Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

>planefriend not knowing that pic was from an H-doujin

So many keks :D.

I'm kinda excited for this thread, it seems like we might be getting into the nuts and bolts of what makes Shokaku tick pretty much.
>planefriend not knowing that pic was from an H-doujin

So many keks :D.

I'm kinda excited for this thread, it seems like we might be getting into the nuts and bolts of what makes Shokaku tick pretty much.
I'm waaaaaaay out of the loop. The pic is from what now?
I'm beginning to honestly wonder if planefriend will include a Lexington-class just due to that one artist. Kinda like the Salt Lake City artists. But nothing is official unless Pixelfag draws it I guess.
The thread burns and someone's threatening to drop usernames and stuff. A normal weekend for 4Chan.