Stride forth in the wake of the Shattering and lay claim to the throne. As Miquella you must forge allies, recruit your Promised Consort and rise as a God of a new age! But be wary for enemies lurk all about and stranger threats lurk in the shadows
The Elden Ring has shattered; your mother, Queen Marika the Eternal, has raised her hammer against the old order and brought it down, spelling change for all.
The time that followed was tumultuous, and yet in your escape from the capital, you reached out with your sister, grasping a fragment of that brilliant old order, a Great Rune; there were many, and yet you managed to claim...
[] The Great Rune of Anchoring: The middle of the Elden Ring and what allowed such an item to exist; without this base, it would not exist. It does very little by itself, yet if you manage to lay claim to another Great Rune, you may be able to reforge part of the Elden Ring.
[] The Great Rune of Decay: The slow end of everything and the long sleep before the final gasp; without this, there would be no deathbed and no slow crawl to the end, just a sudden, violent death. It allows one to learn from the slow fall to the end, as well as control it slightly.
[] The Great Rune of Abundance: The birth of everything and the stumbling steps until adulthood; without this, there would be nothing except muck and stars. It allows one to grow what one should not be able to and learn from that growth.
[] The Great Rune of Vigor: The processes of conflict and steady burning of lifeblood; without this, the air would lay still, and no progress would ever emerge. It allows one to learn from struggle and grant impossible vigor to others.
[] The Great Rune of Understanding: The spark of knowledge, the ability to see beyond that world and into other realms of paper and bound fabric; without this, civilization would crumble, and literacy would slip through fingers. It allows one to learn faster and understand that which cannot be understood.
[] The Great Rune of Rulership: The weight of the crown, the heavy burden of leading; without this, there would be little more scrabbling crabs in a bucket too busy flailing about to rise above their nature. It allows one to command respect and claim the throne no matter how unworthy.
[] The Great Rune of Heresy: The whispered thoughts in the dark, the rejection of the Order; without this, there would be little but golden automatons moving back and forth with nary a thought in mind. It allows one to turn even the most stalwart mind away from prior convictions and reject the Golden Order even slightly.
However, despite you and your dear sister managing to claim a Great Rune, you were still alone and without allies, a death sentence in this warlike time. If you wanted a chance to do something, anything, you would need a place to hide away and survive as you gather allies. So you stole away to...
[] Limgrave: Far from the capital and most habitable location you could find. Your distant descendent has claimed land here and will likely not enjoy two demigods on his land. However there is tale he is unworthy and so supplanting him may win you favor
[] Weeping Peninsula: Even farther south, near the world's end, it is constantly raining. While no one person has lain claim to its lands, there is little of value here, and allies would be slim. You will be far from conflict and very few will attempt to pursue you this far.
[] Caelid: Your elder half-brother's land, a large region constantly patrolled by his Redmane guard. Your sister may guard you, but even she could be crushed by the stars, so discovery would mean either execution or, if your brother is kinder, imprisonment. Yet if you could turn the Starscourge towards your will, he would make a formidable ally.
[] Altus Plateau: Where the capital lies and the most dangerous. The gates have been barred, and yet the Omen King has lain his claim, pushing back all challengers; to face him would mean death, and there would be no bargaining. However, very few would dare to hide so close, so if you manage to escape his soldier's gaze, you may stay hidden for some time.
[] Mountaintops of the Giants: The top of the world where your mother chained the last of his kind to guard his dead god. Perhaps the most deadly of locations, and yet nobody will think to search here; you may even manage to find old legends and older magics here.
However, even as you and your sister huddle away, you are plotting and planning. You know that if you are to rule, you must usher in a new age, one unbound by the past. That new age would be...
[] The Age of Compassion: You want everybody to set aside their differences and join in earnest understanding. War, conflict, and more issues plague this world, and yet you hope for a kinder age. With your Consort by your side, you will forge a kinder time, untainted by war and the conflict of old ages.
[] The Age of Order: You hate to admit it, and yet nobody listens; brother kills brother keeping ears shut to the cries of the damned. You know they will not listen, and yet you can force them; with your Consort by your side, all will listen and will at last listen to each other.
[] The Age of Dusk: Your older brother Godwyn is dead, and Destined Death has been hidden away. The dead, both in body and mind, roam the land, slowly dragging even the most prosperous of kingdoms down. That doesn't mean it they must roam the world forever, with your Consort by your side, the dead will be put to rest, and life will spring anew.
[] The Age of Flame: This can't stand; this world is living terrible age after terrible age. You have to burn it to the ground and make way for new fertile soil. Burn the Erdtree and scatter its ashes far and wide for a new type of tree to grow. With your Consort by your side, a new age will spring forth, nurtured by the old one but unbound by the past.
[] The Age of Absolution: How can mortals expect to thrive if Gods refuse to leave them alone, blessing and damning in equal measure. The Rot, the Golden Order, and many more. Mortals must be allowed to grow without the meddling of Outer Gods. You know with your Consort by your side, you will push them back and usher in an age untainted by the meddling of Gods.
However, an age can't be wrought by you alone; you need somebody by your side. Somebody who you can form a legacy, a dynasty, a new family to rule for the ages so your age does not gutter out upon your death as those in the past have. This Promised Consort, one you have admired for so long, will be...
[] Rykard: He has holed himself up in his volcano manor and has committed heresy. You will need heresy if you want to shatter the old order and bring about a new age.
[] Ranni: She has perished, yet there is talk about her return and role in the Night of Black Knives. You will need such cunning to survive the coming storm and bring about a new age.
[] Radahn: He has strode forth, claiming land and space for his men while arresting the stars in the sky. You will need his strength of arms if you are to slay all foes and bring about a new age.
[] Mohg: He has fled deep underground. However, rumors speak of his desire for a dynasty. You will need his eagerness if you are to cement a legacy and bring about a new age.
[] Godwyn: His soul was slain in that horrible night, and yet his flesh lives one. It may be impossible, but you will need his compassion and resilience to forge stalwart allies and bring about a new age.
[] Malenia: Your dear sister and the one who has been at your side this entire time, if you trust nobody else who could be trusted but her? You will need her devotion and skill with blade if you are to free her from the Rot and bring about a new age.
In your rush to leave the capitol, you had brought a few things along with you—a few items to ease your flight and buy you precious time to set up. Looking in your pack, what three things did you stock up on?
[] Food: Empyrean, you may, and yet you still require food, lessened that need may by your curse. Without this, you will have to gather your own foodstuffs, and raising an army will be harder.
[] Valuables: Shiny bits and baubles, enough to outright buy many things. They may have lost some value in the Shattering, but mortals ever enjoy shiny things. Without this, securing the services or even encouraging blind eyes will be much harder.
[] Runes: Fragments of the Elden Ring, in enough number to empower those blessed by grace or slake your Great Rune. Without this, more eclectic servants will refuse to serve you, and the path to empowering your Great Rune will be harder.
[] Weaponry: You may not be a fighter, and your sister has all the weaponry she needs. However, if you are to raise an army, you need weapons. Without this, your soldiers will wield what they can find, and supplying those who can't scavenge will be harder.
[] Seals and staves: You know Golden Fundamentalism, and while you may not need to use such tools, mortals will, and so you had brought them. Without this, your mages will scramble for the most basic of tools, and setting up proper magical help will be much harder.
[] A sapling: You have heard tales about the Erdtree, how it was once a small sapling before growing into the towering heights it is today. You have brought one of your own that will be watered with your blood and grace. Without this, you may never be able to truly shelter all who deserve it.
[] Unalloyed Gold: You may have set your sister's Rot at bay for now, but that means little in the face of a God. You have brought what Unalloyed Gold you could and, more importantly, the recipe to make more. Without this, your sister may slowly succumb to Rot, and devising bulwarks against Gods will be harder.
[] Golden Order Seal: You may have distaste for the Golden Order for failing to help your sister, yet you have fond memories of learning at the feet of your father. You have brought the most potent seal you could to enhance your magic. Without this, you will only be able to bring the full might of your magic to bear and nothing more.
With your Great Rune, what you managed to scavenge, tenuous plans for the future, and, of course, your dear sister, you might just have a chance, a chance to step forth and forge a new age. To rise up as a God with your Promised Consort, to mend what has been broken and set right what is wrong. It will be hard and you may fail, but you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you didn't at least try. Author's Note: So, an Elden Ring quest. I've always found Miquella fascinating, and in light of the new DLC, I decided to start a quest. This takes place shortly after the Shattering, and as you can likely guess, your goal is to ascend as a God and make a new Age. What that Age is, who your Consort will be, and what type of God you'll ascend is to be seen. I will warn you I am not a lore master, so I may get things wrong. If you have any questions, just ask.
Vote by plan
[] Example Plan
-[] The Great Rune of Anchoring
-[] Limgrave
-[] The Age of Compassion
-[] Rykard
-[] Food
-[] Valuables
-[] Runes
[X] plan Ranni Simp
-[X] The Great Rune of Heresy
-[x] Mountaintops of the Giants
-[X] The Age of Absolution
-[X] Ranni
-[X] Runes
-[X] Unalloyed Gold
-[X] A sapling
Heresy burns.
That was the only thought that consumed your fevered mind as you lay in the arms of your sister. You should have expected that this Great Rune of Heresy would melt in your veins like molten rock. Your mind, hazy as it is, returns to a conversation you had with your half-brother years ago.
"What is heresy?" you asked Preater Rykard, your older half-brother and head of the Inquisition. He frowned as he set down the tome he had been reading, the dim red lightly flickering as he turned to face you.
You knew this was risky, but Rykard could be relied on to help family. You may only be a half-brother, but you shared fathers. That meant you were close enough that he would let some things slide, like asking about heresy. It did help that you brought your charm to bear, putting on the act of a curious child.
"Very well," he replied before reaching out a hand. Fire kindled in the palm of his hand; you drew closer, the flickering fire reflecting in your eyes. You reached out, something about them entrancing before Rykard crushed his hand around them, snuffing the flame out.
"That is what they are, a fire that brings you close with whispered promises and claims that they can make it all better. Then it burns you to ash," he stated, his tone accepting no challenge. However, you weren't going to accept that you were here to learn how to cure your sister, the Golden Order having failed you.
"Can it do that, make things better?" you asked, pouring on the charm. Rykard's posture softened as you looked up at him with wide, pleading eyes. He sighed before rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"It can; however, the cost is never worth it. Just look at the Wandering Merchants. They attempted to use the Flame of Frenzy, and it cursed them," he said before slamming his jaw shut as if he wasn't supposed to say that. Your half-brother pulled himself up to his full height as he looked down at you, a harsh gleam in his eyes.
"You didn't hear me say that, understood?" he asked. You knew that being family wouldn't save you right now, not when you only shared fathers and not mothers. You had stumbled on something he wanted to keep hidden.
"Of course, I won't say a word," you said with a broad, guileless smile that had him relaxing as he sat back down.
"Good, if that is all go. I have work to do," he said, to which you nodded your head and made your way out of the manor. You had learned the basics of heresy and perhaps a path forward to curing your sister.
You chuckled at the memory as fire was spat from your lips and curled into the warm gold of your dear sister's arm. That was the first step in a long line of heresy; you were lucky that Rykard didn't rat you out and that what you did next didn't damn you.
The tale of Wandering Merchants intrujed you, they who were cursed by the Frienzed Flame. You didn't know what it was, but perhaps it could be used to help them; you needed to test your gold out anyway.
The Wandering Merchants were easy to find. They wore clear garb, and a look at their eyes revealed an explosion of yellow flame that drew the eye. You wore separate clothing so as not to appear as Miquella but as a mere helpful figure.
"Greetings," you said, settling beside him at the fire. He startled back, swearing in surprise.
"Sweet Marika's tits!" he shouted before seeming to bite his tongue. Now he got a better look at you, "What's a comely girl like this doing out here?" he asked, worry bleeding into his tone that he wasn't surprised.
"I am here to offer an accord," you stated plainly, subtly, and guile had its use but not now. You could tell he wasn't content; he wanted some change, and you would be able to offer it.
"Well then, color me interested," the Freinzed Flame-tainted man stated as he leaned forward, his teeth glinting in the firelight as he smiled.
"I may be able to allative your curse," you told him, gesturing up at his eyes. Brushing past his shock as his hands darted up to them, you continued, "I would require your consent."
You knew this was merely a formality. He would agree, and a few moments later, the man nodded.
"Very well, work your magic," he stated, still wary but with a deep curiosity. You breathed in and started to sing, purple mist escaping your throat.
He didn't have more than a moment to react before your mist enveloped him, and he succumbed to its potent properties. As he slumped forward, he rolled him on his back and gently pricked him with a small needle of gold. Peeling open an eye, the brilliant flame that had spread around it faded, and it was soon held in the pupil's deepest part.
Removing the needle, you allowed the mist to disperse before rising to your feet. The man woke quickly as you departed.
"What's your name!" he shouted at your back, still somewhat groggy. You thought quickly for a name before settling on one.
"Trina!" you responded as you kept leaving. You didn't want to be here when he fully woke up. He would start asking questions, and you were just here to figure out a few things.
"Then, on my name as Bají, I shall spread the word of you far and wide, Saint Trina!" he shouted, his voice smoother. When you looked back, his eyes no longer pierced the gloom with a fiery glow.
It seemed your testing had a bit of a side effect.
You chuckled as you were lowered into the snow, it melting around you as the Great Rune in your soul burned. You cracked open an eye, seeing the powerful Malenia looking down at you with a worried expression on her face. You could have laughed; she was known as your blade, and this was a side never seen of her, but you could understand. Reaching up, you cupped her cheek and pulled her down with your pathetic strength, her head following your arm as if you had managed to move her yourself.
"I'll be fine; it already abates," you croaked to your dear sister, and immediately, you could see the worry on her face fade away. She trusted you implicitly, you who had promised to free her from her curse.
Your dear sister then sat on the stump of a nearby tree as snow drifted down from the sky, bringing you to another memory as your mind and body burned.
"Backeth again?" Ranni asked as she looked up from the slim tome she was reading. You nodded as you hopped up on the chair opposite her. You met her years ago when searching for another way to cure your sister, so you entered The Academy of Raya Lucaria. It had been a trial for Rennala to accept you, but you managed.
"I would like to ask once again about the stars," you asked her, causing the fellow Empyrean to sigh. You were no adept with Glintstone, the magic holding no future for curing either you or your sister. However, the talk of stars and fate may hold the key, so you kept talking to her.
"The stars holdeth our fate; thence is naught else to say," she replied, returning to her book. You hopped down from the chair and dragged it over to her before sitting back in it.
You would never admit it, but you admired her. She was stubborn and wouldn't back down on something she thought. You had talked long and often, and despite your charisma, she had a great many beliefs that were nigh unshakeable.
Her thoughts on the Golden Order, the love both faint and strong for her family, and her thoughts on her mother. You hadn't brought the full force of her charm to those talks, but somebody strong-willed and intelligent was always a delight to talk to.
"V'ry well," she replied as she acquiesced to your will. As much as she didn't admit it, she was an excellent teacher and seemed to enjoy the long hours spent with you, something that you also enjoyed.
Tears burnt away before they could drop from your eyes. You couldn't believe she had been slain that night; you had hoped that you could have figured out all the solutions to problems the Golden Order faced. You couldn't understand why anybody would kill her; she was of a fierce mind and fiercer will, but she held no reason to be slain.
As the tears dried, you emerged from the snow back, the burning in your veins having slowed to a mere molten dripping. Your dear sister was resting on a log, the wood under her having long rotten away.
"Dear sister," you whispered gently, touching her. Malenia opened her eyes only for them to brightness seeing you alive and coherent. The blade in her prosthetic snapped out as she looked around the clearing.
"There is no danger here. However, we must prepare."
Vote by Plan
Remember you have [HERESY] and [CHARM] additions
[DECAY] addition can only be added to the Action Malenia is taking
[] Recruit Followers: You need people to help you, and the nearby villages may be taken into the fold. Of course, they are suspicious folk so that it may be difficult.
-[] From where (Currently available: Small Villages)
[] Seek Sapient Allies: You are going to be wandering about and trying to find people willing to help you. This will be dangerous given where you are, and Malenia will hate it, but you need more than humans if you want to move forward.
[] The Fire Gaint Problem-Peaceful: This is foolhardy in the extreme. That giant is likely driven to madness, and you have no doubt it will attempt to slay you if possible, but if you manage to at least calm its temper, it will serve as a potent guard.
[] Approach the Fire Monks: They guard much as the giant does. They will not appreciate your approach, but you may be able to at least get your foot in the door. That is the first step to gaining their aid.
[] Approach the Guilty: Heretics who blooded glintstone with both innocent vitals and their own. They may be mad and possibly attempt to attack you, but allies are sorely needed.
[] Approach the Zamor: You do not know if any ancient enemies of the Giants remain, but if they do, you would be able to gain potent allies—or at least take the first step towards that.
[] Approach the Astrologers: Achingly familiar to Raya Lucaria, sorcerers of all sorts are potent force multipliers. If you get on good terms with them, you may be able to start getting proper magical support.
[] Defenses: You need to set up a proper defensible location if you are to survive. Malenia is currently ensuring nothing is capable of harming you, but she won't be around the entire time; a simple cave would be enough.
[] The Fire Giant Problem-Violent: You cannot stand to have such a creature in your way. It will not back down, driven mad and enslaved as it is. You must push forth and slay the beast.
[] Raid the villages: A more violent method of procuring what is needed, but sometimes you have no other choice. Put a village to the sword and ensure nobody is allowed to escape; you will have your supplies.
[] Secure Food-Hunting: Another option is to strike out and secure your food from the flesh of animals. The beasts here are hardy and used to hiding, so that it will be hard.
[] Gather Resources: Lumber, stone, and many other things that are needed to build a settlement. You have none of them and will need to gather them. Given the lack of people to help, it will be challenging, but you'll power through it.
[] Gather Magical Resources: If the lack of simple resources is an issue, the lack of magical ones will be a bigger problem, especially this far north. Even something as simple as seals and staves will be out of your control until you gather some.
[] Secure Food-Gathering: A more peaceful method, herbs, berries, and other such things. The possible stock you can gain is much lower, but the chance of stumbling across something deadly is also much lower.
[] The Fire Giant Problem-Subtle: You don't think you can talk to him or fight him, which means you have a third solution. You'll need to cast some potent magics and set up a system, but you should be able to bypass him without ever needing to interact with him if he discovers the deception, though you'll have his wrath.
[] Information Gathering: Up here, away from the rest of the world, information is going to be hard to come by. However, Traveling Merchants do rarely make their way up here and you may be able to tease tales out of them.
[] Secret Hunting: Here, at the top of the world, many secrets are hidden away. You don't know what you find, but if you want to learn, you'll have to head out and seek out hidden sights.
[] Study Something: There are many things you do not have a full understanding of. You may not have much, but you are smart, and that should be enough
-[] What? (Runes, Unalloyed Gold, the Sapling)
[] Plant the Sapling: What may be a tree like the Erdtree has been brought here. However, it is confined to a pot and slowly withering away. You may be able to keep it alive, but for it to thrive, it must be planted in soil and allowed to grow.
[] Catalog the surroundings: This mountaintop is wild and free; the first step to understanding the more esoteric is understanding the basics. You'll need to write down what you find before you can delve deeper.
[] Spread the word of St. Trina: That other part of you is not known here, but given some time, she may be. As proven by your mother, religion is a potent tool. However, you don't want word of you getting out. so a lesser part of you will serve as a figurehead.
[] Spread the word of Miquella: You are not known here, perhaps to a select few, but beyond that, you are merely a newcomer. As proven by your mother, religion is a potent tool, and you do not fear those you may speak word of you.
[] Collect donations: You are low on everything from food to Runes; a few donations may be needed if you want to survive. It's not as effective for relation building as blessing without asking for something, but the folk may be convinced to part with their goods in exchange for a few blessings.
[] Bless nearby villages: A prayer for rain here, a small bit of healing there. The people here are without gods, but that does not mean they will deny your help. This may be the first foot in the door for better relations with the more paranoid villages,
Personal Actions
[] Develop a spell: If you want to solve problems, the simplest thing is magic. You have great knowledge of Incantations so why not figure out a solution from that? [Piety]
-[] What field and what do you want it to do? (St. Trina's Blessing or Golden Fundamentalism)
[] Research magic: To expand your understanding, you'll have to delve deeply into magic, both old and new. You won't be seeking out new spells but explorations of old understandings or delving into what new magic can be found here. [Piety]
-[] What field (St. Trina's Blessing or Golden Fundamentalism)
[] Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold: Your wonder metal is incredible but very hard to make. Only the most skilled of smiths in the capital could forge it; if you want to spread it, the recipe will need to be written in plain terms. [Learning]
[] Forage for a seal: Without a focus on your magic, it's still potent but not as good as it could be. It will be challenging, but you may be able to find one here. [Intrigue]
[] Focus on your Great Rune: You must cultivate that burning in your breast if you wish to claim godhood. That lava in your veins will grow as you attune to it. [Piety]
[] Train a stat: You must be better if you want to claim the throne. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
[] Guard Miquella: It is nearly impossible for you to get rid of her for some time. So you'll have to grin and bear it for the next while as she never lets you out of her sight. [Prowess]
[] Maintain Miquella's Gift: The prosthetic is a hardy thing, but it is also delicate, needing proper mince to ensure it is unmarred. Your sister will sit down with her tools and do just that. [Learning]
[] Cultive the Rot: A deadly bargain, but you will need more potent aid to survive. This is not blooming; you would never ask your dear sister to bloom. However, you would ask her to bring the Scarlet Rot to the surface for a time. [Piety]
[] Focus on her Great Rune: she holds a fragment of the Elden Ring in her breast. It curdles in her veins, and given time, she may allow it to blossom into a ring of its own. [Piety]
[] Go Hunting: She can go and gathring what little you need to survive, however it will be just that and no more. She's not a hunter by trade
[] Train a stat: She believes she must be better if she wants to properly serve as your blade. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
As you are bundling up to head out, the first thing you notice is your dear sister. She has refused to move from your side ever since you woke up a few days ago. Turning to face her, you decide just to ask.
"Why are you staying so close? I can handle myself," you tell her. She frowns under the helm you made from her. You've known her from birth and, as such, can tell what she is feeling.
"I will be fine," you gently reassure her. You have a few more dangerous things planned that will accept her help, but that doesn't mean you want her to stick to your side the entire time.
"No, I will not budge," she replies, and you hold back a sigh. She was in one of her stubborn phases, and it would be nearly impossible to kick her out of it. Well, that wasn't quite true. You did have a simple trick to do it, but you wouldn't when she just wanted to see you safe.
"Very well, follow me," you told your Blade and so she followed behind you. Her prosthetic strapped on tight, just in case.
Guard Miquella
56+65(Prowess) = 121
The first step to getting the people's approval was blessing them. You didn't want to be known as Miquella up here; that sort of information could easily trickle back down, and soon, one of your many siblings would knock on your door, demanding your Great Rune. It may burn in your veins and cause you to spit fire at times, but it was yours, and you weren't going to give it up.
So instead, you would approach in the guise of St. Trina, your lesser half. Your sister following close behind lessened the effect, but you'd just have to deal with it.
Spread the word of St. Trina
5+38(Piety) = 43 < 80 Failure
Approaching the nearest village, you see a human garbed in thick clothes trudging through the snow. He seemed wary, eyes darting between the two of you as he raised a torch.
"Who are you?" he shouted, clearly wary; you cleared your throat as you approached. You were using religion to try and win them over, so you had to be careful; who knew if they worshipped somebody else?
"Greetings! I come to speak in the name of St. Trina—" you started to say before being cut off.
"No, we have enough religions. You can leave; you got here just fine!" he shouts, his voice tinged with anger. You heard the metal on your dear sister's arm creak as she prepared to fight, but you placed a hand on her arm.
"It is fine. If they do not want our help, then forcing it will do no good," you told her, causing her to stand down. You then turned on your heel and started trudging through the snow the way you came.
You had other plans, and this was only the first; you could return later.
Catalog the surroundings
82+25(Learning) = 107 > 80 Success
You had been resting after your failed attempt at spreading the word of St. Trina. This was an excellent time to learn more, and you think you have discovered something. Trudging through the snow with your dear sister at your back, you saw a large, run-down building.
As you entered, you thought it might make a good place to rest, only to be struck dumb by the iconography on the walls. A statue of your mother was up there; arms spread wide as she looked down with a kind smile.
"I didn't think she had churches this far north," you commented, to which Malenia nodded.
"I agree; such structures like this show an intent to settle down," she replied. That made sense, which, of course, conflicted with the utter lack of people beyond heretics and those forced here. However, as you looked around the church, you could feel something else, a faint presence that reminded you of your time under the golden leaves of the Erdtree.
46+29(Intrigue) = 75 > 60
"There is something else here," you told Malenia as you started to look around for whatever was giving you that faint feeling. Your sister kept guard, her helmeted gaze peering out past the walls of the church to ensure nobody could sneak up on the two of you.
It took quite a while, but you managed to find a small goblet. A shimmering sap was held on top. You sniffed the liquid and were hit by a wave of nostalgia. A faint memory of your father showing you the base of the Erdtree. Swallowing a lump in your throat, you tucked it away; you didn't know what it was, but you could figure that out later.
Gain Sacred Tear
You decided the best option was to approach another village. The last one had shunned you, but this time, you weren't spreading religion but seeking people you could recruit. You doubted many would be willing to join. However, even a handful of disgraced would be enough to start, which was all you needed.
Approaching this town, you were surprised by the crowd of people waiting for you. They wore thick clothes, just like everybody else except you and your sister, but you could see strands of hair coiled around the colors of the clothes.
"Hail St. Trinia! Bringing of sleep and calm!" the largest man bellowed out, followed by many of the others bowing deeply. You blinked, astonished you didn't expect your other half to spread this far. However, it seemed that this village was a small cult of your own and one who knew you well enough to see that you were St. Trina.
"Greetings," you said, your voice thick with honey and tongue silvered as you approached the leader. He dropped to his knees with a broad smile and fervor in his eyes.
"Come inside, let us get warm," you told him, and he rapidly nodded and stood up. The other villagers followed behind, all clamoring to reach out and merely touch a scrap of you. Malenia stood by your side as your stalwart shield and ensured they were kept back with sharp glares and the presence of a demigod.
As you settled into one of the few houses, a warm bowl was placed in front of you. Holding back, you waited despite your hunger; you had a few questions first.
"How do you know who I am?" you asked the leader, who smiled broadly as he ran a finger over the lock of hair around his neck.
"A Wandering Merchant stopped by once. He spoke of the fair St. Trina, a comely girl who could tame madness with a song. You are the spitting image of who he spoke; you are clearly St. Trina," he said, and the few people who had managed to squeeze inside this room nodded along, all of them watching you with something approaching awe in their eyes.
You didn't expect this, but it was better than you had hoped.
Gain 30 Humans
Gain 4 Houses (Can support 10 Humanlike Pops)
Gain 2 Hunting Lodges (Reserves 10 people to create 15 Food)
Gain 1 Woodcutter (Reserves 10 people to create 5 Resources)
The people here were small in number, barely more than two dozen, but they were hardy folk. They were self-sufficient even if they would not expand. However, they had told tales of wolves and other such creatures decimating people when they attacked. You wouldn't abide by such things, not when these humans were yours.
81+10(Martial) = 91 > 30 Success
"What do you have in spare?" you asked Somnus, the tall man who had greeted you and the leader of this small village. He wasn't anything special, but he was their leader and, as such, the person you spent the most time with.
"Not much your holiness," he replied. The time you had spent here was not enough to dampen his or any of the other people's zeal. You knew that may cause friction in the future, but for now, it would serve you quite well. A loyal populace, even one as small as this, was a blessing.
"Very well, in that case, we will be covering ambush points and similar places," you told Somnus, who nodded as the two of you started walking through the village.
You weren't doing anything groundbreaking, but your status as St. Trina meant they listened to you when you spoke. So orders to stand their ground and marshal a few of the hunters to provide defense if needed were something that was eagerly followed.
It wasn't amazing or even all that good. Proper soldiers would still steamroll your village, but wolves and other threats would find it harder to attack, which was all you could hope for right now.
Your next attempt was much less successful. You had thought to bolster your food stores with gathering food but misunderstood how barren the land truly was. Very little grew, and your attempts to search were kindly shut down.
"So you are saying nothing grows here?" you asked Somnus, who sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yes, there's a reason we go hunting. Farms and the like are a fool's errand," he replied somewhat awkwardly, denying you. It seemed he would rather be honest than lie to you and have you fail.
"Very well," you intoned, your mind already turning as you thought of new plans. Hunting could only provide so much food; if you desired a true nation, you would need another food source.
You were surprised when, one day, a Wandering Merchant rode into town wearing his hat and playing an instrument. You smiled as you approached the man, who set his instrument aside before hopping off his horse.
"Greetings, I am Alafair. Would you like to purchase something?" he asked while starting to get things off his horse.
Information Gathering
37+29(Intrigue) = 66 > 50 Success
"Perhaps I would ask what is happening beyond this mountain first," you replied, causing him to turn towards you. His tainted eyes narrowed slightly before he shrugged.
"Very well, I suppose I can offer some free information. The biggest is somebody called the Veiled Monarch, who is reinforcing the capital. Quite strange that you would have thought one of the demigods would have claimed the throne," Alafair told you.
You didn't know who the Veiled Monarch was, but it was worrying that none of your siblings had managed to claim the capital. You may want to check that out if there is a new player you need to know.
"So, you buying anything?" Alafair asked, cutting into your thoughts.
What do you buy? Vote by Plan (200 Runes)
[] [Shopping] 20 Food (40 Runes) [Can be chosen twice]
[] [Shopping] 10 Mundane Resources (20 Runes) [Can be chosen twice]
[] [Shopping] 5 Magical Resources (20 Runes) [Can be chosen once]
[] [Shopping] 5 Weaponry (20 Runes) [Can be chosen thrice]
[] [Shopping] 1 Magical Weaponry (20 Runes) [Can be chosen once]
[] [Shopping] Sell 1 Unalloyed Gold (250 Runes) [Can be chosen once]
[] [Shopping] Nothing
Despite their rejection of you, the people here needed some help, so you returned to the village that had rejected you before. The same man came out to approach you and your sister; this time, despite his wariness, he was less nervous at your approach. You had done nothing last time, so it was unlikely you would do anything this time.
"We don't want—" he started to say before you cut him off.
"I am not here to preach merely to help," you told him calmly. You looked up at him with simple eyes that just wanted to help. The man sighed as he rubbed his brow before turning around and heading back towards the village.
"Fine, just don't start anything," he said. You shared a small smile with Malenia; nobody except for a few could stop the two of you up here. So, his unspoken threat was amusing in a way.
Entering the village, you got to work; Golden Fundamentalism was not a miracle field of magic, not like others could. However, you were perhaps one of the greatest users of it in the modern age, so you got to work.
"Apologies about that earlier," Arkeia said with a fragile smile. You shrugged. You were a bit annoyed, but you understood his skepticism, so you didn't mention your thoughts.
"It is fine; we are just here to help," you replied, causing him to cringe again.
"Well, I know that now. Thank you again," he said, bowing his head politely as you and your dear sister left.
You had gotten your foot in the door, which was the most important part; recruitment could come later.
Reduce most DCs for the nearby villages
You had seen some of the red briar-cloaked figures off in the distance as you walked around the mountaintops, but now you were planning on approaching them. Their headquarters was easy to see, but first, you would be approaching one of the smaller groups. Malenia was the most skilled demigod, but up here at the top of the world, there could be stranger things that could beat her, and if she tried to defend you and fight, even she could lose. So you were approaching a smaller group first.
Approach the Guilty
54+40(Diplomacy) = 94 > 70 Success
"Greetings," you said politely as you approached a small cave. Outside was a Guitly, his eyes gouged out by red thorns. That didn't seem to impair him all that much as he turned to face you. He then started as his eyes traced up and down your body, carefully avoiding Malenia.
"We would like to talk," you continued the man, then bowed deeply before standing back up.
"Of course, I will take you to our leader," the man said, his voice trembling as he kept eyesockets filled with red thorns on you. You shared a glance with Malenia before descending into the tunnel.
Soon, you arrived at a somewhat homely place; fire roared in a makeshift hearth as the food was placed out in front of you and the woman across from you. She wore a similar garb with eyes of red thorns; she also seemed unable to take her eyes off you.
"Thank you for your hospitality," you tell her as you take a drink from the soup bowl. It was bloody, but you didn't expect anything else. You took a second to marshal your thoughts before continuing.
"I was looking for allies and was wondering if you would be willing to join," you settled on.
"I am Kaelith, the Headmistress of this coven, and I would agree on one principle. We would request some of your blood," she stated, and you now knew what she and the other mages were looking at: your veins.
Malenia's arm twitched slightly, ready to pull out the blade within, but you raised a hand.
"I see. May we have time to think about it?" you asked. It would be valuable to head back and get out of here before you make your choice.
"Sure," Kaelith shrugged as she raised her bloody soup to her lips. You and Malenia then rose to your feet and departed. You didn't want to be in close proximity to a bunch of blood-hungry people while they wanted your blood.
Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold
56+25(Learning) = 81 > 80 Success
You were in your room writing on one of this village's few papers. The mayor had given you his house, but given the few buildings available, you couldn't exactly shove everybody else out, given the lack of housing.
Currently, you are working on simplifying your recipe for Unalloyed Gold. Currently, you were the only person able to create it, and that was with the tools available at the capitol, which was unmovable. So you had to make it similar if you wanted to be able to ward off Outer Gods.
Thankfully, it seemed to be going quite well.
+1 Progress (1/10)
The second thing you were using your limited free time for was creating a new spell. You were planning on planting the sapling, but it would be easy to uproot it when it was small. So, for that purpose, you dug into your nascent divinity and started work on a spell.
Develop a spell-Location Based Sleep Spell
85+38(Piety)+30(St. Trina's Blessing) = 153 > 70 Success
It was a relatively simple spell; you placed a sensor in four locations, forming a box. When somebody who wasn't you or keyed into the spell entered the range, the spell would trigger. It would release a thick mist that would make anybody in range fall asleep.
Of course, people who didn't need to sleep or were strong enough could avoid the effect or at least manage it. You weren't too worried about that right now; if somebody that powerful had entered the sapling's room, things were already going very poorly.
So, for now, you made sure you had the spell down and could cast it easily. Improvement could come later.
Learned Room of Slumber: Anybody who enters the location this spell was cast in will fall into a deep slumber until they are removed. Upon casting this spell designate people, they will not trigger it
"This is a poor idea," Malenia said as she looked down at you. You agreed with that, but you needed to do this.
"If I don't at least try, then it will be able to cause problems with impunity," you told her for the sixth time. She grimaced as she followed you through the snow but said nothing else.
You were walking up towards the last Fire Giant; he was shackled here by potent magic and far more powerful incantations than you could bring to bear. However, he was still a sapient being, which meant you could reason with him, so you were approaching him.
The Fire Giant stood tall, his twin eyes burning with flames as he looked down. He was tired, you could tell, tired of spending eons here, yet he was bound to this location for reasons you didn't know.
Diplomacy would be hard for many reasons. You looked like your mother, who waged war against his kind. Whatever magic bound him here likely compelled him to strike against anybody trying to pass, and most damning of all, you didn't speak the same language.
So you merely stood in the snow, your Great Rune burning in your veins and slowly twisting what kept him bound as your eyes pleaded with him.
The Fire Gaint Problem-Peaceful [HERESY] and [CHARM]
92+40(Diplomacy)+20(Charisma of Miquella)+19(Great Rune of Heresy) = 179 > 130 Critical Success
Your eyes were a child's eyes, one who didn't want conflict, who looked up at a father with curiosity and a glimmer of innocence. You didn't know the history of this Fire Giant, but you knew how to compel affection.
You couldn't compel affection from him; however, he could feel the wakening of his bonds and your good nature. So he merely watched from afar.
As you looked at him, you felt something else, a burning in your veins joined by a faint burn on your front. As if something was looking at you, the presence faded quickly as the Fire Giant turned away.
You quickly left as well, unnerved as something you thought to be true was upended.
"I think we should be cautious," you told Malenia who titled her head in confusion, "I don't think their God is as dead as we were told."
The Last Fire Giant won't attack Miquella and those he travels with. However, he is still forced to attack anybody who attempts to pass him
What do you call your nation?
[] [Nation] St. Trina's Chosen (Your people's choice)
[] [Nation] Something else? (Write in)
Vote by Plan
Remember you have [HERESY] and [CHARM] additions
[DECAY] addition can only be added to the Action Malenia is taking
[] Recruit Followers: You need people to help you, and the nearby villages may be taken into the fold. Of course, they are suspicious folk so that it may be difficult.
-[] From where (Currently available: Small Villages)
[] Seek Sapient Allies: You are going to be wandering about and trying to find people willing to help you. This will be dangerous given where you are, and Malenia will hate it, but you need more than humans if you want to move forward.
[] Approach the Fire Monks: They guard much as the giant does. They will not appreciate your approach, but you may be able to at least get your foot in the door. That is the first step to gaining their aid.
[] Approach the Guilty: Heretics who blooded glintstone with both innocent vitals and their own. They may be mad and possibly attempt to attack you, but allies are sorely needed.
-[] Recruit with blood (Reduce one random stat by 1. Gain 30 Guilty)
-[] Recruit with Runes (-15 Runes/Turn. Gain 30 Guilty)
-[] Attempt to win them over (Diplomacy. Gain 30 Guilty)
[] Approach the Zamor: You do not know if any ancient enemies of the Giants remain, but if they do, you would be able to gain potent allies—or at least take the first step towards that.
[] Approach the Astrologers: Achingly familiar to Raya Lucaria, sorcerers of all sorts are potent force multipliers. If you get on good terms with them, you may be able to start getting proper magical support.
[] Continue approaching the Fire Giant: It may not directly attack you but you can sense the hatred burning behind it's eyes, it is just tired and so it does not attack you. It may take some time but you are willing to put in the effort to cool that hatred.
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Defenses: You have basic defenses set up; now it's time to ensure you have well-built defenses. This will require some tools and resources but you have them now [Costs 10 Mundane Resource, improves defense bonus to +10]
[] Raid the villages: A more violent method of procuring what is needed, but sometimes you have no other choice. Put a village to the sword and ensure nobody is allowed to escape; you will have your supplies. [Gain a random amount of food, a random amount of Mundane Resources and a small chance of Weaponry]
[] Secure Food-Hunting: Another option is to strike out and secure your food from the flesh of animals. The beasts here are hardy and used to hiding, so that it will be hard. [Gain 10 Food]
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Gather Resources: Lumber, stone, and many other things that are needed to build a settlement. You have none of them and will need to gather them. Given the lack of people to help, it will be challenging, but you'll power through it [Gain 5 Resources]
[] Gather Magical Resources: If the lack of simple resources is an issue, the lack of magical ones will be a bigger problem, especially this far north. Even something as simple as seals and staves will be out of your control until you gather some [Gain 1 Magical Resource]
[] Secure Food-Gathering: A more peaceful method, herbs, berries, and other such things. The possible stock you can gain is much lower, but the chance of stumbling across something deadly is also much lower [Gain 5 Food]
[] Build something: You have the people but need a place for them to work. You know the blueprints for a few things, so let's get to work.
-[] What do you build?
(Houses: 5 Mundane Resources
Hunting Lodge: 5 Mundane Resources
Woodcutter: 5 Mundane Resources )
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
Set up an information network: You met a Wandering Merchant; you could pay him to gather rumors and ferry them up here. It would be pricey but it would be worth it to learn what goes on down below [Costs 50/Runes a turn. Unlocks the Rumour Mill]
[] Information Gathering: Up here, away from the rest of the world, information is going to be hard to come by. However, Traveling Merchants do rarely make their way up here and you may be able to tease tales out of them. [Learn a random Rumour]
[] Secret Hunting: Here, at the top of the world, many secrets are hidden away. You don't know what you find, but if you want to learn, you'll have to head out and seek out hidden sights. [Discover the location of something useful]
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Study Something: There are many things you do not have a full understanding of. You may not have much, but you are smart, and that should be enough [Improve your understanding of an item]
-[] What? (Runes, Unalloyed Gold, the Sapling, Sacred Tear)
[] Plant the Sapling: What may be a tree like the Erdtree has been brought here. However, it is confined to a pot and slowly withering away. You may be able to keep it alive, but for it to thrive, it must be planted in soil and allowed to grow [Plant a spaling that will grow with time]
[] Catalog the surroundings: This mountaintop is wild and free; the first step to understanding the more esoteric is understanding the basics. You'll need to write down what you find before you can delve deeper [Reduce the DC of certain Actions and gain information on the surroundings]
[] Research a new building: You are smart and need more if you want to grow. So sit down pen in hand and start working on blueprints
-[] What do you want this building to do? (Write in)
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Spread the word of St. Trina: That other part of you is not known here, but given some time, she may be. As proven by your mother, religion is a potent tool. However, you don't want word of you getting out. so a lesser part of you will serve as a figurehead. [Improve Morale of people when recruited]
[] Spread the word of Miquella: You are not known here, perhaps to a select few, but beyond that, you are merely a newcomer. As proven by your mother, religion is a potent tool, and you do not fear those you may speak word of you. [Improve Morale of people when recruited]
[] Collect donations: You are low on everything from food to Runes; a few donations may be needed if you want to survive. It's not as effective for relation building as blessing without asking for something, but the folk may be convinced to part with their goods in exchange for a few blessings. [Gain a small amount of Runes]
[] Bless nearby villages: A prayer for rain here, a small bit of healing there. The people here are without gods, but that does not mean they will deny your help. This may be the first foot in the door for better relations with the more paranoid villages. [Reduce DC for nearby villages]
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
Personal Actions
[] Develop a spell: If you want to solve problems, the simplest thing is magic. You have great knowledge of Incantations so why not figure out a solution from that? [Piety]
-[] What field and what do you want it to do? (St. Trina's Blessing or Golden Fundamentalism)
[] Research magic: To expand your understanding, you'll have to delve deeply into magic, both old and new. You won't be seeking out new spells but explorations of old understandings or delving into what new magic can be found here. [Piety]
-[] What field (St. Trina's Blessing or Golden Fundamentalism)
[] Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold: Your wonder metal is incredible but very hard to make. Only the most skilled of smiths in the capital could forge it; if you want to spread it, the recipe will need to be written in plain terms. [Learning] (1/10 Progress)
[] Forage for a seal: Without a focus on your magic, it's still potent but not as good as it could be. It will be challenging, but you may be able to find one here. [Intrigue]
[] Focus on your Great Rune: You must cultivate that burning in your breast if you wish to claim godhood. That lava in your veins will grow as you attune to it. [Piety]
[] Cast a spell: you have magic you can bring to bear, why not use it and show what you can use?
-[] What spell do you cast?
[] Train a stat: You must be better if you want to claim the throne. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
[] Guard Miquella: It is nearly impossible for you to get rid of her for some time. So you'll have to grin and bear it for the next while as she never lets you out of her sight. [Prowess]
[] Maintain Miquella's Gift: The prosthetic is a hardy thing, but it is also delicate, needing proper mince to ensure it is unmarred. Your sister will sit down with her tools and do just that. [Learning]
[] Cultive the Rot: A deadly bargain, but you will need more potent aid to survive. This is not blooming; you would never ask your dear sister to bloom. However, you would ask her to bring the Scarlet Rot to the surface for a time. [Piety]
[] Focus on her Great Rune: she holds a fragment of the Elden Ring in her breast. It curdles in her veins, and given time, she may allow it to blossom into a ring of its own. [Piety]
[] Train a stat: She believes she must be better if she wants to properly serve as your blade. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
-5 Food (25)
+5 Mundane Resources (35)
+5 Magical Resources (5)
+5 Weaponry (5)
-40 Runes (160)
+5 Progress: Great Rune of Heresy (15/100)
+5 Progress: Great Rune of Decay (10/100)
Time progressed, and the workings of your new land moved along. Animals were hunted and brought back to be worked into food, trees were brought low and turned into lumber while both you and your dear sister Great Rune's burnt and curdled in your veins. While you may have wanted to enjoy the snow and watch it drift from the sky, you had things to do.
"I will be fine," you told Malenia, who looked down at you with a faint scowl on her lips. She didn't like the idea of leaving you alone to wander the mountaintop. You loved her dearly, but despite your small stature, you were a genius with magic and could scare off any animal that approached you.
"Very well, do be safe," she ordered, and your expression softened as you reached around her to envelop her in a tight hug. She was your dear sister, and you may squabble sometimes, but you would always love her, no matter what.
"How are the improvements coming along?" you asked Somnus, who hummed as he looked at the people setting up stakes by the main village entrances.
"Good, we don't have the best knowledge, so we're focusing on the simpler things," he replied, the fervor in his eyes not having died down even in the time you had spent here.
"So if we want to improve, we'll need to research better defenses?" you asked him, looking up at the bear of a man. He nodded as he stroked his bushy beard.
"Indeed, we're simple men, and fortifications are beyond us." He seemed to be genuinely sorrowful about that, but you merely shrugged at that. You were no expert on defenses, and while your sister had managed her knights, the fortifications were left to them.
"Very well, you have done well," was your response, causing your loyal follower to beam like a child at the praise.
The defenses had come along quite well, so now you were setting up houses. You wanted to get them done quickly, so you sent as many people as possible to the work.
It was a bit harder to manage as you were not the most skilled at this, but you were an Empyrean born of Queen Marikia the Eternal. Something as simple as getting houses built would not defeat you.
"Are you recruiting more?" Malenia asked as the two of you watched the last wall of the fourth house be put up.
"Yes, I am. We need more if we are to claim the throne. Any demigod could come up, and we would be forced to flee," you replied, and your sister nodded. She may be a peerless warrior, but not even she could fight an entire army alone, and you weren't even a quarter as good as she was, so most of your half-siblings would spell doom for you.
"Very well, do be cautious," she stated, but you could tell she was tense. So you leaned against her side, causing her to wrap an arm around you as the snow drifted down from the sky.
You were walking towards the village over; you had borrowed a child's garb even if it galled you to need that. Thankfully, your Great Rune burned in your veins, which meant the snow parted around you as it melted.
Bless nearby villages
6+38(Piety) = 44 < 60 Fail
Unfortunately, as you approached the village, you saw that nobody was outside. That was strange, but you soldiered on before arriving at the edge of the village.
Walking through it, you noticed that not a single person was around; it was as if everybody had stood up and left.
10+29(Intrigue) = 39 < 45 Failure
You couldn't find anything as you walked around the village. There were resources that you could have your people take, but that was for later. You couldn't bring them back yourself, so you departed from the empty village.
The next village over was larger and one you had only approached a handful of times. They were on the cusp of being a town proper, although they were fairly harsh; they would be thrown out if somebody didn't follow all the laws exactly. You had almost the same faint; thankfully, Melinea was by your side to scare anybody away.
This time, you didn't have anybody, so you would just have to trust your voice to see you through.
"Hello," you said as you looked up at a sour man who furrowed his bushy eyebrows at you. He had been working with metal before you interrupted him, so he grunted as his gaze trailed over your rich clothes, which were hiding under the poorly made child's cloak.
"Do you want to have more options? You are not happy here. I can help with that," you said to him in a soft and kind tone. You weren't bringing the true force of your charisma to bear; you could compel his affection if you wanted, but you didn't, not now. Your mundane words would suffice.
"And these options, what would they be but another yoke?" he asked, his gruff voice escaping from his beard as he turned to face you. However, you knew you had him hooked now that he had put his hammer down and was talking with you.
"It wouldn't. I do not want slaves or helpless men under my yoke; I want people who will be kinder to each other. People who are willing to stand up for what is right," you replied, and you earnestly believed that. You had first thought that if you could just make people kinder, the world would be better. You knew better now. Gods were the problem. You loved your mother, but she had wrought terror on the Lands Between, and every other God was no different. If you wanted a better word, there could be no Gods.
The blacksmith looked you up and down more a moment before sighing and tossing his hammer aside, "Very well, I'll trust you," he commented as he turned on his heel and entered his house.
You departed from the town with a little over a dozen people following you. They were the downtrodden and broken, the ones who didn't have anything better. You weren't bringing any supplies, just more people. You had spread the word of St. Trina, and whispers of her had spread among the people you were bringing back; you knew that part of you would vastly mitigate any issues.
+15 Humans (50)
-1 Morale (8/10)
You had delivered your new followers back to the growing village; you did not doubt that given time, morale would improve, and they would join the nascent religion that had sprung up. However, that wasn't your focus right now. Instead, you were searching for things atop this mountain that could help you. The Sacred Tear seemed to hold some value, but you didn't know much beyond its potential utility, so you were on the hunt.
Secret Hunting
56+29(Intrigue) = 85 > 75 Success
You were smart, and as you started searching, you picked up a trail. The snow may have covered most of the old signs, but you could see a few hints of the giants here and there. A vast majority of the ones you found headed in one direction, towards the east.
Following the trails, you snuck around the few animals and soon were in front of the trail leading down into the earth. You frowned as you looked around at what little you could see on the surface. You weren't sure, but it looked like a tomb or a catacomb. That meant this could be one of the Giant's catacombs. You smiled as you turned on your heel and started heading back. This would be a good find; you would have to mount an expedition first, of course, but you may find good things inside.
Discover Giants' Mountaintop Catacombs
The Astrologers were distantly related to the modern-day Gintstone Sorcerers. You didn't know what exactly the relation was, but you approached their ruins with an open hand.
Approach the Astrologers
62+40(Diplomacy) = 102 > 50 Success
"Halt!" a voice shouted, and peering through the snow, you saw a figure bundled up and with a stave in hand. "State your name and purpose!" the figure continued.
"I am St. Trina, and I have come to open diplomacy!" you replied; you didn't want to reveal that Miquella was here, so you went with what most of the people you had talked to knew you as.
"Very well, approaching me slowly!"
You did that, hands raised up as you shuffled through the snow, tamping down on your Great Rune to prevent any signs that you were attacking.
"By the Gods, it's a lass," the man said as he rushed forward and started hurrying you inside. Your lips twitched down at that statement, but you didn't say anything.
Soon, you were ushered inside and sat down. The vast majority of these ruins were empty and showed clear signs of feral creatures. However, a small area was inhabited by half a dozen Astrologers.
"You aren't some mere lass," the apparent leader said as he peered down at you, his Glintstone crown weighing heavy on his head. You looked him in the eyes and saw a glimpse of a massive current that threatened to sweep you up in its stream.
"I am not; I am Empyrean and here to talk," you stated, looking the man in the eyes, resisting the pull of that current in his gaze. The man looked back for a few moments before nodding solemnly.
"You hold a heavy burden. I am Galdrik, " he stated, not removing his gaze from you, "Your fate is hazy and entwined with the stars; they have been held in stasis, and until you break that hold, you will not accomplish your goal."
You blinked as you listened to his blunt words but held your tongue, knowing he had more to say.
"I am willing to help. However, I would request you to take me and my men in. Put me on your council," he stated; you could compel him, or you could agree to his demands. You wanted mages anyway, but looking around, all of these folk were old, which could cause complications or, at the very least, friction.
What do you do?
[] [Mages] Agree to his terms (Gain a Hero and 6 Astrologers; Galdrik will expect that you listen to his counsel)
[] [Mages] Refuse him (Recruiting Astrologers in the future will be very hard)
[] [Mages] Use your charm, compel their affection (Gain a Hero and 6 Astrologers; their Morale will always be at 10)
You had a bar of Unalloyed Gold sitting across your lap as you set your scattered notes next to you. You wanted to study your creation and get a better understanding of it. You knew it warded away Outer Gods, but something was missing, something that would ensure its warding was absolute. You were also going to simplify the recipe; that would be harder, but you had the time.
Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold
17+25(Learning) = 42 < 80 Failure
Study Something: Unalloyed Gold
18+25(Learning) = 43 < 50 Failure
You hurled the bar at the wall as you snarled. The stupid bar wasn't working. You felt so close to understanding it, to figuring out how to help your sister, but it just wasn't working!
You try to calm down and breathe through your nose to relax. It worked somewhat as you emerged from your room and sat down in the snow. You ignored how your clothes got wet from it; your Great Rune would dry them later. You just wanted to calm down now.
Lying down, you ignored the glances from your subjects as the fire in your veins melted the snow around you and cooled your head, both literally and metaphorically.
Spread the word of St. Trina
69+38(Piety) = 107 < 70 Success
The name of St. Trina was becoming whispered on the lips of many now. You had approached a nearby village and had been invited inside and plied with food and drink.
It seemed the people surrounding your own were only holding off from joining because they were still a bit wary. It should be easy enough to push them over the edge once you had the time.
Morale of recruited humans will be higher
"Sit down," you told your dear sister, who had the gall to look down at you, annoyed, "I know you don't like it, but I want to see if this is a new avenue of study."
"Fine," Malenia said as she sat down. Unlike before, when you had studied, you were not in your room. This time, you were in one of the workshops, and you doubted any of their tools could hurt your sister, but they had other implements that may be useful for studying.
Great Rune Understanding: Decay
63+25(Learning) = 88 < 110 Failure
"I'm sorry," you said to your sister, who stroked your hair as you clutched her side. She didn't say anything, but you knew she wasn't upset; this wasn't something new to her, just another in a long line of disappointments.
"That is fine; you will try again," she replied gently, in that firm but loving tone of hers. You let go and leaned back, looking at your dear sister with slightly teary eyes.
"Of course, I will; I promised you, did I not?" you asked, grasping her much larger metal hand in your own.
"That you did," she replied, placing her hand on top of your own as the two of you sat and enjoyed each other's presence for a time.
Focus on Great Rune of Decay
61+24(Piety) = 85/5 = 17
+17 Progress (27/100)
As the two of you spent what little time together as days drifted by, you could feel her Great Rune curdling in her veins. You couldn't sense all that much; you had tried and been reduced to frustrated tears. However, you could tell she was growing more attuned, which was what you had asked her to do.
She may be the best, but if Radhan assaulted her, the might of his own Great Rune may cause her to lose, so she cultivated its strength.
You approached the Fire Giant like before. Just as before, you sat down, far away from the ancient being, and merely watched it. Your tongue was fire and silver, and you spoke words it could not understand. That didn't matter, for Heresy burnt away at its chains, and your charm compelled its affection.
Continue approaching the Fire Giant [HERESY] and [CHARM]
80+40(Diplomacy)+20(Charisma of Miquella)+19(Great Rune of Heresy) = 159 > 110 Success
Nothing happened as you sat there; the Fire Giant merely watched you, wary as usual. However, you didn't do anything except watch it, so the giant eventually sat down with a thud that may have caused an avalanche if it wasn't clearly used to being careful by now.
You heard noises escape its throat as its mouth opened, and you did the same, spitting silver and fire as it replied in a language you didn't understand.
You eventually stood up to leave, bidding the massive creature goodbye.
The Last Fire Giant has grown more comfortable with Miquella's presence
Vote by Plan
Remember you have [HERESY] and [CHARM] additions
[DECAY] addition can only be added to the Action Malenia is taking
Malenia can be assigned to both a Personal Action and a Nation Action, using her stats for the latter
You have an Astrologer Vote
[] Recruit Followers: You need people to help you, and the nearby villages may be taken into the fold. Of course, they are suspicious folk so that it may be difficult.
-[] From where (Currently available: Small Villages)
[] Seek Sapient Allies: You are going to be wandering about and trying to find people willing to help you. This will be dangerous given where you are, and Malenia will hate it, but you need more than humans if you want to move forward.
[] Approach the Fire Monks: They guard much as the giant does. They will not appreciate your approach, but you may be able to at least get your foot in the door. That is the first step to gaining their aid.
[] Approach the Guilty: Heretics who blooded glintstone with both innocent vitals and their own. They may be mad and possibly attempt to attack you, but allies are sorely needed.
-[] Recruit with blood (Reduce one random stat by 1. Gain 30 Guilty)
-[] Recruit with Runes (-15 Runes/Turn. Gain 30 Guilty)
-[] Attempt to win them over (Diplomacy. Gain 30 Guilty)
[] Approach the Zamor: You do not know if any ancient enemies of the Giants remain, but if they do, you would be able to gain potent allies—or at least take the first step towards that.
[] Continue approaching the Fire Giant: It may not directly attack you but you can sense the hatred burning behind it's eyes, it is just tired and so it does not attack you. It may take some time but you are willing to put in the effort to cool that hatred.
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Mount an Expedition: You have something you want to explore, a place that you can plunder for loot and goods. You may not have an army but Malenia will serve as one.
-[] Where do you go? ()
[] Raid the villages: A more violent method of procuring what is needed, but sometimes you have no other choice. Put a village to the sword and ensure nobody is allowed to escape; you will have your supplies. [Gain a random amount of food, a random amount of Mundane Resources and a small chance of Weaponry]
[] Secure Food-Hunting: Another option is to strike out and secure your food from the flesh of animals. The beasts here are hardy and used to hiding, so that it will be hard. [Gain 10 Food]
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Gather Resources: Lumber, stone, and many other things that are needed to build a settlement. You have none of them and will need to gather them. Given the lack of people to help, it will be challenging, but you'll power through it [Gain 5 Resources]
[] Gather Magical Resources: If the lack of simple resources is an issue, the lack of magical ones will be a bigger problem, especially this far north. Even something as simple as seals and staves will be out of your control until you gather some [Gain 1 Magical Resource]
[] Secure Food-Gathering: A more peaceful method, herbs, berries, and other such things. The possible stock you can gain is much lower, but the chance of stumbling across something deadly is also much lower [Gain 5 Food]
[] Build something: You have the people but need a place for them to work. You know the blueprints for a few things, so let's get to work.
-[] What do you build?
(Houses: 5 Mundane Resources
Hunting Lodge: 5 Mundane Resources
Woodcutter: 5 Mundane Resources )
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
Set up an information network: You met a Wandering Merchant; you could pay him to gather rumors and ferry them up here. It would be pricey but it would be worth it to learn what goes on down below [Costs 50/Runes a turn. Unlocks the Rumour Mill]
[] Information Gathering: Up here, away from the rest of the world, information is going to be hard to come by. However, Traveling Merchants do rarely make their way up here and you may be able to tease tales out of them. [Learn a random Rumour]
[] Secret Hunting: Here, at the top of the world, many secrets are hidden away. You don't know what you find, but if you want to learn, you'll have to head out and seek out hidden sights. [Discover the location of something useful]
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Study Something: There are many things you do not have a full understanding of. You may not have much, but you are smart, and that should be enough [Improve your understanding of an item]
-[] What? (Runes, Unalloyed Gold, the Sapling, Sacred Tear)
[] Plant the Sapling: What may be a tree like the Erdtree has been brought here. However, it is confined to a pot and slowly withering away. You may be able to keep it alive, but for it to thrive, it must be planted in soil and allowed to grow [Plant a spaling that will grow with time]
[] Catalog the surroundings: This mountaintop is wild and free; the first step to understanding the more esoteric is understanding the basics. You'll need to write down what you find before you can delve deeper [Reduce the DC of certain Actions and gain information on the surroundings]
[] Research a new building: You are smart and need more if you want to grow. So sit down pen in hand and start working on blueprints
-[] What do you want this building to do? (Write in)
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Spread the word of St. Trina: That other part of you is not known here, but given some time, she may be. As proven by your mother, religion is a potent tool. However, you don't want word of you getting out. so a lesser part of you will serve as a figurehead. [Improve Morale of people when recruited]
[] Spread the word of Miquella: You are not known here, perhaps to a select few, but beyond that, you are merely a newcomer. As proven by your mother, religion is a potent tool, and you do not fear those you may speak word of you. [Improve Morale of people when recruited]
[] Collect donations: You are low on everything from food to Runes; a few donations may be needed if you want to survive. It's not as effective for relation building as blessing without asking for something, but the folk may be convinced to part with their goods in exchange for a few blessings. [Gain a small amount of Runes]
[] Bless nearby villages: A prayer for rain here, a small bit of healing there. The people here are without gods, but that does not mean they will deny your help. This may be the first foot in the door for better relations with the more paranoid villages. [Reduce DC for nearby villages]
[] Set up a proper Religion: So far many people have heard the word of St. Trina but you need something proper, something official that people will fall in line with.
-[] What is the name and overall tennets? (Write in)
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
Personal Actions
[] Develop a spell: If you want to solve problems, the simplest thing is magic. You have great knowledge of Incantations so why not figure out a solution from that? [Piety]
-[] What field and what do you want it to do? (St. Trina's Blessing or Golden Fundamentalism)
[] Research magic: To expand your understanding, you'll have to delve deeply into magic, both old and new. You won't be seeking out new spells but explorations of old understandings or delving into what new magic can be found here. [Piety]
-[] What field (St. Trina's Blessing or Golden Fundamentalism)
[] Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold: Your wonder metal is incredible but very hard to make. Only the most skilled of smiths in the capital could forge it; if you want to spread it, the recipe will need to be written in plain terms. [Learning] (1/10 Progress)
[] Forage for a seal: Without a focus on your magic, it's still potent but not as good as it could be. It will be challenging, but you may be able to find one here. [Intrigue]
[] Focus on your Great Rune: You must cultivate that burning in your breast if you wish to claim godhood. That lava in your veins will grow as you attune to it. [Piety]
[] Cast a spell: You have magic you can bring to bear, why not use it and show what you can use?
-[] What spell do you cast?
[] Train a stat: You must be better if you want to claim the throne. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
[] Guard Miquella: It is nearly impossible for you to get rid of her for some time. So you'll have to grin and bear it for the next while as she never lets you out of her sight. [Prowess]
[] Maintain Miquella's Gift: The prosthetic is a hardy thing, but it is also delicate, needing proper mince to ensure it is unmarred. Your sister will sit down with her tools and do just that. [Learning]
[] Cultive the Rot: A deadly bargain, but you will need more potent aid to survive. This is not blooming; you would never ask your dear sister to bloom. However, you would ask her to bring the Scarlet Rot to the surface for a time. [Piety]
[] Focus on her Great Rune: she holds a fragment of the Elden Ring in her breast. It curdles in her veins, and given time, she may allow it to blossom into a ring of its own. [Piety]
[] Train a stat: She believes she must be better if she wants to properly serve as your blade. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
-20 Food (5)
+5 Mundane Resources (5)
+5 Progress: Great Rune of Heresy (22/100)
+5 Progress: Great Rune of Decay (32/100)
+6 Astrologers
+Galdrik the Starseer
Time marched on. You had agreed to Galdrick's term, so he had moved his men in with yours. It was only half a dozen, but you were happy they had packed a bit of their own food; your own was running low.
Animals were brought back and turned into food; trees were felled and churned so they could be burnt, turned into logs, or half a dozen other things that would help your small village grow and prosper.
Once again, your dear sister walked behind you as you introduced Galdrik and his men to the village.
"This is where you will be staying," you told him, gesturing to one of the newly built houses. It wasn't amazing, not by a long shot. Even the most run-down houses in the capital would be like palaces here. However, they knew how to build them sturdy, and that was all you were asking.
"Very well," Galdrik replied as he slowly walked into the house, followed by his men. You knew the old man was somewhat surly and have been wavering between charming him or note, but you decided not to. If needed, you could do it later; perhaps his advice might be good.
You sighed as you left them to their own business. It would take them time to get set up and properly incorporated into the village, but there was no use in pushing them. It wouldn't do anything but annoy them.
"Hello, Alafair," you said as you approached the merchant. He grinned up at you. You could see the fire sparkling in his eyes, and it wasn't a reflection of the flame in front of him.
"I would request that you join us," you stated, causing the Wandering Merchant to squint as he stopped playing his instrument. He waited a moment before speaking.
"I wouldn't be all that good; I'm just a wandering merchant," he replied with a wry smile on his lips, but you saw the flames in his eyes flare at your request. You retrieved a small ingot of Unalloyed Gold and placed it down in front of him.
"Pick it up," you said with a kind smile. Alafair hesitated a moment before picking the ingot up. When the pure gold touched his skin, he shuddered as the flame receded from his eyes. He reached up and gently touched his skin, looking up at you with awe.
-1 Unalloyed Gold (9)
"Is this how it is?" he whispered, to which you nodded. The Wandering Merchant tucked the bar into his vest, so it touched his skin. He coughed slightly as he rubbed his eyes.
"How can I help you?" he asked with a soft smile. Now that the Freinzed Flame had faded, he was much more willing to help.
"I can try to buy a few things or set up an information network. I will need some Runes to get started," he said, explaining his skills. He did seem a bit awkward about asking for money from his newest lord.
You merely hummed as you thought over what you wanted him to do.
What do you have him do?
[] [Alafair] Set up a rumor mill in Leyndell
-[] How many runes do you give him?
[] [Alafair] Have him purchase rare items
-[] What do you want him to buy, and how many runes do you give him?
[] [Alafair] Something else? (It cannot be combat-related)
Hunting was a simple task, one that you now had people who could help you with. You were running low on supplies while Desitned Death was not here, sealed away as it was. Starvation would drive your men to madness. It didn't matter that they couldn't die; starvation would render all but the most devout hollowed out of anything resembling sanity in time.
"We need extra food. I am putting this trust on your shoulders," you told a handful of men you had rounded up to do this. They nodded as they went off, with poor weaponry and knowledge to aid them.
+10 Food (15)
They returned with deer and other animals hauled over their shoulders. Not a single one of them was wounded beyond a bit of cold fingers or scrapes from a fall. It wasn't enough to stave off starvation, but it was enough that the vast majority wouldn't suffer.
"You did good," you told the new hunters. They smiled in glee as you, St. Trina, told them that they had done well. Their devotion was reassuring; it was a strong foundation that even here at the top of the world, people could find a common cause to work together.
"How is the woodcutter coming along?" you asked Somnus, who smiled broadly as he looked at the people moving back and forth as lumber was brought in.
"It's going wonderfully; we haven't had this much progress and building in years," he said before turning and looking down to face you, that zealous look in your eyes that many here shared, "It's all thanks to your St. Trina, you've empowered us to build a real home here. Not just a place where we cower in fear of whatever beast or tyrant looms nearby."
"I wish for a place free from that, one where people can live in compassion," you replied. You didn't mention your actual goal, an age free from gods. You were a god in their eyes, and it would only confuse them to talk of things that dwelled in rot, blood, or the vastness beyond the Lands Between, so you kept it simple.
"Your people have helped me on that first step," you said with a pleasant smile as you looked up at Somnus, "This woodcutter, while small, is one of many steps."
"Of course, St. Trina," the man said with a deep bow as he bustled off towards the woodcutter. You knew he would make sure all the pieces fit together, and you trusted him on that.
-5 Mundane Resources (0)
+1 Woodcutter (2)
Look for a Secret Place
76+29(Intrigue) = 105 > 100 Success
You were searching. The sapling you had brought had slaked its thirst on your blood, but you could tell it wanted to grow. It couldn't be a sapling forever, and while so long as you fed it, the tree could wait inside the pot, you wanted something new, a blossoming counterpart to the Erdtree that would shelter all.
So you were on the hunt for a secret place to shelter the sapling. Once planted, it would grow quickly, but that would attract others. You had no doubt this Veiled Monarch would come to destroy it or that Rykard would attempt to burn it. You needed to shelter it just as you were sheltering your people.
It took time, but you managed to find a spot; it was tucked away under the base of the minor Erdtree. It would be an excellent spot to grow; none would even notice the difference at first, except that the old minor Erdtree would wilt for some time before regaining its strength. However, you could see the avatar guarding the towering tree; you would have to slay it before you could plant the sapling.
Content you returned to your village, that ember of Heresy burning through your veins.
Learned a location to plant your sapling; the Erdtree Avatar must be slain first
Study Unalloyed Gold
99+25(Learning) = 124 > 50 Success
You turned the bar over in your hand. Some time ago, you had talked to Alafair and gifted him a bar of pure gold. The Frienzed Flame in his eyes had receded, pushed back by the gold.
You wanted to figure out more about how this metal did that. You had created it originally to stave off your dear sister's Rot. The process had been long and hard, but you had managed to melt away the impurities of gold, smoothing away what would tarnish the metal, and what was left was pure.
As you looked down at it, you understood it was removing the parties that gave it the properties it did. It was a gleaming bar of metal that shone free of anything that would embed it. It pushed back Scarlet Rot, Freinzed Flame, and any other Outer God because, by its nature, it couldn't be anything else.
You smiled as you held the bar close to you. This was only the first step to truly understanding what you had made, guided along by instincts and half formed thoughts as you had beem, but you had improved.
Gain Basic Understanding: Unalloyed Gold
Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold
66+25(Learning) = 101 > 80 Success
From there, it had been easy to continue simplifying the recipe. You worked in your room on what little paper your village provided for this project. You knew more and, as such, could make massive strides. You nearly doubled how quickly you got your work out of your mind and on paper.
It would take more time, large amounts of it, even with what you know now. However, you were attempting to make something you had made in the forges of Leyndell simple enough to be created anywhere so long as they had the supplies.
Spread the word of St. Trina
65+38(Piety) = 103 > 70 Success
Once again, you approached the villages. They could still use your help, and you needed them to be used to you. This time, you walked into a struggling village, and you could see the people were sickly and their fingers frostbitten. You could solve all of their problems with a wave of your hands, and despite how you wanted to bring your men in and help them, they would refuse. These mountain folk were reclusive; if you brought your people in to help, they would shun it.
So instead, you raised your hands above your hand and drew on that well of energy inside you. Golden light spilled forth, and wounds healed as energy poured from you. Mortal mages who attempted the same would have been drained dry in mere moments, but you weren't mortal; you weren't even a demigod. You were Empyrean, heir to your mother's throne, and as such, you were simply better.
Minutes later, the people who had been waiting for death roused themself. Fingers that were about to fall off were now unharmed and healthy pink, wounds from wild animals or mere scrabbling as they attempted to harvest wood healed as one man approached you.
"Who are you?" he asked in a hushed whisper. You merely smiled as you replied.
"I am St. Trina," you said, and as you spoke, a comforting noise emerged from your lips. The villagers wavered as slumber overtook them; it wasn't a spell you were casting. It was deeper than that, more primal. You used your nature as St. Trina, the goddess of sleep and small mercies, to send them to sleep. They would awake in a few minutes, fully rested and ready to restart their lives.
You turned and left. You had other villages to sway to and couldn't stay here all day.
DC for nearby villages lowered
Morale for recruited villagers will be higher
Godhood is a strange thing. You have a claim to your mother's throne; you have aims to claim it alongside your consort, even if your mind whispered that beautiful brilliant Ranni had perished, and your dream of her at your side would remain unfulfilled.
You ignored that and instead ruminated on godhood. You knew that among even demigods, you held great knowledge of Incantations. You developed some for your father and yet spurred the Golden Order when it wouldn't save your sister.
If you wanted to ascend to new heights and kindle that spark of godhood in your breast, you would need to focus on an aspect of yourself. You already had two, St. Trina and Miquella the Kind. The former had a small domain; she was a minor goddess, and people knew her. It would be easier to form a ladder with her. Yet she wasn't you, not in truth. She was only part of you, and a small one at that, born of your desire to stave off Outer Gods.
The other part was much larger, Miquella the Kind. You didn't have a true domain or even any worshippers that you could use to build a ladder. However, this part of you was bigger, and as such, despite the initial path being more arduous, it may be easier to remain fully you.
There was a third path; you had already formed St. Trina, so what was another side of you? It would be the hardest, but it would be purposeful, not like the accident that was St. Trina or the lived-in sense of Miquella. It would not be easy, and your followers would have a hard time, but perhaps you should kindle something new. In time, it might be best to cast aside the nascent portions of you to become a proper god.
You ruminated on those thoughts and eventually decided just what to do.
What aspect do you focus on?
[] [Piety] St Trina, goddess of sleep and small mercies
[] [Piety] Miquella the Kind, nascent god
[] [Piety] Some new side (Write in a name and domain)
[] [Piety] None; you will not kindle a specific part of you
Approach the Fire Monks
50+40(Diplomacy) = 90 > 90 Success
You approached one of the last free groups atop the mountain. You had talked to most of the others, and yet these monks resembled the Fire Giant you wanted to know. The Fire Monks seemed content to hold up in their fort, and you approached them to talk. You didn't know how they would react, so you were cautious.
"Greetings!" you shouted as you approached the castle. It had seen better years, yet the gates were pushed open for you. As you walked through the castle to the upper floors, you noticed the man kept a wary eye on you.
"Welcome to our fort," a man servilely said as he bowed deeply. Judging by the blood-red thorns pushed into his eyes, he was Guilty, yet he walked around this fort with the ease of somebody who had spent countless years here.
Noticing Something
11+29 = 40 < 60 Failure
You noticed the Fire Monks kept their distance, yet like the Guilty before them, something about you caused them to keep an eye on you. However, they turned away when you looked at them, returning to their work as you were led to the top of the castle.
There, you saw a taller man. Resting next to him was a massive shield—one made in the image of the Fire Giant. You knew they were connected, but you doubted the last of the Giants would be willing to talk with these people even if he was able. That means this man may be old, possibly older than you, surviving on through his devotion and the lack of Destined Death.
"Greetings, godling!" he boomed as he turned and faced you. You saw a gleam of the Fell God lurking with his eyes. It wasn't even close to the overwhelming presence of a nearly dead God that the fire Giant held. But enough exposure would warp all that touched even the barest embers of a God.
"Greetings, I am St. Trina," you replied. You didn't give him a curtsy even though your disguise may have required it. He may be a priest to a God, but you were a demigod. You would not show respect to another God's priest, and going by his grin, he knew that.
"I am Arghanthy, and I would request why I the blessing of Marika on you?" he asked; his voice softened slightly, but there was tension in it.
Hide what you know
1+29(Intrigue) = 30 < 70 Critical Failure!
You couldn't hold back the frown at that. You had hoped nobody up here would have been able to see that. As her child, you carried her blood in your veins, and to the discerning, they would be able to notice that—your name of St. Trina suppressed that to an extent, but this priest could clearly tell you were of her lineage.
"Very well," he stated as your mind raced. He then rose to his feet as he cleared his throat, "Seize her!" he shouted, his voice carrying the barest motes of the Fell God's power. You then noticed that Fire Monks had been slowly surrounding you, and the Guilty were raising staves topped with bloody red Glintstone.
"Perhaps you will have more to say when you are flensed by our God," Arghanthy stated as you refocused your attention on him, still keeping a wary eye on the others who were moving to attack
What do you do?
[] Attempt to flee (Intrigue check, Prowess if you fail)
[] Stand and fight (Prowess, easier than other Prowess checks)
[] Subdue them with St. Trina's Blessing (Piety check, Prowess if you fail)
-[] Slay them (Prowess check for how many you kill before they awaken)
-[] Flee (You will succeed; intrigue check to see how well you get away)
[] Charm them, compel their affection (Diplomacy, gain the effects of Charisma of Miquella for this check, Prowess if you fail)
-[] Recruit them (Gain 50 Fire Monks, 15 Guilty, and Arghanthy)
-[] Have them stay here (You can recruit them at any point)
--[] Do you tell them to do anything while they stay (Write in, if not told to do anything they will stockpile supplies)
[] Something else? (Write in, Arghanthy is not willing to talk)
"You will set up a network in Leyndell," you told Alafair. The man nodded as he tucked away his instrument, keeping the ingot you had given him close to his chest at all times,
"Here are the funds I am able to spare," you said as you gestured, and the barest fragments of the Elden Ring spun out of your chest with a faint glimmer. Your newest recruit accepted with a faint frown and nod.
-60 Runes (80)
"I do apologize, but this will not get me far, not in the capital. I will do what I can," Alafair replied with a faint bow. You could tell he wasn't used to the formalities he likely excited you to demand. However, you didn't care; you would rather he serve you as he could and not be bothered by formalities.
"Do what you can," you told him. He nodded as he kept packing his goods away. You then left, trusting him to set something up.
+Leyndell Rumor Mill
You ignored the idea of cultivating a part of yourself. You were not just Miquella or St. Trina; you were both. If you were to kindle only part of that, wouldn't it stifle the other parts of you?
You didn't know enough to say for certain, so you would take the harder route and kindle your entire being—not Miquella or St. Trina but your entire self, every scrap and mote that made you.
Training Piety
94 > 90 Success
+1 Piety (39)
It took time and quite a lot of effort, but you managed. You could feel your soul creak open as you breathed divinity. You wondered if this was how your sister felt; you ignored that feeling.
You rose to your feet and departed from your house; you had taken another of your long steps toward divinity. There were many more, but you were making progress.
You were not going to be flensed by this man's God. You knew it was the same one that lurked in the chest of the Fire Giant, but you would not be sacrificed to it. To be a sacrifice was to be held in the power of another, and the blood of Empyrean may just be enough to allow this God to return from the body of its only worshipper.
You would not abide by that. Your new Age had no room for Outer Gods. There would be no meddling; you would not accept it. So you drew on that part of you that presided over sleep and swung a hand.
Subdue them with St. Trina's Blessing
48+39(Piety)+30(St. Trina's Blessing) = 117
Purple mist exploded over the entire fortress, a product of your divine will. You had commanded them to sleep, and so your godhead enacted that change on the world. You were not a true good; you were just kindling to your mother's bonfire. Yet even kindling could burn, and so your mist tugged at eyes and whispered in ears.
Fire Monks Resist
9+10(Piety)+10(Touch of the Fell God) = 29 < 117 Fail
The lesser Monks succumbed quickly to the faint touch of their God, not enough to protect them. You heard thuds as they collapsed; fires they had been tending to spill out across the open stone.
Arghanthy Resist
3+17(Piety)+20(Touch of the Fell God) = 40 < 117 Fail
Arghanthy resisted longer than his Monks. He rose to his feet, the shield fashioned in the face of the Fire Giant held tall. You observed him as he strode forth through your purple mists that swept around his ankles.
"I will not succumb to such lowly tricks!" he shouted, but you could tell the vigor burning in his chest was fading quickly. You were proven correct as he staggered and fell to the ground fast asleep, and a feminine voice whispered dreams of sleep into his ears.
The Guilty did not succumb; a few wavered on their feet, but the vast majority stood strong. Blood leaked from empty eye sockets as they drew power from whatever bloody idol they worshipped; it was enough for them to stay awake and alert.
You started at that. You did not expect anybody to remain awake after you exerted your power. You could not flee as they blocked your path, so you called on St. Trina's Blessing and Golden Fundamentalism as you prepared to fight.
You ran down the hallway, your feet slapping against the stone. You knew that the Guilty were still awake. The others would not wake for some time, enspelled by your magic as they were. However, you were not a fighter, so you would do your best to flee.
As you turned the corner, you saw two Guilty. The first raised his staff and sent a whip of bloody thorns snapping against the ground. You darted to the side and swung your hand out, sending a scattershot of golden light at them.
The Guilty stumbled back as you charged past them; however, the other one slammed his staff on the ground, and thorns exploded from the ground surrounding the hallway.
"Stay here!" he shouted, and you could hear the hunger in his voice. You ignored it and pushed through the bloody thorns, ignoring how they opened lines on your arms. You had very rarely been hurt before, and the pain was like a cold splash of water down your back.
The Rune of Heresy burned in your veins, and your soul was spinning like an infernal engine, so you kept moving.
Even with your soul burning, powerful magic, and beck and call, you were still the size of a child. It galled you, but you couldn't cover all that much distance, so it was easy for you to be sandwiched between two groups of Guilty.
Bloody thorns surrounded you as the Guilty slowly approached. They were attempting to box you in, and it was working. Your eyes darted around as you reached out and slung a disc of golden light. It sheered the thorns to shreds as you started running again, your breathing spreading the mists of whispers of St. Trina.
The Guilty sagged, and the one hit by your disc fell back, cut in twain. However, more thrones caught your body with the crack of a whip. You screamed, and whatever magic they were using sent your nerves alight as you fled.
You wanted to stumble and fall, collapse to the ground, and succumb to the pain, but you didn't. You wouldn't just lay down; you had your dear sister to look after. You knew what would happen if you vanished one day; she would sit down and wait, wait for you to return. Depression would claim her, as it nearly did so many years ago. You couldn't stay here and let that happen.
Your soul burned anew as faint sparks were kicked up from your running. You seized a solid rod of light and hurled it at the brick of the castle wall. It shattered in an explosion of gold and regression. You jumped out, landing in the courtyard surrounded by sleeping Fire Monks as more Guilty attempted to approach.
"Stay! Please, oh please, stay!" one of them shouted, his briar face warped into a pleading expression. They wanted you to stay, and you knew why. The blood of an Empyrean was potent, and to the blood-drunk scholars, you had no doubt they would find it a delicacy.
You ignored that as you kept running, this time heading for the gate.
The Guilty scrambled to keep up, bloody thorns flying past you and what few were by the gates attempting to stop you with whips and summoned briars. You dodged what you could and subdued the others with purple mist and blasting gold.
You emerged from the castle and kept running, this time through a layer of thick snow. The Guilty purposed for some time, but when it was clear they could not stop you, they returned to the castle.
You had no doubt they would be planning to hunt you down, so you kept moving even as your back screamed in pain and blood trickled down into the snow.
Covering your Tracks
92+29(Intrigue) = 121
You did your best to cover your tracks. You moved back and forth, spreading your blood in areas to make it look like you rested before struggling on. You also managed to find a cave that, with a bit of effort, you filled with signs of habitation.
It was the best act of deception you could manage, and frankly, your wounds were getting worse, so you started to head back to your people.
You arrived back, and your wounds were healed. It may be hard to do in the thick of combat, but you are a master of Golden Fundamentalism. Give you a moment, and you can ensure that anything that is not death is cured. Now that Destined Death is sealed, you can cure everything.
That is a bit hyperbolic, but there is always a faint giddiness that comes with using Golden Fundamentalism; when that warm light fills you, you are drawn back to your father. His red hair and you learning at his feet, you gifted him spells of your own and can't help but remember that time fondly. You may have distanced yourself from the Golden Order, but you would never regret that time you spent with your father.
"You Holiness, are you okay?" a hunter shouted as he ran over. You frowned as you looked down; your wounds were healed, so why was he concerned? It was only as the man was ushering you towards your home, careful not to touch you and always with a certain reverence, that you realized your clothes were still damaged. Heresy was burning, and it had kept you warm enough that you had forgotten.
"What happened?" Somnus asked as you sat in front of the fire. You enjoyed the warmth even if it paled compared to the magma in your veins.
"The Fire Monks did not appreciate a rival goddess," you explained. It was technically true, and you would not reveal you were a scion of the Golden Order. You had no doubt the people here harbored no love for them, which was why you had ran with the name St. Trina.
Somnus scowled, but you raised your hand as you noticed your dear sister was not around. You would have expected that she would be here the moment you returned.
"Put that out of your mind. Where is my sister?" you ordered. Somnus nodded as he replied.
"Your sister has left to cleanse the catacombs you discovered, your holiness," he told you in a deep bow. The stiffness of his jaw told you he wanted to say something. He wanted you to hunt down the Fire Monks for daring to harm you, but he would submit to your will.
"Very well, we must make preparations before she returns," you told your loyal follower, who looked up confused.
"She will not be happy that I was hurt."
54+35(Martial)+12(Great Rune of Decay) = 101
Clearing the Catacombs
61+65(Prowess)+12(Great Rune of Decay) = 138 > 60 Success
Searching for Loot
79+22(Intrigue)+12(Great Rune of Decay) = 113
You had taken the time to ensure your clothing was repaired and were hearty. The people here could not replicate the skills and fabrics of the capital, but you hoped that your sister wouldn't notice. It was a vain hope, but she would have wanted to march to war if she had learned you were injured. That may be your plan, but you wanted to think first, even if you wanted to kill them all for trying to kill you, of course, but denying you. The two of you could have built something great, but Arghanthy had ruined it.
You cast those thoughts aside as Malenia returned. She strode through the snow, a small satchel tucked in her clothes. You had requested that she retrieve things of interest, and it seems she had done so.
"How was your expedition?" you asked her as she settled in the chair across from you. Worry had gnawed at you as the time for her return came closer and closer. You knew she was the strongest, but you couldn't help but worry.
"There was no problem; the preparation was simple, and the only thing that could challenge me was a massive spirit. The most time-consuming part was searching for resources," she told you, a faint, satisfied smile on her face. She was your blade, but that didn't mean she had no other hobbies. She enjoyed improving herself, and up her, she hadn't much cause to fight, so shaking off the rust was something she must have enjoyed.
+1 Golden Seed (1)
+2 Semi-Ethereal Grave Gloveworts (2)
+2 Semi-Vitrified Smithing Stones (2)
+1 ??? Spirit Ashes (1)
+1,500 Runes (1,580)
+3 Great Rune of Decay Progress (35/100)
You felt the Runes she had gathered surge into a faint glow of light. For a moment, you felt greater as the shattered fragments of the Elden Ring suffused your being. You shook aside the thought as you opened the satchel.
It was an eclectic mix of items: a single brilliant gold seed, plants that seemed slightly out of phase with reality, small bits of stone that you recognized for blacksmiths, and a tiny box that, when opened, revealed ashes.
You picked up one of the smithing stones and looked it over. You were not a blacksmith, but you knew these held power; they could empower weapons. You didn't know the process and had no doubt they would go unused until you could entice a skilled blacksmith to your nation. You had blacksmiths, but they were the mundane sort, not the kind to use them.
You would have to store the rest until you knew what you wanted to do with them.
Continue approaching the Fire Giant [HERESY] and [CHARM]
15+40(Diplomacy)+20(Charisma of Miquella)+19(Great Rune of Heresy) = 94 < 120 Fail
You approached the Fire Giant once again, your tongue dipped in silver and your veins burning with heresy. However as you settled yourself into where you normally met you noticed the last of his kind was not looking at you.
As you opened your senses and peered into the Fire Giant you noticed something, the God that dwelled within smoldered. It had taken umbrage at your assault of it's followers few as they were. You understood why, as weak as it was what little remained of it's cults would be a preciouses resources.
You didn't agree, they had tried to claim you and sacrifice you. However so long as this God's anger dwelt in the Fire Giant it would be harder to approach it. Your charm and Great Rune had been working though so you weren't back to square one.
So you rose to your feet and departed, there was no reason in sitting around if the Fire Giant was only going to stew in anger.
Vote by Plan
Remember you have [HERESY] and [CHARM] additions
[DECAY] addition can only be added to the Action Malenia is taking
Malenia can be assigned to both a Personal Action and a Nation Action, using her stats for the latter
You have an Astrologer Vote
[] Recruit Followers: You need people to help you, and the nearby villages may be taken into the fold. Of course, they are suspicious folk so that it may be difficult.
-[] From where (Currently available: Small Villages)
[] Seek Sapient Allies: You are going to be wandering about and trying to find people willing to help you. This will be dangerous given where you are, and Malenia will hate it, but you need more than humans if you want to move forward.
[] Approach the Guilty: Heretics who blooded glintstone with both innocent vitals and their own. They may be mad and possibly attempt to attack you, but allies are sorely needed.
-[] Recruit with blood (Reduce one random stat by 1. Gain 30 Guilty)
-[] Recruit with Runes (-15 Runes/Turn. Gain 30 Guilty)
-[] Attempt to win them over (Diplomacy. Gain 30 Guilty)
[] Approach the Zamor: You do not know if any ancient enemies of the Giants remain, but if they do, you would be able to gain potent allies—or at least take the first step towards that.
[] Continue approaching the Fire Giant: It may not directly attack you but you can sense the hatred burning behind it's eyes, it is just tired and so it does not attack you. It may take some time but you are willing to put in the effort to cool that hatred.
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Mount an Expedition: You have something you want to explore, a place that you can plunder for loot and goods. You may not have an army but Malenia will serve as one.
-[] Where do you go? ()
[] Assault the Fire Monks: They attempted to murder you and offer your blood to the Fire Giant's God. This will not stand, and they may attempt to assault you, strike out, and ensure they make no trouble.
-[] Who do you bring? (Write in)
[] Raid the villages: A more violent method of procuring what is needed, but sometimes you have no other choice. Put a village to the sword and ensure nobody is allowed to escape; you will have your supplies. [Gain a random amount of food, a random amount of Mundane Resources and a small chance of Weaponry]
[] Secure Food-Hunting: Another option is to strike out and secure your food from the flesh of animals. The beasts here are hardy and used to hiding, so that it will be hard. [Gain 10 Food]
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Gather Resources: Lumber, stone, and many other things that are needed to build a settlement. You have none of them and will need to gather them. Given the lack of people to help, it will be challenging, but you'll power through it [Gain 5 Resources]
[] Gather Magical Resources: If the lack of simple resources is an issue, the lack of magical ones will be a bigger problem, especially this far north. Even something as simple as seals and staves will be out of your control until you gather some [Gain 1 Magical Resource]
[] Secure Food-Gathering: A more peaceful method, herbs, berries, and other such things. The possible stock you can gain is much lower, but the chance of stumbling across something deadly is also much lower [Gain 5 Food]
[] Build something: You have the people but need a place for them to work. You know the blueprints for a few things, so let's get to work.
-[] What do you build?
(Houses: 5 Mundane Resources
Hunting Lodge: 5 Mundane Resources
Woodcutter: 5 Mundane Resources
Research Lab: 7 Mundane Resources, 3 Magical Resources
Observatory: 3 Mundane Resources, 1 Magical Resources
Glintstone Woodworker: 5 Mundane Resources, 1 Magical Resources
Blacksmith: 4 Mundane Resources
Mine: 5 Mundane Resources, Requires a Mine
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Loot the Catacombs: Your dear sister slew everybody in and brought back what she could. You can send your own men down there to loot whatever she left behind. However there is a risk of rot that your sister exuded. [Take whatever Malenia missed]
[] Search for Magical Resources: Now that you have Astrolgers working with you you can start searching for Glintstone mines. It will take some time but a steady supply of it will be required for bigger projects [Gain access to a Glintstone Mine]
[] Information Gathering: Up here, away from the rest of the world, information is going to be hard to come by. However, Traveling Merchants do rarely make their way up here and you may be able to tease tales out of them. [Learn a random Rumour]
[] Secret Hunting: Here, at the top of the world, many secrets are hidden away. You don't know what you find, but if you want to learn, you'll have to head out and seek out hidden sights. [Discover the location of something useful]
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Study Something: There are many things you do not have a full understanding of. You may not have much, but you are smart, and that should be enough [Improve your understanding of an item]
-[] What? (Runes, Unalloyed Gold, the Sapling, Sacred Tear, Grave Glovewort, Smithing Stone, Spirit Ashes)
[] Plant the Sapling: What may be a tree like the Erdtree has been brought here. However, it is confined to a pot and slowly withering away. You may be able to keep it alive, but for it to thrive, it must be planted in soil and allowed to grow [Plant a spaling that will grow with time]
[] Catalog the surroundings: This mountaintop is wild and free; the first step to understanding the more esoteric is understanding the basics. You'll need to write down what you find before you can delve deeper [Reduce the DC of certain Actions and gain information on the surroundings]
[] Research a new building: You are smart and need more if you want to grow. So sit down pen in hand and start working on blueprints
-[] What do you want this building to do? (Write in)
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Spread the word of St. Trina: That other part of you is not known here, but given some time, she may be. As proven by your mother, religion is a potent tool. However, you don't want word of you getting out. so a lesser part of you will serve as a figurehead. [Improve Morale of people when recruited]
[] Spread the word of Miquella: You are not known here, perhaps to a select few, but beyond that, you are merely a newcomer. As proven by your mother, religion is a potent tool, and you do not fear those you may speak word of you. [Improve Morale of people when recruited]
[] Collect donations: You are low on everything from food to Runes; a few donations may be needed if you want to survive. It's not as effective for relation building as blessing without asking for something, but the folk may be convinced to part with their goods in exchange for a few blessings. [Gain a small amount of Runes]
[] Bless nearby villages: A prayer for rain here, a small bit of healing there. The people here are without gods, but that does not mean they will deny your help. This may be the first foot in the door for better relations with the more paranoid villages. [Reduce DC for nearby villages]
[] Set up a proper Religion: So far many people have heard the word of St. Trina but you need something proper, something official that people will fall in line with.
-[] What is the name and overall tennets? (Write in)
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
Personal Actions
[] Develop a spell: If you want to solve problems, the simplest thing is magic. You have great knowledge of Incantations so why not figure out a solution from that? [Piety]
-[] What field and what do you want it to do? (St. Trina's Blessing or Golden Fundamentalism)
[] Research magic: To expand your understanding, you'll have to delve deeply into magic, both old and new. You won't be seeking out new spells but explorations of old understandings or delving into what new magic can be found here. [Piety]
-[] What field (St. Trina's Blessing or Golden Fundamentalism)
[] Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold: Your wonder metal is incredible but very hard to make. Only the most skilled of smiths in the capital could forge it; if you want to spread it, the recipe will need to be written in plain terms. [Learning] (3/10 Progress)
[] Forage for a seal: Without a focus on your magic, it's still potent but not as good as it could be. It will be challenging, but you may be able to find one here. [Intrigue]
[] Focus on your Great Rune: You must cultivate that burning in your breast if you wish to claim godhood. That lava in your veins will grow as you attune to it. [Piety]
[] Cast a spell: You have magic you can bring to bear, why not use it and show what you can use?
-[] What spell do you cast?
[] Train a stat: You must be better if you want to claim the throne. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
[] Guard Miquella: It is nearly impossible for you to get rid of her for some time. So you'll have to grin and bear it for the next while as she never lets you out of her sight. [Prowess]
[] Maintain Miquella's Gift: The prosthetic is a hardy thing, but it is also delicate, needing proper mince to ensure it is unmarred. Your sister will sit down with her tools and do just that. [Learning]
[] Cultive the Rot: A deadly bargain, but you will need more potent aid to survive. This is not blooming; you would never ask your dear sister to bloom. However, you would ask her to bring the Scarlet Rot to the surface for a time. [Piety]
[] Focus on her Great Rune: she holds a fragment of the Elden Ring in her breast. It curdles in her veins, and given time, she may allow it to blossom into a ring of its own. [Piety]
[] Train a stat: She believes she must be better if she wants to properly serve as your blade. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
[] Develop a spell: If you want to solve problems, the simplest thing is magic. He has great knowledge of sorcciers so why not figure out a solution from that? [Learning]
-[] What field and what do you want it to do? (Glintstone Sorcery)
[] Scry the stars: The stars may be held in stasis and Galdrik's sight may be weaker but if he spends some time he may just be able to support your entire nation with a few tidbits of advice. [Learning]
-[] What extra Action do you apply Starseer to?
[] Rest: Galdrik is ancient, he has lived much longer than any non-demigod should, or even could. However he still is alive, and yet his soul and mind are flaking away. Given time to rest he'll restore his mind and soul even slightly.
[] Train a stat: He must be better if you want to stand behind you. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
-26 Food (0)
+10 Mundane Resources (10)
-100 Runes (1,480)
+5 Progress: Great Rune of Heresy (30/100)
+5 Progress: Great Rune of Decay (40/100)
8 > 5 Galdrik does not die
The sun rose, and the moon sunk as it always did. Progress moved along; resources were turned into supplies, and Runes were spent to keep the rumor mill churning. However, you didn't have enough food to support everybody. Nobody could die, but that did not mean they couldn't succumb to despair. You had seen it in your flight: people simply lying down as their mind and soul crumbled yet never able to die.
There was a faint gloom that hung over your village. Food was scarce, and the rations had been stretched as far as possible. You were given the largest portions, and while your stomach rumbled, you weren't as bad as the others.
Yet nobody succumbed. They all kept working and kept walking despite empty stomachs and sunken cheeks. Life was hard up here, and with an influx of new people, they knew food would be stretched thin. They trusted you, so they kept at it.
As you slept, you could hear voices faint as they prayed to you for a good sleep. That purple poison that clung to your soul grew as you rested and dreamt, prayers sent and a hope that things would get better.
Seek Sapient Allies
99+40 = 139 > 80 Success
You knew food was tight, but you needed more people. If you were to grow, every person on this mountain would have to work with you; it didn't matter what they were, you would need their aid to claim the throne.
You weren't seeking out villages; you were seeking out the lost and desperate, the ones huddled in caves, The sort of people you could ensnare with a handful of words, and as you saw a faint string of smoke rising above a small rock formation, a smile graced your face.
"Who's there?" a voice snapped out as you stepped into the firelight. The flickering flame sheltered fifteen people. They were gaunt and had sallow cheeks; you could tell they were on the brink of despair.
"I am St. Trina," you said as you kept your hands raised. The man who had shouted had a shoddy spear clutched in his hands. Seeing you, he untensed slightly, but you noticed the Guilty, huddled together, turned their heads to face you.
"I have a place where you can join; what you have done in the past can be forgotten," you tell them, and while you were not using any of your charm, you could tell they were hooked. The humans because you likely had food and housing, and the Guilty because you didn't care about their prior crimes.
Morale would drop when you brought back more mouths to feed. However, you needed all the hands you could get, so when they took your hand, you led them back to your village.
The empty village was free of anything. You would have thought it would have been peeled apart years ago, but it still stood. You trudged through the snow, your thick cloak shielding you from the snow that drifted down from the sky.
However, as you approached the settlement, you saw a flicker, snow scattered by unseen movement. Despite the magma in your veins, you felt a trickle of cold down your spine; you could tell you weren't welcome.
You didn't know why, but the old ghosts of this once proud race did not want you, and you knew they who had fought the Giants could easily slay you alone as you were. So you turned on your heel and departed; you would return and recruit them someday. That day was not today.
"Thank you," you said to each and every person who had gone out to hunt the beasts and monsters on top of this mountain. Nothing had happened yet there was no troll or other creature to attack your novice hunters, but you still gave them good words.
+10 Food (10)
However, good words and a feeling of pride would not fill stomachs, and as you did the math on how much food was here, you came up short. You wouldn't have enough to feed everybody, people would continue to starve, and morale would plummet.
You knew how fickle people were; if you didn't find some way to stretch your food, they may start to leave or, even worse, rise up against you. You hadn't established a proper religion, and your people were scattered; you didn't have the control the Golden Order had, and so you had to keep an ear to the streets and listen to demands.
How do you stretch your food?
[] [Rations] Thin soup (Food upkeep is halved, Morale will slowly drop until you can supply everybody with proper meals)
[] [Rations] Supplement with whatever can be found (Each turn, there is a small chance for people to die. This will stop applying when you can supply everybody with proper meals)
[] [Rations] Tighten your belts (Starvation checks will be harder. This will stop applying when you can supply everybody with proper meals)
[] [Rations] Something else (Write in)
Build 2 Woodcutters
83+12(Stewardship) = 95 > 40
"You have done good work," you said, shaking the hand of one of the men you had recruited. He nodded gruffly; he wasn't one of the original people who had joined you. He wasn't a follower of St. Trina, so he was skeptical of what he saw to be a young girl leading his men. However, you provided him with a warm home and a small bit to eat.
"Course, let me know what else you need to be built," he replied before turning on his heel and trudging through the snow towards the workplaces. The foreman started to whip his men back in order, shouting down any mistakes as the woodcutters continued to rise.
-10 Mundane Resources (0)
+2 Woodcutters (4)
Search for Magical Resources
65+29(Intrigue) = 94 > 75 Success
"Here is the mine," you told the Astrologers as you gestured at a poorly made map you had brought with you while searching for the mine you had been told about. It was some way away, but it would be invaluable now that you had people who could work Glintstone into weapons.
"You can extract this?" you asked the second in command, who scoffed.
"Of course, I can; we made these staves ourselves," he spat, seemingly annoyed by you questioning him. However you didn't back down as you stared him in the eyes, magma burning in your veins.
"Yes, we can. We do need a mine set up first," another Astrologer said as he pulled the second in command back from your small spat. You did notice that the second in command looked away from your golden eyes, seemingly unable to keep eye contact.
"Wonderful," you said with a gentle smile that seemed to cause the Astrologers to untense slightly. You knew they would still be a problem, not helped by your lack of food, but if it came to it, you could simply charm them.
Discover Average Glintstone Mine (+5 Magical Resources/Turn once exploited)
Train Piety
70 < 95 Failure
Your meditation on yourself, your kindling of godhood, failed. Your stomach rumbled with hunger, and you worried about your sister being away. You just couldn't find the time and peace of mind to settle down and think on your selves.
If you wanted to improve your nascent godhood, you'd need some sort of room to train in. It would be very basic, but you already have a few ideas swirling around your mind.
Unlock Simple Meditation Room
Study Something: Sapling
51+25 = 76 > 75
You observed the sapling you had brought here. You didn't have a name for it or even a name for what it could be. However, you had been watering it, not with water, as you had quickly learned it did not take well to that. Your blood seemed to be the thing that slaked its thirst.
That spoke to something, not of the Golden Order. For all its fault, the Golden Order did not draw blood. That was more the domain of the Guilty and older, more primordial powers.
You stopped as that idea flashed in your mind. Most of your research had covered the Golden Order. However, when that failed, you briefly looked into other methods to cure your dear sister. You had found a few mentions of a power called the Crucible.
You didn't know much about it; it was from before the Golden Order and related to primordial life.
Perhaps your sapling and, by extension, the Erdtree, were related to this Crucible and its primordial life. You didn't know, but you had made the first step to truly understanding your sapling and, by extension, the Erdtree.
Gain Basic Understanding: Sapling
Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold - Learning
58+25(Learning) = 83 > 80 Success
Unalloyed was not a term that could be used for gold. Gold was not an alloyed metal, and yet you named your metal such. You had done it at first because you had stripped any impurities away, then done it again and again until nothing remained but a small nugget of pure metal.
As you looked over your metal, you realized that you had the right idea. You had to strip it bare of anything that would be impure, rot, other metal, fire, and even the supposedly gold of the Golden Order.
If you stripped all that away and burned the ingot down to its base, you would have Unalloyed Gold.
However, you knew that, so your refreshed mind was turned to writing all of this down in a manner that could be understood.
+2 Progress (5/10)
Sleep Spell to ease Old Age - Piety
30+39(Piety)+30(St. Trina's Blessing) = 99
Galdrik was old; you didn't know his age, but he could faintly remember tales of Giants clashing with the Golden Order. However, his memory was not the best, so you were not sure if this was his memory falling him.
That didn't matter; his soul had been stretched thin over his many years of life. He required much more sleep than normal, and the Astrologers had confided in you that he likely wouldn't wake up one day. You required his services, so you sought a way to ease his burden.
It wasn't that hard; you just had to draw forth that cloying purple that dwelled in your soul and temper it. It was not the purple mist that most of St. Trina's spells came out as; it was instead a single vivid purple drop.
You let it roll from your finger and hit the snow, where it vanished—however, St. Trina was you, so you did not need any further tests. This single drop of liquid would send somebody into a deep slumber. It would also keep them partially asleep even during waking hours, but that was fine.
You had your method to keep him alive; now, you just needed people to cast this spell on him.
Slumber of the Ages ( Reduce the chance of dying from old age by 75% as well as halving all personal bonuses to rolls)
Teach St. Trina's blessing to Astrologers
12+39(Piety)+30(St. Trina's Blessing) = 81 > 60 Success
"To channel this, you have to call upon me," you told the handful of Astrologers who had been willing to listen to you. As you talked to them, there was an undercurrent of suspicion, but they did listen.
It took time, and the second in command clearly was not trying, but eventually, a small bit of mist escaped one of the more junior Astrolgers' hands.
"Wonderful!" you cried as you walked over, and the man's eyes opened slowly. You had heard his prayer for power, and it had been granted; you didn't have conscious control over it. At this point, they were more asking the idea of St. Trina for power than you. However, it still worked.
"What is your name?" you asked the man who looked up at you with a hint of something like faith in his eyes.
"Alaion," he replied, to which you smiled that charming smile, not holding the full weight of your charm but the simple charm of a young girl. One that could melt the crystal hearts of these Astrologers, if only slightly.
"Good, you learn quickly'" you said, complimenting him, to which he preened. You then turned to face the other Astrologers so you could continue their lessons.
Job Created (Galdrik's Minders: Reserve 2 Astrologers to help Galdrik. Cast Slumber of the Ages on him every Turn and will help him in combat)
Continue approaching the Fire Giant [CHARM] and [HERESY]
33+40(Diplomacy)+20(Charisma of Miquella)+19(Great Rune of Heresy) 112 > 110 Success
You approached the Fire Gaint and the God that dwelled in it once again. Your veins burned with magma, and your tongue was gilded in silver. The God was upset you had assaulted its worshippers, and you could tell that, so you were going to sit and let your presence do the rest.
So you sat in the snow, your mere presence tugging at heartstrings and that fire in your veins ever so slowly burning away ancient spells. The Fire Giant would be free one day, so long as you kept sitting here and ensorcelling its heart. The only reason your smile had not caused it to succumb to your charm was because of the fiery God burning in its chest, and yet not even the power of a God was enough to stop the motions of the heart.
The Fell God's anger is soothed slightly. DCs relating to both the Fire Giant and Fell God are back to normal
Melania Combat
29+65(Prowess)+19(Great Rune of Decay)-30(Enemy Fortifcatons) = 83
"You are hurt!" you cried out, your expression resembling that of the comely girl you portrayed at times. You ran up to your dear sister, who had slightly bloody wounds and called on the power of the Golden Order to mend them.
Under your gaze, the burns and faint bloody lashes shrank, her body regressing to a time before she had been injured. She untensed slightly, and you did so as well; your arms snuck around her torso as you hugged her. Your dear sister was your blade, and you would send her out to do things you could not, but that didn't mean you enjoyed watching her go out and fight. She was good at it, so you sent her out.
"Are they dead?" you asked, and a small, satisfied smile grew on her face.
"They are all dead; I ensured every single one perished, and the fort is slowly crumbling," she stated, and you could tell this was personal. Her job as your blade was to defend you, and so when you had returned with wounds, it didn't matter that they were healed. You had been hurt, and so she went forth, rot and decay spilling from her soul as she reaped a bloody toll.
"Good," you told her as you led her inside your hours, satisfaction curling your toes. With them dead, you had more you could do, and with your dear sister back here, you could plan with her.
Vote by Plan
Remember you have [HERESY] and [CHARM] additions
[DECAY] addition can only be added to the Action Malenia is taking
Malenia and Galdrik can be assigned to both a Personal Action and a Nation Action, using their stats for the latter
Galdrik Advised Action: Secure Food-Hunting
[] Recruit Followers: You need people to help you, and the nearby villages may be taken into the fold. Of course, they are suspicious folk so that it may be difficult.
-[] From where (Currently available: Small Villages)
[] Seek Sapient Allies: You are going to be wandering about and trying to find people willing to help you. This will be dangerous given where you are, and Malenia will hate it, but you need more than humans if you want to move forward.
[] Approach the Guilty: Heretics who blooded glintstone with both innocent vitals and their own. They may be mad and possibly attempt to attack you, but allies are sorely needed.
-[] Recruit with blood (Reduce one random stat by 1. Gain 30 Guilty)
-[] Recruit with Runes (-15 Runes/Turn. Gain 30 Guilty)
-[] Attempt to win them over (Diplomacy. Gain 30 Guilty)
-[] Charm them (Gain 30 Guilty. Their Morale will always be 10)
[] Approach the Zamor: You do not know if any ancient enemies of the Giants remain, but if they do, you would be able to gain potent allies—or at least take the first step towards that.
[] Continue approaching the Fire Giant: It may not directly attack you but you can sense the hatred burning behind it's eyes, it is just tired and so it does not attack you. It may take some time but you are willing to put in the effort to cool that hatred.
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Mount an Expedition: You have something you want to explore, a place that you can plunder for loot and goods. You may not have an army but Malenia will serve as one.
-[] Where do you go? ()
[] Raid the villages: A more violent method of procuring what is needed, but sometimes you have no other choice. Put a village to the sword and ensure nobody is allowed to escape; you will have your supplies. [Gain a random amount of food, a random amount of Mundane Resources and a small chance of Weaponry]
[] Secure Food-Hunting: Another option is to strike out and secure your food from the flesh of animals. The beasts here are hardy and used to hiding, so that it will be hard. [Gain 10 Food]
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Gather Resources: Lumber, stone, and many other things that are needed to build a settlement. You have none of them and will need to gather them. Given the lack of people to help, it will be challenging, but you'll power through it [Gain 5 Resources]
[] Gather Magical Resources: If the lack of simple resources is an issue, the lack of magical ones will be a bigger problem, especially this far north. Even something as simple as seals and staves will be out of your control until you gather some [Gain 1 Magical Resource]
[] Secure Food-Gathering: A more peaceful method, herbs, berries, and other such things. The possible stock you can gain is much lower, but the chance of stumbling across something deadly is also much lower [Gain 5 Food]
[] Build something: You have the people but need a place for them to work. You know the blueprints for a few things, so let's get to work.
-[] What do you build?
(Houses: 5 Mundane Resources
Hunting Lodge: 5 Mundane Resources
Woodcutter: 5 Mundane Resources
Research Lab: 7 Mundane Resources, 3 Magical Resources
Observatory: 3 Mundane Resources, 1 Magical Resources
Glintstone Woodworker: 5 Mundane Resources, 1 Magical Resources
Blacksmith: 4 Mundane Resources
Mine: 5 Mundane Resources, Requires a Mine
Simple Meditation Room: 1 Mundane Resources)
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Loot the Catacombs: Your dear sister slew everybody in and brought back what she could. You can send your own men down there to loot whatever she left behind. However there is a risk of rot that your sister exuded. [Take whatever Malenia missed]
[] Loot the Fort: Your dear sister slew everybody, however she wasn't focused on looting. You can send your own men there to loot whatever she left behind. However there is a risk of rot that your sister exuded. [Loot the Fire Monks Fort]
[] Information Gathering: Up here, away from the rest of the world, information is going to be hard to come by. However, Traveling Merchants do rarely make their way up here and you may be able to tease tales out of them. [Learn a random Rumour]
[] Secret Hunting: Here, at the top of the world, many secrets are hidden away. You don't know what you find, but if you want to learn, you'll have to head out and seek out hidden sights. [Discover the location of something useful]
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Study Something: There are many things you do not have a full understanding of. You may not have much, but you are smart, and that should be enough [Improve your understanding of an item]
-[] What? (Runes, Unalloyed Gold, the Sapling, Sacred Tear, Grave Glovewort, Smithing Stone, Spirit Ashes)
[] Plant the Sapling: What may be a tree like the Erdtree has been brought here. However, it is confined to a pot and slowly withering away. You may be able to keep it alive, but for it to thrive, it must be planted in soil and allowed to grow [Plant a spaling that will grow with time]
[] Catalog the surroundings: This mountaintop is wild and free; the first step to understanding the more esoteric is understanding the basics. You'll need to write down what you find before you can delve deeper [Reduce the DC of certain Actions and gain information on the surroundings]
[] Research a new building: You are smart and need more if you want to grow. So sit down pen in hand and start working on blueprints
-[] What do you want this building to do? (Write in)
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Spread the word of St. Trina: That other part of you is not known here, but given some time, she may be. As proven by your mother, religion is a potent tool. However, you don't want word of you getting out. so a lesser part of you will serve as a figurehead. [Improve Morale of people when recruited]
[] Spread the word of Miquella: You are not known here, perhaps to a select few, but beyond that, you are merely a newcomer. As proven by your mother, religion is a potent tool, and you do not fear those you may speak word of you. [Improve Morale of people when recruited]
[] Hold Sermons: They will not be as great as they could be with a proper religion backing them. However you don't want that quite yet, or you just don't have the time. Whatever the reason you need to improve morale and this is a good way to do it. [Improve Morale]
[] Collect donations: You are low on everything from food to Runes; a few donations may be needed if you want to survive. It's not as effective for relation building as blessing without asking for something, but the folk may be convinced to part with their goods in exchange for a few blessings. [Gain a small amount of Runes]
[] Bless nearby villages: A prayer for rain here, a small bit of healing there. The people here are without gods, but that does not mean they will deny your help. This may be the first foot in the door for better relations with the more paranoid villages. [Reduce DC for nearby villages]
[] Set up a proper Religion: So far many people have heard the word of St. Trina but you need something proper, something official that people will fall in line with.
-[] What is the name and overall tennets? (Write in)
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
Personal Actions
[] Develop a spell: If you want to solve problems, the simplest thing is magic. You have great knowledge of Incantations so why not figure out a solution from that? [Piety]
-[] What field and what do you want it to do? (St. Trina's Blessing or Golden Fundamentalism)
[] Research magic: To expand your understanding, you'll have to delve deeply into magic, both old and new. You won't be seeking out new spells but explorations of old understandings or delving into what new magic can be found here. [Piety]
-[] What field (St. Trina's Blessing or Golden Fundamentalism)
[] Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold: Your wonder metal is incredible but very hard to make. Only the most skilled of smiths in the capital could forge it; if you want to spread it, the recipe will need to be written in plain terms. [Learning] (5/10 Progress)
[] Forage for a seal: Without a focus on your magic, it's still potent but not as good as it could be. It will be challenging, but you may be able to find one here. [Intrigue]
[] Focus on your Great Rune: You must cultivate that burning in your breast if you wish to claim godhood. That lava in your veins will grow as you attune to it. [Piety]
[] Cast a spell: You have magic you can bring to bear, why not use it and show what you can use?
-[] What spell do you cast?
[] Train a stat: You must be better if you want to claim the throne. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
[] Guard Miquella: It is nearly impossible for you to get rid of her for some time. So you'll have to grin and bear it for the next while as she never lets you out of her sight. [Prowess]
[] Cultive the Rot: A deadly bargain, but you will need more potent aid to survive. This is not blooming; you would never ask your dear sister to bloom. However, you would ask her to bring the Scarlet Rot to the surface for a time. [Piety]
[] Focus on her Great Rune: she holds a fragment of the Elden Ring in her breast. It curdles in her veins, and given time, she may allow it to blossom into a ring of its own. [Piety]
[] Train a stat: She believes she must be better if she wants to properly serve as your blade. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
[] Develop a spell: If you want to solve problems, the simplest thing is magic. He has great knowledge of sorcciers so why not figure out a solution from that? [Learning]
-[] What field and what do you want it to do? (Glintstone Sorcery)
[] Scry the stars: The stars may be held in stasis and Galdrik's sight may be weaker but if he spends some time he may just be able to support your entire nation with a few tidbits of advice. [Learning]
-[] What extra Action do you apply Starseer to?
[] Rest: Galdrik is ancient, he has lived much longer than any non-demigod should, or even could. However he still is alive, and yet his soul and mind are flaking away. Given time to rest he'll restore his mind and soul even slightly.
[] Train a stat: He must be better if you want to stand behind you. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
[X] Plan: Collecting resources
-[X] Spend 650 runes to improve your Great Rune.
-[X] Try to establish trade relations with neighboring villages to get food. X2
-[X] Continue approaching the Fire Giant: It may not directly attack you but you can sense the hatred burning behind it's eyes, it is just tired and so it does not attack you. It may take some time but you are willing to put in the effort to cool that hatred. [HERESY] and [CHARM]
-[X] Secure Food-Hunting: Another option is to strike out and secure your food from the flesh of animals. The beasts here are hardy and used to hiding, so that it will be hard. [Gain 10 Food]
-[X] Secure Food-Gathering: A more peaceful method, herbs, berries, and other such things. The possible stock you can gain is much lower, but the chance of stumbling across something deadly is also much lower [Gain 5 Food]
-[X] Loot the Fort: Your dear sister slew everybody, however she wasn't focused on looting. You can send your own men there to loot whatever she left behind. However there is a risk of rot that your sister exuded. [Loot the Fire Monks Fort]
-[X] Study Something: There are many things you do not have a full understanding of. You may not have much, but you are smart, and that should be enough [Improve your understanding of an item]
--[X] Unalloyed Gold
-[X] Cast an Immutable Shield spell over those followers who go to rob the fort to protect them from rot.
-[X] Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold: Your wonder metal is incredible but very hard to make. Only the most skilled of smiths in the capital could forge it; if you want to spread it, the recipe will need to be written in plain terms. [Learning] (5/10 Progress)
-[X] Perform maintenance on Malenia's prosthesis.
-[X] Send Malenia to kill Erdtree Avatar. [DECAY]
-[X] Scry the stars: The stars may be held in stasis and Galdrik's sight may be weaker but if he spends some time he may just be able to support your entire nation with a few tidbits of advice. [Learning]
--[X] Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold
[X] Use the Slumber of the Ages spell on all followers except those who forage to reduce their need for food (1 Piety Action/Turn)
-10 Food (0)
+10 Mundane Resources (10)
-100 Runes (1,380)
+5 Progress: Great Rune of Heresy (40/100)
+5 Progress: Great Rune of Decay (53/100)
65 > 2 Galdrik does not die
You dipped your hands inside a jar as you sat on the steps of your house. You drew deeply on that thick, viscous poison that bubbled and grew in your soul. You allowed it to fall from your finger into the jar you had in front of you. The process would be slow, but you were working to create enough for everybody to have a sip.
It would massively slow down how much they needed to eat while hampering their cognition. It wouldn't solve all of your problems immediately, but it would give you more time to gather food.
Your people just needed to hold on.
You saw Alafair returning one day as you were about to head out. You waved as the Wandering Merchant waved back, slightly more restrained.
"Good day," he said with a bow as he got off his horse; you could see a faint bulge in his coat and how his eyes held only the barest sparks of Frenzied Flame. He seemed to be keeping your nugget of Unalloyed Gold close to him.
"Greetings. What information do you have?" you asked him, and the man smiled as he unrolled a small bit of parchment.
Rumor Mill: Leyndell
"The Demigods have scattered, and while there was some panic, the Veiled Monarch managed to quell most of it. Most assume it's Radagon injured during the Shattering; however, nobody has a solid idea," he started.
You nodded. It was only smart to act like Radagon if you couldn't pretend to be anybody else. He was a stalwart supporter of the Golden Order, meaning you could count on most nobles supporting you even if a few didn't trust you due to the secrecy.
"I wasn't able to learn much of what the other Demigods are doing, but Leyndell is clearly getting ready for war. The Golems are being reactivated, and training of new soldiers has ramped up," Alafair contused, his content smile having faded upon delivering that message.
That wasn't good. The Golems were very rare owing to their creators being long dead, but they were army killers by themselves. A single one of them with proper support to defend its legs could snipe a castle wall until it was rubble.
You also knew the only reason you and your sister had managed to flee here was the chaos following the Shattering and the lax military. Even then, most of the Cleanout Knights had either perished or scattered in an attempt to mislead the people following you.
"I'm afraid that's all I was able to discover," Alafair said; you didn't mind. This was plenty for you to think about anyway. However, you did have another idea in mind.
"Would you be able to smuggle supplies up here?" you asked the Wandering Merchant, who grinned, his eyes glinting with a small spark of Frienzed Flame.
"Of course, I could. Let me know what you want, and I'll bring it up next time I'm here," he told you. You would have to pay him upfront, but it would be cheaper now that he was working for you; he didn't need to profit from the goods he bought.
What do you have Alafair smuggle out? Vote by Plan (830 Runes)
[] [Shopping] 20 Food (35 Runes) [Can be chosen twice]
[] [Shopping] 10 Mundane Resources (15 Runes) [Can be chosen twice]
[] [Shopping] 5 Magical Resources (15 Runes) [Can be chosen once]
[] [Shopping] 5 Weaponry (15 Runes) [Can be chosen thrice]
[] [Shopping] 1 Magical Weaponry (15 Runes) [Can be chosen once]
[] [Shopping] Nothing
"Come sit," Galdrik whispered as his hazy eyes looked up at you. He had taken to your spell with great enjoyment, spending many days sleeping away as his aids plied him with the purple liquid they could create. It was not as strong as yours, and you knew they couldn't improve it. They only called on you because you had taught them directly.
To these Astrologers, you were merely teaching them another sorcery; they lacked the faint to utilize incantations unless the source showed them. They couldn't place their fate in anything beyond the stars. It was not something you begrudged them for. It was merely a fact of how they thought.
"When you send them out, tell them to go right and not left," he whispered, and you could see a faint glint of starlight in his eyes. You didn't say anything. Instead, you nodded as Galdrik leaned back in his chair, sighing as he closed his eyes. His aides gave you a slight nod as they covered him in a thick cover; you turned and left your mind turning as you contemplated what he told you.
+10 Food (10)
"You Holiness!" a voice shouted as you saw one of the hunters stumbling back; his eyes were wide as he helped carry something back with a few others.
"Your advice was sound; the left was better. Look what we found!" he shouted proudly. He went to lift the animal, but his companions didn't go along, forcing the man to stumble as he readjusted himself and the animal on his back.
"A bear?" you asked as you got a better look at the animal. It was a bear, and as you looked over your men, you saw that not a single one was hurt, a rarity given that you had known bears to maul and kill even knights.
"Yes, we got the drop on it, your Holiness," the man continued, smiling. "We'll be eating good for a bit," he stated. While you had your disagreements, you merely smiled, causing the men to speed up at the sign of your approval.
Secure Food-Gathering
66+12 = 78 > 50 Success
The rest of the people managed to gather more food; you had enough for some time if you kept up your spell. It would take time for you, but you had plenty of that.
"'er you go," one of the new villagers said with a thick accent. He gave you a look that suggested he wasn't all that happy with his new circumstances. While armed rebellion wasn't in the cards just yet and food had been supplied, you knew that nobody would be happy as you kept up the spell.
You needed to do so unless you wanted people to succumb as their mind and soul were hollowed out from hunger pains, but people still didn't like it all that much. It also gutted your workers. Things you oversaw yourself weren't all that impacted, but your hunters and woodcutters had returned with only half of their normal bounty.
You'd have to figure out a better source of food quickly.
+5 Food (15)
Study Unalloyed Gold
16+25(Learning) = 41 < 80 Fail
Your study on the Unalloyed Gold was not coming along well. You knew how you made it and were actively working to simplify it, but the deeper sections and how every part worked were difficult to decipher.
You knew that it involved purifying gold, an already pure metal. You had burned away the gold and extracted the essence of it, purity in its most concentrated form. It was from there that you forged Unalloyed Gold. The first ingot had been expensive, and only your status allowed you to spend the resources to make as much as you had.
However, you simply didn't have the resources to improve further; you could poke and prod all you wanted, but you couldn't properly test it. You also didn't want to waste your precious ingots; you had no way of making more up here.
Instead, you turned to your notes and attempted to move forward that way, but that method was slow. You knew that gold was pure and that Unalloyed Gold was even more pure, but how did melting gold in a crucible make it purer?
You knew about extracting essences and such. While you were no Perfumer, you were still intelligent and had access to libraries that would have shamed all but the ones at Raya Lucaria.
You sighed as you dropped the bar on the table; you had learned a small bit about Unalloyed Gold, but not nearly enough to consider yourself better at utilizing it. So you returned to studying your miracle metal.
Setting up a Trade Route for Food
98+40(Diplomacy) = 138 > 50 Success
You had approached the closest village to trade; you didn't want to try and put them under your sway quite yet as you didn't have the supplies to provide for them.
"Greetings, I have come to trade!" you shouted, causing one of the people who had been working closest to the edge of the village to stride over. He was clothed in thick furs, and judging by how his eyes scanned you, he was suspicious. However, he was allowed in the village all the same.
"What's a lass like you doing out here?" he asked gruffly once you had been sat at one of the tables inside a building. You had taken a quick look around, and you could tell this was one of the better-off villages you had seen; in fact, it was likely just on the edge of becoming a village.
"I have come to trade," you stated, using a smidge of your charm to smooth past any major issues he may have with your age. You didn't want to put it on too thick as you were here to trade and couldn't support an entire village.
"Well, I suppose what others do is their business," he mused to himself as he scratched his chin. So, what do you want?" he asked, leaning forward to look you in the eyes.
"Food and I am perfectly willing to offer a fair trade," you replied, causing the man to laugh.
"Well, let's see what you have to offer," he said with a chuckle.
What do you trade?
[] [Trade] Resources (-5 Mundane Resources/Turn, +10 Food/Turn)
[] [Trade] Weaponry (-1 Weaponry/Turn, +5 Food/Turn)
[] [Trade] Runes (-50 Runes/Turn, +15 Food/Turn)
[] [Trade] Charm them (+20 Food/Turn, you can recruit the village as a Free Action later)
Setting up a Trade Route for Food
4+40(Diplomacy) = 44 < 50 Failure
You were trudging through the snow towards the second of the nearby villages when you heard a voice shout.
"Stay away!" the man shouted, but you could tell he was sick, and judging by what you could see, the vast majority of the people had caught some sort of illness. Your sister hadn't passed by this way, so it was unlikely that it was something that you couldn't cure.
"We are sick! Let it die out!" he shouted once again before doubling over and spitting blood on the ground. You couldn't see him but you could assume he didn't see you. You could turn around and leave if you wanted to, however if you managed to heal them they would likely be willing to trade on good terms. Of course you could also fall ill from whatever they had, even if it was not all that likely.
What do you do? (Depending on the rolls and how you go about it, you may become sick)
[] [Sickness] Attempt to cure them with Golden Fundamentalism (Piety, you will gain Golden Fundamentalism towards this check)
[] [Sickness] Turn the sickness against itself with the Great Rune of Heresy (Piety, you will gain the effects of [HERESY] for this check)
[] [Sickness] Utilize mundane medicine (Learning)
[] [Sickness] Leave, do nothing
[] [Sickness] Something else? (Write in)
-650 Runes (830)
+65 Great Rune of Herest Progress (105/100)
You breathed in as you held out your hands. You held Runes inside your soul but had not allowed your Great Rune to sup on them. However, you decided to do it now. You wanted to allow it to grow, and while your sister may have objected, she was away.
You were sat in the snow, in case you started leaking fire like when you absorbed it. You breathed in again as you focused and started feeding Runes to your Great Rune.
That feeling of fire in your veins flared as your nerves started to sing. You ignored that as you kept pouring more and more Runes into this fragment of the Elden Ring.
You collapsed into the snow as heat was expelled from your body, and the snow melted. You breathed out a lick of flame as your body grew feverish, and you thought you could see something—a great ring spinning as the entire world spun. However, you knew that was just your fevered mind making things up as you burned.
Your Great Rune grew, and you remembered what your brother said all those years ago as fire spilled out of your lungs and into the air.
Heresy burns.
How does your Great Rune burn?
[] Heresy of Time (Gain an extra Personal Action and a random extra Nation Action each turn. Time will start to behave strangely around you; this effect is enhanced when you use [HERESY])
[] Heresy of Death (You can restore anybody to life; if they lack a soul, you will restore them as well as you remember them. The process of death will start to behave strangely around you; this effect is enhanced when you use [HERESY])
[] Heresy of Distance (You can travel nearly anywhere in only a few moments, bypassing all but the strongest wards and defenses. Space will start to behave strangely around you; this effect is enhanced when you use [HERESY])
[] Heresy of Shackles (You can break nearly anything; only the strongest wards will be able to prevent this. Physical objects will slowly break and crumble around you; this effect is enhanced when you use [HERESY])
[] Heresy of Thought (You can subvert and twist the thoughts of others with only Gods and the mightiest Empyreans able to resist. People's minds will start to warp around you; this effect is enhanced when you use [HERESY])
"Here you go, the staves and seals," you told Alafair, who nodded as he drew in the Runes you had given him. His eyes gleamed for a split second with the grace of gold before it was subsumed by his yellow eyes.
"I will make sure to bring them back," he said with a nod, "However, a few other folks seem like they might want some goods," he continued, a faint smile curling up on his face.
You merely chuckled as Alafair rode off to ply his trade. You may have recruited him, but he was still a Wandering Merchant; there wasn't much you could do to stop him from trading.
Receive 1 Magical Weaponry next turn
"We will bring supplies of wood and stone," you told the man, who nodded.
"We'll supply you with food," he replied, although he stopped after a moment's thought, "I do have an idea: We could build a road—something to make travel easier."
"Perhaps," was your response. You didn't want to commit to anything, but a road might be a good idea. It would allow for more trade, whereas now you had to slowly bring supplies with sleds. A road would be a hard endeavor, but it might just be worthwhile.
Trade Route Formed
-5 Mundane Resources/Turn
+10 Food/Turn
You approached them, and as you did so, your hands were held at your side, golden light curling between them. The man coughed as he held up his hand, and it shook weakly as he tried to shout, but his words were stolen by sickness and cold winds.
Golden Fundamentalism Treatment
89+39(Piety)+20(Golden Fundamentalism) = 148 > 45 Success
Regression, the pull of meaning and yearning to converge. That was what your healing called on, to return whoever you graced with your golden light to their peak.
Light surged from you, and while the fires of heresy may burn in your soul, you knew the light was beautiful. You turned away from the Golden Order because it could not help your sister, but you wouldn't deny its beauty.
"Hold still," you ordered the man as you approached him. His hazy eyes looked at you as you placed a hand on his torso and channeled Golden Fundamentalism. The Law of Regression tore through his body as he thrashed in the snow; healing like this wasn't always painless, and with a disease, it would be only worse.
However, after a few moments, you removed your hand, and the man rubbed his throat as he peered down at his hands. He slowly rose to his feet, moving gingerly like he expected a flare of pain at any moment.
"What..." he uttered, his voice trailing off as he moved his tongue around his mouth and poked his teeth.
"Take me to your sick," you ordered the man who looked down at you. He nodded dumbly as he started off. He had resigned himself to death, but you had arrived and cured him. You expected his mind to take some time to catch up to his new lease on life; mortals were fragile like that.
You traveled around the village and sent out golden grace to pull back who you could from the brink. Many had passed on, and while you could cure anything short of when the soul fled the body under the weight of life, you couldn't cure that.
"Thank you," the man said, his newly invigorated breath steaming the air as he sat with the few you had managed to bring back to life.
"We don't know what caused it, maybe an animal or something," he started more to himself than to you," The younger ones died first, vomiting blood, then everybody else. These are the only ones left," he murmured as he looked around at the half a dozen people you had managed to bring back from the brink.
"Thank you," he continued, and you could feel the faint cloying poison that curdled in your soul grow as his devotion grew in you. In just a few days, these people would be devotees of St. Trina.
"Of course," you replied as your mind spun. You eventually decided what to do with these people.
What do you do?
[] [Recruitment] Bring them back to your village (+7 Humans, +2 Human Morale)
[] [Recruitment] Leave them here (+3 Food/Turn, +1 Mundane Resources/Turn. This will rise to a max of +9 Food and +3 Mundane Resources)
Heresy burns.
That was a statement you were learning once again as the Great Rune seared your soul. Your mind once again heard a crackling of a pyre as you remembered her, poor Ranni, second to be slain in the Night of the Black Knives.
"Why art thee h're?" Ranni asked as she looked up from her book. You had to jump up into the chair across from her as you smiled at her. You weren't applying charm, but you were trying to be charming.
"I wanted to talk to you," you said as your heart pounded. You would be discussing big things here, and you had to approach it delicately.
"V'ry well," she replied as she set the book down. You cast a covert glance at it, a simple textbook of frost sorcery. You had assumed her teacher would have taught her everything, but given she had perished some time ago, perhaps she was brushing up on the text.
You breathed in through your nose as butterflies swam in your stomach, nearly lost in her red hair, oh so reminiscent of your father, and golden eyes that peered down at you.
"I would request a promise between us," you said, causing Ranni to slowly bink as you took on a more formal tone. I will ascend, and you will be my lord. I will aid you in what you desire," you continued, trying to keep the desperate yearning out of your tone.
You knew that she was dissatisfied with the Golden Order; you were as well. You could work together to break the old order; you would cure your sister, have Ranni, and push away the Outer Gods for an age free of their meddling, free for everybody to dwell in compassion. Yet you couldn't ignore the other part; you simply wanted her. She was a brilliant ruby with an inner gold light, a shining gem that, simply peering at her fiercely intelligent eyes, struck you with a deep yearning.
She opened her mouth to reply—
Your visions faded as the soul-deep pain faded. Tears of liquid fire trailed down your cheeks as you felt steam rise from around you. You rose to your feet and wiped your face.
Ranni was dead; there was no use in thinking about the past. It didn't matter that you felt that old yearning in your heart each night. It didn't matter that you could still see her lifeless eyes. You couldn't help but think of the past and what could have been,
You knew that this Great Rune could overturn everything; could it perhaps overturn time itself?
Gain an extra Personal Action and a random extra Nation Action each turn. Time will start to behave strangely around you; this effect is enhanced when you use [HERESY]
You have undergone the first stage of Vcissitude
"When this gold starts to fade, you will retreat from the fort; your life is worth more than whatever resources they have there," you told the men who had supplied for this trip. Your sister had slew everybody there and returned with only a few injuries. However, who had told her to draw upon her Great Rune? So you had no doubt the fort would crumble as the world around it decayed and rotted.
You knew your magic didn't mean much in the face of a fragment of the Elden Ring, but it was better than nothing.
"Of course, Your Holiness," the expedition leader said as he hiked the bag on his back higher up. They had bags stuffed with supplies and large sleds ready to cart back what they found.
You saw them off with a few nerves but trusted they would follow your will. You had told them what to do, and despite the layer of unease that lay under your village, these men were trustworthy; they would listen to you.
Loot the Fort
35+29(Intrigue) = 64
+20 Food (25)
+7 Mundane Resources (17)
+3 Weaponry (8)
+1 Magical Weaponry (1)
+3 Bloodstone (3)
+1,000 Runes (1,815)
+Shield of the Fell God
They returned days later, sleds holding a bounty of supplies. You could see a few downturned gazes and reddened eyes, so you hurried out.
"Who is sick?" you asked, and your men pointed at one of the people lying on a mostly empty sled. You strode over and saw his fever; however, you could tell that it would pass in just a few days. Your shield ensured that this man and likely the rest did not bring sickness back into your village.
"He is better," you said as you called on the Law of Regression. Time spiraled in reverse as the man coughed his lungs free of the cloying sickness that had been clouding them. His eyes were now free of any ailments, and as he staggered out of the sled, he rose to his feet.
"Thank you," he said with a deep bow as he assisted the other men you had sent out and continued pulling the sled to your store piles. It was a good bounty and held things you did not know about; you would have to spend some time to figure out what they did.
Perform maintenance on Miquella's Gift
97+25(Learning) = 122 > 60 Success
You were lying across your sister's lap in your room's bed. You had been busy and couldn't spend much time with your sister, so you had cajoled her into spending some time with you.
You hummed as she stroked your hair, and you fiddled with her arm. You enjoyed how her hand ran through your hand, so you closed your eyes and enjoyed the feeling. You remembered this from when you were younger; she had been so afraid that she would get you sick that she fled from every touch.
Only after you had developed what would be Unalloyed Gold that she touched you, and you delighted in that. Now, you thought fondly of that time. You didn't have the time to simply lay next to each other and talk, so you would multitask.
"How is everything?" you asked your dear sister, to which her hand stopped moving for a moment before you butted it, causing her to resume.
"The Rot abates," she stated before stopping. You were about to prod her again before she continued, "The air is pleasant, and the cold is nice."
You knew that getting more out of her was going to be a pain, but as you ensured the fingers of her arm worked, you decided to poke her again.
"How's training going?" you asked. You knew that aside from her devotion to being your blade, she enjoyed swordsmanship. Her mentor had taught her well and imparted a lethal style of fighting that Malenia enjoyed honing.
"It has been going well. The fights have been," she hesitated, "enjoyable."
She felt awkward at enjoying something; so much of her was wrapped up in the Scarlet Rot and her service to you. You loved your sister and enjoyed how close you were. However, she should enjoy things she liked, so you gilded your tongue before you replied.
"That's good. You know there's an Erdtree Avatar if you want to fight it," you told her, your voice gracing her ears like smooth honey. Malenia stopped even as her hand kept moving.
"That would be good," she whispered to herself, to which you grinned. She would never be a battle manic but enjoyed improving herself, taking steps towards the road of her mentor, the Blind Swordsman. It tied back to her service to you, but if she enjoyed bettering herself, there was no reason to discourage it. The fact it helped you was not even a thought in your mind beyond the closeness it would allow the two of you.
Reduced chance for Miquella's Gift to Break
Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold: Galdrik 27+25(Learning) = 52 < 80 Failure Starseer
33+25(Learning) = 58 < 80 Failure
You were trying to distract yourself. Malenia was going out and fighting, you trusted her but that didn't mean yours nerves didn't prickle. So you had talked to Galdrik and received some advice on what he had seen in the stars. You had taken that and sat down with an ingot of Unalloyed Gold.
It didn't matter that he had given you advice when you mind was consumed with doubts. Erdtree Avatar's had been an impalpable fact in your life, they guarded minor Erdtrees and could break armies. You trusted your sister but worry consumed your mind and took away focus from your studying.
You didn't get much done.
Malenia Combat
20+65(Prowess)+19(Great Rune of Decay) = 104
Malenia returned days later, unbowed and unharmed. You had been waiting, unable to do anything, as your nerves crackled. She had gone out and done dangerous things before, but this was an avatar of a minor Erdtree. You had believed in her, but that didn't mean you weren't worried about her.
"You're safe!" you crowed with a smile as she kneeled in front of you. Before she could do anything, you wrapped her upper torso in a hug. She returned the hug, long used to your urges and desires.
"Come, let's go inside," you told your sister as you grabbed her hand. You quickly pulled her inside and got her to sit. It was only as her brother that she went along with your whims, and for that, you were grateful.
Food was in greater supply now, so a thing tea was possible, but it was not as close to as good as it was back in Leyndell. However, it was a warm drink, and after days in the cold, you had no doubt Melania would enjoy it.
Judging by her faint smile, she did enjoy it. She then set down two small spheres on the table.
"In its heart, there were these," she told you before holding out a hand. You grasped her hand with your own and felt your soul pulse as Runes flooded it. You breathed in as the hungry flame of heresy inched closer to them, but you ignored that and separated the two.
"I see," you muttered as you looked at them. You pushed them aside and focused on your dear sister. She sipped the tea, clearly reading herself for your flurry of questions.
"How was the Avatar? Did your Great Rune work? How did you find these spheres?" you asked, peppering her with questions. Melania smiled, a larger smile than the faint one you had seen in the past few months.
"It was strong with powerful magic, but it used instinct over any real skill," Melania replied, a note of scorn in her voice. My Great Rune caused it to slowly crumble and rot," she hesitated on the last word, "rot as wood does, not Scarlet Rot."
That was a good clarification to make.
"When I slew it, the wood that made it quickly deteriorated; these spheres were the only thing remaining," she said as she reached out just in time to prevent one from falling off the table.
The two of you then continued talking late into the night and simply enjoyed each other's company, which is a rare commodity these days.
Can now plant the Sapling under the Minor Erdtree
Approach the Fire Giant [CHARM] and [HERESY]
100+40(Diplomacy)+20(Charisma of Miquella)+19(Great Rune of Heresy) = 179 Critical Success!
You returned to the Fire Gaint with heresy burning in your soul. You weren't bothered by the snow; your veins held magma now that your Great Rune had grown another step. Your tongue was gilded in brass, and your speech dripped honey. You were to win the Fire Giant over, so you drew closer instead of sitting back.
Heresy burned in your veins, and so the laws of the world were overturned. Time rushed by, and your curse kept you rooted in your nascent years even as the magical shackles on the giant rusted. It didn't matter that they were gold and should not rust; in the face of burnished fire and a honeyed tongue, even these potent wards would slowly crumble.
The Fire Giant was equally helpless to resist your affection. You had come here to compel its affection, and you would not be returning without it, and so you looked up into a being ancient and eons older than you and merely spoke.
You didn't speak with words, you didn't share words, but that didn't matter. You spoke fire and the language of reality, your charm reverberating across this wavelength and ensuring the last of the fire giants in it.
However, something else lurked in the soul of the fire giant: an old god. It was diminished with a single being keeping it alive and its flame slowly burning; without this giant, it would be reduced to a simple flame burning in the forge.
On a true proper God, your charm would have little effect; how could you compel affection when these Outer Gods were beyond that? They didn't care for love, care, or anything else, so they were beyond them. However, over time, even the most potent of Gods could be brought down and see through the eyes of mortals. This Fell God, weak as it was, could understand affection, and so you compiled it.
That didn't mean it could act against its nature. To sacrifice and burn was in its very being; to change that would take time and effort, but you could do it. With a single worshipper, this formerly powerful God could be warped and changed; however, that wasn't what you were doing now.
Instead, you simply sat there as time was stretched thin like taffy, and your tongue of burnished brass spat licks of flame, compelling both giant and God to look upon you with dear love.
The Fire Giant is charmed by you
The Fell God looks upon you with favor
Vote by Plan
Remember you have [HERESY] and [CHARM] additions
[DECAY] addition can only be added to the Action Malenia is taking
Malenia and Galdrik can be assigned to both a Personal Action
Galdrik Advised Action: Set up a proper Religion
[] Recruit Followers: You need people to help you, and the nearby villages may be taken into the fold. Of course, they are suspicious folk so that it may be difficult.
-[] From where (Currently available: Small Villages)
[] Seek Sapient Allies: You are going to be wandering about and trying to find people willing to help you. This will be dangerous given where you are, and Malenia will hate it, but you need more than humans if you want to move forward.
[] Approach the Guilty: Heretics who blooded glintstone with both innocent vitals and their own. They may be mad and possibly attempt to attack you, but allies are sorely needed.
-[] Recruit with blood (Reduce one random stat by 1. Gain 30 Guilty)
-[] Recruit with Runes (-15 Runes/Turn. Gain 30 Guilty)
-[] Attempt to win them over (Diplomacy. Gain 30 Guilty)
-[] Charm them (Gain 30 Guilty. Their Morale will always be 10)
[] Approach the Zamor: You do not know if any ancient enemies of the Giants remain, but if they do, you would be able to gain potent allies—or at least take the first step towards that.
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Mount an Expedition: You have something you want to explore, a place that you can plunder for loot and goods. You may not have an army but Malenia will serve as one.
-[] Where do you go? ()
[] Raid the villages: A more violent method of procuring what is needed, but sometimes you have no other choice. Put a village to the sword and ensure nobody is allowed to escape; you will have your supplies. [Gain a random amount of food, a random amount of Mundane Resources and a small chance of Weaponry]
[] Secure Food-Hunting: Another option is to strike out and secure your food from the flesh of animals. The beasts here are hardy and used to hiding, so that it will be hard. [Gain 10 Food]
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Gather Resources: Lumber, stone, and many other things that are needed to build a settlement. You have none of them and will need to gather them. Given the lack of people to help, it will be challenging, but you'll power through it [Gain 5 Resources]
[] Gather Magical Resources: If the lack of simple resources is an issue, the lack of magical ones will be a bigger problem, especially this far north. Even something as simple as seals and staves will be out of your control until you gather some [Gain 1 Magical Resource]
[] Secure Food-Gathering: A more peaceful method, herbs, berries, and other such things. The possible stock you can gain is much lower, but the chance of stumbling across something deadly is also much lower [Gain 5 Food]
[] Build something: You have the people but need a place for them to work. You know the blueprints for a few things, so let's get to work.
-[] What do you build? (Look under Nation)
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Loot the Catacombs: Your dear sister slew everybody in and brought back what she could. You can send your own men down there to loot whatever she left behind. However there is a risk of rot that your sister exuded. [Take whatever Malenia missed]
[] Improve the Rumour Mill: You have a steady supply of information but it could be better. Information is power and you need more power if you are going to bring about a new Age.
-[] Improve Leyndell (-50 Runes/Turn)
[] Information Gathering: Up here, away from the rest of the world, information is going to be hard to come by. However, Traveling Merchants do rarely make their way up here and you may be able to tease tales out of them. [Learn a random Rumour]
[] Secret Hunting: Here, at the top of the world, many secrets are hidden away. You don't know what you find, but if you want to learn, you'll have to head out and seek out hidden sights. [Discover the location of something useful]
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Study Something: There are many things you do not have a full understanding of. You may not have much, but you are smart, and that should be enough [Improve your understanding of an item]
-[] What? (Runes, Unalloyed Gold, the Sapling, Sacred Tear, Grave Glovewort, Smithing Stone, Spirit Ashes)
[] Plant the Sapling: What may be a tree like the Erdtree has been brought here. However, it is confined to a pot and slowly withering away. You may be able to keep it alive, but for it to thrive, it must be planted in soil and allowed to grow [Plant a spaling that will grow with time]
-[] Under the Minor Erdtree
[] Catalog the surroundings: This mountaintop is wild and free; the first step to understanding the more esoteric is understanding the basics. You'll need to write down what you find before you can delve deeper [Reduce the DC of certain Actions and gain information on the surroundings]
[] Research a new building: You are smart and need more if you want to grow. So sit down pen in hand and start working on blueprints
-[] What do you want this building to do? (Write in)
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
[] Spread the word of St. Trina: That other part of you is not known here, but given some time, she may be. As proven by your mother, religion is a potent tool. However, you don't want word of you getting out. so a lesser part of you will serve as a figurehead. [Improve Morale of people when recruited]
[] Spread the word of Miquella: You are not known here, perhaps to a select few, but beyond that, you are merely a newcomer. As proven by your mother, religion is a potent tool, and you do not fear those you may speak word of you. [Improve Morale of people when recruited]
[] Hold Sermons: They will not be as great as they could be with a proper religion backing them. However you don't want that quite yet, or you just don't have the time. Whatever the reason you need to improve morale and this is a good way to do it. [Improve Morale]
[] Collect donations: You are low on everything from food to Runes; a few donations may be needed if you want to survive. It's not as effective for relation building as blessing without asking for something, but the folk may be convinced to part with their goods in exchange for a few blessings. [Gain a small amount of Runes]
[] Bless nearby villages: A prayer for rain here, a small bit of healing there. The people here are without gods, but that does not mean they will deny your help. This may be the first foot in the door for better relations with the more paranoid villages. [Reduce DC for nearby villages]
[] Set up a proper Religion: So far many people have heard the word of St. Trina but you need something proper, something official that people will fall in line with.
-[] What is the name and overall tennets? (Write in)
[] Write-in (Something else, must be approved by QM)
Personal Actions
[] Develop a spell: If you want to solve problems, the simplest thing is magic. You have great knowledge of Incantations so why not figure out a solution from that? [Piety]
-[] What field and what do you want it to do? (St. Trina's Blessing or Golden Fundamentalism)
[] Research magic: To expand your understanding, you'll have to delve deeply into magic, both old and new. You won't be seeking out new spells but explorations of old understandings or delving into what new magic can be found here. [Piety]
-[] What field (St. Trina's Blessing or Golden Fundamentalism)
[] Simplify the recipe for Unalloyed Gold: Your wonder metal is incredible but very hard to make. Only the most skilled of smiths in the capital could forge it; if you want to spread it, the recipe will need to be written in plain terms. [Learning] (5/10 Progress)
[] Focus on your Great Rune: You must cultivate that burning in your breast if you wish to claim godhood. That lava in your veins will grow as you attune to it. [Piety]
[] Work on freeing the Fire Gaint: With it under your spell it will be a very potent ally. You do not know where you can start but you will have to at least try. [Learning]
[] Train a stat: You must be better if you want to claim the throne. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
[] Guard Miquella: It is nearly impossible for you to get rid of her for some time. So you'll have to grin and bear it for the next while as she never lets you out of her sight. [Prowess]
[] Cultive the Rot: A deadly bargain, but you will need more potent aid to survive. This is not blooming; you would never ask your dear sister to bloom. However, you would ask her to bring the Scarlet Rot to the surface for a time. [Piety]
[] Focus on her Great Rune: she holds a fragment of the Elden Ring in her breast. It curdles in her veins, and given time, she may allow it to blossom into a ring of its own. [Piety]
[] Train a stat: She believes she must be better if she wants to properly serve as your blade. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
[] Develop a spell: If you want to solve problems, the simplest thing is magic. He has great knowledge of sorcciers so why not figure out a solution from that? [Learning]
-[] What field and what do you want it to do? (Glintstone Sorcery)
[] Scry the stars: The stars may be held in stasis and Galdrik's sight may be weaker but if he spends some time he may just be able to support your entire nation with a few tidbits of advice. [Learning]
-[] What extra Action do you apply Starseer to?
[] Rest: Galdrik is ancient, he has lived much longer than any non-demigod should, or even could. However he still is alive, and yet his soul and mind are flaking away. Given time to rest he'll restore his mind and soul even slightly.
[] Train a stat: He must be better if you want to stand behind you. This is merely the first step.
-[] What stat (Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, or Prowess)
+3 Food (28)
+8 Mundane Resources (25)
-100 Runes (4,715)
+5 Progress: Great Rune of Heresy (10/200)
+5 Progress: Great Rune of Decay (65/100)
6 > 2 Galdrik does not die
Time moved along; your people shambled about with purple poison in their souls, cloying the veins and welling up in the eyes. However, they were still yours; they had sworn themself to you, and so they worked despite rumors and talks of sedation.
Food was finally being stockpiled, and you had perhaps enough to supply your settlement for a time—not for long—but perhaps you could fit the poison that ran through their veins and clouded their sight.
You shook your head. You couldn't afford that. You had to keep moving forward and keep forging relations. There were still other villages on the mountain, other people you could bring into the fold, and so much to do.
You could lift the spell later; you had so much to do.
"Hey!" Alafair shouted as his animal clip-clopped through the snow. You turned and waved before gesturing for him to follow you toward one of the houses. It was a very snowy day today, and you doubted he wanted to sit out as the snow piled higher and higher.
The Wandering Merchant did just that, climbing off his animal and tied it to a post outside the house. He then undid a flap on the bag hanging from its neck, revealing a bounty of hay the animal started digging into.
"How has information gathering gone?" you asked Alafair after he had gotten settled. Your head of the rumor mill hummed as he took a sip from the mug of steaming tea placed in front of him.
Leyndell Rumour Mill
"There's not much to talk about. The army is training and getting properly equipped. The nobles have settled down after some words behind closed doors, and the downtrodden are crushed underfoot," he told you with a spark of anger in his last few words. I also brought the staves; your men should be grabbing them."
You leaned around him and saw that was the case. You nodded at them as they slowly, with faint tracks of purple running down their faces, gathered the staves and seals.
+1 Magical Weaponry (2)
"Thank you. Now, I would like you to improve your network," you told Alafair, causing the man to hum as a calculating gleam entered his eyes.
"Sure, I'll need some more Runes if I'm going to do anything beyond keeping an ear open," he replied, and you nodded. You knew you had supported his lavish spending as he kept an ear open. Now, you needed a proper network beyond a few bribes and open ears; this would require proper funds.
-50 Runes (4,665)
"Here you go," you told him as fragments of the Elden Ring drifted from you to him. His eyes gleamed momentarily as he breathed out, that strange feeling everybody felt at touching even the smallest portions of the Elden Ring being brushed aside.
"Thank you. I'll do what I can," he replied as he rose to his feet. You didn't take offense; you knew that he was more comfortable on the road and that he would want to get going.
Now, you just had to trust him to start building an information network; knowledge was power, and you needed all the power you could get.
Improve the Leyndell Rumour Mill
93+29(Intrigue) = 122
+10 to Leyndell Rumour Mill rolls
Who would you like Alafair to focus on? (Pick Two)
[] [Rumour] The Nobles
[] [Rumour] The Army
[] [Rumour] The Citizens
[] [Rumour] The Downtrodden
[] [Rumour] The Veiled Monarch (Counts as Two)
Set up a proper Religion [CHARM]
18+39(Piety)+20(Charisma of Miquella) = 77 > 70 Success
You strode into the town center where you had told your people to meet. You were going to form a proper religion, something more than the scattered faiths of people you had brought into your fold.
You stepped up on a small plinth that had been set up for you. As you raised your hands in the air, you gilded your tongue in silver before raising your voice as high as your small body could.
"Greetings!" you shouted, the words nearly stolen by the frozen breeze. Even if they couldn't hear, the meaning of your words struck their soul. You compelled their affection as you spoke to the point that even the blind could see your vision.
"I come, speaking in the same of St. Trina. This world is cruel!" Your voice continued to rise as your vocal cords trembled, but silver held them tight as you spoke.
"However, soon this Golden Dawn will arrive, and if you follow me, you will see it in your lifetime," you said. You had started with the brilliant light, the goal for everybody to reach toward. Now, you needed to give them what they could do, something everybody could do to work towards your promised goal.
"And so I say There are tyrants in this world, those who abuse the power they have to enslave the weak and hunt those they find different. When you have power, be not like the tyrants. Instead, to those who are weak, extend the hand of help; to those who are scorned, lend your heart and ear. For in aiding one another, we find strength to heal the world." you told your group as fervor rose. They were listening; these downtrodden at the end of the world liked the idea of helping others, of reaching a hand down and pulling somebody up.
"Lastly, a warning!" you shouted, causing the growing mutters to fade down, "There will be those that strive to impede us, that cloud the waking mind. Listen to the dreams; listen to me when I whisper in your ear as you sleep. Trust in me and swear to listen as the master of dreams and slumber," your voice faded as you finished, and for a scant second, you worried. What if they didn't want this? What if they assaulted you and tried to drive you out?
Then the voices, the shouts, and screaming of devotees who would lay down their lives rushed over you. The blossoming warmth their faith sent up your spine was greater than any meal you had tasted. You could feel that purple poison grow throughout your soul as St. Trina was established. You had been St. Trina before, as a guise and for deception, but now you were St. Trina just as much as you had been Miquella. Perhaps just a hair more, for who knew of Miquella except for your sister?
That thought tickled the back of your mind as your soul swelled with the faith of your new church brought in with a silver tongue.
Formed Church of Golden Dawn
Boost Morale
92+40(Diplomacy) = 132 > 65 Success
You talked. It was something you felt like you did often, but now you were doing it more than before. People came to you with problems. They could be small or big, but you solved them or, at the very least, talked with them.
"Do you know your blood is radiant?" one of the Guilties asked as he leered at your chest. You knew it wasn't your chest he was looking at; it was your heart. The Guilties had this fascination with your blood that baffled you, but you ignored it because you were here to talk to them.
"Yes, do you have any other problems?" you asked, utilizing your kind voice. You were St. Trina right now, and despite these strange questions, you didn't care; that cloying purple poison blotted out your anger.
"Ah, just tired and hungry," he complained, but you had heard that dozens of times by now, so you merely brushed past that.
"That is being worked on, and here," you told him as you forced out that poison in your soul into a drop of violet purple. The Guilty's eyes locked on it as he reached down and drank the poison, his posture relaxing as he rose to his feet.
He slurred out words that you couldn't understand before he shambled away and left. You breathed out, your breath steaming the air as the fire burned in your veins. You ignored them as you readied yourself to speak once again.
You watched as Somnus spoke, his voice reverberating with his faith in you.
"Come now!" he shouted at the people who passed by. "You cry and whine over tiredness. Is St. Trina not the mistress of dreams? Should you not be grateful that she shares her gift with you? She has shared a brilliant future with us that we just have to grasp."
You noticed that people perked up as they heard that your religion was already providing a backbone for people. The prayers you had faintly heard had returned with a vengeance, tugs, and strings coiling around your limbs as people put their faith in you.
Was this why your mother was a goddess? Having these people in your palm was intoxicating. You could tell them to do something, and they would fall over themselves to agree, to worship at the feet of St. Trina.
Well, perhaps not yet. Despite your pulling them in by compelling affection, religion was a hard sell. It would take time to grow until your people truly believed, but until then, you would watch and guide them as the mistress of dreams and guardian of the downtrodden they thought you were.
Setting up a Trade Route for Food
77+40(Diplomacy) = 117 > 60 Success
Setting up a Trade Route for Food
55+40(Diplomacy) = 90 > 60 Success
Trading was the same as always. You had to head to a place and talk to people. You knew what buttons to press, just going through the motions. They didn't have anybody who could resist your charm, as simple as it was.
Despite a few people questioning your authority, you were a nascent goddess and Empyrean. A simple look had them retreating as you kept talking with their leader.
It was oh so simple to pull their strings and have them dancing along. It would only take a moment to have them under your thrall, and they would happily give up their food. Or you could, of course, trade and give away what was yours, so for what was theirs. However, you increasingly thought, why? You were trying to help them; they were struggling here, so why not accept them into the fold and just help them? It would only take a few words and they would be so much more happier.
What do you trade? (Pick two, can pick the same option twice)
[] [Trade] Resources (-5 Mundane Resources/Turn, +10 Food/Turn)
[] [Trade] Weaponry (-1 Weaponry/Turn, +5 Food/Turn)
[] [Trade] Runes (-50 Runes/Turn, +15 Food/Turn)
[] [Trade] Charm them (+20 Food/Turn, you can recruit the village as a Free Action later)
Plant the Sapling under the Minor Erdtree
60+29(Intrigue) = 89 > 60 Success
You sat back on your heels as you patted your hands together. You had planted the Sapling under the Minor Erdtree; it was cradled in the roots of the much larger tree and would grow as it drained from it.
It had been easy to plant, and even now, it grew visible to the naked eye. You let blood fall from your arm, slaking its thirst before you closed the wound with a simple thought of regression.
You then held out your hand and sent out purple mist.
Cast: Room of Slumber
67+39(Piety)+30(St. Trina's Blessing) = 136 (Anything that can sleep must pass a DC 136 check to not fall asleep upon entering this room. Certain people and beings are immune)
It took a scant few seconds to cast the spell, flooding the room with a thick mist. You took a few more moments to ensure the room was clouded with it. This would affect how the tree grew, but it was better than leaving it in the open.
You smiled as you departed, purple mist coiling around your legs as whatever small animals remained in the room slipped into a deep and permanent slumber.
What do you name this sapling?
[] [Sapling] Write in
Study the Great Rune of Decay: Malenia
49+25(Learning)+19(Great Rune of Decay) = 93 > 80 Success
"It breaks everything down," Malenia stated as she looked down at you resting in her lap. You hummed as she ran her flesh and blood through your hair, telling her to continue.
"There is not much else to say; it breaks everything down, even the Scarlet Rot," she said. You looked up at her when she said that, but before your mind could go off spiraling into new directions, she gently pushed you back down to her lap.
"It doesn't do anything else; the Scarlet Rot is entirely unaffected beyond a faint ebbing."
"That doesn't mean it can't help!" you shot back, your voice carrying faint hints of hope. The Golden Order itself may have failed her, but that didn't mean this fragment of it couldn't help.
"Perhaps," she replied, caving instantly. You felt a flicker of regret about pushing her on this but ignored it. You were trying to help her. She would tell you if she truly didn't want to talk about it, so you would push her on how her Great Rune worked so that you could help her.
"Tell me everything," you asked her, your voice faint with hope.
Gain Basic Understanding: Great Rune of Decay
-500 Runes (4,165)
+50 Progress: Great Rune of Decay (115/100)
You watched from a distance as Malenia sat your gift cradled in her flesh arm. She was growing her great Rune, and while she had tried to push you away, you had crept after her. She wouldn't be getting rid of you, so she had allowed you to watch.
You could only hope she would arrive on the other side still your sister, and stronger.
How does Malenia's Great Rune curdle?
[] Decay of Heart (Malenia reduces the DC of any action where she non-violently conflicts with people. People's emotions will slowly curdle into apathy the longer they spend around her; this effect is enhanced when she uses [DECAY])
[] Decay of Flesh (Inflict a stacking -20 debuff on everybody in the same combat as Malenia. People will start to become ill and die around her; this effect is enhanced when she uses [DECAY])
[] Decay of Earth (Malenia can slowly break and ruin anything; nobody except her can halt the process. Non-living things will slowly break, and living things will slowly weaken around her; this effect is enhanced when she uses [DECAY])
[] Decay of Memory (Malenia can induce the mental and spiritual effects of old age on anybody with only Gods and the mightiest Empyreans able to resist. The mental faculties and souls of everybody around her will slowly deteriorate; this effect is enhanced when she uses [DECAY])
[] A Partial Bloom (Malenia's Scarlet Rot is enhanced, she takes another step closer to her destiny)