To put it another way, with Deadliness Audrey now has three broadly obvious ways to end a fight.
- Dramatic finish by GKB
- Brutal Disabling by LBH
- Cheesed Murder by FG
So you need to hypothetically defend against all three of these avenues if you're fighting her, when there's only so much space that you can bring into a fight under this combat system
Even assuming perfect counters existing to all three, that still leaves a fourth, less obvious one
So now you're going to need to prep four ways to not lose to Audrey, even assuming you have an efficient set of responses that fill up one slot per capacity equivalent loadouts
Against a peer, that's half. Then you add in typical defensive measures to avoid getting your ass beat by Audrey's next low key advantage
- Ludicrous Soma relative to her peers
Which means you need to have your own means to keep her from just beating you down through raw force. Let's call that one a buff to physical stats or offensive tech to keep up in the DPS race
Lastly. But not leastly. Leaving Audrey's other latest advantage to advance her wincons in a fight
Which can be very fucky on ones perception based ability. So now you've got some poor bastard needing to use up 6 of his loadout slots just to avoid falling behind Audrey. And this assumes perfect information, with Audrey not fighting with her companions in tow.
At this stage, and before Audrey accumulates further wincons, how will her opponents have time to advance their own wincons when they're spending their lives trying to avoid falling prey to Audrey's own?
Barring the Norsemen, that's a pretty decisive advantage. And for those, you just need to hit them harder till they die regardless