I recall someone posting a picture of a fairy lamenting the end of the war economy then someone reminded everyone we would never get Ace Combat Seven. Another fucking idiot anon called Assault Horizon the seventh game and things snowballed from there.
No. Someone asked for Invincible Fleet1 girls. I posted their flagship, Tanager, and that wound up complicating the "AH is AC7" thing.
1) The "Invincible Fleet", for those not familiar with Ace Combat, was a fleet fielded by Erusea, the antagonists of AC04. The fleet garnered it's reputation early in the war, but was sunk during Mission 6 of the game.
At some point, you woke up. At some point, you ate. You think. Your first solid recollection of the day, however, begins with being given an office.
An actual god-damned office.
The door has a frosted-glass window with "Rr. Admiral Settle" shadowed onto it – appropriate, because you *will* be drinking in there a lot and you *will* have troublesome 40s Dames striding in at all hours to make your life a living hell. The interior is well-appointed as any government office building; a plain old desk, a few filing cabinets, a sad-looking office computer. But it's a real goddamn office, big enough to run laps around without bumping your shins, and for a few brief seconds its the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
Then you notice the towering mountain of paperwork on the desk, waiting for you.
Everyone scoffs at paperwork, but no modern military can operate without it. Sun Tzu's famous treatise begins with a thorough accounting of everything it took to keep an army on the march in his day – grain for the horses, spare hobnails for the marching infantry's sandals, even glue for the fletching on arrows, much less the arrows and spare bowstrings themselves. There's never been a war simple enough that a sheet of paper never had a place in it, ever – and your war is more complex than most that've gone before it.
You slept like the dead after retiring early, but the aftereffects of the Bonin Islands are still shivering in your skull, numbing your senses and paralyzing your thoughts. You embrace the routine of paperwork; reviews, authorizations, validations; the constant ping-pong game of approvals and counter-approvals that ensure the vast supply chain of the Navy flows smoothly. A few things pop out on occasion, notable enough to catch your attention.
The first is a feasibility report someone forwarded to you; a dense technical study of the Mark 46 torpedo's programming and engagement profiles, complete with penned-in comments by one "C. Parker," who's awful handwriting you recognize as one of the squirrely fuckers you've been buying donuts for, hiding in their hobbit-holes up in the rocky hinterlands of the base. Between heavy-handed crossing out of lines casting doubt on the Mark 46s high-frequency blade-rate counting abilities and the occasional complaint about the xerox copy quality, it details all the necessary programming modifications to track the unique signature of abyssals; focusing on counting screw RPMs and sonar cross-section to distinguish between newer, more modern ships and the older vessels typical of most abyssals. Beneath it is a final set of comments speculating on the feasibility of the new Mark 54's better HF sonar (better suited to shallow water, which it's designed for,) and using it to discern abyssal's wakes to "gate" passive sonar detection of sound made by a hull moving through the water, a way to track down the sharklike body-horror abyssals with almost no discernible "ship-like" characteristics left. "Pseudo wake-homing?" the handwritten details finish.
So *that's* how Mustin disabled that destroyer – the "missile" that failed to track was an ASROC. You really should have gotten to this pile of paperwork sooner.
As you're musing over it, the phone rings – caller ID identifies it as the spooky boys themselves. "'ello, Settle here."
"Admiral," your contact says politely. "Arizona is here, and..." a pause. "She has your CAC, sir."
"Yes, and?"
You can almost hear the shiver of excitement over the phone line. "Ah. Ahhh. Just wondering, sir, what the PIN number is-"
- a sound in the background, voices raised in greeting.
"Oh, nevermind, Corporal Hate just walked in."
>.... I am completely okay with this.
>That. Motherfucker. That fucker of mothers. That's it. That fucking does it. That does it so hard, it comes back around the other way and undoes things. The dogfish I can handle, the pimp cane I can handle, but now he's in my realm.
>Parker, the CAC card is the little disc in the Captain's safe. The Corporal is the pair of keys two men turn on opposite sides of the room. And Arizona is the officer with the gun that watches everyone very, very carefully as they combine those elements in exactly the proscribed order, and ONLY the proscribed order. Do we understand each other?
>Parker, the CAC card is the little disc in the Captain's safe. The Corporal is the pair of keys two men turn on opposite sides of the room. And Arizona is the officer with the gun that watches everyone very, very carefully as they combine those elements in exactly the proscribed order, and ONLY the proscribed order. Do we understand each other?
You stew in silence for long heartbeats as Parker falls dead silent, his own mind racing for a way to deny what he just ham-handedly revealed.
"I m-mean-"
"He knows my pin," you state simply, turning the factoid over on your tongue slowly, getting a feel for it.
"YeahNO, like yeah, naw, naaaaaaw-"
"And you *know* he knows my pin."
"W-w-well I-"
Parker holds his breath, bracing for the whistle of falling Doom.
"*I* know he knows my PIN," you breathe. You know its true the instant the words leave your lips – on some deep, instinctive level, the animalistic watch-your-ass instinct bred into every Annapolis graduate, you *always* knew. Placing your elbows on the desk, you lean forward and press your voice into the receiver intently. "Listen to me, Parker."
"... I'm listening."
"Hate... is the PINmaster."
"And Arizona, is the CACkeeper."
"..... yessir?"
".... *ARE YOU A GOD?*"
"..... thatsclassifiedneedtoknowcan'tdisclosewithoutauthorization," comes a very, very small voice acting on instinct.
"You boys have been good to me," you admit. "But just make sure you don't give anyone a reason to examine your God ID badge when you enter the portal that's about to open, umkaaaaaay?"
Somehow you hear Parker nod on the other end.
"Goooooooood~" you finish, and hang up the phone.
Handing Arizona your CAC card without so much as asking what she wanted with such clearance was fucking insane, by any measure... but it's Arizona. If there's anyone on earth who's loyalty cannot be questioned, it'd be her. But you didn't graduate Annapolis for nothing.
You even worked in another devil dog joke in there. You're a genius. A fucking genius. Your talents are wasted here, you're a shoe-in for CNO.
"Someone please fucking kill me," you moan as you lean back in your chair.
"Wish granted~" a familiar voice sing-songs from the window behind you. Too tired to even twitch, you just swing your swivel chair around to find Naka slipping in the window, her slender legs clearing the wall-mounted AC/heater unit with remarkable dexterity. She closes the window behind her, almost bumping the glass with her forehead as the motion of slamming it throws her off-balance, then twirls on one heel with surprising grace to end in a curtsy. "Good mor~ing~"
Naka, you note, is drunk. Not "still" drunk – you doubt she ever stopped at any point. You're not sure she even slept, judging from the tone and tenor of angry music tinnily sounding from the earbuds tossed over her shoulder. "Reporting for duty~" she says, smiling at you warmly.
You leeeean back in your chair as you regard this sordid specimen of shipsluttery dubiously.
>Naka you're drunk go to sleep.
>Let her stay here, but prevent her from doing any actual work – she shouldn't be seen like this but she shouldn't be allowed to be alone, either.
>Cancel her tasking for today and give her the day off, but forbid her from moping in her darkened room, and enforce it.
>Let her stay here, but prevent her from doing any actual work – she shouldn't be seen like this but she shouldn't be allowed to be alone, either.
"Go pull up that extra rolly-chair," you instruct, "and come sit next to me, here."
Naka does as asked, pushing the chair fast and hopping into it, kneeling against the back as she rides it across the room. After landing against the desk, she goes through a few spins – very slow spins, but in her state it's apparently fantastic. You wait for her to slow to a halt and let her watch the rotation of the ceiling fan with fascination for a few minutes before you hand her your own notebook computer. "Here, use this for today."
"Oh~kay," she sings. "What's up first?"
"Got a ton of pictures from the battle and the aftermath," you tell her. "Pick some out that look nice for the posters and PR people to use."
She nods sleepily – or wearily. "Yessir," she says, her voice a bit subdued. "Good at that.."
You cast a blank eye on your own paperwork, shuffling it around a bit and giving your e-mail account a few delusatory clicks, watching the laptop over her small shoulder. She's slumped over the desk, cheek in hand as she taps through the image gallery with the arrow key, dismissing picture after picture out of hand. She pauses long enough to save the image of Northampton towing Hornet, and a few clicks later, she sets aside an image of a sleepy-eyed Sammy B clinging to Kaga's side, the stalwart Japanese CV staring straight ahead with a suspiciously fixed expression on her face. She keeps clicking right past the images of Hayashimo burning in her own oil slick and everything 'nasty'."
>Let her do it her way, she knows the job.
>Woah no, slow down, those are the good ones!
>Let her do it her way, she knows the job.
You leave Naka to the job – you'd personally like to see the nasty images published more; the shipgirls wounded and bleeding oil – and coming home anyways. Watching Naka filter out the two or three "clean" shots from a photographic litany of death, pain and twisted-metal carnage, you start to see why she loathes the cutesy act so much. But you're no PR officer, nor Psy Ops, and moreover you've got your damn orders.
Don't rock the boat.
You push your pile of paperwork away with some disgust and decide to break up the monotony with checking your long-neglected e-mail. The first message is a rather tart missive from a supply officer – in fact, the head honcho responsible for keeping every ship in 7th fleet in supply, in port or underway. The brief e-mail references "repeated bulk orders" for "novelty wear items typical to party stores" and warns that an order for a disco ball will result in formal complaints "the status of the NBE hull program nonwithstanding."
You cut your eyes at Naka, who's paused in her search. She's looking at an image of Fubuki, blown to hell and being carried between her mates just to keep her afloat. You see the momentary sparkle of a tear before she blinks, sniffs, and continues to search.
Mmmhmm. The keyboard rattles as your keystrokes pound the cheap plastic.
"Re: bulk orders:
Formal analysis of Japanese NBE hull ("kanmusu") operations have highlighted severe logistical difficulties resulting from antiquated technological bases that exacerbate already difficult-to-quantify repair procedures necessiated by the NBE's unique nature. I will be submitting my first operational review in a few days confirming that these operational issues are present in the current deployments of USN NBE assets as well. NBEs of a more modern origin, sharing propulsion and weapons systems with more commonality to systems employed in the modern fleet would greatly reduce these complications. Current public-domain theoretical literature on NBE origins and structured induced materialization (i.e. "summoning") support supposition that likelihood of success is highly influenced by age (with a strong positive correlation observed.) These overlapping concerns narrow down candidates for possible SIM operations to a select time period. I should not have to remind you how sensitive the matter of even theoretical SIM operations are, to say nothing of contingency planning made in the aftermath of the LA incident. With the pending re-activation of CGN-9, CG-26 and CL-91 I have no doubt your Stateside contemporaries are fielding odd orders of their own. They will receive no more elaborate justification than you have.
In light of above please find attached to this e-mail documentation requisite for a bulk order of hula-hoops and Troll dolls (the latter may require a custom-order; but I understand many Chinese factories should be eager for the buisness and easy shipping over the Sea of Japan, economic impacts of current hostilities considered.)
Further complaints will be forwarded directly to Admiral Thomas, CO 7th fleet and the CNO to ensure prompt addressable of your concerns."
You tack on the obligatory signature and fire the e-mail off. Suck on that, pencil-pushers. The brief feeling of satisfaction dies a sudden, mewling death as you gauge the stack of paperwork still on your desk.
It's gonna be a long day.
>What next?
>Over the course of this quest approximately ten trillion questions have cropped up that have never been answered by me after the thread, or directly in the quest – everything from how X or Y is working out or being handled to more minute personal details of the characters. This is your chance to have things wrapped up directly in-thread, in story!
42317703 (demetrious) -
>What's Settle's first name?
>I think you've told us twice, and ti was different both times
Retconned to Ryan because I'm lazy, whatever I said it was the second time
>It's even on his mind right now!
>supply issues
>Is there any rhyme or reason to the timing and/or locations of non-summoned shipsluts, or does if appear completely random?
>Any news/updates on Higgins or Iowa?
>implying summoning
>damage reports on literally everyone
also in. WRITING~
Atop your remaining pile is the initial damage reports from the brawl near the Bonins. Detailed information won't be available till the fleet actually reaches home – they'll get in sometime in the early AM hours, at their current speed – but so far there's no great surprises. The worst injuries were inflicted to your DDs, with Fubuki and Hayashima taking the brunt of it, and Yukikaze getting off surprisingly light – significant damage to weapons and superstructure but nothing threatening her engines or seaworthiness. Shigure, oddly, escaped the brawl without more than splinter damage from a near miss – not even a single light shell hit.
Northampton – er, "Hamp" still has Hornet in tow, and the glassy seas have let him pick it up to 15 knots or so. One of 7th fleet's Mobile Landing Platform ships has picked up Fubuki and Hayashimo to give them a ride home – the ships are effectively re-purposed heavy-lift vessels, and still work fine in that capacity. Shipgirls in "ship" mode might have flesh of literal steel and weigh many tons, but they don't displace nearly as much as their real hulls would've. Still, there's no point in taking chances with things so varied and random as the very existence of the kanmusu – one of the first things you got off the desk (before Naka could bird-dog it) was a report on her own salvage at sea by the Philipine cutter. Their deck crane had been (just barely) able to lift her out of the water, but she reverted to "human" form rapidly and the sudden loss of weight almost smashed her now-delicate human form into the superstructure when the listing boat violently righted itself. The rest of the report was informed speculation on what this meant vis a vis the shipgirl's "state-changes" between person and... ship-person, but like all reports it just concluded sadly that nothing can be firmly defined yet.
That same sad refrain carries over to the next sheaf of documents – more missives from the supply people. The only sure thing is that the "kanmusu" tend to refuel by eating... sometimes a lot. Hornet has a blessedly simple taste; she loves hamburgers, but Sammy B tends to drive people fucking insane. Naval personnel bought out a Save-A-Lot of every fish-stick box they had, and then the next week Sammy recoiled from them like they were live eels.
Everything else is a trip into madness. For the most part they seem to supply their own ammo as needed (and for that matter, weapons – Iowa demonstrated as much when she took Abyssals under fire from a turret that was put out of action by an accident at sea and never repaired.) Unfortunately the "free" resupply has limits; while it provides the Navy with warships that put almost no demands on the logistics arms, actual steel warships can be rearmed, resupplied and turned out of the yards much faster than the shipgirls themselves seem to replenish their stocks via whatever eldritch sorcery powers their very existence. Harder supplied some of his own Mark 14s for repair, upgrade and modification. From reports the torpedo tech brought in for the work had just been leaning over the ords with a magnifying glass when they'd abruptly became "full-sized," which prompted a mad scramble to de-ass the area (except for Crab, who the report dryly notes 'expressed amusement at the situation'.) When Harder came to retrieve his fish, he just carried them out in his hands like a small cluster of lawn dart sized projectiles.
Kanmusu can USE conventionally made munitions – the miniature practice rounds used at the range have proven that – but the inherent strangeness of the procedure leaves a lot of questions as to how exactly to exploit it. Even when the institutional knowledge to make the antiquated weapons still exists (the Navy had Mark-14s in the inventory till the 70s) the facilities to work on them no longer exist, and they're competing for modern warships for resources and dollars. Worse, most modern weapons can't be used without associated command, control, sensors and electronics on the ships themselves – and just how THOSE modifications would work are still giving people headaches to contemplate. The only sure bet is things like the miniaturized radar headsets you tried out on Kongou and Arizona, or the go-pro cams.
And then...
"Mmm," she says, still clicking through images woozily.
"In the war, did you get upgraded any?"
"Yeah," she says. "I'd come into the yard, they'd upgrade fire control, optics, stuff like that. There was talk of installing radar at my next refit." She sighs. "Next time I put into Truk."
"How much did you come back with?"
She blinks. "Well... all of it. Why?"
"Did everyone?"
She blinks.
You pull out a battered binder; a simple quick-reference listing the armaments and capabilities of Goto's force in as much detail as possible (complete with bust sizes – sailors will be sailors.) "I was just looking over Chikuma and Tone and Taco and all of 'em, and..." you frown. "You can look them up on Wikipedia and see they're not carrying the armaments they sank with."
Naka shrugs. "Well, what's your point?"
"The fuck is going on?" you ask. "It's not even consistent. You reappear as-sunk, not as-built, but these girls don't. Even Hornet is launching Hellcats that she never lasted long enough to be eqipped with in the real world, and nobody's quite sure why."
Naka yawns, rubbing at her eyes wearily. "Settle, don't tell me you're this dumb."
"Where am I, Naka?"
"Your office?"
"... Yokosuka?"
"Yes, I am that fucking dumb. Spill."
Naka tilts her neck as she rubs it, the booze-haze clear in her eyes. "Settle, we're just... essence. Spiritual stuff. A few days after she arrived Fubuki found a picture of her own dead wreck in ironbottom sound and puked her guts out for an hour. It's not like the metal vanishes when we appear."
You absorb that.
"Like the leveling effect, thing," she continues. "Those intel geeks jobs are to put numbers to everything, so it's hard to just... accept what's really going on. Ships hit as hard as they should've, in their prime. And it works both ways. It doesn't have much to do with gun caliber or armor thickness, just... if a ship was excellent in its day, it was excellent. If it was bad for its day, it's bad." She sort of shrugs, a lifeless ripple of her small shoulders. "Some of us were just realizing our potential when the war started. And some of us had already realized all we were going to."
She turns back to her work and says no more.
A queer, but familiar feeling comes over you; the warm, almost paternal desire to kick someones ass, but in a supportive and caring manner. For their own good. To quell it you turn back to your e-mail. Several automatic form e-mails, base-wide mailings. Something about a commander's call in the immediate future – meh, that's Goto's job, fuck it. One e-mail from intel – analysis of Abyssal traffic patterns and target selection ongoing, but struggling to beg classified intel out of allied nations. The Chinese are being especially cagey; no surprise there. And.. another e-mail from Mare Island?
"TO Ryan Settle, Rear Admiral, USN:
It is my pleasure to inform you that Navy Appropriations approved our bid for the restoration of DDG-76 approximately seven hours ago. Official papers have not yet been filed, but our long professional relationship with the US Navy has fostered reliable contacts – everything's set but the ink.
Strategic materiel such as high-tensile steel et al are obviously in short supply, but no other project holds as much importance in the hearts of our staff and shipwrights then the restoration of the warship "First to Fight" at LA. Work has already begun at our own cost.
We will keep you appraised as efforts progress.
John M. Baker
Contract Negotiations/Public Relations
Mare Island Dry Dock LLC"
"What's that?"
You nearly jump out of your seat – Naka just leaned against your back and dropped her chin onto your shoulder, like a cat too lazy to fight for space on the chair arm. "Dee Dee Gee?"
"Guided missile destroyer."
"Oh. Which one?"
"My old ship."
"Oh," she says, leaning away from you. "Dry dock? Are they fixing her?"
"You know about mummification, right?"
"Duh. Everything Egypt was big in the twenties. What does that have to..." realization dawns. "Oh."
"Yeah. Make her look pretty on the outside while someone else rips out every complex system and bit of electronics. Other ships need fixing, and she's not using her equipment." You sigh. "At least she'll have a good museum berth, though. She earned it."
"Hey, maybe she'll come back for you," Naka croons, leaning a cheek on her hand and trying to cross her legs in a flirty fashion – a bit spoiled by catching her toe in the space between your chair and chair-back and getting it stuck there for a few seconds. "Think she'd have a bHIC-g rack?" She giggles.
"Dunno. They've refitted and re-refitted most of the older Burke's so many times, who knows what she'd have?"
"Well," Naka says, her eyes brightening a bit. "I think summoned ones come back as-built and ones that come back on their own..." she makes a wiggly motion with her hand, "come back because they remember something, yeah, and that effects what they have..."
"Have you noticed a pattern?"
She nods. "Like the cruisers-"
"You've thought about this a lot, haven't you?"
"Well, yeah, I-" her expression slowly falls as she catches your look, and she sighs. "I just got homework, didn't I."
You grin.
"I'll have a report on your desk by Tuesdaaaay," she wails, slumping over the desk. You pat her on the back consolingly.
At some point, you were literally sent home – you think it was Goto, but you can't be sure. You can't even remember if you saw him, or he just called you, or if you simply hallucinated his presence. All you remember is the dogfish giving you a dirty look from his bowl, his new water-mixer-fish-bubbler thing burbling away happily till you drop some fish food in for him, and then a long, long lecture from him as you toss and turn, trying to sleep. Except it's in Russian, for some reason, except for when it's not.
"I would have liked to see Montana," he opines.
"Fuck you, it's nothing but flat and cows."
"Montana has mountains dude, I looked it up."
"On Wikipedia?"
"I pirated Encarta. That movie was made in 1990, shitdick."
"How does a fish internet?"
"I can whistle 1200 baud."
"I don't believe you."
You snap awake with an awful high-pitched sound echoing in your skull. You pry your eyes awake to find a Noisemaker lying on your apartment floor – a small spherical object ejected by submarines as an active sonar jammer. It has some very official designation you never bothered to learn because you're not a fucking bubblehead. The sound in the open air is enough to damage your hearing if left exposed to it for too long. You flop out of bed, seize it in your hand and hurl it out the window, which someone jimmied open. It lands in a passing open-topped jeep; the ensign driving abandons ship with a hasty dive into the ditch as the jeep putters nose-first into the hedges.
Of course it was fucking Hate. Still working off his hateboner with you, after all. Son of a bitch.
It's your eight day at Yokosuka, and a nice sunny Saturday morning. The base is your oyster. Maybe the really big kind that clamp down on diver's ankles drown them.
>All that shit can wait till after breakfast, god dammit. You need coffee before you kill someone.
>No. No, no, no. Hate must think you're a total pussy. It's time to remind him that you're no chairfarce clown, no sir. This takes priority.
>Go see if Shoukaku will have breakfast with you someplace private. She's nice to talk too and you need someone to talk to who isn't Goto... or Naka... or Hate... or a fucking lunatic in general, which kind of leaves Shoukaku. Arizona doesn't really talk, after all.
42319815 (RADM. Settle) -
>Hate is a cat?
>when you want to work he wants to play
>when you want to play he wants to work
>often sniffs his food and/or new weapons and then walks away with his nose held high in disdain
>easily entertained by moving objects and will watch birds, prey, or arabs fucking donkeys for hours on end for lack of something better to do
>always asleep, everywhere, on anything, anywhere
>until they go tearing through the house at sanic at 3AM in a burst of murderlust
>never happy with anything
>default look: "see if I give a fuck"
>until you look away then it's "PAY ATTENTION TO ME JOINT CHIEFS"
.... hmmm.
>All that shit can wait till after breakfast, god dammit. You need coffee before you kill someone.
>Go see if Shoukaku will have breakfast with you someplace private. She's nice to talk too and you need someone to talk to who isn't Goto... or Naka... or Hate... or a fucking lunatic in general, which kind of leaves Shoukaku. Arizona doesn't really talk, after all.
You crawl around the apartment till you find your smartphone. Studying the screen with bleary eyes, you manage to scroll through the long list of pre-programmed kanmusu names till you find Shoukaku. She picks up on the third ring.
"Hello, Admiral Settle," she says warmly. "Can I help you?"
"Have breakfast with me."
"... Admiral," she says, her voice a little husky. "So sudden!?"
"Yeah. I'm hungry."
She giggles. "Okay."
After crawling through the shower and into some fresh clothes you meet Shoukaku at the shipgirl's housing, using the Jeep the hapless ensign so helpfully abandoned. You head south towards the row of commercial eateries adjacent to the massive PX complex on base; it's the best place to get chow worth a damn on base, and a nice, safe distance from the officer's mess where you've gotten embroiled in so many shipgirl rumors as of late. To your surprise, Shoukaku opts for Dunkin Donuts. After making your selections and paying, you both step outside to enjoy the good weather. The base is still waking up, and the sweltering heat of southern Japan's midsummer has yet to manifest.
"So, to what do I owe this honor?" Shoukaku teases you.
"The officer's mess is a hive of scuttlebutt and Marines," you grouse.
"Ah. The Corporal."
"The Lieutenant," you remind her.
Shoukaku watches you dip your donut in your coffee and eyeballs her own Styrofoam cup apprehensively. "If you don't mind telling me... what was all of that about, in there?"
You sigh. "It's a long story," you tell her."
She rests her chin in her hands and gives you a small smile. "I'm all yours."
You blink a few times.
She winks.
"Hoookay, yeah, Hate," you mutter. "Right, so-"
You give her the short version – what she's entitled to hear, just the outlines, none of the meat. ISIL. Ramadi. A field commission aided by someone who stuck his head up long enough to stop an RPG with his nose. And the timely intercession of a mutual Holy Nation who needed somewhere safe to stash him before the Corps found a weather station in bumfuck Alaska to station him.
"So... they just forgot about his promotion?"
"Hell no," you tell her. "Enough people remembered, he could've spoke up, made it official. He just conveniently forgot to inform anyone. I mean, even if he had he would've been stuck on my ship anyways; it was his sanctuary, after all. But he would've been my acting Force Protection Officer, as a Lieutenant. By keeping his mouth shut he let my Weapons Officer keep that job and he got to ride the fast boats."
"Oh. So he prefers the excitement of the front line?"
"Yeah," you say, polishing off another coffee-soaked donut. "He was also drawing second LT pay at the time too and he's a lazy fuck who tries to dodge as much goddamn work as possible. Anything that lets him go bang bang or drive things fast counts as play, to him."
Shoukaku giggles. "Don't be like that. You like him."
"Meh. When I got the Star I spent hours on the MILnet with my new clearance looking up things I'd always suspected but didn't have the clearance to confirm. His personnel file was one of 'em. I liked how cheeky he was at the time, but after that shit yesterday-" you mutter dark maledictions into your styrofoam cup as you wash down the donut with coffee.
"You know the destroyers have been talking about you two being lovers."
You manage to avoid anything overtly dramatic, but some of the coffee returns to your cup through your nose. Shoukaku smiles innocently at you as you dab away with napkin – that SMARTS. "You say what, now."
"Well, you two are always fighting, but you get along at just the right times, when it counts, and sometimes you two do this thing where you look at each other and just work in concert without saying a word, like you know each other's souls-"
"Those girls really need adult supervision," you gripe.
She giggles. "I think their adult supervision is most of the problem."
"... what."
She turns her attention to another donut with a smile.
"Which destroyers?"
She shrugs innocently.
"... Desdiv 6-"
"Tenryuu," you hiss, "Tenryuu, she, she's-"
"You didn't hear it from me~" Shoukaku giggles.
God help you, they're all nuts.
"Why was he so angry with you?" she asks. "If you've been together that long, doesn't he know you can't live with-"
"Damn you, woman!"
"-without your aaaarms around him~"
"He's expressed an opinion to me before that we won't make many strides against the abyssals until we capture one. And study it. He's bucked for me to get the ball rolling on that before we ever put wheels down in Japan."
Shoukaku absorbs that, the levity leaving her face. "What do you think?"
"I think that the abyssals are monsters," you say. "I don't need to cut them open to know what they are. They're evil. I knew it from the first moment I saw one, and I knew what to do with them."
Shoukaku's pale cheeks are flushing slightly as she plays with the sleeve-hem of her usual outfit. "Wh-what you said on the phone-"
She breaks off when you rubberneck sharply; drawn by noise behind you. (You've been trying to do less of that lately; it's not working very well.) An entire gaggle of JSDF sailors, apparently on weekend shore liberty are walking out of the Dunkin Donuts en-masse, juggling coffee and donuts without aid of to-go bags. When they clear the door you espy a familiar, slender figure dressed in a short blue dress, standing in the middle of the now-empty restaurant as if dazzled by headlights.
>What is even happening here? Observe.
42321485 (demetrious) -
INSTEAD YOU GET SOME WRITEUPS THAT YOU SHOULD READ BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T I will make waifu-centric votes count on metaknowledge to be found in said writeups just to spite you all because I'm mean like that
I wasn't sure what was more annoying, the scene going on right now or Ooi complaining about it. Today was supposed to be a normal duty day, if not for the new arrivals last night. I'm not sure what Ooi expected, the pride of the allied fleet to show up at our base, ship girls that exemplified excellence? Or maybe she thought they would each be escorted by the kind of marines you see in action movies.
Either way the reality was something else - completely.
"Kitakami look, she hit something!"
I follow Ooi's outstretched hand - she's pointing at her own target. This destroyer was something else. She's shaking like someone just took her out of the freezer and gave her a few cups of coffee, there's no wonder she can't hit anything.
"This is just embarrassing," I said to Ooi. "No... It's insulting, that they would let a disgrace like this out of their own port and into ours!"
The target practice continues, Hiei's barking encouragements doing nothing to steady the foreign shipgirl's erratic aiming.
"All right everyone, 20 minute break! Don't be late coming back, a'right?" Hiei yells out. A chorus of affirmative replies.
It's easy cornering the new shipgirl, blocking her path to the break pavilion with Ooi. She takes the opening salvo.
"Hey, what the hell is going on back there? Did you have a bad case of PTSD or something? You're shooting worse than a ship without rangefinders."
The diminutive destroyer belts out some excuses. "I-I'm real sorry about that, I normally do ok at this!"
The pathetic response almost makes me pause, but I must press the attack. "If you're like this on the training grounds I don't want to be anywhere near you on the field of battle."
"Are you seriously going to keep embarrassing yourself like this every time?"
"There's no point in continuing this. Just leave!"
As Ooi continues the verbal assault I notice Inazuma is still hanging around, her gaze in our group's direction. I meet her eyes with the best stare I can muster. She breaks contact quickly, eyes on the ground as she walks away with the rest.
She knows her place well enough.
Ooi can be ruthless at times, and this was no exception as the destroyer's previous constant twitching turned into spazms as she struggles to maintain a semblance of pride.
Ooi moves in for the decisive blow. "I'm surprised they haven't just turned your outfit into scrap metal and made something useful, like a bench."
It's a direct hit, and the destroyer named Willie D [What an awful name, those Americans have no tact] breaks down into tears.
I decide that now is the time for a bit more precision. "Listen, if you want to be useful there's a few other things you could do for us; I'll be sure to put in a good word for you, then."
Ooi nods in agreement with me, "Yeah, we're gonna need some more checkered paint for target practice."
I freeze up at this. Is she serious? We deployed our forces and carried out the attack, and now with this she's picked up the shogi board and flung all the pieces away. I give a quick glance in her direction, trying to maybe spot a cue or something. Nothing. She's dead serious. I try my best to salvage the situation.
"Japan is a pretty amazing place, it's not exactly common but the supply warehouse on the other side of base should have it. After all, we made great advances - like the Walkermans!"
I put on my best national pride smile for that, hoping that the destroyer will buy it.
"O-oh .... Is it all right to miss the rest of practice?"
We both nod. Ooi replies "There's no problem! We'll let them know that you had an official appointment."
I'm not too sure Willie bought it, but after I gave her the address to the [Aviation, haHA] supply warehouse, off she went.
"Ah Kitakami, I think she tripped like twice in 100 meters."
The second half of practice was uneventful. It's much easier to enjoy Ooi when she's in a good mood. Nobody seemed to care that one was missing from gunnery practice; mostly likely a silent appreciation that the splashes from missed rounds in water were gone.
With training over our schedules were empty for the of the day, and so we decided to hit the mess hall for an early dinner.
"Ahh! Kitakamiii-samaaaa, the admiral is here!"
Sure enough, Admiral Goto was standing in the doorway to the cafeteria. It's just a coincidence, I thought.
As we walked closer I noticed that he wasn't budging a little bit for us to get by. Warning Klaxons were going off now.
"Ooichi, I'll catch up to you later," I say as I begin to pivot in the opposite direction, away from danger.
Unfortunately Ooi had the same idea, and turned straight into me. We bump heads and tumble to the ground.
"Oh, girls, I'm glad that I found you! I'm not sure where you were going, but you'll be in my office in 10 minutes. Be sure to shut the door as you come in~"
That's probably the least fun I've had with the Admiral that I can remember. He seemed to be more upset that we tried to get that destroyer to obtain checkered paint than how we sort of coerced her into it. He agreed that she was a complete fuck-up, but as a host nation blah blah blah, good image, blah~. He did note that next time one of the other bigger, meaner, American [how redundant!!] ships could have gotten to us first. Unfortunately the Admiral also left us a huge stack of paperwork to fill out by hand, copies included. Before we left the office the admiral gave us the inventory number of the paint so we could order it.
Right now I was with the lovely Super KITAKAMI-san, and we had split the stack in half and had started to work on it in the chow hall over dinner. Progress ... had been slow, to say the least. The forms were archaic, English, and poorly translated. Normally we wouldn't have put any effort into this, but Admiral Goto said he would be checking them before sending the forms out, and he would find someone worse for us to do if we failed. He briefly mentioned a toothbrush and seagulls, but I'm not sure what he was getting at.
I wasn't too upset about how today's events turned out; watching that waste of space literally fall over herself trying to walk made my day. KTKM on the other hand...
"Hey come on Kitakami-san! Cheer up!"
"... why does it exist?"
When we first started filling out some of the forms it wasn't going to bad, but now my KTKM has been reduced to staring blankly at the wall, her head laid down on top of her unfinished stack of forms.
"How... is it possible?"
I've tried responding but nothing seemed to get through. I've never really seen her space out like this.
"Something ..... like that shouldn't exist..."
"Yes, I know that girl's skills are quite lacking in pretty much every field, but I'll be sure to keep her away from you~"
"Paint ... how..."
Ahhh, I'm sure my KTKM will be back to normal soon enough. Juuuuust finished filling out another form, the next one I pick up is a newone, looks a bit different, maybe I-
"Oh, Kitakami-san and Ooi-san, can we sit with you?"
Concentration broken, I look up to see who's talking: none other than the pride of our fleet, Akagi-san and Kaga-san. I don't mind sharing KTKM with them; I haven't spent much time around them but I hear they're well respected and refined ladies.
"Ah, of course, don't mind Kitakami, she's just feeling bit down."
They both take their seats with a loud clattering of plates, bowls and saucers piled upon their food trays.
"Do you two have extra homework?" Akagi inquires.
"Something like that..." I replied.
"They look like requisition forms," Kaga chimes in, somehow able to talk while stuffing her face.
"Oh, the Admiral was busy so we had to fill out these forms for -"
"PAINT!" Kitakami interjects. "CHECKERED. PAINT."
Even though her voice sounded like a whisper at the crowded chow hall, you could feel the barely contained fury. Akagi looks at Kitakami with a sort of an awkward smile, like she's not sure if there was a joke she missed.
I hear something, but it's not until I hear the noise a second time do I recognize what's making it. Kaga's cheeks are stuffed and a small clump of rice flies out of her mouth onto her tray. *Phooof~*
Kaga slams her fist on the table, the "phoofs" increasing in speed and intensity as I begin to wonder if she's choking. Akagi begins to pat Kaga's back as the blue one turns red. Kaga grabs her glass and is able to force down her mouthful with a swig of water. Barely missing a beat, Kaga takes a deep breath and starts laughing, loud enough to attract a few awkward views from nearby tables. Is this the stoic Kaga-san? Thankfully it doesn't last more than a few moments, her perfect expression back on her face, you would be unable to tell anything was different aside from her extra red cheeks.
Akagi has already resumed eating, although Kaga just takes a few more sips before opening her mouth again.
"Were you also instructed to pick up some f----"
I told Kaga I didn't quite hear her.
"I said, did you also order some ff" Kaga pauses and props her head up with her arms on the table a few seconds before looking back up at me. "You might need to pick up a few spools of flight line too~"
Kaga says this to me with the biggest, doya-gao grins I have seen. I found myself getting strangely upset at this turn of events. I knew what we had to order and the Admiral certainly didn't mention any flight line. [Can you go fishing with flight line? What would you bait it with?]
KTKM makes a loud groan, and finally raises her head from the stack of papers, a red splotch on her forehead.
"I didn't know you were such the joker, Kaga-san" The first full real sentence KTKM has said all night.
"I'm not quite sure what you mean." Kaga's face is back to its impassive self.
I look at Kitakami. Her face says she wants to reply, but instead turns to look at me.
"Hey Ooi, what form is that?"
I was caught off guard by the question. Our 'homework' was not on the top of my mind at the moment. I look at the form, and... I'm not really sure what I'm looking at. The form seems to ask the same question multiple times with barely any variation, is dual sided, and has a lot of seeming irrelevant fields and questions on it.
"I ... It's.. "
Akagi helpfully chimes in, "Oh that looks like an airforce form, I could maybe help with that..."
We were staring out at the sea. Was it supposed to be home? Or just our battlefield? It was a pretty calm night, with Ooi leaning on my side. We were sitting on one of the smaller piers used mostly for small boats and such, a few street lamps providing some illumination. My mind wandered - I suppose the fleet sent out this morning would probably be returning soon.
As if she knew the topic on my mind, Ooi speaks up. "I tried to sneak a peak inside the command center, but they wouldn't let me in, even when I tried with my feminine charms." I rolled my eyes at that. Ooichi was a pretty girl, but after the first rebuke she probably resorted to yelling. "I did catch a glimpse of the admiral though. He looked pretty stressed, but not entirely angry, so I think it's safe to say nobody was sunk."
"Nobody important anyway, maybe a destroyer or two was lost."
Ooi jerks a bit at my response, visibly upset.
"Would they care if we were sunk, Kitakami?"
"Of course! We're the most advanced torpedo cruisers in the fleet; nobody can match our capabilities!"
Heh. I had almost fooled myself. We were just cruisers. Replaceable. I doubt the brass would care unless they lost a carrier or battleship. Ugh... Bullshit.
Ooi gripped me tighter. I didn't even notice her looking right at me; my face must have been showing an awful grimace.
"You're not allowed to leave me here, alone." Ooi whispers to me.
There weren't anymore words after that, just the sound of the sea and the local fauna.
- - - -
I jolted up at that. It wasn't a particularly threatening voice - actually pretty mellow sounding. Still quite unexpected.
As usual, Ooi is quick on the defense.
"Sneaking up on others is pretty rude, it's rather strange to make no noise walking around!"
Shiranui merely shrugs. "It was not my intention."
I'm not in the mood to get into an argument, and I've never had a problem with Shiranui. She wasn't really like the other destroyers, pretty much kept to herself. She has a certain - air - of danger about her.
I open up my mouth before Ooi can try putting out fire with gasoline.
"I'm guessing you wanted something?"
"The admiral was looking for you two, he's in his office now." Shiranui replies calmly.
She takes her leave wordlessly, her steps oddly muted as she walks off toward the dorms.
"What a creep." Ooi remarks as her target strides out of earshot.
"Don't worry about her. I know you have enough frivolous things to worry about already, Ooichi."
I stretch out my arms and stand up, helping Ooi onto her feet.
Let's go see what the Admiral wants this time.
The base is mostly quiet at this time of night. Or so I thought, as I noticed the outline of a figure skulking along the wall of a building, behind some bushes. As we get closer I can see her black outfit and miserable looking face.
"Hey Kitakami, is something wrong?" Ooi says as she notices me lagging behind.
"Oh... No. Just saw a dog wandering around." I reply and quicken my pace to catch up to her.
As we enter the central command building we turn towards admiral Goto's office. Tone and Chikuma are milling about right outside the wooden door.
Tone is very outgoing, but not overbearing. Chikuma is more reserved, and does her best to support her older sister. "Kitakami-san and Ooi-san, Hail and well met!" Tone greets us, I find it hard to just brush her off.
"Yo~" I give them a little wave. Ooi greets them politely with a small bow.
"We were trying to get some information on the sortie today, but the admiral has been pretty tight lipped." Chikuma explains their situation. "It is our duty as reconnaissance cruisers to post an update of the sortie at the barracks!"
"Oh, he didn't tell you already? I suppose I shouldn't be the one to spread that kind of information then." The best kind of lie is one you never have to back up.
Tone doesn't miss a beat here, "Aha! I wasn't aware you had that kind of rapport with the admiral. I understand completely, we will wait for the official report!" She finishes this off with a salute, one I return with well with a smile on my face. I grab Ooi's hand and pull her into the office before she can open her mouth and say something unfortunate.
"Ladies. Glad to see you weren't delayed." Admiral Goto is sitting behind his desk with his back to the door, grabbing something from a low shelf. "This is yours." He sits a can [please, no] of paint [b u l l s h i t] on his desk.
Ooi seems pleased, completely oblivious that we are being made fools of. I walk up to his desk. It's the typical, teak looking fancy officer desk, with a paper calendar taking up most of the space along with a computer. I grab the can, give a salute and begin to turn away.
"Before you leave, you should take a look at it, make sure it's the right color."
I turn back around biting my tongue, place the can back on his desk, and begun to open the [shitty old man I bet it's gelatin or something inside] lid.
Ooi makes a little squeal as she peers at the contents of the pail. Inside are what looks like red and black paint, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. I decide that this is not happening, and that I have fallen into a clever ruse.
"Isn't it marvelous Kitakami-san? I never knew they had stuff like this." Ooi's eyes are lit up with excitement.
"This is just.... Ooichi, we are getting a joke played on us." Right? Right? This isn't an actual thing. I am going to disbelieve what is in-front of me. I'm getting desperate and decide that it calls for drastic measures. With one hand I grab Ooi's arm and pull it upwards, and in a smooth motion I dip my other hand into the paint and then swipe it on Ooi's forearm.
"K-K-Kitakami! You should have asked before trying to paint me!" I'm almost afraid to look at the result. I peer upwards at [what the fuck happened to the light fixture] Ooi's arm and it appears to be just a black and red splotch, there's no perfect angles or separations between the colors.
"Oh, what a shame," Admiral Goto says as he stands up. "I guess this batch was defective, we'll just have to order another. Let me just grab the forms." He pulls open one of his desk drawers.
"No. That's quite all right. I never bought into your garbage anyway." Confidence restored, I try and go back on the offensive.
Ooichi looks distraught, maybe finally realizing what an absurd idea she had bought into.
"Well, that's fine too then, but you'll have to leave the paint here so it can be properly disposed of."
"That's fine, I need some time to think of how to dispose of you, admiral." I poke back at him.
Admiral Gato just snorts, clearly not buying it.
"I know where you sleep!" A desperate advance, brought on mostly by anger and frustration.
"Yes, yes I have your room number too" He's rolling his eyes now.
"He thinks we sleep!" I whisper this as loud to as Ooi as possible.
Ooi nods a bit before replying. "Well I'm certain Tatsuta doesn't sleep, there's always a lot of noise coming from her room at ni-"
"WOW, THAT'S JUST WONDERFUL." Admiral Gato jumps out of his chair and claps his hands, ready to throw us out. "Now please leave and send in Tone and c-"
I cut him off - "I also know every meeting you have, on the 16th at 1400 you have a general meeting with all the junior officers, on the 17th you have a dental appointment at 0800!" I continue on listing off all his important appointments, the color draining from his face, while Ooi looks a little stunned.
I go in for the finisher, the last appointment, it was a little obscured by the desk clutter but.. "And on the 21st you're going to violate Admiral Sette in the showers!"
"W H A T?" Ooi shrieks out.
Oh. That can't be right.
The admiral looks equally appalled, "No, that... I didn't agree to that!" He pats down his pockets, looking for something, blindly pushing things off his desk until he picks up what I think is a small phone, tapping it madly. He puts it down, his expression changing as he gets a clear view of his desk calendar.
"You almost had me there. However I expect that with this foolishness out of the way you'll be ready to give me 200% on Monday. Both of you are dismissed."
I feel utterly defeated.
It's been a long day, but we've finally arrived. At our room. It's hard to call it a home. Kitakami immediately kicks off her shoes on lies face first on her bed. It's a decent sized room, with a large bunk bed, a desk, a few chairs, and a large dresser. Oh, and we recently got a refrigerator/microwave combo. That was nice, but we've never used it yet. I was told this building was an old transient dorm that was going to be demolished. I guess that when 'we' showed up, they needed some space for us, so this building had a second chance. The walls are white, there's a window, a closet, and our own bathroom. That's it. I've peered into different offices or seen secretary's desks and they all have some personality to them. Either pictures of friends or family, awards, little positive messages, small statues, something. But our room has none of that.
I clamber up onto the top bunk, but I don't really feel like sleeping yet.
Kitakami spends a lot of her off time doing... nothing. It worries me. I can see her face, and hear it in her voice, that she's unhappy. I ask KTKM what she wants to do and I always get a noncommittal answer.
"Hey Kitakami, don't you think we should get something for our room?"
"I don't really get what you mean." At least she moved her head out of the pillow to reply.
"You know, like decorations or something."
"Just get whatever you want."
Kitakami needs... A hobby. I can get her a present! That would be wonderful. I wonder what she would be interested in.
I suddenly feel uneasy, shouldn't I know the kinds of things KTKM likes? But it mostly comes up blank. I can't even name her favorite color. It's always felt like I've known her forever, yet when I really think about it, we've only been around for a couple of months. Are my feelings fake? Something wet rolls down on my cheeks. There's no way Kitakami is anything but my favorite person in the world.
A few minutes pass by awkwardly, still unable to think of something she would enjoy. I should.. I should... ask for help. Anyone.
"I'm going out for a little bit, Kitakami."
"Alright. Can you turn the light off on your way out?"
I oblige her and step outside. I'm not sure what time it is, probably around 2300, it's possible I won't find anyone. A gift usually costs money, right? You need a job for money. Getting a job would be difficult with all the fi-
Ah. We're ships. Made for fighting. The military pays money. I've never asked about a salary or anything. Maybe I just need to talk to the Admiral. I get to the common area, the lights are on, I think I'm in luck. As I open the door I notice the mission board has been updated. It lists the participants and status of all the ships that sortied. Mission Successful, Arizona and Kongou: Moderate Damage. Naka: Severe Damage. Tenryuu/Tatsuta/Jintsu: Light/No Damage. After the days events I felt a little happier at knowing everyone was safe.
I round the corner and there's one person sitting at a table reading a book. Unfortunately it's Shiranui. I felt she was rude earlier, but I remember what KTKM said, and I really need someone to talk to.
"Excuse me, Shiranui-san"
"What is it?" She doesn't even bother looking up from her book.
"I needed some help, on a present." Shiranui shuts her book, and turns to look at me directly. What a strong gaze. "I-I've been thinking, that Kitakami seems to have a lot a free time, so I wanted to get her something to do, like maybe a hobby or something."
"I see."
There's an awkward silence for a few moments, until she speaks up again.
"I can understand. I … " She trails off, looking at something on the ground. "I was the same. It was only recently I picked up reading. I find it very entertaining. I've been mostly reading history, it's fascinating to see the evolution of culture and technology. The mistakes repeated. The ever constants of war and political maneuvering."
"Do you-"
"It's amazing to see the how much time and effort humans have put into devising new and exciting ways to kill each other."
I felt like my initial suspicions about this girl were confirmed, but before I can start to edge away she addresses me directly.
"Anyway, Ooi-san. You should vist the base PX. There's all sorts of interesting things there to buy. You spend a lot of with her don't you? Why don't you get her something both of you can enjoy?" She turns back to her book.
"I, uh how did you purchase them?"
"Go talk to whoever is in the dorm office."
I can tell that this conversation is over. Maybe I'll find something that Shiranui-san can enjoy too.
I go downstairs to the first floor. There's always someone in the dorm office now, just in case any of us have any issues, after that... pancake incident.
I enter the dorm office and inquire about money. I'm handed a traditional looking money envelope. It's thin, and I can't help myself.
"There's money in here?"
"Well you know, it's a card." The sailor on duty looks pretty bored, not really watching the TV, but not quite ignoring it either.
"I- I don't really know, could you explain it?"
"You just swipe the card in there when you pay and put in the 4 digit code. Try not to go overboard."
I thanked him and took my leave. I was actually getting kinda excited for tomorrow, something I've rarely felt.
I enter our room quietly and can hear Kitakami's rhythmic breathing as she sleeps. I really want to make her smile tomorrow. I undress and tuck myself in on the top bunk, ready for the next day.
- - - -
KTKM has been unusually unmotivated this morning. Getting her out of bed and to breakfast was almost a chore. Normally we chat about random things at breakfast, but she's been tight lipped ever since yesterday. That whole fiasco must have really hit her hard. She's just finishing off her sausages when I make my move.
"I'm going out today, shopping. Is there anything I could get for you, my Kitakami-sama?"
"You know, to buy things."
"You don't want to drag me along?"
She's asked the question I didn't want to hear. I sort of wanted it to be a surprise for her, and is normally fine with just hanging around the dorm yard.
"I didn't want to trouble y-"
"I'd do anything to get away from me right now too."
I bite my lip. This isn't how today is supposed to turn out at all. I'm conflicted if I should agree with her just to avoid a confrontation, but that isn't how I feel at all. Before I can voice my opposition KTKM stuffs her mouth with the last of her food, stands up and walks away to dump off our tray.
I won't let this ruin either of our days. I had briefly looked at the base map, so I had a decent idea of where I was going, but to be honest I didn't travel much on base.
I leave the dining hall, and set off on my journey [Of the day]. It's a sunny late morning, and the official looking base buildings and offices slowly turn into housing and small parks. It's weird ... not having KTKM with me. I hope she doesn't get into any trouble when I'm gone. My thoughts are interrupted as I hear the thumps of music not to far ahead of me [http://puu.sh/gYnjI/04fbc2feb0.mp3]. I put my hand above my eyes and can see a few blocks down a figure moving at a decent pace down the sidewalk towards me. It looks like it's gliding along the pavement. It's not until it gets a bit closer I can tell it's a guy ontop of a plank with wheels or something, holding what must be a large radio in one hand. He's wearing black shades, a bright, multicolored mess of a shirt, a backwards hat and shorts that are way too long and baggy. His frame is way too large to be some kid on base. Did this ruffian sneak in? Can you even sneak anywhere looking like that. I've stopped walking, entirely confused at what this person is doing. His head moves with the beat of the music, impressively loud for what seems to be easy to carry. He seems to slow down as he gets closer to me, his torso already facing me. He throws both arms outwards in what seems to be an exaggerated shrug, as if to say 'Well, what is it?'. As he passes me he picks up speed and tries to do a short hop over a bump in the sidewalk. He doesn't quite stick the landing and ends up falling onto the pavement. Impressively he seems to have kept his radio intact. Super Weird.
I think I'm getting closer, there's a lot more vehicle traffic on the roads by this part of the base. There's a US marine coming my way up ahead, a good chance to get exact directions. I step just a little bit onto his half of the sidewalk, just enough so that he would have to move to get around me~. I greet him, and he seems just a little flustered at first before easing up. He points out which building is the PX.
"Say, are you military?"
"Yeeeaaaah, I'm in the Navy."
"Cool, Cool. Normally we only invite marines, but I can make an exception for you. Feel free to bring some cute friends along."
He hands me an index card with a handwritten address and the words "Marine BBQ". Haha, this is so awesome. I thank him and press on.
As I enter the building it looks like there's a bunch of smaller shops, including a bunch of food stalls. I've never really... eaten out. Maybe I can bring back some food for Kitakami too. There's so many people here too, I have to be careful not to stand in the way or bump into someone. The entrance to the main store is wide, and all I can see are rows of merchandise and displays everywhere. It's so overwhelming. There's tons of clothing on shelves and hangars, it would be easy to pick something out in Kitakami's size, but I don't think she would really be interested in something like that. There's even jewelry and such. Where do I even start? I begin looking down each aisle, until the in the third one, I spot a familiar dress. The bright orange and white uniform identifies the girl as one of the sendai class, the emerald ribbon giving it away as Jintsuu. There's brightly colored and decorated stationary all along this aisle, and she seems to be inspecting them closely.
"Oh, Jintsuu-san. I didn't really expect to find someone I knew here, do you come here often? Is it always this busy? And congratulations on your mission!"
Jintsuu slowly turns around before addressing me.
"Ooi. I was getting something for Naka-chan. Did you know she was seriously hurt?"
"Well, I heard that she was badly damaged , is sh-"
"You would know if you went and visited her, she was nearly blown in two." Jintsuu cuts me off with a quiet intensity.
"I'm not really that familiar with Naka..."
"But you're familiar enough to interrupt me with pointless questions? Do you even care about anyone other than yourself?"
"How c-"
"Oh, that's right, you fawn all over Kitakami, while she does her best to ignore you. She probably can't bring herself to tell you off."
My fists clench instinctively. I turn away from her and take a half step forward with my left foot. A torpedo cruiser doesn't make feints and harassment attacks. They have to go all in, and take out the enemy in one salvo. I'm at the perfect distance to spin around and knock her out, poised to strike before Jintsuu speaks up again.
"Ooi-san. I.. I've had a really difficult day. I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said."
People say what they mean. They may regret the words they choose, or the timing, but the intent is still clear.
"Good-bye Jintsuu."
My heart is still pounding as I walk away, not even looking where I'm headed. What does she know? Couldn't even protect her own sister and tries to project her failings onto others. I stop walking, hand braced on a shelf as I take a few deep breaths to regain my composure. I take a look around at my surroundings, there's rows of TV's and a lot of fancy looking equipment. I must have wandered farther than I thought. I'm sort of distracted by the displays. The color is so crisp and clear, it's almost like a window into another part of the world. I feel someone place a hand on their shoulder, and I jump a bit. They apologize and ask if there's anything they can help me with. An employee, I guess. I tell them that I'm looking for a gift for a good friend, they ask a few different questions and show me some gadgets until one catches my eye. It's called a vita: it's sleek, black, and apparently plays games anywhere. You can even play it with other people. I get this gut feeling that Kitakami would like it a lot. I go right ahead and decide to purchase it, and some 'games' that go along with it.
I went around to the rest of the store and picked up some other items. I got two light green blankets that felt really soft, that match our uniforms. I also picked up some notebooks and colored pencils for sketching. Another thing caught my eye, it was the book section. Purchasing something for Shiranui couldn't hurt. I look at the best seller section and sort of randomly decide to pick up the book "America Again". She seemed to be interested in all sorts of countries, right?
It's a bit after lunch by the time I get home. Kitakami is sitting on a bench outside our room. I think she pretends not to notice me as I walk up, but I know she's not the kind of person to that oblivious.
"Kitakami-sama~ I'm baaack!"
"....Welcome back"
Its probably the closest I'll get to an apology right now, but I'll take it.
"You didn't get into any trouble when I was gone, right?"
"S'fine. You sure bought a lot of stuff for yourself."
"Eh?? But I have a bunch of presents for you!" Kitakami makes eye contact with me, as if she's trying to see if I'm lying or not. I place all the things I bought for her on her lap, coming all the way up to her [just perfect] chest.
Kitakami's face is one of extreme surprise, this really is her first time getting presents isn't it?
"I... Thanks a lot Ooichi. I don't really have anything to give you though."
"Just being around for me is the best present you could give Kitakami!"
Hmm, this is good. Yes. I'm enjoying this a lot.
It's nearing the end of the day, shadows long on the the yard of the dorm building where we lived at. I really liked this gift Ooi got me. She's reading a book and drinking a 'smoothy' or something. Ooichi even picked up a few different games for me, sh- … eh? I notice a few bodies in-front of me, far too close. I look up and see the misfit brigade has appeared.
"Hey! What's that?" The especially stupid one.
"It's pretty cool looking." The shy one.
I guess I can indulge them just to get them away.
"It's a handheld game player."
"What kinda games are on it?" The one that pretends to be an adult.
"Oh, silly little childish games you wouldn't be interested in." I sneer back at her.
"D-don't be rude!"
I notice two more destroyers coming up to join the annoyance assembly. Their hair colors starkly contrasting, but with similar personalities. They press to the front of the pack. It's not that surprising to see the two of them have started to hang around each other:Isokaze and Murakumo.
"Oh... What do you have there?" The more refined one
"Psh, it's totally a gameboy." The shorter, angrier one.
Are these events going to keep playing out over and over? No matter, I can probably send these two off easily. I clear my throat and deepen my voice before speaking.
"Well, if you must know, It's a vita Ooichi purchased for me."
Murakumo gives off a little 'snrk' and gets an elbow from Izokaze. Murakumo speaks up next.
"So what games do you play on it?"
I can do her pretty well, just put on some falsetto and add some whine to my voice.
"I-I'm not telling it just for your sake! But it's Kagero."
"And your next line will be: I didn't really care about it anyway, idiot!"
Murakumo's face instantly crimsons, syllables coming out of her mouth but no words, while Isokaze breaks into laughter. Murakumo continues her tomato impression until Izokaze gives her a slap on the back, making Murakumo pout up and turn away.
"That was pretty good, Kitakami-san. You have an interesting sense of humor We'll let you have your fun."
The black haired one tugs the silver one away.
"I-I guess sometimes I can be like that." Murakumo mumbles as she is led away.
At least some of them can take a hint, but the tiny annoyances crowd back around me peering over my shoulder to get a look at the screen.
"What are you all doing? Give Kitakami some space!" Ooichi to the rescue.
"We just wanted to see what was going on."
"No! You're clearly bothering her, now leave."
Ooi makes an frustrated *hmph* and walks behind around behind me and scoops me up into a carry with one hand under my knees and the other around my back.
"Fine then, I'm taking my Kitakami-sama and leaving."
Before she can take me anywhere a loud shout from the center of the dorm yard, on the plastic grated basketball court attracts everyone's attention.
"Hey Everyone! Take a look at who I found snooping around our building!"
It looks like Maya's holding up some … oddly dressed male. Hyuuga's with her, a smug look on her face.
"Oh, that's totally the person I was telling you about earlier, Kitakami."
Maya drops the dude, while Hyuuga also dumps what I guess are his belongings. Maya opens up the line of investigation.
"Don't you know this place is off limits to civvies? You've got some nerve to just casually walk in here, and what the hell is up with that shirt?"
"Listen lady, I'm in the navy, and this is where I was assigned to stay, and don't be hating on tie-dye, dig?"
Hyuuga butts in at this point, nudging Maya.
"Hear that? I don't remember seeing any shipBOYS before."
"Yeah, and I don't remember battleships having a flight deck bolted to the back either, what is this? Some sci-fi shit?"
Hyuuga's expression darkens, and slams her fists together.
"You're gonna be modern art when I'm done with you."
Maya looks a little nervous, before speaking up.
"They're not useless Hyuuga! They can launch and recover scout planes fine."
"Scoutings a job for subs, why don't you us- Oh yeah, all of yours have fat asses that can be spotted from across the horizon."
Someone started crying after that remark. Probably Goya. Hyuuga advances on the newcomer. He raises up a hand in front of him.
"Hey hold on a sec"
He runs over to where Maya dropped his stuff and suddenly music starts playing. [ ]I climb out of Ooi's hold. This is getting absurd. Hyuuga wastes no time going on the offensive, but that guy is pretty slippery himself. After she misses a punch, he hits Hyuuga straight on with a shoulder tackle knocking her off the basketball court, and into Tenryuu. Physics follows course by plopping Tenryuu's face into her bowl of noodles. Her yell puts a smile on my face.
"Yeah, sorry kid. Look I'm a little busy."
"That's it?! Getting this delivered on base wasn't easy!"
Completely ignoring Tenryuu, Hyuuga goes back to trying to get a solid hit on that American. Maya is content to make sure he doesn't escape the impromptu 'ring'. Tenryuu grabs her sheathed sword nearby and is about to stomp into the field of battle until she's blocked by another destroyer with her arms fully extended outwards.
"Get the hell out of my way, Fubuki, you're 100 years too young to stop me!"
"I won't let you backstab Hyuuga sempai!"
"Your loss."
Tenryuu wastes no time backhanding Fubuki to the ground, set on delivering her ruined-lunch-vengeance onto Hyuuga. To her credit, as soon as Fubuki hits the ground she bolts up and grabs the nearest object to assault Tenryuu with. I'll never forget this moment, as Fubuki bends a folding chair into an unrecognizable shape over Tenryuu's head.
"Kitakami, this is getting sort of dangerous." Ooi says as she grips my arm.
"It's fine. Everything is alright. It will all sort itself out."
My attention is drawn to the second floor walkway, where Shiranui is standing outside her room, with Tatsuta not too far away. Shiranui looks as if she just got done working out, wearing only a tanktop and spats, heartily laughing at the scene playing out. Tatsuta calls out to the combatants.
"Ahh Fubuki-chan!! Please go easy on my sister~"
"Huuuhuuuhhnngh? Wwudda boot me?" Tenryuu's near incomprehensible reply comes back.
Looking back towards the main event, it seems the american isn't doing too well, parts of his face already swelling up, however Hyuuga wasn't unscathed either. I can hear shouts behind me, and I turn around to see who is probably admiral Goto, being flanked... well, more like being dragged towards us by two of the Kongo sisters. He looks completely out of breath when he arrives at the basketball court. He pulls out what looks like a small horn, but the sound that comes out is anything but. After about 5 seconds of honking, he releases the trigger.
"GET NO SCo-mmhhrmm" Kongou attempts to say something before being muffled by Kirishima.
All the fighters have frozen at this point, the bloodied Tenryuu dropping Fubuki out of her chokehold, the american and Hyuuga both stopped mid punch with looks of horror on their face as they see the admiral. Everyone attempts to speak at once, prompting another blow of the the horn.
"YOU, YOU, YOU, and YOU!" Admiral Goto says, pointing at each of the fighters. "You're going to all form up right now."
They move quickly and stand at attention before Goto, although Tenryuu's looks as if she's going to topple any moment. Maya runs over to the admiral and opens up her mouth.
"This is all a-"
Admiral Goto points the horn directly into Maya's face before letting loose the furious honk. Admiral Goto points back at Tenryuu.
"You first, what happened?"
"Fffshheee they came from behind the steel of-*BRRR*"
I think I can see veins popping out on the Admiral's forehead, as Kongo tries to reassure him. Tenryuu loses her footing and falls backwards onto the ground, immobile.
"Forget it. Just... Just all of you go to your damn rooms and don't bother coming out until tomorrow."
Heh, being sent to their rooms like children. What an absolute mess. Admiral Goto must be thinking the same thing as he buries his face into his palms. Even Kirishima is gently patting him, saying something I can't hear.
As the offenders head off to their rooms, Tatsuta comes down to drag her unconscious sister off, winking at the admiral. Once they're all gone, Admiral Goto turns around to address the rest of us.
"What I originally came here to do, was announce that to celebrate the American ships arrival that they were going to host a movie night for us right here. As much as I would want to cancel it right now, it's going ahead anyway, starting at exactly 2100. Do not call me, do not cause any more trouble, and do not destroy any more property. Dismissed."
I almost felt bad for him, but these are the people I have to deal with every day.
Everyone cleared off the yard after that. An air of uncertainty seemed to permeate the place. Kitakami was fine with that, content to sit at the desk in our room and play games. I was just trying to process everything that has happened today.
"Say Kitakami, tensions have been running kinda high lately haven't they."
"It's to be expected. Violence is usually the first option with the Americans."
"But, it was that Hyuuga earlier that started everything."
".... Maybe. But most of them don't take things lying down either. "
It was something to think about. You couldn't just put the blame all on one side. At that time I remembered that I still had Shiranui's gift in a bag. I guess with everyone being in their rooms it was probably a good time to deliver it.
"I'm going to go out for a little bit, Kitakami."
"Mmm. Bye Ooichi."
Our room was on the second floor, and all of our rooms opened up to an outside walkway around the building, as opposed to an inner one. I notice a couple of people.. hobbling over to the first floor entryway. Looks like some officer and Mogami. So much for no more people getting hurt. I knock on Shiranui's door.
"Ooi. Can I be of service to you?"
"I ah, got a present for you."
"Is that so? Would you like to join me for a bit?"
I didn't expect to get invited in at all. Maybe Shiranui is just a normal girl. I accept the invitation and step through the threshold. I immediately notice the walls, unlike our room Shiranui has all sorts of photos and paintings posted up on the walls. Well... actually there's a pervasive theme. They seem to be all mostly pictures of military vehicles, ships, planes, equipment. There's also what look like photos or painting of what must be famous military commanders. As I scan the room my eyes lock onto one of the photos. I... I... know this one. Right? It...
"One of the most famous war photos. The raising of the flag onto Iō-tō. They had not actually secured the island at that point, but with no reinforcements in sight, the American victory was assured."
Shiranui continues on. "An impressive underground defense network was built throughout the island, but most entrances were discovered eventually and sealed off. Some reports have the Americans pumping in water and gasoline to flood the tunnels. I can only assume it was a bad way to go."
I feel a little sick, a feeling of disconnect somewhere. My trance is broken by the sound of falling water. Oh, she's just pouring water for some tea. As she turns around I take the book out of the bag and present it to her.
"I wasn't sure exactly what to get for you to be honest, but I hope you'll like it."
Shiranui moves up infront of me to take the book, but instead of grasping it she places her hands ontop of mine. They're warm. She has only the faintest smile on her face, but for some reason it feels like it could mean everything.
"Thank you Ooi. If you ever need help in the fut- … Are you alright? You're all red."
"I-I'm alright, really."
I'm reminded of when I gave my gifts to Kitakami, the sort of quiet amazement she had. I wish she had touched me and thanked me too...
"Here is the tea."
I didn't even realize that I wasn't holding the book anymore. I take the cup and sit across from Shiranui. Aside from all the photographs, she also has a small computer at her desk and a a large bookcase, as expected. She has one of those electric powered pitchers, for boiling water. Kongou was amazed when she made such a discovery. Admiral Goto was less than pleased with her frequent 'Tea Time Teitoukuuu~'.
"Would you be interested in hearing about some American history?"
I... really wasn't, and I did say I was only going to be gone for a bit, but I felt I shouldn't destroy the nice atmosphere going on. I told her I would be up for an introduction. She brings over a map of the world.
"America is fairly new, as far as most countries in the world go, so it's important to know just how it started...."
- - -
A half hour went by. Shiranui was actually a very good orator, she would use pictures, or small objects to help describe events or emphasize points. It really was interesting, but after all this time we had just gotten up to where the colonists of America were rebelling against Britain.
"I think that's enough for today, it's rather important not to overload someone with information. I apologize if that was much more than you expected."
"Oh, it's no problem. Kitakami isn't much of a talker, so it's nice to listen to others for a change."
"Is that so?"
A third voice sneaks its way into the conversation from the window. Someone must be yelling outside.
"That's probably Chikuma, we should investigate, No?"
"Should we really get involved?"
"One of our allies is in trouble, there's no shame in assisting them."
I follow Shiranui as we leave her room and head towards the common room at the center of the second floor. The sun has set and a quiet twilight has enveloped the base. A light drizzle has started, it looks like there won't be movies later in the yard... The yard huh...
"You never got involved in that fight earlier, Shiranui"
"It's important not to commit yourself to a battle you can not win."
The common room has a pool table, tables, couches, a large tv, and even a little bar area, although there's up to you to bring your own drinks. Tone is already in the room leaning on the bar. I also notice Ryuujou and a couple of destroyers watching TV. Tone perks up a bit as she notices us enter.
"Ah! Hello friends, have either of you seen Chikuma lately? I have no idea where she could be at such an hour."
Before we can respond I hear the thumps of someone running up the stairs at a frightening pace. The stairwell dorm slams open and a battered Chikuma tumbles out. Her uniform is torn, hair disheveled, and generally looks like she just came out of a trench after hours of bombardment.
"TOOOOONE NEE-SAaaann!" Chikuma almost rams into Tone and collapses at her knees, arms held tightly around Tone.
"My dear Chikuma! What has befouled you so?" The shorter sister gently pats Chikuma on her head, clearly not used to such a display.
"Iiit was THE ONE, the crazy one, no stopping … IT KEPT COMING" Chikuma is hysterical and only bursts of words can be heard over her sobbing.
"C-chikuma, come on now, you're alright, what exactly happened?"
Nothing. Her eyes are shut and face is buried into Tone's midsection. Tone bites her lip, unsure of what to. The other girls by the tv all have their heads peaked out from behind the couch, looking at the abused Chikuma.
"You should get her cleaned up. I'm sure after a rest she'll be able to properly explain her situation."
Tone nods at Shiranui. I found myself too shocked to speak. Chikuma never seemed like someone with an easily broken will. Whatever happened must have been... unimaginable.
"Are you able to move about, Chikuma? You'll be safe inside our room, count on your big sister Tone, ok?"
Chikuma nods and silently rises, as Tone takes her hand and leads her out towards their room. I turn around as I feel a hand placed on my shoulder.
"Ooi-san. It would be best to stay indoors right now, around others."
"A-are you going out?" Shiranui pulls out white gloves from a shirt pocket and dons them.
"Of course. This investigation is just starting. Be safe."
An evil smile seems to appear on her face, but I only catch a glimpse as she enters the stairwell, and hear her descend to the ground floor.
"I ain't neva seen Chikuma look like that before, nope." Ryuujou speaks up from over by the couch.
"It would be best if this was kept quiet. She does not deserve any bad rumors tainting her image." A girl with supremely puffy lavender hair. I think that's Hatsuharu.
"Why is everyone looking at Nenohi??"
Getting back to Kitakami would be a good idea. I don't want to worry her. As I leave the common room, I've noticed the rain has picked up to a steady pour. I notice a figure coming from the direction of my room, but it's only Shoukaku. Her long pure white hair and yellow eyes give her an almost unworldly beauty. I was a little jealous, to be sure. Her head is down and her expression remorseful, hands full with take-out containers. I think she would have bumped right into me if I hadn't said something.
"Shoukaku-san, are you alright? Were you attacked?"
"Ah! Ooi-san. I'm fine. I just..."
"Your room is on the third floor, isn't it?"
"Yes... I wasn't paying attention. I.."
She looks back down at her feet. Is... Is she crying?
"I had a chance today, to do something right for once, but I messed up again. I didn't want to hurt him. I let him go, and he could've gotten seriously hurt, or worse. I didn't even follow him. This is just my luck, isn't it?"
"W-what are you talking about?"
"I just let Admiral Settle face Kaga by himself."
I'm not sure what to say. I don't know anything about what happened. Shoukaku leans on the railings and looks outward into the rainy blackness.
"I wasn't even thinking. When he broke free, part of myself just thought 'He'll be fine'. What was I thinking... he's not like.. us"
Her last few words are barely audible. Shoukaku turns towards me after a few moments with a sad smile on her face.
"I think Kitakami-san is very lucky to have you, Ooi. I'm nowhere near as strong willed as you are, I can't even get Zuikaku to listen sometimes. Thank you for hearing me out."
I couldn't believe that I was being praised by her. I felt myself blushing. I'm not that good with words compared to someone like Tone or Kitakami, so I just give a deep bow to Shoukaku until she walks past. The walkway lights give a dim illumination to the dorm grounds below. I see a couple people below. One has an umbrella and is squatting, examining something on the ground. I think that might be Shiranui. There's another girl, with a black uniform, I think I know who that might be. She is slowly walking in the rain as if it doesn't bother her at all. Her pace suddenly changes and changes direction toward the basketball court, where she runs over and picks something up before running to what must be her room somewhere below.
I give a knock on our door before entering. Kitakami is bundled up in the blanket I bought her sitting on her bed playing her games. I join her on the bed not too far away.
"Did you have fun?" Kitakami suddenly asks me.
"Eh? Ah. I suppose so. I just spent some time with a few of the other girls."
"Mmm Hmm"
"Someone is attacking a bunch of the girls it seems. I saw Chikuma and Mogami hurt earlier."
"Eh? Well just stick close then, alright Ooichi?
I went and scooted up right next to Kitakami after hearing that.
"Ah, c'mon Ooichiiii..."
It was a pretty average morning, although Ooi didn't seem to be in a hurry to wake me up today. I was pretty hungry, having skipped dinner yesterday, so I was ready to sit down and maybe have a couple of plates worth of food.
I look into our mirror in the bathroom and noticed my braid came undone, what a pain. Ooichi appears behind me and places her hands on my shoulders.
"Do you want me to do your braid, Kitakami?"
It's not like I can't do it myself, but she offered.
"Yeah, that would be fine."
- - -
The smell of breakfast was wafting outside as we approached one of the chow halls on Yokosuka. It looks like we made it right before the brunch crowd. As we go through the food line I pile my plate with waffles, sausages, and fruit. I sit down at the end of a long table, and Ooi takes a seat next to mine. Breakfast is a pretty important meal, even though the same things are served every day it's still a meal I try not to miss. Sausages are extra great, and they're shaped like torpedos too, heh. Ooi's been kind of quiet this morning, but I'm sure she would say something if it was a big deal. I'm about halfway through my first plate when I notice the place as been filling up quick, even a few faces I know. Unfortunately two of the faces from yesterday, Isokaze and Murakumo, along with a third are coming in this direction. I think that last girl is... Harumatsu or something.
"You're not planning on sitting here, correct?" I pose the question to them.
"Is there a problem?" Isokaze answers me.
"I'm saying you aren't going to sit here. Find somewhere else."
Ooi leans in and whispers to me: "There's not a lot of room anywhere else". It was true, only single spots seemed to be spattered around. Maybe they'll just shut up and eat.
"Oh? We were not aware thou owned this fine establishment. How foolish of us."
Murakumo answers the newcomer, "Ha! It's not like they're saving the seats for anyone."
"Now, now, Kitakami-san is probably just having a tough morning. Let's enjoy our breakfast."
"More like a tough month." Murakumo grumbles.
The three of them sit down across from us. I tighten my grip on my utensils and try and focus on the news station showing on the TV. Ooi quietly speaks up again.
"We can just get some to-go containers and eat back at the room"
"I'm not moving just to humor them."
Isokaze clears her throat and starts to speak, what I dreaded.
"Recently we've formed a small group, a club so to speak. We're looking to bring new experiences and hold morale events for our fleet. More importantly we wish to promote good military discipline and foster positive relations with the US fleet. Both of you are invited to join if you wish."
"You're joking right? You're trying to form some de facto gang of midgets to threaten people into only things you approve of?"
Isokaze looks genuinely shocked. I suppose I was aiming a little too high. The purple haired one butts in.
"Hmph. We should have known that violence and coercion are the first things thou thinks of. It is nothing of the sort. We will simply set a good example for others to follow. It is a noble cause. Thou seems like one who does not often think of others."
Ooi speaks up before me, "You want to improve US relations huh... So where's the US members in your group? Why don't you recruit, say.. what's her name?"
"Fuck-up chan" I supply.
"Ha, yeah her."
The meaning seems to sink in instantly as the three destroyers seem to avert their gaze and find something quite interesting on their plates.
"It... is quite saddening, but there are always a few, less fortunate individuals who simply do not excel in any areas. We pity them, and wish them well, but they would not be very helpful to us."
"Hey, listen. We're trying to start small here, don't go asking the impossible on the first day." Murakumo adds in, before digging into her meal.
I feel like I've lost most of my appetite. At least they didn't bother us anymore after that and talked among themselves. After dropping our empty plates off we stood on the steps of the building looking outward towards the busy midday street. Except there weren't any cars on it. There was only a person slowly moving towards us from down the street. It looks as if they were running, but not making any progress. After what seems like eternity a slowly jogging Shiranui, completely out of breath, stops a few feet from us. She bends over supporting her upper body with her hands on her knees. Ooi jumps over to her [What the hell] and asks what's wrong.
"Up. All night. Following.. her."
Shiranui takes a few moments to catch her breath before standing up straight and answering.
"The one who attacked Choukai, Mogami, and Chikuma. It's a ship girl, judging by the few boot prints I've found that match a small figure and the silhouette left from breaking through wooden fences. She's been traveling in roughly clockwise circular patterns slowly moving eastward. If I'm correct she'll be here in..."
She raises he forearm to read her wristwatch. She has it about an inch from her face before rubbing her eyes and attempting a second time.
"About thirty seconds."
"Yeah well that's just wonderful, but you're in no shape to stop anyone and I'm not about to help."
"As expected, however I have already contacted the authorities."
I look around. I don't see anything out of the ordinary. They Probably thought it was prank call or something. Ten seconds to go. There's a fast moving figure running down the sidewalk. It does a running kick and sends the top of a mailbox flying. As I track it flying through he air I hear the sound of multiple sirens coming from every direction. The world slows down as armored infantry appear from behind trees, bushes, and other nearby buildings, running in our direction to intercept the errant shipgirl. Two firetrucks and multiple police cars have blocked off the intersection to our right while multiple armored cars come up from the other direction blocking escape. Within 15 seconds the girl is surrounded by a ring of riot police. We have front-row seats [standing, but whatever] to the show of a lifetime.
There's no fat policeman with a microphone telling the girl to surrender peacefully, just the slowly encroaching ring of malice, arms raised and aimed. There's a yell, a shriek of rage, as the small girl barrels forward towards the firetrucks. Shotguns fire, but the baton rounds do little to slow down the girl as she barrels through the three deep line of MP's.
"Oh no.." Shiranui speaks up as she squeezes her head with both hands. "I told them to bring out everything, if she escapes.."
Instead of running to freedom, the girl poses triumphantly ontop of one of the battered MP's before issuing her exclamation of victory.
Her tirade is cut short as the two firetrucks open up their nozels full burst knocking the girl over. Orders are shouted, gas grenades are launched, and a loud grizzled voice is heard barking a final order.
I spot a platoon of full armored troopers with red markings on their armor, with what looks to be electrified batons and heavy shields are running towards the downed girl in the middle of the gas cloud. Their own war-cries drowning out the coughing and yelling ship girl. There's the sound of a few grunts and masculine yells, as I see the sillouettes of a few soliders hit the ground, but then come the loud buzzes and cracks, as the batons find their mark.
"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelppp th-h-h-hey're ggreeeffffiiinn meeeee w w w an ooooonnn wwwooonn ffffaggggoo-"
A high pitched whine comes through the air as what I assume to be an overcharging baton and a final crack silence the girl. A quiet minute passes. The wind blows away the gas as I see the unconscious girl bound and carried away, along with the injured MP's. A decent crowd has formed on the steps of the dining facility as others have come out to see the aftermath.
I start clapping.
- - - - -
The rest of the morning wasn't nearly as... exciting. I wanted to walk Shiranui back, but she assured me that she was fine, and Kitakami was giving me weird looks. The two of us just took a walk around base, a normal occurrence for us. Kitakami seems to enjoy what little nature we have on base. She once said to me: "People bother your less if you're moving." I agree that there's some truth in that. We're not out too long, as it starts to heat up quite quickly with the midday sun.
- - -
We're back at our room, I'm in the bathroom straightening out my hair when I hear a knock on the door.
"Kitakami, can you see who it is?"
"Dooon't wannaaa~"
"Oooooh kay~"
I hear Kitakami open the door and then comes an immediate snort of displeasure.
"What do you want?"
"I uh-uh-uh was just trying to find out if-"
I look out towards the entrance and see Kitakami slowly closing the door on the girl.
"Wait! Wait! I just trying to find out if this belonged to you!"
I see a pair of hands thrust out a portable radio through the doorway. Oh... Hmm, I've seen that before.
"Isn't that the american's radio?" I call out from the bathroom.
"Eh? It could be." Kitakami replies.
"Ah, well thank you!"
Kitakami closes the door as soon as the doorway is cleared. I finish fixing my hair soon after.
"Do you want to see what's going on in the common room, Kitakami?"
"Ehhh... Maybe later..."
I sort of expected this reply, unfortuantely.
"Well, I'm going to go hang out there, I'll be waiting for you."
"Mm. Bye Ooichi."
It feels wrong to leave her here alone. Maybe I'm being selfish but I don't want to bored all day.
- - -
As I enter the common room I'm greeting to the loud noise of an electric motor grinding. Yuubari greets me from behind the small bar area, where she's operating a blender.
"Aha! Ooi! What's going on?"
"Just seeing who's around..."
"I hear ya, but where's your partner in crime? The artificial difficulty to your dark souls, so to speak."
"Huh? Oh, you mean Kitakami? She's just.... she said she would catch up later."
Yuubari nods. "I see, I see. Anyway, I'm making smoothies, do you want one? I've got all kinds of fruit."
"That would be nice, I'm not too picky about what's in it so you can surprise me."
As Yuubari reaches for ingredients for the smoothie underneath the counter I peer around the room. A few girls are watching TV, while Fubuki seems to be practicing with the dartboard. A couple of girls come this way; Kiyoshimo and one of her sister ships, Hayashimo. They take a seat up on the stools to my right.
"Do you girls want one too?"
"Yes! Yes! Please make one for me Yuubari-chan!" Kiyoshimo answers with gusto.
"Strawberry daiquiri. Hard."
"Ahaha... I don't have anything like that."
A few minutes pass of us intently watching Yuubari mix, blend, and pour our smoothies into tall glasses, placing one in front of each of us. I take a sip of mine. It's got a mostly strong melon flavor, with hints of strawberry and bannana. It's really nice.
"It's delicious Yuubari, thank you."
"No problem, I had to practice a lot to get it right anyway."
The other two ships also offer their praises. Kitakami is really missing out... Kiyoshimo interrupts our quiet drinking
"Hey Hey, I heard that the Americans brought over a battleship! A real honest battleship! I can't wait to see her!"
"Well, I've never seen her... I've never seen any except that submarine and that useless destroyer."
"You think a battleship would be pretty imposing and visible, but I haven't seen her either." Yuubari adds.
"I heard it from Inazauma, there's totally a battleship here! I'm so excited."
"... What about the Kongou sisters?" The soft spoken Hayashimo.
Kiyoshimo looks at the ceiling for a second before answering.
"Well.. they're... They don't really give off that whole battleship vibe thing! It's hard to explain."
Yuubari leans over towards me, a sly smile on her face.
"Heyyy Ooi, you should totally come over tomorrow. I just got a big tv and this super cool sound system, and it would be a shame just to watch anime by myself. Kitakami is invited too, of course."
Shiranui had already invited me to come over on that day.
"Tomorrow isn't really good, what about tonight or in a couple of days?"
"Hmm Hmm! You drive a hard bargain but I think tonight will be fine."
The second floor door opening gets my attention and I see Kitakami standing in the doorway, a look of displeasure on her face when she sees who I'm sitting next time. I think she's about to turn around and walk away but she just grits her teeth and takes at seat on my left. Yuubari offers her a smoothie, Kitakami accepts.
"Rough morning, Kitakami?" Yuubari asks.
"You're not the first person to say such a thing."
"You just have to take a more positive attitude on things. I once heard Kongou singing a song about that. It was pretty catchy."
I poke Kitakami, "Yuubari invited us over later tonight, are you up for it?"
"Huh? Yeah, that's fine."
"That's great then, I got this movie called Patlabor that we should totally watch." Yuubari cheerfully replies.
The room's attention is suddenly caught by the unmistakable thumps of someone running up the stairs. The stairwell door bursts open and out comes Kongou sliding on her knees, both arms pointing towards the door from which she came.
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! I present to yooouuuu a ne~w face!"
From behind Kongou appears one who must be one of the American ships, a stoic looking expression on her face, followed by Haruna.
"The American Battleship, Arizona!"
Kiyoshimo's face lights up and and makes a 'haaaa~' noise as she sees the American battleship. She launches out of her seat and stops not even a meter away from the somewhat surprised battleship. Kiyoshimo immediately launches into a barrage of questions which catches even the … excitable … Kongou off-guard. Haruna kneels down next to Kiyoshimo, before speaking to her.
"Well, you see, Arizona-san doesn't really talk a lot. She's very quiet."
Kiyoshimo's expression saddens just for split second before perking up again.
"Oh! So she's like that one expression, 'Don't talk and hit people with a big stick'! Or maybe she's sworn an oath of silence for her fallen comrades? Ah, no her voice is really her secret weapon, experimental sonic based weaponry!"
"Haruna isn't too sure...."
Kongou suddenly jumps up and whispers something into Arizona's ear. The latter turns to look at Kongou who gives a few quick nods. Arizona then reaches down and pats Kiyoshima on the head.
"Haaa! I hope we can become good friends Arizona-s..... Ms Arizona!"
"I'm gonna puke."
I turn around to Kitakami. She doesn't look particularly sick.
"Eh? Did the smoothie not sit well with you?"
"Huh? What? No, not that."
Before I can ask what was Kitakami was talking about the unmistakable sound of a warbling air raid sirens.
I'd normally be excited to be in a battle again, but could you really call it a battle if you aren't firing any torpedoes? We just stood around shooting some abyssals out of the sky. Boring, but other ships can't go on land, so it was up to us to provide AA fire. We were under the direction of Arizona, and for someone who doesn't talk she still did a pretty good job of directing us. It was a nice change, a no nonsense ship after dealing with the likes of the Kongou sisters, or the weird Ise class. It wasn't much of an attack, after losing the element of surprise they quickly suffered heavy losses and had ceased.
Yuubari has insisted upon us coming back with her, as a celebration. I didn't mind, I wasn't about to go to bed after I'd finally got to shoot at something. Yuubari was very enthusiastic about the whole deal, eager to show off her big tv and surround audio system. After we watched the movie and I admitted I had did play some videogames, she begged me to play some gundam fighting game with her. I wasn't very good at it... but it was fun enough.
- - - -
"Kitakami! Wake up!"
"I went and brought back food, it's time to get up and eat."
What's the point of getting up? It's not like we're going to go on today's expedition. Just let me stay in bed. Ooi responds to me silence by ripping off the covers. I guess I have no choice. I get on some clothes on join Ooi to eat on the small table we have.
"So Kitakami, what do you want to do today?"
"I don't want to do anything."
"Eh? Well you can't just sit in here all day .."
"Ha! Sure I can, it's not like we're needed anywhere! We're not being sortied today, I've had it with all this extra bullshit, there's too many things to worry about. It's much simpler if I just stay away from anyone."
I've probably said too much. Ooi's not looking at me anymore, eyes downcast. Ugh, I hate mornings.
The rest of breakfast is silent.
- - -
About an hour later I hear a knock on the door. Ooi's in the bathroom so I guess I'll see who it is before she starts complaining. I open the door. I see who's at the door. I then start to close the door, unfortunately a hand it open.
"Kitakami-san." Isokaze opens up the exchange.
"You have 30 seconds."
"As you know, several buildings were destroyed or damaged during yesterday's raid. Our group is gathering volunteers to help with the reconstruction. Anyone is welcome, would you be interested in helping us?"
Absolutely not, the last thing I want to do is spend the day with a bunch of over-achieving destroyers.
"Oh, your timing is bad, I already had plans for today."
"Is that so? Well we'd also like to talk to Ooi-san."
I hear the toilet flush, this seems like something Ooi would be right ontop of. Gotta git rid of them fast.
"Time's up."
I go to slam the door closed but Murakumo and Hatsuharu are quicker, bracing themselves against the door. I try and weigh my options, but I think I'm out of luck. I feel Ooi behind me.
"Oh hello, what's going on?" Ooi says.
Isokaze repeats her sales pitch to Ooi.
"That would be great to do, wouldn't it Kitakami? You were looking to do, right?"
Not exactly.
"Sounds like a waste of time, we're just a bunch of unskilled labourers, we'd just get in the way while real equipment does the work."
Hatsuharu speaks up "Actually, we had already contacted base engineering. When we informed them of the idea they were most appreciative of the offer. Transportation will be here in about 20 minutes."
"We'll go and get ready then." Ooi replies.
Murakumo's sneering face is burned into my mind as the group leaves. I'll have to find of a way to get them back.
"Why did you volunteer us, Ooichi?"
"It will make the day go by quicker, won't it Kitakami? Plus we'll be able to work together."
I didn't want to argue, least of all with Ooichi. Hopefully she's right. It will be something to do and I can just forget about everything else.
- - -
We were waiting on the dorm yard for our transportation to come. It seemed like a pretty varied bunch had come out, about 15 other girls were waiting around too. Not a bad turnout I suppose, at least we wouldn't look out of place. As far as big names went... Ise, Hyuuga, and Hiei were all here. A long yellow bus rolled up into the empty parking lot and we all piled on. Ooi takes the window seat as I sit next to her. Across from us Ise and Hyuuga are particularly chatty.
"So, Hyuuga."
"Yes Ise?"
"Do you know what was damaged during yesterday's raid?"
"Oh you know, mostly roads and stuff, but I heard the McDonalds was demolished."
"What's a McDonalds?"
"Well Ise, it's a place you go to when you want to be reminded you could be eating somewhere else."
"I don't really understand... Wait! The gym is ok right?!"
"Pfft, if it wasn't we'd already be out there looking for those bastards who took it down."
These two. It feels like they're not 100% all here.
- - -
The bus unloads us at a construction site, there's a bit of a foundation down, and a lot of building material everywhere. We're broken up into groups to for different tasks. Everyone is given a helmet and a quick safety briefing before we begin. I'm with Ooichi laying down and fitting PVC piping.
- - -
It's a hot day, but the work's not too bad. Ooichi was right in a way, I guess this is better than being bored all day. Before long it's lunchtime, and we're all gathered up and thanked for our support and each given an hour and a half along with a large cardboard lunchbox.
"Let's go eat by the water, Kitakami."
"Hmm, yeah that sounds fine."
It's only about a 5 minute walk over to the seaside. Oh, look. It's that dog. I didn't even realize she came out to help today. She's kneeling facing that tree, sounds like she's talking to it.
"Hey, what the hell are you doing?"
Shigure twitches in surprise before standing up and turn around.
"H-hello. I was just thanking my friends that no one was killed in yesterday's attack. A stroke of good luck, right?"
"You're talking to a tree."
Shigure's voice becomes quiet. "My friends. I've lost them... or they haven't come back yet. What else can I do?"
"It's bad enough we're human sized ships with the firepower to level towns, now you're talking to the foliage? They're going to lock us up even tighter if they see stuff like this."
Ooi tugs on my sleeve. "Kitakami... come on, let's just go."
"I thought it would be fine out here... It's usually quiet by this part of base. I don't really have anywhere else to go. I didn't mean to cause trouble."
How troublesome, as expected from a destroyer. I walk away without saying anything else. The last thing I want is to be constantly monitored by the military. We find a place to sit and open our boxes. They're packed with drinks, sandwhiches, drinks, chips, and fruit. Not bad.
"We should have just left her alone, Kitakami."
"What? Do you want them to think we're all mentally unstable?"
"While she may be lucky, I don't think it extended to those around her. She's alone. I don't think she was doing anything wrong."
"Peh. Worried that she's gonna curse you or something? I thought you were better than that, Ooichi."
"Would you really be ok if I wasn't around at all, Kitakami? She doesn't have any of her sister ships for support."
"I wouldn't collapse into a pathetic mess like she is."
Lunch is pretty good, all things considered. We're refilled and ready to finish off the rest of the day.
- - -
It's 1700 and we've been released for the day, but not before all being thanked for 'Our selfless contributions to the welfare of the entire base population'. Isokaze and her lackeys get an extra round of commendation for 'having facilitated and organized this cooperative event'. Whatever. Now I have the rest of the evening to laze around and do whatever, exactly how it should be.
We had just returned from dinner, and Kitakami immediately slumps onto her bunk after pulling off her clothes. As I'm picking up her clothes to put in the laundry bin I pose a question to her.
"Hey, do you want to maybe d-"
"No. I don't want to do anything right now."
That was shut down quickly. That's fine though, everyone deserves their own time. I was going to vist Shiranui tonight anyway. I leave the room quietly, it's hard to tell when she's angry or not lately. Maybe I don't really know her at all.
Shiranui greets me with a few warm words and the faintest of smiles before inviting me inside. She begins to heat up some water for tea. We don't really ever invite anyone in.
Who's fault is that? I know I can often be defensive around Kitakami... so it's my fault? [Ooi.] Kitakami isn't... mean to everyone, there's always like [Ooi-san]. Suddenly there's a sensation on my shoulder.
"Ooi. Are you alright? You're staring off."
"I-I'm sorry. There's just a few things troubling me."
"I'm not sure how much assistance I may be, but I would listen to what you have to say. Unless of course, it's something you wish to keep private."
Can I really talk about this to someone else? Would it be alright?
"I understand... I won't bring it up in the future."
"No! That... I... It's Kitakami-san of course. I try and get her to do things with me and other people, but she's always so... obtuse. Am I just being selfish?"
"Interpersonal relationships are not my forte, and I don't have a lot of information about your situation... Have you asked Kitakami what she wants to do?"
"She always blows that question off, or doesn't want to do much of anything."
"Hmm.. Unfortunate. I think that if you keep trying to do different things with her she will find something that you can enjoy together, as long as you don't come off as overly pushy."
That makes sense. There's plenty of things we've never done. It's far too early to give up.
"Okay. Thank you Shiranui."
"My pleasure. Do not hesitate to ask again in the future."
While Shiranui is preparing tea and some snacks I'm drawn again to her pictures around the room. It seems like maybe she has a few more? I notice a group of smaller photos that stand out from the rest. They're mostly pictures of infantry. Dirty, bandaged, dead looks in their eyes.
"It's important to remember the casualties of war. The people and not the machines that take part in it."
I jump as Shiranui's voice comes from right behind me. She's really good at sneaking up on people. I wonder if she notices that. She continues on.
"It's easy to glorify the machines. State of the art, gleaming and impressive pieces of equipment, built by your own nation. A symbol you can put your feelings behind, and because of that the humans that operate and die in those machines can often be forgotten."
"But.. which ones are we?"
Shiranui's answer doesn't come right away.
"That's for each of us to decide, I think."
- -
Shiranui continued her lesson on American history from where we left off. It's calming just to listen to her voice, without any trace of hidden malice or frustration.
"... And that's a good place to end it for today."
"It was pretty interesting, Shiranui. Crossing all the way to the Pacific certainly sounded dangerous. And all those untamed rivers."
"Indeed. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about, or maybe.. how do they say it... what's on the low down?"
"... Huh?"
"You know, scuttlebutt, hearsay, the grapevine, something you heard from a little bird, rumors, the e-4 maf-"
"Oh, oh! I get it. …. wait. I didn't imagine this would be something that interested you, Shiranui."
"Information is key to victory, even false information can be used effectively."
"You make it sound easy... eh, I don't really have anything."
Shiranui takes a sip before replying to me.
"Well. I've heard that they're making Naka a destroyer leader."
That girl? Really? I wouldn't trust her with anything but dancing and putting on a pretty face.
"Shiranui... you don't really believe that."
"I feel as though it is possible. I've also heard Maikaze and Nowaki are prime canidates to join her."
"Still, something like that almost seems irresponsible."
"We'll see. I have something else to show you."
Shiranui brings her laptop over to the table and spins it around so it's facing me.
"These are from last night."
Sure enough, there's who must be Shoukaku, dressed up in some vaguely familiar outfit, like something from one of Yuubari's games, together with a well built man, climbing into a small helicopter.
"Who's that with Shoukaku?"
"The American admiral of course, they had quite the adventure the other day. Apparently Zuikaku didn't find out what happened until today."
"Do you think she'll be angry?"
"Probably, but it will pass quickly enough."
- - - -
We pass the rest of the night talking about small things here and there. Tomorrow is the the party that I was sort of randomly invited to a couple of days ago. I hope Kitakami is up for it. The lights are already out when I enter our room, I make sure to make as little noise as possible before getting my bunk.
I felt like Ooi really wanted to tell me something, but she was pretty tight lipped until after breakfast and back in the room.
"Kitakami, do you want to go to a party today?"
"I was invited by one of the marines. It would be a fun thing to do, right?"
"I dunno."
Ooi falls uncharacteristically silent, searching for the right words.
"...I'm sure there will be lots of good food, and I doubt any of the other girls will be going. We don't have to stay the whole day."
"Well... That doesn't sound too bad."
Ooi's face immediately brightens. I didn't know how much she was looking forward to it.
"We should wear our summer uniforms!"
Oh, those. They were our two piece tan uniforms that showed off your midriff pretty well. It was getting hot outside, so it's not a bad idea.
"Yeah, yeah, that's fine."
- - -
Well, this is the place marked on Ooi's little slip of paper. Near the water, officer housing, pretty nice. There's music and the sounds of general revelry coming from the back fenced-in yard. It's an all wooden fence, the kind that doesn't really let you see in.
"Let's go over there" Ooi points towards a gate in the fence next to the house.
There's no latch on the gate, so I guess it only opens from the back? I knock on the gate. The top half of a close shaven head appears at the top of the gate, eyes peering down at us. It doesn't speak.
"We're uh, here for the party." Ooi answers the silent head.
The eyes of the quickly scan Ooi's figure and mine before answering.
"Normally I'd ask for your invite, but I'm sure this will be fine. Come on in, the food is almost ready."
There's a some tents set up with plenty of seating and the main focus seem to be a few large grills running hot. We're about halfway to getting on line for food when one of the marines notices us.
"They don't make marines that cute, who the hell are you two?"
The party seems to take a pause as the music is lowered and all heads are turned towards us.
"Hey, chill out Ives, I invited them." Ooi's eyes flash with a hint of recognition at the voice.
"You bribed them Elbon, there's no way you'd get two girls to talk to you." Another voice from the crowd.
Ooi's acquaintance, Elbon, steps out in front of us. Ooi reaches stretches her hand with practiced grace; the marine pauses uncertainly before taking it, earning a few shouts from the rest of the party. Ooi introduces me and herself. What a show-off. The music is turned up again.
"Oh for fucks s-" The new voice is immediately interrupted by a stream of
I don't really understand the Americans sometimes.
- - -
We're in line for food now. Ooi's chatting away with the person in front of us. I don't know how she does it. I feel so out of place right now. Hopefully the food will be worth the we-
I jump a bit in surprise as someone gave my butt a squeeze. The next thing I hear is a smack and a the sound of a body hitting the ground. Ooi's standing over the fallen body, and it's pretty obvious to put the two and two together. The entire line has their heads bent in different directions to see the causality. What the in the world is Ooi thinking? No, she's not thinking at all.
"I'm so sorry about Ooichi, she's just a little protective, plea-"
My frantic apologies are broken up by a chorus of 'oooohs' and other jeers at the fallen marine.
By some sheer stroke of luck or cultural norms we seemed to have dodged a bullet right there. I glance over at Ooi, a smug look on her face as she's showered with attention. I can't believe this. I reach down and help the battered marine to his feet. He's got a big red handprint on his face. Ouch.
"Hey, no hard feelings, alright?"
The marine just nods, and grabs something from one of the coolers before taking a seat.
We're getting close to the end of the line now, I can see all kinds of meats being laid out, fresh from the grill. Ooichi picks out some meats and heads down to another table for sides. The server calls out to me.
"Hey there, cutie, what'll you be getting?"
"I'll uh.. have four sausages."
"Oh ho, well now I'd tell you to leave some for the people behind you, but I'm really diggin' your braids, so I'll give you a pass."
"Hey that's bullshit, I'd braid my hair for you if it wasn't out of regs." A deep voice from behind me.
I'm not really familiar with all the different sides, but everything here has that home cooked feel, so I guess I probably can't go wrong with anything. I see where Ooichi is sitting and take a seat across from her.
"Hey Kitakami, why do you get four hotdogs?"
"Ahhhgrrh ggrasha haaa." I reply thoughtfully, as I've already started stuffing my mouth.
"Man look at that girl devour those 'dogs..."
"She's a pro alright."
Ooichi's face turns bright red. "Don't speak with your mouth full Kitakami!"
"Ahh, it's fine, it's fine." I reply as I wipe some mustard off my cheek.
As we finish off our food Ooichi is still busy chatting with a few nearby partygoers, but my attention is turned towards a few people pouring out a bunch of peer into plastic cups. What's the point? One of the marines setting up the table notices me standing around and asks me if I want in on round 1.
"I'm not really sure what you're doing." I replied
"We're gonna play beer pong, I'll take you as my team mate for an easy win, no sweat."
"Yeah, sounds alright."
- - -
That was my first game of beer pong, went pretty good I think. I was definitely carried along. Didn't mind drinking though. That was fine. My partner, Campbell, speaks up.
"Is that the gunney? I guess there wasn't really a way to hide a party of this size from him."
"What's wrong with him?" I asked.
"He'll find a way to get someone in trouble or just come here to ruin fun. Probably something about reflective belts."
He certainly looks like an adversary. Like Goto on a real bad Kongou day, and with twice the muscle mass. He's about to ream into a group of party goers until a faint sing song voice is heard and the entire party opens up with shouts of one name: Tatsuta. She saunters up to the stock still gunnery sergeant and drapes an arm around his neck, saying something into his ear.
"I had no idea she was so popular."
"She was a real riot at the last party, really made it something else.You know Tatsuta?" Campbell asks.
"Yeah, we work together, sometimes."
I can see the gears slowly turn together in his head, a look of terror on his face for but an instant before returning to normal.
- - -
We won round 2 also, but it wasn't as close. After that I got into a contest with a few other marines. Who could do more shots of 'Jack'. I was done after three. I wasn't standing at that point so much I was leaning. Hmm, Ooichi's coming over, I was wondering were she was at.
"Kitakami! You're completely drunk, you can't even stand up."
"Iim find. This is find. I'm taking it easy right now."
"Let's go home Kitakami. I really think you should lie down."
"Huh? Yuuur the one who wanted to come here in the first place and now you want to go home already? Whats with that?"
Ooi pretty much tore me from my support (bye Campell) and pulled me out of the party.
"You'll thank me later Kitakami."
I must have been pretty out of it because I don't remember much else. Aside from getting home and falling asleep.
- - -
I stir on my bunk, and look at my watch, 2100. Only out for a couple of hours I think. The day's events all coming back to me, along with a faint headache. What the hell is going on with Ooi.
"Ooi. We need to talk."
"Oh, Kitakami, you're awake."
"What the hell is your problem?"
Ooi's mouth hangs open slightly, totally off-guard.
"You're constantly dragging me around or telling me go do different things and then when I finally enjoy myself you pull me out. Are you just messing with me?"
"N-no! I really wanted you to have fun, it's just..." Ooi breaks eye contact with me
"Just what!"
"I didn't want anyone to take advantage of you, that's all"
I snort at hearing that. The absolute madgirl.
"You really think someone was going to do anything to me after you pretty much dislocated some guy's jaw? That wasn't o-k either! We could have gotten in serious trouble for that, you know like being locked away in some dumb cell. I don't need you hovering around checking every single person I decide to hang out with, not to mention doing your best scaring off anyone from wanting to talk to me."
Ooi's face of shock and confusion turns into anger and vindication.
"I wasn't trying to do anything of the sort, I really care about you Kitakami!"
"If you care about me so much why can you never let me do what I want?
"You always look bored and unhappy, I'm just trying to find something that we can enjoy together! You're always lashing out at the other girls."
"Those destroyers? They bring it on themselves, buncha idiots. But we're still getting off track. I think you're just jealous when I'm hanging out with other people. If you're gonna go through everyone I associate with using a couple of chopsticks, who are you hanging out with? Who do you keep visiting at night?"
I can see Ooi's frustration at this question, and her thought process is transparent as she wonders if she can pass off a lie. That won't get by me.
"I've been visiting Shiranui."
And so it comes out.
"You're worrying about me when you've been hanging out with that psychopath? She's a killer who wouldn't lose any sleep over snapping a few necks."
A feeling I've seen Ooi direct at people before, but never at me, finally comes my way, hate.
"There's nothing wrong with Shiranui! She's just a quiet girl! She's not cold or heartless at all. How can you say something like that?"
"Don't visit her anymore."
"You can't stop me from seeing her, I'm not bringing you into it!"
I jump out of bed, enraged by the hypocrisy.
"Oh, but you can dictate all my moves? Forget this. Go stay with her then, I don't need you, and I don't want you lording over me anymore!"
I wasn't holding a gun, but Ooi still looked like she just took a bullet.
Those words. I wasn't wanted. Wasn't needed.
A surge of emotion flows through my head as I stare blankly at Kitakami. I only break away when I feel sharp pain in my shoulder. I didn't even realize I was clutching at it so hard. If this is what she wants...
"Fine. I wouldn't want to stay any longer with someone as bitter as you anyway."
I have to force the words out, half truths. Kitakami's eyebrows furrow in anger, but she doesn't say anything.
It's the most awkward feeling. Packing away everything you own into a dufflebag, while a pair of eyes bore into your back, a silent whip. It's true she doesn't really have any authority of the sort to kick me out, but what's the point of staying? Even if it does blow over, nothing will change and things will just repeat.
I stop at the threshold. Part of me wants to apologize, but that thought is quickly cast away. I settle for just a look back at Kitakami, her face impassive, before turning towards the open door and into the night. It's not until a warm breeze passes over my face that I realize I need to actually find a place to sleep. I could ask for a new room, but that would be selfish and probably refused anyway, since there isn't enough space for everyone to have their own room. Yuubari isn't an option either; as excited as she would to be to have me over, she's on good terms with Kitakami. I wouldn't want to ruin that. That only really leaves one choice.
I can hear music from this side of the door. As I reach for the door I notice how slick my palms are, what's going on? I knock a few times.
Shiranui opens the door. Her hair's down and is only wearing a t-shirt and her bike shorts.
"Ooi. It's late and.." She pauses, tilting her head slightly to look at the dufflebag I'm carrying before returning her gaze to my eyes... probably all red. "Is something wrong?"
"I'm not. I'm not. Staying with Kitakami anymore. I wanted to know if I could room with you."
Shiranui doesn't reply immediately. I can't tell what she's thinking at all. She makes eye contact again, and I can feel the intensity.
"This is going to be a blunt question. Are you doing this to get back at Kitakami?"
The question hurt, to have my integrity doubted already. But Shiranui was the one with the resources, so it makes sense she could ask whatever she wanted. I can't meet her eyes when I respond.
"She was the one who wanted me gone."
"That doesn't answer the question."
"No!" My voice cracks. "I still l... I don't dislike Kitakami."
I can't take it. I'm about to turn away when Shiranui grabs my wrist.
"You can room here as long as you wish."
- - -
"You can use this dresser, I don't use it. I'll clean off the bottom bunk for you." It looks like she was making a scrapbook or something. "You certainly came at an interesting time. I sortie tomorrow morning. Our group is due to meet up with Tone and Chikuma." I suddenly feel terrible again. Imposing like this.
"I had no idea."
"It shouldn't be a problem. It's not quite bedtime yet."
It seems Shiranui has some nice speakers hooked up to the laptop on her desk. "It's done." Shiranui announces as she steps back from the bottom bunk; all nicely made with a corner of the top blankets folded down to form a right triangle. A perfect invitation. "I won't ask about what happened between you, but I will listen if you wish. I'm going to get ready for bed."
As Shiranui goes to brush her teeth I finish unpacking the few things I own. As I climb into the bottom bunk Shiranui clicks a few things on her laptop, turning down the music.
Afterwards the lights are turned off and I hear her climb into the top bunk.
"If I don't make it back, don't feel as if you need to keep my pictures up."
I tried to imagine myself taking them all down. For some reason it really hurt. "That's not something you should be thinking about before you sleep."
"Well, what should I be thinking about?" Shiranui replied.
I didn't have a quick answer for that.
"How did you start getting all those pictures anyway and learning about history anyway?"
"When we came back we all knew how to talk, correct? How to dress, eat, walk, fight. We could at least function on our own in a basic society. But I realized just how little I knew of the world. Of anything. It bothered me. I decided that the best place to start was from the beginning. The history of the world and how it came to be today."
"That seems like a really big task."
"I wanted to better myself. War isn't something new. It's important to learn from the past."
"Did you just want to be a better fighter?"
There's a few quiet breaths before Shiranui responds. "I'm not sure."
"I don't think thats the case. You really seem to know a lot."
"I... I don't feel like I'm that smart. Choukai is much smarter than I am."
I smile a bit, she can be soft too. "Maybe at math. I bet she doesn't know all the things you do."
"Maybe you can answer this, Ooi. Do you know why the Admiral always seems to avoid Kongou?"
I laughed silently at this. There was probably a lot of reasons. "He's probably just a little intimidated by her."
"I don't really understand. How is she intimidating? She's always trying to do things for him."
"Well, maybe not in the traditional sense... He's probably not sure how to respond to her. She can be very pushy."
"So you're saying he doesn't like her at all?"
I shake my head, even though she can't see me. "It's not like that at all... I think. Kongou idolizes him, and I think that puts a lot of pressure on Goto. Maybe he's a little scared of not living up to her expectations. You know how straightforward Kongou is."
"It seems more complex than I thought..."
- - -
Nnn.... I'm still in bed but it looks like Shiranui is about to leave. I'm not sure the sun is even up yet. I wondered if I should say goodbye, but I couldn't find the right words. I've always fought with Kitakami, so I never really had to see her off. I give a silent prayer of good luck for her.
Hnn. I stirred in my bunk, illuminated faintly by light seeping under the curtain and doorframe. I sl-o-o-o-wly stretch out as I rise out of bed. A completely new feeling, waking up on my own terms. Feels like a good time to have breakfast.
… Oh …
The electric clock on my desk says 11:00. The defac is already serving lunch. Lunch is fine too I guess.
- - -
I step up the concrete stairs leading to the cafeteria, and put myself at the end of the short-order line. It seems there's a new employee behind the counter. She's.... massive. Vertically, at least. Something just seems off. I wait in line until it's my turn to place an order.
"Hello!" She greets me. "What can I make for you"
"I'll have a turkey club. Are you new around here? I feel like I've seen you before." She jumps up in surprise.
"I-I just started! I'm just a new s-s-s-s... sh shhh … shheerrrver. I'm a new server here." She closes her eyes and nods, as if confirming this to herself. Whatever. After receiving my sandwich I find and empty table and start eating.
It's not the same.
As I see one of the short destroyers walk towards my table, I begin to realize an unexpected weakness of sitting alone; someone will want to sit next to you. I'm thinking of a particularly scathing remark as I remember that she's one of the light carriers. I'm sure they're an okay bunch. It's a good thing these aren't tall tables.
"Heya there Kitakami."
I picture her climbing a bar stool like a mountain. The icy winds blowing her twintails furiously.
"I've juss been so frustrated! I'd thought for sure I was gonna get to go with the other carriers."
"... Eh?"
"Ya, know! On the expedition today. I was bein' considered, but they ended up going with some submarines to replace me. What with all these full-sized carriers we have lyin' aound, I feel like I'm not even needed anymore. Even worse there's a yankee carrier now."
"I guess I know how you feel, I haven't really been doing anything lately either."
"Tsh, Even if all the carriers that went out got blew to bits they'd still have the two crane sisters ... just can't catch a break, probably thought I'd be too slow and keep 'em all held back."
I swirl my straw in my soda around, thinking.
"Isn't Kaga the slowest though?"
I hear a gurgling sound it looks like Ryuujou chokes a bit on a piece of food.
"That... that... I CAN'T BELEIVE THIS!" She says as she slams down her now empty milk carton. "I don't wanna be stuck escortin' cargo ships all the time, ya know?"
"That's what destroyers are for anyway, right?"
"Hmm Hmm!" She nods in agreement.
"I'm really with you on this, I'm tired of just.... living.... I want to go fight."
"Erh, I wouldn't put it like that..."
Ryuujou still looks a bit downcast. It seems like she's folding a paper napkin in vague airplane shape.
"That's not going to go anywhere."
She does a few weird motions with her hand and whispers at the paper plane before picking it up and tossing it at me.
I'm pretty unamused, seeing as it's probably going to land right on my plate. Instead it instantly loops upward and over Ryuujou's head, smoothly sailing through the cafeteria before gently unfolding and draping itself over a petty officer's head.
"That's a pretty good trick."
"Ehe, thanks thanks....." Ryujou replies, blushing a bit.
We finish off our lunch before parting ways, Ryuujou telling me "Ya not as bad as they say."
As I'm walking back to my room I notice a figure behind a tree; trying, and failing at being inconspicuous. The light green hair in a high ponytail sticks out as I come past.
"Psst, hey Kitakami."
"Yuubari, what are you doing?"
"Kitakami you've got to see this! It's great. Follow me." Yuubari bolts off, across a pristine lawn before stopping at the next grove of trees to look back. She waves her hand in a beckoning manner.
I guess I don't have anything else to do.
I jog after her as she leads me across the base. I follow her as she goes through a small path between a row of bushes and a chain-link fence before I stop her.
"Hey, hey, are we about to steal something?"
Yuubari pauses, before turning around, her backpack swishing. "Eh, no, not exactly. I mean stealing is taking the original copy and we're just.." I raise up my hands to interrupt her.
"Fine, technicalities, whatever. Where are we?"
"This is the back of the CIC. The fence isn't secured down here, and there's a tree we can climb to the roof. Come on."
"What. What?" Yuubari ignores my protest as she slips around the fencing, while I follow reluctantly.
We use the nearby tree to climb up to the first floor roof, where we're able to take a maintenance ladder to the upper roof. Yuubari goes to sit in the shadow of an airvent, taking out her laptop.
"Can you tell me what this is all about already?"
"Some idiot left a wireless usb clicker plugged into one of the main computers. What a fool."
"Uh yeah. Yep." I'd leave right now, but I'm not sure how to get back to the dorms from here anwyay. I take a seat right next to Yuubari, intent on getting something out of this trip.
"Alright... here we go." Yuubari types and clicks a bit on her keyboard, before a video of some sort appears. "This is live."
It's the sea.... An aerial view. I can see the wakes of multiple ships below, before they open up with their cannons. "Can't you zoom in?" I asked.
"Ah, well I can but they might notice that the camera controls are moving on th-"
"Come on Yuubari just do it."
A few more clicks the camera zooms in and the unmistakable forms of our heavy cruisers can be seen: Maya, Tone, Chikuma, Takao. Their rate of fire increases, as splashes from enemy shells shoot up the sea.
"Looks like we tuned in right at the action."
The frequency of incoming shots increases, hits landing on Takao and Maya, each of them buckling with every impact, but still sailing strong. Yuubari is silent, eyes fixated on the screen.
"Hey, Yuubari go look at what they're shooting."
She moves the camera onto the abyssal cruisers, it looked like at least one was completely disabled, but the others were mostly shrugging off shells like you would rain. Yuubari zooms the camera out again.
"I-I don't think they're winning." Yuubari says quietly. A shell hits Takao, silencing one of her primary turrets. The beating continues as the allied fleet changes direction away from the abyssals. "Kitakami... they're not gonna win like this."
"There have to be other units, zoom out further."
Yuubari searches the area and finds a double flotilla of destroyers, zooming in to confront the abyssals. They're already exchanging fire. Here come the expendable assets. A tight grouping of shells hits one of our destroyers, a fireball springs up and her speed drops.
"No!" Yuubari shouts out before covering her mouth. "That was H-hayashimo... we.. we just had... those drinks together."
I just felt frustration. Can't dodge, can't take a hit. Useless.
"Are you crying Yuubari? That's what they're for. Going into the thick of it and protecting the important assets."
There's no response.
The carnage continues on both sides, each bloodying each other. The abyssal destroyers have mostly been destroyed, but most of the allied destroyers have taken hits or been disabled, while the enemy cruisers still sail onward.
It's not looking good. Maybe some torpedo hits can change the tide but none of those worthless destroyers even carry enough to do any good. I'd have cleared the enemy out by now. The camera focus is back on the abyssal cruisers, firing at anything nearby as it chases after our heavy cruisers. Fresh impacts suddenly appear on the abyssal cruiser from an odd angle. I nudge Yuubari. "Hey, HEY! Where are those shots coming from?"
It's not until I flick the side of her head does she move the camera about before focusing on a a gleaming ship, a huge cruiser, completely foreign to me. It fires its guns at a frightening rate, silencing the opposition quickly. The sounds of battle end as all cannons fall silent. I rack my brain for an explanation. A submerged ship? Some sort of advanced American technology? That can't be right. It's lacking the hard angles and smooth surfaces of a modern warship.
Hmm. A returned ship, that's probably it. How absurd. As if every battle could be solved by just pulling a fresh warship out of literally nowhere.
I stand up, "Looks like we won." There's no point staying around watching fires be put out and a sail back to port.
"Y-yeah.." Yuubari answers, without enthusiasm.
I climb down off the roof, without hearing anyone behind me. I'll find my way back eventually.
- - -
As fate would have it, I end up running into Ise and Hyuuga within minutes of leaving Yuubari. Maybe the gym is over here? Dunno. As much as it pains me they probably know the way back.
"Oy, hey Kitakami." Ise cheefully waves at me.
"We just finished our workout, wanna get some dinner with us?" Hyuuga chimes in. They're both built like a goddamn bunker, there's no way they had this much.... mass on them when they I first met them. Does that make them stronger ships too?
"Uh. Yeah. Let's do that." What do they even eat to get that big? As soon as my affirmative is heard, Ise instantly wraps her arm around my shoulders, pulling me close as we start walking.
"You seem a bit upset, Kitakami. What's bothering you?" Hyuuga asks.
"There's nothing wrong with me." We only a few more steps before I almost lose my footing because Ise has stopped walking with me still in her grip.
"Oh my god." Ise spins me around to look directly at her. "You lost Ooi. Listen, there's no need to worry we'll help you out." My mouth opens but no sounds are able to come out.
"She couldn't have gone far, right Ise? We should split up."
"Tut tut, Hyuuga. Don't you know that's how we get lost even more? Besides, this way with three sets of eyes we won't miss anything."
These idiots. How do they even function.
"I haven't lost Ooi." I say calmly, before these two can work themselves up even more.
"Eh? Then where is she right now." Ise asks
"I don't know." It was a mistake to reply this quickly.
Before Ise can say anything Hyuuga speaks up. "Ah, I understand. Listen Kitakami, we won't tell anyone that you got lost. We'll hook you up with Ooi and we'll cover for you, no problem."
I scream internally. This is an abstract kind of hell.
"I don't know where Ooi is because I don't care. She can go do whatever she wants. I was just taking a walk until I made a mistake of running into both of you. Good BYE." I mange to slip out of the industrial clamp's grip and start walking off in a different direction. Any direction.
"Eh.... ehhhh? But Kitakami it's wing night! Come on let's go!"
"I bet she already ate, Ise."
I had heard some rumors about the fate of the expedition while at dinner. Turns out that everyone is coming back victorious. That's a relief. I wouldn't want to be alone. I was just sitting at the desk, passing time with a crossword puzzle. I also found out that Shiranui had taken some minor damage. I was thinking of going to visit her at the hospital...
There's sounds at the door, I can hear the lock being worked.
The door opens and Shiranui is standing there, her normal look of mild discontent on her face. She makes eye contact with me before speaking.
"Tadaima." [T/L note: you should know this]
She's still standing there, looking at me. I can feel my cheeks reddening. I look down at my lap as I reply with the traditional response. "Okaeri."
I hear the door close and a bounce of springs as shiranui throws herself on her bunk. "I've wanted to say that at least once..." Shiranui trails off and is quiet for a moments. "I'm tired."
It feels like the proper thing would be to ask how her day was... But isn't that too cliché? Still, I want to know.
"How um, did everything go today?"
I hear her take a deep breath before replying. "It went awful. I was awful. Nothing went right, and yet, we still came back as victors. I was given a small command. My force was nearly decimated... I'm no leader: poor resource management, timing,poor grasp of our force capabilities. And yet, when we returned back not one ill word or chastisement was sent my way."
"You still brought everyone back. Do you really want to be berated for your performance."
"Maybe." There's a hint of venom in her voice as she continues. "At least then I know something would be expected from me. Maybe they didn't even expect any of us to make it out of there."
"That's nonsense Shiranui, you're thinking too much into it."
"How can I think too much into it? I have no excuses for when the blame is placed onto me for the damages sustained by the other destroyers."
"Have you even talked to the other members of your group?"
"Well I did see Fubuki briefly-"
"...And did she show any sort of anger towards you?"
"No, bu-"
"You're trying to shoulder all the blame for everything that happened, and nobody expects that."
I hear her sigh and pull the bed covers over her. "Maybe I should share in some of your optomisim. Can you please turn off the lights? I'm going to bed. You can use the desk lamp if you wish."
I didn't stay up much longer.
- -
I woke up first the next morning. I was surprised by our conversation last night. Shiranui always seems so cool and collected. It must have been rough on her. I'll make some tea for her. Soon enough I can hear her stirring in bed as she rolls around a bit. After a few minutes she eventually gets out of bed and dressed.
"I'm sorry about last night."
"I didn't think before speaking. I was being unrealistic. I shouldn't have offloaded my problems onto you."
"W-well it's nothing to be sorry about. Sometimes you just need a second opinion."
"Still..." Shiranui's remorseful expression slowly fades to her normal stoic appearance. "Well, did you have any plans for today?"
Before I can answer there's a knock at the door. Shiranui opens it to reveal a twin-tailed girl in the same uniform as Shiranui's.
"Yooooo~ Shiranui!" The new girl cheerfully exclaims.
"Kagerou. Good morning."
"How'ya doing? You sure gave the abyssals a good beating yesterday."
Shiranui seems almost shy around her.
"I'm doing fine Kagerou. Thank you for checking."
Maybe shy isn't the right word. Maybe...? More receptive? Warmer.
"Hmmm, ok then...Hey! You've got a friend over, is that Ooi?"
I give her a wave.
"Yes. She's staying with me."
"Ehhh!?" Kagerou almost jumps onto Shiranui, hugging her tight. "I'm sooo glad you made a friend!"
"It, hnngh, isn't that big of a deal."
"Anyway. I'm very proud of you Shiranui. You know you can visit whenever right?"
"Yes, of course."
"I'll be off then, bye Ooi! Please be understanding with Shiranui, she can be a handful sometimes."
"I-I... am not..."
And with that, Kagerou was off, leaving a slightly flustered Shiranui in her wake. Shiranui turns around to face me, and straightens out her already crisp uniform.
"As you can tell, that was Kagerou."
"Yes, she's very lively."
"I have great respect for Kagerou. She always puts others before herself and takes care of the rest of the Kagerou-class. I think she dotes on me particular though."
I can see why. Kagerou must be overjoyed seeing Shiranui with someone.
"I noticed you didn't bring very much with you when you came over." (I don't own much.) "Do you want to go shopping today?"
"Ok, let's do it." I replied.
"And ah," Shiranui turns her head to look at one of the pictures on her wall. "I wanted to get more clothes and I thought you... might be better suited than myself for picking something out."
(S-she's cute!)
"Oh! Um, I think I could help with that."
"Good. We'll leave shortly."
- - -
We just picked up some basics, and soon enough we were looking at clothing. Shiranui seems like a sporty type maybe? Could try some capris and and nice collared shirt on her... I notice her gaze going over to some of the flowery dresses though. I bet I could find something nice and simple for her.
"Wait here a second, Shiranui."
I come back with some things for her to try on.
"Go on, go put this on."
"...Right here?" Shiranui tilts her head slightly while replying.
"Yea-No. In the dressing room over there."
"Oh. Of course."
I sit on a bench while waiting for Shiranui to change. Although I'm feeling pretty good I can't get one thing out of mind.
I wish I was with Kitakami doing this...
"W-well... How do I look?"
Shiranui is standing in front of me, wearing the white sundress I had picked out. It's a front button-up, with some minimal embroidery, but the dress slowly turns transparent as it nears the bottom. I also found a straw sun hat, and I tied a light blue ribbon above the brim, to match her hair bobble.
"It's wonderful, Shiranui."
She slowly spins around looking in at herself in the mirror. "If you say so." Shiranui's cheeks are almost the color of her hair. One of the store attendants notices us.
"That looks great on you. If you want I can ring it up for you right and and you can wear it out."
"That won't b-" I step infront of Shiranui and raise my voice over hers.
"-That will be great!" I give the employee a big smile as Shiranui makes some cute noises behind me.
We end up getting a few more things before leaving, Shiranui making worried looks everywhere, like someone is going to sneak up on her.
- - -
As we're walking home I hear an electronic beep.
"Oh, that's my cell phone. Kagerou had given them to a bunch of us..." Shiranui reaches inside one of the bags she's carrying to grab her phone.
"Oh. There's going to be an Commander's call after dinner. Let's drop off our purchases first before getting something to eat."
- - -
Shoukaku is standing at the entrance the the building of where the assembly is being held, clipboard in hand.
"Hello Ooi-san... And is that Shiranui!? Ahh! She's so cute looking."
Shiranui is doing her best to hold her neutral expression, but it isn't working very well. "Hello Shoukaku-san, we went shopping today."
"I'm a little jealous. Anyway, the auditorium is down the hall to the left."
As we enter the auditorium Kagerou stands up waving to us. Shiranui sits next to her, and I take the adjacent seat. More girls make their way in and take seats, Tatsuta and Tenryuu end up sitting on my other side. I doubt Kitakami is here, nobody probably told her about it...
My attention is turned to the stage, where two of the Kongou sisters are currently pulling Kongou herself. Hiei and Haruna both have one of Kongou's arms held tightly to their chest as they slowly pull her off the stage.
"Noooo~, I have to stay on the stage and give morale support to the Admiraaaaaal."
"Don't you remember what happened last time Nee-san? Just like I'm not allowed in the kitchen anymore, you aren't allowed up on stage."
"It's alright, we can all sit in the front row, there's no way he can miss you then."
Kongou is all but thrown into one of the seats, as her sisters take the flanking seats, each placing one of their hands on Kongou's knees, to reinforce their decision. The lights dim as the stage spotlights come on, illuminating Admiral Goto.
"Hello, everyone." He starts.
A chorus of replies of varying enthusiasm.
"I'm glad to announce that the amount of physical altercations has gone down significantly, even with the introduction of American ships. Please keep this trend up. I'd also like to congratulate the members of the last successful expedition: Tone, Chikuma.... "
He continues on to list off the participating ships, going to highlight some of their accomplishments. Shiranui nudges me, before whispering something in my ear.
"I had guessed that this was going to be an award ceremony, but I guess I forget they don't give awards out to ships, just people."
Goto finishes talking about the expedition, but I'm not listening, still in shock from that comment.
"I'd now like to take this time to introduce a few new arrivals. First off is the American heavy Cruiser Northhampton."
From stage left comes a pretty well built and... honestly pretty good looking... man. He's looks a little confused though.
"Uh, yeah. Hey."
The entire auditorium erupts with banter, with some particularly enthusiastic calls from Tatsuta nearby.
"Wow. Wow. If I knew everyone was waiting for me I'da have came back sooner."
He waves before heading off the stage and Goto takes up the podium again.
"I'd also like to introduce our own new arrivals, Sendai herself has finally arrived at our base."
As if appearing out of nowhere, a girl clad in a similar orange outfit to Naka and Jintsuu, steps out from behind the back stage curtains.
She approaches the front of the stage, and does a bow.
That's it. She walks off stage after that. A few snorts and giggles come from around the room, particularly the younger destroyers. Goto is slumping forward, his hands propping up his forehead. He doesn't even bothering looking up before speaking again.
"And then we have this person I wasn't even told her name why do I li-"
The 'girl' places her arm on Goto's back, interrupting his despair. Calling her a girl would be somewhat inaccurate. She has the appearance of an lady, although not very tall compared to some of the other ships. She's wearing traditional japanese clothes and her hair is tied up in a long high-top ponytail. She gently nudges Goto out of the way to take the microphone.
"Ahem... Hello everyone! My, there are certainly a lot of you here. Ah? I think I see some other aircraft carriers around too? You all look wonderful. Ah, excuse me, my name is Houshou. I hope to get to know every one of you, I'm not really familiar with this base, so please assist me in the upcoming days."
She's the only one to receive any applause. Houshou huh... She's one of the first aircraft carriers I think.
Admiral Goto looks a little better, than earlier taking the stand for the last time.
"Uh.... Good work everyone, you're all dismissed."
At those words, Kongou bolts upright and nearly jumps onto the stage... If not for Hiei catching her arm at the last moment, causing Kongou's forehead to be introduced to the front of the wooden stage. It's barely an inconvenience though, as she recovers quickly and attempts to climb up with Hiei still clinging on.
A look of abject terror is on Goto's face as he slowly pieces together what is happening, doing an about face and making his best flank speed out of the room.
We both say goodbye to Kagerou before leaving. Shiranui receives a few compliments on our way out, getting redder with each one.
Before we're outside the building, Ise and Hyuuga call out to me.
"Hey, Ooi. Did you ever find Kitakami?"
"Or maybe did she find you already?" Ise adds.
"... What are you talking about?" I asked
"Oh well, we ran into her earlier and she looked kinda disstressed and-"
I interreupt Hyuuga. "We're not together anymore." Ise and Hyuuga's mouth's both make a small 'o' shape and they shoot embarrassed glances at each other. I don't bother waiting for a response, as I grab Shiranui's hand and pull her towards the door. I can still hear them talking behind us.
"Hey Hyuuga, you wouldn't leave me in the middle of the night, right?"
"Of course not Ise, you'd have to be awake for my parting gift."
"Oh? What would you get me?"
"A black eye."
- - - -
It would have been a normal morning, if not for the delivery of a TV far bigger than I needed to my room. I had insisted I ordered no such thing and had tried to refuse it, until it was pointed out to me that apparently they had been purchased for every room.
"Oh, isn't this impressive Shiranui?"
It covered up some of my photographs when mounted on the bureau.
"I didn't really need this..."
Ooi seems oblivious to my response, her eyes lit up with excitement as she turns the television on, marveling at the picture quality and sound. It's a complete change from her countenance only a few days earlier. I don't regret my decision. Ooi is clicking through the channels before leaving it on a music channel.
I remember her face vividly. It was more than one of sadness, it was one of complete defeat. Like she had given up on life. In retrospect I never really had a choice; to turn her away would be morally wrong thing to do. I regret asking her such a blunt and insensitive question. I never want to see such a face on her again. She... Ooi... Ooi was the first person to ever give me a present. Well, maybe that's not entirely true. Kagerou has given things to me before, but I can't really describe why it's different. Perhaps it's that Kagerou is more of family than anything else, our ship class's big sister. I never expected anything in return for the meager assistance I had provided to Ooi that day. Yet there she was, handing me a gift. I knew at that moment, I had to reach out, to establish a connection with her; a friendship. Kagerou always told me that I needed to spend more time with others. I never understood her reasoning at the time, but maybe now I can see what she was getting at.
It was a peaceful morning.
- - -
The morning passed by. I could almost describe it as idyllic. I went over to bathroom mirror and straightened out my ribbon. "Do you wish to go to lunch now, Ooi?" I called to her over the TV.
"Oh! Yeah. That sounds good."
We leave my [our] room into the stunning midday sun.
"Chikuuumaaa~, Chikuuumaaaaa~" Tone's distinct voice calls out from below. They must have been released this morning. We take the stairs down the to the ground floor to see Tone and Chikuma both in swimwear, sitting on lawn-chairs out in the sun. I don't really get it. Chikuma raises her sunglasses to look over at her sister. "What is it, Tone nee-san?"
"I would like... a square watermelon."
"Eh? Watermelons are always round though."
"Well, usually, but I saw a square watermelon, they exist for sure!"
"Tone Nee-san... Are you lying to me?" Chikuma tilts her head forward to peer at Tone.
"Tsh! Of course not, I wouldn't lie to my sister. I was enlightened to the existence of square watermelons from the television!" Tone exclaims this proudly, as if nothing could prove her wrong.
I decided to try and help clear things up. "You can't just take everything you see on the television as fact."
Tone stands up to look at me and points her thumb at her chest. "I will not be doubted! It was a not an illusion! They were being sold at a market. I saw it during one of those advertisements. You know, the ones that are interrupted by some silly drama or cartoon occasionally."
"What's so special about a square watermelon anyway?" Ooi asks.
Tone's antics pause for a moment, the boilers in her head going at full steam. "Kkhhh! Gaaah... Well they must be amazing! And delicious! Why else would they be so expensive?" Chikuma steps infront of Tone, grabing both her hands; prompting Tone to look up at her sister. "I'll be sure to do my best to get it for you, Tone nee-san"
"Chii- Chiiikuuumaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
My attention isn't towards the two aviation cruisers, rather what's behind them. A submarine with a short mop of peach hair carrying what appears... to... be... a square-ish watermelon. Ooi Nudges me slightly
"Oh my, Shiranui, is that what they're talking about?"
Before I can tell her the mistake she's just made, Tone and Chikuma both turn their heads to see the cubical fruit.
"Eh?" "Ah..."
The submarine notices the deathly gazes she's receiving and turns her head to face the two cruisers. "W-w-what do you want from me, dechi?"
"There it is Chikuma! It does exist! I must have some!" Tone wastes no time standing around and immediately sets off towards the submarine
"N-NOOOOOO LEAVE ME ALONE DECHIII" Goya herself sprints off away from the approaching cruiser, still tightly hugging the watermelon.
"Tone nee-saan! Wait for me!" Chikuma calls after her sister.
- - -
We got our food and found seats across from a glum looking Yuudachi, an expression very unusual for her. She barely acknowledges us as we greet her. Ooi's looking at me and flicks her eyes towards Yuudachi. Ah. I see. "Uhm, Yuudachi. Is everything alright?" I ask her. She stops eating her potatoes for a moment.
"Kinda [tlnote: poi]. It's just Shigure. She's... not doing alright."
"Oh, unfortunate. Do you need help with anything?"
"No, it's fine."
Well, seems like that's it then. I'm about to bite into my lunch when I feel an impact on my shin. "Oww..." Did Ooi do that? I take a look at her and she's giving me this incredulous look. I shrug and quietly whisper "What?" to her. She just rolls her eyes at me. I don't get it. She leans over the table a bit to talk to Yuudachi.
"Does this have something to do with Kitakami? I know she was was b-" Yuudachi interupts her.
"She was there, but It wasn't really her fault, poi."
"What happened?" Ooi asks back.
"Eh, why don't you just talk to Kitakami?" Yuudachi sounds a bit annoyed. Ooi looks a little unsure of how to follow up. "Well, I just wanted the whole story." Yuudachi seems to be appeased by that answer and takes a mouthful of food in before replying back. "She was attacked by some of those annoying dogs the Americans brought over. Ended up hiding in a tree threatening to... kill herself. I think Kitakami and the yankee admiral tried to help her out. I guess it wasn't a very sturdy tree as it ended up breaking and knocking Shigure out. I'm not entirely sure where she is now."
Ooi looks relieved. I guess she didn't want Kitakami to be responsible for that altercation? "I hope you can clear things up with her, Yuudachi."
" Yeah, thanks."
That short conversation ended up being all that was spoken until Yuudachi left, having already been about halfway through her meal when we first sat down. Ooi is the first to say something: "I'm really glad Kitakami didn't do anything bad. I guess I'm just being presumptuous again."
"I'm surprised you can care about her even now." The screech of fork on plate.
"I... I could never hate her." Comes Ooi's carefully measured voice.
I'm not very good at this sort of thing.
- - -
As we exist the defac we both stand on the concrete steps for a moment, surveying the area. An average amount of traffic for late afternoon it seems. I notice Ooi seems to be looking down... around at my hand? When I try and make eye contact with her she seems to find something interesting in the opposite direction. I take the lead down the steps, and I hear the sounds of Ooi's footsteps behind me. We pass by a few familiar faces walking on the sidewalk, including a frustrated looking Zuikaku, who had asked us if we had seen her sister. Her face seemed to grow more gaunt and distressed when we told we had not seen Shoukaku around. I'm watching a few sailors argue across the street as we continue towards our housing when I notice Ooi has stopped moving. I notice the reason why she stopped soon enough. About 50 meters away I see the unmistakable olive green uniform on a girl, the same one as Ooi's. "I'm going to talk to her." She says suddenly, walking forward. The two figures stop about 10 meters infront of me, well within hearing distance. Those two have always been together, but probably never like this; a confrontation. "Hello Kitakami!" Comes Ooi's cheeful voice. Kitakami doesn't even turn to look at her, stopping perpendicular to Ooi.
"What do you want?"
Ooi isn't put off by her curt response. "I just wanted to see how you were doing."
"Do you have anything important to tell me?" Kitakami almost sounds bored, still not looking at Ooi.
"I'm sorry for causing trouble earlier, but I just wanted to know if maybe... we could go have lunch together tomorrow? We could even go o-"
"No." Kitakami finally turns to look at Ooi. "You've already found someone else to leech off of. Why are you trying to bother me still?"
Ooi is trying hard to keep it together, her legs shaking. "But we... I don't know what... I still l-"
"We're through." Ooi's body goes limp, her hands that she held to her chest dangle, her head slumped down. Kitakami starts to walk away from her coming towards me.
Her face... [no] It's just like before. My fists and jaw clench tight, my vision blurs all but Kitakami. Why? Why is she doing this. [I let Ooi make that face again] I don't even remember the kind of expression Kitakami had on. As she passes I hold out my hand, blocking her path. Kitakami furors her eyebrows, looking at me. "What do YOU want?"
"Why are you doing this?" My voice is louder than I expected.
"Huh?" Not defiant, but confused.
"I don't know the details of your falling-out with Ooi. I do now that she has not said a single negative thing about you."
"AND yet you treat her like she is nothing, merely a piece of garbage that happened to roll in front of your path. She clearly still cares a lot about you, yet you can't even show her a modicum of respect?"
There's no quick witty comeback from Kitakami, a look nearing remorse shows on her features.
"It doesn't really matter." Her response does nothing to quench me. As I take a step forward Kitakami also steps back in turn. My voice drops to an intense whisper. "Until you can apologize to her, I don't want you anywhere near her." She doesn't reply aside from a skeptical look. I continue on, "You will not be near her, you will not let her see or hear you, and you will certainly not talk to her at all. Do you understand?"
"You're joking, right?"
I repeat myself slowly. "Do. You. Understand?"
"And what are you going to do if I don't?"
"I will remove you from the area."
For the first time in our meeting Kitakami's demeanor turns serious. We lock gazes and the world outside us seems to stop. If there were sakura petals blowing in the wind it would be the beginning of a cliché samurai duel. Her hands tense up, betraying a will to fight. I ready my left hand to draw the concealed stiletto I carry on my hip, for an occasion such as this. I won't be baited into attacking first.
But the attack never comes, Kitakami's shoulders slump down, and she mutters something inaudible before moving around me. The only thing I hear from her is a "Fine." as she walks past [strike her].
- - -
I don't remember the journey back to our room. All I remember is grabbing Ooi's hand and almost pulling her along. She's sitting on the edge of the lower bunk, eye's glazed over. I need... to do something... nngh. I suddenly feel a little nauseous and hot. I go into the bathroom and flip the light on, revealing my flushed face in the mirror. I rip my neck ribbon off, and take off my vest before unbuttoning a few of my shirt's top buttons. It's not until I splash water on my face do I realize how quickly I'm breathing. I look at my reflection, taking deep breathes until I feel a sense of calm again. I don't understand. These are all... Post combat stress symptoms. I've been in pitched battles before and never felt this way. Why now?
I walk back into the other room. Ooi's in the same place. I can't just do nothing.
Maybe I should talk about something?
Oh, I'm going to put a mark in the rug with all this pacing.
I clear my throat, guess I'll just talk about... "You know, I've always thought myself as a weapon. I thought it was obvious, we're still warships after all." Still no response from Ooi. "But I still recognized the duality of my situation. Normal weapons don't have the same kind of will or choices like we do. That's why I turned to history... I tried to find some sort of... moral compass."
I'm just rambling at this point. But I don't know what else to do.
"I don't really know if I learned anything useful." I took a seat next to Ooi, the bed bouncing slightly. Maybe silence was best? It was a few minutes before anything else happened.
"Kitakami was the first person I met." Ooi's voice is quiet at first, but grows in intensity as she continues on. "I just remember being on a beach, looking for anyone, and then she was there. She grabbed my hands and told me that she would watch out for me and teach me. I felt like I knew her name before she even said anything. We did everything together. Kitakami was never unkind to me. Yet... something happened. Someone changed. Maybe both of us. I eventually I got to know more and more people. I felt that Kitakami was somehow stagnating. Like that once I was able to take care of myself she lost her purpose. I wanted to repay her. For both of us to be happy. Maybe I was too pushy..." Ooi's tone turns to one of anger and annoyance. "Kitakami seemed to react to everything with either apathy or dislike! I can't even remember the last time we... held hands." Ooi leans back on the bed, bouncing her legs off the side. "It's so pathetic, but even now I wish we were still together. Even though I'm next to someone who probably cares just as much as she did. I guess I'm just a selfish girl."
What is she talking about?
Is she talking about me? Guhnuinuinui... Just keep cool.
"I don't mind... indulging you." Like that? [Yeah] Perfect.
Ooi shoots up, sitting up straight, looking right at me, redder than a fresh apple. "D-don't joke around like that..."
- - - -
Ooi's mood quickly improved after that. I have to get ready for my own... private sortie. They put on camoflague for land operations right? Music drifts into the bathroom from the speakers. [Cynthia Harrell - Snake Eater (Abstracted Camouflage Remix)] I take some of the black facepaint and streak it across my forehead and nose.
"Shiranui that isn't how you use make-up. Do you need some help?" I jump a little bit. I didn't know she was over my shoulder.
"N-no I don't need... I'm not putting on make-up. It's... concealment. I'm going on a-uh. Sneaking mission. The use of stealth is required."
The witching hour creeps over the Solomon Islands like a shadow at sunset, and merely seconds after the turn of the day come blips on the radar displays. Tonight they have appeared to the south of the southeastern-most island in the chain, San Cristobal; given a reasonably fast pace of thirty knots, they could hit the shallows within the hour. By now, it's no surprise to the operator that they've appeared well within the maximum range of the radar network's coverage. The enemy's ability to defy physical laws and literally boil out of nothing is their defining trait, after all.
He hesitates only long enough to see if the quartet of dots disappear completely on the next pass, hoping in vain that perhaps those dots are nothing more than a doomed flock of gulls attempting to use the array as a perch. But by the next sweep of the array, the clustered dots have multiplied into a huge cloud some dozens strong, all obscured by a thickening mist of foul weather, and although this is also par for the course, it sends a chill down his spine as he attempts to imagine what a force of such size might look like in person: a screening chevron of several dozen destroyer and cruiser escorts, all arranged around a core of majestic battleships and imposing aircraft carriers as angry wings of patrol and attack aircraft zip through the fogbanks around them. He has only seen such overwhelming force in movies and pictures, and he hopes that such an armada will never appear here, or anywhere else in the world, for that matter.
Fortunately, the third sweep turns up hundreds of dots, almost all of which are obscured underneath a thick blanket of interference. Some of the strong "contacts" are as close as mere meters away; others are somehow within the landmass of the island. He can't help but heave a small sigh of relief at that. Once again, the overload of the monitors is nothing more than the witchery they're long familiar with.
Flipping open a translucent safety covering, he thumbs the bright red switch underneath it. That small motion ignites a throbbing red light high on the room's wall. Painted under it and its many clones in coastal lookouts and forward operating bases on the islands for hundreds of miles around is "ALERT" in a half-dozen different languages, three of which are spoken by billions of people around the world and the others by no more than a few hundred thousand. Here within the Guadalcanal central command center there is no sound to accompany the alarm lights, but from a mere stone's throw away outside in Honiara's harbor to the Choiseul FOB hundreds of the miles to the northwest, klaxons have begun wailing to rouse men and spirits alike from their rest.
"Squalls have come over the sea of Kay-Sef-Un," he says to the other operators in the room. "I saw four ghosts of the drowned before the fog rolled in." Those words are nothing like what a foreign professional might say, but the pidgin they speak amongst themselves lacks words such as "jamming", "sector", or "Abyssal", and loanwords even as simple as the sector code are awkward and uncomfortable. Only when the warchief finishes her launches and returns to the command center will they switch to formal English.
As his compatriots nod and redouble their attentions towards their own displays, scanning their own sectors again and again in case K7 is merely a diversion—and the enemy has proven itself capable of feints before!—he prepares to pass the information to the archipelago's guardian spirits. Generations ago, their forefathers did this very same job with their naked eyes and gifted binoculars, hiding in dugout fishing canoes and jungle looks to report sightings of Japanese ships. The Solomon Islanders of today still fulfill the same basic role, for just as in the past they lack any real capability to meet the foe in head-on battle. They have guns now, but they are decades old, and the few ancient machines of war that they have acquired, whether through means legal or illicit, have even fewer men capable of operating them.
But they do not feel ashamed of their helplessness as their ancestors once did, for mortal men on earth were never meant to fight a foe without flesh or soul.
Only after planning his words out in his head does he key his headset. He is broadcasting to the seaplane patrols first, for the warchief will handle organization of the naval assets herself. "Central to all units," he barks into his headset's microphone, his accent almost British from the tutors and tapes they'd learned from. "Radar pinged four contacts in sector K7. Nearest likely target for them is northwest, on the southwestern San Cristobal shore. Consult the landing maps, you'll see the spot marked there." As the months and sorties had stacked up and the Abyssal doctrine of night transport missions became clear, the spirits asked each island's residents to mark the unused and uninhabited natural harbors of their homes. "Central to Yardbird, ETA until eyes are on target, over."
The moment the operator lets go of the toggle, the radio channel crackles in response as the squadron leader keys in himself, as if he had been impatiently keying his own radio before the operator had finished speaking. "Yardbird to Central, I read you Central, I read you Central," a brash and nasal young man's voice whoops, his words rushed and looping back on themselves in his excitement. "Standby, I say again standby ohhhh-ver!"
A minute passes as Yardbird works on his end. In his mind's eye, the operator can see VP-11's squadron leader whip out the newly printed landing charts, his eyes jumping from red mark to red mark as he makes a dozen complex multi-variable navigational calculations in his head without so much as a slide rule for assistance, rattling off orders to the rest of his charges patrolling with him. A hundred miles away from the command center and thousands of feet high, one of the shadows cast by the clouds in the faint light of the crescent moon suddenly grows weary of the company of its mates, parting ways with them by turning and banking towards the barely shining sea below. Another twenty miles away from that shadow, another one similarly estranges itself from its established patrol route; thirty miles in the opposite direction, a third shadow follows.
"Yardbird to Central, Yardbird here. One of VP-11'll be combing through the south end of K7 in less than ten minutes, got lucky, less than ten minutes until eyes on target, we can already smell the umbrella they've put up." Without so much as stopping for breath, he keeps his radio keyed as he rambles straight onto his next idea. "Two more of us'll be there northwest-ish of it and sweeping southeast in less than twenty, maybe even fifteen, the rest of us'll be all balled up in thirty, all eight of us in thirty. Got in touch with VP-12, they're reversin' their patrol pattern and coverin' for us, sweepin' south side for stragglers'n'runners, say again, searchin' southeast of K7 as chasers. VP-13 and -14 ain't in no position to respond before it's all over or we miss them bug out, so they're stayin' right where they are, y'know, in case we get another visit up north while we're busy. We got some whirlybirds on the way already, right? Hey, lemme talk to Central-Actual!" The operator takes advantage of Yardbird's pause to pick up a pen and start scribbling on a nearby notepad, only barely managing to preserve the huge amount of information the flight lead just dumped on him. "Oh, right. Ummm, uh, over."
The operator feels one corner of his mouth lift up, enjoying a rare moment of smug superiority as he reflects that he, with only a scant few hours of radio training woven into months of radar operation apprenticeship, has better protocol than someone with years of experience. "Central to Yardbird, you are the first we contacted directly with the news. We just hit the alert, so Shrike Wing should be off the ground and en route within the next ten minutes. As for Central-Actual, sorry to disappoint, but it's still just us in the bunker, over."
Once again, the channel crackles as soon as the operator releases his mic, but it's not Yardbird's yowling voice this time, too rough and monotonic where his was clear and melodic. "Goku to… Central," it pants faintly over the radio. It is a young girl's voice, a tremulous soprano ragged with exertion and clearly resigned to its lack of dignity over comms. The operator has to turn the volume knob on his headset to hear her more clearly. "Solid copy… on Yardbird's report. The pack and I are cruising now… emergency war power towards the cove. Unless there are enemy scout planes up there… God help us… then we should be able to hide there before being spotted… over; Goku to Yardbird," she instantly transitions, refusing to unkey her radio and let the loudmouthed flyboy take over the channel. "The air-to-air radar you just had installed… no problems with it yet, yes?"
"Of course! I mean, our night sight's great, but bein' able to keep track of each other without havin' to pester Central every five minutes is real nice!" Until today, several operators had to do nothing more than keep track of the seaplanes in real time. "And I almost wanna see them try and ambush us with some night fighters, the new fire control should show'em a thing or too." He's clearly puffed up with pride at the latest upgrades. How the Curtiss's improvised bells-on-collars, cobbled out of scrap metal and consumer electronics, translate into radar capability is beyond the operators' kenning—but then again spirits have never been much for logic.
"Even so... when you make contact... verify whether or not they have... catapults or not. The transports last week had catapults too... planes were already gone, though, and we never saw them. I smell something more... than the usual transport fleet tonight."
Goku's pack of PT-boats will be visible even during a new moon—especially a new moon. Water churned by propellers creates phosphorescence, meaning that if they wish to travel at high speed the huge wake left behind will be clearly visible from any aircraft overhead. And unlike destroyers, their lack of air radar for either early detection or ack-ack fire coordination combined with their complete lack of armor makes them impossibly vulnerable to a simple strafing run with nothing more than a few machine guns.
"Yardbird to Vegeta," the youth's voice cackles in reply. "I guess I can help you out there. After all, 'I can't let anyone else other than me to be the one to defeat you!' Ain't nothin' but clouds for now, but if I see a plane that ain't ours, you'll be the first to know."
A moment of confused silence follows as the bemused PT-boat attempts to digest the misattributed quote. "Goku to Yardbird… who is… Vegeta?"
Another female voice chips in, excited as any teen about her favorite pastime: the destroyer Yuudachi. In terms of experience, she is one of the senior few spirits that were raised even before a formal organization was established, a hardened veteran of literally dozens of sorties, and yet she's also one of the few that still have zero understanding of concise radio transmissions. "Oh, man, he's, like a bad guy, and you think he's all evil at first? But then it turns out he's actually kinda a good guy, he's just always obsessing over becoming stronger and more powerful. He's sooooo cool!"
Goku only makes a confused noise in response. "Yuudachi… what do you mean? What nation's service… does he report to?"
Yardbird groans right back at her. "No, no, that's not what she means. Anyways, you're not Vegeta, I mixed up their names, I'm supposed to be Vegeta, you're Kakarot."
"But… Sanchi… Sanchi said that my name sounded better as 'Goku'—"
The trademark squeal of a particular whistle aborts the tomfoolery as the only person in the Solomons with that priority protocol punts the derailed conversation off of the airwaves. "Central-Actual to Yardbird, come in, over." Her voice is ice-cold and scalpel-sharp, and the operators cannot help but swallow as their throats dry in instinctual fear.
"Ah, uh, Yardbird to Warchief!" Flustered and caught off guard, he accidentally uses the islander's pidgin name for her, and the operators cannot help but wince in sympathy for his incoming scolding. "Go ahead!"
"That's 'Central-Actual' to you! Say it properly next time, guttersnipe!" Her voice deepens with bass tones, slamming the eardrums with an impossible amount of force, yet it somehow maintains its female screech. It is a legion chorus that brings to mind the howling winds of a hurricane, the kind that swallows up ships without a trace and demolishes entire villages as casually as a giant treading on ants. She pauses for a second, but it seems Yardbird has decided that discretion is the better part of valor and no response from him follows. "Central-Actual to Yardbird, Yuudachi!" Warchief continues. A huge thud and whoosh comes through in the pause between sentences as another freshly-armed Zuiun seaplane—a design the spirits of the seaplane tenders in the harbor had painstakingly rebuild to replace the original, toothless Shiuns that had proved a liability again and again—blasts off the rails of its catapult into the night sky. "We are on alert. That means you can the chatter. Now is not the time to be talking about your favorite bootleg cartoons. Over."
"S-sorry, I d-didn't, like, mean to be rude, or anything," the Japanese destroyer stutters, thoroughly chastised.
There's a short silence, probably a sigh that Warchief keeps off the airwaves, before she continues. "Central-Actual to Yardbird, Yuudachi, Yuudachi. Zuiuns are en route to the San Cristobal shoreline right now, designation 'Yodel'. They'll be loitering there along with Shrike Wing until you make contact." The Zuiuns are, like the scrounged Soviet-era helicopter gunships of Shrike Wing currently scrambling up and out of San Cristobal's interior, too small and lightweight to carry any kind of payload that would seriously threaten a destroyer. Instead, their job is to sweep the shallows along with Goku and the rest of her fellow PT-boats and intercept the wave of landing barges the Abyssals will surely have deployed. "Yuudachi, how long until you link up with Walke on the east side of San Cristobal? Over."
Yuudachi hesitates, either from not having done the navigational calculations yet or from lingering shyness from her public embarrassment. Instead, the American destroyer in question keys in to answer for them both, rescuing her Japanese companion from a second scolding. "Walke to Central-Actual. I will fall into Yuudachi's wake in five minutes," she reports, her tone as business-like and no-nonsense as ever. "We'll have radar sighting of K7 a few after that when we turn around the island's coast; say twenty minutes total until we hit engagement range, adding another five minutes if they're headed northwest as we've conjectured, over." Unlike the modern-era arrays, the spirits seemingly have zero problem seeing through the Abyssals' shroud with their own ancient equipment.
"Central-Actual to Walke, Yuudachi, solid copy, over," Warchief replies. "Central-Actual to Samidare, Maury, Amatsukaze, link up at E5. Report with your ETA in that order, go ahead."
"Samidare to Central." Light and feminine, different from the effusive, energetic Yuudachi yet with its own kind of energy; bubbly in such a subtle way that the operators can't help but unconsciously smile. "Forty minutes, over."
"Maury to Central!" A gruffer woman, practically growling with frustration. "I'm an hour out. Gonna be late to the action, over."
"Amatsukaze to Central." Another quieter voice, but unlike Samidare's, there's something subdued and sad about it. "… twenty minutes." One of the operators raises an eyebrow. That's as close if not closer than Yuudachi and Goku, yet Amatsukaze is supposed to be even further out than Maury in her patrol pattern.
"Central to Amatsukaze." Surprisingly, there's hardly any bite to Warchief's voice now; it is sympathetic, almost soothing. "I saw what you were doing this morning. Are you where I think you are?"
"Amatsukaze to Central," she replies flatly. "I have no excuse."
What comes next, though, is not the tongue-lashing that the operators expected. "You're lucky tonight's contact is south, and not to the north," Warchief sighs. "Really lucky. Link up with Yuudachi and Walke instead. We'll talk about this afterwards." Those last three words are simultaneously of forgiveness and a gentle reassurance that she'll survive tonight's engagement. "As for you two; Samidare, Maury, disregard. Make it to K7 as fast as you can at your own pace." With three destroyers now outnumbering the enemy's two—the two transports are armed, but mainly with hastily bolted-on and juryrigged, high-angled and low-caliber AA batteries, nothing that should give a destroyer much trouble at range—there's no need for Samidare and Maury to flank together for their own safety. Samidare will be safe enough blindsiding two outnumbered destroyers by herself.
The trio of destroyers give three quick 'Wilco's, and then Warchief's management is done for the moment. "Central to all other units. Maintain your current patrols and keep your eyes sharp. Central out."
The interior of the command center does not remain quiet, however. With the radio transmissions over for now, the operators return to discussing wavelengths, bearing, frequencies, and signal strength. The jargon is an enigma for anyone outside their circle, even to other radar operators. For months they have tried everything they could to work around for the Abyssal shroud. Now, they're testing the latest version of procedure they've been refining for weeks; instead of attempting to filter through the noise, they will listen intently to the noise itself. Their repeated contacts have led them to understand that the "interference" has its own unique patterns of strength, density, speed, and bearing; if fully understood and catalogued, it should be as distinctive as any radar profile or screw pattern.
As listening posts and radar arrays all throughout the island chain begin shutting down and resetting to fit their newly inputted specifications, one of them takes advantage of the new silence to pass the time with errant conversation. "You know, I was reading an Ah-Meh-Ree-Cahn book the other day, about the white man's perspective of our grandfathers' war," he says lightly, as if they were doing nothing as unusual as gutting the catch of the day. "These voyages the drowned ghosts make, they are very much like what the yellow men did. The 'Toh-Kee-Oh Ecks-Puh-Ress', they called it."
"What's a 'Toh-Kee-Oh'?" another one of them asks, eliciting sighs from the rest of the men in the room. He is the youngest in the room, almost a boy. The continuation of his formal schooling is not nearly as important as his youthful aptitude for modern electronics, but at times like this his lack of worldly knowledge has the rest of the operators sighing with resignation. With barely a hair on his cheeks or chin, it's doubtful that he's even begun appreciating the opposite sex yet; not that there are any assigned as staff to this walled-off and gated harbor in the first place. None that aren't spirits, at any rate, and even if that wasn't an insurmountable obstacle, only one of them is an age to carry children anyways: the warchief herself, and she is far too gaunt and haunting for any man to think her anything but a guardian from beyond. To look at her as a woman to court would be as unnatural as attempting to rut with a whirlpool.
"Ah, 'Toh-Kee-Oh' is the name of the yellow chieftain's city up north, the biggest city on all their islands," the senior operator explains. "They would take food and ammo from there and bring it to these islands. Always at night, preferably on moonless or stormy nights, to try and sneak past the planes and patrols of the white man."
"But Toh-Kee-Oh is to the north, and it is a city of men, not ghosts…" The youth trails off, obviously working with maps inside of his head. "The ghosts of the drowned, they always come from the east or the south. There is nothing about this that deserves the name 'Toh-Kee-Oh Ecks-Puh-Ress'. It is a poor name. Let us not mention it to the spirits. If it was an auspicious name, they would have chosen to use it themselves."
"And the 'Toh-Kee-Oh Ecks-Puh-Ress' brought food to keep men alive," another man cuts in. "And we've all seen the pictures of when we defied the spirits' warnings and opened one of those containers."
"Yes, yes, we were the ones who MADE the pamphlets, broadedcasted the radio announcements. 'Do not open unidentified containers. Report them to your local base for proper disposal.' There is no one on the island who does not know that." A few months ago, a suicidally curious bunch of youths had swooped in on jetskis and made off with one of the floating cargo cans, probably in some hormone-fueled stunt to impress the ladies with a trophy. The next morning, their jetskis were found beached next to their skeletons, with the flesh melted from their bones and the opened, empty can sitting innocently in the sand. "What needs must the ghosts of the drowned fulfill? They do not eat."
"Yet there must be a reason that we have never found an unaccounted-for drum in the daytime, despite the dozens, hundreds that they throw into the sea. Are we so sure there is nothing starving on our lands?" one of them asks them all, his voice quiet. "Think of the thousands of warriors who died fighting on this island alone. Their families are not here to feed them in their afterlives. A tower of stone is hardly sustenance."
That grim note kills the conversation for a minute, then two. By the third minute, though, the operator is confident enough to continue his story. "Well, a few nights ago I overhead the spirits talking about the sorties they have been running. They were using the yellow man's name for it, I believe?" He snaps his fingers and hisses. "Bah, it was some—"
The crackle of the radio simultaneously cuts him off and answers for him. "Yeaaaaaaahhhhhh baby! Yardbird to Central, you boys gave some damn fine directions, all units, it's the Rat Transport Convoy, ladies and gentlemen—"
The transmission suddenly cuts out. One minute passes, then two. "Central to Yardbird, come in, over." Another minute. "Central to Yardbird, what's your status, over!"
The radar network finishes rebooting just in time to catch the Abyssal shroud recoiling on itself like a living being. The mists on the display thin as the new code they've thrown together does its work, reading the fog itself to reveal four distinct Abyssal contacts right where they'd expected: just barely outside the red-marked cove. For a single sweep, there's a strangely clear and crisp fifth mark amongst them, but then it moves onto the aerial display on the next sweep as Yardbird pulls up and out of his bombing run. The operators in the room crane their necks to catch the action unfold on that particular monitor, watching one of the Abyssal's dots turn muzzy and heavily irregular. On the next sweep, a few, smaller dots have seemingly budded off of it: shallow-drafted landing barges launching from their parent transport. Yet on the next sweep they're not forming their usual, orderly shore-bound chevron. Instead, they're erratically and haphazardly moving away in all directions, like insects scattering from an upturned rock.
"—ahahahahAHAHAHAHA! Sorry about the wait! Had to make a pass while I could, opportunity was too good, there's so much light coming off the fires I'm almost afraid to stick around. I'll say again, come on down here, the water's boilin' and the party's started; us Black Cats have found the Rats!"
42322398 -
This is... very wordy and hard to digest, on top of hard to understand thanks to jumping into things with callsigns and scant contextual clues.
Still interesting, though. I think I'll read it when I'm less tired so I can sort shit out
42322435 (balistafreak) -
It's show versus tell, which is a problem with in medias res. It's scant on context because it's supposed to let the (upcoming) action let all the gears and pieces really :click: in place in the readers' mind.
writing techniques yoooooooooooooooo
42322457 -
There's writing techniques and then there's "all of these callsigns and numbers are muddling together and I can't tell what's happening"
42322539 (balistafreak) -
>getting his callsigns confused
Well, there are a bunch of DDs who are merely on radio right now. Samidare and Yuudachi are :known:, but Walke and Maury aren't really known, they're just randumb USN DDs at this point, which is fair.
Yardbird and Goku, though, aren't callsigns, but outright names.
Look up Yardbird. As for "Goku", it means "59", and she's a PT-bote. Look that up.
It isn't about anything. Not yet. Think about the last meaty novel you read and let me know if you knew everything "it was about" only the first chapter in.
Of course this is problematic in and of itself. Kill me.
>>42322502 (balistafreak) -
Two battles are planned. The upcoming nightbattle, and then the :realdeal:
I hope you like despaaaaaaaaaaaairrrrrrrrr
42322646 -
Huh. For some reason I was under the impression that Settle commanded all of the US shipsluts. Guess not.
42322668 -
That's because it has been repeatedly stated that Settle had ALL the US shipsluts.
I dunno what his stuff is.
42322697 (demetrious) -
He does.
42322702 -
So the writeup is non-canon then?
42322717 (demetrious) -
Only conflicting parts. Main quest is a cookie cutter, slap it on writeups. Anything that doesn't fit in its bounds is not hard canon.
of course that cookie cutter is shaped like a planet and almost as big so that's not a high bar
42322751 (demetrious) -
>>42322712 (Ghostdivision) -
>Watch. He'll say it's canon and kek off into the sunset.
FUICK should have done this fuck fuck fuck
42322781 -
>Naka, Hate, Navyfag, torpedo dykes is canon
>Everything else just roll with it unless it contradicts things
So long as planefriend isn't trying to make mainquest follow what all the writeups establish, we're fine
42322854 (Ghostdivision) -
The issue really is everyone wants to write about the same ships in the same general areas. That's not to call anyone out, and there's guys it doesn't apply to at all- torpedo sluts, for example, being a slice of life thing, works perfectly well with the quest, even when it's set in the same port and features some of the same ships. This means that communication is pretty important, but in some cases it's poor to bad, so... issues pop up.
Ultimately, it's planefriend's game, so it's his rules, and his rules say, more or less, don't be a dildo. There's a couple posts he dropped as a hard and fast for determining off top if a story is canon or not a few threads ago, generally, that needs to be your guide- where a story conflicts with the quest, it's not canon. Pretty simple, honestly, when you get right down to it.
42322913 (demetrious) -
>Now that sounds like a good recipe for a decu-style "every write-up is noncanon" cleaning at some point.
Decu did that because he had too many writeups to manage. I think I've got... 12? 13 people pitching in now? There's no way everyone could possibly collaboratively vet that morass. So if someone forgets that Ship A wasn't in Place B at time Y, you just default to the canon materiel (mainquest/tightly integrated writeups) and chalk up the sidestory's disagreement to character POV bias, misinformation, etc, etc, etc. Bigger deviations result in more alternate universe stories; with some shared elements and some their own thing, giving some fanon room to play.
I trust anon to be smart enough to figure out which is which, it's not hard
A few days after she arrived Fubuki found a picture of her own dead wreck in ironbottom sound and puked her guts out for an hour. It's not like the metal vanishes when we appear."
Can you spoil or put in a quote box the massive picture please? It's driving my phone nuts. And possibly a spoiler about that Morse code bit at the end, too?
Can you spoil or put in a quote box the massive picture please? It's driving my phone nuts. And possibly a spoiler about that Morse code bit at the end, too?