Its 0745, you've got your pants half-on, half-off, a gorgeous brunette with a great figure is doing her best to turn the metaphorical comparison of Japanese beauty with cherry blossoms into a literal one and your leg and head and fucking everything hurt hurt HURTS.
Also, you have a few hours to plan a major carrier battle that might significantly effect the battle for the Pacific. It's going to be One Of Those Days.
As Yamato continues to turn a lovely shade of pink, face hidden behind her hands, the door opens to reveal a rumpled, harried Wainwright tapping a clipboard against one thigh and carrying a five-foot long breaker bar over his left shoulder.
"Naaah....." his voice trails off as he takes in the scene. "I. Uh. I'm interrupting-" he stops halfway through turning to leave and swivels back to face you, his hand flexing on the breaker bar. "Wait, where the hell is Naka?"
"Uhm," you begin.
"What the hell are you doing with all these girls?" Wainwright demands, tapping the breaker bar against his shoulder as he catches sight of Yamato's pastel panic.
>You're a doctor-type person kinda-sorta sometimes, right? Do I have permission to, uh, get the hell out of bed and go do things?
>Do you have the authority to scare up a Vicodin or something? My everything is fucking killing me right now.
>You're a doctor-type person kinda-sorta sometimes, right? Do I have permission to, uh, get the hell out of bed and go do things?
>Do you have the authority to scare up a Vicodin or something? My everything is fucking killing me right now.
You stare blearily at Wainwright, trying to process the oil-stained jeans combined with the half-buttoned dress shirt. "Uh. You. Wainwright."
He glowers. "Very good. Now where the hell is my patient?"
You jerk your thumb at the bed, where Arizona is clinging tightly to the little blanketed bundle that is Naka. Wainwright studies the fuzzy cocoon before turning a quizzical look upon you.
"Long story," you say fuzzily. "Listen, you think-"
"And who's Miss Cardiac Arrest here?" he says, tilting his head at Yamato, who seems to be in the process of smothering herself as you fumble to buckle your pants.
"Uh, that's kind of class-"
The hefty breaker bar comes down on the padded seat of the guest chair hard enough to make it bounce.
"-AMATO MISS YAMATO HOLD FIRE CHILL OUT Jee-sus," you snap back. "Just don't tell anyone or Yamato - I mean Goto will - I-" you grab your head in both hands and take a deep, stabilizing breath, trying not to cry. "Wainwright, my leg and head and everything is hurting like a motherfucker so if they let you into the medication cabinet, I'm begging you, *get me something.*"
He does a decent impression of a fish for a few seconds - and then sighs, sagging as he does so. "Yeah, sure. Just... wait here."
You manage to get most of your underclothes on by the time he gets back - uniform slacks and undershirt. Your uniform jacket is so rumpled and dirty that you can't bear to put it on. Wainwright returns in a few minutes with two pills and a plastic cup. "Here," he says, dumping the pills into your hand. He's opening the door to the bathroom before you can call out a warning. He's met with a truly rousing shriek of terror followed by something impacting the door with Toyota-tier impetus, sending him reeling within an ace of being knocked on his ass.
He blinks. "Uh-"
"N-N-NEVER W-W-W-ALK IN ON A L-L-LADY!" Yamato stammers through the door.
"Uh... all due respect, lady, you're fully dressed and-"
You just pop the big pills in your mouth and manage to dry-swallow them painfully down your parched throat, wincing as the huge oblong bastards gouge their way down your gullet. Wainwright turns a sidelong glance at you, pointing to the door and mouthing 'really?'
You shrug and shake your head, deciding to change the topic to something more fathomable. "Uh, what's with the breaker bar?"
"Classified," he sniffs.
"Ship-girl maintenance?" You raise an eyebrow. "Fixing a tire? Gonna change her oil, too?"
"You're the one using your dipstick, from the looks of it," Wainwright shoots back with a glare.
You snort, massaging your head as you wait for the painkillers to kick in. "A little protective, are we?"
"Says the guy who almost got his arms pulled off and beaten to death with 'em becu-"
"THANK, YOU, MARINE," you say, pauses loaded with sarcasm. "But seriously, just what the hell does Naka have that you're gonna crank with that thing?"
Wainwright opens his mouth - then bites his lip. "That was low," he mutters as he relaxes his grip and lets a thousand great penis jokes fly away untold.
"I've got my own marine to practice on," you explain. "So what's with it?"
He smirks at you. "Admiral, you're the first one with the balls to ask." He seems amused by this. "It's not a breaker bar. It's a sleepy stick. Lay it up someone's head, they take a nap." He pulls up his untucked shirt to reveal the blued butt of an M9 in a crossdraw holster tucked against his belly. "Maybe a long nap."
You squint at him. "Still worried?"
"As you should be," he retorts. "Naka keeps giving her bodyguard the goddamned slip, and once she's discharged it'll be damn near impossible."
"How close *is* she to being discharged?"
"Eh," he says, waggling his hand up and down in midair. "It's not like her keel was broken, but she was basically gutted damn near to the waterline where those torpedoes blew. She can walk around okay - even thinks she's hiding the pain, little shitbird - and she doesn't technically need a hospital bed anymore, but I'm keeping her here for observation. Make sure her bandages are changed regularly, so she doesn't get an infection or anything."
You lean back in the guest chair, enjoying its abundant comfyness. "How long will she be in ordinary, you think?"
His expression takes a set like concrete. "Four to five weeks, I should think. They heal fast, but she needs a *lot* of structural reinforcement."
You give him a long, searching stare, just long enough to convey that you think he's lying to your face, then nod slowly. "You're the expert," you state, and leave it at that. "Now, uh-" you tap your head. "How long am *I* in ordinary?"
Wainwright shrugs helplessly. "I was a medic, Admiral. This brain surgery shit is beyond me. Why don't we see your doctor?"
"Lead on."
Wainwright leads you at a considerately slow gait to the office of your surgeon, who sits you down and calls you a raving fucking moron for not seeking immediate medical attention when you first started to suffer headaches. You think about your little constellation of orbiting headache-inducers, starting with Hate and ending with Hate, for he is the alpha and omega of Pains In Your Skull, and snicker. This does not endear the doctor to you. He explains that the surgery was thankfully simple and quick, as such things go, but until the little capillaries in your brain heal up you need to take it easy, cut down on the caffeine and above all, keep your blood pressure down.
This last bit inspires a giggle that starts a landslide. Wainwright helps you limp out of the room as you wail with laughter, pursued by the Dark Terrible Stare of the Physician Scorned. He helps you as far as the guest lobby before pausing.
"I ought to get back up there," he says apologetically, clearly not wanting to leave Naka unguarded for too long. "Think you'll be okay?"
"I'll bully a Sergeant into giving me a ride," you tell him.
"Call someone," he says. "The doc wasn't kidding when he said you need an escort; you might not be steady on your feet for a day or two. And if you keel over a-"
"I'll press my fucking life-alert button so the nice big lads in the white coats will come and fix my fucking hip," you say, shoving him good-naturedly. "Get the fuck out of here, Marine."
Wainwright snorts, and gets. You hobble into the lobby to find none other than Corporal Hate asleep in one of those awful little guest chairs, head lolling against the wall behind him, fast asleep. He's wearing only an OD green tank top, his uniform shirt covering Hornet, who's lying with her body across four chairs, head pillowed on Hate's lap.
You turn and look out the glass doors of the base hospital to see thirty-odd corgis sitting and staring at Hate woefully, their sad, soulful eyes begging for breakfast. Once you open that door the horde will be unleashed, and your quiet escape spoiled. Best to take the bull by the horns.
>Wake up Hate and have him accompany you - you've got a battle to plan, and what you need more than anything is a man who can keep the shipgirls off you - or Goto - long enough to accomplish that. Send Hornet upstairs to nudge poor Arizona awake and help corral Naka for Wainwright.
>Wake Hornet up and have her accompany you - you owe her an apology for blowing up on her yesterday, and she's going to be part of the carrier task force anyways. Inform Hate that there's a barricaded gunwoman in an upstairs bathroom that requires dynamic Marine techniques to coax out.
>Page Shoukaku, see if she's still in the hospital. She doesn't seem to be a bundle of Repressed Issues or Smoldering Wrath and Arizona's earned the right to sleep in today.
>Page Shoukaku, see if she's still in the hospital. She doesn't seem to be a bundle of Repressed Issues or Smoldering Wrath and Arizona's earned the right to sleep in today.
>Wake Hornet up and have her accompany you - you owe her an apology for blowing up on her yesterday, and she's going to be part of the carrier task force anyways. Inform Hate that there's a barricaded gunwoman in an upstairs bathroom that requires dynamic Marine techniques to coax out.
You study the dreamland duo for a moment, thinking through your options in terms of what combination of psychotic marine and traumatized shipgirl is least likely to impede your duties as a United States Naval Officer today, and realize with a start that this is Goto's life. This is Goto's *existence.* Except he's not stuck with two devoted, sweet, self-blaming girls counterbalanced by Wee Willie Fuckup and Death Rides A DE. He has all that and more, plus Kongou, who alone throws the whole equation into a cocked hat.
Sixteen MONTHS of that shit. Christ.
No matter who gets stuck with Settle Support for the day, you can't walk out of here without letting these two know you're all right; not after they slept in the hospital lobby for your sake. You lean over and poke Hornet's cheek gently. She murmurs in her sleep and shuffles a little further under Hate's shirt, protecting herself from the dry chill of the AC vent overhead.
You snap your fingers over her face. "Up! Upsie-Daisy! Wake up! Reveille!" You even whistle reveille to no avail. "Way hay and up she rises! CHICKEN ARISE! C'MON!"
Hornet finally opens her eyes and blinks blearily. "Ahdmiral?"
"It's almost 0800 honey, time to wake up and smell the WAAA!" you yelp as Hornet fairly *pops* off the chairs; her whole body seeming to flex and jump airborne like a piece of flexed spring steel being released. Before you know what's happening, she's hugging you fiercely. You hear your spine pop as she squeezes several nasty kinks out of it just by gripping you - you start to worry when your heels lift off the floor.
She lets up the pressure a little bit, but keeps her arms cinched around you. "Are you okay?" she whispers.
"Doc says so, at least."
"Good," she says. Hornet's all lean, toned muscle; her slender figure just makes her seem tougher; like a sword blade that will bend rather than break. She rests her forehead atop your shoulder, holding you tightly. A wave of dizziness strikes you, forcing you to lean against her as you pat her back awkwardly.
"Hornet," you begin, "I owe you an apology-"
She cuts you off by kissing you on the cheek.
"-about, the, day other, before in that I, uh."
"I've got a lot to say too," Hornet says, leaning back to look you in the eyes, her expression solemn and intense. "And..." she dispells her half-formed words with a subtle shake of her head. "Thank you. *Thank you,* Admiral. I've been waiting all night to say thank you." She turns and ever-so-gently lowers you into a chair as the room seems to wobble and spin a bit. "We can talk about it after the operation." You try to look up at her, but twitch your head and blink as her face seems to swim around in front of your eyes. You feel her small brown hand massaging your scalp affectionately, and for a minute you almost forget about your headache. "Is Arizona still upstairs?"
You make a sound that might've been an affirmative. "Ah doo belieeev dem viccerdinz are kikkin ihn," you say woozily.
"Just rest here," Hornet says. "I'll find a nurse. And I'll see to Arizona... and Hate, for that matter."
You shake your head. "Jess, could you hep me outshide... Goto's... expecting me-"
"Admiral, if you were meant to pull all that weight alone, you would've been born a harbor tug." She gives you one last pat and skips away to the desk, and a moment later you hear them paging for a nurse.
Before you can steal a little more rack-time, Corporal Hate slumps against you, his arm falling across your shoulders companionably. "Aaaaaaaay skippa."
"Hate," you say, seizing your senses a little more firmly with an effort of will. "You... are drunk."
"Cuzzah YOU," he says, tapping your skull with his as aggressively as he can. "Inna dish hoshpital. Fhukkin hate hoshpitals."
"Yeah," you mutter. You spent plenty of time in one - and Hate, as well. "They suck."
"The fhukkin... like... ish bullshit, yunno. Like dair ah'em and dakkadakka poppop watchin deez muddafuggaz drop and, aaay valhalla 'ere I cum muffafuggas. Cuz. dats howIroll. yeah." he says, pausing to focus his thoughts and polish his erudite diction. "But thenyoush indis place that SMELLLLLLLLS LIIIIIIIIKE SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT," he yodels, thrusting an Angry Finger at the reception desk, "ahand it HUURTS and HURTS so fuhkkin much, so, so fhukin muh and you're like, lemme, jes, finish me, you know, but pussyfuckerbitchtitFUUUUUUUUUUUCKING QUAAAAAACKS," he thunders at the ceiling, flapping his free arm to illustrate, "WON'T FUKKKIN SAK UP'N DO IT-" he smashes his head into the wall behind him so hard that you hear the plasterboard crunch. "Buh yuhknow, what shaves you?"
"A razor?"
"That's shutpid, ur sthupid, y'listen here nigger," he slurs into your ear companionably. "Ish dis tosh, so soft, all tiny and ghentl'n'shit, n, askin you, telln you, you die'n'me I dump youinnasheet with PUSSY written on it don't you, don't you go nowhere muffafugga, ur mine, dun you leave me alone, you're the... only one now..." he wiggles his head side-to-side like he's sifting the thoughts through a bullshit strainer. "Ish... ish errythin... y'know?"
"I do," you say.
"LYIN, LIKE, A ruuuuuuuuuuuuug ya dumb shit," he opines, and passes out again.
Shoukaku comes to your rescue a little later, patiently explaining that the drugs they've pumped you full of to keep your blood pressure low combined with your lack of liquid intake has dropped your blood pressure a little too low. She keeps this chat up so effectively that you haven't noticed she's slipped an IV needle into your arm until after she's administered one to Hate as well. She leaves and returns with an entire carafe of coffee liberated from the staff break room and proceeds to feed it to Hate, who imbibes it in small sips while staring brazenly at her chest. You're just starting to feel steady again when Hornet comes back down the hallway.
"How are dey?" you manage.
"Arizona's brushing Naka's hair," Hornet says.
You snort. "How she taking that?"
"She doesn't have a choice - Arizona won't let her get away." She smiles, looking tremendously amused. "But I still can't get Yamato out of the bathroom."
"... Yamato?" Shoukaku says, giving you a look that even her wondrous social warmth can't blunt.
"Yeah... to get that girl out, we're gonna need a door-breaching team-"
Hate snatches the carafe from Shoukaku's hands and tips it bottom-up. Everyone in the room, even the receptionist, watch in mute amazement as Hate chugs 3/4ths of a pot in one go, steam rising from his nostrils. He sets it aside and stands with exaggerated care, then gropes around for his cover. He perches the battered hat on his head, pushing it back and forth with both hands as he struggles to verify it's on straight before he notices the ceiling overhead and tosses it over his shoulder with disgust.
"HOOORNIT!" Hate chops his knife-hand through the air straight out before him. "MUSH!"
Shoukaku watches with a blank expression of wonder as Hornet leads him upstairs. "Where... where did you find him?"
"The pound," you reply honestly.
Shoukaku helps you outside and flags down an unfortunate seaman to drive you both to your apartment, where she waits politely in the main room while you blunder through a hasty toilet. You emerge looking shipshape again - if nothing else, Annapolis teaches you how to clean yourself up perfectly while half-dead and a quarter-conscious. You toss the empty IV bag in the trash and shake some food into the fishbowl. The creature within seems to give you a narrow-eyed look before it deigns to eat, as if scolding you for neglecting it so long. Your "volunteer" driver ferries you to the administration building and roars off in his motor-pool jeep before you can change your mind and further disrupt his day.
"Admiral, do you mind if I ask you something?" Shoukaku says as she escorts you up the walk. She's keeping her hand on the inside of your elbow, letting you hobble unassisted, but ready to catch you if needed.
"Do you live... frugally?"
"Hell no," you snort. "Just haven't had time to unpack. I've got boxes and boxes of shit down at the post office waiting for me to pick 'em up."
"Oh," Shoukaku says thoughtfully. "It... has been a rather fast introduction, hasn't it?"
"No sh-oot-"
"You can say shit, Admiral," Shoukaku giggles. "It sure has been a right crock of it dumped in you in your first week, you know?"
>You've got a few moments to ask her something in the relative privacy of the halls before you reach the CIC for the days planning.
>Ask Shoukaku about the other CVs - are you on solid-enough ground with them that it won't endanger the operation?
>Ask Shoukaku about Goto - was his first weeks like this?
>Ask Shoukaku about the other CVs - are you on solid-enough ground with them that it won't endanger the operation?
"Yeah, almost like there's a war on," you reply noncommittally. "Now can I ask you something?"
"My three sizes?"
You huff at her. "Flirt."
"I aim to please, Admiral."
"Is Kaga backed up some, now?"
"Backed... up?" Shoukaku blinks. "Oh! Like they mean in those cowboy movies the girls-"
"Yeah, you know. Not acting like I'm walking scum every time I'm in the room."
Shoukaku pats your shoulder. "She's really not that bad at all, she's just... falling back on what she knows."
"But she won't give me trouble?"
"Hardly. After that demonstration yesterday, she takes you seriously, at least."
"And Hornet?"
"Hornet showed her up and highlighted just what got her, Akagi and Hiryuu killed at Midway," Shoukaku says quietly, pulling you closer by your elbow to speak into your ear. "She learned her lesson, all right, but she can't openly admit it. She can't admit it to herself, I think. She was the Pride of Japan once, and she still carries that on her shoulders. She... she tries to carry us all, sometimes." Shoukaku looks down at the hallway floor, pensive. "Sometimes I wonder if she's not trying to fool herself with that... that air of superiority. Like the high-class have; this Essence that you're born with, so innate to you that you can't possibly lose it."
"That sounds like the kind of aura easily punctured," you murmur.
"Yes, you understand."
"So what about that thing that starts with "M" and ends with "IDWA-"
Shoukaku elbows you just enough to jostle the name out of your mouth. "That's my point!" she hisses. Heeding her wisdom, you button up before entering the CIC.
The room is mostly deserted of the usual operations staff; the main wall display showing a huge overhead map of the Pacific; little icons all over highlighting bases, ships and probable enemy operating areas. There's more of the latter on the map than you're comfortable with.
Staring up at the screen with tired eyes are Goto and Admiral Robert L. Thomas, commander of 7th fleet. Goto's holding a smoldering cigarette in his mouth that he seems to have forgotten about, and Thomas is tossing a half-empty bottle of Pepsi between his hands.
"Defend everywhere, be strong nowhere," Thomas says wearily. "Or... some Sun Tzu shit like that. Pardon my French."
"Mmm," Goto concurs, staring up at the map.
"You'd think they'd want to cover Singapore and Indonesia," Thomas sighs. "Fits their party line perfectly. Just Defending Regional Security," he mutters, the air quotes apparent in his tone.
"They've got enough patrol boats to cover their own coast," Goto replies thoughtfully. "All their bluewater stuff is tied up with convoys-"
"-and they need the convoys desperately, and their littoral shit doesn't have the legs, and air attacks will massacre them and nobody down there's got airpower and even if they did Singapore's government won't have them."
"And Borneo and Sumatra would sooner give birth to porcupines on fire than host the JSDF," Goto says.
Thomas glances askance at him.
"What?" Goto says with a shrug. "It's true."
You slip out of Shoukaku's grasp and cough politely to attract their attention. They turn around, and you salute crisply as you're able.
Thomas's Pepsi bounces off his opposite hand and rolls across the floor, forgotten. Goto's cigarette falls out of his mouth. They both turn to look at each other, than turn back to you. You try to nudge your hat down with your saluting hand to cover your rising eyebrows - what's with them?
"Settle," Thomas says first. "What the hell are you doing on your feet?"
"Saluting, sir."
Thomas blinks, than returns your salute quickly. As soon as your hand lowers, he repeats his question. "What are you doing ambulatory?"
"Reporting for duty," you reply slowly, half-expecting a trick question to pop out of the dim corners.
"Didn't they cut into your head?" Goto asks bluntly.
"The naval surgeon said I'm good to go, as long as I don't do any jumping jacks," you reply.
Goto and Thomas share a quick look of surprise, then they both seem to shrug without moving. "Well, take a seat, Settle, and I'll give you the sitrep," Thomas says, shuffling through some papers on the central table and fishing out a manilla folder. "Take a gander."
You gander. The document is a sitrep on 7ths fleet ready and operational status, and it's a tale of woe - worn-out ships, ships badly in need of refit and repair and several ships still trucking with patched over battle damage months old. The flagship herself, USS Ronald Reagan, is in good enough shape, but her air wing is depleted from losses and constant operations since the war began, and the bill has finally come due.
"Well," you say flatly.
"Exactly," Thomas sighs. "The kanmasu are going to have to carry this one, I'm afraid."
"That's why we've got them," Goto replies.
"So what's the strike force looking like?" you ask.
"That's what we could use your opinion on," Goto replies. He slides over a legal pad filled with scrawling. The first notes compare and contrast CARDIV 1 and 5. Kaga and Akagi are considered the best at launching uniform strikes that can hit the enemy with "maximum inertia and concentration of force," and to navigate the best - which means you can risk extreme-range strikes with more impunity. On the other hand, Shoukaku and Zuikaku are much more practiced in effective CAP doctrine the Japanese developed after Midway.
Under a line labeled "sea control/follow-up/supplemental scouting" is two lines - "SUBS" and "SURFACE GROUP" with a big question mark after them. Lastly is a lot of scribbling under "ASW cover," where the choices seem to boil down to Ryujo, the light carrier with the funny hat you met in here yesterday, or two names that you're unfamiliar with - "Oregon" and "New Jersey."
You flick your eyes up at Goto for clarification.
"Assuming the carrier battle goes our way, we'll want to move in and mop up stragglers trying to motor out of airstrike range before the next morning. I think a light surface action group could do it - we've got plenty of heavy cruisers chomping at the bit and even some destroyers in shape to sortie, all the damn littoral patrols be damned. Our girls excel at night action; they'd crush them."
"We need to hold something back for sudden attacks elsewhere," Thomas counters, "and the subs have even less to do than the cruisers, right now. Without a supply line to attack... or even abyssals in-transit - if they *do* transit - the subs are pretty much useless. You don't send diesel boats charging to the rescue if there's an attack somewhere; you send cruisers. Against an abyssal carrier group, though - especially with the hulls we've got available - I think they could manage Nautilus redux; a major pain in the ass for the enemy."
"Well, if you're just picking off survivors after a successful air battle-"
"-a fast surface force is better," Thomas finishes for Goto. "But the subs can harass them during the daylight action... which brings me to the next issue. You said something about smelling subs in the area yesterday, Settle?"
"Yes sir."
"You have a good nose," Thomas says. "Any way you dice it, they know we're coming, and I think they're laying for us. They'll have subs. And that could cause all sorts of damn mayhem for us."
You think of Midway - USS Nautilus's endless, dogged attacks that perchance led some of Yorktown's bombers to the Japanese fleet. I-168 sealing Yorktown's fate as she was on the brink of being saved. Even Mogami's collision which sealed Mikuma's fate; emergency evasives after a submarine was spotted in the dark.
In short, a massive wrench in the works.
"I'm pulling for Ryujo," Goto says. "An entire deck just for ASW patrols."
"The only good news for 7th fleet is on that sheet of paper," Thomas counters. "Two brand-spanking-new Virgina-class SSNs. Bring those with us and they'll devour any hostile subs that come sniffing around the carriers."
You frown at the legal pad, thinking furiously, then glancing back up at the map and all those populated island chains you're responsible for defending. Whatever you send after those carriers won't be available to respond to any other attack - but you need to dispatch a proper force that can deal with the unexpected.
>(vote for one from each category.)
>Send Cardiv 1.
>Send Cardiv 5
>Send the Light Surface Group for the anti-surface complement.
>Send your ship-girls (and ship-boy) submarines for the anti-surface complement.
>Send Ryujo for the ASW complement.
>Send the two fast-attack subs as the ASW complement.
40960020 (demetrious) -