Knockturned for The Better (Harry Potter Shopkeeper Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Erien on Jan 17, 2025 at 7:51 AM, finished with 15 posts and 15 votes.

You want to keep the Croc eh.
Adhoc vote count started by Erien on Jan 17, 2025 at 7:51 AM, finished with 15 posts and 15 votes.

You want to keep the Croc eh.

We must honor Steve Erwin.
[X] [Write-in] Capture him. Egypt may be interested in him, or failing that... the Giant.

I just love the Idea of Quirrel getting through all the challenges and the-SUDDEN CROCODILIAN
[X] [Write-in] Capture him. Egypt may be interested in him, or failing that... the Giant.
[X] [Write-in] Capture him. Egypt may be interested in him, or failing that... the Giant.

Initially I was against the idea, but folks coming up with actual suggestions on how to trap him have convinced me to join the band wagon. Maybe we can transmute a hole in the ground to lead him into and just topple some of the statues into him as he tries to get out.

For gold and glory, let there be violence!
Adhoc vote count started by Erien on Jan 19, 2025 at 7:12 PM, finished with 31 posts and 26 votes.

Vote locked.
Next chapter delayed by possibly a day or two, dealing with burnout. Hope everyone is looking forward to seeing more of necromantic Egypt. I look forward to exploring a very religious and different society to magical England.
2.2 - Croc'em
[Write-in] Capture him. Egypt may be interested in him, or failing that... the Giant.

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

Nikola had never been a man particularly for plans, perhaps it was a fault of his youth. Perhaps it was a fault of his upbringing. His life had always been one of, perhaps not action, but definite excitement. From his time exploring the dark forests of Serbia as a boy, to lurking in the dark corners of the ministry he hadn't much put thought into things. Being partially dead had only emboldened him further, though, admittedly, that hadn't been the case for very long. So, when presented with a problem, it usually ended in one of two ways. The first being, of course, the purview of all mortals. Namely, 'would this likely kill me?' A common thought indeed, one that only had the faintest ticklings upon the younger minds until coming to the screaming forefront somewhere between the ages of twenty and thirty-five, barring the involvement of particularly strong liquors or particularly beautiful people. Followed immediately by. 'Can I profit from this?'

"Capture it." Nikola says simply, raising his staff.

"Oh, feisty." Morrigan says with a growing grin. "I like it."

Her wand flicks out with a loud crackling snap and the scent of burning tonsilberry. With a crash and a bang the doors slam open, and Crocus, Lord of the Nile dives through. He hadn't been expecting the door to open, as a consequence, his own momentum sent him surging forward with all the grace of a camel on an ice-rink. Nikola stood there, watching as the scrambling, scrabbling, cursing crocodilian skidded towards him, mouth snapping, eyes wild.

"Constructum." Nikola said with roughly the same amount of panic one would use to describe a sunny day.

The stones of the floor rose up vertically, golden coins falling away like rain as-


Crocus slams headfirst into the newly created wall. The assembled masonry, held together by magic, blasted apart by the force of the impact. Crocus stumbles, unhurt but dazed. It's eyes swimming around until they focus on Niko-

"Locomotor Wibbly!" Morrigan shouts.

With the grace of a dancer her wand waves through the air, purple tendrils tickling the side of the beast and sending it crashing to the floor, its limbs boneless and useless. But only for a moment, with a loud snapping sound of reordering limbs it leaps forward, jaw snapping around Nikola's midsection. Nikola ceased to be for a moment, his body becoming a touch more translucent as the crocodile passed through him. It roared in outrage, dust falling from the ceiling as it came to a skipping stop just next to the sarcophagi.

Nikola then paused, ignoring the shouted demands of Crocus, and focused. Beyond the dust, beyond the sand, beyond the sweat. There was another scent in the air, distant, unnoticeable to all but a select few. "Fluffi."

A twitch in the pocket, the command understood. The rabbit dived out of his coat and into the earth, disappearing from view a moment later. Crocus launched, roaring and snapping towards the second of the two wizards. Morrigan watches as the thing dives towards her with panicked eyes and a manic grin. She raises her wand, a protection charm forming in the air just a split second before impact.

Crocus slams into the magical shield, jaw snapping onto it and crushing it. Morrigan laughs in delight, then jerks her wand to the side, disappearing and reappearing ten feet away. With a mocking shout of 'Incarcerous' thick ropes erupt from the floor, wrapping around Crocus. It writhes, roaring in anger, twisting this way and that, pulling at them. "Levioso!"

Morrigan's wand snaps up and Crocus hurtles up and against the ceiling, crashing into it with all the force of a wrecking ball before falling back down again with a dull meaty thwack as stones from the ceiling rain down to pelt the beast. It roars again. "CROCUS SHALL BE FREE!" its limbs stretch, fighting against the ropes, snapping sounds filling the air.

Then a hand erupts from the ground, then another, then another and another. Skeletal hands devoid of flesh grab onto the crocodile, pulling it down against the ground. For every struggle from Crocus more appears, pulling it down with more force, dozens, then hundreds of grasping skeletal hands holding it in place as it roars in defiance and anger. Eyes locked onto Nikola, the man standing a few feet away, staff in his hand, expression neutral.

Morrigan walks up with her heels clicking against the ancient stone. Hand on her hand, she saunters up to the thrashing, roaring, cursing Crocus, then she kneels down, pressing the tip of her wand against its head.

"Petrificus Totalus."
The crocodile goes still, though its eyes remain locked on the woman, filled with hate. Then they shift further down, in what Nikola can only surmise meant confusion as a tiny, ghostly bunny rabbit appeared, and began to swipe at it.

It took a good half hour to look over everything, all the while Fluffi continued to do its work.

Nikola stares down at the ghost bunny lightly bapping the sedated crocodile on the head. Its paws were going straight through the snout to land on the floor, but it was doing it with such rapidity and tenaciousness that Nikola for a moment almost believed there was a chance Fluffi might actually make contact. Reaching down, Nikola picked up the now flailing bunny by the back of its neck, spinning it around to face him. "You want to be sold too?"

"The rabbit is for sale?" Morrigan asks.

"If he doesn't behave, yes." Nikola half replies, half threatens.

The rabbit goes still, then hops back into Nikola's pocket. Nikola then sighs the sigh of a parent or pet owner. Though, from his experience they seemed quite similar, turning his attention back to Crocus, the creature too sedated to move but just awake enough to glare at him with all the force a one-ton scaled lizard could muster while drugged out of its mind could muster.

Nikola gently set down his trunk, undoes the latches, points his wand at the crocodile-


And with widening eyes of panic the thing shrinks to be roughly the size of a small crocodile. Reaching down, he straps it to the inside of the trunk, right next to the bottle of 'Forget-Me-Not-Draught' and 'Mrs Skower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover'. Satisfied, he shut the trunk again and clipped it back onto his belt.

"Good luck getting that out of Egypt." Morrigan says, staring at the trunk with her arms crossed. "I think that counts as the importation of a magical creature."

"I have my ways." Nikola replies with the all-too-tired voice of a man who has perhaps, far too many.

"I'm sure," Morrigan replies, with the far-too-smug voice of a woman who was constantly collecting more. "It should be worth a great deal then, I take it that's what you are claiming of this?"

Nikola turns to look around at the assembled coinage. "It should be worth a fair amount I would believe… and I doubt the coins would be of interest in my shop."

"The exchange rate of Ancient-Egyptian to Galleons is awful I assure you," Morrigan replies. "The Goblins saw fit to that." With a wave of her hand, the hundreds of coins lift off the floor in a swirling mass, then fly forward, diving into a pocket of her dress and out of sight. Then she walks forward, observing the various decorations. "The sarcophagi will make for a nice decoration in some noble estate, however. As will the pillars." Morrigan taps her wand against her hand, then looks at Nikola with a smile. "I shall be moving them, but that will require more pockets than I possess at the moment. No matter, I can arrange it regardless, shall we be off then. It would be remiss for us to leave Egypt so quickly after we arrived. Tell me, have you ever tried Koshari?"

"If I lie, would you respect me more, or less?"

Morrigan smiles. "That depends entirely on how convincing the lie is, now, come along." With that, the woman turns around, making her way out of the tomb with the march of a conqueror in high heels.

"Not curious about skeletal hands?" Nikola asks.

Morrigan pauses for only a moment, places a hand on her hip and turns her head. The expression on her face is highly skeptical, and moderately offended. "You're in Egypt, what's a little Necromancy?" Then she turns back and saunters down the hall.

Nikola stares after her for a moment, then follows along, and together they made their way out, where-

[] [The portkey back was broken]
After much swearing about cheapskates, Morrigan produced a flying implement. It was a long way back, but the two of them got to know each other better at least.

[] [They got caught up in a parade]
Dancing animals, laughing children, ancient trinkets for cheap! Just mind the Sphinx, she bites.

[] [An exploration of Cairo was had]
It's a thousand years old, surely there must be something interesting?