King by His Own Hand: A Conan the Barbarian ISOT [Conan/ASOIAF]

Looks pretty interesting, consider it watched.

I should really watch the Conan movies sometime.

Do it now. Don't procrastinate! Just Do It!

I'm glad i clicked to see what the story was about. Perhaps it might help to put conan/asoiaf in the title seeing as I at leat didn't know what isot meant.

It's been a long time since i saw the movies, the arnie one, and already after two chapters I get the same savage happy feeling I had during those films. I cannot wait to see how this story progresses. Watched!
When Writing this second Chapter, my muse took hold, which is why I decided to split off the meeting with the First Sword for Chapter 3, which will be up at some point today.
Looks cool, would have thought having him sail out of the Sunset Sea would be better, that or Slavers Bay, then he could make himself king of there, rather than Braavos, a few points to note

They're truer to the original.

Apparently not, the more recent one was praised for being the closest, but I prefer the Arnie ones as well

the mystic Atlantean Metal ringing with the sound of being pulled from the leather of his scabbard.

This isn't how swords work. The only swords that 'shing' are 19th century sabres with metal scabbards. A leather scabbard would make a rasp

aimed at impaling Conan

He's got mail on, and this Braavo is trying to stab him?

At this point the other two Bravos jumped up onto the stage, advancing on Conan

If this really is a sanctioned dueling arena, rather than a street brawl then there will be guards and rules. They would not be allowed to enter the stage while the duel is going on. Also Conan and the duelist have different weapons, I'm suprised the other people about didn't remark on this, Conan is even wearing armour
Looks cool, would have thought having him sail out of the Sunset Sea would be better, that or Slavers Bay, then he could make himself king of there, rather than Braavos, a few points to note

Apparently not, the more recent one was praised for being the closest, but I prefer the Arnie ones as well

This isn't how swords work. The only swords that 'shing' are 19th century sabres with metal scabbards. A leather scabbard would make a rasp

He's got mail on, and this Braavo is trying to stab him?

If this really is a sanctioned dueling arena, rather than a street brawl then there will be guards and rules. They would not be allowed to enter the stage while the duel is going on. Also Conan and the duelist have different weapons, I'm suprised the other people about didn't remark on this, Conan is even wearing armour

It's Braavos, nobody said the Bravos were clever or organized, just that their dueling draws large crowds and isn't punished by the Authorities.

As to the Shing, it's a sword from a Fantasy Setting made of mystical metal, I took some artistic license
God ducking dammit.

This is like the third time this happens to me.

I was thinking about making a Conan/game of thrones crossover and what do I see?

Someone posted it a couple of days after I thought about it. Sigh.

I guess I'll have to do something else now.
Chapter 3: New Friends, New Enemies
"Other men were stronger, faster, younger, why was Syrio Forel the best? I will tell you now. The seeing, the true seeing, that is the heart of it" -Syrio Forel on how he became the First Sword of Braavos.

Conan awoke the next morning refreshed. Today was the day he would go out and attempt to find employment as a hired sword. He belted on his hauberk and sword, pulled on his boots and walked downstairs to the common room for a hearty breakfast before going out. As he entered the common room he saw that several eyes turned towards him, giving him appraising looks. As he sat down at a table, ordering sausage, eggs, and a mug of ale to wash it down with, a man came up to him. This man was oddly attired, he wore leather armor, but dyed a bright yellow. He had a forked beard that was dyed blue, and carried a dagger and sickle-sword belted at his waist, with hilts adorned in golden naked women. "I wished to see for myself the man who bested the finest Water Dancer in this Quarter of Braavos. You do not disappoint Conan the Outlander. You move with a surety of movement and predatory gait of a Tiger." Said the Man. Conan Looked up from his breakfast and asked, "Word of my Exploits travels fast it seems. You know me, but I do not know you." Replied Conan. The Strange Man flashed a smile, showing a single gold tooth, before saying, "Daario Naharis, at your service, Late of the Company of the Cat, now seeking new Employment." Conan nodded before saying, "Well Daario Naharis, I am off to seek the same today. Mayhap by traveling together we could double our chances of being employed?" Conan Asked. Daario nodded and said, "It seems a good idea. What is our plan?"

Conan though for a moment before saying, "I have an appointment with the First Sword of Braavos to see about joining the Sealord's Guard. I was going to go to the Inn of the Green Eel afterwards to see if the Second Sons would make me a better offer. It seems to me that we should divide responsibilities. I will go to the Sealord, you to the Second Sons, we will talk ourselves up and see what coin we can shake loose from their paymasters. We will tell them we need a few hours to think on it, meet back here, and go with whoever gives us the better offer." Replied Conan. Daario nodded and said, "A sensible plan, and one that may get us a good rate for our blades. Let us do so then, and see how much gold our steel will earn." Conan nodded and finished his breakfast before getting up and saying, "I will meet you back here in a few hours." The two clasped wrists before they parted, each heading to their respective targets.

Conan made his way to the Sealord's Palace, he had to travel across the City to do so, over bridges, islands, and canals he traveled. He traveled over a bridge painted with millions of eyes and across an island full of temples, with a Great Black and White Temple that few seemed to enter, and a Large Red Temple that gathered throngs of people. He heard the priest at the Red Temple, Flanked by Braziers of Burning Coals extolling the virtues of his God, Rhollor and how all other gods were false. Conan Grimaced at that, for he had first hand experience that the Gods were very real, thinking back to the time he had faced an Immortal Eldritch God that had previously been trapped in an Urn, as well as his time facing the Serpent Priests of Father Set. If these people wanted to worship one god to the exclusion of others, they were putting themselves in danger of retribution. But it was none of Conan's business, as he shook his head and walked past the crowd. Walking over a large bridge over a Great Green Canal, he arrived at the Entrance to the Purple Harbor, where the Sealord's Palace Lay. Striding Confidently up to the Gate of the Palace, he was halted by a Guard in Half-Plate and Mail, wielding a sword and shield. "State your business outlander!" Shouted the Guard bringing Conan up short. "I am Conan of Cimmeria. I have an appointment with the First Sword about joining the Sealord's Guard." The guard gave conan an appraising look and said, "Wait here." Before disappearing into the guard house for a few minutes.

When he came out, the Guard said, "I have sent a Runner to the First Sword, your authorization for entry will arrive with the reply. . .or it will not. The First Sword is busy, what with just having taken the position from Syrio Forel, the previous First Sword." Conan waited for the response, and began scrutinizing the guard's movements. They were precise and deliberate, almost efficient. Clearly this is a man who has been drilled daily. It seemed the Sealord's Guard was no joke. Conan would be proud to fight alongside such competent warriors. The Runner appeared a few minutes later bearing a dispatch tube. The Gate Guard read the dispatch and nodded, saying, "You are authorized to enter. The First Sword's Office is down the courtyard and to the left, next to the Barracks." Before pounding his fist twice on the gate. The gate swung open and the portcullis raised in response to the pre-arranged signal and Conan walked through it and onto the Grounds of the Sealord's Palace.

The Palace was as opulent as it was functional. Wide walls painted purple and gold with Stucco were topped with Crossbowmen, Spearmen, and Ballistae and artfully encircled domed keeps with golden and purple domes and thick walls. A Wide Courtyard filled with benches and plants, was framed by galleries where crossbowmen could fire down upon attackers. Conan was never much for decoration, but he could appreciate the function. He soon found himself at his destination, however and had no more time to take in the sights. Knocking three times before entering the small office. He Found a man, lithe and small, with short cropped black hair and a neatly trimmed goatee. "Greetings Conan the Outlander. I am Qarro Volentin, first sword of Braavos. I hear you wish to join the Sealord's Guard?" He smiled at Conan with a wry smile. Conan nodded and said, "Aye, I do." The First sword nodded and said, "And you wish for your most recent companion, Daario Naharis to Join as well?" The First Sword's Smile widened, and Conan likened the expression to a Shark. "You know of my meeting with Daario?" Asked Conan. "The Second I received word of your stunning Victory over Marvolio the Vermillion I had a man watching you. I know you spoke with Naharis at your table and that you two clasped hands before parting. This does not concern me, we would be glad to have you both. . ." Replied the First Sword before trailing off. "However the Very same victory that brought you to my attention has made it politically impossible to hire you or your erstwhile partner. Marvolio the Vermillion's Uncle, Caggo Marvolio is a very wealthy and well respected Spice Merchant. One who controls a not insignificant portion of the Sealord's Support Base. If we were to hire you and Naharis, he would undobtedly withdraw said support." Said the First Sword frowning. "The Sealord is an Old Man, and cannot afford a schism with his current health. It would kill him, most likely after plunging Braavos into a period of political instability. That is something I cannot Allow."

Conan nodded and said, "I thank you for taking the time to meet with me, as well as informing me of Marvolio's Enmity. I at least now have some idea of the dagger poised at my back." The First sword Grinned and said, "Marvolio is an ass, but we need him. You are welcome. I hope you and Naharis find employment elsewhere. It would be a shame to see such talent wasted. Unfortunately our meeting must end now, Forel left a lot of work behind when he left." Conan nodded before standing up and leaving. He sighed as he made his way back to the Outcast Inn to meet with Daario. Hopefully Caggo Marvolio wouldn't try anything, but things were never that simple with fools involved.
I like this. A lot.

Please continue.

I know how you feel about the comments. I feel the same way, but your quality is very high so I don't doubt you'll get some recognition very soon.
I like this. A lot.

Please continue.

I know how you feel about the comments. I feel the same way, but your quality is very high so I don't doubt you'll get some recognition very soon.

Thank You. I promise not to let it go to my head.

The whole thing with comments is that I write for the Enjoyment of People and not Just for myself, What is the point of writing if nobody else sees it?

Anyway the next post will be meeting back up with Daario and a visit to the Second Sons.
If we get a pointless offtopic going on (and it does happen sometimes) there will be more posts to make the thread bigger. Simple as that.

Even better if it's on topic.

You actually read the books about Conan? I only saw the movies.

And one comic. It was about slaves being sacrificed to fuel immortality of some nobles or something like that. It was a long time ago.
If we get a pointless offtopic going on (and it does happen sometimes) there will be more posts to make the thread bigger. Simple as that.

Even better if it's on topic.

You actually read the books about Conan? I only saw the movies.

And one comic. It was about slaves being sacrificed to fuel immortality of some nobles or something like that. It was a long time ago.

Yes I read the books and comics. The Original Howard Stuff is the best, and the Dark Horse Comics are really good.
Honest question: Is Red Sonja in this?

What the hesll isot stands for? Insert some other thing?
Quick and dirty format editing I have to interview an applicant in 10 minutes. Another note try not to use 'as' so much. You also capitalize words that should not be.
"Other men were stronger, faster, younger, why was Syrio Forel the best? I will tell you now. The seeing, the true seeing, that is the heart of it" -Syrio Forel on how he became the First Sword of Braavos.

Conan awoke the next morning refreshed. Today was the day he would go out and attempt to find employment as a hired sword. He belted on his hauberk and sword, pulled on his boots and walked downstairs to the common room for a hearty breakfast before going out. As he entered the common room he saw that several eyes turned towards him, giving him appraising looks. As he sat down at a table, ordering sausage, eggs, and a mug of ale to wash it down with, a man came up to him.

This man was oddly attired, he wore leather armor, but dyed a bright yellow. He had a forked beard that was dyed blue, and carried a dagger and sickle-sword belted at his waist, with hilts adorned in golden naked women. "I wished to see for myself the man who bested the finest Water Dancer in this Quarter of Braavos. You do not disappoint Conan the Outlander. You move with a surety of movement and predatory gait of a Tiger." Said the Man.

Conan Looked up from his breakfast and asked, "Word of my Exploits travels fast it seems. You know me, but I do not know you." Replied Conan.

The Strange Man flashed a smile, showing a single gold tooth, before saying, "Daario Naharis, at your service, Late of the Company of the Cat, now seeking new Employment."

Conan nodded before saying, "Well Daario Naharis, I am off to seek the same today. Mayhap by traveling together we could double our chances of being employed?" Conan Asked.

Daario nodded and said, "It seems a good idea. What is our plan?"

Conan though for a moment before saying, "I have an appointment with the First Sword of Braavos to see about joining the Sealord's Guard. I was going to go to the Inn of the Green Eel afterwards to see if the Second Sons would make me a better offer. It seems to me that we should divide responsibilities. I will go to the Sealord, you to the Second Sons, we will talk ourselves up and see what coin we can shake loose from their paymasters. We will tell them we need a few hours to think on it, meet back here, and go with whoever gives us the better offer." Replied Conan.

Daario nodded and said, "A sensible plan, and one that may get us a good rate for our blades. Let us do so then, and see how much gold our steel will earn."

Conan nodded and finished his breakfast before getting up and saying, "I will meet you back here in a few hours." The two clasped wrists before they parted, each heading to their respective targets.

Conan made his way to the Sealord's Palace, he had to travel across the City to do so, over bridges, islands, and canals he traveled. He traveled over a bridge painted with millions of eyes and across an island full of temples, with a Great Black and White Temple that few seemed to enter, and a Large Red Temple that gathered throngs of people. He heard the priest at the Red Temple, Flanked by Braziers of Burning Coals extolling the virtues of his God, Rhollor and how all other gods were false. Conan grimaced at that, for he had first hand experience that the Gods were very real, thinking back to the time he had faced an Immortal Eldritch God that had previously been trapped in an Urn, as well as his time facing the Serpent Priests of Father Set. If these people wanted to worship one god to the exclusion of others, they were putting themselves in danger of retribution. But it was none of Conan's business, as he shook his head and walked past the crowd. Walking over a large bridge over a Great Green Canal, he arrived at the Entrance to the Purple Harbor, where the Sealord's Palace Lay. Striding Confidently up to the Gate of the Palace, he was halted by a Guard in Half-Plate and Mail, wielding a sword and shield.

"State your business outlander!" Shouted the Guard bringing Conan up short.

"I am Conan of Cimmeria. I have an appointment with the First Sword about joining the Sealord's Guard."

The guard gave conan an appraising look and said, "Wait here." Before disappearing into the guard house for a few minutes.

When he came out, the Guard said, "I have sent a Runner to the First Sword, your authorization for entry will arrive with the reply . . . or it will not. The First Sword is busy, what with just having taken the position from Syrio Forel, the previous First Sword."

Conan waited for the response, and began scrutinizing the guard's movements. They were precise and deliberate, almost efficient. Clearly this is a man who has been drilled daily. It seemed the Sealord's Guard was no joke. Conan would be proud to fight alongside such competent warriors. The Runner appeared a few minutes later bearing a dispatch tube. The Gate Guard read the dispatch and nodded, saying, "You are authorized to enter. The First Sword's Office is down the courtyard and to the left, next to the Barracks." Before pounding his fist twice on the gate. The gate swung open and the portcullis raised in response to the pre-arranged signal and Conan walked through it and onto the Grounds of the Sealord's Palace.

The Palace was as opulent as it was functional. Wide walls painted purple and gold with Stucco were topped with Crossbowmen, Spearmen, and Ballistae and artfully encircled domed keeps with golden and purple domes and thick walls. A Wide Courtyard filled with benches and plants, was framed by galleries where crossbowmen could fire down upon attackers. Conan was never much for decoration, but he could appreciate the function. He soon found himself at his destination, however and had no more time to take in the sights. Knocking three times before entering the small office. He Found a man, lithe and small, with short cropped black hair and a neatly trimmed goatee.

"Greetings Conan the Outlander. I am Qarro Volentin, first sword of Braavos. I hear you wish to join the Sealord's Guard?" He smiled at Conan with a wry smile.

Conan nodded and said, "Aye, I do."

The First sword nodded and said, "And you wish for your most recent companion, Daario Naharis to Join as well?" The First Sword's Smile widened, and Conan likened the expression to a Shark.

"You know of my meeting with Daario?" Asked Conan.

"The Second I received word of your stunning Victory over Marvolio the Vermillion I had a man watching you. I know you spoke with Naharis at your table and that you two clasped hands before parting. This does not concern me, we would be glad to have you both. . ." Replied the First Sword before trailing off. "However the Very same victory that brought you to my attention has made it politically impossible to hire you or your erstwhile partner. Marvolio the Vermillion's Uncle, Caggo Marvolio is a very wealthy and well respected Spice Merchant. One who controls a not insignificant portion of the Sealord's Support Base. If we were to hire you and Naharis, he would undobtedly withdraw said support." Said the First Sword frowning. "The Sealord is an Old Man, and cannot afford a schism with his current health. It would kill him, most likely after plunging Braavos into a period of political instability. That is something I cannot allow."

Conan nodded and said, "I thank you for taking the time to meet with me, as well as informing me of Marvolio's Enmity. I at least now have some idea of the dagger poised at my back." The First sword Grinned and said, "Marvolio is an ass, but we need him. You are welcome. I hope you and Naharis find employment elsewhere. It would be a shame to see such talent wasted. Unfortunately our meeting must end now, Forel left a lot of work behind when he left."

Conan nodded before standing up and leaving. He sighed as he made his way back to the Outcast Inn to meet with Daario. Hopefully Caggo Marvolio wouldn't try anything, but things were never that simple with fools involved.
Quick and dirty format editing I have to interview an applicant in 10 minutes. Another note try not to use 'as' so much. You also capitalize words that should not be.

Yes I get that I capitalize words that shouldn't be. But I'm writing what amounts to a fanfic on the internet, not an English Paper. I have seen far worse in terms of Grammar and Spelling with many more views than I have. I think it'll be ok. . .
Watching for now. It's interesting enough. Don't really have much criticism to give you.
Watched. I am wondering however what year it is? Also I do hope Conan does not join the Sea Lord's guard as that seems to be a position that won't be going out in the world and doing stuff like killing khals and destroying armies as I assume the Guard would just stay in Bravos.
Technically this is Sufficient Velocity. Also I don't see this kind of thing when people like Hiver post fics in what amounts to broken English. . .
Honestly, Hiver's improved a lot. Granted, from a low base.

Still, there were a number of people who did comment in some of his early stuff. I'm pretty sure his Pre-reader's have their work cut out for them.

I'll have to give you the SV, though.
Watched. I am wondering however what year it is? Also I do hope Conan does not join the Sea Lord's guard as that seems to be a position that won't be going out in the world and doing stuff like killing khals and destroying armies as I assume the Guard would just stay in Bravos.

There have been two hints as to when in the timeline this is. Syrio Forel has recently left the Position of First Sword of Braavos, and there was a mention in chapter 2 about a large Dothraki Khalasar in Pentos.

To spell it out for people, we are at the start of A Game of Thrones, about the time when Dany marries Drogo in Pentos.
Honestly, Hiver's improved a lot. Granted, from a low base.

Still, there were a number of people who did comment in some of his early stuff. I'm pretty sure his Pre-reader's have their work cut out for them.

I'll have to give you the SV, though.

I mean are the very minor Grammatical errors detracting THAT much from people's enjoyment of the story that they have to point them all out?