Where’s Your North?
- Location
- The former Rubber Capital of the World
Hopefully @Trace Coburn is working on it.
Are you on mobile or something? Just CTRL+F planefriend's trip. It's not hard to follow the imageboard format honestly.We're behind a few updates here now, I think. Which is a real shame, because going through all those posts trying to figure out which ones are the story posts gives me a headache.
Are you on mobile or something? Just CTRL+F planefriend's trip. It's not hard to follow the imageboard format honestly.
Ah well that explains it. It's pretty hard to follow someone on 4chan on mobile. No ctrl+f function.Er... Generally, yeah, I am. Mostly 'cause I can get almost the same sort of web-browsing preformance with greater flexibility of where I sit. The somewhat downsized battery size is also good for reminding me when I've been online for far too long and ought to take a break.
Edit: Mind you, I certainly could get on a proper computer and browse the things. It's just not something that would normally even occur to me to do.
Ah well that explains it. It's pretty hard to follow someone on 4chan on mobile. No ctrl+f function.
Ah well that explains it. It's pretty hard to follow someone on 4chan on mobile. No ctrl+f function.
Not sure what mobile browser you use but most of them should have a 'find on page' option under their respective menus. With chrome (or habit) you can just hold down on PF's trip and copy it then paste it in.
Oh god, can't wait for Hornet's reaction next thread, she's already all "omg senpai noticed me mode" now
"What the fuck are you babbling about!?" you snap. You notice heads turning on the other side of the library and you don't give a damn. "It wasn't fucking Saratoga that saved my fucking life yesterday. It wasn't fucking Enterprise and it wasn't CV-mother-fucking-TWELVE!" Hornet scoots back in her chair a bit, her eyes wide with astonishment. "And it wasn't Akagi or Kaga that got the CAP up that saved all our fucking lives yesterday, because they were still busy spotting their perfect massed overwhelming attack instead of getting planes off the deck as fast as fucking possible. If I remember right that's how you pushed Shoukaku's shit in at Santa Cruz, isn't it?"
Hornet's mouth opens and closes like a fish, her feather quivering with her body.
"And you would've survived, if they'd had the balls to fight a surface action to defend you. Instead they abandoned you and left you burning and - YOU were a burden? What the *fuck!?*"
41840311 (demerious) -
we'll probably do three threads tonight because YAY INSOMNIA FUCK WORK
41843197 (demetrious) -
>Also planefriend said THREE FUCKIN' THREADS
To clarify, "three threads" means "I can run till 4AM." And that's presuming I've got writeups to flesh it out. I kind of hate doing that though because I remember how my grades suffered when Maid Quest kept me up till 4AM on the regular; I don't want to be that guy. Plus, I hate tucking writefag content away in the early AM, it feels rude to my collaborators.
So, I probably shouldn't run three threads tonight, upon reflection, even though I could. I'm just used to being a longwinded slow-updating asshole that always takes twice as long to get half the story distance I planned on~
41843471 (demetrious) -
>Double checking- thread over? No more updates, this vote determines next thread's op, no writeups tonight, see you tomorrow?
Correct! Thread over for tonight. On Friday we'll open up with something nasty happening with these poor blokes in the SSN and switch to Harder in the middle of DEATH, CARNAGE AND COLLAPSING BULKHEADS.
41840615 -
>This feature article appeared May 17th, 1948 in the Milwaukee Journal. It was illustrated with a picture of the cruiser and two cartoons reproduced from the ship's history. Contributed to the USS SLC Website by SLC Veteran, James O'Hara
>They're taking the old Swayback Maru out and sinking her. And that's more than the Japs could ever do! The news of her fate was in the newspapers a week or so ago. The item said:
>Vallejo, CA. --- AP --- The heavy cruiser Salt Lake City, radioactive from her role in the Bikini Atomic Bomb Test, will be sunk this month, according to officials of the Mare Island Navy Yard.
>This news item, to anyone who ever knew the old girl, is grossly inadequate. The Salt Lake City was not the best ship in the world. She was a cantankerous, rough riding, flea bitten, left handed old rust pot, with a past, but no future.
>Any of the 1,100 men aboard would have told you that. But they might have poked you in the nose if you agreed. She looked like something the cat dragged in. She was as glamorous as a middling beautiful warthog. She was as luxurious as a garbage truck. Public acclaim passed her by. But she could fight, brother, she could fight.
>Just to put the thing in focus, here's what she did:
>She fired the first American shells to land on Jap held soil. In one battle, she accounted for two Jap heavy cruisers, a light cruiser, a destroyer and an auxiliary vessel. She got the destroyer in a single salvo. She fought in the longest naval duel ever staged by American ships and in standing off twice her own weight, may have saved the invasion of Attu.
>She engaged in 91 days of bombardment in a period of 101 days, probably a world record. And she was, without doubt, the only modern ship whose steering wheel fell off twice in battle.
41840660 -
>And she was, without doubt, the only modern ship whose steering wheel fell off twice in battle.
[laughter reaction-image]
>>fell off twice in battle.
>fucking twice, goddamn
But wait, theres more!
>To a man who came aboard later, it was odd to think that the Salt Lake City had once been a bulwark against the rising tide of Japan. That tide was receding. America had put out newer, sleeker ships and the Swayback --- now 14 years old --- was fast becoming antediluvian. Her towering tripod foremast had become outmoded. At the end of the war, it was the only one on any active cruiser in the fleet.
>Somewhere, she had picked up a perpetual list, which gave her the look of a tipsy dowager. People who viewed her in shocked awe for the first time confessed later they expected her to hiccup.
>She picked up tons of water. Her gear was old, her look shopworn. In the "passion pit" where ensigns lived their hodgepodge lives, there was whispered doubt as to whether her watertight doors were really watertight. The crew said that a seaman chipping paint had driven his hammer right through one rested outside plate. And the legend started that the Swayback kept afloat only because the cockroaches formed a ring around her hull and held hands.
>One new engineer came aboard, fresh from the States and full of "book-learning". It took seven cups of the lethal wardroom coffee to restore him to speech after his first inspection trip.
>"My God," he said. But the Swayback made her 30 knots in the second battle of the Philippines.
>Her duty at that time was mostly of the type known as detached. With her fellow cruisers, the Chester and the Pensacola, almost equally old, and a handful of destroyers, she prowled the waters north of Saipan. To its unimpressed denizens, the task force was known as the "junkyard flotilla" and the quip was that it was kept away from the newer ships of the fleet because sight of it would ruin their morale. The admiral in command was known as "the mad mariner of the Mariners."
fucking SLC, talk about a ship with character. Theres a fuckload more of this, by the way
41840615 -
>I'd guess that the "fell off twice in battle" is a matter of falling off once due to freak accident/chance, them jury-rigging it back on, and the jury-rigging failing within the span of the same battle.
>If it was really two separate battles my sides are gonna leave orbit.
read, and be amazed
>By way of variety it raided Chichi Jima, 350 miles from Tokyo Bay, the closest that American surface vessels without air cover had been to the mainland of Japan.
>When the Wheel Fell Off
>On one of those raids the steering wheel, loosened by the jar of the firing, fell off. The helmsman held it up in his two hands. And he turned to the captain with deference.
>"Sir," he said, "what do I do with this now?"
>"Switch steering to auxiliary steering aft," ordered the sweating Captain.
>The crew fell into a certain nonchalance about combat. At Saipan the officer of the deck accepted a line from a tanker and started fueling while an air attack was going on at an island two miles away.
>During one bombardment some genius of the commissary discovered caviar left over from a gala in San Francisco a year before. Officers off duty munched it in the wardroom while the guns roared.
>Off Okinawa, Poncho Miller, the boss of the lookouts, reported calmly, "Jap Betty (a bombing plane) is directly overhead."
>"Signal it to keep going," was the reply.
>For the Swayback was at Okinawa and she was in on the fall of Iwo Jima too. She stayed 25 days at Iwo, bombarding continuously, as long as any major bombardment ship. And 10 days later --- six of them had been spent in traveling --- she was at Okinawa.
>She stayed there 66 days. Her task was not nearly as dangerous as that of the heroic little vessels who went on radar patrol up Amami O Shima way. But it was uninterrupted drudgery, heightened by a remark by the admiral.
>He was down to one ship then, for the Chester had been in a collision off Iwo Jima and the Japs had beaten up the Pensacola badly. The high brass at Okinawa had a plan for keeping the Jap suicide boats bottled up at night in Naha Harbor.
>"I can do it better," said the admiral, in effect.
>"You go do it" said the high brass.
41841425 -
While we wait for deme, here are the continuing stories of CA-25!
>So the routine was bombard by day and bombard by night and all hands to battle stations, there's a Jap air attack coming in. Men worked until their eyes and their brains became exhausted. And the only fun aboard was the trick that was being played on Alley Oop.
>Alley was a senior officer who, by force of personality, had won a following of fanatical dislike. Men caught their sleep those days when they could --- all but Alley Oop. There was a five inch gun just outside his cabin, and when he sneaked in for a short nap, the word was passed quietly and the men on that gun went to work in unholy glee.
>Now... the bark of a five inch gun 10 feet away is something no man can sleep through, unless that man be dead. It fetched Alley Oop bolt upright and swearing.
>There was rejoicing aboard the Swayback when the trick reached its climax and the unfortunate man fell asleep at breakfast, with his face in his scrambled eggs.
>At Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the Swayback fired 29,770 eight inch and five inch shells, in addition to the lighter stuff she tossed at Kamikazes.
>She went away at last with a single destroyer escort. The whiplash from the firing had so cracked the antenna of her air search radar that whole areas of sky could not be surveyed, the rifling on her five inch guns was so worn that the guns couldn't twist a star shell enough to set it off.
>Tried to launch it's float plane in the Battle of Cape Esperance, float plane caught fire from flares in the cockpit and crashed right next to the ship.
>Japanese fleet sees burning plane, mistakes it as a signal from the landing party they were there to support and signal back giving away their position.
41840995 -
I think this is the last of it...for now.
>A Jap plane spotted her off Formosa. Six could have sunk her, or maybe four, for her worn anti-aircraft's couldn't have hit the continent of North America. But nothing happened. The Swayback was a lucky ship.
>At Marcus Island, a Jap battery had got her range and straddled her seven times, one shell falling just short, the other screaming over. Spray from one shell splashed her main deck, but nothing touched her.
>Once at Iwo Jima she went fast aground. But the Japs failed to fire while she was helpless. Her closest call at Iwo was from the shell of an American battleship that missed the low part of the island and exploded so close to the Swayback that a fragment struck her above the bridge.
>Off Kerama Retto she went through a Jap minefield at night with an air raid going on. At Okinawa, Kamikazes twice took out the next ship in line and coastal batteries sand another, but they never scratched her. In the China sea she brushed a floating mine, but it was a dud.
>And on the peacetime voyage home the luck of the Swayback almost ran out. She lurched across the ocean in heavy seas in the wake of a typhoon. At the mouth of the Columbia River, within sight of the land she had helped defend, a freak wave smashed her and rolled her 47 degrees off horizontal. She escaped capsizing by a terrifyingly small margin --- just eight degrees.
>The Swayback was selected --- what else could you do with such junk? --- for the Bikini Atom Bomb Test.
>Nobody who had been aboard would have given you a Chinese dollar for her chances. But she rode the waves that the bomb set up the way a duck rides over a ripple.
>Now they are taking her out to sink her in the blue, clean water.
>Sea creatures will crawl over the deck. The waters will close over her and she'll be forgotten. But some of us will be sad at her going.
o7 Swayback.
41841208 -
>Looks like we found our new shipgirl, planefriend.
>I hope she runs on spiral power
She doesn't run on anything.
>Sway you should be out of fuel how are you still sailing
>I don't give a fuck
>I don't give a fuck
>Sway, enough enemies to fuck us ten ways from sunday like 50 times over are inbound
41841211 -
>We of the USS SALT LAKE CITY are sustained by willpower! Even when mocked as reckless and crazy!
>If there's a wall in our way then we smash it down! If there isn't a path, then we carve one ourselves!
41841425 -
While we wait for votes, here's some more for Swayback
>Captain Recalls demise of USS SALT LAKE CITY
>"They pumped 50mm shells into her. Then they followed with rockets. Next came the bombers, first with 100 pound bombers, then with 500 pound bombers, finally 1,000 pound bombers.
>She still stood there, mauled but not beaten. Then the destroyers came and shelled her with their five-inch guns. She took it for two and a half hours."
>Capt. E. J. MacGregor studied the bell of the cruiser USS SALT LAKE CITY.
>It hangs in front of Utah naval reserve headquarters at Ft. Douglas. Capt. MacGregor is deputy chief for the Naval Reserve, 12th Naval District, San Francisco, here for a seminar with Utah Naval Reserve officers.
>But in 1948 he was at Bikini Atoll on the bridge of a ship watching calculated destruction. The USS Salt Lake City already a survivor of an atomic test blast, was now getting a "progressive" battering.
>But even after the destroyers had hurled hundreds of shells into her, she was still afloat.
>Capt. MacGregor had been a submariner. They called for a submarine. The under seas craft slid into position 1,000 yards away. It was like taking the challenger out of the ring in the 12th round and substituting a fresh fighter. The torpedo hammered home. Whoomph! The Salt Lake City heeled over and died.
>"Everybody walked off the bridge with tears in his eyes."
reading these is making me both happy and sad at the same time
41841591 -
>They'll tow Old Swayback Maru out to blue water sometime next week---and sink her.
>Our own guns will train on her battered, lop-eared carcass. But Old Swayback's rifles won't answer. The angry muzzles that poured steel at the enemy in the Marshalls when the US Navy was backed to the wall in 1942 at Jap-held Wake, Guadalcanal, the Aleutians, Leyte, Iwo and Okinawa---those muzzles will be cold and still.
>Maybe you know Old Swayback as "the One-Ship Navy.' She got that name at Cape Esperance on Oct. 11, 1942, when she personally promoted a Nipponese heavy cruiser and destroyer to the locker of Master Davy. Jones.
>Named Salt Lake City
>Or perhaps, if you're the precise type, you prefer to call Old Swayback, the USS Salt Lake City, CA25, oldest heavy cruiser in the US Fleet.
>Her demise somewhere off San Diego early next week won't be so ignominious at that. In World War II, Old Swayback, 10,826 tons, 585 feet, 107,000 shaft horsepower, 10 8-inch main battery guns, took everything a skillful enemy could ladle out.
>Her labors ended, in the bright summer of 1946 she joined the iron guinea pigs at Bikini. Even here Old Swayback had a place of honor --- within 400 yards of the ancient Arkansas for Test Baker, the underwater atomic blast bull's-eye.
>Sure, when the poisonous smoke cleared away, she seemed relatively undamaged, but "contaminated" forever by gamma rays.
You ever wondered why people refer to ships as women? Because they have a really long fucking story to tell no matter what, and are cantankerous old whores.
And we love them for it.
41841773 -
All of these fucking news articles
>Two weeks ago the mare Island Navy Yard announced that Old Swayback would become a punching bag for the last time. Deep waters were to receive her loyal ones, as they already have received the nautical remains of the Pennsylvania (once the Pacific Fleet flagship), the gallant destroyers Talbot, Wilson & Trippe and the courageous attack transport Fallon, Bracken and Banner.
>Naval statisticians figured it cost $100,000 a month to maintain the ghost ships that survived Atomic Tests Able and Baker in July - August, 1946. It also took 260 men to guard them, keep their deadly bilge's pumped out, repair their battered hulls.
>Last year, with a grim assortment of sister target ships, Old Swayback returned to the West Coast at the end of a towline. Nobody was aboard her. In the Central Pacific less "lucky" vessels already had found their graves; the mighty Saratoga, Arkansas and the erstwhile foremen ships Prinz Eugen (German cruiser) and Nagato (Jap battleship).
>But 25 craft in all were earmarked for scuttling this year by the Navy. They are the last. Most lie uneasily at anchor in Kwajalein Lagoon.
>It may take more than mere gunfire to finish off Old Swayback, the Navy said. Maybe torpedoes, rockets and aerial bombs will assist in the coup de grace.
>That's only right. Old Swayback was nurtured as a tough baby from the very day they laid her keel at Camden, NJ, on June 9, just 21 years ago. She was a "treaty class" cruiser---our first. Her tonnage hovered exactly at the limits set by the optimistic Washington Arms Conference, where some of the world put its best warships in the ash can while the rest put its tongue in its cheek.
>At an early age the Salt Lake City appeared to have nautical lordosis, or curvature of the spine, at least as far as unpracticed observers were concerned. Fondly, even her men called her Old Swayback. When we got into the Asiatic war "Maru" (Jap for ship) was appended.
41841926 -
That's everything I'm gonna post about Swayback.
I'm not gunning for her to become our much sought after American cruiser, I just felt that there was a little known story and some history worth telling. Not too many people know about her anymore, it would be a shame for her to sink into obscurity.
41841644 -
>>She doesn't want to die
>>Noone does, but she fought damn hard to keep afloat, to prove she was still combat-ready. She just wanted to do her job.
>And we still sank her, finished her off with something she could never counter, not as she was. Overkill.
>So, bets on which side she jumps on? Anyone?
41841689 -
She did her job and was given a warrior's death, serving her country one last time to help train the next generation.
41841751 -
A warrior's death is getting the crap beaten out of you by your replacements?
41841958 -
No, getting the crap beaten out of you by your replacements, having them fail to do the job, and then getting a lethal injection via torpedo.
She most likely went down smugly
41841989 -
>Wow, it took all of you to kill me
41842013 -
>Nice wonder-bomb you've got there.
>It would be a shame if someone were to survive the blast.
41842019 -
>Is it in yet~? Oh, you were shooting that whole time? I didn't feel a thing~!
41842169 -
>Stop trying to hit me and hit me!
41844338 (demetrious) -
>Deme, do you approve of random history lessons while we wait for votes, etc?
You know I love the shit out of them, right? Like all that about USS Salt Lake City tonight? I didn't know *any* of that shit. These are the stories, the real *stories* that bring these units and history to life. What I have time to look up is "Ship X fought in battle Y" on Wikipedia. I don't know that the Salt Lake City was called "Swayback" by her crew, or her wheel falling off twice in battle as she slugged it out with Japanese ships, or any of that. I knew that stuff by heart for airplane bullshit, since I've read everything in print on WWII pilot's accounts/memoirs and such, but for naval matters? Not a bit.
"Random history lesson" is everything I write in a damn nutshell, I love that shit. It's what we're all here for!
41843922 -
Are there any unwritten "rules" as to side-stories in omake, or can I (or anyone) just post his shit up after deme is done?
41843956 (GhostDivision) -
Depends. if you want it to be canon to KCQ, the only real rule is don't contradict stuff already written. If you wanna do long running stuff it's usually better to try and work with the other guys (A good example is I'm planning some stuff with Z1 and Z3 later on....) but otherwise, generally, you're ok.
Otherwise, I mean, Deme doesn't own Kancolle, so... it's whatever, ya know?
41844287 (demetrious) -
It works thusly:
"SUPER TOTAL OFFICIAL CANON FANFICTION:" The sidestories written by my close collaborators (such as Crix, Naka-chan and others which have obvious story integration,) can obviously be considered canon. In fact, with writeups such as Hate's perspective on the Battle of LA, it's not even a sidestory - the story would be incomplete without it! And writeups like Naka-chans are vital to keep developing themes such as the humanity of shipgirls, etc, that I have to drop for weeks at a time in the quest proper when we enter "super major battle mode."
"STRONG INDEPENDENT WRITEFAG DON'T NEED NO planefriend:" Anything written by someone not collaborating closely with me can still be considered, uh, "canon" (if we're really gonna use that word for fucking fanfiction of a shitty mobage game) if it doesn't contradict the story proper. And by "contradict," I mean "flies in the face of all logic, reason and well-established fact and cockslaps it about with mad abandon." *Every other difference you might notice could, and should, be attributed to the bias of the alternate viewpoint telling the story.* A perfect example of this is Navyfag's work - we didn't "collaborate closely," but we didn't really need to, either - he talked with me to get the general gist of things, and charged off on his own doing shit like the prize-fighter fairy. Which, incidentally, I found hilarious. This category of writefags gives me endless opportunities to kidnap their good ideas and make them my very own super-special-precious-fanfiction-canon. Note that the only difference between Crix and Navyfag at the moment is that I haven't had a chance to integrate Navyfag's writing into the quest proper with obvious interplay... yet.
41844297 (demetrious) -
"DAMNED AND EXCOMMUNICATE, FANFICTION OF FANFICTION:" These stories have been cast from the Glorious Light Of Fap Angel forever, condemned to languish in the dark abyss of "FANFICTION," never to know the grace of some fat greek fucker in Michigan somewhere. They allow you to do all the things fanfiction is supposed to allow you to do, such as explore alternate universes, outcomes, endings, characterizations and so forth. In many cases they might be completely "canon" except for one crucial "what-if" point of divergence that forms the basis of the story-question. That's one of the fundamentals of classic sci-fi writing, but nobody calls it "reality fanfiction" because we haven't invented emotional robots or warpdrives yet. In these cases you can consider anything that fits with the "canon core" to be canon, and anything that doesn't to be speculative realities; possible outcomes that did not come to pass, but could have, and so on. They could even be proper stories in their own right which just happen to share many broad premises with my quest.
Ultimate summation: canon is determined organically. Very organically, because sometimes I fuck up and forget what I myself wrote, because I suck, in which case the writeups, written by people with better memories than me, are MORE canon than my own fucking words. There's no Master List, or Approving Authority. You don't get in line at the fucking Secretary of State office to submit a *form.* It forms like coral growing on a rock, and the rock at its center is Brown Tewi.
That sounded more profound in my head.
41844430 (demetrious) -
>Thanks for the info. Do you mind if I run a few things by you just to find out were they may lay on the scale?
Sure thing man!
>>41844311 (GhostDivision) -
>Like, we're free to expand upon the quest at our leisure, not direct where it goes or what happens, I guess.
Oh fuck you. My friends and collaborators are constantly kicking around ideas and plucking out the shiny ones and laying them on a table and then going GEE WHAT'S THAT OUTSIDE LETS LOOK AWAY FROM THE TABLE FOR AN HOUR and when I stuff them in my cheeks and scurry away to my squirrel-hole they turn back and go GEE WHERE DID MY IDEA GO OH WELL I'M SURE IT'LL TURN UP and it does, it turns up in MY FUCKING QUEST, but then they just raise their hands and say ALAS, IT IS THE WILL OF FAP ANGEL
To be honest, though I would love Hornet and Northampton together...I can't help but feel that PF will not make it that easy. Remember what Settle said to Hornet in the library?
Settle's rant worked to convince Hornet of her own value...but at the cost of blaming those that left her at Santa Cruz. When all the Anons immediately started shipping Hornet and Northampton at the end of the thread, remember how PF's response was deliberately vague, lukewarm at best?
planefriend is a QM who thrives on building expectations...only to blast them between the eyes. And given how the mass-expectation of the thread is for Hornet to throw herself at Northampton, it makes me worry that Hornet will go full tsun and call Northampton a coward for abandoning her to save himself at Santa Cruz.
Iiii don't think she will. Northampton towed her as long as they could, the fact that Halsey ordered her scuttled has nothing to do with Northampton. If the torpedo had hit anywhere other than where it did Hornet would have still been repairable.And given how the mass-expectation of the thread is for Hornet to throw herself at Northampton, it makes me worry that Hornet will go full tsun and call Northampton a coward for abandoning her to save himself at Santa Cruz.
On the other hand, Northhampton was basically the sole reason there is still a US-IJN armada left to go back to Yokosuka, Hornet included
Iiii don't think she will. Northampton towed her as long as they could, the fact that Halsey ordered her scuttled has nothing to do with Northampton. If the torpedo had hit anywhere other than where it did Hornet would have still been repairable.
41879178 (demetrious) -
41879755 (demetrious) -
41880495 (demetrious) -
Votes called.
Either way the vote went it'd fit Settle's personality and all, but... this one is pretty much guaranteed to increase dokidoki levels around base.
god dammit anon, how do you always
sniff it out
41884721 (demetrious) -
>>>"We're in a Virginia."
>And we have the processing power to individually sort EVERY SINGLE ONE of those noise sources, filter them out, and find him. In something like 5-6 seconds, right?
If the Oregon was a shipgirl, she'd be laughing and saying "my sides" right now.
THAT'S IT FOR TONIGHT! JOIN ME TOMORROW FOR THE EXCITING CONCLUSION OF THE GLORIOUS BATTLE! Tomorrow we also have a NEW WRITEFAG to share with you all, covering an important event in the quest's history!
Wasn't Arizona ass the most amazing thing
Last thread.
Well. I'm officially lost.