Knockturned for The Better (Harry Potter Shopkeeper Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Erien on Jan 3, 2025 at 8:12 AM, finished with 31 posts and 27 votes.

Results so far.
[X] [Ask about her line of work, she kept talking about it, even as Nikola and Morrigan had to fight a crocodile that believed itself the rightful King of Egypt]
[X] [Ask about her line of work, she kept talking about it, even as Nikola and Morrigan had to fight a crocodile that believed itself the rightful King of Egypt]
Adhoc vote count started by Erien on Jan 3, 2025 at 8:29 PM, finished with 34 posts and 29 votes.

Locking in 24.
Adhoc vote count started by Erien on Jan 5, 2025 at 9:20 AM, finished with 36 posts and 30 votes.

Vote locked.
[x] [Ask about her, she seemed rather proud of her own existence. So did that rambling mad muggle that had been wandering down here for two hundred years]
2.1 - Crocus
[Ask about her line of work, she kept talking about it, even as Nikola and Morrigan had to fight a crocodile that believed itself the rightful King of Egypt]

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

Nikola follows into step behind Morrigan. She steps carefully, watching the walls to either side and the tiles below her feet. She isn't moving quickly, she is, surprising to Nikola, moving at a very controlled, cautious pace. Something about her made him somewhat expect she'd be a mite more eager, a touch more aggressive. But now? As light glowed from the tip of her wand to cast odd shadows over the ancient carved stone, she is about as cautious as a mouse in the company of a cat.

Nikola, for his part, simply followed along. There are times he wishes he could float, simply ignore the problem altogether. But, alas, the last time he tried that he had fallen through three basement levels in the Serbian Ministry of Magic. So instead, he simply followed in her footsteps, his eyes shifting from point to point, wary of more traps. More things that might want to try and kill him. They couldn't, not as long as he is paying at least some modicum of attention. But to be lax was to be dead, and he was halfway there already and he didn't much like giving the reaper further chances. To that end he slipped the coat back on, the heat… well, he couldn't really feel temperature to begin with.

The interior as they continued further in was remarkably cleaner, free from the dust and sand of the entrance. The stone here was new and fresh, like it had only been carved the previous day. Sconces in walls sat empty, blackened marks against the stone showing they had, at one point, burned proudly with long forgotten torches. The spell from Morrigan's wand, and Nikola's own… less-than-human eyesight illuminated things well enough however. The further they went, the nicer it got. The stones become smooth, they transition from rock, to limestone. Hieroglyphs depicting… Nikola honestly had no idea, line the wall. Figures praying in supplication towards the sun? Or was that a gem.

"Rather nice for a merchant's tomb." Nikola says quietly.

"Too nice," Morrigan says, a tinge of excitement to her voice, "But then Kareem has also been spotty in the details."

"And yet you continue to work with him?"

Morrigan shrugs her shoulders, her golden blazer glimmering in the harsh white light cast by her wand. "His scouts are spotty in what can actually be found… but the locations are always excellent, he has only led me into an empty cave once in the many times I've worked with him now."

The passage continued straight, it had yet to turn, instead it goes deeper, down and down and down. Nikola could no longer see the entrance behind them, the light fades away. Making it so the only illumination being the light of Morrigan's wand. No turns, no further traps… just deep, very deep. "You seem rather… proper to be a tomb delver."

"My stunning beauty and impeccable sense of dress and manners you mean?" Morrigan asks, the smile on her face coming through in her tone.

"And your ego."

Morrigan laughs, a rich melodic sound that bounced off the walls of the bomb. "Nikola, if you believe me egotistical you should see those I used to rub shoulders with. And besides," She turns her head slightly, smiling back at him. "It's not being egotistical if it's the truth."

"Is that how it works?" Nikola asks.

"If I say it is, absolutely, though others are free to use the wrong definition of ego all they like." Morrigan replies, turning her gaze back to the path ahead. She stops then, looking down at the floor. "Well now," Nikola follows her gaze to see three large pointed sticks jutting up from the floor. Each was about a foot high, enough that, if they came up with any form of force, whoever triggered it would have lost at least a leg.

"Age set it off?" Nikola muses.

Morrigan looks over the sticks for a moment, running a hand over the top of one, she observed the dust that came off onto her glove and frowned. "So it appears. I don't see what could have triggered it were it not activated however."

Nikola looks them over himself, they were simple things, roughly hewn logs shaped like spikes, but something was… "They are pointing inside, not out."

Morrigan blinks, then steps back, looking over the trap. "You're right."

Four sharpened wooden stakes, set up in such a way that they would launch up from the floor… and they were pointed into the tomb, not towards the entrance. Were someone to trigger this trap while entering… it would do less than nothing. "Are you any good with that staff Nikola?" Morrigan asks, a trill of excitement in her voice.

"I'm good enough," Nikola replies, bringing it up and holding it at an angle, pointed forwards as they both make their way around the trap.

"This is why I do it," Morrigan says, her voice quick. "The mystery, the excitement. I don't wish to be stuck in a manor all day. That's why I opened my shop, that's why I do this."

"Yes, your shop… I've yet to be by, I'm afraid." Nikola replies. "I haven't had much of a chance to explore in any case."

"Afraid to leave your shop in case someone comes by?"

"Something like that," Nikola replies.

"Not much to say," Morrigan says with a hum, tracing her finger along the wall, her feet leaving little traces of dirt on the limestone floor as she moves. "It is the nicest store in Knockturn Alley of course, it will be hard to miss. Unlike Borgin and Burkes I actually clean. Once you step inside you will be immediately met by some of the most delightful incense from the Far East, a gift from the Emperor of course. Then you shall see my wonderful collection of just about everything the heart could desire."

"Yet cursed." Nikola comments.

"Yet discounted," Morrigan counters. "When one can buy a broom for half the price they would at that Quidditch supply store my store is an enticing offer."

"You believe we'll find a broom in here?"

Morrigan looks at her dust covered glove for a moment. "Demonstrably not, but I also do buy cursed items and sell them at a markup. It's how I get my 'newer' stock."

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"... And?"

"Right, my apologies. Silly question." Nikola says after a moment. "Do people just enter the shop and sell them to you?"

Morrigan shakes her head. "Rarely, I am not a pawn shop. But there's a monthly auction at the tradehouse, there's usually plenty of stock to choose from there. Nobles selling bits of their estates, ministry liquidation. Plenty. As long as you don't anger the giant."

"The guard?"

"No, a rather large fellow always on the lookout for rare beasts. He's about the only one that will get physical about it at least. Though there is plenty of… surreptitious spellcasting going on. Business in Knockturn is rather cutthroat."

"So you mentioned," Nikola replies. "I believe you warned me of robbers as well when we first met."

"I did indeed," Morrigan replies neutrally. "I've had to deal with my fair share of thugs who wanted to make a quick galleon at my expense. One curse usually sorts them out, but it's still an annoyance one doesn't truly run into in Diagon Alley. The constables don't bother walking our street."

Nikola briefly thought about mentioning that he hadn't seen any 'robbers' lately, just people looking to kidnap or kill him. Then he realized that would be a truly terrible idea and kept his mouth shut. The scent of ancient… decay was present now, tickling his nose. Beyond the scent of dust, there was the scent of rot as well, but nothing fresh. This was an old death. He had smelled enough fresh corpses to know the difference. The source of it became clear a half minute later as the tunnel finally… stopped. It ended in a blank, white marble slab set into a wall, with hieroglyphic writing running across it. Two scones sat mounted on either side of it, a torch in each long since burned out, the wood ruined. The entire thing was clean, no dirt, no dust, no anything. That is, except for the large stain on the floor. A skeleton was laying on the ground, its back against the door, tattered remains of clothes, muggle clothes, littered the bones and the floor. Decades old dried blood painted the floor with an old pocket knife stained with the same blood sitting in the middle of it.

"A muggle beat us here it would seem," Morrigan says, with the same tone of voice one would use to describe the weather.

"And then killed themselves from the looks of it." Nikola observes.

"I wonder how they got in here," Morrigan muses, moving a hand to her chin. "There isn't usually more than one entrance to these tombs, and he certainly couldn't have moved that stone."

"Could have dug their way in," Nikola offers.

"Possibly, either way. Nobody would be looking for them regardless so we can safely ignore it." Waving her wand, the skeleton shifts to the opposite wall, bones falling down onto the floor with a clatter. Stepping forward, she looks over the door, gloved hand reaching out to point at it and trace the lines, but comes just shy of touching it. "Now then, I'm sure this is either a warning, an epitaph, or a riddle of some sort. I am also not going to bother trying to cast magic at it in such a narrow hallway in case it attempts to kill me." She takes a step back, hands on her hips. "I know a fair bit of the local language, and I could decipher this easily enough. But I don't have to." She then turns her head to look at Nikola, grinning.

"Moment." Nikola says, holding the staff at his side, he walks up to the door, stares at it for a moment, then walks through it. A cold feeling washes over him, and then he's through and into a chaotic mess. It's a large space, nearly entirely built of ancient looking yellow sandstone. It's a rectangular roomed, that smells heavily of metal. Indeed, there was plenty of it around. Gold, silver, precious gems and just about everything else an ancient society might consider valuable was just piled around the place. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of old coins like one must read about in a muggle fantasy book was about. All piled in seeming effigy around a large statue of a crocodile in the center of the room. Indeed, the whole room seems to be dedicated to it. Paintings on the wall made of old chipped dyes show figures bowing in worship of the crocodile. More statues, smaller, built in its image, and… no other doors.

Taking this all in for a moment longer, Nikola turns back to face the door. It is blank on this side, no writing or markings of any kind… just scratch marks, a rather worrying amount of scratch marks cut rather deep into the door. Lines criss cross it, jagged and rough, like that of claws. Reaching forward, Nikola presses his hand against the stone, and tries to push it aside. It budges slightly, but doesn't move otherwise, and he frowns. "I don't see a way to open it from this side without magic."

To no response. Nikola pauses, listening. He can't hear Morrigan at all through the door, indeed, he can't hear much of anything besides the rustling, almost musical sound of falling coins.

Nikola spins around, staff raised. And finds himself staring at a gargantuan crocodile, easily a dozen feet long and appreciably wide as well, climbing out of the pile of riches. Golden and silver coins stick to its scales like armor, gemstones cling to its face, and a bright golden crown sits upon its head. Nikola watches in mute fascination as it emerges, stretching itself for a moment before stepping fully out of the pile just a few feet away from the Serbian wizard.

It smiles, a wet growl sounding from its throat.

"Hello," Nikola off-


Nikola blink, a hand rubbing at his ears. "I never opened it."

Crocus's eyes narrow. "THEN DIE."

With a deafening roar the Crocodile charges, Nikola stares at it in fascination, watching as the gems and gold glitters in the light. Wait… light? He stares at it for a moment as it continues to fly at him, then looks towards the ceiling where, indeed, a small hole was present a good thirty feet up, a pile of gold was underneath it, built in what almost looks like a ramp that reached roughly a quarter of the height needed, claw marks decorating the walls around it.

Nikola turns his head back, and watches as the Crocodile goes flying through him.

Straight towards the doors it then crashes face first into. It lands there with a groan. Then, with a rumble, the door slides open. It splits down the middle and pulls itself into the walls to either side, one half going left, the other going right. Revealing Morrigan on the other side, her mouth opened, remark at the ready. Which dies as she spots the Crocodile recovering just enough to begin to lunge at her.

"Leviosa!" Morrigan barks, wand snapping towards it.

Crocus roars, it's back legs lifting off the ground for but a moment before it breaks free of the spell and launches far too many teeth at Morrigan's face. The witch ducks, partially slamming herself against the wall as the gargantuan beast narrowly misses her. Without missing a beat she dives into the room, landing on her back.

Nikola raises his staff, "Portus!"

The panels of stone begin to close in again, just as the Crocodile turns around and lunges once more.


"Glacius!" Morrigan shouts, her own wand raised.

The freezing charm flies through the narrowly closing gap in the door, hitting the Crocodile and doing… nothing, ice covered the tips of its snout, but it simply roared louder in anger. Slamming into the door with enough force to dent it inwards. Then it slams shut.

Nikola stands there, staff at the ready. Morrigan remained seated, the witch getting her breath back for but a moment before… the door began to open again. Slowly at first, then with great effort it began to be pulled aside, revealing Crocus leaning against it, clawed hands, small though they were, pulling the door open. It is… a rather awkward thing to see a crocodile do.


The door slams shut once more.

"Persistent little fellow isn't he?" Morrigan asks, standing up quickly.

"He declared himself Lord of the Nile and seems to be rather dedicated to escaping this place."

The door began to groan again.

"He seems rather dedicated to killing us instead of leaving." Morrigan notes.

"I cannot speak to his intelligence, but I would also rather not let it leave." Nikola replies.

"I would agree," Morrigan replies, moving one hand to fix her hand, then turning her full attention to the door. "But the thing seems rather more annoyed by my spellwork than anything."

The door opens an inch.


"Well, we'd best plan quickly then." Nikola responds.

[] [Kneel]
Maybe if they do what it wants they can buy some time.

[] [Escape]
They can get out of that hole in the ceiling, it can't. Of course... it'll get out.

[] [Try and trap it where you found it]
… That'd leave the riches behind.

[] [Write-in]
[X] [Try and trap it where you found it]

[X] [Write-in] Capture him. Egypt may be interested in him, or failing that... the Giant
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Nikola looks them over himself, they were simple things, roughly hewn logs shaped like spikes, but something was… "They are pointing inside, not out."

Oooh, trying to keep something in, eh?

Plenty. As long as you don't anger the giant."

"The guard?"

"No, a rather large fellow always on the lookout for rare beasts. He's about the only one that will get physical about it at least.

Hagrid. Hagrid, what have you been doing? Hagrid, what have you been BUYING?!

Gold, silver, precious gems and just about everything else an ancient society might consider valuable was just piled around the place. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of old coins like one must read about in a muggle fantasy book was about

Oh man, it's the motherlode!

Nikola spins around, staff raised. And finds himself staring at a gargantuan crocodile, easily a dozen feet long and appreciably wide as well, climbing out of the pile of riches. Golden and silver coins stick to its scales like armor, gemstones cling to its face, and a bright golden crown sits upon its head.

Ooh, he's bathing/napping in it, like a dragon!

Let's nab him!

[X] [Write-in] Capture him. Egypt may be interested in him, or failing that... the Giant.
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[X] [Write-in] Capture him. Egypt may be interested in him, or failing that... the Giant.

He seems to be immune if not heavily resistant to most spells, but let's think creatively. Transmuting a cage out of the hallway he's in might hold him, or maybe a combination of Charms Summoning and Runes could trap Crocus in a ritual circle where he constantly gets pulled back to one spot if he tries to leave. Worse comes to worse, there's probably a suitably nice amulet somewhere in the treasure pile that we could soul-bind him into.
[X] [Write-in] Capture him. Egypt may be interested in him, or failing that... the Giant.

You're our friend now. We're having soft tacos later!
[X] [Write-in] Capture him. Egypt may be interested in him, or failing that... the Giant.
[X] [Write-in] Capture him. Egypt may be interested in him, or failing that... the Giant.
Lots and lots of sleeping/confusion charms? Then sell him to Hagrid, Crocus can be Dumbledore's problem now.
[X] [Write-in] Capture him. Egypt may be interested in him, or failing that... the Giant.