[X] A single, long horn, and a few motes of dust and ash. All that was left of Wammu, your soldier, friend, servant, and son in all but blood.

I'm pretty sure Best Pillarman is going to be more helpful than Best Jojo.
[X] A single, long horn, and a few motes of dust and ash. All that was left of Wammu, your soldier, friend, servant, and son in all but blood.

I'm pretty sure Best Pillarman is going to be more helpful than Best Jojo.
But yet there are some people are voting for our most hated and bitter enemy instead one of our most loyal followers.
[X] A single, long horn, and a few motes of dust and ash. All that was left of Wammu, your soldier, friend, servant, and son in all but blood.
[X] A single, long horn, and a few motes of dust and ash. All that was left of Wammu, your soldier, friend, servant, and son in all but blood.

I prefer stands but...
Ch.1 Part 7
-A single, long horn, and a few motes of dust and ash. All that was left of Wammu after his defeat by Joseph Joestar. An honorable warrior, strong and noble, Wammu was defeated by his own honesty. It was his strength of will that made him weak.

But he was your friend for thousands of years. He was your loyal servant, following you even when his own morality clashed with yours. You had raised him from an infant after you killed the rest of your race in self-defense, except for Eisidisi, and another infant the two of you had rescued. And now he was dead. Your fist tightens. Damn that JoJo.

You walk over, and pick up the horn. There is a ritual that your kind has. By consuming the horn of a fellow, you can gain their power and abilities. It is a supreme dishonor to consume another of your kind; the ultimate shame, to regard them as food. But you are a practical man. Wammu's power would aid you greatly, but his horn would be nothing but a momento.

[] Consume the horn. This is no time for romanticism and remembrance; this is survival. Wammu would have preferred that.
[] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

Your decision made, you turn away from the remains of your shell. The technicians all cower away from you very slightly. You walk over to the armor on the ground, and pick it up. It is surprisingly light. You put a hand in it, and press out. It stretches like thin rubber. You strike it lightly from the outside. It feels as firm as tortoise shell, though much stronger. Armor that can adapt to any form you take, but still offering protection? Yes, you can make use of this. You slide the armor over your head. It stretches to accommodate your frame, much larger than its former owner.

"You all having nothing to fear from me," you tell the technicians in the room, "I will obey Lord Freeza's wishes. You will have more to fear from him than me." You wave your hand in the direction of your discarded shell. "Do with that as you like. Study or discard it; it no longer concerns me. What is the layout of this ship?"

A technician, well on the other side of the room, begins listing off room locations and the ship's circular floorplan. It has four decks, with the top deck exclusively for Freeza's use, arraigned around the central engine and the bridge, both of which span the entire ship's height. It strikes you as a waste to have so much of the ship dedicated to such a large room, but you keep that to yourself.

You exit the laboratory. You still have twenty minutes before you have to meet with Zarbon in the armory. You-

[] Go straight there and wait. You want to stay as low-profile and unknown as possible.
[] Go to the mess hall. You may not get sustenance from dead, cooked food, but you can still enjoy the taste.
[] Just wander the halls. [Semi-random Encounter]
[] Go to the recreation room. Many of your new "co-workers" should be gathered there.
[] Actually, return to the laboratory. You want to get a head start on familiarizing yourself with the equipment.
[] Write-in place to go.

-Acquired Horn and Dust of Wammu [pending vote]
-Acquired Standard-issue Armor (Non-combat model)

NOTE: The two sections are considered separate votes, and will be counted independently.
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[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

[X] Go straight there and wait. You want to stay as low-profile and unknown as possible
[X] Consume the horn. This is no time for romanticism and remembrance; this is survival. Wammu would have preferred that.
[X] Go straight there and wait. You want to stay as low-profile and unknown as possible
[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.
[X] Go to the recreation room. Many of your new "co-workers" should be gathered there.
[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

[X] Just wander the halls. [Semi-random Encounter]

Never forget.
[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

[X] Go straight there and wait. You want to stay as low-profile and unknown as possible
[X] Consume the horn. This is no time for romanticism and remembrance; this is survival. Wammu would have preferred that.

[X] Just wander the halls. [Semi-random Encounter]

We're gonna need every bit of help we can.
[X] Consume the horn. This is no time for romanticism and remembrance; this is survival. Wammu would have preferred that.

[X] Just wander the halls. [Semi-random Encounter]

@thagguy What would the other items yield? Will we also be given the option to absorb the Red Stone / Joseph's hand?
@thagguy What would the other items yield? Will we also be given the option to absorb the Red Stone / Joseph's hand?

The Stone could have been used to massively boost the power of your Hamon and (once you obtain it) Ki blasts, and create Stone Masks able to Vampirize characters below a certain strength threshold. You couldn't really absorb it, because it's a rock, but you could hide it in your palm or wherever in your body to use it when needed.

Joseph's Hand, once you removed the lacquer, would manifest an incomplete Hermit Purple, which you would be able to obtain if you incorporated it into your body due to it being an "incomplete" stand without a master, or you could have eventually revived Joseph later using the hand and attempt to either force or coerce him into cooperating with you.

The rocks would have made you a bit more sympathetic to Freeza's various underlings and more inclined to trust you. Not by much, but it would help if they could go "yeah, he dicks us around like that all the time."
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[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

[X] Go to the recreation room. Many of your new "co-workers" should be gathered there.
[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

[X] Go straight there and wait. You want to stay as low-profile and unknown as possible
[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

[X] Just wander the halls. [Semi-random Encounter]
On the horn it's not like not consuming it now means we can't do it ever. It might delay progressing in his skills some but in exchange it gets us the possibility of resurrecting him later.
[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

[X] Go straight there and wait. You want to stay as low-profile and unknown as possible
[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

[X] Go straight there and wait. You want to stay as low-profile and unknown as possible
[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

[X] Go straight there and wait. You want tostay as low-profile and unknown as possible
[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.
[X] Go straight there and wait. You want to stay as low-profile and unknown as possible.
[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

[X] Just wander the halls. [Semi-random Encounter]
[X] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

[X] Go straight there and wait. You want tostay as low-profile and unknown as possible.