Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

showcock's a shit, she feels like too much of a tryhard for Settle's affection

Arizona is just there being the best girl

Arizona has issues that not even Settle can unfuck.

Shoukaku is demure, graceful and actively tries to get Settle's attention. Arizona is...I can see her being a very good friend for Settle, someone absolutely rock steady when he needs a friend but Shoukaku is clearly winning.
tryhard for Settle's affection

taking out two battleships with an end table

Lol okay ;)

Anyways, the reason I find Shokaku superior as the romance option is because IRL, the people who end up in relationships are the ones who try to establish one. How often do you actually find people who go for the quiet one who doesn't make any real effort to start up a relationship over the one over the one's who actually make their interest clear. If you like someone, go for it.

Beyond shipping stuff however, PF was such a tease about the choices that ended up leading to Goto and Settle getting shit faced.
Arizona has issues that not even Settle can unfuck.

Shoukaku is demure, graceful and actively tries to get Settle's attention. Arizona is...I can see her being a very good friend for Settle, someone absolutely rock steady when he needs a friend but Shoukaku is clearly winning.
I'd like to know by what fucked up metric showcock is considered winning. If you're going by how many anon has shit taste in shipping, then I supposed she is winning that handily.

Really though, considering what happened after Settle waking up from his episode and his conversation with Naka, it's rather clear that he's actually putting a good amount of thought into his relationship with Arizona. Something that he had never bothered with Shoukaku. They both have their demons that they need to overcome, but if your reasoning is that "Arizona's the harder route", you're not really making a good argument on who's the better waifu.

Beside, dat ass
From a convo with Ghost Division. Caused my tin foil hat senses to go haywire...
*Remembers Yandere Haruna Doujin*


But seriously no one needs a Yandere battlecruiser. Hm, actually a Kirov might be worse.

Yandere battlecruiser you say.....

I'm afraid to ask but I'll do it anyway... what do you mean?

Lemme quote Deculture, here, for a minute:


Not sure if I need my tin foil hat of paranoia or not.

Welp that happened.
On the topic of Hate shipping, I'm going to throw out a probably not very popular opinion: Yamato has better odds than Iowa.

The reason for this is that Hate has pretty much elevated Iowa to a mythical level from what I've gathered from his posts. I feel like he's put her on such a high pedestal that he's mentally psyched himself out from being able to consider a relationship with her.

Yamato on the other hand has now bonded with him on a more personal level, through common personal demons at that. She's much more approachable I feel from Hate's perspective. TBH, he's nowhere close to being in a shippable format though yet.
Something that he had never bothered with Shoukaku.
He's known her for all of less than a week, IC. He's known Arizona a bit longer at the very least and yes he's giving it thought, but I didn't read anything remotely romantic about his thoughts. He sees all the girls as people needing protecting, something Naka points out to him all the damn time and Hate exploded on him about it in the last thread.

Shoukaku is making her interest in him known, Arizona isn't.
Shoukaku is making her interest in him known, Arizona isn't.

Being all but his shadow isn't considered making her interest known?

Beside, that shit is irrelevant, if Settle hadn't already figured out the obvious, Naka already lectured him on it.

And really, Settle probably knew Arizona for all but 2-3 days more than Shoukaku. She just showed up before their deployment, to the point where Goto had to ask what she was doing because she wasn't on the list. And they weren't exactly close until Settle pulled the shell out of her.
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