Session #13 pt.2
Trace Coburn
BattleTech Starfighter Analyst
- Location
- NDBBM, New Zealand
>Answer honestly
"In a golf cart with Harder and some corgis. Why?"
"What the fuck are you doing out there during a fucking air attack?"
You think about that for exactly two long moments before you give up trying to summarize the recent sequence of fatbuck-insane events.
"Because that's just how I roll, motherfucker," you reply primly, and hang up. "Hang on, Harder – we're going to the field."
He nods and braces his foot against the glovebox for stability as you floor the little cart once more. You have to swerve around a huge bomb crater near the base's housing units, but you reach the football field without further ado. Arizona is standing in the center of the field, looking calm as she coordinates the fire of the cruisers and destroyers; some of which have taken to the water and are sailing tight evasive circles as their AA guns fill the sky with tracers. Arizona herself is barely firing at all – her early-war 5-inchers can't elevate high enough for AA work. A quick scan of the sky reveals no more hostiles in sight; the girls are either putting up barrier barrages or firing at distant targets not readily visible with the naked eye. It's all heavy guns now; the light low-altitude AA has ceased its chatter. A few more SM-2s scream into the air from the south-west, near the Reagan's dock, but things are generally quieting down.
"Arizona!" you call out when you reach her. "Any casualties?"
She shakes her head.
"The flyboys?"
She gives you a solemn thumbs-up, and you sigh in relief. Your phone buzzes in your hand, and you move to cancel it when you see it's Hornet.
"The human pilots are telling me they're bugging out," she replies. "We spotted a wave of strike craft but they turned and ran when they saw our fighters."
"Good," you tell her. "Recover your planes, but keep a CAP airborne."
"Copy," she says crisply before hanging up.
You limp back to your damn golf-cart and slump in the seat, your headache and pained leg seeming to push through your thoughts once more. You cradle your forehead in your hands.
It's over.
Twenty minutes later, you're standing in Yokosuka's armored underground CIC, not far from the room where you commanded the first naval battle with American shipgirls. In your hands is a scanned copy of the base commander's handwritten list of damage.
"Doesn't look too bad, does it?" you comment.
"We got lucky," someone says from behind you. Glancing over your shoulder, you see Goto entering. You make to rise, but he gestures for you to stay seated. He's carrying the long white box with that damned cane; you vaguely recall dropping it when you plucked Naka out of her wheelchair. "Where'd you find this?"
"One of the girls picked it up, gave it to me for delivery," he says. "Kaga told me what you were up to. The hell were you doing running around when bombs were falling?" He looks honestly curious.
>You had 7th fleet's Admiral in here already – how many Americans do you need underfoot, anyway?
>Those girls were going to be shooting at SOMETHING, orders or no – wanted to make sure that they didn't get out of hand.
>I was outside when it started – didn't really have a choice, did I?
>I was outside when it started – didn't really have a choice, did I?
You swivel your chair around to face him, and shrug. "I was outside with Naka when it happened – didn't have much of a choice. I knew you and Admiral Thomas would beat me here, so there wasn't much point in stumbling in late, was there?"
Goto looks thoughtful. "I suppose that's true." He snags a roller chair from a nearby desk and plops down next to you, reclining it as far as possible to stare at the ceiling. "Christ, it's been a long day already and it isn't even four o'clock."
"Tell me about it."
"No, you," he rejoins. "Did they find the attacker?"
"No such luck," you gripe. "The survivors just vanished a few hundred nautical miles out, and we have no idea where their carrier might be in the rather large potential range. You point at the computerized map that takes up most of the rear wall of the CIC, where the depressingly large search range is boxed out in red.
Goto grunts. "It's never that easy, is it?"
"No," you reply. "No, it's not. I was just on the phone with the air wing commander from Yokota."
"Both. They reported a sixty percent hit rate for air-to-air missiles and about fifty for the SAMs, long and short range. The Type 91 missiles did a bit better."
Goto raises his eyebrows. "Really?"
"Because of that visible-light feature," you explain. "Something about recording the target's silhouette at time of launch, and comparing it with the thermal track so flares can't fool them. Abyssals radar outline is...." you waggle your hand in air uncertainly and Goto nods, clearly familiar - "-and the infa-red is marginally better, but usually what you see is what you get."
"Until they do that..."
"... transforming thing," you finish, the mental image of a radial engine spinning torque-wise as the chitinous body of the abyssal explodes behind it fresh in your mind.
"Fifty, sixty percent," Goto muses quietly. "I was hoping for better."
"Me too," you admit.
"Did the SM-2s do any better?"
"You'd have to ask Thomas, but I imagine he's got his hands full right now."
Goto grunts, conceding the point. He leans over, invading your space without a care as he tries to read the paper in your hand. "So how bad is it?"
"Mostly superficial," you reply. "The level bombers got clobbered pretty hard by the Patriots – and the batteries engaged some of their bombs in mid-air, apparently. A few buildings got flattened, but nothing terribly important."
Goto's eyebrows shoot up. "The McDonalds got nailed?"
"Yeah," you confirm. "Abyssal fighter crashed right into it. Through the drive-thru window, no less. Probably the one Harder shot down."
"He what!?"
"Yeah. Firing his twin-twenty-mike-mike like a goddamn rifle. Nailed it in front of the NEX, and it went down due south, so..."
"Ha!" Goto snorts. "I like him already." He reclines in his chair again, rubbing his eyes wearily. "Well, we're alive. I guess we should've expected it."
"We didn't?" you ask. "We've got more missile launchers around this damn place than a Chinese parade."
"Sure, but-" he sighs. "It's fucking Yokosuka. They must be pissed off something fierce if they're gunning for the best defended port in Asia. I never thought they'd actually do it."
"A surprise attack on the main Japanese anchorage!?" you gasp. Goto takes his hat off and halfheartedly boffs you in the face with it. "Seriously, though. Sixteen months of constant operations, usually in home waters or the Sea of Japan and they've never had the balls to attack our shore installations – anyone's, much less Yokosuka.
"There was LA," you remind him.
"An undefended target – or so they thought." He shrugs. "But now we know there's a carrier in the area that's hot to trot."
"And she won't be without friends," you observe. He nods. "Lets put together a task force, then."
>Get down to the nitty-gritty. It's already four o'clock, and this could take a while...
>Ask Goto about that secretary business, first – it might not take long enough.
>Insist on sending some destroyers on a scouting expedition first - no point in an attack force without something to attack, after all.
40024794 (Cpl. Hate) -
>Goto's eyebrows shoot up. "The McDonalds got nailed?"
All is lost.
40024842 (Adm. Settle) -
40024649 -
>People defending McDonalds
It's not about what it is, it's about what it represents.
The stars and stripes are an ugly flag, but it stands for America none the less.
McDonalds is a shitty place to eat, but it stands for America none the less.
>Insist on sending some destroyers on a scouting expedition first - no point in an attack force without something to attack, after all.
"Not much point in putting together a task force before we know where we're sending them," you point out. "We need to scout around, first?"
"How, though?" he grumps in frustration. "They only show up on satellite recon when they feel like it and planes rarely spot them. It seems that the bastards just sink under the waves until they feel like striking."
"We don't actually *know* how they work," you point out. "If they really do vanish underwater, how long before an attack they tend to surface, if that dark cloud thing that seems to accompany them shows up only when we do or only when they manifest – we just don't know." You jerk your thumb at the mapscreen behind you. "I did read the briefings. You've basically been reacting to their moves for sixteen months – that's all you could do," you say hastily as Goto moves to object. "We both know that's no way to do things, but now I think we've finally got the numbers to make a difference."
"How so?"
"Try to be on top of them as they manifest," you reply. "Let's try to nail the bastards before they kill any civilians, this time."
Goto's brow furrows as he thinks – and then he nods. "It's worth a shot," he agrees. "And even if it doesn't pay off, it won't cost us, either. Who were you thinking of?"
>Send Jintsuu, Sendai and one of their associated destroyer division(s) out searching.
>Send Tatsuta and Tenryuu with one of their associated destroyer divisions.
>On second thought, send those heavy "aviation" cruisers, Tone and Chikuma – they can search with aircraft, and are better able to take care of themselves if they're attacked. Unless they're attacked by air. RIP
>On second thought – (Write-in suggestion.)
40025419 -
>On second thought – (Write-in suggestion.)
Tone and Chikuma with a destroyer division escort for AA.
>On second thought, send those heavy "aviation" cruisers, Tone and Chikuma – they can search with aircraft, and are better able to take care of themselves if they're attacked. Unless they're attacked by air. RIP
"I was thinking of Tone and Chikuma," you reply. "Abyssals can't hide from their planes with whatever trick they use against ours-"
"-if they're even around to be seen," Goto points out.
You shrug. "That's one of the things we need to learn, after all. And this is the job those ships were built for."
Goto nods. "Good point. But lets send some destroyers with them for extra AA protection – if I try to send two heavy cruisers out looking for carriers alone, Mikuma and Mogami will literally smother me in my bed."
You snort and nod. "Good point. Will destroyers be enough, though?"
"Sure," Goto says, pointing at the map. "Human aircraft can't FIND abyssals, but they work just fine against them when they DO show up, and most of that area is within range of Super Hornets."
You stand up. "Sure. But if they do pop up, we might not reach them in time." you sigh. "And I doubt 7th fleet will be keen on keeping planes on station along with tankers for them for a week or two."
"How about an escort carrier?" Goto suggests.
"If we're sending carriers, then why bother with aviation cruisers at all?" you point out. "And nothing short of a carrier task force can put up enough aircraft to defend against a carrier task force." You sigh. "To say nothing of being a more attractive target. "God, I wish we had the Atlanta to send... or just more American DDs."
"Wish granted," a voice says from behind you. You swivel too look – and immediately pop out of your chair and salute.

Admiral Settle's immediate boss: VADM. R. L. Thomas, 7th Fleet
Vice Admiral Robert L. Thomas, commander of the US 7th forward deployed fleet, salutes in return – and gets right down to business. "You need a lot of anti-aircraft in a compact package, correct?"
"Yes sir."
"What does that sound like to you, Admiral Settle?"
"You should be able to solve this," he says with a small smile.
"An Arleigh-Burke, sir," you reply hesitantly.
"Exactly. Fitzgerald and Mustin are in good shape for deployment – I'll attach one to each of your... cruisers." His mouth quirks as he visibly wrestles with the idea of them being... girls... but vanishes just as quickly. "That'll take care of your air defenses, right?"
You nod. As devilish as tracking abyssals with electronic sensors can be, the 5-inch guns on the Burke's alone are hideously effective at AA against their slow-moving aircraft, even with simple contact or estimated-range fuzing. Modern computational power is incredibly effective.
"Sorry I haven't introduced myself before," Vice-Admiral Thomas says. "I only just got back to base, and things have been.. hectic."
"Same here, sir. I understand."
He nods. "I'll make the calls to the skippers now, and get everything else in order." He steps past you, making for the bank of Important Color-Coded Phones set against one wall.
You sigh, slumping a little – you're sure you look like shit. Vice-Admirals have a way of doing that to people two stars below them.
"I'll attach two of our girls to each cruiser," Goto adds sotto-voice. "Just in case they get engaged in a surface action."
You nod agreement. "Uh, Goto, one more thing."
"The CNO called me right before all this shit went down."
He gives you a lopsided grin. "And what did he say?"
>Told me to ask you about secretary ships.
>...It sounds a lot like you lied your ass off to cover me, Goto.
40026284 -
She won the Spokane Trophy for most combat effective ship in the Pacific Fleet so many times in a row they had to remove her from the running for a few years so the other ships in her DESRON wouldn't look bad. She's a badass Burke.
>Told me to ask you about secretary ships.
"He told me to ask you about a secretary, or something?" you reply. "I already have an assigned staff, though, so..." you shrug. "I should probably introduce myself at some point," you say, feeling abashed. So far the most contact you have with them is the scheduling app on your smartphone, which is updated automatically, and the occasional e-mail. Admirals are supposed to have a staff, for sure, but... it's still weird.
You really, really never expected to reach flag rank.
Goto blinks. "Oh. Oh! No, he's talking about one of the -" he drops his voice and cuts his eyes at Admiral Thomas at the other side of the CIC - "shipgirls."
Now you blink at him. "What."
"He's talking about picking a shipgirl as a secretary."
You contemplate the idea of using a shipgirl – the returned supernatural terrifyingly-powerful eldrictch essence of a goddamned sunken warship – as a typewriter monkey, and your brain locks up for a second.
"For what purpose?" you inquire.
"Not as a paper-pusher – for the most part," he clarifies. "The shipgirls are a real problem to service, in all senses of the not finishing that sentence you know damn well what I mean, because we can't find personnel with the security clearances AND the psychological profiles to interact with them safely."
"Security clearances?"
"Yeah. We need to be sure they won't have a sudden attack of religion or dumbfuck fear and try to poison them. Why do you think they eat at the officer's mess?"
You frown as you think about it. "So it's even hard to find cooks?"
"Very. And for handling more personal or delicate issues, it tends to come a lot better coming from another shipgirl." He leans back in his chair, idly tapping the armrest. "Of course, that's not all there is to it."
You squint at him suspiciously. "... really."
A strange feeling of apprehension crawls up your spine. "Don't tell me... don't tell me that they're..."
Goto smirks, making a little circular motion in air with his finger, egging you on.
"... commanders?" you evade.
He snorts. "Nah, they don't give orders. Can you imagine the shitstorm that would cause in the media? Their other role... to be frank, it's as a bodyguard."
>... are you saying I need one?
>... so who's your secretary ship, Goto?
>Does it have to be one of "my" ships, or are they all fair game? Do you know which ones would even have me?
>Does it have to be one of "my" ships, or are they all fair game? Do you know which ones would even have me?
"... huh." You rub your head. "Well... I guess it's not the first time I've hand-picked a subordinate."
Goto grins. "Like that Lance Corporal that bugs you all the time?"
"Not quite. I think he adopted me. Like a cat." You rub your chin thoughtfully. "Does it have to be one of my girls, because-"
"Between silent-as-the-literal-grave," Goto says without a trace of humor, "and the likes of Willie or Sammy... yeah, no. It'd be great for relations if you picked a Japanese ship, and the media would love it."
"Just what I need," you mutter. "I don't even know how many of them would have me, thought. Somehow I think there's not many who are eager to push paper for a yank."
"I can make you a short list of volunteers," Goto promises.
You think silently, studying Goto's face. "... so who's your secretary ship, anyway?"
Goto gives you a slow, lazy smile, leans back in his chair, and makes a grand show of checking his watch. "Well that's a neat story, but I don't think we've got time for it now. It's almost five."
"So? We usually eat dinner at six."
"So," Goto says, "I believe you have a dinner date to get cleaned up for."
You stare at him for a long, antagonistic moment, but his shit-eating grin doesn't subside one tiny bit. "You know, Settle, it'd be absolutely terrible for international relations if you stood up one of our lovely ship-girls."
"I have ears eeeeverywhere~" he says, waggling his fingers. "Primarily in the form of really chatty cute little destroyers. Besides, Shoukaku seems to have taken a shine to you. You don't want to disappoint her, do you?"
"B-but," you sputter, "the base was literally just attacked. The seat of all US Naval Operations in the western Pacific has just been attacked, we haven't even put out the goddamn fires yet-"
"-and I will happily take care of everything," Goto says smugly. "Besides, most of that's the base commandant's job, or 7th fleet."
You scowl at him – he's right. Your authority is almost entirely limited to your few shipgirls and theoretically the numerous fuzzy PT boats. "You- you-"
"Dirty backstabbing jap!?" Goto says with feigned horror. "My my, what if someone heard you, Admiral Settle? Better hurry up, time waits for no man!"
"You're not concerned about this!?" you say, aghast. "I have a job to do, dammit, I'm sure she'll-"
"Oh, no," Goto sniggers, glaring at you from beneath his brows. "Oooh, no. If I had to deal with that shit, so do you. No skating on this one. Have fun~"
You stand up with half a mind to visit mayhem on him, but he just scuttles away across the CIC in his rolly chair, snickering.
Fuck, you think.
Fuck, fuck, FUCK.
THREAD OVER FOR TONIGHT, IN APPRECIATION OF ALL THE GODDAMNED PEOPLE WHO HAVE WORK AND SHIT MONDAY MORNING! Sheepsloots will resume SOONISH; I'm aiming for at least two threads a week (today counts as last week, not the coming week.)
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