Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

Having the Chinese ambassador referred to as "Ambassador Tiankai" by SecNav still irks the shit outta me... Yes, I was that anon who brought it up.
Goddamn Windows 10 and its install-updates-immediately bullshit. I was almost a third of the way through transcribing Thread #141 (the first part of Session #71) when Win10 decided to close on me, mid-fucking-sentence no less! :facepalm: When it restarted, the .txt file had been set back to my previous save-point — the OP — so all my progress just went up in smoke. :jackiechan:
Goddamn Windows 10 and its install-updates-immediately bullshit. I was almost a third of the way through transcribing Thread #141 (the first part of Session #71) when Win10 decided to close on me, mid-fucking-sentence no less! :facepalm: When it restarted, the .txt file had been set back to my previous save-point — the OP — so all my progress just went up in smoke. :jackiechan:
I can sympathize. Windows 8/8.1 at least warned the user about updates.

Goddammit, Microsoft.:mad:
... just finished reading this. I understand little about KanColle... but yeah, I was cracking up all the thread. Settle and Goto are the weirdest admirals ever, even if we don't account for shipgirl shenanigans, but somehow it works.

So... tongue in cheek, and keep laughing at the soap opera.

Oh, and forgot. Dess.
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... just finished reading this. I understand little about KanColle... but yeah, I was cracking up all the thread. Settle and Goto are the weirdest admirals ever, even if we don't account for shipgirl shenanigans, but somehow it works.

So... tongue in cheek, and keep laughing at the soap opera.

Oh, and forgot. Dess.
Welcome to the thread. Leave your sanity at the door.

Oh, and dess to you too. :V
Settle isn't merely winning the staring contest. He's winning the staring contest while fighting off a bear attack and casually ignoring the Abyss kicking him in the nuts.

Before long, he's going to just casually reach out and bitchslap the Abyss, just hard enough to make it clear that this isn't an attempt at injuring, but rather, an insult.

Or, for the more visually inclined, how the staring contest is currently going.

Yes, that's Shamrock taunting Rutten while in one of Rutten's submission holds until Rutten did something idiotically illegal and got himself disqualified.
Well, the last time the Abyss tried to get in his dreams the Catfish threw them out in the most humiliating way possible. And right before that he somehow managed to fight back against their Spooky mental pressure, apparently using his own version of it.

I wouldn't be surprised if Settle can somehow channel whatever Magical Bullshit the Shipgirls and Abyssals use, actually. Maybe all those guys saying Hate is one of Iowa's fairies are half right and instead of Hate it's Settle who is Higgins' Fairy.