Actually I got to the thread about the time 'Throwaway' did, and by the time I got done reading up to that point, I'd decided that if the shitstorm didn't subside by the time I got back from work (about ninety minutes ago), I was going to ask the Mods to lock the thread and
prune the everloving fuck out of it. They got to the first part before I could ask. I may ask them to do some pruning in the meantime, or I may not, but in any case, if that's the kind of dumbfuckery Fluff and the rest of the 4chan crew want to get up to, they can eat the thread getting locked and take their shit-posting and pissing contests the fuck
back to 4chan until I'm ready to update the transcripts and
ask the Mods to unlock it.
Jesus Goddamn Christ. And some people (they know who they are) have the
fucking gall to actually wonder
why I'm having so much trouble mustering the energy and motivation to continue the transcription process.

"Updates when?" you want to know?
When you stop being such shit-flinging entitled fuckheads, sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up, and enjoy your FREE entertainment as and when it comes!
I keep all of the transcripts in .txt files, formatting and all. When and if I ever put together a story-only thread, it'll be a simple cut-and-paste job.