[X] Fontenoy. As an army bolstered by the direct presence of its King and Crown Prince withstood English assaults time and again until the enemy overreached and exposed its forces, rely on Saber's resilience. Withdraw into the tunnels, where her spear and shield work best, and avoid falling into a trap by studying the enemy's moves.
[X] Toulon. As a young Napoleon first earned fame by utilizing artillery to seize the enemy's own fortifications and compel surrender, take the enemy's most valuable yet vulnerable asset. Have Saber engage the Red Man in direct combat as a ruse, drawing him away from Sophia, that you might then launch a surprise assault and capture her, forcing her to surrender.
Gosh darn tricky weirdos
Hm. This was a planned ambush, which means our opponents expected to have a reasonable chance of victory; while we could write this off as mere arrogance, that seems itself like arrogance compared to assuming our enemies know roughly what they're doing. Which means we want to hit them with something unexpected.

At the moment, no other parties should be aware of the Phantom Engine; this will soon change regardless of our actions, meaning it is ideal to use as a surprise while we can, since we're not revealing any secrets we might need later in the War. If the Phantom Engine wasn't in play, then our foes could expect that our concern for secrecy would prevent us from moving the fight to a more open location. Accordingly:

[x] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.

I don't think the mystery event was just the Phantom Engine activating, but you still make an incredibly important point that our enemies won't know about the Engine yet.

I'm going to assume our enemy probably has this area trapped in some way, and guess they may have further traps set up in places they think we might run to. I'd assumed that the choice of mall vs tunnels would be a choice of tactics and terrain, with either option being equal in danger... But they don't know that a mall-fight is a viable option for us.

If anywhere beyond the current battlefield is trapped, it'll be the tunnels, the place they thought was our only escape. And going somewhere which can't turn out to be a prepared killing ground sounds pretty nice to me.

[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.
[X] Toulon. As a young Napoleon first earned fame by utilizing artillery to seize the enemy's own fortifications and compel surrender, take the enemy's most valuable yet vulnerable asset. Have Saber engage the Red Man in direct combat as a ruse, drawing him away from Sophia, that you might then launch a surprise assault and capture her, forcing her to surrender.

You know, all this is very interesting, but about 1000 words into this update I remembered that one of the possible Servant choices was The Terror, and man, that would have made all of this so much more hilarious.


You look at your Servant. You look at Lola. You look back at your Servant.

Okay. This is fine. This is absolutely fine. Servants have a minor anonymizing effect, and Berserker is usually fairly controlled (for a Berserker), and he isn't actually a single historical person, and Dolores Maria Christina von Worms-Östringen would never deign to actually research the little details of The Terror that would give him away--

The Terror is looking back from looking at Lola himself. Now he is looking at you with such painful disappointment. He knows.

You look to Lola.

Lola is looking back from looking at The Terror. She is looking at you, and somehow she is just as disappointed. She also knows.

"An aristocrat," The Terror says, and now he sounds like your dad. Which he is not, very definitely.

"The Terror," Lola says, and she sounds like your jilted ex-girlfriend. Which is she not, very technically.

""You can do better,"" they both say.

You do not die of shame. You are a sword of Reason.

You had very good reasons for all of your bad choices, and yet somehow you have found yourself here.

There is no justice in this world.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.

Aside from the points about how they don't know that we have protected ourselves from public attention with the Engine, our personal fighting style is also specifically suited for disrupting magic, so we should even better at cracking illusions with force.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.
[x] Fontenoy. As an army bolstered by the direct presence of its King and Crown Prince withstood English assaults time and again until the enemy overreached and exposed its forces, rely on Saber's resilience. Withdraw into the tunnels, where her spear and shield work best, and avoid falling into a trap by studying the enemy's moves.
You know, all this is very interesting, but about 1000 words into this update I remembered that one of the possible Servant choices was The Terror, and man, that would have made all of this so much more hilarious.

I mean, the Terror would be right to have a low opinion of Mads.

For a supposedly loyal member of the Cult of Reason, Mad sure hangs out with a lot of aristocrats and religious leaders. And she keeps letting them live.

And now, she just handed a major strategic asset of the Cult of Reason over to a king, for free, unilaterally, after admitting that everyone in the Cult would tell her not to do that, and that it wasn't the path of cold Reason.

She's basically a complete traitor to all the Cult's history and ideals. If this was still revolutionary times, she's due for a date with the guillotine as a counter-revolutionary.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.
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If anywhere beyond the current battlefield is trapped, it'll be the tunnels, the place they thought was our only escape. And going somewhere which can't turn out to be a prepared killing ground sounds pretty nice to me.
I usually prefer a more conservative approach, like Fontenoy, but that seems like a good point. And, as was mentioned elsewhere, intelligently applied brute force should be one of our strengths here.

Toulon seems super obvious. Attacking a weakness is good policy, but c'mon, won't everyone in the entire war be prepared for their Masters being targeted? Which means it's not much of a weakness.

[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.
Except defecting is what caused this war in the first place. Deciding that other actors are inscrutable, presumed hostile, and that a guaranteed minimal personal benefit is better than a possible maximal collective benefit is why the Magi of Europe decided to prosecute this war.

The Prisoner's Dilemma, eh? I liked this section. It established the stakes and Mad's reasoning in a neat way, laying everything out clearly.

"I…" Ruler says, and his expression softens, an odd wistfulness coming over his face, "I did not expect this."

This is a really interesting reaction. He didn't expect to be trusted, or accepted in his role?

A pause. Then, an almost-imperceptible nod of acknowledgement.

I just wish you didn't start with a potential enemy.

I feel like, in a Grail War, everyone worth trusting would be a potential enemy. Ruler at least is upfront about it. And he showed off his identity, which is - a very nice reward for taking a leap of faith.

It doesn't mean he isn't a future enemy, just one with a sense of honour and dignity.

It comes to you unbidden, an intrusive thought - someone needs to go back to Swords and Saber wants out of the constant interplay of trust and secrecy, Ruler needs to leave, Lola wants a coffee. Send both Servants on their way and offer to have this coffee with her.

You let that thought pass through you, and go away. Sometimes when something is taken out of life's attic it leaves torn cobwebs in the shape of its outline. The cobwebs are not the thing. Best to let it go.

This is a really nice section. Got an excellent sense of regret and past memories.

The last passerby you saw was a couple minutes ago. You're alone. You've been alone for a couple minutes, as you walked in the wrong direction.

Saber is there already, looking at you, waiting for your assessment.

"We're several hundred meters from where we should actually be," you say. "I don't actually know where. This is a physical place inside the station network, but…"

Impressively subtle illusion magic. Very talented indeed.

Laughter like a cavalry charge across a frozen lake, rushing across the tunnels and shaking the lamps from their ceilings. Loud and high-pitched, deliberate in a way only achievable by those refined enough that their laughter itself is a weapon.


I-it can't be... An ojou-sama?!

"Ladies and gentlemen!" says a loud, booming voice, smooth and unaccented. "Please, take a seat!"

An ojou-sama and a theatrical pretty boy?! Oh no . Now I have to stan...

"The sterling star of the Department of Summoning, without whom half the division would crumble!"

Bam. A neckpiece like a cascade of silver chains and gems over her bosom, and within each stone, a shadow stirring.

Well, that's presumably where she keeps some summonable bullshit.

"And Yours Truly, a most devillish rogue."

I am sure this has nothing to do with weird split chapter thing, or how both Mads and Lola reference feeling a bit off.

Nothing at all.

"Oh, hi there, Dolores," Sophia says, her tone polite, her voice with only the slightest edge of the poshest English accent.

"Hi, Sophia," Lola answers, slightly guarded. "Studies going well?"

"Couldn't be better," Sophia says with a smile - then her eyes go back and forth between you and Lola.

"Wait, are you two still dating? Is this a team-up scenario?"

Ah, aristos. Who probably went to school together. Gotta love it.

"I have nothing," she says. "Just noise. I'm not even sure that's a Servant."

Hm. Thats odd. Could be a very weak Servant, could be a weird familiar... Could be a Skill. Fights close up, and doesn't seem to have the ranged capability of Assassin.

Caster, Berserker - probably not Archer - Rider...

Very curious. Not enough detail to be sure, but whichever he is, it's a very weird kind of class.

[ ] Fontenoy. As an army bolstered by the direct presence of its King and Crown Prince withstood English assaults time and again until the enemy overreached and exposed its forces, rely on Saber's resilience. Withdraw into the tunnels, where her spear and shield work best, and avoid falling into a trap by studying the enemy's moves.

This seems to be a prepared area, so falling back and baiting an action seems like it makes sense.

Actually, scratch that.

[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.

An excellent point was made.

And in any case, the proper tactic when ambushed is to attack into it.
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[X] Patay

Was gonna vote for Fontenoy, but I'm guessing the English team was expecting Lancer or Berserker, not a Saber's MagRes (and with the Agility of a Lancer).

Also, I get the weird feeling that the split between parts felt like where a commercial break would be.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.

We have two main advantages as far as I can tell. The first is obviously we know that the Phantom Engine is a thing so we can be less subtle about our fight than they think we can. The second is that they are putting on a show, they want a duel. They are engaging in so much pageantry that I'm suspecting a writer/historian-Caster and that those stage lights are indeed part of some trick. Retreating into the tunnels is a good move for a spear fighter, but as pointed out that is where they think we can go to retreat. What they don't know is that we can go louder than they expected and rather than attempt to leave the stage, we can break the stage and shift this from a duel to a fight, exactly the sort of fight that Saber likes and is liable to allow Mads to punch an aristocrat in the face.

I will admit to the fact that I'm making assumptions about how these abilities might work, but that's half the fun of Fate fights, engaging assuming you know the rules of the fight and suddenly things are topsy-turvy and it's raining swords.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.
It's just a chapter break guys, nothing to worry about, don't think about it.

Oh hey, it's Team Rocket.

One of them is even blue and the other is red.

I'm on to you, @Omicron.

I'm on to you.
I'm not going to say that I watched a bunch of Team Rocket clips on YouTube before writing this update, but.

The past few updates have been fun to write, Lola and Mads's relationship is one I had been waiting to explore since before the big hiatus, and I wanted to showcase how Despite Verci's boisterous nature (and unfortunate ramblings while drunk with the American agents), she actually can be very reserved and good at opsec when she knows she has to. But as a result we've had a few updates about relatively conservative, human interactions without a lot of pizzaz on display, and I had been waiting for the chance to introduce this absolute drama bomb of a duo.

It looks like the voting has stopped, but I'll leave it open until tomorrow in case more people want to chime in. I've been very happy to see an uptick in discussion and speculation, though.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.
[X] Patay. As the flower of French chivalry inspired by Joan of Arc used speed, maneuverability and strength to lay waste to English archers, strike with overwhelming speed and power. Take the fight to the mall area above, where you can deploy your full force and agility. Tricks and illusions require time to set up, and are uniquely vulnerable to brute force properly applied.