But why Diamond Dome? What could they POSSIBLY have that is that attractive to the aliens?

I mean, I know we rolled a two, but I expected that to mean that some sort of bombardment got missed or something like that. Them deciding to just fuck off to the middle of nowhere and attack something that has literally no military value just seems crazy.

Mantis aren't capable of discerning strategic value, they see "Non-Mantis Life Forms", and they attack.

The only nod they'll really make to "Strategy" is preferring to hit a settlement so they don't have to make their LZ in the middle of the God Damn Forest. Diamond Dome is small enough to be easily rolled up, and populated enough that they'll take it over a recently depopulated settlement (Because holy crusade against non-Mantis lifeforms)

The 2 just meant that they decided one of our territories out of the countless many others that fit the criteria, largely by chance.

(Still, looking like the Mantis are going to roll everyone up thanks to the Belters fucking up in space, considering how aggressive they're being and how they now have the high ground largely unopposed)
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But why Diamond Dome? What could they POSSIBLY have that is that attractive to the aliens?

I mean, I know we rolled a two, but I expected that to mean that some sort of bombardment got missed or something like that. Them deciding to just fuck off to the middle of nowhere and attack something that has literally no military value just seems crazy.
"Commander, there is an area of civil strife on the planet that may prove a weakpoint"

"Ah, excellent. Maybe we'll get a foothold at last. Target it with everything we've got"
But why Diamond Dome? What could they POSSIBLY have that is that attractive to the aliens?

I mean, I know we rolled a two, but I expected that to mean that some sort of bombardment got missed or something like that. Them deciding to just fuck off to the middle of nowhere and attack something that has literally no military value just seems crazy.

I don't think the Mantis have good enough tech to get a good picture of what the situation on the ground is through the massive interference from all the metal on this planet. They probably have at best blurry pictures from orbit they took while fighting of the Belters. They probably just picked a random city far away from anything that is launching aircraft and hope to find out more on the ground. And we got unlucky on the location roll.
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Because 'Mantis interrupt' was already planned for the middle of a confrontation with Anna, I figured that made for the best way to end the update.
*sigh* Planned melodrama, and an early enemy attack to boot. Still, thanks for the info, it's less mind-blowingly random now.

And hey, the more you know...
In this instance, they kind of threw a dart at a heat map of heat map of ground based resistance, aiming for one of the low spots next to a high spot.
So... easy landing point next to large blitzkrieg target?
So... easy landing point next to large blitzkrieg target?
Looks like a classic beachhead.

Speaking of which...

@Academia Nut
I just realized something:
Did the cube's ambient effects trigger the shit out of the former Diamond Dome people? Because they exploded into violent expansion and frankly nonsensical raids(at least, based on their stated objectives) all of a sudden despite a relatively stable if slowly deteriorating situation, during a period where we had high cube activation, and the whole of their population is dosed to the point of dependency with what is probably a psychically active drug made from brains.

Seems like lots of them might be picking up stray L-space signals and getting incredibly erratic as a result.
[X] On the frontlines

There was really only one place for Ella at a time like this, and that was with her soldiers on the frontlines. Alexander was left with Ella's mother, although that whole encounter was just awkward and weird. It should have been a deeply emotional moment, but instead it was just... truncated. Ella had too many unanswered questions and stressors weighing down on her. Her grandmother had promised answers once she knew them herself, although the fact that Ella didn't want to risk the cube being taken away meant that she didn't press on what was going on there the way a part of her knew she should have. She should be going into battle in peak condition, but instead she knew that she would be silver or even white haired by the end of all this.

By the time she arrived back at Razorleaf Meadows to saddle up in her mech and gather her troops, a massive amount of war material was already flowing through the settlement. Stonebridge was going to be the primary staging ground, and while for now that meant that things were going to be more or less out of her control, assuming the settlement was intact at the end of things there would be considerable infrastructure installed for her when control was handed back to her.

The open areas that had once housed solar panels before fusion reactors had been made more common were now also parking lots for the aircraft heading back and forth from the front. While mostly Green Owl Ukkos, there were a number of foreign designs present as well, including what had to be a Belter fighter of some sort, given the advanced systems on display across its faintly alien frame. Unfortunately, pretty much all of the aircraft showed damage of some sort present on their frames, and more than a few were so badly damaged they were clearly being cannibalized for parts to keep the other craft flying. The reports from Diamond Dome were grim, with enemy bombardment and aerospace assets having ensured the safety of initial assets, followed by the landing of large transports. Both sides were deploying theatre scale warheads wherever possible, but thus far the human forces had only really scored one significant kill that way, with a 10kT AA missile knocking out a major transport.

On the ground side of things there was a lot of confusion, but things were generally looking grim. All contact had been lost with assets within the city itself, and it was considered a safe assumption that everyone had either fled, died, or been captured. No one was quite sure if the Mantis took prisoners since space warfare wasn't particularly conducive to the practice, but the Belters had old files from explorers that indicated that the aliens were notably xenophobic and thus it was assumed that anyone still alive in Diamond Dome had simply not been found yet. It was also suspected that the Mantis had demolished the rail lines for the city in their bombardment, but this was suspected to be due to the Mantis not particularly understanding the realities of long distance transport across Dandriss.

Current planning, such as it was, was for a number of probing ground attacks to attempt to understand Mantis ground capabilities before making any grand moves to shove them out of the settlement. The Belter fleet was also reorganizing after getting their teeth kicked in and from past experience the Mantis would have to withdraw for logistical reasons. If they tried to fight with their weapon racks expended they would lose their entire fleet, and logistical streams were vulnerable to defeat in detail, so they would have to pull out of orbit eventually. The only question was if they could be pushed out of Diamond Dome before reinforcements arrived.

A Sound of Thunder (21)

By the time Ella arrived with everything Razorleaf Meadows had at Stonebridge, at least part of the reason for the landing had become clear: the Mantis wanted a supply base for aircraft, as evidenced by the ubiquity of air battles in the sky and the fact that there was an almost constant rumble of AAA firing at targets. The small settlement was rapidly filling up with troops. Most of them were from Green Owl - although some were clearly from some of the wealthier subsections and had some unique modifications to their standard load out of gear that was commented on. Still, there were a significant number of troops from other polities present. There were tall, lanky warriors from Indigo Hammer dressed in organic armour, mostly silent cyborgs from the Authority off in their own corner attended to by their ornately dressed officers, a whole company of Blackthorn dragonslayers wearing their kills as armour, the frankly monstrously huge giants of Andraste's clan, and even a single Belter Agent in sophisticated and sleek power armour standing silently in his or her own dark corner.

The whole situation was of course tense, and there was an expectation of some sort of ground push against the settlement, as the Mantis were having little success at wrestling control of the skies enough for a proper bombing run due to the presence of large amounts of AAA. No one was quite sure if the general staff would push for a first strike against Diamond Dome, or if they would wait for the Mantis to come to them first. Either way, the toxic ash falling from the sky from the forests burnt out by the bombardment served as a somewhat sombre reminder of the situation. Of course, out where the forests had been blasted the worst new shoots were almost certainly erupting, with all the dangers that entailed.

Humans had decided that unless you could pave over it with adamantium that reached most of the way to the mantle, it was a bad idea to try to burn out the forest. Only made it aggressive.

Ella has time before operations start, one way or another. Pick two groups to talk to:
[] Her own troops
[] Other Green Owl troops
[] Indigo Hammer warriors
[] Authority elites
[] Blackthorn dragonslayers
[] Andraste's Avengers
[] Belter Agent
I think we need to talk to our own troops and that we have a good shot at rapport with the dragonslayers. Indigo Hammer warriors could also go well since we have the enclave. I'm not particularly optimistic about the Belter Agent, but if it does go well with him that would be amazing.
Damn, just barely missed it. Seriously people- I like wading in and wrecking face as much as anybody, but Ella isn't Dia and doesn't have any special feature when it comes to mass warfare. She does have a very strong special in with the people who need to be organized for the evacuation. The same people who have already been saved by her before and then spontaneously crowned her queen and started following her orders without resistance once before.

Well, as long as we're here, let's make the most of it. Dandris is a special hell for the Mantis. Let's plug the Nightmare Cube into our mech's fusion reactor and really traumatize them while inviting all the unpleasant tourists to come play with the interesting new prey.

Also, Anna is a ruthless zealot. Nobody should be surprised at this.

The Blackthornians have been tracking the Cube for a while. The Sword appeared to have similar features and attracted Reavers as well, so it's not unreasonable that they were interested in Razorleaf even if for no other reason than as a previously false lead on the Cube. We don't know enough about the context of the situation, but remember the contemplation that the Dragon lure and initial mental influence had a large human factor rather than being Reavers? Anna might have presented the Cube specifically because she recognized Blackthorn interference.

[X] On the frontlines

Huh, psionic daddy and psionic torture cube. Those flippant comments by a few people that we'd go psychic if we went too deep might not even be wrong. Apparently the cube is extremely powerful, considering the beta test can be heard halfway across the planet to anyone with the right ears for it, so Anna has been doing a lot of black research or accidentally stumbled into a very dangerous variant early on.

Anna seems to discourage any pursuit of Reaver tech, and we have a previous-game reason to believe that it is sincere. However, Blackthorn doesn't have that restriction and is further ahead in the field of psionics, so why are they confused and fascinated by the cube if it was created by the inferior Green Owl? It seems likely that it isn't something Anna created or even really understands. It might be recovered exotic pre-fall technology, but even pre-fall psionics wasn't very well understood. The only other source is Reaver-tech, but Anna can't use Reaver-tech, except for one specific example. An example that she knows is associated with her powerful psyker sister intimately involved with battling the Reavers she utterly and personally loathes on a level nobody else understood and through her the Dragons.

The Nightmare Cube is looking like the original puzzlebox reformulated for the new game, or possibly a human interface layered over the original. Look at what it is doing. It is trying to force the development of enough discipline to uncomfortably direct thoughts down very specific paths in a complex maze. She's trying to embody that in the form of a modified laboratory. Ella doesn't have any background in psionics, and may not even be one herself, so it is an extremely disorienting experience.
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[X] Her own troops
[X] Belter Agent

We are in charge of a multi-cultural resort town
An ideal place for a certain small group to settle after the current ... unpleasantness is resolved.
It just sucks were extremely stressed while we make the pitch, might make it less persuasive.
Let's see who the dice are interested in.

[X] Her own troops
[X] Belter Agent
Aabcehmu threw 2 7-faced dice. Reason: Who to talk to? Total: 8
7 7 1 1
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