ORCHARD. Move BG Orchard one range band forward
    -[X] Reaction, DIAMOND. Use Insightful Commander's 1/engagement ability to fire a primary weapon. Fire the Primary and Seconda batteries at the Corsair.
    -[X] Reaction, DIAMOND, Ace wing. Aggressive Pickets deals 2 damage to a Battlethread

All right! I...believe you roll to hit for these?
Here's a roll

Edit: that's a hit with the PKBs, I think! Is it also a crit?
Draz threw 1 20-faced dice. Total: 20
20 20
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PKBs do not have the Critical tag, so no.

Okay, and that's 7 damage. Which should bring the Corsair down to 4 HP, so I think that puts it in the range to die this action phase.
samdamandias threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Damage Total: 5
5 5
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Alright, I think we know what we're doing with Orchard then.

[X] Plan Por Que No Los Dos
-[X] BG Orchard
-[X] Maneuver: All Ahead Full, use HKB on Corsair at Range 3.
--[X] Consume Lock-On, use Caspian Sea re-roll if needed to hit.
-[X] Hook-Jab Tactic: Use Mechanized Chassis command Breach and Clear on Turtleback.
-[X] Tactic 1: Use Gale (Close Support Trait) Destroyer to launch Snapflight Torpedoes at Brothers in Arms #1.
-[X] Tactic 2: Use Legion Drone Nexus to Hunt/Kill, dealing 2 damage to Brother in Arms #1 and taking 2 damage in return.
-[X] NHP Co-Pilot Tactic: Aces use Jettison Ram on Hivequeen.

I was thinking about adding a conditional if the Corsair isn't killed by the HKB, but I think either way we're gonna want to do it this way - if the Corsair lives, we kill it first next turn, we still would rather spend the actions putting boarders on ships.
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[X] Plan Por Que No Los Dos

I don't think we have secondaries on Orchard, but otherwise, yeah, I think this is the way to go. I don't want to jinx anything, but with a re-roll AND accuracy on the Heavy Kinetic batteries, we've got like a 85% chance of hitting and just deleting the Corsair now. And if the Corsair dies, then the Diluvia gets impacted as well
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So a d20 for the Heavy Kinetics, and a d6 for the lock-on which get added together. Then if we don't get higher than a 10, we can reroll the d20

I'll start off with a d20
Talkos threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Heavy Kinetics Total: 17
17 17
Goodbye Corsair, all of its wings, and I think the Diluvia Escort gets damaged or destroyed as well. I think the Ace squad gets to escape though.
And how much damage do all the other things do?

And to be clear

You used kinetic weaponry from the Chesapeake and Butterfly Hill to pound the corsair apart, while launching chassies after Turtleback?

Okay, the Turtleback has scored a hit, while the Stalwarts miss even with the lock on they're consuming. That's 5 damage thrown down range at the Derecho! Next, since the ace squad is reassigned to the Turtleback, it gets to act again (I believe) doing 1 more damage to the Cú Chulainn and gaining +1 heat!

All in all, not so bad!
DragonCobolt threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Turtleback fires! Total: 26
17 17 9 9
DragonCobolt threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Stalwart Fires! Total: 7
7 7
DragonCobolt threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Stalwart Uses Lockon Total: 2
2 2
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You used kinetic weaponry from the Chesapeake and Butterfly Hill to pound the corsair apart, while launching chassies after Turtleback?

Kinetic weaponry from the Chesapeake and Butterfly Hill pounded apart the Corsair, a Destroyer squadron from the Gale along with Legion Drones from the Butterfly Hill worked side by side to destroy one of the Turtleback's escorts (one of the Brothers in Arms), the Ace Squadron from the Butterfly Hill joined the Balor Squad in boarding the Hivequeen, and the remaining Mechanized Chassis detachment from the Butterfly Hill boarded the Turtleback.

It was a busy turn! We kind of threw everything we had at it.

EDIT: Oh, and the Ace Squadron from the Cú Chulainn poked some holes in the Battlethreads somewhere in the middle of this.
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1.2: A Fearsome End
Chief Xon Brailey wasn't supposed to be in artillery. Zir job was in handling the flight deck. But, at current ranges, the massive battleship Butterfly Hill could launch her mounted chassis and drones and they'd only be back within twenty four shipboard hours. They rode across on enhanced sleds - a sabot container of reaction mass tanks and microstab drives - and when they were gone, the flight deck was eerily silent. A palace without its children. Brailey had glowered at the empty berths, the empty racks where the out-sized machineguns and compact (for a chassis scale, at least) beam weapons were stashed. Only a few backup frames were left in their harnesses, and those were mostly the ones that hadn't been fixed since the last engagement.

With nothing to do but glowering, Brailey supposed zi couldn't complain that zi had been requisitioned by the gunnery decks.

"Why do you need my technical procs?" Brailey groused to zir fellow CPO, who grunted, spat, and didn't say anything. The pause wasn't rudeness. At that moment, half a dozen heavy kinetic weapons, all of them railguns, roared at once. The sound wasn't as quiet as a flatlander might have expected. Railguns used a conductive gas that was expelled along with their sabot-rounds, so the magnetic field that sent the rounds downrange could push them even further, even harder. That, combined with the sound of the autoloaders whirring and clunking, the capacitators discharging with cracking buzzing, and the nearly subliminal roar of the shells leaving their barrels with the faintest whisper of friction created an ear rending roar when amplified by the sixteen turrets arranged in a superfiring pyramidal around the central pillar of the Hill.

Once the barrage was done, the CPO said: "The printer got overloaded and electrocuted our shellcook. You've got the same training - not as specialized, but we're in a mad need for-"

Another overlapping orchestra of the damned and the doomed.


Brailey sighed, rolled zir shoulders, and nodded. "Got it."

Zi got to work between the rounds. The printers were needed because each firing solution required a different shape and configuration for the shells, to match the fiercely adaptive defense systems and countermeasures being thrown up by the enemy. For Brailey, it was an interesting but dull job - shells were, at the end of the day, significantly simpler than chassis and their systems. But zi took it, rather than another empty shift of waiting, waiting and watching the boards as the enemy approached their targets for boarding...they weren't just attacking, that was what really made zir stomach tighten up.

They were boarding.

Zi could imagine the close in quarters, the reek of blood, the three dimensional battlefield.

Let alone the fact they were going to be fighting side by side from Century Rain squad. In a lifetime of stolidly following orders, the rumors and the hints that zi had seen about that squadron made zi's blood run cold. So, zi resolutely didn't think about those rumors, or the danger Wolf squad was in. Instead, between the shell printing and delivery service, zi checked in on the firing solutions. At one of those visits to the consoles in the gunnery command center, zi was rewarded with something that most people in the fleet would have to see in replay, afterwards. Zi had just entered, nodded to the gunnery officers, then glanced at the screen to show the dizzy haze of probabilities and locations and maneuvering forces. The chevrons representing the corvettes and destroyers that had been laying it into the Harrison Armory's carriers were fanning outwards...

"Are they heading back for resupply?" Brailey asked.

"Well, I-" one of the gunnery officers said.

Then the PCV-GC Chastity exploded. The bright white flare of its destruction was so luminous and so brilliant, it showed up on a simplified tac-map as a glittering green spheroid and turned three of the screens that were showing the live feed into white windows. The entire room was silent.

"Holy shit," the gunnery officer said.

Then the PCV-GC Fearsome went up. This overlapping flare of white had come only a few seconds after the first, but it made the screens haze in glittering static for a second. When the light faded, the Davey Crocket was heeling away, her hull split open along her axis of acceleration, bleeding out bodies and oxygen into space in a roiling mass. The gunnery officers shook themselves from their stupor and their shock and began to slap into the controls.

"You're sending the destruct codes?" Brailey asked, zir lips turning into a fierce frown.

"That's a mission killed ship, Chief," the gunnery officer explained - though, zi hadn't meant to imply they were doing anything wrong.

"Good work, sailor," Brailey said, nodding curtly to him. He gave zir a nervous smile. On the screen, what seemed to be new constellations of tiny stars flared to life as the destruct charges in the munitions went off. Normally, those charges would blow when the kinetics were at shotgun close range to the enemy vehicles so the bundled flechettes of their slugs would rip through the target. But at this range, the spread was such that it'd be a miracle - or a curse - for any of those kinetic rounds to intersect with anything. It was the next best thing to bringing them home, and the best that they could do.

The surrender flicker from the Davey Crocket was beginning to flash into the room - coming mere moments after the image of the impacts. The gunnery officers watched in silence for a moment. Then the one who hadn't spoken so far said: "how many do you think are getting off that ship alive?"

"Not that many, that's for sure," the other said.

Brailey watched and thought about zir Lancers - not that the Lancers would have ever known zi thought of them that way. Zi imagined the Davey Crockett burning, peeling open, being hit by wave after wave of kinetic weapons that had been able to intersect with it before the destruct code had gone out.

Brailey went back to the mostly empty flight deck. The guns were silent.

There, zi checked zir watch.

And figured zi had time to get drunk.

Ines slid from Cerulea with a groan and checked her watch.

"Thirty two hours?" she asked. "It barely felt like twenty eight."

The rest of her squad let out ragged laughter, save for Kalian, who instead threw her helmet in her vague direction. The helmet was caught by a passing tech. Ines stumbled from her mech as Cerula murmured in her ear, one last time. "Get some sleep, Pilot Lieutenant Inbalas." She rubbed her palms against her face, then slouched past the streams of techs who were working overtime to get the Cerulea stripped down. She hadn't taken much more than a few dings and scratches - nothing nearly as bad as Gordon's chassis, which had been hit four times with high energy laser point defense and had limped home with a good chunk of it melted into something only vaguely recognizable. Ines and Kalian both staggered to the lockers together, skimming off their flight suits at almost the same time.

"I wish we were boarding," Kalian said, her scorpian tail drooping, her stinger almost scraping along the floor as she stepped under a faucet, switching it on and spraying her face with infinitely recycled, bright, warm water.

"Yeah, me too," Ines groaned as her shark tail did drag on the floor. She rubbed her hands into her hair, shaking herself - feeling infinitely more human just by getting a chance to wash the gunk off her body: Sweat and fear and dripping juice from the imperfect seals in her suit's medical ports. Her back ached from half a dozen tiny puncture holes that would be healed by the time she got up and got back into the cockpit. She rubbed grit from her eyes as the other members of the squad filed into the locker, to get their showers, their change of clothes. They were all heading for the mess hall once they were done.

"What do you wish?" Gordon asked.

"We should be boarding with those pukes from that fancy pants detatchment that command slapped onto us at the last second," Kalian said.

"You want to board an enemy ship," Gordon said. "With Balors?"

"Shit, they're Balors?" Kalian and Ines both said the same thing, in the same tone of voice, with the same expression on their remarkably similar (for all the differences in skintone and phenotype and galactic ethnicity) faces.

"Yeah, I saw them on the scopes on the way back," Gordon said, rubbing his scalp with his hands. "It looks like the entire rest of this battlegroup is packing melters."

"Uuuugh!" Ines' nose wrinkled. "Nevermind, I hope we don't board anything."

"I say," the last of their squad, Juji, said as he finally got under the shower. "Let the Harrison Armory fucks deal with melters, I don't give a shit. Did you hear what this admiral did in his last fight?"

"No," Ines said.

"Did you not even read the briefings?" Gordon asked, causing laughter to echo through the rest of the room. Ines huffed, then turned her shower off. She looked extremely dignified, her nose thrust into the air.

"I will have you know, I skimmed them," she said.

When she crashed into bed, Ines fell asleep - and woke with annoying rapidity, dragged out by her alerts. Across from her, in the shared chamber that they split, Kalian grumbled. "Smother me with a pillow."

"Maybe we'll get to board someone!" Ines said, cheerfully.

Kalian brightened.

The two of them had the almost identical looks of sadness on their faces as they sat in the briefing room. It showed the glowing afterimages of the destroyed carriers that had been the central focus of their last attack. "You will be running assaults on the outer edges of the enemy fleet, targeting the source of a series of solid state infowar attacks and drone missiles," the Legion presence in the room said, showing a holographic field of their targets. "With an eye towards targets of opportunity."

Ines groaned.

"Everyone else gets to have all the fun," she said, as she and the rest of the wing got their feet.

When Ines sat down in Cerulea, her voice murmured in her ears. "Good morning, Pilot Lieutenant Ines Ibanlas. According to the Fleet Legion, you remain certifiably insane."

Ines huffed and crossed her arms with such force that her chassis almost did likewise before the armorers could load her magazines.


Pick what your boarding squads do! The NPCs will be rolling THEIR boarding too!

Balor Boarding - Target Hivequeen
[ ] Sabotage Fire Control: The boarded ship's battlegroup makes all single-target attack rolls with +2 DIFFICULTY until the end of their next turn.
[ ] Sever Comms: The boarded ship's battlegroup cannot use Tactics until the end of their next turn.
[ ] Assault CIC: The boarded ship's battlegroup cannot move player battlegroups with actions or abilities until the end of their next turn.

Wolf Squad Boarding - Target Hivequeen
[ ] Sabotage Fire Control: The boarded ship's battlegroup makes all single-target attack rolls with +2 DIFFICULTY until the end of their next turn.
[ ] Sever Comms: The boarded ship's battlegroup cannot use Tactics until the end of their next turn.
[ ] Assault CIC: The boarded ship's battlegroup cannot move player battlegroups with actions or abilities until the end of their next turn.

Main Derecho Squadron Boarding Action - Target Turtleback
[ ] Sabotage Fire Control: The boarded ship's battlegroup makes all single-target attack rolls with +2 DIFFICULTY until the end of their next turn.
[ ] Sever Comms: The boarded ship's battlegroup cannot use Tactics until the end of their next turn.
[ ] Assault CIC: The boarded ship's battlegroup cannot move player battlegroups with actions or abilities until the end of their next turn.
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-[X] [Balor] Target Hivequeen. Sever Comms: The boarded ship's battlegroup cannot use Tactics until the end of their next turn.
--[X] Use the Muir bonus to get Accuracy on the roll
-[X] [Wolf] Target Hivequeen. If Balor fails, Sever Comms
--[X] Else, Sabotage Fire Control
-[X] [Chassis Wing] Target Turtleback. Sabotage Fire Control: The boarded ship's battlegroup makes all single-target attack rolls with +2 DIFFICULTY until the end of their next turn.

We really need to get that comms down, but I don't think it's worth using the Muir's 1/engagement bonus right now. What good is a genius admiral if he can't talk to his fleet?
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This one is pretty straightforward, there's not really a lot of choices to make. The Hivequeen has a bunch of deadly tactics, no guns, and no real ability to move stuff around except for said tactics; this was pretty much all decided when we launched the boarding in the first place. The only question is whether or not to burn the +3 Accuracy here or later; I ran the numbers and it only improves our odds by ~3% so I'd say hold off on it.

Same with the Mounted Chassis boarding. The Turtleback has lots of guns, no tactics, and no abilities that move stuff. So, sabotage Fire Control it is.

[X] Plan: Mike Check
-[X] Balor Boarding (Hivequeen) - Sever Comms
--[X] Use Murie ability for +1d6.
-[X] Wolf Squad Boarding (Hivequeen) - Sever Comms
--[X] If Sever Comms already accomplished, Assault CIC instead.
-[X] Mounted Chassis Boarding (Turtleback) - Sabotage Fire Control