Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

And watch as Sammy just clings to Kongou like a limpet in the same way a fangirl does to her fav idol and gushes about how awesome they are.
... Goto will approve? As the end of Shoukaku's date shown he has no problems with Sammy, and if this gets Kongou away from him for a time then all's good for him :p (well, outside of current arc where (what's left of) his sanity seems to only be upheld by Kongou's continued presence).

On the other hand... what if Sammy helps Kongou on her shenanigans for BURNIIING LOVE? Imagine that :p
Underneath all that hate on the Corporal, is... more hate HATECEPTION a gruff Marine who enjoys joking around with his skipper, a responsible trainer, a DERP wrangler and a One-Man-Crew for a certain Battleship.

Remember his "drunken" spiel when Settle got out of his hospital room after he got that chunk of metal removed from his noggin.
I wonder what Arizona'll say if she's able to speak again. Even though her silence is a defining part of her character at this point and because of it, her actions do speak louder than words. Or maybe something from her POV, showing her thoughts. Or something.
I wonder what Arizona'll say if she's able to speak again. Even though her silence is a defining part of her character at this point and because of it, her actions do speak louder than words. Or maybe something from her POV, showing her thoughts. Or something.
Wait, she CAN'T speak? I thought she just didn't want to talk.
I might write up something and put it here or over on the main KanColle thread here. I need to finish updating my quest first.
I'm 80% sure that's entirely speculation, for we've received no word from planefriend if it's true or not.

I'd be interested if anyone could find a statement other than anon guessing.
Yeah no one that is canonized (Hateposter, Nakaposter, Nettle [who is just PF RP-ing Settle]) has said anything about why she doesn't speak.

Oh and Navyguy, tho he's only semi-canon.
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I wonder what Arizona'll say if she's able to speak again. Even though her silence is a defining part of her character at this point and because of it, her actions do speak louder than words. Or maybe something from her POV, showing her thoughts. Or something.

I think there was something somewhere about her missing her bell and wanting to get it back

I'm 80% sure that's entirely speculation, for we've received no word from planefriend if it's true or not.

I'd be interested if anyone could find a statement other than anon guessing.

Pretty much. The bits about "Settle and Hate agree on "procuring" Arizona's bell from the University of Arizona" and "Arizona's feelings spontaneously bursting out right after she gets her bell back" are of an Anonymous writefag's posts.

I find it endearing though (although albeit waifu-ey).
Right now, Arizona's acting like a Ayanami Rei expy with her silence.
I guess that's what people mean by "gap moe". :lol
Bell is very ceremonial. Iirc you need it for colours. And usually its only given after comissioning.
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Seriously, why 2015, why?

Either I started paying attention or something but its seems like there is a major known death every two weeks this year.
Either it is someone famous or a massacre or just only someone I known over the internet.