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You are Kars, the Ultimate Lifeform.

You should not know that. You should not know...
OP/ Chapter 1 Part 1
You are Kars, the Ultimate Lifeform.

You should not know that. You should not know anything.

You should not be able to think at all. After you were ejected into space and failed to reverse your course, your body had modified itself to defend you against the cold and empty void. First, your skin turned to hardened stone to protect you from the cold on one side, and the blazing heat of the sun on the other. But it was not enough. In your helplessness, you had driven yourself near madness from the despair of your predicament. Finally, your body only had one option to stop you from destroying your own mind- you stopped thinking altogether.

But now you think.

And you hear voices. They are close. So close. And you are hungry. Your perfect, ultimate body only needs to eat once a year- but it was many years before your mind finally shut down, and not even you knows how long it's been since then. Your body screams to feed, to consume the beings it knows are just beyond it.

But who are they? How were you found? You can't hear what they are saying from within your protective shell, or how close they are, or even their words so you could gain the understanding of the language. Only that you are somewhere, and someone is speaking in your presence. Are they even human at all? Did they know of Kars? Is this Joestar, come to try and end you once and for all?

[] Break out and consume the closest one. You are the Ultimate Lifeform, and you must feed.

[] Break out and attack them. If this is Jojo, you will kill him now; if not, then they will have no warning that you are still alive.

[] Emerge calmly from your skin, and observe without reacting. If they retrieved you from space, humans must have some incredible new technology...

[] Emerge, and thank them. Had they not found you, you would still be drifting, unthinking, in space.
-[] Optional: Choose one of the above options as well.

[] Stay in your skin, but modify it so you can hear. They would not be so stupid as to not have defenses against you.

This will probably be a short quest that I'm writing to decompress a bit.

Q: Will Kars get a Stand?
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Chapter 1 Part 2
[X] Stay in your skin, but modify it so you can hear. They would not be so stupid as to not have defenses against you.


You cannot deny that you hunger, and you are curious. But you can suppress your hunger; you are not some mindless animal or vampire. But if your fight with Jojo has taught you something, it is this: overconfidence will be your end.

If the humans have found you, and are so near you that you can hear them, they must have some countermeasures to contain you. They cannot kill you, of course...but you have underestimated them enough.

Instead of emerging, you simply thin your skin in two opposite spots of your head to make tympanic membranes. From the outside, nothing changed, but now you can hear. To your surprise, the voices aren't coming from behind a screen or distorted by a wall between you and them. You are truly in the same room as them, with no barriers.

Perhaps they really are that stupid, and you have overestimated them..

You listen to the voices. They are speaking no language you recognize, but that will soon change. Even as they speak, you are learning the language. Just a few more words, and...there it is.

"," one of the voices says. "The readings are getting more consistent, but..."

"But what?"

"I don't know, Sir. I'm getting "Error" messages. It can't read the specimen's power correctly."

"Meaning what?"

"So we don't know how powerful it is, just that there is something alive in there."

Oh, there is something alive in here all rlght, you think, More alive than you will ever be, worms.

"Feh. You science types and your pansy belly-achin'. Just because it can survive space don't mean it will survive me," a different voice says, slightly off to the side. This voice is much deeper than the other two, and slower. It has an uneducated accent and cadence. You hear footsteps moving away; from the gait and heft of the steps, it is a titanic, obese man with wide-set legs, but a powerful stride despite his girth. "Alert me if there is any further progress."


[] Emerge calmly from your skin, and observe without reacting.

[] Emerge, and attack.

[] Emerge. "I am Kars, the Ultimate Lifeform, and your new master."

[] Emerge. "I am Kars, the Ultimate Lifeform. Who must I thank for freeing me from my eternal prison and honor with my presence?"

[] Emerge. "I am Kars, the Ultimate Lifeform. I must thank you...for breaking my fast." Attack and consume them.

[] Emerge. Feign weakness, so as to put your hosts off their guard.

[] Stay as you are and continue to passively observe.

[] Send a sonar pulse. They might detect it, but you need to gain more information on your surroundings.

[] Write-in.
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Ch.1 Part 3
Well then, it is time. To purge your fears and doubts, to reveal yourself and join this brave new world.

Your shell cracks. Instantly, you hear a hail of slightly off-sync beeping, almost immediately followed by a cacophony of voices.

"It's awakening-"

"Breach in the outer shell detected; interior still not visible-"

"Alert Lord Freeza-"

Freeza? What a strange name. You wonder idly if naming children after appliances has become common in the future.

You emerge from the shell that protected you from the cosmos. Your form is perfect, and unmarred by the flaws of combat with Joestar or your imprisonment in the void.

You stand in the room, the last vestiges of your shell falling from your form and crumbling to your feet, and observe your surroundings.

You stand in the center of what appears to be a medical laboratory. Ringed around you are beings standing or sitting at various desks and devices. A few are typing furiously, but most are looking at you with wide eyes. Every one is wearing a device on their heads, covering their ears, that suspends a pane of glass in front of one eye. You can see characters flashing across the glass held by the devices. Hm. The scanners they spoke of, that can read your life and power?

They all wear identical uniforms: a tight-fitting material with the apperance of stone, but seemingly flexible. You examine them as you gaze around the room with what you know to be a perfectly vacant expression; the chemical composition is fascinating, with a structure alike to no material you've seen on Earth...ah, you see. What a brilliant use of carbon for materials! Long pauldrons extend over the wearer's shoulders, of different lengths. Perhaps denoting status or rank?

Most interestingly, a variety of species are present. Among them are what appear to be humans, but to your surprise, are not at all. There are also reptilian, avian, and mammilian hominids, though the resemblance is superficial; they share no DNA with any Earth species...

Hm. Peculiar; several of the human-like species can interbreed with humans, though they are most distantly related to humans than a human would be an oak tree!

You can feel the sun shining on you from a porthole.

No. It is not the sun; the average color of the light is too blue by 20 nm. A different star. You have drifted to another star system your rate of speed, you've been drifting for many, many millions of years, minimally, assuming your hosts have not taken you to another system themselves on Fascinating. You will learn much from its dissassembly.

"Well," says the same gravelly voice from before, which you now recognize as having a pitch and tone impossible for a human throat and mouth to create, "It seems this day got a little more interesting."

You allow your gaze to drift to the speaker, then past, pretending it to be coincidence. But you don't need to stare to see every detail and commit them to memory.

The speaker is, indeed, enormous. But you can tell the rotundness is not the result of fat; this creature's physique is the result of muscle and bone. It is a bright, shocking pink, with purplish-blue lips. It is covered in short, blunt spikes on the top of its head and arms. Under its blubbery skin, you can see the edges of bone plates moving on its arms and head. An exoskeleton, covered by a thick layer of skin. It is examining you with almost careless disregard.

"Hm. Well, lookit you. Zarbon might not like the competition," it says sarcastically. It begins to walk up to you.

"Master Dodoria!" One of the technicians shouts, "Please do not approach him! We do not know his capabilities!"

The creature, now identified as "Dodoria," ignores the technician, and walks up to a meter away from you. Frowning, it stares into your face. You stare past it, into the blank space beyond. It stinks of rotting meat and harsh chemicals feebly attempting to hide the odor.

"There's no one home," Dodoria says after examining you. "Poor bastard probably went mad, bein' in space so long."

It turns on the spot. It's still within arm's length of you. You wouldn't even need to transform your arm to grab the top of its head.

"My Scanner's still not giving me a power level."

"We're still working on the calibrations, Sir."

"Good, make sure yer finished quick. Lord Freeza'll be here any second. Get your readings done quickly. Don't get too attached to Pretty Boy here; Freeza's not going to waste the resources carting around a vegetable."

That must have been a joke, as Dodoria, and several of the technicians, laugh. You fail to see the humor.

[] Continue to play dumb.

[] Write-in action/response.
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Ch.1 Part 4
Your eyes are blank, but your mind is racing.

Dodoria would turn his back to you? This proves it: these aliens either don't know what you are capable of, or are utterly confident in their ability to counter you. Likely both; if they were merely ignorant, they would have thorough defenses and countermeasures set up within this laboratory, instead of none.

But should you act now? No, you don't think so. Time has taught you patience, and if they do possess the ability to stop you, no matter how unlikely it may be, then what? You will not risk being ejected back into space. You have already lost one fight where victory was assured by underestimating your opponent's intelligence. You will play this cautiously.

You don't respond to Dodoria, letting your eyes wander. Most of the technicians have stiffened in fear at the mention of the name "Freeza," and that he was coming to your location. Many of the human-like aliens have broken into a sweat. The feathers on the heads of the avians ruffle and flatten. The reptilians' muscles stiffen, and their movements become jerky and quick, like small lizards from Earth. All of them reek of terror. Some of them are barely resisting their instincts to flee from their positions, their fingers trembling over the devices they are typing on.

A ruler who maintains his position through fear, who the promise promise invokes a fight-or-flight fear response in his men? That is valuable information.

"I got it, Sir," the technician who was reporting on the Scanners says, "I'm uploading the fix to the network now. Should be about a minute."

Dodoria nods. The door dings, and an elaborate purple emblem appears above the door.

"Lord Freeza enters!" Dodoria barks, his back stiffening. The technicians around the room all leap from their seats and turn towards the door, arms held tightly by their sides.

The stink of fear is so thick in the air as to be revolting. How do lesser beings not smell this?

The door slides opens on its own.

"HAIL LORD FREEZA!" Dodoria yells, echoed a moment later by the rest of the room. Your empty gaze observes him.

Freeza is small and slightly frail looking. He is vaguely reptilian, with smooth, scaleless pale violet skin, except for streaks of ribbed, dull pink flesh down the side of his face that vaguely resemble gills. A vestigial trait of a species with aquatic or amphibious origins? Freeza's arms are the same color as these patches, and the skin on them also has a banded texture. His face and head is framed by white bone that thickens at his eyebrows and his cranium. The top of his head,instead of this bone, is a shiny, dark purple carapace. Two straight, triangular horns point out and slightly up from the side of his head, each ending in a sharp point. His ears are hidden by thick, rectangular bone protuberances. He wears the same sort of armor as his men, but unlike them, he is not wearing a Scouter.

He is riding inside of a machine that floats in place, despite no visible means of propulsion. Does it cancel gravity itself? His tail hangs over the side, tapping lightly against the vehicle. He examines you coldly.

"So, this is the spaceman you discovered?" he asked. His voice is high-piched, but with an educated cadence nearly dripping with arrogance.

One of the technicians salutes. "Yes, Lord Freeza! He appears to have used a cocoon to shield himself from space. The subject has shown no signs of intelligence or recognition since awakening, Lord Freeza!"

"Hm. Oh, well. Such a pity. I had high hopes for a creature! But I suppose his body could still be of some use. Dodoria, kill him. Leave enough for study." Freeza turns to look at one of the scientists. "You will dissect the corpse."

Dodoria turns towards you. "Looks like Zarbon won't have to worry after all," he says to you. He raises his hand to your face. In his palm, you can see motes of energy gathering, quickly becoming a sphere of dark gold light.

Hamon? No, this is something different. Dodoria is not Hamon breathing at all, and the flow of energy is utterly different from the Ripple. What is this new energy?

Whatever it is, Dodoria is clearly intending to use it against you.

[] Drop the act peacefully. "I disagree with that assessment."

[] Attack Dodoria. Grab his head and feed with intent to kill.

[] Attack Dodoria. Grab his arm and feed to stop the attack.

[] The star of this system is shining on you. Attack Dodoria with Hamon. [Specify body part]

[] Quickly move away and look for ways to escape.

[] Write-in.
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Ch.1 Part 5
Whatever this energy is, you will not learn the hard way. You bend your torso to the side at the waist nearly 90 degrees, so that you are no longer in the path of Dodoria's hand.
Moving in Stereo
"What-" he says in surprise, instinctively moving his arm to follow you. Just like you wanted. You raise your hand into the path of his arm, so that the edge of your palm will intercept it. You could use the Light Blades, but you want to keep as many cards held to your chest as you can, to use a human expression.

Dodoria's spiked arm impacts with your hand halfway between his elbow and wrist.

When consuming humans or animals, you would simply flow through them as if there weren't even there; at most, you would feel a sticky sensation, like walking through especially humid air. Dodoria is different. His flesh is like striking water. Your hand sinks in a few centimeters, but a shockwave travels up your arm. You can feel your bones shatter in your forearm like glass striking steel, all the way to your elbow and partway up your humerus. The pain is excruciating, but your body is already repairing the damage from the blow.

You hand continues to sink through Dodoria's arm. He's stopped charging his energy, and what was in his palm dissipates into nothing. He screams. It's a strange combination of a human's screams of pain and the bellowing of bull. Your hand passes all the way through his arm, and out the other side. The arm falls to the floor in a gush of red blood, slightly paler than a human's. He stumbles back, still howling in pain. The technicians in the room are all staring at you in wide-eyed shock that is slowly beginning to morph into terror. Freeza's expression is curious and surprised, but not alarmed at all. You bend down, and pick up Dodoria's severed hand.

"I disagree with your assessment. I am quite in control of my faculties."

You take Dodoria's hand, and press the flesh between your palms. You consume it in sections, as it is nearly as large around as your waist. As you do, you analyse Dodoria's anatomy and body chemistry, and try to find clues to that mysterious energy he was using.

You can feel that energy within every cell. Despite being severed from its owner, you can still feel every cell of Dodoria's fighting back with its own power. But it is no use; as you consume more of the flesh and bone alike, the resistance gradually weakens. When you reach the fingers, you flow through it without resistance at all again.

Dodoria, finally, has recovered enough to respond. He clutches at his bleeding stump, staring at you with murderous hatred. "You fucker! I'm going to fucking destroy you! Fuck the scientists, they're gonna be able to fit what's left of you in a shot glass!"

He rears up, inhaling deeply. His mouth opens slightly, and you can see the same golden light building in his throat and nostrils. You prepare to-

"Dodoria, hold."

Freeza's voice cuts across the room like a blade. Dodoria halts, straining against the energy he has built up, then deflates like a balloon, the light fading gradually.

You watch all this intently, with your chin resting on your hand.

"But Lord Freeza-"

"Are you arguing with me, Dodoria?" Freeza's voice doesn't change, but his eyes narrow, and his tail thumps once against the side of his vehicle.

"N-no, Lord Freeza!" Dodoria says, his anger evaporating. You can see he's starting to excrete a thin pink liquid on his head and remaining arm that contains a mild toxin. A defense mechanism of a prey animal. "I just-i-"

"Oh, do shut up. Get to a healing pod before I change my mind."

Dodoria stiffens. "Y-yes, Lord Freeza!"

Dodoria hurries out of the room, clutching his arm. It occurs to you that Freeza never said what he would change his mind about.

"Now, back to our guest...what was his power level, again?"

"We don't know, Lord Freeza! The Scanners weren't able to read his Ki correctly when he awoke and we were recalibrating them, Lord Freeza!"

Ki? So the life energy of those Asian mystics was real? Hmm. Esidisi and you could find no evidence of its existence with the possible exception of those energy constructs humans called "Stands," but perhaps these aliens could use it...that must have been the energy in the cells of Dodoria's arm.

"Oh," Freeza says, "I see. And are they ready now?"

"Y-yes, Lord Freeza!" The technician says. He presses a button on his Scouter, which beeps several times. "The subject's power level"

He trails off.

"Why did you stop?" Freeza asks. His voice is suddenly cheerful and friendly, but the falseness is so obvious a child could see through it.

"His...power level...Lord Freeza, I apologize, but this can't be right..."

"Oh, now, don't be shy." Freeza says, in an even more coyly sweet voice.


The room goes absolutely silent. Every technician in the room has stopped breathing. You simply watch the drama as it unfolds.

Freeza breaks the silence with a "tsk" noise. Everybody in the room (excepts for you) jumps several inches.

"Are you meaning to tell me," Freeza says, every trace of friendliness gone. His tail thumps against the side of his car. This time, it leaves a very slight dent in the metal. "That Dodoria, one of my best men, had his arm removed by an ape with a power level of less than 400?"

Is Freeza implying that you are weak?

The technician, who was already sweating profusely, is now trembling in terror. "N-no, Lord Freeza, I must have made a mistake, please, allow me to-"

He's cut off as a beam of purple light, as thin as a pencil, pierces his forehead. His eyes roll back into his head, and he collapses to the floor.

Freeza lowers his finger. "To admit to such incompetence... As you all know, only the best can serve on my ship. Send a message to his family of what a failure that man was in my service."

He turns to you.

"So, my purple-haired friend. I have a few questions for you." He raises his finger slightly, so that it's just pointing over the rim of the vehicle at you.

"First, what technique was that you used to destroy Dodoria's arm? Oh, and where are my manners! I would also like to ask for your name, if you would be so kind to introduce yourself to your new master."

[] Write-in.
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Ch.1 Part 6
This Lord shattered your arm on Dodoria's, before you began to consume it. If you had been stopped by Dodoria's ki, if that it what it burns at your pride to say it, but you would not have stood a chance in combat. And Freeza must be monumentally more powerful than Dodoria, to inspire such terror. Utterly ruthless, and sadistic, without concern for allies or enemies. Thousands of years, searching for a way to increase the power of the Masks. It cost you your species, and your closest friends. Esidisi. Wammu. Everything, sacrificed, to become the ultimate life form.

And now you see that it is still so small. It feels like ash in your mouth.

But you are a practical man. This is simply a setback, one that you will overcome, like Hamon and the limitations of your kind.

You sink to a knee, your hair tumbling around your face. You have not bowed like since since the second-to-last time you saw your father.

You cannot recall his face, anymore.

"Lord Freeza-" you begin to say to the floor. You are interrupted by Freeza tsking in dissaporval.

"Now, now, that won't do. Look at your master when you speak, unless you feel the tiles are more deserving of your words."

You look up. Freeza's face is one of naked gloating and arrogance.

One day, you will remove that smile with your blade and feed on it.

"There was no technique," you say simply, slipping into a dry, formal tone, "I simply devoured his arm. It is how my species feeds; we absorb our food directly into our bodies, without needing to eat with our mouths."

Freeza leans forward. "Interesting. Does this happen with every living thing you touch?"

"No, Lord Freeza. We can control it; we will only consume if we desire to."

"Good. It'd won't do to have one of my soldiers get eaten because he happened to bump into you in the mess hall, would it?"

Apparently, this was a joke, as a wave of clearly forced laughter runs through the remaining technicians.

"And as for your name...?"

"Kars, my Lord. My name is Kars. It has been so long since I have had to-"

But Freeza has already turned away. "You will meet with Zarbon in 30 minutes for your post and equipment in the armory. Do what you like until then."

He begins to drive his vehicle towards the door, but stops, and turns partway around again. "Actually, I'd rather you don't eat any more of my men. I'll forgive you for Dodoria's arm, but consider that your one pass. If it happens again..." the friendly tone drops out of his voice. "No one will find you this time."

You bow your head, then look back at him. "I understand, Lord Freeza."

"Good. Oh, one more favor, clean up that mess over there for me."

You walk over to the dead technician. The living ones in the room watch nervously as you press a finger to the hole in his head.

It's still boiling hot to the touch.

The technicians in the room flinch as you being to absorb the dead man. He shrivels like a fruit, until eventually all that is left is the armor and underclothes.

"You may keep that," Freeza says, "There are dress codes aboard this ship, which you do not meet at present. Collect the rest of your things as well."

Freeza, finally, leaves the room.

Rest of your things? You turn back to the spot where your emerged from your shell. You remember, you left the Earth with one unique thing-something valuable indeed. You see it in the pile of stone; imprisoned with you, your body had coated it in a layer of perfect mother-of-pearl, like a mollusk. But you can still tell from the shape, that it is-

[] A single, long horn, and a few motes of dust and ash. All that was left of Wammu, your soldier, friend, servant, and son in all but blood.

[] The Red Stone of Aja.

[] The hand of Joseph Joestar, perfectly preserved within your body as fresh as the day it was severed.

[] Nothing. Just a few pebbles from the volcano. Freeza was only mocking you. [Will more easily gain the trust of certain people]
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Ch.1 Part 7
-A single, long horn, and a few motes of dust and ash. All that was left of Wammu after his defeat by Joseph Joestar. An honorable warrior, strong and noble, Wammu was defeated by his own honesty. It was his strength of will that made him weak.

But he was your friend for thousands of years. He was your loyal servant, following you even when his own morality clashed with yours. You had raised him from an infant after you killed the rest of your race in self-defense, except for Eisidisi, and another infant the two of you had rescued. And now he was dead. Your fist tightens. Damn that JoJo.

You walk over, and pick up the horn. There is a ritual that your kind has. By consuming the horn of a fellow, you can gain their power and abilities. It is a supreme dishonor to consume another of your kind; the ultimate shame, to regard them as food. But you are a practical man. Wammu's power would aid you greatly, but his horn would be nothing but a momento.

[] Consume the horn. This is no time for romanticism and remembrance; this is survival. Wammu would have preferred that.
[] Do not consume it. You may be pragmatic, but there are some things even you won't do. You won't shame Wammu's memory.

Your decision made, you turn away from the remains of your shell. The technicians all cower away from you very slightly. You walk over to the armor on the ground, and pick it up. It is surprisingly light. You put a hand in it, and press out. It stretches like thin rubber. You strike it lightly from the outside. It feels as firm as tortoise shell, though much stronger. Armor that can adapt to any form you take, but still offering protection? Yes, you can make use of this. You slide the armor over your head. It stretches to accommodate your frame, much larger than its former owner.

"You all having nothing to fear from me," you tell the technicians in the room, "I will obey Lord Freeza's wishes. You will have more to fear from him than me." You wave your hand in the direction of your discarded shell. "Do with that as you like. Study or discard it; it no longer concerns me. What is the layout of this ship?"

A technician, well on the other side of the room, begins listing off room locations and the ship's circular floorplan. It has four decks, with the top deck exclusively for Freeza's use, arraigned around the central engine and the bridge, both of which span the entire ship's height. It strikes you as a waste to have so much of the ship dedicated to such a large room, but you keep that to yourself.

You exit the laboratory. You still have twenty minutes before you have to meet with Zarbon in the armory. You-

[] Go straight there and wait. You want to stay as low-profile and unknown as possible.
[] Go to the mess hall. You may not get sustenance from dead, cooked food, but you can still enjoy the taste.
[] Just wander the halls. [Semi-random Encounter]
[] Go to the recreation room. Many of your new "co-workers" should be gathered there.
[] Actually, return to the laboratory. You want to get a head start on familiarizing yourself with the equipment.
[] Write-in place to go.

-Acquired Horn and Dust of Wammu [pending vote]
-Acquired Standard-issue Armor (Non-combat model)

NOTE: The two sections are considered separate votes, and will be counted independently.
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Ch.1 pt. 8
Wamuu...Wamuu never understood you. Nor you him. Though you raised him, you were utterly different. You disliked fighting, if truth be told.

Well, perhaps dislike is the wrong word. You never have been able to understand the appeal of trials by combat or all these other competitions, with their tedious rituals and myriad rules that seemed only to exist to restrict the clever and the intelligent. It seemed to you to be a way for the dim but strong to overcome their betters.

But yet, despite this, Wamuu grew up obsessed with the trappings of honorable combat and feats of strength and all that nonsense. Once he learned that trick with wind to give himself a few seconds of invisibility, and he began to steal writings of the humans, he became even more insufferable...


Kars and Eisidisi walked, silently, through a human farmer's field somewhere north of the human city of Athens. Behind them followed Wamuu. The barley was young, not quite reaching their waists, and so the walking was easy. Insects would occasionally land on their skin, meaning to feed on their blood, only to find the tables turned as they sunk into their supposed prey and vanished without a sound. The sky was cloudless and filled with stars. Wammu watched a comet streak across the sky. His masters didn't notice, or else ignored it.

"Lord Kars," Wammu began, look where the comet vanished back into the stars, "Have you heard the human tale of Icarus?"

Eisidisi, who did know of the tale (as Eisidisi enjoyed human philosophy and stories even more than Wammu), turned, his face stern. "There is no reason to bother Lord Kars with this-"

"Quiet, Eisidisi," Kars said. "You know that I have not, and that I take little interest in human fables. You are not asking me if I have heard it. You are asking for permission to tell it."

Wamuu stiffened. He dropped to a knee, bending his head low. "My-my apologies, Lord Kars. I did not mean-"

"Rise, Wamuu. You misunderstand. I was not reprimanding, but commending you. You are finally learning the art of deception. You did not use it for malice or to do harm, but to achieve your desires. Perhaps the lessens of that human strategist, what was his name...?"

"Sun Tzu," Eisidisi supplied.

"Yes," Kars said. Wammu looked for a moment like he was about to argue. Kars held up a hand. "I am aware of your lack of regard for deception in combat and your thoughts that it should be a pure show of honor. And you know I think that opinion is foolish and youthful, but I do not wish to have this debate again. I wish to return to the reason for this conversation. You may tell your story."

"Thank you, Lord Kars," Wammu said. He looked up at the stars again. "Icarus and his father, Daedalus, were imprisoned within a Labyrinth of Daedalus' own making. But his father was a master craftsman, and crafted a pair of wings of feathers and wax to carry them from their prison. On these wings, they escaped the labyrinth prison, and soared into the sun, free as the birds from which they borrowed their wings."

The three men were silent for a long moment.

"Why did you wish to tell me this story, Wamuu?" Kars asked.

"It reminds me of us, my Lord, and you." He spread his arms. "This darkness, it is our maze and our prison, is it not? and Icarus and his father found a way to challenge it, to overcome it, and find their way into the sun. They had warrior's hearts and a scientist's genius. We are on a journey to complete our wings."

There was more silence. Kars spoke again. "Were you aware that there was more to the story?"

"...No, my Lord. I had to leave the scroll before I could finish reading it." Wamuu's wind shield could make him invisible, immune to the sun, but only for a precious few seconds.

"Hm. You should know that I have deceived you as well. I do, in fact, know this tale. What you did not hear is that Icarus flew to close to the sun. The heat melted his wings, and he fell to his death."

Whatever effect Kars expected from Wamuu was not the one he received. Wammu's eyes shone. "Truly? Then it is an even greater story than I imagined!"

Kars and Eisidisi both stopped walking, and turned to look in surprise.

"...Icarus died as a result of foolish bravado and childish giddiness. That is the lesson the humans take from the story."

"Perhaps, but I see it in another light. He died due to his own bravery! He had a warrior's heart and and pioneer's spirit! His death was the death of true honor!"

"He accomplished nothing that he would not have by flying lower."

Wamuu stared at the stars. "No," he said, "He did not die for nothing." Wamuu reached up towards the sky, as if he were to grab them in his fist. His hand made a sudden, rapid spin, and a current of air rushed towards the points of light and dissipated between them. "He was closer to the stars than any before. He may have died for it, but in those moments before his wings failed him, Icarus was closer to the sun than any before him." Wamuu looked down.

"And you, Lord Kars? You will reach even closer to the sun than Icarus did. But when you do, your wings will not melt."

Kars stared at Wamuu, his eyes wide.

From that day on, though he not always understood Wamuu's reasoning, he always listened to it.


In a hallway in a ship among those stars, your fingers close around the horn.

Wamuu...who could have known, in the end, how right you would be.

You remember that you have a meeting in the armory with Zarbon, another of Freeza's- though you may call him that to others, he will never be "Master" in your mind and heart- servants. You make your way there. You wish to keep yourself as unknown as possible; you will not socialize with the members of this ship's crew, at least not until you can more easily blend among them.

You make it to the door of the armory, fifteen minutes before your scheduled arrival. Behind the door, you can hear that someone is already inside- Zarbon, most likely. Though your senses are far greater than any human, or even yourself before you became the ultimate lifeform, you can't quite make out what he is muttering to himself.

[] Wait respectfully and don't eavesdrop.

[] Create something to listen in.

[] Request permission to enter.

[] Enter without announcing yourself.

[] Write-in.

if anyone has the original source, I'd appreciate it. all reverse image search is giving me are more unsourced postings.
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On DNA and body morphing
Heresy! Cell was the second best thing in Dragonball Z, right behind Cooler.
But Freezer was Cooler.

Also, regarding the bird wing thing, it's explicit that Ultimate Kars makes the wings and suchforth from DNA of all Earth species that have lived in his body.

Now, I have a degree in Biology, so I have the authority to say that this is wack, yo. The handwave here, without granting him something like being able to freely arrange his DNA because frankly he's bullshit enough without you being able to create literally anything on the fly, is that he can arrange his DNA and body to that of any Earth species. And by that, I mean JoJo Earth, which, as far as wildlife is concerned, is RL-Earth except for the species mentioned specifically in the story like Rods, the Pillar Men themselves, and the occasional super-intelligent dog or bird.

So, you can make a dinosaur, but you can't make a dragon or something that exists in fantasy or DBZ Earth except by cobbling together bits and pieces. Said dragon wouldn't be able to breath fire, but you could, say, throw some bombardier beetle bits in there and have a really nasty chemical breath.
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Ch.1 Part 9
The pinky of your right hand morphs into a small, grey-haired mouse. It falls off your hand, and runs toward the door, with a hair-thin nerve connecting it to you, so that you may hear what it hears. It edges towards the corner of the door. The mutterings on the other side resolve themselves into a male voice tinged with pompous arrogance.

"...haven't done orientations in years...Freeza's right hand, doing such menial work..."

He is simply whining about being assigned to quartermaster duties? You wrinkle your nose slightly in disgust. How undisciplined are Freeza's men-

The door suddenly slides open. Standing in the doorway is a tall alien that would fit in as a very tall human except for his turquoise skin and green hair, styled elaborately with a part down the middle and a long, thick braid in the back He is wearing earrings of a silvery metal, likely platinum, and a delicate tiara across his forehead with another platinum bauble that matches the earring. He is wearing a Scouter with dark blue glass, on which you can see numbers and readouts scrolling. He examines you, frowning.

"For future reference, you are to announce your presence by knocking on the door and requesting permission to enter. You will then wait for a response." He looks down, seeing your mouse. You dissolve the nerve linking you to it; without the connection, he'd have no reason to suspect you.

His foot lashes out faster than you can follow, his toe tapping the mouse. It explodes into a small spray of blood.

"Ugh. More vermin. I don't even recognize where they come from any more."

He turns back to you. "Anyway, I assume you were what was inside that statue we found?"

You nod. I am Kars, Lord Zarbon."

"Hm. Follow me," he says, turning back into the armory. He walks over to a locker, and opens it. He hands you a Scouter with purple glass.

"You are assigned to Barracks B, Cot 4. As you obviously had no belongings, some were provided to you that you will find there."

Zarbon begins to walk out. "Take time to familiarize yourself with the equipment, so as to best serve Lord Freeza. We will be landing at base in two days, at which time you will receive an assignment. If you have any questions..." He smirks. "Direct them to Dodoria."

He walks out of the room.

Your "orientation" lasted less than two minutes, during which you simple listened silently and without expression. It was clear that Zarbon felt this was beneath him, and you were content to let him think that. At least this one had more self-control than Dodoria. You put on the Scouter, and press a button on the side.

Instantly, the glass panel becomes a flood of information. You blink, learning the language, and then the flood of meaningless scribbles becomes clear. There's a messaging system, alerts (all the ones from Freeza are marked URGENT READ IMMEDIATELY; they appear to all be variants of the same form letter, boiling down to "Do not disappoint me or die,") user profiles, and such forth.

You receive a new alert. "CAUTION," it says, "The Saiyans are occupying the mess hall. For your safety, do not engage or interrupt their feeding. Stand by for all-clear."

[] Go to your barracks, familiarize yourself with this technology, read as much as you can about your new living situation.
[] Go to the mess hall.
[] Wander the halls.
[] Go to the recreation area.
[] Go back to the laboratory.
[] Write-in.