Says every human being with any decent education in sociology, psychology, evolutionary biology, or any number of other fields. Simply looking at the differences in real societies that had different pressures makes it inarguable.
The notion that alien cultures would still end up remarkably similiar to that most familiar to the writer is as much of a sign of laziness as the "all aliens are monocultures" nonsense.
Of course I'm hardly likely to do it proper justice but that's no reason not to try.
I wrote a rather confrontational reply of my own, then realised it would just devolve things and deleted it.
Put more politely, this is a serious stretch. You're ignoring so much that I don't even know where to start.
Remnant has school dances, clothing boutiques, cars, sports tournaments, board games, comic books, sponsorships, advertisements, movies, concerts, magazines, music players...and all of that's just stuff.
We see a focus on competition in their schooling. We see news much like our own. We see a thousand and one things that I'm guessing are so normal to you that you never stopped to consider that they're just the product of a culture and in no way innate to sentient life.
Fuck, we even see manual labour despite robots being so common.
Things would be more different than that. Even just having the "getting too upset or angry will summon monsters" part should so much.
I don't follow the argument you're making here.
No. I asked if people would be okay with me breaking away from the canon. I asked that because, as several posts have shown, not everyone is. I'm not particularly interested in writing to an empty room, since I can enjoy the idea myself without it ever leaving my head. So no I don't think there's anything ridiculous about checking interest before devoting another couple hundred hours of my life to brainstorming and writing the thing.
Sure, but it's not a small list.
Starting off:
- Salem's stuff is going out the window. May or may not keep her and her merry band, but she's not the Grimm origin or ruler, just an old Grimm. So I mean no relics, no dark and light god (holy shit could they have gone more cliche?) and generally no ripping the villains directly from power rangers.
- Culture is different. Still hashing this out in a lot of ways, but the core is that if yelling at someone could get you both killed, the cultural pressure would make yelling at someone a serious taboo. Much like the cultural pressures in the real world have discouraged behaviour that had some historical risk to it. This is a hefty topic, but examples would include that people get upset over their team losing yet Remnant has the Vytal Festival and Tournament. Or that Nora was being bullied by a bunch of kids, despite their village being out where Grimm are a particularly big danger. I mean if seeing someone get killed is enough to cause the Fall of Beacon I think tormenting dirty orphans is a bit...
- Huntsmen and Huntresses are superheroes. They get treated like normal people. This makes no fucking sense. Nor does the Silver Eyes lineages being some hidden legend.
- Remnant medical tech can give us Ironwood, and Jaune survived initiation (which should definitely have a death toll) without a scratch so why the fuck is getting hit by a car meant to be bad for Penny?
- Ruby has Grimm models on her shelf. That's like the daughter of a serial killer's victim keeping models of said killer on their shelf. I bring this up not as an important thing to change, but simply to demonstrate how little thought seems to have been put into any of this shit.
This is not exhaustive in the slightest. I'm also not even going to pretend that I'll get close to what I'm aiming to do, not without the time investment I put into my serious world building stuff, and that's way more than is going into this fic.
As such, if anyone has any other such things to point out, now's the time.
All of this can be explained away by Remnantians being cheerful psychopaths. If everyone who experiences strong negative emotions winds up dead then everyone left will have that side of their emotions dampened over the years. So with everyone unable to really feel guilt or fear..... Yup, they evolved into complete psychos.
EDIT: How are you going to handle the Branwen weirdness? Of the three people who have that particular bloodline, 2 have multiple unrelated powers (strength from hits and fire, bad luck and birdyness) and one has shown signs of possible multiple powers (portals and knowing when her daughter was about to die).
On top of that they show the most negative emotion in the show:
-Yang's anger, while not as bad as fanon is still visibly present.
-Qrow seems very depressed.
-Raven is quite possibly the most menacing person we've seen thus far. Her talk with Qrow practically dripped with "I'm going to laugh while I kill you". Sadism counts as negative, I think.
So, yeah. One possibility has them sort of being not quite Grimm but sort of registering as such to Grimm senses, hence why the Ursas got confused when they fought Yang. You could have them be humans affected by whatever originally created the Grimm, which would explain the extra powers and the ability to not attract Grimm despite their disposition. It could also explain the way Raven's tribe operates, if they have a sort of low-key killer instinct that makes them predisposed to preying on humans.
Another possibility is that they evolved to draw power from negative emotions, with a sort of secondary semblance being power by such. The fight response as opposed to most of remnant's flight preference. I'm not overly fond of this one but w/e.
A third possibility is that it's just magic. Silver eyes, maidens and now sorcerers. This one is supported by the link to the eyes (Yang's eyes turn red when she uses her fire) and is my personal favourite but might not fit into your story depending on how you want to handle magic.
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