The basic unit of governance is a
Province. As the leader of the clan, one province of your lands will be under your direct control; any provinces other than a capitol will require you to assign a provincial Daimyo to look after your interests there.
Like Samurai, Provinces have 5 Rings. Each Ring takes the value of the lower of its two subcategories.
EARTH - is the Ring of productivity and commerce. A province with weak Earth runs the risk of being unable to feed its people or armor its troops.
- Instead of Willpower, Provinces get Commerce. Commerce is a measure of how much your province makes from its relations with others. A province with high Commerce but low Production is weak to famine.
- Instead of Stamina, Provinces get Production. Production is a measure of the amount of crops that you grow, resources that you gather, and goods that you craft. A Province with high Production but low Commerce is weak to embargos.
AIR - is the ring of diplomacy and popularity. A province with weak Air runs the risk of alienating its allies and generating civil unrest.
- Instead of Awareness, Provinces get Diplomacy. Diplomacy is a measure of how frequently visitors from other Clans come to your courts, and your ability to be a good host. A province with high Diplomacy but low Popularity risks unplanned cultural changes or riots.
- Instead of Reflexes, Provinces get Popularity. Popularity is a measure of your Clan's reputation with the commoners that you govern. A province with high Popularity but low Diplomacy risks unplanned wars or alienating allies.
WATER - is the ring of intrigue and law. A province with weak Water is vulnerable to outside plots and criminal organizations.
- Instead of Perception, Provinces get Information. Information determines a province's ability to notice plots and to spy upon foreign courts. A province with high Information but low Enforcement risks being unable to act on important information.
- Instead of Strength, Provinces get Enforcement. Enforcement determines a province's ability to make arrests, remove undesirable elements, or intimidate potential enemies. A province with high Enforcement but low Information runs the risk of subversion.
FIRE - is the ring of learning and battle. A province with weak Fire is vulnerable to exterior attack.
- Instead of Intelligence, Provinces get Education. Education is a measure of the capabilities of a province's dojos, and of the sophistication of their equipment. A province with high Education but low Battle is at risk from manpower loss and to fighting while outnumbered.
- Instead of Agility, Provinces get Battle. Battle is a measure of the number and quality of a province's troops. A province with high Battle but low Education is more likely to lose in duels, and at risk when fighting foes with superior training.
VOID - is the ring of Enlightenment.
- Enlightenment measures a Province's relationship with the Kami and the priesthoods. Provinces with high Enlightenment will find themselves achieving moments of extraordinary success in unfavorable circumstances, and generate above-average numbers of shugenja. Low Enlightenment will achieve the reverse.
Unlike Samurai, Provinces do not receive skills. Instead, their skills are generated by the capabilities of the advisors that you choose to assist you in these various spheres. Having a competent advisor will allow strong successes even in Rings where your province is weak.