Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

She'll come back for him. Or he'll come back for her. But right now, we have an impending date between Naka and Harder, and a heavy cruiser to brief. Also, apparently Starbucks has managed to set up in the afterlife. That's the only explanation.
She'll come back for him. Or he'll come back for her. But right now, we have an impending date between Naka and Harder, and a heavy cruiser to brief. Also, apparently Starbucks has managed to set up in the afterlife. That's the only explanation.
Or his filthy hipster magic allows him to have starbucks all the time.
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Guys if it hasn't made it to this thread and unless I missed it the new ship hasn't made it to the thread can you try and keep a lid on the spoilers.
Those two should just fuck already, if they haven't yet. They already have a room, too bad Hate had a severe case of metal jutting out of his chest.
You know, there are other possible relationships between a man and a woman. Especially if the woman looks young enough to be his daughter. Or can blow him to kingdom come.
I could've sworn that Hate was in his mid-late twenties.
I wouldn't have thought he could get that ornery--or that lost in ennui--so young. He just feels older than that.

I guess I was also assuming repeated reductions in rank to be a LCpl in his thirties. (How old can you be in that rank before they throw you out?)
Dunno, but the man's MOS is 0372 — Special Operations. It's not a very 'visible' field (most of what they do is way off-the-books), so promotion tends to be slower than the average. From his own lips, Hate saw combat in Fallujah, and the fact that there are multiple Virginia-class SSNs in service suggests that the story takes place after 2020; if the Fallujah battle he name-checks is the one from our timeline, that means he's been in the Corps almost twenty years by the time of KCQ, putting him in his late-thirties or early-forties.
Ah, say- is there any sort of compiled archive of the art for this thread? I love the compiled stories, but the guy doing the art is really solid as well and I'm wondering if he's got a gallery somewhere?

edit: Also, thank you so much for archiving all of this here.
No central art-gallery, AFAIK, but a lot of the key stuff is included in the story-posts (including the character-art in the first quest-post).

That said, some of pixelfag's additional works have been put up in the SB.com thread, though — specifically in these two posts:

Unfortunately, things like the semi-memetic pictures of STACKED Lexington or pixel's splendid rendition of Arizona's splendid stern might annoy the Mods, so they'll have to remain on the original /suptg/ threads. :(