Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

So, I've just finished catching up on the latest two threads.

This comment has been sitting in the reply box for the better part of 3 hours and I still haven't come up with a way to react properly.
Update cycle in progress. Status:
Memories of Higgins by LurK — Part 10 — COMPLETE!
You Gotta Go Fast, Willie! by Shimakaze Write-anon — Part 8 — COMPLETE!
'Bongships' by FrostyZippo — Part 4 — COMPLETE!
Kant-O-Celle Quest by demetrious et. al. — Session #69 pt.1 and pt.2 — COMPLETE!
Last edited:
Session #69 pt.1

TWITTER: twitter.com/planefriend
ARCHIVES: Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

[X] Let [Arizona] answer.

The questions keep rolling in like merciless tides of crude engrish crashing on the beach of your patience, blood flow slowly shutting down to your hand as Arizona crushes it tightly.

>talk please
>use your word power girl
>are you sure she's american? so skinny
>tits too small
>yeah blonde hair is american
>she's irish
>Arizona: contacts or glasses?
>sing for us please
>she should wear glasses
>big tits best tits 'merica go home
>but can she bongo the kongo?
>can you sing with kongou?
>duet time!
>i'd row into her boathose if you know what I mean
>please talk
>she's shy!
>this isn't anime retards she's just pissed off
>so shy
>sing kookaburra with shoukaku!
>that's a kingfisher not a crane you retard

The torrent of ribald commentary continues till Arizona steels herself - with a breath so slight you'd miss it were you not looking for it - and releases your hand. She grasps her throat gently and shakes her head, then returns to a stance suspiciously close to parade rest - cold, cool, formal.

46273341 -

46273358 (demetrious) -
talk shit get hit

46273375 -

>broken voice?
>new waifu confirmed
>she's perfect wife if she also lies still OH WAIT
>I'd slam my bomb into her deck
>so moe
>theme of next anime season confirmed

Kongou leans forward, squinting intently - trying to fish out a new question instead of crass follow-ups to the last one. "HEY ARIZONA ARE YOU-" she pauses, scanning - "STILLANGRYABOUTPEARLHARBooooh *dess it,*" Kongou trails off.

Arizona fixes the webcam with an icy glare... and then lets it melt into a sunny smile. She releases your hand to wave away any concerns. As you flex your hand behind your leg to work blood back into it, she throws an arm around Kongou companionably.

"SEE!?" Kongou says, throwing up the V sign. "I'm her sempai NNOW-" Arizona's slipped her arm up and caught the loud girl in a firm headlock. Winking at the camera, she applies a vigorous noogie to Kongou as the Japanese shipgirl flails about - "NO DESS BUENO!" - giving the internet some tantalizing glimpses up her shirt in the swirls of silk.

>oh my god she is best waifu
>fags with shitty waifus btfo
>die in a fire thank you
>who is your favorite im@s admirals?
>what does that even mean
>kongou's still stronger
>ambush tactics nice
> "ambush tactics" THE FUCKING IRONY
>fuck you white boy
>btfo lmao gg
>admiral goto ever fought a battle?
>settle: did they cover up losses at LA how bad was it
> "TWO BOMBS" actually it only took one to the magazine LOL

46273311 -
Arizona the ambush specialist? This is new.

46273315 -

46273494 -

Goto sighs ever so slightly - the window of opportunity has passed. Now shutting down the stream will just make it a bigger phenomena, Verboten By The Authorities, which carries about ten times the weight with ten times worse a class of people in Japan than it does anywhere else - the video will be promulgated by otaku exclusively, burned to DVD and immortalized in awful memes. Much like Hell or the Marines mess, the only way out is through. Giving the screen a lidded-eyed look, he searches for another discussion topic. "So, Settle - what's your favorite idolmaster?"

You stoneface the camera. "No comment."

"Okay. For me-" he squints. "No, I am not married." Another squint. "Dating lives?" He puts on a Very Formal expression and regards the camera squarely. "I will only observe that the US Navy went almost twenty years without a long-range anti-surface weapon for their primary surface combatant."

"My Higgins was a Flight II boat," you return levelly, "equipped with eight RGM-84 anti-ship cruise missiles in a pair of four-tube angled launchers amidships."

"Harpoons are for whales, Admiral Settle."

You nod sagely, closing your eyes. "Nobody knows more about whale hunting than the Japanese, it is true."

>vote: freeform. POST MORE QUESTIONS.
>in-universe things to consider: Settle has some fame from The Battle of LA, every otaku in creation currently sees Goto as a real-life Producer-san and the Flat Chest Leauge is already turning out to back Arizona as the dark-horse candidate against Kongou
>additional note: every bad argument/troll you have ever seen directed at US technology is probably present in force here
>P.S.S: 4chan has arrived in low numbers

46273360 -
>Arizona, Kongo, what do you think of carriers?

46273375 -
>what do you think of Iowa?
>Would you like more standard types to fight with you?

46273383 -
>>this isn't anime retards she's just pissed off
This has been a beautiful venting
>"Nobody knows more about whale hunting than the Japanese, it is true."
>[some poor innocent sap asking a normal question, whisked away instantly in the tide]
>[more incomprehensible emote spam]

46273387 -
>Arizona, what is your favorite thing about Japan?
>Do you have any hobbies?

46273395 (demetrious) -
w o w

46273403 -

46273413 -

46273422 (demetrious) -

46273453 -
To all the [dumbasses] who are yelling that making plans to refit Tats while she's bedridden is bad and we should just let fap angle lead us by the nose: Quests are a two way street you morons. planefriend isn't some iron fisted dictator with adamantine rails, we get plenty of opportunities for write ins precisely because sometimes, just sometimes some anons have good ideas.
> To both adm. Personal fav way to handle stress sirs?

46273455 -
>coastal ship
>missiles have huge ranges, so going near the coast is irrelevant and only makes you a target for superior Chinese anti-ship missiles
Let's just bring back Battleships and strap a bunch of missiles to them. We don't need destroyers or frigates anymore.

46273477 -
Which ship would have won in a fight, Iowa or Yamato?

46273479 (LT Hate)

46273501 (demetrious) -
>Which ship would have won in a fight, Iowa or Yamato?
anon is on fucking point tonight

46273666 -

46273776 -
>Are all US battleship flat?
>What happened at sundai?

46273798 -
>Do the carriers have favorite planes.
>Who pilots the carrier planes.
>Can you launch amphibious assaults.
>Kongou would you make out with your sisters.
>Kongou would you give me Hiei
>Kongou would you give me Haruna
>Kongou would you give me Kirishima
>Is Haruna really daijobu
>What's with Kirishima and microphones anyways

46273844 (demetrious)
>firing cruise missiles at a US fleet
list of things nobody does twice
1. that

46273912 -

46273935 (LT Hate) -
I got you.
They're busy.
Very busy.
Don't fucking ask doing what.

46273983 -
>>46273935 (LT HAte)
Sounds like their getting...BIZZAY!
Don't pretend you didn't walk right into that one.

46274087 (LT Hate) -
That was fucking retarded and I hope you feel like dogshit.

46274133 -
>>46274087 (LT Hate)
Well a Devil Dog would know about dogshit, wouldn't they.

46274212 (LT Hate) -
Oh wow. you sure told me. Gee fucking whiz, how will i ever live with myself. I may as well end it all now so I don't have to live my life knowing i got fucking styled on so hard.

46274167 -

46274202 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
You raise a scary good point.

46274232 -
A loose Essex might be as bad as Sammy and Wille combined.

46274245 -
Imagine Essex finds Willie...

46274259 -
The bad thing is that Sammy probably caused more in damages then Willie has...

46274263 -
Essex finds Sammy.

46274270 (the fluff bringer) -

46274278 -
That would mean Essex would appear right outside of the room, look in, see us, and come barging in demanding what the hell is going on in her horrid MEMEspeak
46274315 -
Nah, it's gonna be Yamato, thus transitioning from comedic relief into serious situation in true planefriend fashion.
Remember, Hate was hollering about her driving to come pick him up from this disaster last thread.

46274316 -
And it will be glorious!

Colonel rm928 sees boots in action said:
46273508 (ArmyNurseCorp-Anon) -
... how do you fuck up that badly?

46273535 -
>>46273508 (ArmyNurseCorp-Anon)
Also they're more familiar with spellcards anyway.

46273585 (ArmyNurseCorp-Anon) -
Didn't need to say anymore than that. Like that time I got brought a bunch of 12 gauge needles instead of 26 gauge needles. Like they dont event fit on this kind of syringe, how the fuck did you screw up that badly?

46273629 -
>>46273585 (ArmyNurseCorp-Anon)
>Like that time I got brought a bunch of 12 gauge needles instead of 26 gauge needles

Stop nagging demetrious said:
46274414 (GhostDivision) -
So apparently planefriend is having horse-related issues. Y'all converse amongst yourselves, I guess, till it gets sorted.

46274449 -
>>46274414 (GhostDivision)

46274453 -
>>46274414 (GhostDivision)
Well alrighty then

46274474 (GhostDivision) -
exact words were, quoting:
I'm assuming when it's sorted out he'll be back, but no ETA on that.

46274511 (the fluff bringer) -
>planefriend is a brony
I have no reaction image for this.

46274546 -
>>46274511 (the fluff bringer)
Horses and ponies are real animals, mate

46274550 -
>>46274511 (the fluff bringer)
IIRC PF's house is near a farm.

46274677 (demetrious) -
Okay, update was about to finish and then I was delayed because I had to go help catch a god damned ESCAPED PONY
fucking ponies
this is not a god damned joke
there is nothing funny about that prick

46274684 -
>>46274677 (demetrious)
Oh its hilarious and you know it.

46274688 -
>>46274677 (demetrious)
Family heirloom or side business?

46274692 -
>>46274677 (demetrious)
So you're saying that you're not horsin' around?

46274700 -
>>46274677 (demetrious)
Then why am I laughing?

46274721 -
Motherfucker gets to own guns, AND has a pony. What next, does he play guitar and camp out under the clear desert sky?

46274754 -
>Big Iron playing in the background

Kongou finally breaks free of Arizona, making a big show of shaking her hair out and readjusting her outfit in a huff. "Hmph!"

"Okay, girls," you say, plucking a rare sane question out of the torrent of retardation, "what do you think of carriers?"

Kongou laughs merrily. "Considering how many bombs and torpedoes miss a *fast* battleship can dodge-" she spreads her hand across her chest modestly, "they're no replacement for a proper battle-line. But they're great for blasting big unprotected ships that bu-" - she claps her hands to her mouth in supposed embarrassment.

"... Arizona?" you prompt.

Arizona nods sagely, patting Kongou on the shoulder to indicate her agreement. She holds up three fingers on one hand and four on the other, then makes a quick motion in air with her hands, as if tying a knot and tugging it tight.

"Thirty-five knots?"

She nods. Then she picks up an invisible box and tucks it under her arm.

"Carrying - carriers."

Another nod. Then - the sly wench - she slips her arm into yours and leans on you a little too much.

"E-escort," you conclude. "Thirty-five knots for escorting carriers?"

46274917 -
Oh, she's good

46274919 -
>Another nod. Then - the sly wench - she slips her arm into yours and leans on you a little too much.

She nods, then taps your shoulder, looking up into your eyes - a hard press, then three quick taps. Your brain churns up the proper equivalent from your schooling days. "B?" Nod, two fingers, then six, then one- "Iowa class made thirty-five knots." Over Arizona's shoulder you can see Kongou squinting at her sharply, already leaning heavily on Goto's arm herself. Arizona releases you and nods, then makes a shrugging motion with uplifted palms - why? "Ah. The Iowa's were built to make thirty-five knots, so they could escort carriers - in other words, carriers *need* escort." Arizona nods, and gives the webcam a brilliant smile.

"And that is why the ships of yesteryear were retired, in favor of SPEED!" Kongou declares, stomping the floor hard enough to rattle the shelves as she pumps her fist in air. "They looked at me on my shakedown cruise and said-"

"She's fast," you and Goto say together, your flat tones damping the enthusiasm of Kongou's recitation. She puffs out her cheeks, wraps her arm around Goto's shoulder, hauls him down and starts to noogie HIM. "SPEED IS ARMOR, BUCKO! DESS WITH THE BEST, CRY LIKE THE REST!"


"Probably the ship with TWICE THE TONNAGE AND THE BIGGEST GUNS!" Kongou declares loudly, still noogieing for all she's worth. "I read this book Yuubari gave me where they build a big spaceship in total secret then it flies into space by NUKING ITSELF to mess up evil alien invaders! It was a rip-off of SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO which they made because Yamato really WAS a huge superweapon except we didn't invent a mass-murder bomb that we're so proud of we use it on EVERYTHING!"

46274963 -
goddamnit it bongou

46274969 -
Wew lad

46275123 -
>"except we didn't invent a mass-murder bomb that we're so proud of we use it on EVERYTHING!"
And now we've officially elevated this from an embarrassment to Fleet Activities Yokosuka to a minor diplomatic incident between the USA and Japan.

46275294 -
>implying anyone important gives a shit about weak jabs like that

46275488 Report
It's a sore spot for the Japanese,and you know it.

She keeps noogieing as Goto shifts around, desperately trying to find leverage. "IT TOOK SO MANY TORPEDOS AND BOMBS AND STUFF TO STOP YAMATO THAT AMERICA PUT NUKE BOMBS ON EVERYTHING JUST IN CASE SOMEONE ELSE BUILT ANOTHER ONE! NUCLEAR BOMB TORPEDOES! NUCLEAR BOMB MISSILES! NUCLEAR BOMB BOMBS! NUCLEAR BOMB DEPTH CHARGES! EVEN NUCLEAR SIXTEEN-INCH SHELLS!" She releases Goto, who pops upright and smooths out his hair while giving Kongou a death glare. She throws her head back and laughs merrily, hands on her hips. "YAMATO, EVERY DAY!"

Arizona just smiles sweetly. First she taps her wrist, then makes a little running motion with her arms, then does the knot-tying thing again. "... speed?" you guess. She nods, then hosts an imaginary shield, cringing, arm jerking as it stops invisible projectiles. "... armor?" Another nod. "Speed is armor?" Third nod. "So the fastest ship-" Arizona flashes the webcam a brilliant smile and cocks her hand by her face in a V sign, an almost dead-on imitation of Naka's idol pose.

46274970 -
>except we didn't invent a mass-murder bomb that we're so proud of we use it on EVERYTHING!"
1+1 bomb = end of war
>Arizona flashes the webcam a brilliant smile and cocks her hand by her face in a V sign, an almost dead-on imitation of Naka's idol pose.

46274984 -
>She keeps noogieing as Goto shifts around, desperately trying to find leverage. "IT TOOK SO MANY TORPEDOS AND BOMBS AND STUFF TO STOP YAMATO THAT AMERICA PUT NUKE BOMBS ON EVERYTHING JUST IN CASE SOMEONE ELSE BUILT ANOTHER ONE! NUCLEAR BOMB TORPEDOES! NUCLEAR BOMB MISSILES! NUCLEAR BOMB BOMBS! NUCLEAR BOMB DEPTH CHARGES! EVEN NUCLEAR SIXTEEN-INCH SHELLS!" She releases Goto, who pops upright and smooths out his hair while giving Kongou a death glare. She throws her head back and laughs merrily, hands on her hips. "YAMATO, EVERY DAY!"
Dumb bitch is dumb

Kongou rounds on her, outfit flying. She opens her mouth to object - and sputters as she realizes she's been cornered. In a huff she spins back to the camera, arms crossed *under* her chest, hoisting her already impressive bosom up as far as possible. Her anti-torpedo bulges straining the thin, gossamer fabric of her outfit, she slashes through the comments quickly, looking for a decent one. "What's worse - Hirohito's admission of not being god or Charles Prince of Wales abdication for his girlfriend?" She laughs. "Hirohito, of course! Prince of Wales did it for -" she leans in Goto's direction as she sliiides the next word out of her mouth - "looooooooooooove. And besides, his replacement was SO MUCH AWESOMER!"

You and Goto both stare at Kongou, uncomprehending. Realization hits just as she sucks in a big breath for her next speech-

- Goto gets there as you're still trying to move past a confused Arizona, clapping his hand over her mouth as she cuts loose with her full and very impressive blower capacity. He clamps down with all his might, stifling the words even as Kongou redoubles her efforts, chest visibly deflating as she pours her whole lungful of breath behind it. At last, Goto's hand slips from her lips -

- "AND TITS!" she finishes triumphantly.

Goto shares a terrified look with you - this is going downhill very, very fast and there's no end in sight. You look out the door to Hate - but Hate is literally weeping with silent laughter, his smartphone discarded by his side. Yeah. Big help. Great bro moment, there. You file that one away for later - he's gonna get his comeuppins any day now. Soon as you get around to it.
Which will happen, at the current pace, around the time hell freezes over.

"OH!" Kongou asks. "Hey Arizona, what do you think about the LCS?"

You spring forward, holding your hands up in a pleading gesture. "Well I'm glad everyone enjoyed this incredibly impromptu stream but it's almost time for our training thing so-"

- your voice is drowned out by something you feel more than you hear; like a ship's main hailer at ten yards.


You jerk 'round to look at the doorway - then look down - then down some more - and find the USS Essex herself, in the flesh. Hands on her hips, chin turned up to the ceiling in a pose of inherent superiority, the girl sketches a surprisingly convincing Napoleon.

If Napoleon was stacked, that is.


46275022 -
Say something along the lines of "Oh Jesus fuck."

46275024 -

46275025 -

46275038 -

46275045 -

46275473 -
>Yokosuka starts a web show based on Q&As for shipgirls and their two admirals
>Settle's tag line every time he's dragged in is "and my career is over"

46275539 -

46275599 -
Imagine the banter between Goto and Settle to fill air time.

46275603 -
We've still got a war to fight, man

46275636 -
>Boke and Tsukkomi routine between Goto and Settle
>With matching paper fan
Not sure if want

46275736 -
>We've still got a war to fight, man
That's not an excuse. The girls aren't out fighting 24/7
A show would help improve morale and serve as good PR for the ship girls.

46275789 -
We sorta need good PR too with the whole abyssalification phenomenon. If that gets out to the public in a bad way, things will not be good.
Best get a handle on that early.

46275891 -
>they bring sammy on as a guest
>new policy for future streams is a minimum 30 second delay and at least one person standing by with a censor beeper

46275115 (Hamp) -
Welp, clearly this has gone too far and needs to stop...
But let's let it keep going and see what happens?

46275266 -
I got a question, what the hell is Sammy doing while all this is going on?

46275275 -
Laughing like hell beside Hate?

46275279 -
>Implying she isn't posting in the chat

46275291 -
Probably in the chat telling kongou to show tits

46275334 (LT Hate) -
>Implying that's not me

46275365 -
>>46275334 (LT Hate)
Thats cruel marine, how would you feel if that was Yams being asked to show tits

46275370 -
>>46275334 (LT Hate)
Just because sammy is doing something doesn't mean your not copying her.

46275383 -
>>46275334 (LT Hate)
So when you gonna ask Yams the same question?

46275405 (LT Hate) -
It isn't though, fucking is it?
Besides, Yamato fucking knows better than to Hook a fucking webacam up and start up an unauthorized fucking AMA for the entire goddamn internet. She's a good girl, and knows what fucking PERSEC means. Unlike that hyperactive overblown fucking ancient battlecruiser.

46275460 -
>>46275405 (LT Hate)
How handy is she with a computer anyway? Goto mentioned he had her on chan-monitoring duty before you showed up, even if she couldn't read the mood well

46275506 (LT Hate) -
She learned pretty fucking fast from what I was told.
She fucking loves video games, I got her started in on the division last week. Yeah, fuck you, it's best days are behind it, but it's still fun as fuck, and lower Manhattan is still fun as fuck to explore. Had to let her crash in my fucking room, cos she fucking passed out at the keyboard. I'll give her HALO or Gears next, dust off the bone and let her try them out, see how she fucking likes consoles.

46275543 -
>>46275506 (LT Hate)
Don't only give her shooters, man. RTS too.
... What? I'd like to know I could, perhaps, play a game against Yamato herself.

46275564 -
>>46275506 (LT Hate)
That's adorable

46275575 -
>>46275506 (LT Hate)
Has she tried World of Warships at all? I know, unrealistic, but still, curious.

46275626 (LT Hate) -
Fuuuuck no. And FUCK wargaming in fucking general. Ban me cos my account is US tagged and trying to log on from a Japan IP address you fucks.
oh well. At least AW doesn't do that fucking shit and there's no blatant overwhelming soviet fucking bias.

46275666 -
>>46275626 (LT Hate)
Hard to call Soviet bias when their non-premium ships are generally the worst in their trees.

46275671 -
>>46275506 (LT Hate)
>Getting her hooked on Destiny-ONE-without-space-magic when Destiny 2 is out
I'm pretty sure you actually DO know she's romantically interested and you are trying your hardest to drive her off.

46275713 (LT Hate) -
I dusted my account off and got her one, we tooled around for a bit. Got her an M60 and taught her it's place in corps myth. She now runs around giggling like a fucking psychopath and saying "oink oink" to the fucking TV.
It's fucking adorable, really.

46275737 -
>>46275713 (LT Hate)
>She now runs around giggling like a fucking psychopath and saying "oink oink" to the fucking TV.

46275758 -
>>46275713 (LT Hate)
Holy shit, that IS adorable.

46275769 -
>>46275713 (LT Hate)
Sooner or later she and Sammy will wind up playing together. That day will probably be as adorable as it is terrifying.

46275824 (LT Hate) -
I fucking doubt it. We got Sammy gears.
Sammy discovered the lancer and immediately fucking demanded we make her one for fucking real.
Settle found out, nearly shat out his lower GI, and expressly forbade Crab from even fucking trying it. Crab started work as soon as he got the fuck back to his shop. He expects to be done next week.

46275930 -
>>46275824 (LT Hate)
How hard would it be to build a Lancer? Not that hard.
Now, can Crab build an energy sword? That should fuck up anything it hits but good. Give it to Tenryuu when Tatsuta gets better, as a gift. Sword-chunni deserves a better weapon.

46275961 (LT Hate) -
Haha, fuck that. We're getting them refit with a thermal fucking lance. Fuck yeah, those fuckers are cool as fuck.

46276152 (RDML Settle) -
>>46275506 (LT Hate)
>dust off the bone and let her try them out

46276200 -
>>46276152 (RDML Settle)
Wow, we all fucking missed that... huh

46276242 -
>>46276152 (RDML Settle)
Clever admiral.

46276276 (LT Hate) -
>>46276152 (RDML Settle)
Oh, yeah, cos that's gonna happen.
Face it you fuck: you're the only one with ships chasing your fucking dick. AND YOU REFUSE TO FUCKING USE IT. I'd say turn in your fucking man card, but I'm sure you gave that shit up years ago.

46276317 (the fluff bringer)
>>46276276 (LT Hate)
He's about to use it on Arizona at this rate Lt. Hate.

46276329 -
>>46276276 (LT Hate)
>but I'm sure you gave that shit up years ago.
Or maybe it was just when the title of Flag Rank Fucker was achieved

46276368 (RDML Settle) -
>>46276276 (LT Hate)
It's not my fault that clearance for special weapons release hasn't been authorized, Lt. With great power... comes great responsibility.

46276412 (LT Hate)
>>46276368 (RDML Settle)
Yeah, it is your fucking fault. Don't try and pretend this is anything other than you probably not knowing what the fuck to do with one if she had fucking instructions tatted on her fucking stomach and ass!

46276583 (RDML Settle)
>>46276412 (LT Hate)
Just for you, instructions geared to your mental age level:
"'m a Tatsuta, curvy and stacked,
Here is my bosom, here is my depth charge rack,
When I get all steamed up, hear me shout,

46276740 (LT Hate) -
>>46276583 (RDML Settle)
Considering she's in critical and may not fucking pull through, that's in pretty poor fucking taste, isn't it?

46276767 -
>>46276740 (LT Hate)
Pretty poor taste, but I imagine Settle sees your suggestions the same way.

46276856 (demetrious) -
>>46276740 (LT Hate)
Oh. Oh dear, I'm sorry. Your beloved ship is a shattered hulk of her former self, lying listless and empty-looking on life support. Well, well. What would Hate do in this situation - oh, right. Ahem. "HEY, SKIPPER! FORGET ABOUT HER AND GO FUCK SOME OTHER BOAT! YEAH!"

46276999 -
>>46276856 (demetrious)
>Your beloved arleigh burke is a shattered hulk of her former self, listing lifeless and empty-looking on wooden piles. Well, well. What would Settle do in this situation - oh, right. Ahem. PACK HIS SHIT AND FLY TO FUCKNG JAPAN

46277211 (LT Hate)
>>46276856 (demetrious)
You're bad at fucking reading people if you think that.


"Essex," you say as calmly as you can manage. "This is not a good-"

"YOU THREW A PARTY AND DIDN'T INVITE ME!" she bellows. "I. Me. Thouuuu...eeee?" she trails off uncertainly. "But, you know, ME! *ESSEX*! Name ship, of the WAR-WINNING CARRIER CLASS!" She storms into the room all aflounce, brimming with self-satisfaction.

"War winning?" Kongou pouts. "Where the dess have YOU been? We've been fighting-"

"FOR A YEAR, HUH!?" she retorts, punching Kongou in the shoulder affectionately. "Always fashionably late, to *every* war~"

"Essex, we're kind of in the middle of-"

"Having a party WITHOUT me!" she finishes, crossing her arms over her sizeable bust and pouting in your direction. "I come riding to the rescue in the nick of time and *this* is the appreciation I get!?"

Arizona looks at Essex calmly. Then she looks at Goto. Together, they start stepping backwards out of the room.

"Essex, right now we're-"

"You don't even know how to do a party right!" Essex scoffs. "Where's the food? Where's the cake? Where's the ice cream?" She punches *you* in the shoulder, making you rock sideways onto the support of the cane. "Oh right, they said you were a destroyer man!" She tries to throw an arm around your shoulder - by standing on tiptoe she juuust manages to get her hand to the other side of your thick neck. "Heeey," she whispers in what counts as a conspiratorial tone for her. "Torpedo juice for ice cream - pint for gallon basis. Sound good?"

Kongou cocks her head, leaning over with her hands on her knees to study Essex closely. "Where does *that* come out, dess?"

Essex's face goes completely blank, mouth hanging open slightly.

You ponit at the little webcam, desperate to get a word in sideways while you still can. "Essex, we are on TV!"

"We are?" she says. "You... you mean right now?"


Essex's hair whips about as she looks quickly back-and-forth between you and Kongou, visibly sizing up your comparative heights. Then she flounces 'cross the room to stick her face right in the webcam, neatly blotting out any height references. "HELLOOOOO?" She taps the monitor. "CAN YOU HEAR ME IN THEEEERE?"

Kongou laughs. "Isn't she funny, tei... to..." As she scans the room and finds it one Goto short, a dark look comes over her face. "Why, that-" Within a moment she's bounded over the threshhold, over a prone and half-suffocated Hate and vanished down the hall. You slip out yourself and close the door behind you gently, surrendering to fate - there was really no stopping that, but when SecNav calls you to inform you of your execution date, you'll at least be able to say You Tried.

You espy Arizona - or rather, her back - sauntering down the hall to the left, opposite of Kongou's escape vector.

[ ] Go after her. You've been avoiding this talk long enough.
[ ] Go after Goto. You'd actually like to know what happened after you went bonkers in the Strait, more than "we won, they lost, good game." Besides, he's had enough Bongou for today. EVERYONE has.

46276164 -
>[ ] Go after her. You've been avoiding this talk long enough.
Time to pay the piper. You did say you'd do anything for her to try and sort out the webcam mess.

46276174 -
>[ ] Go after Goto. You'd actually like to know what happened after you went bonkers in the Strait, more than "we won, they lost, good game." Besides, he's had enough Bongou for today. EVERYONE has.
The true waifu.
Also I so happy that we got meme boat and internet together at last.

46276225 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>[x] Go after Goto. You'd actually like to know what happened after you went bonkers in the Strait, more than "we won, they lost, good game." Besides, he's had enough Bongou for today. EVERYONE has.
Cause seriously, wtf happened.

46276578 -
So, after counting the votes myself...well, what actually won was cutting the show, and yet planefriend wrote that we voted to leave Essex in there and escape.
Try and get it right this time with Arizona, Greek.

46276653 (demetrious) -
>implying it wasn't already too late
>You slip out yourself and close the door behind you gently, surrendering to fate - there was really no stopping that, but when SecNav calls you to inform you of your execution date, you'll at least be able to say You Tried.

46276709 -
>>46276653 (demetrious)
It's alright, we all forget how to do basic counting occasionally.

46276744 (demetrious)
Hey. Hey. Heeey. Majored in PoliSci. If there's one thing I can do, it's count votes!

46276767 -
>>46276744 (demetrious)
... That does not fill me with confidence.

46276787 -
>>46276744 (demetrious)
>political science
>fair elections
One of these things is not like the other...

46276934 (demetrious) -
New thread soon since we're on page 10. I'll let you guys count for me since you're so good at it~
Session #69 pt.2

[X] Go after [Arizona]. You've been avoiding this talk long enough.

You trudge after Arizona slowly, hoping to give yourself time to think of a good way to broach the topic of your blatant hypocrisy. Well, that's putting it lightly. The way a full Court Martial would put it is "royally fucked up," and in almost as many words had you committed a blunder this massive in the course of your normal duties...

... which you *have,* all things told. You're supposed to enable her to do her job, and all you've done is hurt and upset her. You slow down a little more, mind spinning. You've spent your whole life inside of one formal, rigid context - superior and subordinate, duty and execution thereof. You've always known what was expected of you in any situation, and striven to achieve it.

But now things have gotten *twisted,* and you don't know how to set them right again. Hate was right - there ARE fraternization regs for a reason. You thump the heel of your hand against your forehead with a sigh and look up to find an empty hallway - no big surprise, because you're standing still.

You do know which room his hers, though - it's on this floor. You count down room numbers till you find it, then pause outside, studying the cheap brass numbers nailed to the outside. You raise your fist to knock, an excuse forming in your head...

... and then dissipating again. Your hand drops to your side again. This... this, you can't do. You haven't even heard how the battle ended yet, aside from the bare-bones bottom line (we won, they lost, no damaged ships sunk, etc.) You have work to do - the least of which is call base IT to take a goddamned axe to a hard-line somewhere - and no time to stand around bearding the battleship in her ha- bad analogy.

Leaning on your cane heavily, you struggle to summon the werewithal to just knock... and finally surrender with a sigh, pivoting on your cane to leave. You swing your foot into the first step -

- and discover that it seems loath to land, just hovering in air. Investigation reveals this to be linked to your shirtcollar, which seems to have arrested your forward progress by your throat. A second later it twirls you about on your heel, putting you face-to-face with -

"Arizona," you say brightly. "Hello."

She leans against the doorframe with crossed arms, lidded eyes slicing through you.

"I." Yeah. You. Good start. "I came here." You most certainly did. Empirical facts, can't go wrong with those. "To-" apologize talk discuss ask - "I just wanted to - uh."

Arizona backs into her room slowly, beckoning you forward like one might tempt a stray dog. You enter timidly, feeling like the biggest goddamned fool in the world. Once, you commanded a United States Navy warship, and now *they* command *you.*

Maybe you're simply going insane. Maybe you *are* insane, a chunk of Higgins still stuck in your skull as you lie gibbering in a rubber room somewhere.

Arizona leads you into a small apartment that looks somewhat similar to your own, just a bit smaller. Leading you into the miniscule kitchenette, she points at a chair before retrieving two plain white mugs and filling them from a cheap coffee maker off to one side. She holds up a box of sugar cubes and rattles it as an interrogative.

"Black, thanks."

Setting the mug down in front of you (complete with saucer, you note,) she plonks her own down before pulling a seat out for herself.

Then she proceeds to stare you down across the table, expression even more blank than usual.

[ ] Apologize. You made a horrible mistake, no two ways about it - but you intend to erase that mistake.
[ ] Tell her what you've never told anyone else before; the real reason behind your mistake. The man who's name you cannot even recall. Your XO.
[ ] May as well take Opposite Day all the way - you're here for your ass-chewing, so you'll take it like a man. It's *her* turn to talk a bit, isn't it?

46278002 -
>[ ] Tell her what you've never told anyone else before; the real reason behind your mistake. The man who's name you cannot even recall. Your XO.
The expository prospects are too tempting

46278006 -
>[ ] Tell her what you've never told anyone else before; the real reason behind your mistake. The man who's name you cannot even recall. Your XO.
we shouldn't be apologizing do we?

46278008 -
>[ ] Apologize. You made a horrible mistake, no two ways about it - but you intend to erase that mistake.

46278009 -
>[ ] May as well take Opposite Day all the way - you're here for your ass-chewing, so you'll take it like a man. It's *her* turn to talk a bit, isn't it?
Right, let it rip.

46278014 -
>[ ] Tell her what you've never told anyone else before; the real reason behind your mistake. The man who's name you cannot even recall. Your XO.
Hello, darkness, my old friend.

46278031 -
>[ ] Apologize. You made a horrible mistake, no two ways about it - but you intend to erase that mistake.

46278072 -
>[ ] Tell her what you've never told anyone else before; the real reason behind your mistake. The man who's name you cannot even recall. Your XO.
I want to say "DO ALL THREE GODDAMMIT!", but I know that's not how this works and would see planefriend hunt me down and unleash imouto on me.

46278080 -
>[ ] Apologize. You made a horrible mistake, no two ways about it - but you intend to erase that mistake.

46278088 -
>[X] May as well take Opposite Day all the way - you're here for your ass-chewing, so you'll take it like a man. It's *her* turn to talk a bit, isn't it?
Take it like a man anon.

46278089 -
>[X] Tell her what you've never told anyone else before; the real reason behind your mistake. The man who's name you cannot even recall. Your XO.
We going full mindfuck emotional shit tonight [...]

46277993 -
What did we do...

46278264 -
>left Essex alone with a livestream with millions watching
I am sure Settle's email inbox is filling up with with emails from his boss with subject lines like
>"Unauthorized PR live streaming"
>"what the hell are you doing?"
>"holy fuck stop this"
>"Oh god shes not stopping"
>"Your ass. My office. NOW"

46278286 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>I don't care if you're on the other side of the god damn ocean!

46278322 -
>implying that CINCPAC didn't order for the connection to be cut the moment Essex showed up.

46278423 -
Or maybe RFV has hijacked the feed and are keeping it running...

46279152 (LT Hate)
Fuck sake that's cute.
I'mma print off a copy and see what the fuck she says. She might squee. She does that shit with cute shit.

46279178 -
>>46279152 (LT Hate)
I'd ask you to record her reaction, but I'm satisfied imagining it.

You dodge her gaze, choosing to study the faint wisps of steam rising from your mug.

There's really only one way to go about this.


"There's something I've never told anyone before-"

Better -

"And..." and if you say it now, you effectively abdicate your lifelong duty by admitting you're *broken.*

... well, there it is, isn't it?

You *are.*

What the hell happened to Ryan Settle, Commander, USN? LA happened. Higgins happened. Your XO happened.

Death happened.

Now what are you, but a raving god-damned lunatic? Lunatics are tolerated in war; as long as they get results. And you've lucked out a few times. But now you're already failing; getting duct-taped to a damned table after you crack under the strain of contact with alien minds malicious. Now here you are, about to fling yourself on the subordinate who's supposed to look to you as a pillar of support. This is no mere abdication of duty - it's downright treasonous.

She waits patiently as you quietly deflate before her, staring into your mug.

She raps on the table sharply.

"Ah - just - I, I need time-" She cuts you off with a sharp shake of her head. First, she points at you; then makes a talking motion with her hand.

You blink. "Yes, I want to talk to you, I just-"

Slashing hand, for silence. Her hands come up to her head and grab invisible hair-buns, turning them this way and that like radio dials, before she does that V-shaped wink again -

"Naka." She nods. "What about her?" Points at you. Talking. Bumps her chest with her thumb - the talking motion again.

Realization is a cold trickle of icewater down your spine. "She did NOT-"

Headshake. Her forefingers trace a thin line down her jaw and over her upper lip while one hand pulls down to stroke an invisible goatee. Then she grimaces, and shakes her arm as if trying to remove Ko-

"Goto." A nod. The talking motion again. Next she smooths her hands down her chest, following the contours of a nonexistent bust massively superior to her own. She follows this with a huge smile and wide-eyed exuberance, bouncing up in her chair a bit while flipping an invisible ponytail over one shoulder. "And Yamato. Goto and Yamato." A nod. The talking hands, again. Pointing. "They talked about me?"

She waggles her hand - kinda-sorta. Then she hunches over the table, arms crossed, eyes as wide and wild as she can manage, scowling at everything in Creation from beneath beetled brows.


46279412 -
>All these impressions
God Bless Ari.

46279496 (LT Hate) -
>Next she smooths her hands down her chest, following the contours of a nonexistent bust massively superior to her own. She follows this with a huge smile and wide-eyed exuberance, bouncing up in her chair a bit while flipping an invisible ponytail over one shoulder.
Yeah, that fucking sounds like Yams.
Also, fuck your fucking image filename, fatass. Thumb over bore bullshit, get your ass the fuck outta here.

46279545 (demetrious) -
>>46279496 (LT Hate)
>Thumb over bore bullshit, get your ass the fuck outta here.
ahahahahahah I'M NOT SORRY

46279557 -
>>46279496 (LT Hate)
Bitch thumb over bore with the index finger extended is DA BEST urban ops stance. Fucking natural aim is as easy as pointing, and if you think otherwise how the fuck are you FORCEPRO?

46279563 -
>>46279496 (LT Hate)
Personally, I want to know when you turned into Richard Machowicz.

46279629 -
>>46279496 (LT Hate)
... Yeah, I understand why you see her as a sister. That exuberance is just so... endearing.

46279743 (LT Hate) -
Sure as fuck beats emo and mopey cos she thought she'd be sitting this whole fucking war out, too. God damn people are fucking retards.

Now she gesticulates wildly, pointing at you and stomping her feet.

"Argument. You'll have to be a lot more specific than-"

She pokes the mug, taps the saucer, points at the fridge, makes a quick fork-to-mouth motion with her hands oh *shit* she "-heard about that."

A nod.

"Yeah, we... had a falling out."

She whooshes a hand over her head, then taps her chest again. Over *me.*

"... yes."

She leans forward on her elbows, those green-flecked grey eyes piercing and intense. First she pokes you in the chest... then makes that talking motion... then makes a very slow, very wide circling motion with her fingertip in air, followed by a spread palm, indicating everything, absolutely everything... and then she slowly taps her own chest again.

"... oh," you say quietly. "Oh, *shit.*"

Arizona plops her chin into one hand, the slightest of lopsided smirks peeking past her fingers. With the other, she presses an invisible cup to something, then takes it to her lips and drinks. Water cooler. Or in Ye Olden Navy Terms-


A gentle flick 'o the fingers against her own head - no shit, Sherlock.

With great effort you arrest the urge to hide your face in your palms. You'll take it like a man, right down to the lovely red color you must be blushing right now.

What did you THINK was going to happen? More to the point, WHEN did you think? At *all?*

[ ] So you just let me STEW for a few days!? I've been running myself in *circles* over this!
[ ] ... okay, I'd be pissed off at me too. I guess I deserved it.
[ ] ... I wanted to say something but I... I can barely look you in the eye right *now.* You have no idea how bad it is.

46279422 -
>[ ] ... okay, I'd be pissed off at me too. I guess I deserved it.
Let's be mature and own up to our mistakes.

46279427 -
>[ ] ... okay, I'd be pissed off at me too. I guess I deserved it.

46279430 -
>[ ] ... I wanted to say something but I... I can barely look you in the eye right *now.* You have no idea how bad it is.

46279432 -
>[ ] ... I wanted to say something but I... I can barely look you in the eye right *now.* You have no idea how bad it is.

46279433 -
[X] I wanted to say something but I... I can barely look you in the eye right *now.* You have no idea how bad it is.

46279434 -
>[ ] ... I wanted to say something but I... I can barely look you in the eye right *now.* You have no idea how bad it is.
This somehow just seems

46279489 -
Dumb anon here not getting it, someone plz clarify

46279552 -
She knew that we've been agonizing to everybody we trust about how we want to fuck her capsized but can't.

46279534 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>[x] ... okay, I'd be pissed off at me too. I guess I deserved it.
I feel like I'm dealing with my wife when she's angry at me. Hehe

46279536 -

46279541 -
I'm a little confused, I know Hate and Settle have falling outs a few times iirc, but which one is she reffering to. If it's the one in which we told Arizona about regulations, and Hate getting pissed that was....yesterday in story time.

46279610 -
The real question is whether Arizona is pissed by the rumor mill, or pissed that the rumors aren't true. That's the more honest question.
Additionally, we basically just torpedoed our career. Sure, they'll probably let us finish out the war, because we are (somehow) actually good at our job - at least when measured in wins and losses. So right now, we can do no wrong. But after the war? Yah, it's pretty much career over. Retirement with honors I'm sure, but over nonetheless.
So why are we wearing about the frat regs now? They can't fire us mid-war, and we have nothing to lose thereafter. They won't court martial a hero for it, and we have nothing to gain since our careers over anyway.
Worthy of thought at least anon...

46279611 -
>[x] So you just let me STEW for a few days!? I've been running myself in *circles* over this!

46279620 -
Accidentally hit enter
This somehow just seems stronger. The other option sounds more like Settle trying to weasel his way out of responsibility by trying to make Ari the bad guy.

46279641 -
I like this anon's line of though.
We don't care for peace time admiralty anyways.

46279655 (demetrious) -
to clarify, she is listing literally everyone Settle has talked to about his issues with Arizona. Basically the whole fucking base knew via scuttlebutt like three days ago how Settle was moping about it to anyone he saw.

46279657 -

46279658 -
It's not like we wouldn't have retired or had ourselves transferred from service if it hadn't been for the Abyssal War after Higgins. No big loss.

46279705 -
>[ ] ... okay, I'd be pissed off at me too. I guess I deserved it.
I think we are a big enough man to look into her eyes and admit that we screwed up.

46279751 -

46279757 -
Can someone translate from ari-speak? I'm not sure what she s.aid that we're reacting to

46279759 -
Well, the shipgirls are something the military has never had to deal with before. The rules could be bent in this case. Either way, we're past the point of no return now.

46279800 -
Screwed up by not trying to talk to her sooner, when we knew there was a misunderstanding.
Which would have been better, us talking to her, or her hearing from everyone else >>46279655?

46279803 -
Ummm... what? Settle has been jerking Ari around since day one with his self destructive bullshit. All the options admit guilt, but only the last one doesn't try to sling blame on Arizona.

46279840 -
Now I'm not saying we go Hate's 'just fuck already' route - but can we admit we feel *something* for this girl? We don't have to be madly in love with her, we don't really even know her! But shouldn't we give things (whatever 'things' turns out to be) a chance? Whether it's friendship, romance, whatever ... let's stop dicking around, put our cards on the table, and see what happens.
We owe her the respect of trusting her to make her own decisions - and, yet, for all out talk about respecting her as a national hero/memorial, we've been awful quick to discount what *she* wants. We can treat her like a normal subordinate -- because she's not. She's part girl and part battleship -- which means she's also only part sailor.
Enough is enough anon - it's time to show some damn respect and put faith in someone besides ourself.

46279873 -
How is admitting we fucked up, and that we deserved her little trap, slinging blame on her?

46280086 -
Because it implies that Ari was being an asshole too. "You were a jerk to me, but I was a bigger jerk so that's okay"

46280126 -

46280267 -
Or, she was forcing us to confront her because we kept running away

46280410 -
What the fuck did she say?

46280472 -
The most damning, disgusting thing she could say about us: the truth

46280523 -
Which was?

46280603 -
Pretty much just the details of how we were being an asshole.

46279594 -

46279636 -
Maximum rustling detected.

46279678 -
She's depressed, which many a 'well-adjusted' anon mistakes for just being bitchy. She basically has very bad PTSD - and who can blame her? So are we going to be the kind of CO that does something about it, or one that writes her off? I'm for the former myself.

46279699 -

46279740 -
And it took you how many threads to realize this?

46279858 -
It's planefriend, it's par for the course though it's not quite quirky crazy like in SWQ but rather "a few bad moments from Psychotic episodes" crazy

46279878 -
You clearly have never had, nor known anyone, with PTSD.
ANCF, back me up here. How often does PTSD come across as anger/bitchy-ness?

46279915 -

46280563 (demetrious) -
it is theorized that DARPA is working on a neural predictive network based on surveillance data embedded in the phones of every staff sergeant in the US Armed forces, yes
update inbound, then a writeup or two!

[X] ... okay, I'd be pissed off at me too. I guess I deserved it.

Spinning your coffee mug around in your hands for something to do, you let your mind bend under the full brunt of that little revelation.

"... okay," you say quietly. "I'd be pissed at me, too. I deserved it. Every bit."

The liquid in your mug jumps with the sound of her palm slapping the table. You start, looking at her stern expression in surprise. She shakes her head vehemently, then... stares at her mug miserably, just like you were doing.

"You... weren't mad?"

Her head tilts left, then right, her mouth uncertain.

"It wasn't just that."

She crosses her arms over her chest - but she also sinks into her high-backed chair a bit, almost like she's cringing.

"... oh." She was as torn up as you.

It was still your fault. Telling her about your XO, your failure, your... your *everything* is far too much, especially right now. But you can tell her the gist of it. "I was out of line, with what I said," you say quietly.

Arizona cocks her head - in the soft light of the overhead kitchen fixture, her eyes seem to be pools of liquid turquoise, so light that they almost seem to shimmer. She makes the long-hair combing motion, followed by hinging her thumbs and sending her hands winging away. "You were right about Shoukaku, of course, I had no right-"

Damn STRAIGHT you didn't, her nod says-

"-but that's not the worst of it."

She tilts her head again, indicating interrogative.

"It's..." you sigh. "Higgins."

A blink.

46280634 -

"I'm hung up on her," you say simply. "She was mine - mine to lead, mine to guide, mine to keep, mine to protect. Her, and every soul aboard her. And I fucked up, Arizona." The words are clunky and raw, out in the open, in this sterile little apartment - only now are you noticing the bare walls, the tightly turned-down bed, the complete absence of any personal items save a magazine resting on the nightstand and an old-fashioned two-bell alarm clock by it; not even a bevy of unpacked moving boxes to fill the space. "You using me as a replacement Admiral-" you shake your head. "Christ, I used you as my replacement *ship.*" Your eyes burn, but you force yourself to meet her gaze - you owe her this much, at least. "Always there, always loyal - it was e-easy to pretend-" voice roughening now, too close to breaking. Stop. You said enough. Stop. She understands.


A small, delicate hand slips into your big paw, and squeezes gently - insistently - until you look up at her again. She's leaning over the table as far as she can, staring into you with - did they - the light, the angle - that clear turquoise fading to cornflower blue again, like they always were, as far as you can remember.

Her other hand comes forward, and rubs thumb and forefinger together, then taps you on the nose, then herself. Then she flattens her palm out expectantly.

"... owe you?"

A wide sweep of her hand.

"... anything..." Yes. Yes, you did say that, didn't you?

She nods.

"... what do you have in mind?"

Smiling, she releases your hand, and in her usual way, she tells you.

46280672 (demetrious) -
THAT'S IT FOR TONIGHT! We have a few writefags ready to rock. For starters, I am posting for Shimakaze writefag, becuase he had to sleep like a productive member of society.

46280694 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>>46280672 (demetrious)
I'm productive and I don't need sleep.

46280719 -
Double asshole!
How do you leave us hanging like that!

46280727 (LurK) -
Well, that happened.
Anyway, as promised, here is the last installment of Memories of Higgins.
Speak Like a Child
As always, here are the rest of my works.
LurKCoulDWurK's Pastebin - Pastebin.com
I may be working on another KCQ writeup in the future, so I hope you continue your patronage!

46280989 -
So we just left Essex to do her own webcam show?

46281010 -
She was just elected queen of 4chan.

46281020 -
We tried to shut it down but she got to the laptop before us

46281078 -
What could possibly go wrong?

46280168 -
Wait, how does [Arizona] know about our conversation with Naka? Does somebody bug our office, or were there shipgirls pressing their ears to the door, or what?

46280194 -

46280205 -
were on a naval base in wartime
the scuttlebutt might as well be telepathic

46280277 -
A substantial portion of the base personnel is female, under forty, and equipped with excellent listening equipment.
There are no secrets.

46280343 -
Who are probably running an underwater ship girl lewd picture black market.

46280407 (LT Hate) -
Probably hell. You know how many fucking times I've caught them attempting to 'acquire materials' on Yamato?

46280412 -
What's the bet they have pics of Goto, Hate and Settle?
Which do you think sells better?

46280449 -
>>46280407 (LT Hate)
Like you haven't been?

46280486 (LT Hate) -
I don't need to fucking try. If I wanted noodz of Yamato- or yams herself- I'm more than fucking willing to bet she'd be willing to go.
But that ain't how our shit fucking is, so there you fuckin go.

46280514 -
I meant which out of Goto, Hate and Settle specifically sells better.

46280563 (demetrious) -
it is theorized that DARPA is working on a neural predictive network based on surveillance data embedded in the phones of every staff sergeant in the US Armed forces, yes
update inbound, then a writeup or two!

46280564 -
Goto I assume merely because he has been at it much, much longer.
Though Settle is gaining his own fan club now, especially after the sword fight.

46280593 ('Crab') -
>>46280486 (LT Hate)
Right right. And I'm a responsible adult. You'll have to pick which BB's DD's you need to bury your face into eventually Lt.
Also if you have pics, Iku's in the market. Not that I've asked about Yamato's Yamato's or anything.

46280600 -
>>46280486 (LT Hate)
>If I wanted noodz of Yamato- or yams herself- I'm more than fucking willing to bet she'd be willing to go.
This is impressive now honestly.

46280612 -
>>46280486 (LT Hate)
Could you at least convince her, once her presence is public knowledge, to do a shoot for the Sport Illustrated Swimsuit edition or something?
Seriously, her body is pretty fucking inspirational, and she's hot enough not to need to do nude to boost morale.

46280643 -
>>46280486 (LT Hate)
Hate just admitted he KNOWS Yamato would gratefully accept his D.

46280710 -
>>46280486 (LT Hate)
>I'm more than fucking willing to bet she'd be willing to go.
I understand it's very rare that a woman would be willing to have sex without wanting to have sex. Therefore, this statement implies that she wants to have sex with you. So why are you refusing her?

46280734 -
Guys, don't piss off the Marine. He's in a bad spot right now, and he's likely on the hunt for an outlet to vent at (or ventilate).

46280779 -

46280785 -
...when is the Marine NOT pissed off?

46280835 (LT Hate) -
Maybe. Fuck, we do it in red on a red background, it'll be the perfect fucking camouflage!
FUCK no. are you fucking kidding? Fucks sake she has issues with her outfit as is, and she fucking picked it out!
You fucks are delusional. That's just how she is, gives shit to people all the time without worrying about what it's costing her. Why do you fucking think she was willing to sit another fucking war out just on Goto's say so alone? She's a good fucking person, that's why. Goddamn shame no one wanted to watch out for her the way she watches out for other people till I fucking came along.

46280933 -
>>46280835 (LT Hate)
I get it, Hate. People like her? They give and give and give...
Seems endless, until it runs out.

46280958 -
[half-dressed Yamato.jpg]
Yamato wants Hate to part her like the Red Sea. And he knows it. And he finally admitted it. After weeks of swearing up and down their relationship wasn't like that. Marine. If there is a hole it is a Marine's job to JAM IT IN!!!!!
Pic related: she's probably waiting dressed like this RIGHT NOW for him.

46281051 -
>>46280835 (LT Hate)
You know 'nice enough to have sex with anyone who asks' is pretty much another way to say 'slut.' Are you sure you want to be calling her that?

46281058 (RDML Settle) -
>>46280486 (LT Hate)
>this incredibly sheltered and innocent girl who blushes redder than her outfit at the drop of a hat would willingly disrobe and let me take pictures of her nude body if I asked, but we're not boning because she's totally not into me that way
Allow me to be direct.
Do you keep your head up your ass for the WARMTH!?

46281066 -
>>46280835 (LT Hate)
How the were we supposed to know she have issues with her outfit? I don't remember it ever being mentioned before now.
If she has body image issue that would keep her from doing shoots, that's fine, but our heads off for shit we don't know.

46281095 -
As I said, rage issues. More than usual too.

46281116 (LT Hate) -
More likely she's stolen an undershirt and is wearing that, sitting on her panty-clad ass in my fucking desk chair playing on my fucking computer with her regular fucking getup piled by the fucking footlocker.
Between her and fucking hornet it's absolutely fucking amazing I still have skivvies.

46281117 -
>>46280835 (LT Hate)
>Timid Japanese nice girls are SO nice that they'll just strip down for you if you ask!
Fucking who's delusional here?

46281144 -
>>46281116 (LT Hate)

46281147 -
>Hornet and Yam sharing Hate's skivvies
This is disturbing, funny, and cute all at the same time.

46281163 (LT Hate) -
>>46281058 (RDML Settle)
Don't you have a standard type to be fucking right now? Or did you bitchmode out again?

46281165 -
>>46281116 (LT Hate)
>stealing your clothes
[Asshole] you two dating *hard*

46281215 -
Isn't it in her character write up? She's like that due to all the secrecy surrounding the ship in real life. Yamato was even built in a dock that had gigantic curtains hung all around it to prevent anyone from seeing it.

46281251 -
>>46281116 (LT Hate)
>IN only a undershirt and panties
>no reaction
Are you both dead and gay?

46281277 -
>>46281058 (RDML Settle)
Okay so fucking seriously when are we going to shift our focus to fixing Hate? Harder and Naka have probably hit escape velocity and should only need little nudges now.
At the pace we're going, without intervention, we're not going to get that "OH SHIT MAYBE SHE/THEY ACTUALY DOES WANT TO FUCK SHITHSHITSHITSHIT" moment for a fucking decade.

46281287 (LT Hate)
The fucked up part is she just steals my fucking sweats if I turn the goddamn AC on.

46281324 -
I thought the AC was broken? \
By Yams

46281345 -
Not saying it isn't in the write-up (too lazy to go back and dig to check), but it isn't exactly a big or memorable part of her character if it is.
Her disguise and the need for it is the only major thing I remember relating to her appearance.

46281351 -
>>46281116 (LT Hate)

46281366 -
>>46281287 (LT Hate)
At that point, you deserve it. Seriously, you have a hot women in your room in just your shirt and her underwear. Turning on the AC is not the next step.
It's just not.

46281418 -
>>46281287 (LT Hate)
Hate confirmed harem protagonist

46281488 (LT Hate) -
All you motherfuckers delusional. She's not into me like that, she just feels safe or some fucking shit.

46281534 -
So... Higgins when?

46281550 -
>>46281488 (LT Hate)
Hate plz
Did you leave your testosterone in LA along with your Raifu?

46281553 -
>>46281488 (LT Hate)
>She's not into me like that, she just feels safe or some fucking shit.
Yeah, that I can buy honestly.
Now that we've unfucked ourselves re: Arizona, probably Soon for maximum drama

46281599 -
>>46281488 (LT Hate)
>she just feels safe
The Super Super Super Dreadnought only feels *safe* when she's next to you?
run how that works by me again?

46281705 -
nobody even considering the possibility that maybe yamato doesn't into sex, and the fact that hate refuses to sexualize her (unlike most people, and especially you fucks) means she can hang around in her undies like a normal fucking person and have it not be hella awkward.

46281773 -
Hanging around in your underwear with a person of the opposite sex, while wearing portions of *their* underwear, and this person not being family or your spouse, is most definitely not "normal".

46281776 (LT Hate) -
There's two fucking kinds of safe, ok? The first fucking kind is the kind I feel all day every fucking day. If some shit pops off, I know Uncle Sam spent a lot of money on teaching me to kill people and break shit. I'm safe cos I can fucking ruin everything that sets after me.
The second kind of safe is the kind where you don't worry about that kind of shit because You don't fucking have to- if some shit pops off, you're around people who can fucking handle it before it's ever a fucking threat to you. This is the kind of safe you fucking feel when you're with your pack of bros or whatever.
The first one is fucking fine, but you don't relax. You still gotta be fucking aware of what's up, since some shit may pop off. That's the one I am all the fucking time. Yams is too most of the fucking time. I think the reason she comes up to my fucking pad to slum it up in her panties and a fucking tshirt is cos she feels like she can relax up there.
But what the fuck do I know? I'm a grunt, not a fucking shrink.

46281780 -
When was the last time you heard of a smoking hot chick like that just "hanging out" in her undies in the room a guy she wasn't into.
Fuck, Hate even admits all he'd really have to do is ask at this point.

46281781 -
>>46281287 (LT Hate)
You two are literally in a relationship.
She's cooked for you (because you've been around each other so much she's noticed anything beyond homosexuality and gun maintenence were beat out of your skull in boot camp).
You are so protective of her you bark at anything showing the remotest intrest in her
She's given you a piece of herself (LITERALLY), YOU'VE told her, brass tax, you'll move the sky and earth for her.
She takes your clothing because she's more comfortable in them, and spends much of her time in your bunk, so much do you're sure she's there as we speak.
Face it, Hate. You two need to just get over "shyness" and "SHE'S LIKE A SISTER" and just bone already. and maybe she'll start calling you 'Love'.

46281785 -
I'd love to live in the same world as you where a hot girl will hang out half-naked with a guy for no fucking reason

46281852 -
>>46281776 (LT Hate)

46281952 -
Except she is his sister. Get it through your head, not everything has to be FUCK

46282026 -
Hate's gravely and intentionally misinterpreting what "sister" means.

46282035 -
Tell that to her. The mere thought of him makes her blush, become introverted, and becomes difficult to understand, and that's just what planefriend's explicitly stated

46282048 -
If your sister hangs out in your shirt and panties then your life is a goddamn incest porn.
Last edited:
"Just. Watch," Cornwallis hissed through clenched teeth. Ben saw now that the wound was even deeper than it had initially seemed–he was certain he could see bone.

Again, Cornwallis made sure they were alone, and then he manifested his rig. In moments the flow of the old warship's blood changed from blood red to oily black. In the span of a heartbeat, the flesh and bone and muscle of Cornwallis' open wound became steel and piping. The observation was not a new one, though Ben knew that many who worked alongside these girls (and boys) found it creepy.
... So there's inconsistency in kanmusu metaphysical biology. Wonder if it's a gender thing...
Ben wasn't particularly turned away by the gore, but what he certainly found creepy was when he started to hear muted, tinny, and barely audible voices that sounded very much like they were coming from -within- Cornwallis' arm.

And when a tiny head popped up from within said arm and inspected the damage with an exasperated expression, Ben began to wonder if London had already started to break him. The head became a body, which clambered out of Cornwallis' still-bleeding (or was that oiling?) wound and became a figure; a tiny little figure dressed like an old naval rating which raised its hands to its head and ran them slowly down its face. It looked almost like it was in the deepest depths of despair.

Then it turned up to look at Ben, and the tiny creature's expression changed. Anguish became surprise; became indignation; became anger. It pointed a finger at Ben's face and screeched in a tongue Ben doubted he'd ever understand if he had a lifetime to study it, before then reaching inside the wound, retrieving what looked like an old welder and hurling it with all its diminutive strength at the looming ex-paratrooper. Ben flinched, but the impact was limp; it felt rather like a bug had flown into him.
Rough translation: "Godfuckinfdamnit, he went and did it again... Ah hell, this'll take forbloodyever to fi- YOU! HEY, YOU! ASSHOLE! WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU STOP THIS MASOCHISTIC CUNT? YOU LET HIM BREAK HIMSELF, YOU FUCKING FIX THIS! I AM FUCKING DONE, I QUIT!"
"I have fought this enemy more times than I can feasibly count. I have bled them and been bled, repelled and been repulsed. I have engaged them at distance and in close quarters, and after so many battles, I can say that, while there are many things that separate us from them, the most crucial is our sense of duty. Those girls out there who seek to slaughter and kill have lost theirs; whether that is because they were coerced into letting go, or whether they gave it up willingly I cannot say."

She took a breath; Ben sensed she was coming to the end of her outspoken monologue, "For those who have wavered or have turned away from their most sacred duty. That is why I believe–why I -know- that I came back." Her eyes burned with a quiet but intense heat. There would be no argument on this, Ben understood that much clearly.
Hm. It's clearly more than just 'I have to do this, so I am' though. There's some enjoyment and, for lack of a better term, sense of purpose fulfilled in there as well.
Am I making sense?
Filled with sudden panic, Willie seized the doorknob, pulled when she should have pushed while simultaneously leaping forward, and managed to faceplant into the metal door hard enough to give it a new dent.

A new dent in the shape of her face. Now Shimakaze always has that reminder of you Wille.~
Shimakaze, whose mouth was wrapped around and apparently stuck to some sort of protrusion sticking out of the engine.
... wat.
Amatsukaze raised a finger. "In fact, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this." She glanced down at Shimakaze and sighed. "...I take that back. There is in fact a really stupid explanation for this." Shimakaze just glared back. The silver-haired destroyer was about to say more when she took in Willie's condition and gasped. "Oh my goodness! Willie, are you all right?"

Willie's shoulders slumped. "I hurd by dose," she murmured. By running into a door, she added to herself. Again.

"Oh..." eyes shimmering with concern, Amatsukaze grabbed a clean rag and rushed over to Willie's side, carefully pressing the fabric against her damaged nose. "Come on in, dear. Does it hurt? Don't worry, Shimakaze will get you all patched up, right as soon as... um, as soon as we get her loose." From where her mouth was stuck around... something, bulging out at the sides, the blonde destroyer, glanced away, blushing slightly.
Ok, hit me. What's the story?
"Our dear Shimakaze finally succeeded in making a new engine," Amatsukaze explained, a trace of pride in her voice.

"Wud?!" Willie yelped.

"It's true," the silver-haired destroyer said in wonderment. "She really did it. It worked." Shimakaze squawked in pain as her fairies finally pried her loose with a POP! "Of course, then came the question of how she was going to get it into her body."

The American destroyer considered this for a moment, looking at her Japanese friend, who was rubbing her sore mouth. "...You twied to ed it?"
if you really didn't want to go the surgical/full hull replacement route, why not disassemble the thing into bite-sized, quickly-assembled components, eat those, and let the crew inside of you put them together?
And did you not think of how the crew would be getting rid of the old engine?
Shimakaze considered her work before glancing over at Amatsukaze. "Goto might pay more attention to you if you wore the old one," she said gently.

Amatsukaze looked away. "...Admiral Goto has enough Dess in his life already. And you know how he feels about destroyers." Shimakaze just sighed in response.
1. Dess.
2. Not for lewds.
"And then there's this!" Yamato looked at the new engine in wonderment. "Not to mention, I heard a rumor that you do... repair work?" She smiled at the smaller girl.

Shimakaze stared back, an expression of sick horror spreading over her face. Her eyes slid over to Amatsukaze, who had found something fascinating on the far wall to observe.

Yamato cleared her throat. "You know, we do need any number of people qualified to work on us ships..." she let the statement hang in the air, a suggestion tinged with the vague suggestion of authority.

Willie looked over at Shimakaze, whose expression suggested that she felt like she was facing a firing squad. Honestly, a speedster like her being relegated to repair duty, or having it dumped upon her regular duties, was probably a horrifying proposition.
Yamato dun goof'd.
"I have one condition," she said sternly.

"Hm? What's that?" Yamato asked, eyes lighting up.

"I want to be part of the shipgirl upgrade project I know is going on. I'll start with you."

Yamato blinked, suddenly taken off guard. "M-m-me?" she stammered.

"That's right." Shimakaze's eyes narrowed. "I'd like to cut you for speed."

There was a deep, deep silence. "...Speed?" Yamato echoed weakly.

"That's right." Turning sharply, Shimakaze stalked over to the laptop sitting in the corner. Bringing up the web-browser, she punched in two words:


Seizing the computer, Shimakaze thrust it towards Yamato like a holy icon. "Here. This design should maximize your tactical speed. Would you like it in red?"
1. I have seen those images on the 'booru, and I want.
2. Obligatory Ork reference is obligatory.
"Probably forgot to recharge it or something?" Shimakaze shrugged. "Oh well. Here's her room." Coming upon a door with Amatsukaze's name helpfully written on the nameplate, Shimakaze seized the knob and let herself in, mouth open to call out to her almost-sister when she stopped in place, eyes widening in surprise. Curious, Willie peered past her to see what was wrong. Seconds later, the American destroyer felt her face heating up in embarrassment.

Amatsukaze was standing in front of a full-body mirror. Except 'posing' would be a better word. She looked at her reflection confidently, a faintly pleased smile playing about her lips. As for her clothing, it somewhat resembled her regular outfit. Save for the fact that it could be more accurately described as a mini-skirt and halter.

"You know, I think I've still got it..." she murmured to herself, reaching out to pick up another outfit, one far more similar to her regular clothing, albeit noticeably more... transparent. Then she glanced too the side and noticed Willie and Shimakaze staring at her.
Yup. Sisters.
I mean, in your time, it'll be 20 years since your Dad died.
Ah. A video to your future self. That's an interesting framing device.
Look here, dude. Whenever you're having a hard time, or you're losing your way, or you just think life totally sucks in your general area, just remember Old Man Hobbs. You still know him, right? The old grocer five blocks from where you used to live. He always had a good thing to say and a nice tune to play to you when you were down in the dumps. Yeah, just remember the thing he always said to you to cheer you up, back when he was still alive: Life ain't always sunshine an' rainbows, son. Sometimes you get the notes wrong, sometimes them audiences don't appreciate what you be playin' for 'em, an' sometimes you forget yo' mutes at home an' ya have to make do with that plunger they be havin' in the backroom. But that don't matter none, son, 'coz it's all gon' be alright in the end, so turn that frown upside down and play a jaunty tune to shoo them blues away.
Words to live by, right there. Very moving piece overall.

"SEE!?" Kongou says, throwing up the V sign. "I'm her sempai NNOW-" Arizona's slipped her arm up and caught the loud girl in a firm headlock. Winking at the camera, she applies a vigorous noogie to Kongou as the Japanese shipgirl flails about - "NO DESS BUENO!" - giving the internet some tantalizing glimpses up her shirt in the swirls of silk.
:lol:rofl: Stap. Stap plz, I need mah lungs to live.
- Goto gets there as you're still trying to move past a confused Arizona, clapping his hand over her mouth as she cuts loose with her full and very impressive blower capacity. He clamps down with all his might, stifling the words even as Kongou redoubles her efforts, chest visibly deflating as she pours her whole lungful of breath behind it. At last, Goto's hand slips from her lips -

- "AND TITS!" she finishes triumphantly.

Goto shares a terrified look with you - this is going downhill very, very fast and there's no end in sight. You look out the door to Hate - but Hate is literally weeping with silent laughter, his smartphone discarded by his side. Yeah. Big help. Great bro moment, there.
1. I almost want to know what Kongou was going to say.
You spring forward, holding your hands up in a pleading gesture. "Well I'm glad everyone enjoyed this incredibly impromptu stream but it's almost time for our training thing so-"

- your voice is drowned out by something you feel more than you hear; like a ship's main hailer at ten yards.


You jerk 'round to look at the doorway - then look down - then down some more - and find the USS Essex herself, in the flesh. Hands on her hips, chin turned up to the ceiling in a pose of inherent superiority, the girl sketches a surprisingly convincing Napoleon.

If Napoleon was stacked, that is.
Spoiler: Hate v. Settle shenanigans
I usually don't enjoy sex jokes/insults, but goddamn it I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.
Kongou laughs. "Isn't she funny, tei... to..." As she scans the room and finds it one Goto short, a dark look comes over her face. "Why, that-" Within a moment she's bounded over the threshhold, over a prone and half-suffocated Hate and vanished down the hall. You slip out yourself and close the door behind you gently, surrendering to fate - there was really no stopping that, but when SecNav calls you to inform you of your execution date, you'll at least be able to say You Tried.
And like that, Settle left Essex alone. In front of a livestream. Populated by roughly the entire internet. Which shall be recorded for all of eternity. You all may now take out your cyanide capsules...
Spoiler: The Yokosuka Rumour-Mill, and "Hate, YOU *DENSE* MOTHERFUCKER!"
I'm just waiting for Iowa to find out just how badly Hate went local. The fireworks will be glorious.
if you really didn't want to go the surgical/full hull replacement route, why not disassemble the thing into bite-sized, quickly-assembled components, eat those, and let the crew inside of you put them together?
And did you not think of how the crew would be getting rid of the old engine?
To put it in D&D Terms: Shimakaze has a lot of points in INT but made WIS her dump stat. A lot of brilliance held back by a painful lack of common sense. (Which she also abandoned in her pursuit of SPEED)
To put it in D&D Terms: Shimakaze has a lot of points in INT but made WIS her dump stat. A lot of brilliance held back by a painful lack of common sense. (Which she also abandoned in her pursuit of SPEED)
1. Someone should put the 'Wizards, no sense of right or wrong' on a Shimakaze image.
2. I did say she was a Wil. E. Coyote mad Genius... I guess I still put my expectations too high.
By Zim's standards, yes.
Nope, one does not simply evade CNO's gaze that easily.
She was quoting the string of curses that Colin Firth as King George VI let out as he was getting over his stutter as referenced in The King's Speech.
Ah. Right.
Session #70 pt.1

TWITTER: twitter.com/planefriend
ARCHIVES: Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]


"Baking," you confirm.

Goto reclines in his chair, mouth rising into the widest, smuggest grin you've seen this side of Hate. "As they say in the vernacular, you dun got out-skilled, son."

"Really?" you return with dripping incredulity. "Coming from the guy who literally has to dodge full-body tackles from Miss Psychostalker? Mine wants to make cupcakes."

"Yep, she's got you-" Goto says, raising his hand to tick off fingers, "isolated, for at least an hour, in her apartment, right next to a gas oven."

"Aaah," you croon with enlightenment. "I thought that house on chicken feet in the parking lot was odd."

"Just to knock you out," Goto explains. "She asks you to check the pilot light - shoves you in, holds you there for five minutes, you wake up tied to the bed-"

"Your problems," you muse, "are so alien to me, it's amazing. Like a man telling a fish that his knees hurt. Besides, I'd scream. Oven can't muffle it that good."

"Harder lives one floor down," Goto reminds you. "If they release him today, he'll be blasting Smash Mouth till nine."

"He shuts it off at nine?"

"Just turns it down, according to Hamp. You rip into him for stowing away on the C-5 yet?"

46359202 -
Quick question.
Between the two of them (a Warship and an Admiral), does anyone actually know/have experience with baking cupcakes (and other sugary confections)?
... At least one of them, right?

46359242 -
Well, Arizona had a cooking staff on board.

46359284 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
Settle's what... in his 50s? There is just about no way he hasn't baked cupcakes before. Also the internet is a wonderful thing full of many good recipes.

46359374 -
Having a cooking staff does not ensure competence in the kitchen!
>>46359284 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
... Colonel, are you supposed to have confidence in the skills and ability of a Navy Officer?
Or am I just overestimating the rivalry between Navy and Army?

46359376 -
Late 30s actually

46359500 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
... wait what? HOW?!

46359514 -
>>46359467 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
He's in his 30s, Colonel.
Not enough time to ensure competence in baking. Or cooking for that matter.
>>46359500 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Hell of a drug, I'm told.

46359522 -
>>46359500 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Some sort of weird bullshit in the bureaucratic process, despite the fact that the youngest American Naval Admiral ever was 45.

46359550 -
>>46359500 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
"Heroism" and wartime promotional hijinks.

46359568 -
Let's not forget he was a Captain before the whole Abyssal thing

46359579 -
PF is worried we wouldn't be able to connect to an older character, but still wanted the PC to be an admiral

46359585 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
I... I... I... planefriend!

46359593 -
No amount of heroism should be able to get you promoted like that. You need to be appointed by Congress and have served for a fixed period of time prior. Something like that happened for the guy who was 45, and he was a seabee (nothing against them, just saying)

46359596 -
He was a Captain on the Higgins and was in the running for a future flag rank posting, LA kind of accelerated that process.

46359604 -
War Hero, LA, battlefield rank-up

46359614 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
Hence why I thought he was probably around my age, because you don't make O-6 young, regardless of branch.

46359621 -
>>46359585 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Now you're just giving him what he wants.

46359629 -
The youngest Admiral in US Naval history was 45. Settle is in his mid 30's. Is anyone else seeing the problem? Hell, my brother got out of the Navy when he was 28 and he was a Lieutenant.

46359663 -
Was your brother attacked by lewd abyssals?
Checkmate, atheists.

46359668 -
>>46359500 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
>Group of Admirals in meeting
>"Who's going to be our go to guy on this Abyssal/Kanmasu thing."
>simultanious chorus of "Not it!"
>"Well somebody flag ranked has to be."
>"What about that Settle fellow. He's got experience with them and his ship is out of commision?"
>Meanwhile at Settle house
>Ding! You've got mail!

46359670 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
... God damn it you're right.

46359681 -
He's pushing 40. He's in his late 30s, and up until the recent troubles, he was an obscure captain of a low priority vessel. There isn't a problem with a few years getting shaved off in light of his unique experience and value as a test and PR case. Particularly considering that up until a few days before getting sent to Yokosuka, he was commanding just 2 destroyers kanmusus and a carrier.

46359690 -
Late 30s. Very late 30s.
Also, stupid shit happens in wartime.
Back in WW2 people regularly jumped two, three ranks or more over the course of the 6-year war.

46359702 -
>>46359500 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
War hero, his ship was too damaged in combat to be repaired, and thus a war hero and competent captain was without a ship in a time of war.
Was saddled with several shipgirls, and no one else had the time (or sanity) for that shit. So, if in charge of several ship(girl)s, no replacement ships available, in a time of war, and the PR potential...make him a Rear Admiral.
The USN also wanted to send their shipgirls to Yokosuka, since the shipgirls wanted to fight, the USN was wary of shipgirls, and Japan needed the help. Pair the USN's foremost expert on Abyssals with the USN's shipgirls, and, well...

46359712 -
Not that level of stupid shit. That guy who made flag at 45 was jumped up as well.

46359723 (demetrious) -
>>46359585 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Mid to late thirties, leaning late. Heavily. And, though I've never said it, in my head he got command of the Higgins largely because the usual promotion pipeline had been thinned out a bit by new construction in the last few years. Thinned out quite a bit, in fact. Somewhat related to Higgins sailing for Japan with LSRAMs and a note that said "fuck cruising speed, money is no object."
It starts with C and rhymes with - er. China. China is the reason. Just jump right to that.

46359751 -
Settle is a genius geek though. Heard it mentioned he wrote papers on networked warfare. He also has connections like his Holy Nation. Maybe he just rose up the ranks cause he was really promising officer?

46359774 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>>46359723 (demetrious)
Ah the wartime promotions that "aren't wartime promotions" I get it now. Still damn young, but you know what. FUCK IT! I don't care! I'm just here for my free entertainment and watching you're balls retract back into your body whenever my boss drops in.

46359787 -
Or the perceived correct skillset for a particular theater.

46359802 -
>really promising officer
>letting us control them
choose one

46359827 (demetrious) -
This, too. Sure didn't hurt. But note that's just one of the factors that contributed to him getting a very old Flight I ship several years "ahead of time." The big sticking point is, there's usually more qualified commanders than there are ships, lots, and you just have to wait your turn.

46359844 -
>>46359774 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
He's the american Yang Wenli, but with stress issues instead of raging alcoholism.

46359962 -
To solve the Rank issue the Navy recognizing his heroics and needing someone to command the Shipgirls Brevet Ranked him Rear Admiral.
His official rank is still Captain but shipgirls according to the Japanese respond best to admirals is how I saw it.

You shake your head. "The nurses said he was pretty out of it, so I figured it could wait." You turn to your tablet, tapping at it listlessly to give the pause something to do. "Seen-"

"I did," Goto says quietly. He's tapping his own fingers on his tablet nervously, not even pretending to work. "If she'd been in deeper water, she never would've made it. A mile - hell, a thousand yards further from the shallows, even-" he shakes her head. "They were able to pluck her out with a crane barge - only thing with shallow enough draft in the area." He sighs. "It could've been worse."

"That's about the sum total of what I've heard so far," you reply. "I wake up, they cut me out of the duct tape and it's all 'we won, they lost.' What *happened?*"

"Nareusan and Steadfast had the unholy shit shot out of them," Goto begins, "but they're seaworthy and they should be in drydock soon. The USN has a floating dock in Singapore and they couldn't loan it fast enough. Still, I don't think we'll be seeing them again for months. The Kasturi was sunk, of course, and two Spica-M model gunboats - one in that attack run and another was too shot up; constructive loss." He starts spinning his tablet around on the table idly, reciting from memory. "And that's pretty much it. The abyssals withdrew soon after we did - dunno where they were going, but they didn't get there, so, that's that."

"Enemy casualties?"

"Notoriously hard to tell." He frowns. "That battleship... we thew every last bomb and missile we had at it after you lost it."

"... no wreck, though."

"There wouldn't be, would there? Not much, at least," Goto points out. "Never is."

"... there is that," you muse. "The rest?"

"They put down at least one heavy cruiser that we know of. Probably another, but we can't be sure. Visibility and sensors really went to hell towards the end, there - Steadfast and Nareusan were shadowed by that island and terrain, and Lekir's computers and gear aren't the newest around-"

"Lekir," you fill in. "Last I recall, she was boarded?"

"Oh," Goto says. "That." He halts the spinning tablet, taps the screen briskly, and spins it 'round to face you. "Got the link on my desktop."

You flip the tablet's sectioned cover back to prop it up for easy viewing - it seems to be a shoulder-camera style feed, similar to what the girls use. It shows you a cramped shipboard corridor, red emergency lights the only illumination. Men are creeping foreward in the dark, dark OD green uniforms barely visible in the gloom. A man near the front taps a magazine against his helmet for some reason before tucking it away again. They're creeping towards a dogged hatch at the end of the little corridor. The point man's just reaching for it when the heavy steel buckles with a horrid screech, a black point just visible through the rent. The bulge grows beneath a second blow, the better part of an obsidian-black axehead visible for a moment as the owner wrenches it loose.

"Let's rock," the camera's owner whispers, lurching as he hefts his weapon up - the distinctive foregrip and heatshield of an original M60.

"I like to keep this handy - for close encounters," someone ahead of him breathes, hefting a pump-action shotgun.

"You fucking nerds will be the death of me," a tired voice says from the back just as the hatch finally yields with a screech of sundered steel, revealing the upper torso of something chitinous and awful in the gap, eyes glowing with a faint blue light. The men in the lead hit the deck as one -

46359156 -
>"I like to keep this handy - for close encounters,"

46359187 -
>flip SWAG
>best commandos the flip Navy has
>literally [Aliens] memes
Somehow this is worse

"HERRO!" the camera's owner bellows, and then the view is obliterated by the M-60s muzzle flash.

You set the tablet down gently and give Goto a disturbed look.

"SWAGs," Goto explains.

"... who?"

"Filipino Navy SEALs. They were waiting around for their plane ride home after a joint training op with the Indonesians when they started scrambling everything in the harbor. Offered their services and someone made room for them, it looks like."

"... SWAG?" you repeat. "Aren't they called NAVSOG?"

"A valiant and respectable effort," Goto says, doffing his invisible hat and holding it over his heart. "God bless that brave bureaucratic soul who tried to put that genie back in the bottle."

You nudge the tablet aside gently. Your own bureaucratic soul is atrophying by the day, because once upon a time you would have found that video astonishing rather than passingly remarkable. "So you're telling me, we didn't actually do heavy damage."

"We sure gave better than we got," Goto points out. "And blew the hell out of a bunch of troop transports - Kitakami and Ooi guessed at least fifteen to twenty, counting explosions." He smiles, thin and savage. "Kitakami and Ooi really came through, didn't they? They stacked up those abyssals wall-to-wall in there."

You don't dignify that with a groan. "We didn't actually hold the strait, though. If they'd pushed-"

"Yeah, just like Guadalcanal. But they *didn't,*" Goto points out. "How often have you seen, or heard of an Abyssal trying to save itself, or one of their forces disengaging because of casualties?"

You have to think about it.

"Point made," he concludes. "You were right, Settle. They're moving to larger ops, and they can't just cheat around logistics for those. They've got to transit, they've got to resupply, and there's a limit to the punishment they're willing to take."

That's about when the door to the conference room nearly buckles underneath a sharp blow, the noise making you both jolt in your seats. The heavy, padlocked chain securing them manages to hold, but just barely.

"TEIIIIIIIITOOOOKUUUUUUU'S TEATIIIIIME~" a familiar voice sing-songs through the door.

"H-HARUNA BROUGHT CAKES!" another chimes in.

"AND THE OTHER TWO, WHO REFUSE TO EXPRESS THEIR EXUBERANCE!" Kongou adds, followed by two feminine yelps, probably from well-applied elbows.

Goto sinks into his chair with a look of resigned dread, glancing at you for help.

You recline in your chair. "They're at the pressure door," you say seriously.

[ ] Out the back! We've got shit to do today! [suggest shit to do]
[ ] You've learned some things from the enlisted men. You know how to spoil a tea party.
[ ] Not so smug now, eh? Come, let's see how a *master* evades a horny shipgirl. Teach me, oh sensei.

46358977 -
>[X] Not so smug now, eh? Come, let's see how a *master* evades a horny shipgirl. Teach me, oh sensei.
I want to be in the tea party

46359003 -
>[ ] Not so smug now, eh? Come, let's see how a *master* evades a horny shipgirl. Teach me, oh sensei.

46359015 -
>[ ] Out the back! We've got shit to do today! [suggest shit to do]
1. Inform higher of OPSEC breach re: livestream
2. AAR for the strait fight
3. Debrief Essex
4. Develop plan to repair and refit Tatsuta
5. Deal with Naka's issue
6. Visit Shigure, because she needs morale boosting.
7. Investigate the progress of getting Yamato to sea.

46359065 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>[ ] Out the back! We've got shit to do today!
>Time to be productive, AAR!
Damn paperwork. It'll be the death of the military yet.

46359071 -
>[X] Out the back! We've got shit to do today! [suggest shit to do]
Figure out how to get our damaged chuuniboats repaired by weird shipslut hull summoning magic.

46359115 (kraut) -
[x] Out the back! We've got shit to do today! [suggest shit to do]
Have we slapped Essex silly yet?
At least give her the "this happened after the war" talk. Getting her to use an indoor voice is optional (and probably hopeless)


46359860 (demetrious) -
You are all so eager to go rushing into the waiting arms of bad news, it's adorable.

46359877 -
>>46359860 (demetrious)
The sooner it's done the better it will be.
The more you try to duck a fucking pissed off officer, the worse it'll be later.

46359893 -
>>46359860 (demetrious)
It's like ripping off a band-aid on a hairy, sensitive part.

46359894 -
>>46359860 (demetrious)
Because they don't hide all the shit that's really going on!

46360150 -
>>46359860 (demetrious)

46359912 -
You know, I'm surprised that Settle getting into romantic entanglements with girls who look half his age isn't coming off as creepy as it is.

46359936 -
Half the reason for that is said girls are twice his age.

46359960 (demetrious) -
>You know, I'm surprised that Settle getting into romantic entanglements with girls who look half his age isn't coming off as creepy as it is.
That comes in right underneath "literally fucking a WAR GRAVE" for Settle, in fact...

46360000 -
USS Arizona: commisioned 17 October 1916.
IJN Shoukaku: commisioned 8 August 1941.
USS Northampton (because why not, he got to first base with him): commisioned 17 May 1930.

46360048 -
If Settle is 38 or so, that means he was born in 1980. Arizona is old enough to be his grandmother, Shoukaku old enough to be his mother, and Hamp is old enough to either be an old father or a young grandfather.

46360565 -
>>46359960 (demetrious)
I wonder what would happen if Settle actually ever points this out to those shipgirls trying to bang him?
"No seriously, I value you greatly as a ship and a fellow soldier, but I really don't want to reciprocate on your feelings because you look half my age and that makes me feel deeply uncomfortable.
...yes, I know you're technically much older than I am. No, that does not resolve the issue. It exacerbates it, in fact."

46358992 -

46359363 (Naka) -
Christ, no one ever asks Iku why she isn't squirting out spawnlets.

46359401 -
>>46359363 (Naka)
Because her love isn't as pure as yours and Harder's.

46359419 -
>>46359363 (Naka)
Iku's an habitual bicycle.
You, on the other hand, just went the lewdest route.
Missionary position in the dark and holding hands while procreating

46359785 (Naka)
Lewd? Me?
Here's some lewd for you. I wrote it with her ages ago.
To the tune of "Gaston"

Gosh it bothers me to see you, Iku,
Covering your lady lumps.
Ev'ry ship here'd love to bed you, Iku,
Especially given your rump!
There's no girl on base as ogled as you,
You're ev'ryone's favorite lay!
Ev'ryone's lewd and perspires by you,
And they get very hard, (or go gay!)

No one licks like Iku,
No one schlicks like Iku,
No one deals with dumb verbal tics like Iku!
For there's no ship on base half as comely,
Busty, a big girl (for you)!
You can ask any boat, ship or steamer,
And they'll tell you whose lap they'd prefer to be on!

No one fucks like Iku,
No one bucks like Iku!

No one's written pornfic to show cucks like Iku!

As a romantic, I like intimate dating--

My what a gal, that Iku!
Give five more loads! And pump those hips!

Iku's at her best
When you can see her nips!

No one blows like Iku,
Can get low like Iku

No one can do that one thing with her toes like Iku!

For there's no one as curvy or busty!

As you see I've got dat ass to squeeze.

Not a bit of her's saggy or boney!

I can
Take ev'ry last inch of you down on my knees!

46359828 (Naka) -
No one spreads like Iku,
Gives you head like Iku!

No one else can be thoroughly bred like Iku!

I'm also quite good at ejaculating!


Ten yards for Iku!

When I was sub,
I shot four dozen torps,
Ev'ry battle for the Emperor!
And now that I'm girl,
I've laid five dozen twerps,
So I've truly the thighs of a whore!

Oh, ahhh, wow!
My what a gal, that Iku!
No one tongues like Iku,
No one hums like Iku!

No one shakes out light cruiser hairbuns like Iku!

I use rotors in all of my masturbating!

My what a gal--


46359843 -
>>46359828 (Naka)
>>46359785 (Naka)
Is that going to be on the deluxe album?

46359848 -
>>46359785 (Naka)
...how many bottle of rum were involved in coming up with that song?

46359865 -
>>46359785 (Naka)
>>46359828 (Naka)
An instant classic.

46359887 (Naka) -
It was less the number and more the number of uses we got out of them that night.

46359944 -
>>46359887 (Naka)
>more the number of uses

46359977 -
>Naka: "What's wrong? Can't take the pressure at this depth?"

46359999 (Naka) -
You guys remember when you were telling me Harder might be into the mind control singing thing?

46360022 -
>>46359999 (Naka)
And this is a problem?
Strongest quads say otherwise.

46360032 -
something something "blow all tanks" something "crash dive" something something "run silent, run deep"

46360039 -
>>46359999 (Naka)
Go for it, Naka. Your quads show the righteousness of that decision.

46360141 (Catte) -
It was musical hour the last two days in the writefag channel.
Help me I keep wanting to do more. Derailing MaidRPG with musical numbers is too much fun.
I am the very model of a perfect aircraft carrier,
I've information rhetorical, clerical, and nautical,
I know the presidents and Teddy was the most majestical
From Washington to Obama, in order categorical;
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,
Colbert here does algebra abstract and theoretical,
Real analysis and calculus, he studied it in Syracuse
And derives taylor series while he helps my accountant who is a jew

I'm very good at integral and differential calculus;
I know my naval history, how am I so magnanimous?

46360160 (Catte) -
I know spooky history, like of my haunted bestie Salem;
I can recite As You Like it and Othello verbatim;
I quote in elegiacs all the crimes of Admiral Settle,
And list the compounds created by all the alkaloid metals;
I can do a perfect triple axel and pirouette en arabesque.
I don't know what I just said; Je ne parle pas français anyway!
Then I can fence so well the French stare in rage and jealousy,
And snack on gourmet crème brûlée, while I reposte breathlessly!

I look stunning as a maid or any outfit in all likelihood,
I'm so splendiferous, it's as if I were straight from Hollywood.

46360163 -
>>46360141 (Catte)
>Modern Major General
It fits Essex a little too much.

46360167 -
>>46360141 (Catte)

46360188 (Catte) -

In fact! I am the bestest and awesome sister to Willie D.
We built the greatest pillow fort while Settle was in therapy
Those otaku who creeped on Hornet, I studied their unjust ways;
Now I'll defeat them with my superior taste in annie-mays!
"People die when they are killed", I know is a tautology,
Because I am perfect, and I know it, which follows accordingly;
In short, I have a smattering of strategy in many things,
I'm THE SMARTEST and THE STRONGEST carrier in history!

For my Corsairs and my Hellcats were waiting for a century
To hunt my quarry and reclaim my glory against the enemy

46360192 -
>>46359999 (Naka)
The trick to safe and fun mind control in the bedroom is to not control the mind at all. Just stick with the body, purely physical affects and reactions. That way, their mind does all the heavy lifting of getting into things without breaching it at all!
Bonus points if you can goad him into saying his hips are moving on their own.

46360221 -
>>46360141 (Catte)
>>46360160 (Catte)
>>46360188 (Catte)
So in other words, we don't need to debrief Essex because she accomplished a lot of things while we weren't paying attention.

46360223 -
>>46360188 (Catte)
>We built the greatest pillow fort while Settle was in therapy
That's just asking for it.
And I approve heartily

46360241 -

46363579 -
>>46360141 (Catte)
>>46360160 (Catte)
>>46360188 (Catte)
It irks me that "clerical" doesn't come last in the list in the chorus to make for more of a rhyme with "carrier".

46360394 (Hamp) -
>>46359785 (Naka)
Catchy tune...
...No one needs as much penicillin as Iku!
Though, honestly that Gaston guy from the original must've been an awesome hero for that movie...

46360416 -
>>46360394 (Hamp)
>honestly that Gaston guy from the original must've been an awesome hero for that movie
Hamp, stop. You know not what you're talking about.

46360461 -
>>46360394 (Hamp)
Nah, Gaston was a villain. But then, Disney movies tend to have a habit of giving their bad guys the most pompous, overacted songs to show their ego.

46360553 (Catte) -
She's a busy and hyper active kinda girl.
Kinda like a Golden Retriever.
Dumb and naive as one too....
Oh, er, I don't think it ever came up, but we tossed around the idea that she has a pet bald eagle named Colbert.
No one knows where she found him, and no one is willing to ask; they all just roll with it.
They host "The Word" on the stream. Colbert manages the slides and helps her with the show. He's pretty talented like that.

46360655 (Hamp) -
Disney? Wait... I don't remember the Wicked Queen getting a singing number. And did Dumbo even have a villian?
Wait... He's still making films?

46360694 -
>>46360655 (Hamp)
>Wait... He's still making films?
Well, the studio he founded is. Walt himself... not so much.

46360746 -
>>46360655 (Hamp)
Eh, Walt Disney himself is dead by now, but many of the later films (Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame etc.) do give the bad guys their own songs. Bombastic, prideful, boasting songs that mightily try to convey just how HUGE their ego is.

46360780 -
>>46360655 (Hamp)
Dude passed away in '66.
Post-war and int he hands of Roy after Walt passed away, the company's become a juggernaut of the entertainment industry, with mostly good movies to their name. Walt opened a them park, Disneyland, in the 50's, and the company has theme parks all over the world. Heck, Disney Tokyo might even still be around.

Settle X Iku when? said:
46360176 -
Well, I can definitely say that I want to see Iku and Settle interact more.
Iku is pretty smart and contemplative, maybe she can help Settle find the answers to his problems?

46360282 (LT Hate) -
If by that you mean "Fuck him till he can't fucking walk" then probably, yes, she can fucking help.

46360335 -
>>46360282 (LT Hate)
Have you been accosted by a submarine lately, Lt.?

46360354 -
>>46360282 (LT Hate)
And another person comes to realize that Iku is the solution to many fucking problems, literally.

46360355 -
>>46360282 (LT Hate)
"Until he can't fucking walk" is a pretty low bar when it comes to Settle

46360356 -
>implying that he doesn't hang out with sammy and yams for a reason

46360363 -
that too, she'd be a great partner for "stress relief" as it's not likely she'd have any strings.

46360391 -
Don't be silly anon. Side ties have strings by definition.

46360410 (Naka) -
What, exactly, do you think she has to tie under that swimsuit?

46360503 (LT Hate) -
Iku is the one you go to when you need a fast stress relief lay. She's amazing in the fucking sack, or so I hear, and not bad on the eyes.
Fucking Truth.
At least none you'd fucking see. But, look, I have a long and fucking storied career there, and every bitch in forever's got strings. Ain't no such thing as a bitch without luggage, know what I fucking mean?

46360522 -
>>46360503 (LT Hate)
I'm talking compared to Shoukaku or Arizona

46360562 (RDML Settle) -
>>46360503 (LT Hate)
>I, UBERSTUD, refuse to fuck this chick I find incredibly fuckable despite my extremely well-documented need for some stress relief because of imaginary strings
You know the point of a relay race is to PASS the torch to someone else, not carry it forever. Right?

46360619 -
>>46360562 (RDML Settle)
>You know the point of a relay race is to PASS the torch to someone else, not carry it forever. Right?
The fucking irony...

46360702 (RDML Settle) -
>implying a torch
Oh, do tell, please.

46360718 -
>>46360702 (RDML Settle)
>not wanting to create the next generation of salty sea captains for the next generation of Higgins
Come on, man.

46360750 -
>>46360702 (RDML Settle)
Those who want the girls as girls have to deal with the ship baggage.
Those who want the girls as ships, can't ignore the girl. Mr "looking for a replacement ship"

46360881 (LT Hate) -
>>46360562 (RDML Settle)

46360927 -
>>46360881 (LT Hate)

46360928 -
>>46360881 (LT Hate)
Any of them, apparently.

46360987 (LT Hate) -

46361062 -
>>46360987 (LT Hate)
You may be one man, but even money bet is Iku might have some "performance enhances" that would allow you to at least handle a rotation of a few at a time.

46361130 (RDML Settle) -
I've been trying to figure that out myself for a few months and...
>viking neo-norse philosophy
... are you shitting me.

46361249 -
>>46360987 (LT Hate)
You aren't an anything-fucking man. That's sort of the issue

46361550 (LT Hate) -
>>46361130 (RDML Settle)
what the fuck is this fucking shit? Speak english you motherfucker.

46361582 (RDML Settle) -
>>46361550 (LT Hate)

46361590 -
>>46361550 (LT Hate)
Zerg/UED marine detected.

46361627 -
>>46361582 (RDML Settle)
Admiral pls

46361629 -
>>46361550 (LT Hate)
You know not of the Daelaam?

46361893 (LT Hate) -
>>46361582 (RDML Settle)
Why would I kill her? She was kinda fucking hot, I'd have done the same shit in Whatshisface's fucking place.
Except for the whole "bitching out when the royal guards came" part. Fuck that shit.

46361976 -
>>46361893 (LT Hate)
Hate, there's a limit to how dense someone can be.

[X] Out the back! We've got shit to do today! [suggest shit to do]

"... right," you say quietly. Rising from your seat, you grunt with pain as you lever your bum leg up onto the table, then awkwardly clamber atop it. Lifting your cane, you reach up and lift one of the white tiles of the drop-style ceiling.

You look down at Goto, who's staring at you with consternation. "Under the desk." He squints at you, but the sound of steel links cracking makes up his mind, sending him scuttling for cover. You turn and compose yourself just as the double doors of the conference room burst open to reveal the Kongou quartet, armed to the teeth with a tea cart, tablecloth and baskets of cookies.


"... someone really needs to monitor your internet usage," you intone levelly.

Haruna and Hiei visibly deflate, but Kongou, unsurprisingly, is undaunted. "WHERE THE DESS IS MY TEITOKU, YANKEETOKU?"

Ever so slowly, you raise your finger to point at the displaced ceiling tile.

Kongou stares, blinking, as Kirishima pushes her glasses up her nose and glares at you. "That's just flimsy cardboard-like stuff," she points out. "He can't be up there!"

"You're right," you say, nodding. "He's not strong enough to cling to the pipes and such, upside down, like a ninja."

"Of course he's n-" Kirishima's voice cuts off as Kongou's head whips around like a cobra - you can't see her expression, but judging from the reflection in her sister's visages, it was effective. She turns back slowly, her face once more cheerful and angelic when you see it next. "How did he get up there, Yankeetoku?"

"Asked me to give him a boost, and then whoop~" you intone. "Up he goes!"

Behind Kongou and Kirishima, Haruna and Hiei are leaning over, peering under the table. They nod surreptitiously, then straighten up. "Kongou," Hiei begins. "He's probably in the ductwork!"

"Don't you meme me!" Kongou retorts, huffing and crossing her arms. "I read that whole website! Ducts are for SNAKES. Are you calling my Goto-san a SNAKE!?"

Kirishima pushes her glasses up again. "Kongou, why do you insist on using Japanese honorifics when you're speaking Japanese-"

"Why are we speaking English at all!?" Kongou retorts.

Kirishima blinks. "Uh, because... uh."

"Uh... they're like tunnels! Just in the ceiling," Haruna offers. "Our soldiers hid in-"

Kongou's nose rises so high that for a second her hereditary Brit shines through like a beacon. "ARMY," she says, voice dripping with disdain.

"Vasquez?" you offer.

"... who the dess?" Kongou says, nonplussed.

"Bruce Willis!" you try. "Die Hard. He climbed up a big tower-"

"Make a King Kongou joke," Kongou huffs. "I dare you!"

[ ] Ask her what's got her so riled.
[ ] Ask her why she's suddenly reverted to the hard sell technique.
[ ] Joke? No. She's got it all wrong. It's a stirring tale, a magnum opus, a veiled allegorical story of the majesty of the last of a dying breed, the battleship. It's very Deep.
You're trying to shake Kongou and co. as fast as possible, of course, so nothing you choose will result in an extended stay. The CNO and SecNav are all dressed up for an ass-chewing party, after all~

46360557 -
>spoilered stuff
then why bother with this choice? You're just dragging things out.

46360559 -
>[ ] Ask her what's got her so riled.
I'm sorely tempted to hold a conversation with Kongou about her methods of wooing Gogto, that we advised her on, while he's under the desk, but we probably shouldn't

46360588 -
>[ ] Ask her why she's suddenly reverted to the hard sell technique.
Enough of the movies memes.
We need to hit her with a broadside from an acute angle.

46360661 (Death by Chains) -
>[X] Ask her why she's suddenly reverted to the hard sell technique.
For God's sake, Kongo, you were actually making headway - and now you've thrown it all away. I mean, I have some inklings as to why, but to be sure, I gotta ask.

46360662 -
Ask her why she's suddenly reverted to the hard sell technique.

46360663 -
>[ ] Joke? No. She's got it all wrong. It's a stirring tale, a magnum opus, a veiled allegorical story of the majesty of the last of a dying breed, the battleship. It's very Deep.
You could almost say it's Abyssal.

46360666 (demetrious) -
>then why bother with this choice? You're just dragging things out.
Because waiting 1.5 or even 2 hours for a ginormo update is something people tend to frown upon, because multiple anons were asking why Kongou suddenly changed tack last thread, because I'm running another additional thread on Friday so I don't have to worry about rushing through things as much, because it's not a big killer vote so I'm not obligated to wait a long time for votes before calling it and because when you find your writing falling flat for some reason, the rule of thumb is to bat it to anon for a vote to liven it up. Also, Kongou is fun to interact with, so this is the perfect juncture for a short update/short vote before I dive into a bigger one.

46360703 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>[x] Joke? No. She's got it all wrong. It's a stirring tale, a magnum opus, a veiled allegorical story of the majesty of the last of a dying breed, the battleship. It's very Deep.
She's just jealous we get to play in the dirt. But still, I must return fire and as such, TROLL OPTION

46360723 -
>[x] Ask her why she's suddenly reverted to the hard sell technique.
ah, you were doing so well.
he almost noticed you were a young maiden in love.
and now you're back to being a breaching charge with a tea tray. shame.

46361414 (Naka) -
You get shown a whole lot of wieners when you're an idol, sadly.
I did make one guy cry when I told him his thighs were like a bathtub full of a 60/40 blend of tapioca and ricotta cheese stuffed into a powderless latex glove and folded into a balloon animal whose parents are disappointed in its choices.

46361453 -
>>46361414 (Naka)
damn girl that's savage

46361459 -
>>46361414 (Naka)

46361471 (Naka) -
A shame his dick wasn't.

46361478 -
>>46361414 (Naka)
Oh, that's nothing.
Some idols get to shake hands with otakus who were fapping before they went to the convention AND STILL HAVE CUM ON THEIR HANDS

46361481 -
>>46361414 (Naka)
As always, whenever something happens to you, are you still doing the concert? I got tickets

46361493 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>>46361414 (Naka)
I approve of this savagery.
>captcha pick the sandwiches
>captcha you dumb fuck hamburgers are not sandwiches.

46361508 -
You do realise, thats why Naka's depiction ALWAYS has gloves.

46361518 -
>>46361414 (Naka)
Utterly savage. I approve.

46361535 -
>>46361471 (Naka)
Oh, right in the pride of whoever that sad fuck was.

46361565 -
Naka knows about that. Hence why she likely has people running interference for her when she does concerts (I imagine that Hate would want another excuse to beat otakus shitless).

46361580 -
I'm willing to be Harder will be up for it too.

46361631 (Naka) -
Though after I introduced Harder to the claws, he's, uh. Got a bit of a fixation.

46361656 -
>>46361631 (Naka)
... Elaborate.

46361689 -
>>46361631 (Naka)
>Got a bit of a fixation.
...With the gloves, or the claws?
Also have you two been spending the whole day finding new ways to make Wayne turn up the stereo in his office

46361702 -
>>46361631 (Naka)
You gave a young dude his first handie with the equivalent of clawed gauntlets.
You're fucking Harder up for life girl. He'll only be able to be with you.

46361712 -
>>46361631 (Naka)
Making gloves and thigh-highs stay is the mark of a true, cultured gentlemen.

46361721 -
>>46361631 (Naka)
>he's, uh. Got a bit of a fixation.
with the gloves or the claws?
I imagine so, a sub would be great for security. Now that I think about it, I wonder if Iku ran security for Naka back when they were together.

46361759 -
Such was her intention all along, dear anon.

46361774 (Naka) -
Honestly, kind of both. And he has noise-canceling headphones.
...Should not want.

46361790 -
>Some idols get to shake hands with otakus who were fapping before they went to the convention AND STILL HAVE CUM ON THEIR HANDS
Jesus fuck, Japan.
>>46361631 (Naka)
You haven't told us how everyone else on base is reacting to your MAKEOVER.

46361805 -
>>46361774 (Naka)
>noise-canceling headphones
>Implying they're enough to muffle the sound of detonating depth charges

46361820 -
>>46361774 (Naka)
>Honestly, kind of both.
Man, I feel kinda bad for Iku.

46361829 -
>>46361774 (Naka)
>Should not want.

46361830 (Naka) -
They don't know. And I'm going to try to keep it that way, as much as possible. At least as long as possible.

46361837 -
>>46361631 (Naka)

46361866 -
>>46361830 (Naka)
That's not going to work. Best to get it over with sooner rather than later.

46361899 (Naka) -
I'm a perverted old woman, what can I say?
...Yeah. Someone suggested we start fundraising after the Strait, and... well, I wasn't going to, but now, I think I have to.
Yeah, me too.
...I better get going.

46362021 -
>>46361899 (Naka)
You can at least try to clear the air with Iku, moreso than you did over the phone that is.
Might not make things better but at least you can honestly say you tried?

46362112 -
>>46361631 (Naka)
>wants to keep the gloves on
Man, those are sexy. Like kneesocks for hands.

"I wouldn't dream of it," you say gently. "But... first that thing with the webcam, then this... what about the gentle approach we talked about?"

"H-he's not cracking!" Kongou objects. "He acted like a cat in a thunderstorm the first day or two, and- and I can't wait!"

"What's the rush?"

Kongou seems to actually deflate before your eyes. She lets her bangs hide her eyes, shoulders slumping. For the first time since you've met her, her slender frame actually seems small.

"Kongou is old, Settle."

Her sisters and you all stare, stunned.

"SO I'VE GOT TO TRY EXTRA-HARD!" she exclaims, snapping to sparkling life like a live wire. "HARUNA! HIEI! HIROSHIMA!"

"What the HELL did you-"



"NOBODY CARES! OUT! HE'S IN THE BUILDING, I CAN SMELL HIM!" Kongou reaches into her basket and produces a baguette, which she flourishes like a saber. "MUSH!" Her posse follows, Haruna and Hiei almost dragging Kongou out, with Kirishima following along behind rather sullenly. She shoots you one last suspicious glance before quitting the room.

Leaning over, you peek under the desk at Goto. "You okay?"

"No," he grumps. "I know that girl. When she gets like this, she just keeps escalating. She'll be looking for chemical supplements, next. Especially after that quip about speed that Arizona made." He clambers to his feet and dusts off his knees with annoyance.

"... but she *is* fast," you point out.

46362099 (USS New Jersey) -
>"SO I'VE GOT TO TRY EXTRA-HARD!" she exclaims, snapping to sparkling life like a live wire. "HARUNA! HIEI! HIROSHIMA!"
Hey, let's be nice to the Mic Check chick

46362116 -
>"Kongou is old, Settle."
Oh God! Kongou hears her biological clock ticking and has the baby-making urge!
The ACTUAL baby-making urge!
As in creating a baby not just going through the motions!

46362163 -
Are you daft?
The joke is that she's old and christmas cake.
She's a *granny* by Japanese standards.

"Doesn't matter - anything to be better, to catch my eye. Last time she got like this, she went to Shimakaze and ended up gargling some water-methonol mix."

"... well that doesn't sound so-"

"Until some *asshole* told her about fire-breathing," Goto mutters. "Anyway, I'm going to start sending copyright takedown requests to every video site on the god damned internet in between bowing to my boss a whole damn lot. You've probably got your own fish to fry."

You stifle a whimper. "This is true."

By some small miracle you manage to evade any further adventures till you reach your office. You sit down at your desk, easing into the chair with a sigh before placing a call to your staff. You keep it short and sweet - OPSEC has potentially been violated by two shipgirls - is possibly being violated right now, in fact - and it must've been done by someone with greater than 1940s era command of technology. Certain outgoing ports are blocked even on the residential dormitory connections, and you very much freaking doubt that Kongou, launched in 1911, knows what a VPN is. You don't *say* that you want some gullible fuck from base IT trussed and bound on a silver platter, but you don't really need to. You hope he's a big fat dweeb - he might slow that bus down just long enough to soften the blow when it runs your ass over. You hang up, knowing Your Staff is now calling everyone who Needs To Know (which is a sizeable list) and starting the Official Procedure to send said communiques Up The Chain, which takes Time.

You wrap these fantasies around you, snug and tight as you begin your after action report (trying three times to avoid starting with "it was a dark and stormy night" in officialese before just noting the poor visibility conditions and moving on.)

46362126 -
>Certain outgoing ports are blocked even on the residential dormitory connections
>mattering for streaming
Everything can be done over :80 or :443, and you won't have normal internet if you block those

46362166 -
but does the SecNav know this?

46362172 -
>"Kongou is old, Settle."
>(trying three times to avoid starting with "it was a dark and stormy night" in officialese before just noting the poor visibility conditions and moving on.

46362215 Report
Please, the Great God Pan has been here for quite some time.
You'd be surprised at the obvious stuff some important people don't know.

46362220 (demetrious) -
Settle doesn't know this. To him there is Security, and then there are Ways Around It, and his phone has an option to set up VPNs, which he assumes uses Tunnels, or... tubes? Whatever. IT nerd shit. If he doesn't know it, what's the chances of Kongou?

46362247 -
>>46362220 (demetrious)
As I previously stated, never assume that someone in authority knows something simple.
Oft times, they don't. Because they're usually busy doing more complicated things and have people to do the simple things for them.

46362268 -
>>46362220 (demetrious)
>If he doesn't know it, what's the chances of Kongou?
Surprisingly high?
Arizona's taken to her smartphone like a fish to water in just three weeks, and Kongou's had over a year. We've seen that carriers have trouble with computers, and destroyers are hit-and-miss, but BBs are no strangers to refit.

46362317 (RDML Settle) -
just throw me right under that boss bro, thanks for that

46362363 -
>>46362317 (RDML Settle)
Hey man, God doesn't have the operational context to piece that together. Just fly casual.

46362406 -
>>46362220 (demetrious)

46362416 -
>"Anyway, I'm going to start sending copyright takedown requests to every video site on the god damned internet
Good fucking luck with that

46362950 -
>>46362220 (demetrious)
...The funniest thing is that VPN's do use tunnels.
t. A bored student

These comfortable deceptions last right up till the moment your desk phone rings. You push your keyboard away and pick it up lazily, prepared to blow off the Latest Crisis on the grounds that You Have Work To Do, and everything else can go through your Secretary (who is currently very unavailable, which fits nicely.) "Yes?" It's always polite to answer the phone, well, politely, but you *do* have a Star now - and you're thinking you'd better enjoy it while you still can.

"Admiral Settle, I presume?"

The world Stops. Capital S. The clocks stop ticking. Your heart stops beating. Your very lifeblood lies listless, frozen in your veins. You are as cold and inanimate as a chunk of marble, a chunk of marble looking up at a sculptor with hammer and chisel raised and trying to scream but the *sculptor hasn't carved the mouth yet.*

Funny, you thought your life was supposed to flash before your eyes at times like this, but all you can think of is scrambled, inane bullshit.

"Are you there?" repeats the very distinctive voice of the Chief of Naval Operations.

"Yes," you croak quietly. "I am here."

46362397 -
>"Are you there?" repeats the very distinctive voice of the Chief of Naval Operations.

46362451 (ArmyNurseCorps-anon) -
God comes a knocking. HUEHUEHUEHUE!
>captcha is flower, how appropriate.

"Do you know why I called, Admiral Settle?" he asks, in the same general tone of voice cops use when they ask if you know why they pulled you over.

"You wanted an update on our new shipgirls," you reply. "Houston hasn't been debriefed yet, Essex - well I assume someone gave her the bottom-line, but I don't think it stuck. And the Australians are going to be dancing a jig 'round the embassy within hours to get their hands on Perth-"

"But you won't have to worry about any of that," the CNO points out, "because your career is over, isn't it?"

[ ] Play innocent. Play DUMB. It's coming either way - no need to squirm for him. Don't let them hear your voice crack. This is Just Another Normal Day at Yokosuka. They must internalize your suffering to have sympathy with it.
[ ] ... you saw that video, right? You saw what I have to deal with. No man can chain the Kongou. Trust me. We TRIED.
[ ] Any hope of salvaging this situation went to hell the moment Essex walked in, so you're just gonna go ahead and point out that you've won three battles and told an eldritch abomination to go vanish up its own asshole. That has to count for something.

46362441 (LT Hate)
aw shit I hope your fucking replacement is halfway fucking competent. Probably won't be.

46362443 -
>[ ] ... you saw that video, right? You saw what I have to deal with. No man can chain the Kongou. Trust me. We TRIED.

46362474 -
>[ ] ... you saw that video, right? You saw what I have to deal with. No man can chain the Kongou. Trust me. We TRIED.
We're so screwed.

46362488 -
>[x] Any hope of salvaging this situation went to hell the moment Essex walked in, so you're just gonna go ahead and point out that you've won three battles and told an eldritch abomination to go vanish up its own asshole. That has to count for something.
Just be respectful about it. MacArthur had a (relatively) successful run during WWII, and he still got shitcanned when he was insubordinate to the President.

46362490 -
>[ ] ... you saw that video, right? You saw what I have to deal with. No man can chain the Kongou. Trust me. We TRIED.
we are Fucked with a capital F

46362528 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>[x] ... you saw that video, right? You saw what I have to deal with. No man can chain the Kongou. Trust me. We TRIED.
One does not simply bullshit their God. It just doesn't happen.

46362568 -
>Point out that this is Just Another Normal Day at Yokosuka without patronizing our god. Begin listing off every piece of insanity we've encountered this past week, nice and calm as we can be

46362605 -
[X] ... you saw that video, right? You saw what I have to deal with. No man can chain the Kongou. Trust me. We TRIED.
We even begged Arizona for help, but she decided to keep the stream going rather than shut it down. And then Essex walked in.

46362615 -
>>Point out that this is Just Another Normal Day at Yokosuka without patronizing our god. Begin listing off every piece of insanity we've encountered this past week, nice and calm as we can be

46362625 -
Guys, if we start writing our resume now, maybe the Russians or Chinese navy will hire Settle.

46362642 -
>Point out that this is Just Another Normal Day at Yokosuka without patronizing our god. Begin listing off every piece of insanity we've encountered this past week, nice and calm as we can be
We need to let the world [know] that [insanity] is the new reality whenever shipgirls come into play

46362679 -
>Point out that this is Just Another Normal Day at Yokosuka without patronizing our god. Begin listing off every piece of insanity we've encountered this past week, nice and calm as we can be
Shit's crazy yo

46362715 -
>Point out that this is Just Another Normal Day at Yokosuka without patronizing our god. Begin listing off every piece of insanity we've encountered this past week, nice and calm as we can be
Fear is the mind killer. If we can scream at demons, we can weather god

46362718 -
I guess the resumee will be half like "I scream at abyssals".

46362741 -
>Point out that this is Just Another Normal Day at Yokosuka without patronizing our god. Begin listing off every piece of insanity we've encountered this past week, nice and calm as we can be

46362742 (demetrious) -
>local Admiral drives off abyssal raiders with this one weird trick

46362773 -
>>Point out that this is Just Another Normal Day at Yokosuka without patronizing our god. Begin listing off every piece of insanity we've encountered this past week, nice and calm as we can be

46362779 (demetrious) -

46362780 -
>>46362742 (demetrious)
>Ensigns hate him!
>It's more likely than you think

46362803 -
>>46362742 (demetrious)
>This Admiral is fucking a war grave and you're basically just a complete idiot
>Click here to find the secret to taking the virginity of national icons

46362817 -
I think it's worth point out to God that we COULD handle them if we weren't so badly understaffed. One man trying to keep track of so many shipgirls at once, deal with their issues and keep them happy, manage battles, and solve any number of interpersonal conflicts between them/random crises that come up (frequently) is way too goddamn much. Case in point, with the webcam incident, the only subordinates around were either Arizona, fucking Sammy, or Hate (who was too busy laughing his ass off to bother helping avert a PR crisis).

46362832 -
>Point out that this is Just Another Normal Day at Yokosuka without patronizing our god. Begin listing off every piece of insanity we've encountered this past week, nice and calm as we can be
Is it bad that i can literally feel Settle's Fear?

46362834 -
"With all due respect, sir, my career, Goto's career, hell, everyone's career was over the moment we met Kongo and Essex

46362839 (LT Hate) -
Nah. that'd require KNOWING WHAT TO DO WITH IT. I'm fucking guessing he doesn't cos she couldn't be more fucking obvious about what the fuck she wants if she got naked and launched herself at him off a fucking catapult.

46362851 -
That's the main staffing problem, really.
Too few people can be cleared to work at high-security level with shipgirls without compromising OPSEC.

46362859 -
>>46362839 (LT Hate)
>if she got naked and launched herself at him off a fucking catapult.
Medieval or modern catapult?

46362862 -
And that we need therapists on base something fierce. Maybe not the professional sort, just people who are willing to listen to a shipgirl if something is wrong and offer support.

46362887 (LT Hate) -
Like, hook a medieval one to a fucking modern one on one of the ford class boats and fucking launch that while launching her fucking self.

46362895 -
>or Hate (who was too busy laughing his ass off to bother helping avert a PR crisis).
And has he dealt with the major security problem of the base yet, that its contractors are riddled with Yakuza who are a threat to military operations and national security?
What about keeping track of the PT Boats to curb future incidents of personnel getting mauled by rogue boats?

46362917 -
You don't know him real well do you? Though we better hope this isn't to him what Victory Gundam was to Tomino

46362919 -
We have staff. But they only handle paperwork. We need people for actually dealing with ship people and animals.

46362954 -
Naw, he considers SWQ his Victory Gundam.

46362957 -
Given what just happened, I'd say OPSEC is already pretty fucking compromised.
Having too few humans and too many shipgirls with issues (to put it mildly)--along with the overarching priority to keep said shipgirls happy makes for too many potential crises and far too few preventive measures, damage control officers, and water-tight bulkheads to adequately deal with the leaks.

46362981 -
Can't be, no fatalities, no signs of him royally losing his shit (unlike KCQ), and generally amusing and light hearted. If anything SWQ is more akin to early ZZ Gundam
46363019 -
Does Tomino consider ZZ to be a mistake of his though?

46363077 (LT Hate) -
>Hey LT, what do you think of the fact that Fallujah is back in insurgent hands?
>That all your past work was for naught?
Probably bout the same fucking way all the 'nam vets felt when Saigon fell.

46363182 -
>>46363077 (LT Hate)
When will you come back to Los Angeles
Your home waits for you... your true home

46363211 (LT Hate) -
My true fucking home is N'awlins. My duty station is fucking Pendleton, and my assigned station right the fuck now is FAY. So, ya know. I have no fucking clue what you're carrying on about.

46363235 -
>>46363211 (LT Hate)

46363254 -
>>46363211 (LT Hate)
>He's half Cajun
>He doesn't make Cajun Chicken
LT please.

46363268 (LT Hate) -
Fleet Activities Yokosuka you stupid fuck.

46363308 -
>>46363268 (LT Hate)
You know they're never going let go of that, right, LT?

46363394 -
>Writer writes some shit, people like it
>Writer comes back later with new shit
>People like it, also like his old shit and ask if/when he's doing more of that
I have seen this multiple times actually and every time I think it's retarded.
>>46363330 (LT Hate)
We could go back to talking about that shy as fuck bombshell you've known for like a fucking week that likes to chill in your room in nothing but YOUR t-shirt and her panties.

46363430 (LT Hate) -
Or we could, ya know. not. That'd be fucking good too.

46363434 -
>>46363268 (LT Hate)
[Why t]he fuck is it called 'Fleet Activities'?

46363464 -
General term for most naval bases that the US has.
Just like Fleet Activities Sasebo.

46363465 -
Because Naval Base is apparently something it can't be called.

46363469 -
Ask the Navy

46363499 -
There is little more mortifying that re-reading your work and seeing things with hindsight.
"Oh God. I thought that was cool? I could have done that so much better, but I can't undo THAT."
They've yet to let me go, they won't ever let you go.

46363764 -
>There is little more mortifying that re-reading your work and seeing things with hindsight.
Motherfucker, have you not suddenly wanted to kill yourself because you remembered something you did when you were younger? This is not a feeling unique to writers.
I reread SWQ when planefriend returned to get caught up and I still like it. It doesn't have as much to it as KCQ but it's still entertaining. Not getting closure to a story I like because the guy that wrote it is acting like an awkward 20 year old getting his "oh my fuck did I really do that five years ago?" cherry popped sucks ass.
46363876 -
if it was just a whole story, well I could just shrug it off. Now if it was a glaring part in an otherwise decent story, now that sucks. Makes it really hard to reccomend people to read.

46364069 (demetrious) -
long fucking update, sorry guys - it'll be another one-update finisher thread tonight. But, like I said, I knew this'd be a long one. Sorry!

46364633 (demetrious) -

46364905 -
>>46364656 ->
new thread
Last edited:
Session #70 pt.2

[X] ... you saw that video, right? You saw what I have to deal with. No man can chain the Kongou. Trust me. We TRIED.

You feel your strength leeching from your bones, letting you sink deeper and deeper into your comfy office chair. "You... saw the stream."

"I'm seeing it as we speak," he replies sternly. "An army of MPs aren't breaking down her door right now, because... why, exactly?"

"You want us to SWAT our own shipgirl? And pulling the breaker occurred to me, but at this point it'd just make a bigger stir her stream died without explanation."

"You seem awfully sanguine about this, Admiral."

A miserable, defeated sigh nearly escapes you. "Sir... today is the day you answered a text message and got a link to two admirals and their shipgirls livestreaming to an audience of untold gazillions without authorization. You know what today is for me, sir?"

"Do tell," he says, with that lilting tone of a dare masquerading as an invitation.

"I want to say Tuesday," you reply, "but Christ knows I'm not even sure what day it *is.* Because I spent last night duct-taped to a conference table."

"... beg your pardon?"

"Duct taped," you say, warming to the chat, "to a table. While hallucinating about a dead man on fire and another one pointing a gun at my head."

"Have you been to see your doctor, recently?" A shuffling of papers in the background. "I know you've been under a lot of stress, and it's easy to forget things but I've got a complaint h-"

"I don't have time," you retort, "unless he's got something to make the dogfish go away."

*That* makes him quiet for a moment. "... come again, Settle?"

46364733 -
You forgot to mention said dead man on fire GAVE YOU SECOND DEGREE BURNS

"The Dog Fish," you enunciate clearly. "See, my supposed assistant bought me a lovely new cane covered with rhinestones and glitter and capped it with a fish globe containing a dogfish. Which is some variety of freshwater-tolerant shark, or something? But now I'm dreaming about it."


"It talks Russian, by the way."

More silence.

Then - "Admiral, are you pleading the insanity defense?"

This voice you do not recognize. "Am I on speakerphone, sir?"

"Just a conference call."

You bristle. "To whom do I owe the pleasure-"

"That," the CNO intones, "would be the Secretary of the Navy."

If the CNO is God, then SecNav is the HR manager who *hired* God. You feel the room go all swimmy as you forget to breathe for a minute. "Oh. Hello sir. How are you today?"

"Oh," SecNav says easily. "I'm fine." His voice is brimming - nay, almost bursting - with some strange tension; as if he's restraining himself from bellowing. Yelling really isn't a go-to for anyone above low commissioned rank - it looks bad in front of The Troops, after all - unless they've got someone on a private line of communication behind closed doors and they are pissed off. Like you are, right now. You suspect that lingering politician inclinations are keeping you alive and unskinned - but for mere moments more, for your luck cannot last.

"Oh," you reply. "That's good. Can I help you, sir?" Your voice sounds almost as brittle as you feel.

"This stream," SecNav states. "Has... over... six hundred thousand viewers right now. Well, all told. It's already being mirrored on a few other sites."

Six. Hundred. Thousand. "S-sir, did you-"

"In Japan," he clarifies. "We haven't even checked foreign IPs yet."

"Oh. Oh, that's..."

"Go ahead," SecNav prompts. "What is it?"

What it is, is racist and extremely un-PR comments from living, talking, walking weapons of war from an era where long-simmering tensions had broken out into full-bodied violence - now broadcast to an audience of millions. What it is is gasoline poured directly onto a magnesium torch lying a deck above the main shell magazine. It's every public fear, fanned by all the wrong sorts and every opportunistic isolationist bastard you can imagine given renewed strength and vigor. It's a three-word denunciation of your pissweak excuse that it'd make a bigger scene to abort the stream - SecNav might know of the Streisand Effect, as a politician, but after the Chinese ambassador is done pissing directly through his phone he probably won't give a fuck.

"It's... bad."

"How bad?"

46364736 -
We're fucked!

46364764 -
>implying that we weren't doomed from the start

How bad? How bad? It shot past Zimmerman shooting with Kongou and plunged into Zimmerman TELEGRAM when Essex arrived. This is the kind of thing that ends with an Admiral's balls in a sack and a lot of apologizing and Reassurances from On High. This is dynamite. This is a disaster, an unmitigated fucking disaster, and your vaunted self-control as an Officer of the United States Navy is swiftly coming unglued. You want to pick up the phone and shout into it that they know NOTHING of what goes on, you just saw a slender girl that can't weight one-ten soaking wet SNAP through fucking face-hardened chain. You ran her off even, you saved Goto from desstruction and what thanks do you get? What thanks do you GET? You get fired, by personal phone call with SecNav, for fucking up royally and fracturing the fragile alliance that unites humanity against the howling darkness well when you put it like that it sounds bad, maybe *don't put it like that.*

"Uh," you state. "I haven't gotten an impact analysis yet."

"Impact, analysis," SecNav marvels, tasting each word as if it's some fascinating morsel. "Impact... analysis. Would you like to see the... impact, of the currently ongoing shitfest?"

You really, really don't. "Yes, sir."

"Google Essex stream. It'll be the first link."

"Yes sir," you almost weep as your hands move unbidden, dangling from the damnable puppet strings of authority as they direct your browser to gaze upon your doom. The page loads slowly, dragging talons over your nerves-


"Still loading," you almost mewl - the server is indeed under heavy load. Finally, the video buffers, and you're greeted with Essex's reddened face-

"I'M NOT SHORT!" she thunders, poking her finger at the camera like she can poke out its glass eye. "I'M TALLER THAN A JAP!"

Replies are instantaneous, thick and terribly effective:

>in the land of the midgets the short girl is king
>Template:Average height around the world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 5'7'' where are your gaijin gods now round-eye
>you're literally shorter than every other shipgirl on base, there's even a chart
>what size is she on the boob chart tho
>dunno she won't show us
>won't even do the sharpie test yeah

It's probably because she only speaks English that the video's chat hasn't been utterly swamped already - only the literate can really pose questions she'll answer, since the engrish is mostly unintelligible anyway. She pounces on a seeming lifeline: "Yeah. YEAH!" She throws her hair back over her shoulder, copying the same move Kongou used earlier. "I'm kawaii! I'M KAWAII AS *HELL!*" She thumps her chest dramatically. "I, Essex, NAME SHIP of my class, ABANDONED BY THE COUNTRY SHE LOVES, left alone in a strange land, have inevitably bested the locals at their own game within HOURS of my arrival!" She strikes a pose, eyes closed as she basks in the radiance of her own glory.

Then she blinks. "Wait. What's kawaii?"

The links start pouring in - a good number of them are "chibi" art of one sort or another, with a good helping of saccharine cat art to round things out. You watch Essex's face redden with impotent fury. "W-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?"

>it's cute, essex-chan!
>don't you like being cute sexxex-chan
>"Kawaii" means "cute"

"NO!" Essex roars, her voice squeaking a bit as it hits the top of her range. "I'm not tiny! I'm a goddamned AIRCRAFT CARRIER! Don't you morons know what a CARRIER is!? We're HUGE!"

>huge she says
>lots of "reserve buoyancy" ifykim
>boobie floats nom nom
>oh look: Keine Bote image on Danbooru
>she said big
>big milk bags, it fits

Essex's face is melting down into a ruddy red masterpiece of flusterment, mouth opening and closing in a good fish impression as she searches for something, anything to retort with. "I-I'LL F-F-FIND YOU AND P-P-PUNCH YOUR HEAD OFF!"

46364822 -
46364736 -
>We're fucked!
Completely and without lube.
... Well, at least, she's hard to take seriously.

46364915 -
>We carriers are a proud and ancient ship
>We are not cute!

>we'll just call Arizona
>yeah Arizona
>she grabbed Kongou she can grab you!
>wish she'd grabbed you, you've got bigger tatty
>Arizona a best

"NO SHE'S NOT SHE'S- SHE'S-" Essex visibly searches for a moment - "SHE'S FLAT AND BORING AND DOESN'T EVEN TALK AND SHE'S A BULLY!"

>slender girl that never talks is literally every Japanese man's fantasy
>total waifu tier
>strongest battleship == waifu
>14 inch guns > 5 inch guns
>some guys just want heavy guns at night unf yeah

Essex watches the incoming comments for a few seconds more - then suddenly recoils a step, wrapping her arms over her chest. "H-hey, no! NO! YOU CAN'T WRITE ANYTHING ON ME *ANYWHERE!*" She blinks. "What's that?" Recoiling. "NO! NO!" She leans forward, a pouty frown on her face. "I'll turn this thing off!" All that manages to do is give the world a better look at her cleavage. A minute later she comes up triumphant. "HA!' she bellows, hoisting the dangling end of the desk lamp's power plug in her hand. "I, ESSEX, HAVE SLAIN THE LEWD PICTURE WINDOW TH-" She catches sight of the glowing monitor. "Aw, buckets. I - BALLS!" she hastily amends. "*SACKS* OF BALLS!" she adds for good measure. "AWFUL!" She pantomimes spitting at the ground without actually doing it - which might've worked with 1940s era scan resolution. "All you-" she blinks. "Ya hoo? What? What is everybody-"

You mute the audio just as the first screenshot goes up.

"... what the *actual* fuck," you breathe.

And that's about when God's HR manager, The Actual Secretary of the Actual Navy starts to laugh like a goddamned lunatic.

46364874 -
>"I'll turn this thing off!" All that manages to do is give the world a better look at her cleavage
Essex fucking up is cute.
46364876 -
>And that's about when God's HR manager, The Actual Secretary of the Actual Navy starts to laugh like a goddamned lunatic.
oh god

46364881 -
>And that's about when God's HR manager, The Actual Secretary of the Actual Navy starts to laugh like a goddamned lunatic.

46364884 -

46364897 -
>And that's about when God's HR manager, The Actual Secretary of the Actual Navy starts to laugh like a goddamned lunatic.
sweet moses
we have wrapped all the way around now

46364904 -
Essex seems popular. Maybe we should make this a regular thing.

46364907 (LT Hate) -
It's too late.
It was always too fucking late.
In an age of insanity, look for a fucking madman to lead the way.

46364923 (the fluff bringer) -
>And that's about when God's HR manager, The Actual Secretary of the Actual Navy starts to laugh like a goddamned lunatic.

46364924 -
>And that's about when God's HR manager, The Actual Secretary of the Actual Navy starts to laugh like a goddamned lunatic.
And that was when Settle learned that yes, even his superiors are insane.

46364926 -
>>46364907 (LT Hate)
>In an age of insanity, look for a fucking madman to lead the way.
So Settle?

46364930 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>And that's about when God's HR manager, The Actual Secretary of the Actual Navy starts to laugh like a goddamned lunatic.
Few things will chill a man to the bone as quickly as God's HR manager laughing like a lunatic. I've heard it once, I never, EVER, want to hear it again.

46364940 -
So Essex isn't a lewdcarrier. Damn, guess I was wrong there too.
Also, SecNav laughing. Literally every organ in my body shifted at that, piece by piece, cell by cell.
By God that is horrifying.
CNO is probably rather incensed here though.

46364954 -
>>46364930 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Context, Colonel, we need context!

46364957 -
A lewdcarrier would not be well received on the the stream I think

46364968 -
>>46364930 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Yes, that requires story time.

46364986 -
>>46364930 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
>I've heard it once, I never, EVER, want to hear it again.
There's a story here.
If it's not buried under a few hundred kilometers of red tape, could you indulge us in some context?

46365013 (demetrious) -
>>46364930 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
>Few things will chill a man to the bone as quickly as God's HR manager laughing like a lunatic. I've heard it once, I never, EVER, want to hear it again.
Such a man, when he laughs like a lunatic? That is something fell and terrible in his mind, RIPPING LOOSE like a massive chunk of cliff face ripping off a mountainside - for a heartbeat or three, majestic as it falls through air - until it triggers a landslide that will scrub the earth clean of life before it.

46365042 -
Guys, this has some actual precedence in real life.
Remember that Ray Mabus, the latest SecNav, did a vid to mock his Army counterpart.

46365044 -
>>46364930 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
What the fuck actually happened.

46365048 -
>SecNav was born in 1948
>Was raised by, and heard the stories from, the exact crazy-ass fuckers that used to crew these ships
Oh god it must be like the good old days when Pa would show off his war prizes for him

46365060 -
>>46365013 (demetrious)
Precisely. The Avalanche has begun.
And now, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.

46365070 (demetrious) -
>Remember that Ray Mabus, the latest SecNav, did a vid to mock his Army counterpart.

46365086 -
>>46365013 (demetrious)
So is the thread over?

46365117 (demetrious) -
Yes. We are done for tonight. No writeups; those will be Friday night. Which is good for those with jobs who need sleep, and all!
I was not always NEET. I worked two jobs and also got a college degree. Looking back, it was all a waste of fucking time, but hey! I sympathize with those who haven't internalized the futility of life yet!

46365124 -
>>46365070 (demetrious)
Well, more on the Army-Navy Football game, but point still stands.
SecNav hassles Army

46365127 (Catte) -
>Even even in KCQ she cannot escape being bullied by anons, the internet, the writers, and the universe itself
Fuck, I snorted my drink at the entire exchange.
Can't_wake_up.jpg <- Essex right now, I'm sure.

46365128 -
>>46365117 (demetrious)
>Ending on the SECNAV going mad

46365157 (demetrious) -
>Army has PLAYED in a football game for the last 13 years

46365168 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>>46365013 (demetrious)
LTG Kiley, the US Surgeon General back from '04-'07, found the excuse of a particular fuck up to be quite funny once. It started as a soft chuckle, and it grew and grew and GREW until it was a howling, barking, laugh that seemed to shake the entire fucking building to its FOUNDATION. I was a CPT at the time and I thought I was going to shit my pants. This was the man that for all intents and purposes was the man who hired my god, at the time MG Pollock, the Chief of the Army Nurse Corp. You just don't understand how truely terrifying something like that is until you bear witness to it in person.

46365196 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
Fuck you for digging that up. Go Army beat Navy!
>Captcha is boats, god damn it I'm not home I can't get fucking hammered right now.

46365210 -
>>46365168 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Anybody laugh along, or was it one of those moments where everybody else just goes all silent like and stops breathing altogether?

46365226 -
>>46365168 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
>I have heard things you wouldn't believe
>Like Surgeon generals howling like mad in the distance

46365228 -
>>46365168 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
I empathize, even if I never bore witness to such a thing myself.
Fear the madness of the powerful, for they have the means to carry it out.

46365231 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
No one was breathing, no thing was moving, I swear every molecule in the room stopped for a heartbeat.

46365240 -
A bit late to the ballgame...so apologies for a late post in one up thread...
We just found the Holy Grail – we just made shipgirls not at all intimidating… The thing navies have been trying to do since they first came back. After watching this shitfest - the last thing on anyone's mind is shipgirls being eldritch abominations of terror. Talk about a happy accident.

46365252 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
Except it wasn't in the distance! It was like, 10 feet to my left!

46365273 -
>>46365231 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
And yet people think the SecNav laughing is a sign of Settle getting away with things, instead of a sign of the SecNav experiencing the same HATE and FURY that caused Settle to be duct-taped to a table.

46365288 -
>>46365252 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
>It was like, 10 feet to my left!
>He was this close to actual STAR MADNESS and survived

46365296 (demetrious) -
>>46365168 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)

46365297 -
>>46365231 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
So what happened when he stopped laughing?

46365300 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
Except he's SecNav so it's very likely that was the straw the broke the camels back and now his has a target for it, poor, poor, poor Settle. I almost feel sorry for that bastard. Almost.
>Captcha, canoes are not kayaks

46365303 -
>>46365252 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
What/whose was the clever and totally effective excuse?

46365322 -
What if the Sec Nav's laugh summons a shipgirl?

46365326 -
>>46365252 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
You were in the Eye of Terror.
Yep. I see terrible things on the horizon.
The mad rage of the SecNav.
Well, I imagine...
>>46365300 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
>>46365296 (demetrious)
Extraordinarily unpleasant things.

46365328 -
>>46365300 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)

46365347 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
"Is that really all you have to say for yourself? Is that the BEST excuse you could come up with? You have no idea what kind of hole you just dug yourself into with that bold faced, down right LIE! You are here by stripped of your rank and position and dishonorably discharged from the United States Army, may God have mercy upon your soul for I will NOT!"

46365353 -
No, it summons dread and is the prelude to pain.

46365368 -
Darkness filled the room. There was a sound, as if of many wings rushing past. The smell of brimstone. A brief cry.
When light returned, there was one less person present.

46365372 -
>>46365347 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
What did the poor bastard do?

46365375 (demetrious) -
>>46365300 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)

46365376 -
>>46365347 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Straight G, nigga.

46365377 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
I honestly don't remember what it was, just the laugh and the lines that followed it.

46365401 -
>>46365347 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
whoa shit.
Who did he do that to.

46365403 (Death by Chains) -
>>46365347 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
>Do not pass 'Go'
>Do not collect $200
Fuck me. I thought that only happened in novels and movies.
>captcha includes Decepticon decal
... wait, what?

46365414 -
>>46365347 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
OH JESUS. What'd the poor bastard do?

46365415 -
>>46365347 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Okay, what did this guy do to deserve orbitally-dropped LTG justice?

46365457 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
Nothing, just kinda hung his head and got drug out by the MPs.
>>46365375 (demetrious)
Did you really have such little faith in me planefriend? Come now surely you should know better then that by now.
A now ex soldier. I'm not saying anything more about the individual in question.
Things happened, the one in question did somethings, fucked up pretty badly, got a board, got a court-martial, got LTG justice dropped on his head. I can't actually say to much about it. And while I don't like the one in question I won't out them to the entire internet even if I could say something.

46365490 -
>>46365457 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
>Nothing, just kinda hung his head and got drug out by the MPs.
And then found the next day, in his closet..

46365491 -
So, my fears were not unfounded after all.
... T'would be a most unexpected way to end a quest, though.
>>46365375 (demetrious)
He's a Colonel in the Army Nurse Corps.
He has quite literally seen more fuck-ups in his life than you have seen and written or imagined. And the reactions to such.

46365506 (demetrious) -
>>46365347 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
>the technical facts
>as described by planefriend

46365542 -
>>46365506 (demetrious)
It's the little touches that make the scene, really.

46365567 -
>>46365457 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
I guess the better question is, did he deserve it?

46365592 -
As much as I fear Friday, I can't help but feel that you won't end the quest with us being disgraced this way.
There's so much more suffering to go through!
I eagerly await the epic ass chewing to commence though!
Wonder how they'll take the updated report of abyssal spoopy shit though?

46365615 -
If he singlehandedly caused that level of rage? Definitely.

46365618 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
I actually don't know what happened to that one.
>>46365506 (demetrious)
I'd uh... I'd say something to that but I am apparently tired enough to not understand what you mean by
>the technical facts
please dumb that down for me.
Oh absolutely, may that fucker enjoy the joys of an O2 deprivation chamber keeping him just barely alive until he actually dies.

46365651 -
>>46365618 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
He's comparing how PF would write your story to how your story actually [transpired].

46365658 -
>>46365618 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
What fap angel meant was that the actual scene that happened would be written like god's words howled around the room and dragged the damned sob down into navy hell.

46365687 -
Oh, I don't expect the quest to end, even if Settle is dishonourably discharged. Much more suffering to be found there.

46365710 -
>>46365618 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Was this the same guy that did that mistake about 12 gauge needles instead of 20 gauge needles?

46365746 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Ah... clearly I need some sleep because now that you've said that it's painfully obvious to me.
No, no. very different person. That needle gauge incident occurred later.

46365752 -
They won't discharge Settle, because then they'd have to find an actual Admiral to replace him with. But short of that there's more than enough ways for them to come down on him.

46365769 (Death by Chains) -
I doubt it. Mixing up 12-ga and 26-ga needles is just an everyday "ah shit".
It rather sounds like this particular fuckhead's blundering cost one or more *actual lives*, and that is *not* something you get away with in the medical profession. Especially when you try to offer some lameass excuse instead of owning the fuckup and trying to fix/avoid it next time (if possible).

46365773 -
The point of the quest is that we're doing shipgirl things with shipgirls.
Plus, well, despite this fuckup..
We *do* have a record to stand by.
3 for 3 in combat with abyssals, able to summon ship spirits (That has to been noted by intel), able to withstand abyssal magic mind-hammers.
And on top of that, despite the PR disaster, we've got the respect of a lot of the shipgirls and boys on base.
That covers a lot of sins.
We won't escape this unscathed, but I doubt we'll be demoted or removed from this post.

46365801 -
Did Essex make things worse? I thought she just disarmed the entire situation.

46365833 -
odds are what stuff there is will come once everything's over.
No one knows for sure with planefriend.

46365848 -
No, we're in deeper now.
Kiss that End of Tour paper, Admiral, YOU'RE HERE FOREVER. WITH AN EXTRA TWO STARS.

46365854 (Merc Command) -
It's generally not a good thing when the second most powerful man in the US Navy is cackling like a madman.

46365863 -
I'm thinking Settle just go stop lossed into the navy until he dies for ship-girl wrangling

46365879 -
>>46365854 (Merc Command)
If CNO is God, and SecNav is God's HR manager... then who the fuck is Death?

46365891 -
Chief of JCS?

46365909 -
Chief Navy JAG.

46365919 -
He won't get any extra stars. Once you're in the flag ranks, if memory serves, it literally takes ana ct of Congress to promote you.

46365928 -
Always thought JAG would be the doctor that tells you of your terminal illness.

46365929 (Merc Command) -
The Commander in Chief himself, of course!

46365947 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
Hmmm.... Good question.
You know, that might actually be a pretty good one to put there.
>>46365929 (Merc Command)
You see that is more like if it was God's god.

46365976 -
>>46365168 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Are surgeon generals that scary?
They are just physician in uniform with more public health fluff.

46366001 -
You can't be THIS naive.
That's just in violation of all laws of Physics.
It's a medical professional. In charge of all medical professionals in the Army.
Medical professionals can be monsters when they need to.

46366008 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon) -
>Are surgeon generals that scary?
>surgeon generals
Yes, yes they are. Just like any military God they are down right fucking terrifying.

46366033 -
Surgeons are people who cut people. Generals are people who are the best at something. Therefore, the surgeon general is the best at cutting people up.

46366049 -
>>46366008 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
You don't get that high up in a hierarchy without either the charisma or the political pull to back it up.
Either way, you've got enough confidence to back you up that a good rage make you a sight to fear.

46366085 (ArmyNurseCorps-Anon)
Yep. Thus is the way of those of multiple stars.
I am done for the night, go the fuck to sleep the lot of you!

46366124 -
Is the surgeon general part of the military structure though?

46366140 -
Yes, he is. He's in charge of the Army Medical Corps.
Unless you're thinking of the civilian surgeon-general, the one that puts all those warning signs on ciggie boxes.

46366186 -
Are they even surgeon by training? I thought many of them are public health docs now.

46366228 -
Some of them, yeah.

46373208 -
Oh god these two threads.
Just what the fuck.
Settle has stormed the heavens, tied an everburning cord made of angel hair around his neck and thrown the other end at God and his PR Manager, shouting "HANG ME! HANG ME!"
How. What. Why. By what provenance did we arrive at this confluence of events, and by what fell and terrible forces are distorting reality so?

46373311 -

46375904 Report
we bitched and whined that our actions had no consequences
also we cockblocked planefriend when he wanted to write some fluffy kongou filler
so here's some consequences. happy fucking birthday.